THIS PAPER binned every evening. Sundaye septed by JOSH T. JAMES, EDITOR AMD PKOPMHOl. si-BSClUPTIONS rOSTAQK PAID: l ka .1 Of) ThW r -.LP. VJ , ' Three ' 1.00: onemonui,cBDui. rZ r aver will be delivered by carriers free or 10 cento ir week. "Svcstfel" rates low and llberaL Jubecrlbew will report any and all tail- tore ive ypffy ?7'-" Review has the largest f le Hreidalion, of any newspaper I in ik: city of Wilmington. JB A fo .truan -22 years old and six feet ten inches tall advertises (or a position r.r- nt number of the London id a i 1 Times. It is said that the electric lights at Sacramento can be seen from the high land near Jackson. 'Amador county, a distance of sixty miles. The Qacen. it is said, wants it to be known that it will ever be a regret to berlbitsbchadno personal acquain tance with General Gordon. His services were rendered for the most "rart to foreign sovereigns. Henry George, the author and lec turer, has a pleasant home in Brook lyn and two boys, wbo are expert W cvclists. He has made considerable money of late, bat is said to be often pinched to make both end3 meet. The Daily Review. VOL. IX. WILMINGTON. N. O. THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1885. NO. 123 K. IV. Criswell, the new editor-in-chief of the Cincinnati Enquirer, is only 35 years old. Fifteen years ago he was pumping an oil well at Petroiia. Thence lie went to Oil City and Titas ville. finally drifting to Cincinnati. The State elections f 1685 will bej held in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania Virgina, Ohio. Iowa, Kentucky and Mississippi. Four of these went Re publican last Fall and six Democratic. -- - -PriDcess Mathilde i3 a very affection ate creature. When M. de Lssseps de livered his recent speech at the recep tion ta the French Academy the over joyed Friuces3 said: "My dear Les sen, I can't help it, I must kiss you.'' "Do," briefly replied de Lesscps. And she did. No less than 4,530 relatives of Eng lish titled families are quartered on the public service. The drafts on the treas ury for the sisters and aunts of dukes aoiount to $48,800,450; the brothers-in-law and nephews or marquesses to $41,529,350, and the cousins and others of cam to $210,900,010 per aunum; or a total sum, going to prove John Dright's assertion that "the aristocracy lives on patronage," of $331,236,210. Now is the season lor painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save mouej. t LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW AnVERTISEttEMTS. Moonlight and Musie F C Miller A. Fresh Supply Mlnos Brothers Full Blast c W Yates Revised Holy Bibles. U f.insberger Revised Version of the Holy I'.lble Another heavy thunder Btorm this afternoon. Fight bales of cotton received at thii port to-day. Stawberies sell now at Irom 5 to 10 cents per quart. Full niDon this alternoon at 17 min utes past 3 o'clock. Shrimps are coming in freely now and sell for 15 cents psr quart. liase Ball, and Summer underwear go together. Get the latter from Dyer, who has a fine line. t Tickets for the St. John's Sunday School excarsion to Waccamaw Lake, on Saturday, may bo had at either of the bookstores. You can get the best unlaundried white shirt in the city at 75 cents at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Mar ket street, J. Elsbach, Prop. tf A large crowd went down the river this morning on the excursion given by Unity Tent No. 60, 1, O. R , in compli ment to the High Tent, now in annual session here. The Seasides were at Henderson yes terday but did not play there because of the very rainy weather. A dispatch received by Mr. Kasprowicz this morn ing says that they will return here to night. There has been no rain in Smithville ia two weeks past, and we are told that w is badly needed there. We have had more or less about every day during that tune and could readily epare our neigh bors some of our surplus. & rained very hard yesterday at Ral eia and yesterday and last night along feline of the Wilmington & Weldon R. It seems to have been particularly vere about Magnolia and loars are CDtertained of injuries to vegetation. We noticed quite a fine display of dg collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. t The Mascot. It was a large and a fashionable au dience