.'r' ' "' -' ' "' .'" T rEI3 paper , .a evenly. Sunday! rat)!3 eW7 JOSH T. JAMES, D.rOS ANi rBOPKXKXOB. " .fkr.oSS POSTAGE PAID: $1.00. One month, 35 cents. I by carriers "free Tie '"- " :he city, at tho above ; .ft- -v Hi rci ort any and all fall- ,Mjcr regularly, i- v. ti fins the largest ;;. of' miy Jiewspaper ..u, ,j f Wilmington invest. .' y. -. three members of - x 5m n 1 hive com Mrs Waitc have .J 1 ...., . .t: t' bo thefUCS', :''iv'i',. , . ( ;,-uv Coleridge Serin, '8 ; .'!l !. .. - - - it the II tcl Brunswick, t notified that the !'.. .',;! ticciosftti to-day.' rt x .i - - v . i . i i The dan- -W00 in dcbL r" .. i .).,, h-n beau found near i,'v S-vih,'iJ the.sedinerit "from ,tll Wi. U-'CCe.s rivcijuuuj .: ".ft:t.cn has lately been seeking lor whirr the .-beep had been roll- .... extraordinary representa- t il:inj!ci1' was one recently clviifiin, in whicn Ernesto j, ..; j hyf.'.l thu title part in itaiian. :t'i:i Ailboiv ro'e ot Ophelia in Ki:n!i. and t J . j v kc Swedish. rest ot the actors Tee pireuaiatic postal service in Paris, lately completed, cost over $200,000. am! the length of the pipes is over thir" ij-four miles. The charge . for trans lu itingri letter to any place within the ior.iScatfons is throe cents. The ser vice cover. extreme points about? seven milts apart. - ' Ire and is still greatly superior to b:hor countries in its capacity for man ufaeturing limn. Her spindles num ber TI.TSh. France conies next with jflO.flOO; then Austria and Hungary, 3Sh!)08; (lermany. 318,107;. Scotland, England and Wales, 190.803, and Russia, lf.0,000. .. Mr. Swinb'jrno is engaged on an es say called '"Tlie Work of Victor Hugo," which will aprcfir in ine Nineteenth Vodury lor July. Mr. Swinburne, whoso familiarity '"ith he writings of the great French author is" astonishing, in this article criticises )t,e by one each ol M. Ilajo's bt)oks. ... - The New York Times says that the real personality behind Mr. -lledde'n. the new Collector of Customs, is Her bert 0. Thompson, the head of the New York County Democracy. As he could not bj appointed himself, Mr. Thompson advocated the appointment ofa friend who will see that his politi cal interests suffer no detriment, and hp will -'take care ot the boys." .... y The demolition of the "Ghetto in Rome will bring to light many ancient monuments. Tne theatre of Manella. Its. 11 . we ionics d'Uttavia and that of fiippa, and the cri'pta cf Balbo will be completely exposed, as well asfthe ieaipleot Jupiter. This quarterOn tams the most important monunienfe ot republican Home. ' ' Tte republic of Chili now owes on account of her railways $22,470,000'. In 3 these railways earned a revenue of .U6.0M.on a capital of originally iess than SfiO.000,000, and which is now re-aced to 000. Good mana- pentand liberality on the part of the roverwU have brought about this mm financial result jh . -e successor of Cardinal SrWr7. Pg.bte Archbishop ot Pracae. is 'aaConnborn. a Mfmin rictn- F,a-' Whj Jlas ser.. i j ., Anilrian " an officer ot dragoons, and nst Prussia and Italy. He .fluently studied in the University 3 1;i,pruk and wa ordained priest ce? " Tho aPPiDtmenl is a popular AaiQVeigatioa made by the Chica- ?lKS Shows that u-Ithin K.:. kv ! ' prPerf that city all but : iJf P'eces of pronrfv r nx,a k ui r ChicaSo. with mortgage io . ances of less than five per cent. wt ago nearly one -fourth of this . gowned by non-residents, and ; J Per cent. of the remainder was dis, ne ..The buildings in 's r;tcust more than fiicft.nnn..- - . , Vieans I ort I 7 "-""Sraai io a fnKi . . the New i ucra J ays: "All th Vionn. mw w awuuc Witti tK r. . t:vP,Silb eMr.Ke:leytobe ro L American minister-in the ,jItah r TUS: f coP"cation8 -vi-uuu mai;o. tre' rs. Keiley. being a Jewess. aotbe received at Court, no exT this point :aiaH ver naviog yet FicftKaJ. . lQQe caQ of mem I U D nm.) --luanv; corps. r VOL. IX. According to the Lancet tho absnrd notion still prevails in' some parts of England that in cases of altcmDted suicide by hanging it is improper t- cut down tne body until the police arrive. In a recent ca3e a man permitted his brother to hang," and when the officers arrived he was dead. The man did not recognizes thelfolly of his conductjuntil the Coroner asked him if he would "wait for the police before rescuing an v one from drowning." Hear tho man in the White