MTSCBLIEOUS coital Prize S75,000e Tic!" only Sbareain proportion. a Pi louisiaoa State Letter? Company, ' We " for al'tiu Mcmthly and Semv r-v " : a; of The Louisiana State Lot ifoam .A in person nuinaoe and con- . ;':U:. V; toe tU certtfieate. unihfac " . ,' )t;r W'"" ' Com ro listeners. ,..-.f nVr.ver t-'wO.OOO has ttlKX beer rttrT v ; . --P-rhelm5ng pofmlai rote Its fran ; S prt ol the present State teri DccemVr 2d. A. D..1879. Cf f c ':r(M,er sf, er postpones. rt grand Single Number Drawings take Sill D OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A -V-'-r K 1 iftb Grand Drawing, Class E, ' , -vlPinv of Music, at New Orleans. ,;; m K, l885-rB Monthly jrawlnn. Carital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars EaQh. Fractions in Fifths Ea proportion. U5T OF PRIZE3. 1 Capita rlze g.Jg 1 Capital Prize 1 Capital Prise 2 prkea of $, 5 Prizes of 2,000. ,0W W rrteea of 1,000 . 30 Prizce of H50 W.000 100 Prizes Of 200 g.OOO i-rlzcB of 100 0,000 . 0 Prizes of . 50,000 Frizes of 25 io.uw .PPKOXlJlATION PRIZES. Appro? lmation Prizes of t750. 6,50 " r 500. 4,X) i, 250. 2,250 i S67 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the clEce of tbc Company In New Or Fcrfimhcrlnicrmatior., write clearly, giv fulraddress. POSTAL NOTES, Exprces More Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all stilus (,f X arl upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orlcauo, La. "T M. A. DAUPHIN, 607 Seventh St., Washington. D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders payable and ad dres Kcplstercd Letters to NF.WOKLKANS NATIONAL BANK, apl 15 w s &w 4w New Orleans, La NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO MORE Weak EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Si(rhtednes3, aui Re storing the Sight of the Old. t nrcs Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, ..u .);, aiuivtu ye iasnes, ana pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma nent Curp Also, equally efficacious when used In other .i.uuuifo. bucn as ciecra. revp.r sorea. Tii. ill N'l t lf0TTr tnena PUn 1 , - 1 , nuwuiii Pi! "lini'lllnn ivl. In I1TP1IITT 1 ,Q O T . - - ' ' " y..iL7,D 1UJXUCJJJ1J O iJiV Li , X BoW by all Druggists at 25c. apl 24 4w First National Bank of Wil mington. TheDaity Review. MY WIFE AND CHIL l. The tattoo beats; the lights are gone; The camp around in slumber lief; The night with solemn pace moves on; The scadows thicken o'er the skies; Bat lrep my weary eys hath flown. And sad uneasy thoughts arise. I think of ihee. oh, dearest one! Wno?e love mine early lite hath blest : Of thee acd him our baby son Who slumbers on thy gentle breast. God cf the tender, frail and lor.e, Oh. guard that little sleeper's rest! And b;ver, gently hover near To her whose watchtol eye is wet The mother, wile the doubly dear. In whose young heart have freshly met Two streams of love.o deep and clear. And cheer her drooping spirit yet! Now, as she kneels before Thy throne. Ob, teacn her, Ruler oi the skies! That while by Thy behtst alone Earth's raighte&t powers fail cr rise: No fear is wept to Thee unknown. Nor hair is lost, nor sparrow dies; That Thou canst stay the ruthless band Of dark disease, and soothe its pain ; Thnt only by Thy sTern command The battle's los , the soldier slain: That from the distant sea or land Thou bring'st the wanderer -home again. And when upon her pillow loce, iier tear-wet check is sadly pressed,, May happier visiocs beam upon The brightening currents of her breast; Nor frowning loot, nor angry tone Disturb the Sabbath of her re3t! Whatever fate those forms may know, Loved with a passion almost wild, By day, by nisht in joy or woe By fears oppressed or hopes bsguiled; From every danger, every Iop, O God ! protect my wife and child ! Henry Booles Jackson. Never Sure any More. A certain officer has an oid colored man in his office who builds fires, sweeps out and holds the fort while the' official goes out to "see a man." or on other business. The other day a visitor met the oid darkey on the street. 