which was present last night at the Opera House to greet theBijou Op era Company in their first appearance here, the piece presented being the ever popular Mascot. The troupe is a small one. as its name would indicate, and we would hardly look far a genu inely pleasing entertainment from a company found on the road at this sea son of the year, and the surprise was therefore the more agreeable. There is smoe genuine talent and rearry much ability comprised in this small compa ny, and we venture to say that no en tertainment presented here during the past season carried its audience with it more heartily than did that of the Mascot last night. Certainly, taking into consideration ali of the disadvan tages apparent and especially that of the want of a chorus and a full or chestra, the piece has never yet been more successfully presented in this city. Miss Adelaide Ran dall, as Btttina, carried all hearts by storm. She is simply charming in this character. She is petite, pretty, viva cious and original, and withal has a delicious soprano voice, clear, distinct and birdlike. Mr. Hamilton, as Lorenzo, is simply "immense," to use a hackneyed ex pression, and kept the audience con vulsed with laughter; Mr. Pepper, as Pippo, i3 a good actor and has a fine, well-trained tenor voice, while Miss Carrie Tutiu, as Fiametla, sustained her role most admirably. Unfortunate ly she was suffering from severe hoarse ness last night and could not, 'evidently, do herself full justice. Miss Helen Harrington appeared to advantage as Frederic, as did also Mr. Paxton as Rocco. The gobble song was one of the features of the evening. It was sung twice and was heartily encored on each occasion. The Company will make their second and last appearance here this evening in Olivette, when we arc sure they will be greeted by a full bouse. Decoration Day. The following is the programme tor Decoration Day, Saturday, May 30th, 1885: Geo. W.Price, Jr., Chief Marshal; T. H. Betts and David Jacobs, Aids; Gen. S. H. Manning, Master of Cere monies. PROGRAMME. The procession will form in front of the City Hall, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and move promptly at 2:30, in the following order : FIRST DIVISION. In charge of Monroe Byrd, assisted by James Richardson, Lewis Bry ant and C. H. Thomas. Enterprise Band of J. C. Abbott, Post ' No. 15, G. A. R.. Col. Geo. L. Mabson, Commander. Ex-Union Soldiers and Sailors. Carriages containing Orator and Chap lain. SECOND DIVISION. In charge of Anthony Howe, Jr., assis ted by John Bradley and Wm. H. Waddell. Fireman's Union. Schools in charge of Teachers, Citizens on foot , Civic Societies. TniRD DIVISION. In charge of John H. Whiteman, as sisted by Luke Grady and J. C. Bizzell. Citizens in Carriages, Mounted Men. EXERCISES AT THE NATIONAL CEMETERY Dirge by the Enterprise Band. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. W. Teltair. Music by Select Choir, G. W. Robin son, Director. Oration by E. E. Green. Music by Select Choir, G. W. Robin son, Director. Doxolgy, Benediction, Decoration of Graves. After the above services the J. C. Abbott Post will hold a special service over the grave of George E. Berden, late Quartermaster of the Post, who died during the year past, in ac cordance with the rules and customs ot the order. Committee of Arrangements Reu ben Carter, Lewis Nixon, Love Parker, Alexander Stewart, Wm. Taylor, Chairman. The Chief Marshal requests his aids and assistants to meet bim at one o'clock on the day above named at his resi dence, corner of Sixth and Ann streets (No. 302) mounted. Some half dozen trifling cases oi drunkenness and disorderly conduct were all that claimed the Mayor's at tention ths morning. At 11 o'clock this forenoon the ther mometer in this office registered 86 de grees, the highest it has yet attained. At 3 o'clock it had fallen to 84. St. James' Churchyard. We learn with much pleasure that an art loan exhibit, for the purpose ol raising the necessary funds to improve and beautify the old St. James' Church yard, will soon be held in some suita b e hall of our cit The object will certainly commend itself to every cne of our citizens, anil with the active help and sympathy of the community, the ladies and gentlemen who have charge ok it