House. Replying to Senator Vest's' intimation that the people of Missouri were not edified by his methods regarding ap pointments to office. Mr. Cleveland ex pressed his regret, but said that "he in tended to go ahead in the same manner in which be had begun to discharge the duties of his office. He 'intended to strictly adhere to the pledges given by him in his letter of acceptance and in his naugural address on the subject of civil service reform." LOCAL NEWS. 1S0EX TQ Hi aa3riS!im. Will West Board Satur Jay f r IIolI ay C W Yates Stationery F C Miller- v Fresh Supp'y Munds Bbotheks Siaaply Immense Qeinsbebosb Ocean Breeze Waltz Stmr Pass I'Okt Fourth cf July We lose this month 35 minutes of daylight. This month has five Wednesday, five Thursdays and five Fridays. Base Ball, and Summer underwear go. together. Get the latter from Dyer who has a fine line. Acouple of interesting items may be bund in our "Marine News" report to day." Read them and shout. British brig Siviftsure, Capt. Stewart, cleared to day for Barbadoes with 173. 000 feet lumber, valued at $3,768, ship ped by Messrs. E Kidder & Son. . We will sell all wool white flannel shirts FOR THIS WEEK ONLY at $1.50 at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, Ncv27 Market St., J. Elsbacii, Prop, tf Mr. Will West, of the Gem Restaur rant, makes a new feature in his busi ness this month. Hereafter he will urnish families with meals, sending them out from the restaurant. His bill of fare is a tempting one every day. The steamer Passport will make a run to Smithville the Forts and to Sea on the Fourth. It will prove an ex cellent opportunity forspending the day i'n a quiet,' pleasant and enjoyable manner. . The interments in Oak Grove Cemo tery during the month ended June 30th, 1885, number 16, of which 3 were aduits and 13 were children. We. are under obligations to Capt. F. M. James for this information. Indications For the South Atlantic States, Northeast to Southeast winds, nearly stationary tern perjature, except in South ern and interior portion, where there will be higher temperature Personal. Mr. L. C." Hubbard, of Clinton, Sampson county, is in the city to-day. Mr. E. R. Fishblate, ot Greensboro, brother of ex-Mayor S. H. Fishblate, arrived here last night. Harbor Master's Report. The following were the vessels with their tonnage arriving in this port dur ing the month ended June 30th, 1885: American 5 steamers, 4,223 tons; 2 brigs ; 57i;tons, 17 schooners, 4.351 tons ; making a total of 24 vessels and 9.145 tons. . Foreign 7 barquss, 3.298 tons ; 1 brig 198 tons; making a total foreign of 8 vessels and '3.496 tons, and a grand total of 32 vessels aggregating 12.641 tons. . What Xou Can Depend On ! That SriniEit's clothing is well made, that it is correct in styles, that it is perfect in fit and that it is low in price. Yes. lower than the iiki can be had for elsewhere. The large variety we have enables us to fully supply the wants of men, boys and childreu of all classes, rich or poor, young r old. Ours is the place to trade where you can get the best and most value for your money. We guarantee entire satisfaction in every particular. Return whatever is unsatisfactory,' and have your money returned to you. Siikiek, the Old Re liable Clothier, 1 14 Markjet street. Sign of the Golden Arm. ? t 'Now is the season for painting your hpuses. Go to J acodi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save moner. . r ; v - - t I W ELMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 1 Cotton. The receipts ef cotton , at Ihis port for the month ended June 30th, 'l895, foot up 6G bales, as against 56 bales for the same month last year. V Tho receipts for the crop year io date foot up 93.911 bales, as against 9l 513 forthe same period last year, an increase of 2 398 bales. ... City Court.) Julia Murray, colored and an old ?tf u r,iWaS te3nnff drank in thheJob of attending to them all. and he HolIow"last night and m.ie the at mosphere fairly blue with her gfos3 profanity. She was arrested and lock ed up and thi3 morning she was brought before the Major on a charge of dis orderly conduct. She was required to pay a tine of $10 or eo bfelow for 30 days. She went below. Fine Farniinsr. Mr. D. J Corbett sends us a cotton bloom" which 'was plucked from Mr. N. R. Corbett's farm, in Lyon Swamp, isiaclen county, on Friday last, the 