1 ? i t V . ' PL2A IIOTIC5L. - TTiwmtiglid t9 rjccrrt coTT.nnr.tcattc from our friends on txj aad an tsbjacta!; stsexallateroBtbut " r . Tas saaa ol tbe writer canst always t: akaMtotbilEdltor. ;; -',:.- Coamttalca'aoiui xaust be wrltua ea om one side of the paper. ' - ." FfcrsonxllUea must be sTOlcicd.! . Aud It Is' especially sjnd partlcnlsxly cad tood that tue Editor does mot always emdoi the views of correspondents unless so sisu ta the editorial columns." :- r jciSU JAMES. B AypFEOrOTOlU f !lt,SS POSTAGE PAID: Sl1?10 months. $. Tbm i' , rev , . one wo31"- ' .vrrci by carrier, free ,i:ii' f 1 VOL. IX. . ,Aiti''"" .11 fail. WfXMINGTON. N. C FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1885: NO. 154 I I I - r roularly. Jl of any newspaper r.l. '4, . Z7 - 1 r y ,. j j- y-cii'hf years i ..,A swiisbarv. ,1 ! 1 !"" " Trinio Minister u r-t-.' . . ' . lfSl , ., 'ivr-i-'..l Pennsylvania - eua lvii-n for a Fellowship :!l3'a hv ilia cor- of Miss Cle ve to Europe last ;-:n!l ,1 i "i Anif-rican edition ki-.aruT- ' i ...i ( market ; j-,.biby L'-i ' uriacr;tf. of Italy, is en JJjM ' Miir bv wrilinjf iT"r n '" i .u.iv shn has been r-t with s'nie success to .A ' . . uj-av-iccnucisni. .. s. C U to perpetuate ' jr.v,p' rVuf JinC Calhoun by a SI " ... .1 t.A l. j. IrtilnfT ' sinrn Jl ,r ,(jrtfviiiHtu the war. ,. , -1! th-cliil I is now the owner nlsJ.morc man .k .w I n.?. uKronht nf Havana. lythc s:daiaiths ofNuremderg. Tr.c W.-.V- P-p-.jhr, vivacious and .... ...f..-. oirrnsnnrnlpntS V-ji ii tie il uie ttimt.ui w..--, ' N't w York weighs -JOi) pounds, is a 17, .-r .n.vjiiu'i ot beer, swears like L f,;ra:e anl doesn't shave hirasfill once IK-rt. Carles Francis Adams i3 seri- i - l n ;. l".i!nrv ft ' , He has I'ct-n in very poor health j',rl:.2 ra-t Iwj r :hrte yeurs. and has r..). it U ;a:d.i:oni;.:c,.tly lust control ttha't'-tal t'acnltios. ISiiiiham. of Ohio, United SutesMiricr to Japan, says he is t: return Ucnw,' altlimijrh. having ;:?: -.-'cdjeb rc:it rsat)i5 in Japan, wil. ever take a Jive.y interest in the l-r K;rei 1 1' tho I-laml Empire. ... - -. M. .ra:nes K. I 'oik lias lately been t;5 at Xasliulle. Tenn., by a New ();:in-! orrcspondent, who describes her at Hhty-two as still retaining many trace of her former beauty (or whicb she W3 noted while mistress at the White Hous A rev law is r.ow on trial in Massa chasetts which is based on the idea that ilruckenne?3 is a disease. It author ufsthecoamiitmcnt of drunkards to i:saue asylums, where they are re sirainedot their liberty, not as a pun- Ishaient, Lat as a means of reform. -.. . - It is stated that Mr. W. L. Uoyal), b wen, to London recently to confer ith the English holders of Virginia had, respecting a settlement of their e.a:a)sa2aina,. Virginia, has started oh return, and that he has been aathor miio propose terais of compromise at uext meeting of the Legislature. Victor IIu-o received $70,000 for Les Mdc-rablcs. $10,000 for L'Homme Qui W.i-0t000 lorLesTravaillnra dc 1 Mer. and $S 0W each lor Shakespeare u-1 1 -c tnansuns des Hues et Ilois. It :d tint ho had (iOO.OOO dcoosited Rothschild, besides a greater sum ntholknfcof IWlgiuui, and bis free - I I rropt rties iu Paris aud (lucrnsey. ,. - - TfcC Snaaijh (Invrmmnnf. nrarnn. inJirte, states: "If Xi. believed that t-s Cuban treaty negotiated by Mini? liT f os!er has proved completely unac w?fable. The new American Govern- Mcl fcas from the first shown an im- Jper spirit ia the matter. It is well. 'l be annulled Tha naner is trcbably inspired by the State depart-ec'-. and shows the irritation felt re. bat the inference that there will o treaty i3 unwarranted, as it is c-erstood that np(mfi.t; .i;u n- ' --a',v,u Skill wvu The First. t I!"0" v!ilch was raised in this b-o-?'