will be able, wc are satis fied, to make a grand success of the exhibition. Aside from our heal art istic talent, which is by no means des picable, as shown by a similar exhibi tion so successfully gotten up by Mrs. E. H. Parsley, ot this city, a short time ago, we are suro that in many of our families there are paintings, statuary, bronze and other objects of art, and also many antiquities and relics of by gone times, which it gathered together would make a most creditable exhibit, even in large cities like New Yoik Boston and Philadelphia. While some of us may feel a senti mental regret in seeing our old land marks, around which so manv histori cal reminiscences cluster, so rapidly'i disappear, still we must march with the progress of improvement, and "God's Acre" should be carefully and lovingly tended and improved. Let us all cooperate towards so wor thy an object and 7o ali in our power to make it a success. A meeting to ar range the details will be held at the mayor's flico to-morrow, and all are urgently requested to attend Personal Maj. J. C. Winder, General Mana ger of the Carolina Central R. R. was in the city to-day. Col. John I). Taylor, City Clerk and Treasurer, returned yesterday from St. Loui?, where he has been in attendance ,n the session of the Grand Ixdgc of Knights ot Honor. Hymeneal. Mr. John C Wagner, formerly of this city, but now of Goldsboro, was married in Raleigh yesterday to Miss Ida B Coides. The happy couple arrived here last night and will remain here a Week on a visit to relatives and friends in this city and on Mason boro Leonid. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Moonlight and Mnsie. WHS PLEASURE CLUB UK W. S. F. Co No 1, will give anexeur.-ion to the BOCKS", on the Steamer Passport, on i Ft IDA Y NIGHT, the , leaving promptly at 8 o'clock. Mubi by Paacae&'a Band. Rei reshmcnts at cltvprYus. No liquors allowed on b-ard The committee reserve the right to exclude all ob jecllonablc poisons. Tickets, which ean be obtained or the Com ni it tec, 50 cts T. D. Thompson, W. C. VonGlahn, W N. Jacobs, J. T. Retire, J. M. DonlsD, Committee. may 2S It A Fun Band. The Wilmington Cornet Concert Club has received lately several addi tions to its membership and is now the largest in point of numbers as well as best in musical ability in the State. Prof. R. J. Herndon is the Instructor and the band, which consists of 18 members, is organized as follows : J. E. Willson, solo E flat cornet and leader ; S. A. Schlos3, solo B 11a' cornet ; D. B. Mitchell, first B flat cornet; D. B. Burkhimer, second B flat cornet; W.Carr, W. L. Deliossct, Jr., P. Boatwright and F. Daniel3, altos; L N. Greenewald, slide B flat trombone : R. Hawes, R. French, J. D. Smith and G. Harris3, Jr. tenors; J. Schlos?, baritone; S. W. Sanders and U.M. Rob. nson, bases; George R. Dyer, base drum and cymbals and W.T. Johnson, snare drum. The club is in constant and careful practice and contemplate giving a concert at au early date, and will meet at half past 8 o'clock next Friday night to make some arrangements and to transact other business of importance. It is desired that every member be on hand promptly at the hour des:gnatcd. A Pleasant Episode. There was quite a pleasant episode connected with the closing hours of the High Tent I. O. R. last night. During yesterday afternoon Mrs. S. G. Hall and Mrs. II. H. Foster prepared a very tastelul buttonhole bouquet for each member of the High Tent, besides two bouquets for the wives of two of the delegates who came with their hus bands. These were taken to the Tent last night and presented by one of the delegates when a committee was ap pointed to wait upon Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Foster and request their presence that the Tent might thank them per sonally for the delicate compliment. The ladies went and were met at the door by a committee appointed for the purpose and escorted into the hall where they were presented byMr. J.N. Minnix to the Tent in a graceful, ap propriate and felicitous speech aud were then introduced personally to the two visiting ladies, who were also pres ent, and to whom the bouquets were presented. The ladies were then seat ed, and after a few speeches by differ ent delegates, in which they -gave ex