4,Sam."hc called to him, "is Mr. X. in his office?" "Yes. sah ; leas' ways he war when 1 come away." "Well, I've got to go up to the next square; do you think he'll ba there when I get back?" "I don't know 'bout dat, sah. Yo' see, boss, hits a gittin' mighty nigh on ter de time when yo' can't fin' no 'Pub licans in dar offices. n' Ise a little shaky ebery time I leab3 de boss dat when I come back dar'll be some Dimo crat or uddah settin' in bis cheer, jisez it he owned the whole shebang, Yo' betthtfonow, sah, an'. be sho'uv im," Merchant Traveler. Wonderful Efficacy." Some people are slow in telling what good things have been done lor them, but Mr. John i Daly, of Gillisonville, S. C, says he takes great pleasure in testifying to the wonderful efficacy of Brown's Iron Bitters in dyspepsia, fever and ague, and general debility of the system. He has personally experi enccd the most satisfactory re.-uits from the use of this valuable medicine. Make memorandum of this, all ye whose sys tems arc run down. Brown's Iron Bit ters wiil cure you. AP1TAL.-STOCE CBPLUS FUND 25C,0C0 66.0TC ttpcei tetetved tad collections made c MetMObfe points bi',the United States. DiCIOK3 WJBRW. D G. WORTH . If A KTI iJ' I JAB. 8PRUNT KEOfiGK CHADEOURU. oinuuur. totBOSB PTceldent Caecl-r A'ot CaaMsa ysters. Oysters. ' AND ALL THE " "i vr a mnn v or fr v ir ir j t, r Pirtf ,ptsttenllon nd be delivered In tJ the ciiy free of charge j 'm street, near the New Market dissolution. Flnj( Qp IlI'XlPnDBV m. TlfUUTVO Pn.iTl .fit lift n 1 fii-m ir I hira. f.'v11 a1"1 Oystor business. TL : "r;tw arket, South Front OYiTpii rocae of tlie Public. f tits sent c. O. D. men 17 Nankin s Porcelain Tower. The city of Nankin, the capital of China, has for centuries been famous to the 'barbarians" of the outer world for its porcelain tower a relic of the splen-1-dor of its ancient days before Peking usurped its dignity as the seat of the envpire. The place isjjow to a great extent; a city of ruins, and the city proper has shrunk to one-fourth of its former dimensions. -The porcelain tow er was built qufile early in the fifteenth century, by the order of Ihe-Emperor Yung Loh, and as a work of filial piety. It was a monument to the memory of his mother, and he determined that its beauty should as fax outshine that of any similar memorial as the transcen dent virtues of the parent, in her son's eyes, surpassed those of the rest of Iter sex. No expense was spared in its erection, and its total cost is estimated at more than three- fourths of a million of our own money. The work was commenced at noon on a certain day in 1413, and occupied nearly twenty years in its completion. The total height of the porcelain tower was more than 200 feet, or about equal to that of the monument of London, and it was faced Irom top to bottom with the finest porce lain, glazed and colored. It consisted of nine stories, surmounted by a spire on the summit of which was a ball of brass, richly gilt. From this ball eight iron chains extended to as many projecting points ol the roof, and from each chain was suspended a bell which hung oyer the face of thetower. The same arrange ment was carried out in 'every story. The bells added much to the graceful appearance of the tower, breaking its otherwise formal and monotonous out line. Round the outer face ol each story were several 'apertures for tftnterus, and when these were ali illuminated, We are told, in the magnil oquent language of the Chinese histo rian, that "their light illuminated the entire heavens, sinning into the hearts of men, and eternally removing human misery." It is not difficult to imagine, however, that the appearance ot the tower on such an occasion must have been beautiful in the extreme. On the top of the tower were placed two large brazen vessels and a bowl, which to gether contained various costly articles in the nature (if an offt ring and a charm to avert evil influences. Among these were several pearls of various colors, each supposed to possess miraculous properties, together with other precious stones and a quantity of gold and silver. In this connection, designed to represent the best treasures of the stale, were also placed a box of tea, ftome pieces of silk, and copies of some ancient Chinese writings. The tower was de molished bv the Taeping rebels in 1653. Gray as aoy Old Rat In the wall; yet nst forty years of ace ? Get back boyhood's color by using Parker's Hair Balsam. 