.6- ar a3 we ara aware was -pt in this morning. It was raised ;.;ir'Jls-K-F. Fail, of Masonboro I-w .anJ was a verv fino meln ckedjast good enough to eat. liW is tbe sea30a 'or painting your iJ Go to Jacobus Hard ware , and buy your paints, if you want u- 1 r Ul sel1 a11 vro1- whUe flnnel TII19 WEEK ONLY at fcyi si., ,j . LsnAcn, jfrop. u LOCAL NEWS. IIOU TO IEW AOVEST1SEIIERTS. Fishlnjc Excuralon C W TATESStatloaery F C Miller i Fresh Supp'j aEiKSBxaaw Oceaa Breeze Waliz Muxus Bbotiixrs Simply Immenfe Fxcuhsion -Second Advent Church T Wriqht Menkes Annnal Eatt: C 11 D nuMFHBET Always on Hand - K T BUSKI8S Kx torsion to the Rocks The streets are dry and dusty again and rain would be welcome -after to morrow. , . 1 be public offices and the banks will all be c'.ose4 to-morrow, it being aleal holiday. - Fishiog at Waccamaw Lake is re ported as having been very fine this season. People have been busy to-day mak ing arrangements (or the proper celebra tion of the Fourth! Call at) Jacobi's Hardware Depot and examine bis fine assortment of fishing poles and lines. - t At 3 o'clock tbi3 afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 84 de grees, with the wind from, the South west. I Steamboatmen complain that the water is annoyingly low in the Cape Fear, and that navigation is difficult in consequence. To morrow being a legal holiday, the Custom House, Produce Exchange and public offices of the city and county will be closed fqr business. To-morrow being the Galorious Fourth no paper will bo issued from thi office on that day. We will see you all later, say on Monday next. Ger. barque C L. TVeyer, ireock. cleared to day for London with 1 000 casks spirits turpentine and 2.409 bar rels rosin, valued at $19,768 55, shipped by Messrs. Paterson, Powning & Co. Those Blind Docjrs have arrived. Parties in want. of them can now be supplied at Jacoim's Hdw. Dapot. t The ladies of the Second Advent church will give an excursion to Smith villa and the Forts on the steamer Passport on Wednesday, the 8th inst. Refreshments at city prices will be served on the boat. On account of its being a legal holi day the postoffice will be closed to morrow from 9.30 a. m., to 5 p. m. The register and money order depart ments will not be open after 9.30 a. m The mails will be dispatched as usual. The steamer Susie will make a trip to the Ilocks on Sunday, leaving the wharf foot of Ann street at 8 a.m., and returning, leave the Rocks at 5 o'clock. She has been provided with comfortable seats and an awning. The Seasides and the Mechanics, ot Columbia, contend for the mastery at the Base Bail Grounds this altemosn, and to-morrow afternoon and the con test is expected to be hot and close. The visitors arc a fine looking, stalwart set of young men. There will bo an excursioa to the Ilocks" for a day's Gishing to-morrow, and as there. will be two tides on which to fish, rare sport and good luck may be expected. Get up early for the boat will loave the dock at the foot ot Ann street at 2 o'clock to morrow morning. Fare 50 cents, and cheap eoougn. iauii nml Summer underwear I s7U -. mm. ' J , go together. Get the latter from Dyer who has a nno line. i Indications For the South Atlantic States, slightly warmer weather with light, var iable winds CUT Court. Robert Herndon and Johr. O. Day were brought before the Mayor this morning charged with the larceny of some clothing from one of the boarders at Mrs. Bryson', in the Hollow, but owing to the absence ot important wit nesses the bearing was postponed until Monday next. " The Crops. Mr. M. C. Collins, of Pender county, was in the city tofday and gave us the pleasure of a call.) lie 'states that on account ot the very backward Spring the crops will not turn out so well in many sections of the county as was at one time anticipated. The crops which have been thoroughly worked are in pretty good condition, while those which from any canto have not bad every attention are suffering and will be small. , ', We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. ' Election of Officers. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Wilmineton,,. Clinton & Warsaw Telegraph Company, held at Warsaw June 24th, the following officers were elected to servo for the ensuing year: For directors, W. B. McKoy, of Wilmineton, I. Brown, of Warsaw, M. C. Richardson, T. M Ferrell and Walter E. 'Faison, of Clinton; for President. F. W. Foster, of Wilmiog. ton. Tbe new board of directors met and elected M. C. Richardson, chair man, and W. L. Faison, secretary and irttftnrr Mr. W: A . .Tnhnsnn ntrairmf. Wvi WJsnrof the Company, declined to be re elected. Knights of i Pythias. The following have been elected offi cers of Gcrmania Lodge No. 4, K. of P., for the ensuing year, aud were duly installed last night by D. D. G. C, C. F. Von Kampen, assisted by P. C's., F. W. Ortman and 11. C. Prempert: P. C. A.Adrian. C. C 'Jos. Sternberger. V. C.-J W. Dul?. P. J. W. Gerdts. K. ot R. and S- John Meyer, ! M. of F. J. G. L. Geischen. M. of E F. W. Ortman. M. at A. J. D. Steljes. I. G.G. Rosenthal, O.G. W, H.Gerken. Tno Fourth,. Were it not for the excitement of the Base Ball ma ten between the Seasides and Mechanics, the city would be toler ably well depopulated to-morrow. A good many will stay in the city to wit ness the game a3 a matter of course, while a few will bo kept at home from other causes. We hear of some who have made, arrangements to go a fish ing; a largo party will undoubtedly take a ride on the Passport to Smithville and the Forts, and a large party will also go to tbe Sound to witness the first regatta of the season ot the Carolina Yacht Club. To those who intend takins a trip on ths Passport, we would say that they must be on hand by 9 o'clock in tho morning as the boat will leave prompt ly at that hour. Pascucci's band will ba on hand to furnish the music for those who are not too sick to indulge in the dance. Capt. Harpsr will do his level best to make a happy time for every guest as those who have been with him on previous occasions can cheer fully testily. The regatta at the Sound will un doubtedly attract a large number of yisitors who delight to witness aquatic sports. The preparations for erjoyment are on an extended scale and, should tho weather prove favorable, it will be one ot the most interesting events in the history of the Club The race will be gin precisely at hood, or immediately after the firing ot Che signal gun, and will be sailed over the usual course. The following is a complete list of the yachts, with thir commanders: Mabel, Capt.lG. H. Smith. Restless, Capt. J. McR. Cowan. Glide, Capt. Herbert Latimer. Loulie, Capt. J. W. Atkinson, Jr. Frolic, Capt. C. W. Worth. Lillian Florence, Capt. II. M, Bow den. Rosa, Capt. W. L. Smith, Jr. Phantom, Capt. J. K. Williams. Ripple. Capt. Norwood Giles. Idler, Capt. Pembroke Jones. Bubble. Capt. Wright Stedman. Mi9t, Capt. John II. Daniel. Four of these are new boats, having been built to order recently by one ot the most celebrated yacht builders in New York, and there is a great deal of interest among the yachtsmen as to how they will compare.in point of speed and other important sailiDg qualities, with other boats in tbe fleet which have an established record. Yachting is one of