MISCELLANEOUS 3 P ; THE BEST TONIC. Ih!s medicine, combining Iron with pnre vegetable tonioH, quickly and completely :-)iP-!vc HImJ, .Maim UC'hillkand Pcvrrx, i i i S i i ..'i.i. I lis an uniallinjr reroody for Disease of the KidB9i and liver. 1 is invaluable tor Diseases rx-culicr t (Vomen, and all who lead sedentary live-. i I not injarethc teeth, antrt tieitdachr.e prodooa COinUlatiOii Jt Iron mfiir.'-i"i- ft cnrkSiBB and pHiifica the blood, t! :re appetite, nl!a tl- flssinr.ilatlfta of f.; Te Heajrtbuni end. ht biug. aid t ' r the muscles and For IutertnjtHt-.t 5-c vc r.- l.asMti:tL t r.:i irgy, Ac., Tt ha no equal. fir The gcruT- has above tra '. erosised red lin-s on urappt r. Taktt;' tola okiy fcj BBOWK nsxil it .. nu t n jan l ly d&w DO YOU KNOW THAT LORRILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Red Tin Tar; ROSE LEAF Fine Cut Chew Y CLIPPINGS. ifiiow snurra aft mg; NAVY. CLIPPING cllow qaalltv considered? and Itlaek, Brown anl the best and cheapest, aue 6 ly d&w Dr. Moit'a Powders NEVER FAIL TO CURE INFLA.MM a tion of the Kldnvs, Gravel, Gleet. Strict ares and all Urinary atseiises. Nervous and Physical Debility, Genitab Weakness and all those untold m 'series caused by Indiscretion or Excesses. Syphilis In all ia forms perma nently cn'-ed- Yellow o Bro-vn spots on lace and body.Sore Throat and Nc bcrofula, OW Sores, Eczema, Tetter and ?11 Bled and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured in S days. Price $3. Enc'ose the money tc FRANK STEVh NS 4 CO., Baltimore, Md., and It will bo sent by mail sealed. For sale by all drug glets: sent bv mall iulTd&wlv Dr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. tXILL CURE NERVOCS, PHYSICAL T ? and Genital Weakness caused by indis cretion and violating the laws of health, Price $1. DU. nUNTER'S PILLS - Cures Syphilis in all it i forms and stages, Yellow or Brown pots on the fare and body, 8ore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Tetter, .Ecze ma, Itching sensation. Salt L'hcum ana all Blood and Skin Oisc ises.Uiinary Diseases and Strictures specdilv curcn Price $2 DR. HUT'S FKMALE FKIH.ND Never fails to cure Irregularities or Suppres sions, caused by coMa or disease. Married ladies and ladies in delicate slate of health are cautioned to not use it. Price $3. Enclose the money for cither mcdiciue to FRANK STE VENS CO , Baltimore, Md and it will be sent by mall or exprcs? eealcd. For sale by all Druggists; sent by mall or express, iuly 7 djwlv FREE RELIABLE SELF CURE A favorite prcciiijtion of cue of the bmis: noted and successful s; eckdtsts in the U, S DO retired) fur the cure of Xervcns Debility, ,4t Manhood, Weakni'M and Decay. Ser.: ; plain sealed envelope Free. Druggists can fill it. Address DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo. figs' 25 H Tor working peop'e Send 10 cents postage, ana we will mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put youdn the way of mak ing more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at hora and work in snare time only, or all the time. All of both sexee, of all ages, grandj? successful. 50 cents to $5 easily earned every eveumg. That all who want work roav test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied tre will send Si to pay for the trouble of wilting us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sure -i or all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stinson & Co, Portland, Mai e. dec 2 d&wly ftAI flkl more money "ban at anything else WW I IV by taking an agency for the best selling book ont. Beginners succeed grandly. None fail. Terras free. H allett Book Co . Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly skO riOft n presents given away Send T' us 5 cents postage, and you will get free a package of goods of large value, that will start you in work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything e' e hi America. All about the $200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of all aces, for all the time, of spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for ail workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. dec 2 d&w ly All Sorts of hurts and many sorts cf ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. feb 2 dw cm tu th sat nrm I The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. eb 2 d&w em tu th sat nrm I CURE FITS! When I say care I do not mean merely to or a tone and then havathnm nttnrn mjjxm. I mftin a radical cure. I have mad the disease of UTS. EPI LKPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS a life-Ion studr. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst for a time and then have them return others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a core. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Express and Postomce. I The Daily Review. J 'ShTtTj AMES. Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. MAY 9. 18?5 Entered at the Poetoffice at Wilmington. M. C, as second-class matter. The Little Sisters of the Poor have obtained permission from Secretary Lamar to solicit contributions of mon ey from the employee of the interior department, and now every day two oi the sisters stand at one of the main entrances holding a basket. For man; years, until the present Administration came into power, it has beerrfa rule in the several departments that no solicit ing of alms or subscriptions or can vassing of any kind would be permitted, the repson being that it interferred with the public business. Mr. James Anthony Froude, the em inent English historian, has arrived at San Francisco from a trip of four months in the Australian colonies. On being questioned as to society in Australia, Mr. Froude said that on the whole he thought it quite as good as in England. He had been treated with the greatest courtesy in all the large cities, and retained very pleasant re collections of his visit. Being asked about the aggregation of wealth in the hands of a lew, Mr. Froude said in re gard to the land it seemed to him that the Australians are undergoing an ex' perience precisely similar to that of the Americans. In Australia and in New Zealand large companies are being formed and are buying up enormous tracts cl land. He thiDks this bodes ill lor a young country, but does not see any way by which it can be stopped without interfering with the rights of property, and from a long study of his tory he has found that all attempts on the part of governments to interfere with the rights of property have always ended in disaster. Ex-State Senator Francis Kiernan U quoted in the New York Commercial Advertiser as saying recently, at Utica: ' I visited Washington recently and found the President anxious to know what the people thought of him. Mr. Cleveland, notwithstanding all reports to the contrary, is extremely sensitive in this regard, and when sure that a certain line or policy meets the favor ol the public he is greatly pleased. I explained to him what 1 thought jwas the general sentiment in regard to his actions, and said that so far as he bad got, be unquestionably had the support of all the thinking men of the country. I explained to him, however, that many Democrats did not feel that the wheels of the new Administration moved rapidly enough. He smiled and said: 'We must take time.' It is this answer that I think explains his whole conduct. A change of administration as radicaras that which took place last March admits of do haste. Patience must characterize the leaders and the rank and file of a party who receive power after a penance of many years. It is not like a change of Presidents during a Republican term ; it is a sweeping change in the management of departments. The heads of the depart ments and bureaus are new men, un accustomed