pressions of gratitude for the hospita ble kindness with which they had been treated in Wilmington, the Tent closed in due form to meet again' at Newark, Ohio, on the fourth Tuesday in May, 1880. The Tent having been closed there were persoual introductions, lem onade was served to the ladies and after a short time the parties left for their respective homes. This was the first time that ladies were ever present at a High Tent meet ing since the organization of the order. We republish to-day in a corrected form the 1 Concert Club ib yesterday s issue. written, but when the proof came in an "oat" was found and in correcting the galley the printer carelessly inserted the omitted matter in the wrong place. Moonlight and Music- It will be clear aud pretty to mor row night (.see if it is'nt;) and the Young Men's Pleasure Club of .Wil mington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1 will give a pleasant excursion down the river. As the moon fills to-day and the night will be clear (hav'eEt we said it?) there wiil be every reason for th young folks to expect a pleasant even ing. There will be good music and re freshments at city prices. Messrs. T. H. Thompson, W. C. VonGlahn. W. N. Jacobs, J. T. Reiley aud J. M. Donlan arc the Committe of Arrange ments and ilvy will do all that lies in their power to make the occasion pleas ant to ali. Soiucol the goods obtained from .he shoplifters still remain at the sheriff's ofliee, unclaimed. Parties who may have lost ipjods arc noli lied to call and identify ieir articles before 10 o'clock, Monday next, for all nut claimed at that time will be returned to the paities in whose possessiou they'were found, by order of Court. Schr. Etta M. Barter, Barter, cleared to-day tor Georgetown, Demerara, with 242,030 feet lumber, valued at $4,041. 68, shipped by Messrs. E. Kidder & Sou. OPERA HOUSE. U h DNESDA V A THURSDAY, May 21 A 2 EnRagcmcntof THE BIJOU OPERA CO., in Ati'hin'j Caneoun Comk Opera, In dire' act, entitled TUG MASCOT ! With the following Catt of Characters: Lor enzo XVII, Prince' of Plombino, Mr. W. II. Hamilton; r'lanietti, daughter oi )orcDzo XVII. M ss Carrie Tutein; Pippo, a Shepherd, Mr. Harry Pepper; Frederic, Prince ot fba, Miss Helen Harrington; ifocco, a Farmer, Mr James I'axt ; Page to Lorenzo, Wise Fan tie tiray, MMhcu, Inu Keeper, Mr. F. W . Talbot; Bettlna, the Mascot. Miss Adolalde Eandall. Musical Director, Herr Urenanr. THURSDAY EVENING. OLIVETTE. General admission No extra charge for 'Reserved. Seat:, now en sale at Uclndberger'fl. 4uay 25 4 1 Uow to Prevent Fires. Here is something of interest, benefit and advantage to housekeepers. It should be carefully studied and always preserved and a close attention to it may prevent a disastrous conflagration: 1. Always buy the best quality of oil. 2. Never make a sudden motion with a lamp, either in lilting it or set ting it down. 3. Never place a lamp on the edge ol a table or mantel. 4. Never fill a lamp alter dark, even ii you should have to iro without a light. 5. See that the lamp wicks are al ways clear, aud that tbey work trcely in the tube. 6. Never blow a lamp out from the top. 7. Never take a light to a closet where there are clothes. If necessary to go to the closet, place the light at a distance. 8. U.'e candles when possible in go ing about the house and in bed-rooms. They arc cheaper, can't explode and for many purposes are just as good as lamps. 9. Matches should always be kept in stone or earthcu jars or in tin. 10. Matches should never be left where rats or mice can get hold ot them. There is nothing more to the taste of a rat than phosphorous. They will cat it it they cad ge at it. A box of matches is almost certain to be set lire to it a rat gets at it. 11. Have perfectly good xaatch-safes in every place where matches are to be used, aud never let a match be left on the floor. 