tho most cxjhiler atingof out-door sports, and we hope that there may be no untoward accident to mar the pleasures or. success of the regatta. What YouCan Depend On ! That Siibif.r's clothing is well made, that it is correct in styles, thatjt is perfect in fit and that it is low in price. Yes. lower than tho iiks can be had for elsewhere. The large variety we have enables us to fully supply the wants of men, boys and children of all classes, rich or poor, young or old. Ours is the place to trade where you can gel the best and most value for your money. We guarantee entire satisfaction ; in every particular. Return whatever is unsatisfactory, and have your money returned to you. Sitriek, the Old Re liable Clothier, 114 - Market street. Sign of the Golden Arm . t Correction. There were Eomo accidental omis sions last evening in the list, of prizes awarded to Misses "Btirr & James' pu pils. Miss Sallie Jewett repeived the prize of the9ih class and Master Eddie Ahrens the certificate. Miss' Mary E Poliey, a bright little , girl, who com roenced the session in, her letters, re ceived the certificate in the 10th class. On Time'. The Mechanic's Base Ball ' Club, of Columbia, S. C, arrived fn "the city this tnornins. The names otihe mem bers, as they are registered at the Com mercial Hotel, are as follows: It. Mc Dougald. J. Parks, J. Fetner, W. Kraft, A. Harrison, T. Thackam, W. H.Dicks. F Fetner. S SmethurstW. McDougald, F. Ray, umpire, aivl J. M. McDougald, scorer. A Fine Siht. Lato jesterday afternoon a fine "night blooming cereus." in the garden of Mr. S. G. Hall, on Mulberry street, between Seventh an'd'McRae, began to open a bud which at 9 o'clock last night was in lull bloom, and was a grand sight, the beauties of which were ad mired by quite a number of ladies and gentlemen of tha vicinity whom Mr. Hali kindly invited to see it. Alter awhile the flower began to contract and this morning it was simply a withered bud. I Personal Capt. Wm. Smith, formerly of 'this city, but now Superintendent of the Raleigh & Gaston and Raleigh & Au gusta Air Line Railroads, is here on a brief visit. Mr. John C. James, ageut ot the Richmond & Petersburg Railroad, at Richmond, Va., with his family,- ar rived in the city last night on a short visit. Mr. Sol. C. Weill, of this city, who graduated recently at the State Univer sity with such high honors, left here yesterday for Chapel Hill, where he will enter Judge Manning's law school. Another Excursion. An excursion train on the Carolina Central Railroad will leave here on the night of the 8th inst.. for Charlotte and Mt. Holly. The Seasides will accom pany the train aud pliy match games with the Ra'eighs at Charlotte on the 9th and 10th inst., and at Mt. Holly on the 11th. It is expected that the games will all be closely contested, as each of these clubs have won 9 and lost 4 games in the contest for the championship of the State The party wilj leave Mt. Holly on the night ot the lllii and reach here on their return on the morning o tho 12th inst. Parado Uniforms. Wilmington Steam Fire Engine Co. No. 1 have adopted new style of uni iorm which is to be worn only upon express parade occasions. It is a white bicycle flannel shirt, made of the best material, with a white -shield on the breast With a red flannel figure '1' in Hie centre. The uniforms ot the oflicers are precisely like those we have des cribed with the addition" of a binding of red upon tbe cuffs ot the sleeves. Tiie other portions of the uniform will remain as they now are. Thc3o uni forms, are intended to "be worn - only upon parade occasions. They are'very neat and arc being made at the shirt making establishment of