to the duties required of them. Of course in time they will ac quire the same facility of handling affairs as iheir Republican predeces sors. At present they must take time." r i i . . - vmcago peopie worry little about a Socialistic demonstration that would upset the authorities of a foreign city for a month. The other night when the big board of trade banquet was going on the Socialists had a meeting in Market square, to vhich delegations marched to the music of bands and carrying black and red flags. There were several red and black speeches, ol which these are samples: "A new board of thieves is to be opened to night. It is time this thing is stopped. These robbers fatten off our toil. We must bring the revolver and Winches ter riile to our aid, and learn the use of dynamite. The demonstration to-night shows that if we would achieve the right to liberty and the pursuit of hap piness we must arm, arm, arm! It shows that the government of the city is for our masters, and to keep us slaves. If anything is done for us we must do it ourselves." The bands play ed the ''Marseillaise." the crowd took up the air, and, singing and shouting, tried to reach the board of trade build ing, but found all the avenues guarded by police armed with clubs. Alter the banquet the crowd followed and stoned the carriage of one of the returning banqueters. The carriage windows were broken and the glass cut the face ot the wife of a board of trade member quite seriously, but no arrests were made for even this outrage, as it was impossible to identify the assailants. There were about 1,500 men marching in the procession at one time, but most of them were part of an idie crowd out "to see the fun," and not Socialists or Socialistic sympathizers. German statistics show that there hsi been an almost unprecedented increase taSSUl a BoS.MiwYe of students during the late decade, and api 3m eod d&w I at the present nionent Germany, with a population of 45,250,000, has 25.000 students attending her universities, while England, with a population ot 56,000.000. has only 5.500 students at Oxford and Cambridge. There has also been a largo increase of the teach ing staff during the same period, and such an increase represents not only greater efficiency in tuition, but an ad dition to the number of men devoting their lives to learned research, as Ger. man professors are, for the most part, original investigators. PERSONAL. Miss Mary Anderson will sail for America Irom Liverpool on the 28th of September. Richard Parr, the overseer ol the poor in Albany, who died recently, was the contractor who paved the first street in San Francisco. Associate Justice Field, of the United States Supreme Court, is about to be gin writing his memoirs. Miss Endicott, the War Secretary's daughter, is said to he one of the most beautiful women in Washington. Her complexion is pure and white, her eyes large and brown and her figure, so says a lady correspondent, "exquisite in rounded grace," Ex-President Mark Hopkins, of Wil liams College, now in his 83d year, is as vigorous at he has beeu at any time in thirty years. His memory for faces is wonderful. He recognizes with ease his pupils of fifty years ago. . . "Man's work 's from snn to sun ; Woman's work is never done " Wort is a necessity to all ; but. upon how many, women especially, does it fall with the burden of the 'last straw." and this, because their peculiarly deli cate constitutions are so liable to func tional derangement. We cannot lessen your toil, ladies, but we can make it easier for you. by making you stronger and better able to do it. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" will relieve you of nervous and other weaknesses, and all the many ill3 peculiar to your sex. MISCELLANEOUS. MAY MOONSHINK. Men often miss fortune by a heir. A road made of quartz is very hard, but is a gneiss road. A man is cal ed a confirmed liar when nothing that he sas is confirm ed. In the battle of life be sure you tat all you want, for it is by that you can work your weigh up. The Venetian gondolier has a pecu liar way of tying hiscrait; in lact it is the moor of Venice. Pick her up tenderly. Handle with care. The roller skates flopped her, Teu feet in the air. ' Come along with me and have a tine time," remarked a policeman to a man he bad arrested. "I am afraid you are trying to cell," me replied the prisoner. "Ah! you flatter me." lisped a dude to a pretty girl with whom he was conyersing. "No, I don't," was the re ply. "You couldn't be any flatter than you are." "How can I tell how much the Wash ington Monument weighs?" asks a correspondent. Easy enough Let him visit the place some dark night when no one is watching and weigh it. Cannibal king to missionary: "I think that the best thing I can do is to eat you." Missionary (in earnest protest); "I do not agree with ycu, sir." Cannibal King: '"Well I mustn't eat anything that doesn't agree with me." There are differences even among Italian princes. Tffe least enterprising and shrewd among then come to America, and grind hand organs; the sharp nobleman stays in his own sun ny clime, bides his time, and finally marriea a rich American girl. Quarterly Meetings, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments for the Wilmington District of the M. E. Church, South second round; . Onslow Circuit, at Queen's Creek, May 9-10. Duplin Circuit, at Charity Chapel, May 12 13. Brunswick Circuit, at Summerville, May 16-17. Topsail Circuit, at Union, May 23 24. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, May 30 31. The District Sunday School Confer ence will be held at Magnolia in con' nection with the quarterly meeting beginning May 29th. P. J. Carraway, P. E. Dr. David Kennedy, of Rondout. N. Y., Proprietor af the great medi cine, called "Favorite Remedy" is a regular physican surgeon, and despises a bum bug as heartily as any man. If you have anv complaint of the Blood, Kidneys or Liver, invest one dollar for "Favorite Remedy," and it will prove a good investment. The Excursion and Pic Nic S EASON IS OVER AND THE THEATRI- CAL, ANT) riATiTjPninnhflcAnnr.ii w i JOHN WERNER, tbe practical Carman Bar- ur sou rennracr, is personally m attendance at his Hair Dressing baloon, 29 Market Street between Water and Front, Wilmington N. C. oec 11 At Extraordinary Bargains. rpO THOSE WHO CAN APPBECIATE, really j edges of goodgooda, I invite attention to my cxbiblt of Table Diapers, Towels, Doy lies, Napkins, etc. To mothers desirous of clothing their Boys tastefully au1 economically, I call attention to my stock of Caaelmerea and Tweeds. I have the chcancst sirto.k nf Whi ' - - uuiAte and Laces in the city. Hosiery In eerv etvle. Corsets, Parasols and Umbrella. apU J. J. HEDR1CK. WAITED ladies and Gentlemen to take light, pleasant employment at tivtirown hniTM ffllstanpp nn nhiaiHnn i- I , mail; $2 10 $5 a day can be quietiy mate; no "T8V11CMe uurwj at once uLOBE MTG. Co. , Boston, Mass., box 6314. A Youthful Editor. HISTORY OF THE HARDEST STRUGGLE OF HIS LIFE OF DEEP INTEREST TO ALL PROFES SIONS. we beg to call your especial attention to the foil wing letter Very seldom has a more re maskable case appeared In the history of med icine. The fctory Is absolutely trnthful in everv de ta 1 1. Pare! ts whose chlMre n are suf -ferinjr or have miSercd from Salt Rheum should not fail to read It. If not now, the time may come when the information contain el in it may be worth more than a mine of gold. The youth referred to is a marvel of editorial talent, and well known ia the ranks of amateur j ournalism. But peruse what his grateful father says : Worcester. Mass , March 23, isst. Dr. D. Kennedy, Rondout : Dear era My son, a lad of 15, editor of the "So-Aherd," amateur iournal, of this