26th ult. We understand that Mr.Corbett has 12 acres in coltou and 50 acres in corn The cotton is now beginning to bloom and the corn is tasseling and silkiDg and mere is not a bushel basketfull of grass in the 62 acres, which is sonic thing remarkable, especially when it is understood that this ha been a prolific year tor grass io consequence of the wet weather which has prevailed throughout the entire season. With no mishap during the balance of the season Mr. Corbett will reap a rich harvest; and he deserves it. A Nice Monument. We were shown to-day, at the under taking establishment of Mr. J. W. Woolvin, a monument which was de signed and constructed by Capt. F. M. James, which is neat, simple and inex pensive, while it possesses every element of durability, jit is of the shape aud general I appearance of many of those we see that aro chiseled from marble or granite, but is constructed of ordinary Portland cement It is, of course, much less costly than other monumental material, while it possesses the virtue of becoming whiter and harder with ago and would be valuable to those who would like to place some mark to indicate the last resting place ot loveI ones, but whose means would not allow them to incur the expense oT marble or granite monuments. The Custom House. ) Mr. Charles HI Robinson, the newly appointed Collector of Customs for the District of Wilmington," assumed the duties of his office this morning. The following are the names of those ap pointed to subordinate positions: Iredell Meares, special deputy collec tor. J. M.Cronly, deputy collector. Jno. D. Williams, Jr., clerk. Capt. J no. N. Maffitt, J ,C. Lumsden, inspectors. S. Hill Terry, janitor. Thos. Fitzgerald,; Sylyester Bryan , boatmen. At Smithville: vWm. Weeks, inspector. Jno. A. Farrow, J. B. Brinkley, boat, men. . . - . "Foul and Out." There have been many exciting games of base ball played in this city during the present season, and the con tests have been fought with a skill, stub bornness and determination to win which have won the admiration, and applause ot tho ppectators. The next games to be played will be on Friday and Saturday next, when the contest will be between tho Seasides and the Mechanics of Columbia, S. C. The latter club is known as the champion club of our sister State and will come here with a most splendid and enviable record. It is with these that tho Sea sides will have to contend and as they know beforehand with whom they will , have to deal, they will strain every nerye and use all the skill of which they are possessed to become the victors. There is no doubt that it will be the most stubbornly contested game which has been played here and will draw a large throng of visitors to witness the trial. In the match game between the Mechanics and Seasides played hero lasi year the former, it will be remem bered, were the victors by a core of 3 to 2. . The good work goes bravely on and nearly a hundred dogs have been slaughtered thus far, just because they didn't happen to have tne necessary badge to show that they, were legally licensed. Call at Jacobi'S Hardware Depot and examine bis fine assortment ot fishing poles and lines. : t Betiew A Novel Industry. There are several families living i the neighborhced of Market s rett who keep cows' for the sake of having fresh milk every day. They have the cow s driven to pasture every morning aijd back aaain every night. Now. this would be a great trouble and expense providing each family were obliged to obtain a special driver far their, cat tie and to obviate all this ueorge Mack, colored has LUon doe3 his work In an , altogether hovq and effectual manner. In the morniD" he comes to -where some of the cows are kept and blows a horn; when they come out and lot does until he? gets ow him This he the entire drove to gether, when he starts for. the grazing ground, outside the city, the cattle following the souucjl ot his horn until he reaches the pasturage, where ho leaves them for the day. 'At night the task is repeated in reverse, ihc -cattle being gathered together and brought home by the "tooting or the horn." and when bo gets opposite the yard where a cow is kept the horn is sounded and she. leaves the drove and goes to where she belongs, and this is repeated until the entire drove. 