X MISCELLANEOUS nuDital Prize $150,000, tnss Of TU Louisiana Stat Let '"rZrcs themselves, and that tht tfi tZtduOed M honesty, faxrrxss.arA tent Ttovard efl pcrtis. cud tw atrfAor ir.?v- fo use this certificate, with foe- izt 7 Zr r.ttnatiires attachsa. aa 7T o m m ission era. TNPRFX : 1,1 STKD ATTRACTION ! (VEE HALF A MILLION DISTRIBUTED! Louisiana State Lottery Company. ears by the Leg- pur- which a r., in 1888 for 25 years by the r-" national and Charitable rfl fltal of l.OOO.OO0-tO wh f .: over eW0, has since been helming populai vote Itsfran a rart of the present State n ad n.ted December 3d. A. D.. 1879. . v., ,!sr;i.ENrMEER Drawings will " monthly. It never scales or post ZoV the following Distribution: llst Grand Monthly AND THE rTTBAOBIJIABV HKMI A5NUAL DRAWING, ,,, vcad my of Music, New Orleans, 1 : l' -n iriv. June 10. 1885. the personal Fupervlslon and manage ment of Vd ler (; T BEAU REGARD, of Louisiana, and irmi, A. EAKLi i , ot Virginia. Capital Prize $150,000, g- s'otice Tickets are Ten Dollars only. Halves. $5- Fifths, $L Tenths $1. LIST OF I'lUZKS. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OF $150,000 l (,iM Prize of 1 GKAND PRIZE OF 2 Large Prizes of 4 Large Prizes of CO Prizes of .K) " " 600 1.000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES 100 Approximation Prizes of $200. i liiO 50.00. 20,000... 10,000... 5,000. . . 1,000... 500... 300... 200.., 100... 50.. 100... 75... $150,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 ?0,000 25,000 30,000 40.000 60,000 50,000 .$20,000 .. 10.000 . 7,500 ?,270 Prizes amounting to $522,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company In New Or leans. i or further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange In or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $ ami upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. tr M. A. DAUPHIN, G07 Seventh St., Washington. 1). C Make P. O. Money Orders payable ar-d ad dress Registered ICtters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. may 13 w s &w 5w NEW ORLEANS, 1 A r.r. -m Weahess,ra PHYSICAL UECAY, In Young & Middle Aged Men. Tlsteo for over8ix Yeams 3Y uspin many Thousand Cases . . fiYCtJSDtBILITY i r-.) t r nil mm y liiif I eUitied pb7- . s viir. from t i ?rdjcne.ien, . aa iaaul ::-i.cr, or -.'ir, Avoid unpcsiiln.td tnvien rcK:r.:i., a for thoss ufiTes. d ; car i rce Cin.u'ar and Trial rack age, and learo iinpcrtfint facts before tikini treat ment e!$cvrhere. Taka A SURE liEMEDT thtt II A3 CURED thousands, doeo not interfere with atten tion to business, or causo pain or inconvenience in any way. Founded on scientific medical princi- tr a , TRIAL PACKAGE TXFATMEXT. Or e Month, - S3 001 Two Mor.ths. - 6.001 'XLreo UontliB, 7.00J HARRIS REMEDY CO., W,FCPKEMI8T8 306S' N. Tenth St., ST. LOTJI3. MO. RIE OTURED PERSONS! Not a Truss. Ak for terms of o'ir Appliance. we give jrr uiu TjaiiaX ap!8 dAw ly pies. Ey dircjtapphcation to the seat of disease its specific influence is felt without delay. The nat ural functions of the hu man organism is restored. The tcimatinz elements Jof life, which liave been J wasted areciven back.and ;he Datientcecomeschfet Iful and rnpidly pains both itrer.,;tQ ana sexual v:gor. First National Bank of Wilmington. TheDaiiy Review. MEMORY'S PICTURES. Among the beautiful pictures. That bang on memory's ball, Is one of a grim old forest. That seemeth the best for all. Not Pot its gnarled oaks olden. Dark with the misletoe: Not for the violets golden f bat sprmkie the vale below: Not for the milk-white lillies That lean from the fragraHt hedge. Coquetmg all day with the sunbeams, And stealing tneir golden edge; Not tor the vines on the upland W here the bright red berrLs rest. Nor the pinks, nor the pale, sweet cow slips, It seemed to me the best. once had a little brother, With eyes that were dark and deep In tHe lap of that oideo forest, He lieth in peace, asleep; Light as the down of the thistle. Free as the winds that blow, We roved there the beautitul summer, The summers of long ago; But his feet on the hills grew weary, And one of the autumn eves, I made for my little brother, A bed of the yellow leaves. Sweet his pale arms folded, My neck in a meek embrace. As the light of immortal beauty Silently covered his face; And when the arrows of sunset, Lodged in the tree top bright. He fell in his saint-like beauty, Asleep by the gates of light. Therefore, of all the pictures That hang on memory's wall. The one of the dim old forest Seemeth the best of all. ALICE GABY. .:. stock, firo.oco ' - tum; 6rt.o:c l resits received sd collections isado os sclbfa i oista lr;thc United State. ill RECTO U. G. WOBTB. A. Mi RTiF, JAS. SFP.nTT UEOBQB CHADBOUKN. If-. BUBB088 . A li. WALXEB.