5:c. Cleveland and the Captain. The new President has had his first experience with the typical Western steam boatman. Cant. Thomas Cru in ner, one of the veteran engineers on the Mississippi, called at the White House to present in person his applica tion for a supervisorship of boPers in the New Orleans district. He was ac companied and introduced by Repre sentative EUR President Cleveland listened attentively and then asked "Captain, are you a mechanical engi neer and machinist?" 'Yes, sir," responded the old captain, with the emphasis on the "sir." He then added, in in a burst of enthusiasm : "I can build an ennQe that will puli me into this office." The President smiled and asked: "About what power would you suggest, Captain, for such aa engine?" 'Well said the engineer reflectively, "when I left New Orleans I thought a two-borse power engine would pull me in, but since coming to Washington and talking with numerous other office seekers. I have come to the conclusion that it will take a sixty-horse power." The President laughed outright, and when the visitors withdrew was still looking as if something bad amused him greatly. Quarterly Meeting-s, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments (or the Wilmington Disirict of the M. E. Church, South SECOND ROUND ; Wilmington. Front Street. May 3. Onslow Circuit, at Queen's Creek. May 9-10. Duplin Circuit,' at Charity Chapel, May 12 13. Brunswick Circuit, at Sumraerville, May 16-17. . Topsail Circuit, at Union, May 23 24. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, May 30 31. The District Sunday School Confer ence will be held at Magnolia in con nection with the quarterly meeting beginning May 29th. P. J. Carrawat, P. E. The Merchant has a Headache from a fit of indigestion, and misses a good bargain. The lawyer does the same with a case. To say nothing about doctors' fees. etc.. it don't pay to be even a little sick. Dr. David Ken nedy's "Favorite Remedy" is a friend of the business man, for it clears his brain. One dollar a bottle. Advertising: Cheats. "It has become so common to begin an article, in an elegant, interesting style. "Then run into some advertisement that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To induce people "To give them one. trial, which so proves their value that they will never use aaytbingelse." "The Bemedv so favorably noticed in all the papers, Religious and secular, is "Having a large sale, and la supplanting all Other medicines. "There Is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and tbe proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewdness and abilliy "In compounding a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. lid She Die ? "No! "She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good ;" "And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the rapers say so much about." "Indeed! Indeed!" . ' How thankful we should be for that medicine." A Daughter's Misery. "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery, "From a complication of kidney, liv er, rheumatic trouble and Nervous de bility, "Under the care of the best physi cians. "Who gave her disease various names "But no relief. "And now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned for years before using it." The Parents. Father is Getting Weil. My daughters say : "How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters." "He is getting well after his long suffering from a disease declared incur able." "And we are so glad that he used your Bitter3. A Lady of Utica. N. Y. 8r None genuine without a bunch of grren Hops on the white labeL Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hops" in their nar apl 17 lm dJkw nrmtc New York & Wil mingtoii Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RTVER, NEW YORE At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, Apl lh BENEFACTOR Satarday, May 2 REGULATOR Saturday, May 0 BKNEFACTOR Saturday. May 16 FROM WILMINGTON : BENKFA'TTOR Friday, Apl 24 REGULATOR Friday, May 1 BENEFACTOR Friday, May S REGULATOR Friday, May 15 ar Througn Bills ImSttj and Lowest Througc Rates guaranteed to and from Point in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALL BONES, Superintendent. WumtoartoB, R. C THEO. G. EGKR, Freight Agent. New York. WM.P. CLYDE no., iffit. Axent, .pl.S BW.