city, nas been at different times most severely, ana apparently hopelessly, afflicted with Salt Rheum. When a very small child his body was almost entirely covered with this loath some er jption. It mostly passed away, how ever, alter the teething period and he was not seriously troubled with it arain until about one year ago, when the Salt Rheum first appeared on his hards between his An zers. then on his limbs, then on bis fac3 and head in one solid mass. His cond tion was ter rible The rash resembled ivy poisoning and we at first fancied it might be something not so bad as his old troubles, but the physicians pronounced it Salt Bheum, and made every effort, without arail, to cure it We tried a preparation widely advertised as a speciac for skin niseaees, nut it maus aocut as mucu oi an i-EpresFiot as so much cold water would have done. Yon can understand the si nation when 1 say we were in despair of obtainingreal help from any source. At this point, through the advice of Mr. J. W. Bacon, whoee daughter had been cured of Salt Rheum bv it. I tried "KENNEDY'S FA VORITE REMEDY" . This was the right and only thing at last ! lhs ekln b-'gan to heal at once, ana to-day the evidences of the d'sease have wholly disappeared. How thankful we are, Der Doctor, I leave you to imagine. Tours, J. W. Batcheldek. No 17 TerrilUtreet The experience of vears, and the testimony of thousands demonstrate DR. DAVID KEM NEDX'3 FAVORITE BEMBDY to be the most successful medicine for organic and blooi ciseaees ever discovered. Prepared solely hy Dr. David Kennedy, Physician and surgeon, Fondont, N. Y. apl is d&w nrm CondensedTimeTable No.11 Cape Fear & Yadkin Val ley Railway Co. ? fai ESDI m ir if rpo TAKE EFFECT AT 8:00 A. M., MON DAY, January 19!h, 18:5: TRAIN NORTH. Arrive. Leave. Becnettsville 8 00 a. m. Shoe He"l 9.37 a. m 10 00 Fayetteville 12.10 p. m. 1.C0 p. m. Panford. 3.f9 3.25 Ore Hill 4 23 4 33 Liberty fi.34 5.40 Greensboro 7.0C 0 minuses at Fayetteville for dinner TKA1N SOUTH. A rrive. Leave Greensboro 9 40 a. m. Liberty lO.gtTa, m. 1106 Ore Hill U 59 12 05 Sanfr.rd 1.18 p. m. 1.36 p. m. Faycttevill? 3 45 4.00 Shoe Heel 6 15 . 6.40 Bennettsville 8 20 20 minutes for dirner at Sanf :rd. W. M. S. DUNN, Gen'ISup't JNO. M. ROSE, GenM Pass. Agent, ap: 30 tf 1885, fiarper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly ha nw, for twenty years, maintained its position as the leading illustrated weakly newspaper in America. With a constant Increase of literary and art istic res urces, it is able to offer for the ensu lng year attractions unequalled by any previ ous volume, embracing a capital illustrated serial story by W E Norrls ; illustrated arti eles with special reference to the West and South, including the WorhPs Exposition at New Orleans, entertaining short stories, most ly illustrated, and important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the day. Every one who de&Ires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and inst-ucilve fam 11 journal, entirely free from objectionable features in either letter-press or Illustrations should subscribe to Harper's Weekly Haroer's Periodicals. Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's Franklin Square Library, One Year (52 Numcers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five 'Annual Volumes of Harper' Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pease (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt or $ l uo each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers . Address HABP3B & BROTHER8, deeff New York QUEEN OLIVES, IN BULK, 40 cts. per Quart. MISCELLANEOUS To the Trade I TU3T RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT OF CHEAP 'TdfeACGOS which we are offering- to the triile at very low rates. Also, a flee lo: of Rhein Wines, Champagnes, Bordeaux Wines, AND Apollinaris Water. All cf our own Importation, whlih