- SCt8 .. reading, not the imaginative story, but the way in which the small boy has attempted to realize how boys ought to live and what they ought to be allowed to do. It is said that the dime novel boy usually reads the scrap-book, which is ranidlv increasing in size as the fresh exploits of the dime novel adventurers are added CD it, about two hours. He then lays it down in dis gust, and nothing can induce him to return to those stories again. He asks the person in charge of the reading room for a better class of books. This cure of a disease with its own poison has been so effective in Providence that the trustee in question is thinking ot taking out a patent for the process, lest other libraries and the heads ot fami lies and the guardians of the small boy generally may appropriate bis inven tion without due credit. This gentle man is the first among moderns to give point to the old saying, ''Look on this pic:ure and then on that," and it is the other picture that is powerful enough to wind up the dime novel business. These are the realism in literature, and this man. going further than Mr. How ells or Mr. Jame9, or even M.Zola, has substituted the pastepot and scissors for the imagination, gathering his horrors and tragedies from actual life, in the firm belief that it truth is not stronger than fiction , it has a wonderful power at the right moment over an awaken ed mind. Boston Ilerald. w-.la President Csshhr A'wt Cashier Two Very Uffly Twins. They go hand in hand, and lead their victim a terrible trot down into the val ley of the shadow of death. One is neuarlgia, the other rheumatism. These generally proceed from disordered blood. Brown's Iron Bitters knocks out these ugly twins by setting the blood aright and invigorating the sys tern. Mr. W. T. Osborne, of Coxville, Ala., used Brown's Iron Bitters lor rheumatism and neuralgia with most happy effect. It also cures dyspepsia. Learn a Trade. During a conversation with a fore man of a large manufaqturing com pany he said incidentally: "We have had no American apprentices in two years," and in reply to my interroga tion, said that American parents were more desirous of their sons learning to despise labor than to adorn it. Looking the matter over carefully I have reach ed the conclusion that he is right. It is a pity. Young man, look forward a few years. You have good homes to day and homes where every comfort possible to have is in your grasp. You do not appreciate thes things. They come to you without effort, they are retained to you Without effort on your part and you permit yourself to slide along on the greased pole of confidence in the ability of your parents to pro vide Did you ever think that money, sometimes, yes, often, takes wines.-' Well, it does; it goes in the twinkling of an eye sometimes, and then your lather has to work, and you, if you have anything in your composition and make up which has the appearance ot a 1 . 1 S . 4 man, win go to woris to neip out your father. Now, if you had learned a trade I 1 s? you would not oe oniigea to searcu tor $6 positions as elerks, but could step into places that are waiting tor just such men as you might be, at a fair salary. Don't think when you lignt your cigarette and walk down the street that yor are any better than anybody else. Don't imagine that the mechanic as he passes you envies you. Don't imagine that society could not get along with out you. iou must know that society thinks only of your money and nothing of you, and it your fatherjwas to lose his dollars to-day that to-morrow would find you knocking at society's closed doors. And the mechanic pities you and says : "Well, I would not exchange places with him," and he means it. Suppose you put on an old suit ot clothes and go down to the machine shop or the factory, or the printing oi fice and commence at the bottom round and work up. There will be boys there that will laugh at your white skin and delicate looks and yet secretly they will admire you for having the good sense to do what you ought to do. Your employer will advance you as fast as you deserve and with your natural ability there is no reason why you should not reach the top round ot the ladder in a few years. Then it your parents have money and you feel a de sire to do someting else, do it; and if days of adversity come, as is very prob able they will you will you have some thing to fall back on which will support you and your wife and babies in comfort What this country needs is more of its young men :o learn trades. There are enough