12. Never let a match go out of your hand after lighting it until you are sure the fire is out, ami then it is better to put it in a stove or earthen dish. 13. It is tar better to use the satety matches which can only be lighted upon the box which contains them. The I'uhlic Slave Confidence In us. Every day brings fresh proof to us of the good wiil of ail classes Our sales each week toot up far in ex cess of corresponding week in any pre vious year. This effect must have its cause, ar,d that may be found in the fact that we are giving better value for all money received than we were able to give before. Our advantages for buying arc equal if not superior id those ol any other house in America. When we desire to buy goods we ask no fa vors of any manufacturer or wholesale i dealer on earth. We buy closely and quickly, but qualitiis must be up to the mark and prices our owe. As wo HJE. HE ICE. rp iK SCHOONER LSAAi' OBERTON h-u I arrived with a cargo of t!,- Ix'st MAINE FLINT ICE. which 1 offer to sell at ONE HALF CENT per pound, at my Ice Houpc rn Dock c-trect, or at any ot my ice Depots, or will deliver it hi the above price. Lower prices tor lar.c quantities. Country :itron ac respectfully solicited. Special attention iven to the wholesale trade. B. U. .J. AIIRENS, may -' Proprietor Sew Ice House Dogs. JN AND AFIEK -JUNE 10TH ALL DOG3 lound running at large without a Badge will lc killed. Badges for talc at the Treasurcx'- OOicc. 11. BROCK , may SG 3t tu th sat Chief of Police Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate, BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF SALE made by the Clerk of New Hanover Ku- nerlor Court, in a cause before him pending between the helra at law of the laTc John Knowlcs, the undersigned will sell on Mondty, June 15th; lt-85, at VI o'clock, M. at the Court House door, in Wilmington, all that tract of land of which the said Knowlcs died telzed, situated on the Duplin road, about four miles from Wilmington, and now occui icd by Capt. William Richardson, containing 17 acres more or less. Terms made known at sale. s M. EMPIE, may 12 law4v In Commissioner Notice. TTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ap plication will be made lo the Clerk of the Su perior Court of the county of New JJ;movcr for an amendment to the Charter of the North Carolina Phophatc Company, on the ?itb day of June, A. D. 1885. liy order of the Board of DIrer.tors. may 27 td C M. HAWKINS, Scet'y For the Lake, rjUIERE WILL BE A FAMILY PIC NIC at LAKE WACCAMAW, on SATURDAY, May 30th, 185, for the benefit ot St. John's Sunday School. The special train which has been chartered will leave Front Street Depot at !.:50 A . M. and returning will arrive horo at 7.15 P. M. Good Mucie, Cool Shades and a Refreshing Day for everybody on the bangs of the beau tiful Lake. may 27 3t Revised Version of the llely lible. LL SIZES AND STYLES OF BUSHING, For sale at UEINSBERGEK'S. PUBAftS sotk; We win fee glad to recalr comrnunicatloi from oar friends os any asJ ail snbiteta. general interest but The name ot me writer must always be: olahed to the Edltox. Communication most Ot written cm oo one side ot the paper. Personalities must be avoided.; And It Is especially and particularly r.r tf stood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents nalesr -se sutt in the editorial columae. NKW AlYEITlSEM12KT8:e Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Capacity :o Tom Ice per Year. ALL I C E .Manufactured by us Is made from DISTILLED WATER, WHICH IV8URES :TS PClilTV. I Wc offST lec at the following rates delivered: 5 pounds each delivery, 7ac per 100. lo 50c per 100. " Half Cent tcr jKiind in r an titles to suit buyers it our Factory. pedal Rates to large corgumera. ORDERS irom the country carefully pack ed in Sacks. Tierces or Bogheads, and delW- .cred free on board ;;t f-0c per he rounds. WM. K. WORTH & CO , may 20 ti Proprietors. orFIc"EOF . WILMINGTON ft WELDON K. K. CO. aMS Notice to Contractors. TEOP03AL3 ABE INVITED FOR CSOS3 Tics for the Wilson & Fayottcvllle Rail Road, . of the following dceeriplion : Ties to be ( ;j el;ht and a hall feet long, (in nine inches wide. (7)'. seven inches tales; to show at 'cast (7) . even i ches lit ait upon each face; to be evenly and hinoothiy hewed and equarcd, bntte i at each cud. Sal i Tics to be of BLACK r.YPRESS, WHITE OAK, POST OAK or PINK. If ot Pine t be hew d upon ali our sides, the oth ers t- ha e ilm bark taken ofl" on two sides, 'lies to be delivered on said line of road at Mich points as may be agreed upon, and cros piled oa piles ot 5u Tica each, at intervals of 100 feet, or o!lierrt!