we are offering at very low prices. II. BRUNHILD & BRO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IS Liquors, Cigars & Tobacco. RICHMOND, Va. AND WILMINGTON, N. C. may 6 n . mm Dated May S, 85 ave WeMoa.. TfTirL ' Ar. Rockr M,,m 1? iti-s-. I J 33 fi I K the suisr. INDEPENDENT"". EW8PAPKB OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most interesting Shape and with tbe greatest possible Promptness, Accu racy and Impartiality; and to the Promotion of Bemocratlc Ieas and Policy In the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. Rates, by Mail, Postpaid : DAILY, per Year 00 DAILY, per Month 50 SUNDAY, per Year 1 to DAILY ana bUNDATper Year... 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. IT D A. SMITE'S Furniture Warerooms, Can be found a large assort r.ent of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The pub'le, and especially the ladies, are respectfully invited to call and examine prices, &c. D. A. SMITH. Furniture Dealer, N. front Street dec 22 TION. I iv a noaltivo remedy for the fttsove 1 Iscase : by It. AZ9 thousands of cases ol tho worst kind and of long standi-!"- have been cured. I nderd. t o atrons Is nay faith In its efficacy, tht I JEi 1 send TWO MOTTLES FRKB, together with a VAICACt.E TREATISE on this dise&se to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. ddr et. DS. T. A . SLOCUM. 181 Pearl St., Hetr York. J aruoro. 1 4 Leave Tarhoro. . n a-eave Wilson... Arr. Golds boro. i-eave Warsaw. teaTe Burgaw.. Ar Wilmington. - JJ1 W p 4 f 4 ?! set 7 r . 7 30 L've Wilmington leave Bdrgaw.. I .cave w ara-w. . Arr. Goldabo'o. Leave WTson... Ar. Ho cky Mount Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. Arrive Weldon.. No- 4". Dan, 0 27 in ic U 3 M i2 St p. JO J47 s I if Train on SmtiMH Halifax for Scotland Neck 73 tarntng leaves ScotlandKTfl dally. Train No. 43 North wlii.i Train no. u south will a2T ' " Goldsboro and Magnolia. i Train No. 47 mates clo. ... don for all yttlnta North rwL8 Richmond, and daily wfoepTj Trains makes close No Richmond ani WkS! All trains run haim .l"""k 1 Washtogton and have PuffZ?' era attached. afcj a. ox. EMawsoN, Geuftrs' ? Lit a j Wilmington, Tcoiiij & Augusta, fi. dj " T J3 i CONDENSED SCHEDUI TRAINS GOING 80DThT Dated MayS, '85. No. 48, I ally Leave Wilmington Lake Waccawaw Marion. Arrive Florence Sumier Columb'a 8 15 P. 9 4 11 42 M. 12 30 4 34 A. M. 6 40 K TRAINS GOINtt NOBTR No. 4?, Dally Leave Columbia Arrive f-umter. . Leave Florence. Leave Marion. . . Leave L. Wac'w Ar Wilmington. 4 15 5 01 6 55 8 '0 P. M. . .4Y raga 3 " TAr-CALC'JRE FOR Maflie Weakness, .-PHYSICAL DECAY, iaYcung& Middle! iKea reign Tested for overSixi Years by use i n many Thousand Oases. ?. TRIAL PACKAGE. I THE A TMEKT. Ono Month, - $3,008 Two Months, - 6.001 Three Months, 7.00a NERVCaSDEBfLITY OUGAKIOVVEAKJTEna Itecay.aiid numerous obvCL.ro-tli'ic: cos. lr.f- fltna t;.: r'aSled ob- sicis;?. x-.:'-.it frcm outlifu: iti-.vcrction. inn frfw fiiiiSiraiieA. r.r ovGrbraiTiT- .; !!. Avoid the imposlii: n ct preten tious nsKfUcj for these troub'ec. Get cjx Frea Circulsr cr.d Trie! Peck age, and lcs.ni important facts before taking treat ment elsewhere. Take a SURE Remedy that has CURED thousands, doea not interfere villi atten tion to business, or causo pain or inconvenience in any way. Founded on scientific medical princi ples. By direct application to the scat of disease its specific influence is felt without delay. The nat ural function s of the hu man organism is restored. The animating elements! of life, which Tiave been wasted areeiven back, and the patient becomes cheer Tm and rapidly Rains both, Krengtn una sexual vigor. TRY PHILLIPS' Digestible Cocoa 40 Ceits per Can. IT IS A SPLENDID SUBETtlTJTE FOB TEA AND COFFF, AND AIDS DIGESTION. FOR S&LE BY P. L. BRIDGERS & CO HO North Front fit. t HARRIS REMEDY CO., H'FGPHEMI8Y8 806X K. Tenth