who wiil be bound to make fools of themselves and try to navigate without it and look to the professions tor a dry and uncertain living. It is no disgrace to be poor, but it is a disgrace to any young man who, having the opportunity to learn a trade which will be of use to him in after years, throws it away and with it his comfort and that of those dependent on him, to sats isfy the pride .of society which looks simply upon the wealth and not the worth of man. Arkansaw Traveler. P -MOST GUN " ever r fr.. , A PIEPER BREECH LOAD I NO c U N. r Pile Tumors, neglected or badly treated, often degen erate into cancer. The worst pile tu mors are painlessly, speedily and per manently cured without knife, caustic or sa'ive, by -our new and improved methods. Pamphlet and references 10 cents in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Cor the leant nnm ever offered to the public. ufft hr all first-class Gun Dealers. nn. le only bF (send for Catslogne) CHOVERLING, DALY ft GALES, jj6 Chambers St. Sew York. AT nIE! '"rJies and Gentlemen to take homes wf i Peasant work, at their own ifce rear rn,;T 8ent b maU any distance all no M to W a dav can be quietly MT'qco PK,Va66ing. Address Reliable Tlie Dime Novel Cure. A trustee of the Providence Public Library has undertaken to cure the small boy of his interest in the dime novel, and can be said to ha ve succeed ed. He has met the antecedent with its consequent. He has gathered into a scrapbook the adventures of the boys who read dime novels, and has made it bis business in ft quiet way to ask the boys one by one who are interested in these stories to spend an hour or two in The Merchant has a Headache from a fit of indigestion, and misses a good bargain. The lawyer does the same with a case. To say nothing about doctors' fees. etc.. it don't pay to be even a little sick. Dr. David Ken nedy's "Favorite Remedy" is a friend of the business man, for it clears his brain. One dollar a bottle. Young: Men! ead This. The Voltaic Belt Co.,ol Marshall, Mich., offer to send their Celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial, for thirty days, to men (young or qjd) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neu ralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is incurred as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for illus trated pamphlet free, w s m & w lyR, Quarterly Meetings, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments for the Wilmington District of the M. E. Church, South second round; Brunswick Circuit, at Summerville, May 16-17. Topsail Circuit, at Union, May 23 24. Magnolia Circuit, at Magnolia, May 30 31. The District Sunday School Confer ence will be held at Magnolia in con nection with the quarterly meeting beginning .May 29th. P. J. Carraway, P. E. The Boy Clipper Plow has earned a reputation of being the best ever used and are pronounced perfect by the best farmers. Sold wholesale and retail at the factory agency, Jacobi's Hardware Depot. t Narrow JEsccape. ' Eochestek, June 1, 1SS2. "Ten Yeara ago I was attached with the most Intense and deathly pains In my back and Kidneys 'Extending to the end of my toes and to my brain ! "Which made me delirious! "From agony!!!! "It took three men to hold me on my bed at times! "The Doctors tried in vain to relieve me. but to no purpose. Morphine and other oviales! "Had no effect! "After two months I was given up to die!!!! "When my wife heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters had done for her, she at once got and gave me some. The first dose eased my brain and seemed to go hunting through my system for the pain. The second dose eased me so much that I slept two hours, something I had not done for two months. Before I had ueed five bottles, I ras well and at work as hard as any man could, for over three weeks; but I worked too hard for my strength, and taking a hard cold, I was taken with the most acute and painful rheumatism all through my system that ever was known. "I called the doctors again, and after sever al weeks they left me a cripple on crutcbes for life, as they eaid. I met a friend and told him my case, and he said Hop Bitters hai cured him and would cure me. I poohed at him. but he was bo earnest I was induced to use them a (rain. In less than four weeks I threw away my crutches and went to work lightly and kept on using the bittera for five weeks, until I be came as well as any man living, and have been so for six years since. It has also cured my wife, who had been sick for years ; and has kept her and my children well and healthy with from two to three bottles per year. There is no need to be sick