-JW.T. .Vr T Wood. Wood. TTB HAVE OPENED A WOOD YARD, near the foot of the New Market, where you can find first class WOOD in ever qoaltty. We Mil as cheap as any one. Give us a call, apl 13 lm ROBINSON BRO. one weeks; two weeks; No- No-No The Courts Under the New Ar rangement. FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SIIEl'IIEItD. Currituck September 7. one week. Camden Sept em ber 14. one week. Pasquotank September 21. one week. Perquimans September 28, one week. Chowan October 5. one week Gate Otober 12, one week. Hertford October 19, one week; December 21 ; ore week. Washington October 26, one week ; December 14. one week. Tyrrell November 2. one wrek. Dare November 9. one week. Hyde November 10, otie week. Pamhco November 23, one week. Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT J L IMiE I'll 1 1.1.1 IS. Warren September 21. two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe Octr her 10, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven Noyember 30. two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE . Franklin August IT, one week; No vember 1G, one week. Martin September 7, two weeks; ber 7, two weeks ; for civil causes and jail cases only. Pitt September 21, two weeks. Greene October 5, two weeks. Vance October 19, two weeki. Wilson November 2, two weeks. Nash November 23, two weeks. FOLKTfl DISTINCT KALI. TERM. The fall courts of the fourth district composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld as loliows, un der the new act: Wake July 13, tohoid two - weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two' weeks; criminal. Octo ber 0, three weeks; civil causes only. Wayne July 27. two weeks; civil and criminal. September 14, two weeks; civil causes. October 19, one week; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, civil and criminal. Johnston Ausgust 17, civil and criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE GILMER Orange August 10, one week; vera ber 9, one week Caswell August 17, one week; vember 16, one week. Person August 24 , one week ; vember 23, one week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;I)e cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham October 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones August 17, one week; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks ; No vember 16. two weeks. Duplin September 7. one week; No vember 30, two weeks. - PeDder September 14, one week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14. one week. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27. one wreek ; No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbus August 3. one weok. Moore August 17, two weeks; De cember 7, two weeks. Robeson August 31, two weeks; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 30, one week, tor civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks ; December 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks ; No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24. two weeks; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; December 7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. M ontgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19. two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week; for criminal cases and no jury civii cases. NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes Auguft 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 21, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28. two weeks Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTn DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Y"ancey September 28. two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHil'P. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks; October 26, one week. Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil cases only. Union September 21. two weeks, Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3. two weeks; No vember 13. two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three weeks; December 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two week3 Jackson September 28, one week'. Macon October 5, one week. Clay Oct ber 12. one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks, Graham Noyember 2, one week. Swain November 9, two weeks. lu lling Piies-.symptoin ant! Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like per 6 p Ira tion, intense Itching, increased by aerate hit? very d'sti easing, particularly at night; seems as if pia-werm were crawiing in and about the rectum ;tbe private parts re sometimes affecteC. If allowed to continue vary serious results may follow. "SWAi NBS OINT MENT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Sea id Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail, 50 cts; 3 for 1, 28. Address, DR. E A SON, Pttila., 75 90 GO N a $ a i WHOLESALE FRrUEB. jV?lA fnlfowln muMTtlmia HrniMiB wholesale nrieee generally. Ia malrmy up email orders higher prleea save to be charred BAGGING Standard .... 11 0 2 a..... 10t lBv 8 BACON North Carolina: Hsnis, r ft IS Shoulders, r ia- :.. t a Sides, VYb 9 a WESTERN SMOKED Haaoa. 14 A . Sitiesj V a 9 0 Shoui.iens 8 A DfiY SALTED Sides, fa T'-.O Shoulders, ft B4RUKLS 9"prUi Turpentine. Second Han i, each 1 New New York, each 1 Ne- Cily.each... 1 BXESWAX W It liiilCK-S, T M BUTTER, If lh North Carolina.. - 0 Northern 25 0 S2 CANDLES, it- spera... T&iiow Adamantlae.... CHEESE, g& Northern Factory 12 ft Dairy, Cream.... 14 State 1C 0 COFFEE, V & Java 17 G Lr.guyra... 12 a Rio : D Q CORN MEAL, bus., in sacks t5 0 COTTON TIES, f bundle.... 1 50 0 i DoM8TlC3 Sheeting, 44, V yd Y arns, bunch EGGS, dozen.. FiSIl Mackerel, No. 1, f bm..... Mackerel, No. 1, half bbl Mackerel, No. 2, if bbl Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl ilackercl. No. 3. P bbi Mullets, bbL 4 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roc Herring, V eg 3 00 Drv Cod, ib 5 FERTILIZERS. V 2.000 ifcs Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 50 062 5 " No. 2 36 00 037 OP Lobos 00 00 051 0. 00 00 60 0' , 45 00 50 0( Ground Bone- CO 00 040 y Cone Meal 00 00 045 0. Bono Flour 00 0 057 (X Navassa Guano 40 00 045 & Complete Manure... 00 00 067 0t Whaiin's Phosphate 00 00 070 Of Wando Phosphate... 00 00 070 0C Berger & Butz's Phosphate.. CO 00 60 O ExcellcnKa Cotton Fertilizer. 65 00 000 0 French's Carbonate of Lime. . French's Agricultural Llmo... FLOUR, V bu! Fine Northern Super. " Blxtra iamllv City Mills Extra. 6 00 :s a 12 IS IS ts 13 ?! 13 I3V 70 7? MISCELLANEOUS t0 a 2 00 SO GO 00 75 00 090 9 CIO 1 0 010 0 5 r- 0 3(0 0 8 5.: 0 4 00 O 9 Baugh's Phosphate. Extra Family.... SLUE W ft GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Com, cargo, In bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags.. HH)ES, pib Green Dry HAY, V 100 lbs Eastern Western North River HOOP (IRON, V it ... LARD, V lb Northern North Carolina LIME, tf- barrel LUMBER, City Sawed, W M f Ship Stuff, resawed IS 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargoes.acccrdlng to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.. 17 DO MOLASSES, tf- jrallon New Crop Cuba, In hhds.... " in bbls Porto Rico, in bads......... " " in bbla Sugar House, hi hhds.. ...... 7 " in Dbls .... Svrup, in bbls NAILS, V Reg, Cut, 104 batlc. OILS, r galiOL N Kerosene 11 Lard , 10 Linseed 90 Resin... 90 Tar 00 Deck and Spar................ 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown... .... 2; " Spring 10 Turkeys 75 PEANUTS! f bushel 100 POTATOES, bushel Sweet fO Irish, y bbi 2 25 PORK, V barrel City Mess ,...23 50 Prime 16 00 7 00 0 7 5" 8 50 0 9 0 0 00 0 4 00 H 75 4 GO 4 75 5 26 6 CO 0 7 0C 6 00 0 6 5C 5 75 O 6 00 1 50 0 50 11 0 80 0 85 54 0 80 72 0 75 0 00 B5 0 1 25 0 1. 75 5 0 11 0 12 l 20 or-- 1 15 0 1 75 0 s; sya 00 0 10 1 10 0 K 50 2 i6 JO 28 to Rump... RICE Carolina V lb .17 00 01G 01b 2 15 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 r? 0 0 0 024 17 35 410 .su v(uouua -jf ja; ' - tb ITS t Rough. bushoi - 25 0 RAGS, y lb Country. mty ; ROPE, ft-.-.. SALT, sack. Alum.... Liverpoo Lisbon Amcrl can SUGAR, & lbCuba..-. Porto Rico A Cofee K - O " Ex c .ii'.my..i..i Crushed. SOAP, V lb Northern. 124 Hi 1510 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ft 0 re 0 & a m ti 0 5-4 104fc 5 7? ii 0 li 0V 11 Of 00 6C SHINGLES, 7 in. VM 10 50 il Common 2 50 0 3 Cypress Saps 4 50 0 5 Cyprces Hearts 0 CO 0 7 STAVES. V MW. O. Barrel-. 12 00 018 0C R. O. Hogshead 00 00 010 00 TALLOW, V tt v 4 0 6 TIMBER, M feet Shipping. 12 00 014 00 Fine Mill 11 25 013 0C MI.1 Prime 7 50 Mill Fair. Pa. Sold by Druggists, may 1 1? deodAw Common MilL 5 00 Inferior to Oru'nary 0 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern. .1 00, North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, y lb Washed is Unwashed....... 15 Burr.-. 