13 disposed of. Moonlight, Music aiid Dancing. The. moonlight excursion last night on the. Passport, given under the direct tion of dpt. Jno. W. Harper and Mr. Geo. N. Harris?, wa3 a very Gnjoyable one. Ice crowd on board wa3 not ex cessive but ju5,t large enough for ail to enjoy themse ves without crowding. The run down to the Rocks" was in terspersed with music, dancing and eat ing ice cream jy the young folks while their elders enjoyed tho bracing air and recalled '"auld lang syne," whjj'n they, too,' "tripped the 'light fantastic" and for the nonce made them feel young again." Arriving at the "Rocks' with appetites sharpened by their terpsichb rean exercise and the cool, exbilerating atmosphere, a rash was made for Mrs. Maya's ' fish supper" and quickly did it disappaar; but ft second course was pro. yided and all those who were not too nervous to wait a lew moments were amply provided for. One thing that ye local noticed was that While the young folks might "get away" 'vith the old ones in the dance, the latter displayed decidedly more skill in the full enjoy ment of the 'loaves and fishes." Tlie "Rocks", under the management of Mrs. Mayo, is certainly a delightful place to hie to from the dust and heat of the city. The run back to the city in the beautiful moonlight was enjoyed by all, the city being reached about 2 o'clock, and the verdict of ali being, we've had a nice time. " A SIiootiiifiT Affair. Late last night officer Orreli arrested on Front street a young man named James M. Shelton on a charge of lar ceny preferred against him by Mr. Eugene Riedy, of Goldsboro, Shelton had been but a short time in the city and was engaged ostensibly in the saleon of pictures. He had had a difficulty ja the earlier part of the night at a saloon regarding ' the. payment for a drink and had drawn a pistol on the bartender, and after leaving the saloon had flourished the weapon very offensively on the street, being evident ly a good deal under the influence of liquor. Upon his arreit by efficer Orrell he seemed to submit with ap parent indifference and was conducted o tli9 guard house, followed by a-few bystanders, among, whom was Mr. John J Fowler, a wellknown citizen. Arriving at" the guard house officer Orrell, in accordance with instruc tions, proceeded to search the accused, when the latter drew a small four-bar relied derringer pistol from bis pocket and with the remark. "Do you want his?" fired. Through a moyemcDt of he officer tbe shot wa3 diverted from him, but it struck Mr. Fowler in the hroat and,.glanc:ng, ranged downward and lodged in tho right shoulder. The officer then knocked Shelton' down with his club and secured the pislel. Dr. Thomas attended to tbe wound of Mr. Fowler, after which the latter was conveyed home in a carriage. He is suffering considerably this morning not cons'dercd as of critical caturc. J Shelton was brought before J Justice E. D. Haii this morning and upon an investigation of the case be wa3 com mitted to jail to await the result of Mr. Fowlers wound. ' We understand, that the crops in Caintuck. Pender county, are very good ; , better, in fact, . than it. was thought they could possibly be. a month or 6o ago. Corn and all1 other crops are Improving wonderfully. 1885 NO. J52 a New Postal Kates. Here is something more explicit than the matter published by U3 yesterday relative to the new pbstal rate3 ' which go into effect to-day: 1. Any articles in a nev?p3per. or other publicaiions, may to marked for observation, except by written or nrip.t- ed words', without increase of postage! 2. ah newspapers sent from tne office' rf publication, including sam ple copies, or, when scut from a nevs agency,. to actual subscribers thereto, or to other news agcnt3, shall be jenti tled to transmission at the rate of one cent per pound or fraction thereof, the postage to be prepaid. 3. The weight of the sinde-rate let ters is increased from one half of one ounce each or fraction thereof, to one once each or fraction thereof. The same increase of weight i3 allowed for drop letters, whether mailed at stations wher-3 there is a f ree delivery, or where carrier service is not established. , 4. A special stamp of tho value of ten cents may be issued, which -when at tached to a letter, in addition to the lawful postage thereon, shall entitle tho letter to . immediate delivery at any place containing '4.000 population or over, according to the Federal census. vyitbm the carrier limit of any free de livery office, or within one mile of- the postoffice, coming within the provisions of this law. which may in like manner be designated a3 a special delivery office: that such specially stamped let ters shall be delivered between . 