St., ST. IXJOTS, KO, R U PTliRP PERSOff 8 ! Wot a Trues. ftV . Aak for terms of onr Appliance. WJs3 GIVE E"Ef SlEX rr TTf aplS rt&wly Health is Wealth, CUBE GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S Nerve- avd Brain Treatmekt, a guar anteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of al cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De Vresslon, Softening of the Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Involuntary Losses ana Spermatorrhoea caused by ovpr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by marl prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received bv us for sir hflTM. anntmnnnlArl vfth a tn we will send the purchaser our written guar an tee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO , 862 W Madison at., Chicago, IU. oct 21 lyd&w Train 43 i i at all Stattna. Noa.4Nan. 7stop only u Brinies, Wh h'to. t.3 r, nux ni'iw, rair ana, nia Mario . Pee Dre, Floroace, llmmonv j.ym-.iinurv, suayemvtum, vwavet. yj Cnnkn iv;t)uuanl ts stover. Pasfiengers tor Columbia aBdau poind y. R. R.. C. C. & A K. R. 8tattflBa.ll Jan tion, and all poi n beyond, should i trie 48 .Nig a i express. Separate Pullman olaopore lor Stna .-inn lor Augusta on Train o. Facsenzc-rs on 40 can take 48 tain l Fk n rice for Columbii, Augusts ani points via Columbia All trains run solid between Cuutettai Wilmington. JOHN I. DITHIJ uenerai oupcnnieao T. M. EMERSON .GonoTal Piaen?erJ may 7 Carolina Central R. Company. Otvios or General supkeintb5ddi Wilmington. N. C, 8ept. SO. ItH" o Change of Schedule, AND AFTER 8EPT.L21". Leave Balelghat f Arrtm At r.hnrlottA at. iX rlotteat fJff'i sigh at MJA. 51 rUmlngton .. ! following ttcneuuie will be operated I Railroad : PASSENGER MAIL AND KXPM88 HiW daUv fixceut Sundaya 1 Tjlvp Wilmington at '-f- II No. L S Leavn Ralebrh&t "-3J f . 1 ) Leave Charlotte No. 2. S Arrive Balelgh ai ) Arrive at Wilmington Passenger Trains stop at regalM only. an(f points designated ia tk Vm-' Time Table. -SHELBY DIVISION, PASSISttH. j EXPRESS AND FREIGHT. Dally except Sundays, . - Trains No. 1 and 2 make ctoeo coo-, flftmtat with R. A. Trains to aaairoa PUBCELL HOUSE. J JNDEB NEW MANAGEMENT, WILMINGTON. N. C B. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Lte Proprietor Atlantic Hotel. Firs t-C lass n all ltaoDontmQts Tama t'2.50 to 98.00 iav. WANTED LADIES BY CBESCENTABT CO. , o take Jight.pleasant e -n ployment at their own homes (sent by mall any a tance), $e.O0 to f ld.O j per week can be made; o pho to painting; no canvaalg. For fu 1 information please address at once. CRK8CENT ART CO., Kcvere, Mass. apl 15 d & w 1m WANTED Ladies and Gentlemen to keep our goods on exhibition. Agents make f 3 to $7 daily. Fend W ccnta for Illustrated Catalogue and begin at once. PARK MFO. CO , Box 1,521 239 Broadway, New York, apl 15 d&w lm A P R T Z R BCnd eix cent8 for postage -a. A MMtXMi Ta and receive fuse, a costly box of goods which wiU help 50a to more money right away than anything else in this 7rW AlV either sex, succeed from the fir.t hour. The hxoai road to fortune opens before Ibe workers, absolutely sure. At once ad 3Kss True Co., Augusta, Maine. nov2 d4fcw It M 1 lirough Sleeping Cars betwseaW and Charlotte and Raleigh and CkwS Take Train No. 1 for o5"22t. tukA Western N C R R, Asheville and?"" Also, for Spartanburg, GreeorUJe, Atlanta and all points 0jjr1 F. W. CLARK, CtoeriJIPsssenf sept 20 H Vegetable and Fruit ! RaT TW BROOKS ANDBKaDt Our Crates are made with Juniper Fine Ends, giving strengUi and preventing splitting. Avoid defcr ment. and get firat jnriccs by mkjf ahead. P ARS La V WHITE CYPRESS AND YELLOW" Sash, Blinds and Doo Guaranteed as good sf the MJJ Moulding. Brackets, wiw mapU3WOOrt W?FAR-LYjn J Board. A FEW MORE BOABDEB8, tattle, regular or transercanbe dated with comfortab e roomsana u- nMba m4Knrlim At fn . MB8 KOBKKiJSi 11S Market bet. nov!8 tf