at all if these bitters are used, .T. J. Berk, Ex Supervisor. "That poor invalid wife. Sister, "Mother, or Daughter!!!! "Can be made the picture of health ! "with a few bottles ot Hop Bitters! None genuine without a bunch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" in their nar" may IS lm dAw nrmtc F Call on Us OR FEESH FAMILY GROCERIES ! Country Produce, Wines, Liquora, Tobaccoes, 4c, "Buckingham Bye," "River Mills," "Old Log Cabin," "Brunswick Private ftock," and "Hunter's Choice," are very fine Bye Whis keys. We also have Corn Whiskeys, Wires, Gins and Brandies. Highest market prices paid for Country Pro duce. Consignments somitci CRAIG THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchant and Dealers in Grocer ies. Wines. Liquors, c . 113 So. Front Street, WUmington, N. C. may IS Board. EITHER A FEW MORE BOARDERS, XL table, regular or transient, can be accommo dated with comfortable rooms sad the best the market affords, at MRS. ROBERT LEE'S, DM Market bet . Front asd Second, nov 18 if weeks The Courts Under the New Ar-1 ransrement. FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Currituck September 7, one week. Camden September 14. one week. Pasquotank September 21, one week. Perquimans September 23, one week . Chowan October 5. one week. Gates Otober 12, one week. Hertford October 19, one week; December 21 j one week. Washington October 2G, one weekj December 14, one week. Tyrrell November 2. one week. Dare November 9. one week. Hyde November 10, one wt-ek. Pamlico November 23, one week. Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warren September 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven November 30. two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE . Franklin August 17. one week; No vember 16, one week. Martiu September 7. two weeks; Decern bcr 7, two weeks ; for civil causes and jail cases only. Pitt September 21, two weeks. Greene October 5, two weeks. Vance October 19, two weeki. Wilson November 2, two weeks. Nash November 23, two weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM. The fall courts of the fourth district, composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld a3 follows un der the new act: Wake July 13, to hold two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks; criminal. Octo ber S6, three weeks; civil causes only. Wayne July 27, two weeks; civil and criminal. September 14, two weeks; civil causes. October 19, one week; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, one weeks; civil and criminal. Johnston Ausgust 17, two weeks; civil and criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange August 10. one week ; No vember 9, one week. Caswell August 17, one week; No vember 16, one week. Person August 24, one week; No. vember 23, one week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;De cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, tAvo weeks. Alamance September 28, one week Chatham October 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones August 17, one week ; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks ; No vember 16, twTo weeks, Duplin September 7, one week; No yember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two December 14. oao week. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27, one week : No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbus August 3. one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks ; De cember 7, two weeks. Robeson August 31, two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 30, one week, tor civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks ; December 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks; No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24, two weeks ; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks December 7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19, two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week; for criminal case3 and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes August 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany- September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26. twro weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10, two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SH1PP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks; October 26, one week. Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil cases oniy. Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3. two weeks ; No vember 13. two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three weeks ; December 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two weeks Jackson September 28, one week. Majcon October 5, one week. Clay October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two weeks, Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9, two weeks. Itching Piles-.symptoini and Care. The symptoms are moisture, like persplra tion, intense Itching, Increased by scratching; very distressing, particularly at night ; seems as If pin-worms were crawling In and about the rectum ; the private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue very serious results may follow. "8WAINES OINT MENT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box. by mail, 50 cts ; 3 for tl, 25. Address, DR. 8 WAYNE SON, Pnlla., Pa. Sold by Druggists. ayllvdaodJtw tw WHOLESALE PRICES. ar The following quotrUons represea wholesale pxiees generally. In making up small orders higher prices nave to be charged BAGGING standard. 11 m to a J e-: a 2 B lOVfcO li ft BACON North Carolina: Hams, V IS a Shoulders, V lb 7 Ct Sides. 3f tb 9 a WESTERN SMOKED Hams. ................. 14 A Sides. V ft 9 O Shoulders 8 0 DRY SALTED Sides, ft 7 V, Shoulders, ft Cr BARRELS Spirits Turaeattne. Second llano, each 1 New New York, each 1 NewCltv.cach 1 6 BEESWAX tf" ft B1UUKS, ftl BUTTER, V ft North Carolina 2J O Northern........ ........ 25 O CANDLES, y H Sperm is a Tadow Ill Adamantine 12 0 CHEESlt, V ft Northern Factory 12 t2 Dairy, Cream... , 14 Os State Ill a COFFEE, V ft Java 17 f Laguyra 12 & Rio 11 a CORN MEAL, V bns., in sacks 05 & COTTON T1E3, V bundle 1 30 O domestics Sheeting, 44, V yd 60 MISCELLANEOUS ia u 25 13 12 V 70 : V Y arns. W bunch S5 EGGS, dozen 2) riSH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbi 16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbi.. 8 50 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbi 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, W half bbi.. 5 00 Mackerel, No. 3, V bbi 7 73 Mullets, V bbi 4 00 Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Eoe Herring, y keg.... 3 00 Dry Cod, ft 5 FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 fts Peruvian Guano, No. 1 57 60 " No. 2 . .S6 00 M M Lobos 00 00 Baogh's Phosuhate 00 00 Carolma Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone 00 00 Bone Meal 00 00 Bone Flour 00 00 Navassa Guano 40 00 Complete Manure... 00 00 Whann's Phosphate 0C 00 Wando Phosphate 00 00 Bergc-r & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 French's Carbonate of Lime. . . 7 00 French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 50 FLOUR, bbi Fine .. 0 00 Northern Super 3 75 Extra 4 75 Family 6 CO a o em Of; mo to 010 (0 0 5 5" 0 8 (0 0 0 8 5f 0 4 00 0 9 062 se 037 00 051 0t 060 00 050 0C 040 00 045 00 057 fX 045 0C 067 0C 070 00 070 OC 060 0G 060 Of G 7 a j Sash, Doors, Blinds, White' Lead, Faints. French Window Glass. GKNCY FOR fc. T. ENAMEL PAINT CO'S READY PREP A BED PAINT. 1 ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact hat our PaUita are from the celebrated Fac or'-es of Wethcrlll A Co., and Harrison Bros ft Co, , Is sufficient guarantee for their quality and purity, A Cno lino of Cooking Stoves at Facto 7 Prices, In addition to oar large and full HAEDWARE STOCK to which your attention Is respectfully Invite I NATB?L JACOBI. sept 3 10 South Front St Homes in North Carolina. 5. c City Mills Extra. Family. B0 75 50 11 6 11 20 13 75 0 0 a 6 0 0 4 00 4 00 5 25 7 0C 6 5C 00 60 o 0 id 12 28 85 3 Extra Family SLUE ft GRAIN, bushel- Corn, from store, bags.whlle, ') 0 85 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. 74 0 So Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. 72 0 75 Corn, cargo, mixed, In b3ge.- 0 0i' Oats, from store 65 0 6. 4ft Cow Peas 1 25 Q 1 76 H1UES, tf'ft Green .., Dry HAY, p 100 fta Eastern 1 Western North River : HOOP I RON, y ft 30 LtARD.Ir ft Northern 8J0 North Carolina 00 0 10 LIME, V barrel 1 40 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 13 00 020 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 016 W est India Cargoes.accordlng ta quality 13 00 01 S i Dressed Flooring, seasoned. .18 00 Scautllng and Board, com'n-.l? V) MOLASSES. & Kallon New Crop Cuba, in hhda JO 0 35 " " in bbls iO & 0 PcrtoRlco, Inhhds 2 " " in bbls H Sugar House, in hhds 00 in Dbls 23 Syrup, in bbls... 40 NAILS, V Keg, Cut.lOd basis 01 ia, ygaiioa Kerosene..... Lard liiasced....... 11 10 90 Rosin 90 PO 23 10 Tar Deck and Spar........ POULTRY Chickens, live, grown Surintr Turkeys 75 PEANUTS y bushel 1 00 POTATOES, V bnshel Sweet 50 Irish, bbi 2 23 PORK, V barrel City Mess 23 SG Prims 16 00 Bump L 17 00 RICE Carolina. ft Rough, bushoi... RAGS, f a Country oity 015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 s Q 0 024 017 013 4V0 95 0 1V40 10 ROPE, V ft 1410 SALT, y satfk, Alum., Llvcrpoo 00 00 0 7B Lisbon 00 American.... SUGAR, & fo Porto Rico... A Cofee... Cuba. Ex C 0 f$ O 0 0 en 50 00 CO 00 to DO 00 75 OG 00 6 6Vft 6 Crushed 100 11 61 00 00 00 art A T X ?K VAufhsvn SHINGLES, 7 in. M 10 50 011 Common.. 2 50 0 3 Cypress; Saps.... 4 50 0 5 Cyprees Hearts..." 0 CO 0 7 STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 018 00 R. O. Hog3head 00 00 010 00 TALLOW, tf- lb 4 0 5 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping. 12 00 014 GO Fine Mill 11 25 013 00 Mill Prime 7 50 0 8 50 Mill Fair e 000 6 50 . 5 00 0 0 OC . 0 00 0 4 00 .1 CO 0 4 00 .1 00 0 2 50 . IS 0 22 0 20 0 15 Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary ... WHISKEY, V gal Northern North Carolina WOOL, W ft Washed Unwashed... 15 Eurrv 10 MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD READ A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FI NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose 01 Bradstreet is to be "f practical service to busii ess men. Its special trade and Industrial reports ; its week ly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the subscription price; Its synopses of recent lcaral I decisions are exceedingly valuable. As com mercial transacts ns, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the information contained In Brads tkeet's is of the first importance both to producers and middlemen. The Trade and Agricultural Situation throughout the United states and Canada is reported by Telegraph to BkajdstrxktB up to the hoar of publication SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BBADSTBEEI (JO., Only 20 Hours Eide from New York ! dee 30 tf 279,2ol, ss Bboadwat, HEW TORE CITY 69 Miles South of Raleigh On the Baleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1 500 ACBES OF LAND 1N THK l0D leaf pine region . "For sale on easy terms In lots to suit purchasers. Four acres for $25. Larger tracts f5 per acre, in moDthlv pay ments of tlO. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently established health re port (01 Banltarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tne cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pines," and it is the desire of the owners of this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State In the Union offers greater Inducements to set tlers than North Carolina. Nowhere can a better larniln'g country or as fine a climate be found. This Is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. This Is a bona fide offer, and is limited For further particulars write at onco to JOHN T. PATRICK, Commia'r of Immigration, Kilelgh, N. C. or B. A RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta, Ga. Patronize Our Home Insu rance Cos. SAVE .YOUR MONEY, AND KEEP AT HOME WKA YOU HAVE TO SPEND FOR IN8URANCE. The Germania Mutual Fire Insurance Company, OF WIMMINGTON, N. C, JS NOW THOROUGHLY ORGANIZED and prepared to take First Class Risks.agalnst losses by FIRE. Oflice No. 122 Princess St , Journal Build Ing. B. G. WORTH, President. J. E. LIPPlTT, Sect'y & Treas. apl 21 lm New York & Wilmington Steamship Go. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR Saturday, Apl 25 BENEFACTOR ...Saturday, May 2 REGULATOR Saturday, May 9 BENEFACTOR Saturday. May 10 FROM WILMINGTON : . BENEFACTOR Friday, Apl 2 REGULATOR ..Friday, May BENEFACTOR Irlday, May REGULATOR Friday, May 15 T Through Bills Lading ana Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. 8 MALL BONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C THEO. G. EGEB, Freight Agent. New York. WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. Genera. Aant, 35 Broadway, New York. apl 18-tf. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR FIRE PROOF OIL. THE PERFECTION OF FAMILY SAFETY Oils. Equalled by no other. A perfect Lamp light. It Is absolutely free from Ben zlne, Paranlne, and all gummy or foreign mat ter which in other oils so frequently clogs the wick and prevents Its giving a clear light. mch 27 tf The Excursion and Pic Nic REASON IS OYER AND THE THEATRI CAL AND BALL Season has opened again and JOHN WERNER, the practical German Bar her and Perfumer, is personally in attendance at his Hair Dressing Saloon. 29 Market Street, between Water and Front, Wilmington, H. C. tec 11 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, C-n be found a large assortment of VALUABLE GIFTS, suitable for everybody. The public, and especially the ladies, are respectruiiy invited to call ana prices, mc D. A. SMITH. N. Front 1

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