10 6 OOfV K 50 0 0 Ot 4 00 9 i 00 2 50 22 20 15 MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC- TURER3 SHOULD READ A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FI NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose 01 Lkadstkket Is to be of practical -per vice to busitess men. Its special trade and industrial reports : its week ly epitome of bankruptcies throughout tbe United State? and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth tbe subscription price; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceedingly valuable, As com mercial transact!' nv In tbe wider sense, are coram? to be more and mere conducted on a statistical basis,. tbe Information contained in Bkadstkeet's is of the first importance both to producers and middlemen. The Trade and Agricultural Situation throughout the United e-tates acd Csnadais reported by Telegraph to BaAXfc rKKT8 op to the hottr of publication SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BJECADSTREET UO., 279. 281, 283 Bao ad w A T . dec 30 tf NEW YORK CIIY Sash, Boors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints, French Window Glass. GENCY FOB N. T. ENAMEL PAINT COS READY PREPARED PAINT. QALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact hat cor Paints are from the celebrated Fac cries cf Wether!!! A Co.. and Harrison Bros A Co.. is sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Facto y Prices, in addition to our large and full HARDWARE ST00E to which vour attention is respectfully mvlied SAT-STL JACOB!, eMl 10 South Front 8t CONSUMPTION. I have a positive re mcdy for the above A ; by t la usa thr.asanUs of caseot Ui worst bind acd of long 3 tiding have been cured. 1 ni!ed. otronit li my faith in iu efficacy. that I wiil cendTWO KOTTUCS FRIK, together with a YALTA CI. K fllE ATISB on ihisdiaeam to any sufferer. Oiveexpressasd P. O. address. DR. T. A. SLOC f il. 1U Pearl St., New York. "imported by us I WE HAVE JU T RECEIVED A LARGE LOT OF Rhein Wines, Champagnes, Bordeaux Wines, AND Apollinaris Water. All cf our wn Importstion, whl?h we are offering at very low prices. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Liquors, Cigars & Tobacco. RICHMOND, Va. AND WILMINGTON, N. 0. apl 23 Homes in North Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New York ! 69 Miles South of Raleigh On the Ralpigh and Augusta Air-LInc R R. 1 500 ACKKS OF LAND IN THE Jong leaf pine region . For sale on easy terms In lots to ault purchasers. Four acres for $2f. Larger tracts $5 per acre, in month lv pay ments off 10. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently f stablisbcd health re port (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tne cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots in the town, of "Southern Pine.," and it !p the desire of the owners of this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in de Union offers greater inducements to pet tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can a better farming country or as fine a climate be found, 'i his Is the opinion of Northern men who have settled in North Carolina. This la a bona fide offer, and is limited For further particulars write at once to JOHN T. PATRICK, Commls'r of Immlirratlon, Raleigh, N. C. or B. A RICHARDSON. jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta, Ga. Manhood Restored llEMKDY 1 kke.-a vict im of youtufnl nuurudeni'a causing Premature Oecay, JServons Debuitj Manhood, Ac. ty. Loaf tried in vain every knor. n bavin remedy, has discovered a simple meansof self-cure. v.nicni no win send hKrh to ins feiiow-eanerer. Address. J.ILREE VES, 43 Chatham bU.Ne w York. nov 2 ri&wlv Patronize Our Home Insu ranee Cos. SAVE YOUR MONEY, AND KEEP AT HOME WHA YOU HAVE TO SPEND FOR INSURANCE. 4 The Gormauia Mutual Fire Insurance Ctmpaiy, OF WIMMINGTON, N. C, JB NOW THOROUGH LY ORGANIZED and prrurcd to tike Firat Class R!ks.agalnsl losses by FIRE. Odicc No. ttPA Txinccss St , Journal BulU lug. B. G. WORTH, President. J. E. LIPPITT, Sect'y A Treas. apl 21 lm Kainit. 300 Tons German Kainit. For sale at reduced price. WORTH & WORTH aid 11 WE ARB "FFKB1KG GREAT INDUCE mats in ? rccr rtes. Ccflbe one or mora Sacks. .4 to'.'; perib. ; Sugars to 8 cents; Mackerel 3.,a u iCr bil ; Aieai. ury loa 1, $1 ?S per 100 lbs ; Flour, K brsno. 75: F. Roller, $5; Micbcan. $5 la; Cbeeic 0 cents; Mc tin's. Butter ZUtk per lib N. Y. Crackers, caacj, ouxb,c-.. r bbL E. U. BLAJX apl G HO. 1U NORTH WATER ol.

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