-- as may be agreed ujon. lies, except Black Cyprcsi, not to be cut before the 1st of duly, HsSL Bids will be re ceived until the SSth of May, 1&-5. Address 1 GARDNER, Engineer W & f. Rail Road. Care of V. A W. K If Co , may 5 128M , Wilmington, N. C. otice. to omumn mm limit OllOPOSALS A UK INVITED FOR THE J Masonry of the Bridge t rape Fear liiver rear Faycltcville, and at Ncnse River, near Smitluld, on the line of the Rail Road frni Wilton to Fayctvvi'.lc The Masonry at Cape Fear will be of the character known as the tanged Hubble Work, to be built of well piarrlcd dimension stone, laid In even courses, diminishing In depth from bottom to top. Amount of Masonry lo;o cubic yards. The proposals for this may be to build en tirely of stone or of stone and Brick. The Neuse Itlvcr Uridgo w ill be of the char acter known as Random Itubbtt Work, from - lone found near the site. Cement will be furu'bhed by the Company, and delivered at the nearest Rail Road Depot. The foundations also will be prepared at the e.jcne of the Company. Bida rcce.vcd till Kth day of June, ltf& Address, F, '. ARDNElt, Engineer, W. & If. R. B. Care W. ft W. R. R , Wilmington. may 15 "v OFFICE OF WIL , COLUMBIA , AUGUSTA R. R. CO. WIUONOTOH, V. C.,Al i ll 25th, 15. . i LL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF the day, fresh from the press, can always be on the counters at UKINSBKRGK&'S, may 2i Live Book and Miuic Storce In Full Blast. OUR HANDSOME SODA FOUNTAIN with Its delicious Pure Fruit Syrups, with or without genuine Cream. Ice Cream Soda r-.nd a full line of Mineral Water. Give no a trial MUNDS I5KOS. ruay 1- Market and Second tt Foreclosure of Mortgage. JN PURSUANCE OF POWERS CONTAIN ed in mortgage Irom Owen Eurrscy atd uiie Kluarclh, dated 1st April, l H, and reeetded in Iiook U R II, page lot, Kcri ,ters Office ol New Hanover Count v, 1 will on Friday, the .'M day of May, I - -, at IS o'clock, M. at Iho Court House do. r 5 a Wilmington, .v.-tl to ti i idghext bidder at pUbUe s uction, f r cash, that tract of land eaBaawmg II !- acn;; be Uy f buy we sell; wc murk out oods lower JESf ScftU'Sfeet Us than any otlir house nd cur; afford to. centre line ot Market street, .. . . , 5J feet astwardly from the. MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS ot this Company will be he id at 10 o'clock, a. m , on MONDAY, THE 1ST DAY OF JUNE next, at the ofliee of the Company in Wilmfng ton, N. C., and at 10 o'clock, a. m., on TUES DAY, THE NI) DAY of JURE next, at Floren;, S. C, for the purfOfH: of considcr- In and effecting a lease of the road and all its property to the Wilmington Wcmon Rail road Company. By order of the Board of Director It. R. BtilDGERS, PresMent J, W. 1HOMPSON. Secretary, apl27 bim OFFICE OF WILMINGT WM DON R. R CO., Wlt-MIWOTOir, N. C, A?)riliath, re 1 L . n-?r - meet i ; r mi: srot k holders ot this Com f any wili be t clt at the office oi the ComiKioy. In fYLudntofb b MONDAY THE I-T DA Y o JUNE eex. at 10 o'clock. a. m , i.n the puipo ejf consklciing and at la z ugon a icaae by tb& Company of tfet Sail roat an-t iri; f : thj Wlliulogton, Coiam " bUt ft Auiu-rta iiallroad Conjiay and for the .Liiiivvir uy i (in; eoar.laa A, and purpose of pro-. i'Jii' Utr the flnancial needs of All customers in our boast: arc treated j seventeenth ?ircct and luanistm tbcocc North- By order o art Directors. wardly paralk-i wish Seventeenth street u. t; i;uiDGER3, President, lect. tLenee Esstwanlly parallel with Market; . w TIIOMI'WN. J-ccretary. alike and whether $& or old io txfe riencr- wiil ivtr rrnrdvi: Lbt. VeTV Oiisl ' street contuHw l, ft-i lect to tac mill pjio, i tst ol uiembers oi the Lorntt value for their mocef that is tu our jooanUers, to tee Western Uoe oi tk .m I . . It was sadly mutilated power to give. SjfRIER, the Old fidfa- cSre une of MarYet't. ct ' It was corrccy hie Clothier. Ill Market street ftoeUetifid. and Umsce westwarujy ssj fee to Call at Jacobi's Hardware lepct and examine his tine assortment ot fishing poles and lines. t jBbitr. MAUY A. DELi beiwviz ci xj.ajK, -Uv. mam Above sale has been lotpoucd uadl Mon day next, June 1. at same place a ad same hour. aaty 28 u Oiven Up ! y EVERY ONE THAI MtooWAVS If SALOON ktps th Ceokut. Freiii t Seer in the city, awl bewt Whiskey at ootr V for piaia. . . apiSs