7 a m. andmidnicht; that a book shall be provided in which the person to whom the letter is' addressed shall ac knowledge its receipt; that messengers for this special delivery are to be paid eighty per cent, of the face value ot all the stamps received and recorded in a month, provided that the aggregate compensasion paid to any one person tor such service shall not exceed $30 per month, and provided further that the regulations for the delivery of these specially stamped letters shall in no way interfere with the prompt delivery of letters as provided by existing law or regulations. : Those Blind Doors have arrived. Parties in want of them can now be supplied at Jacobi's Hdw. Dapot. t For the Review. Uaso Ball. The game between the Oxford and Seaside club?, played on Friday last, was decided in favor of the Oxford club. Articles have appeared in fhe Review and btar ot this city, which might be considered as preliminary to a protest against this decision. The Seaside Base Ball Club repudiates eutirely those ar ticles. W. B. Davis. Manager Seaside Base Ball Club. Wilmington. July 1st, 1885. We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at. Jacobi's Hardware De pot.' -.- i NEW ADVERI8EMENTS . Fourth of July. JF YOU WANT TO HAVE A GOOD, quiet, cheap day of recreation, go down on STKAMEtt PASPOUT. Boat leaves -at 9 o'clock, returns at 7.30 and mikes a long run out in the ocean. Pascuccl'a Band will furnish music julyl'2t Board. Board. Board. uL A FIER J Y 1ST. I 'WILL FURNISH families with meals - by the day, week or month. Whatever this market affords wi'l be Obtained in addition to Western Beef and Muf. ion. - Meals sent out without extra, chartre. f WILL WEST, JUJyi 2GN. Front fct. Saturday for Holiday. JN VIEW OF THE FOURTH OF JULY coming on .Saturday, we, the heads of the fol lowiDg Grocery Stores, do, agree Inclose our respective places of busiccas next Saturday. In order that our customers may have ample time to supply themselves we will keep! open untU12 o'olork, Friday night. JNO. L. BOAT WHIG UT, P. L. BRIDGERS & CO, WEVT & CO.. HOLMES & WATTERS, GEO.'M. CKAPON, july I It JAMES C. STEVENSON. "Ocean Breeze Trait," . ' . FOR PIANO, BY I. H. GEENEWALD, Price 40 cents, post paid. ' The above ph cs of music is modcra.lcly dif ficult and pxnouncd fltc by our lead'ng musfciana. For sale at HEINSBERGER'S juy I - I P'livc Book aad Mnsic Store For Wrightsville Sound, Q N AN D A FXKB JUNE 2l. 18:5, Wagon ettes for the f oucd wilt leae Southcrland'a Stables at 6 p. m. Rturnie wl l, leite Pine Grove at "a. m.; juneSOlwk T . J : SO UTHER LAND TJotice. OTICS IS HEREBT GIVJCN TO THE N public that no person whatever has authority to contract any debt whatever in my name, or to be paid by nee; and that I wiu par no debts except such as I cc ntract myeelf. 'The merchants and tradesmen ot Wilmington will please make a note of this. ' june W 1WK KOCiiUT EDWIN J.5E. - PTE A fit KOTICfc. . . Trwmtft4 to rvcerr cpmmuteatkB trom our trleads oa any a J all "rabjtcTC rniri interest fcxa s V ' ' . Th nana of the mter meal aiKrays t! atefcsd .to the Editor. - -"i. . CommTatcattoBamnrt bo wrltttB 01 oa', oaoddecf tie papek -r' . ' -V PcrsoaaTStteenagt bo avoldeA! - " ABd itu espocl&By ana partlculazly and tood Uiat the Eutor do act always eadoi tao vkiir oX correspondeats caltaa eo state la'tae editorial .legiamas. . . . N EW ADVERTISEMEKT8: S i m p I y I m m en s o . Ouc eg 3 rno3rnAiE 13" a bo nounccd bcccss. Come to atd try oar fovelUeia SoU Water nd be convinced (If not already so) that the only place In Wlt mlEKton tbu? itat . MUNDJ BROS. EsUbUthment, . , , - 104 X. Front Street. r Imiirovctl Ice Machlrc in a few drs. and Ice Crenm 8cd,t aloo. -- - jane 80 Yacht Cooking Stove. JUT Tills TIUKG FOB VESSEL. AND Steamboat uc ;durabie and cheap.. Always In stock tho armer and Gotden Uarve&t Cook Stoves, ribey ara the pride ol the kitchen., W ood and illow Ware, Pumps, Bath Tabs. aC , at ' i- ' - ,. ;. .. j r ABKER A TAYLOR'S. June t 23 South Front St TIN ROOFING, JJOOF BEPAIBIXG AND PAINTING. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made ''to ortler. ' 1 ' , ' ? '" - Stove Pipes. Elbowo, &e , Ac S Jobbing generally. " W. E. KING, . Practical .Tinsmith, Prlncc$s,bet. Front and Water btreeti ' June 29 . A Nickel Saved is a Nickel Made! T)URE DIVTILLED WHISKIKS. Coolest X Beer in tuo city : Smoke the Centenarian, Broct, Season, Carolina Yacht Club and tho Democratic Boom Scents Cisrirj and vou wUl get the oest and save a Nickel. To be had only at McQOWAN'd Saloon, 6 S. Front fit. junc 23 - CONFIDENCE ESTABLISHED : UPON facts and Jivlnc evldencen, is auie to pro duce a growth In burners, as has been elearly proven by J. K. MAKSIIAXL, Gcrcral ComiDias'onMerchMit, , 24NorlhVatcr St., Wilmington, N. C, Wbo h8s won the con1 lcnca cf many of tbe Farmers and Village i Merchants by bis dili gence to buBlncps and correc'n68 in returns, lie Is receiving Consisrnments dully of Conn try Products, which he sells at f ilr prices. Consignments eollciie t. June 50 Pig Fish! Pig Fish! Q.OOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT PINE GROVE. Our SHARPIE and other Boats ready at Ave minutes notice with OWEN JONES (be3t boatman on the Sound) and his two boi a ahvavs on the lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No 70 june -27 ED. WILSON MANNING. WE AKE GOING TO BOok SODA WATEB. yy-ATCH US ! ! WE OFFER" EGG FLIP. CaJisaya 'Tori?, I.cmohado Tuttl'- FrHll(a newvrui)). Genuine Vaon Bock KArAtoaa. Tate Epsom and a list of novelties that will make you think vou never tasted Soda Water. Remember the p'ace MUNDS BROS., lot N. Front St. Ice Shaver in a few days. june 27 Stationery. QF AL'- KINDS, SUITABLE FOR MER chants, Teachers, Lawjers, .'-. Ministers and others. Vc make a epcclalty of Blank Uooks and Stationery for the use of Counties and Count jOAlclals. Orders for Engraving Checks. Drafts, Notes, School Prograumlnvlta. tlons, Visitirg Cards, Ac., will meet Vw Ith prompt alteniion at ' june 0 YATES BOOKSTORE. Summer Cloves- QOLORED TAFFETA, .'..s French Linen and Lisle Thread Gloves, Colored Silk Mitts, " r. : , ' :: ' Black SUk Mitts, 40, 50, 6) and 75 ecnU. Table Damask, white and colored, t , v "Napkins. DoyMea and Towel, Gents' I!'; S. Hdkfs Ladles IldkfB ' , In every style, Duplicates . of our best styles of White Goods ' .1 june JNO. J. USD RICK Quarantine Nirtice, QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF WIL MINGTON will be enforced from May 1st, to November 1st, an follows: Pilots will biioz all vessels from Porta non(h of Cape Fear, from all Mediterranean Ports: ui .in 's-;ci wuion nave naaany tinuoisick nesson board during tbe pasHagc. or which have sickness on arrival, to the Quarantine anchorage ; and will cause a signal to be let in the main rigging on tbc-porteide, asloon as possible after crossing tlic Bar. Siclal notice wilt be lssced ti the pilots, by the Quarantine Physician, to bring vessels from other ports to the QuaranUne Station whenever it shall appear to the Quarantine Board that they are infected, or suspected of being s. , No vetsellmust leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tugboat, Ughter, or boat of any kind to go alongside, unless bylwrittcn authority from the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vusecl must be an chored as far to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. i Regulations governing vessels while la Quar- , aotinnraay be had on application at thooilice ' of the Quarantine Pbveiclan at Smithville. - Applications for permits to vUit vessels in Quarantine must be made to Dr Thomas F. ' Wood 't Dr. Uco. G. 1 hotras, and permits to obtained will be etidorsed by tlie Quarantine Physician, if In hbj opinion,' It Is proper aod safe to allow commnnlcation with euehvesseLs. A icnalty of 42.0 for each and every offence will U; enforced agaiost any person vlo'atioq . any of tbe QusrantineRegnlaiionaof the Port. w. G. CURTIS, M. D., Quarantine Phyiclan, Port of Wilmington. ' THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. M.D. ) Consol ,M. D.) Consultants. GEO. G. THOMAS apl 28 2am Cm A FEW MORE BOARDERS, X EITHER l&UU date au, nuur ur iranniDi, can ue accommo dated wtlh comforts u'e rooms and lhe xt ih market affords, at A MRS. ROBERT LEE'S. 1I3V Market St. bet. Front and Second. noy 13 if - . . . ' V r s r . - . A . - V .'. f-

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