Mr. J, Els back, on Market street,' in this" city They will be worn lor tho first time on the 13:h inst., at tho reception of the Ncwbern Steam 'Fire Engine Co., which will arrive here on that day. From Sumter. - . . . r m audition to tue nunioer et excur sionists who arrived irom Sumter, S. C . yesterday moroing and proceeded immediately to Smithville on the Pass perl another party from that town is expected on Sunday morning next bound for the same place ; which goes to show in what estimation Smithville is held by those , who are acquainted with its many attractions as a water log place. It is now learned that the Sumter Light Infantry, which was ex pected here yesterday, on route for Smithville, will not leave homo until Monday. August 3 J. For several years this company have made a Summer trip to Smithville and the fact that they continue to come year after year is suf ficient evidence of their appreciation of its many benefits as a p'.ace for their annual encampment. There will be a grand ball in the Pavilion of Hotel Brans wick.in honor of tbe company, on tho nght of AuguVt 5tb, at which the beauty, loveliness and graco of the fair daughters of Smithville, Wilmington and Snrpter combined will make: cap tive the hearts of brave and gallant men. " -'.. .-: , 'Chinese Gordon " , .We have received a copy of a bo' k entitled, "General -Gordon's Journals at Khartoum,," published by Hiugbton Mifflin & Oa , of Boston, Mass., and handed us through tfce courtesy of Mr. P. Ileinsberger, who has the wcrk 'for sale. The "Journal" is printed from the original manuscripts and has a por trait ot the great though unfortunate soldier, besides two 5 maps and thirty illustrations. It is handsomely gotten up on tinted paper with excellent typo graphy. It is in fact a history of Gordon and his surroundings as seen by tiimseTfdnring thatevcr memorable time. The book contains nearly 4C0 page3 and will be an interesting volume to those who 4iave watched with any degree of interest the complicated movements in the East for the last few years NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Always on Hand. J HAVE now hand and will con tinue to keep a frcahsuooly of Apples, Peach ea, Watermelons, and all klnris of Vegetables, Chitkcxs, Efga, &c. will sell at reasonable price j. Give me a call C M. D. HUMPHREY, july 3 "JDavU' Ro-", near. New Market Excursion to the Rocks. STMR. SUSIE WILL. GIVE AN KXCUR slon to the ROCK'S Sunday morning next. Leaving her wharf foot of Ann Street, at 8 o'clock, a. m. Beturning will leave the Hocks at 5 o'clock, p. m. Her decks .are i fitted up with nice com far table seats and awmnga thai sonde the entire beat. Round trip tickets 50 j. A pleasant time la guaranteed to all. july 3 It K. T. UURRIS, Master ursioh. rp HE LADIES OF THE SECOND A D VENT J CUURLII, formerly known as the Second Baptist Church, will give their first excur sion of tt-e season on the PASSPOKr, to Smlthvil-'e the Fo-ts and to Sea, on Wednes day, July St a. Refreshments On board at city prices Objectionable pertons will be cxclud ed july 3 2E irl m Fishing Excursion. rjpiIERE WILL BE A FIS1IISG EXCUE- iON to the "ROCKS" on SATURDAY, the 4th. The Coit wlil leave Ann Street dock at 2 A.-M. A good time la cvpested, as there will he two tidc3 to fish on. Faro 50 cents round trip. Best of order guaranteed july 3 It j Annual Regatta. rpiIE ANNUAL REGATTA OF TIIE CAR OLINA YACHT CLUB will bo sailed over tbe Wrigbtsville Course, on next SATUR DAY, JULY 4th. Commanders of Yachts are notified to report at Club House at 11 30 a in., when first gun will be fired. Kace will commence promptly at 12 o'clock. By order bl Regatta Committee. T. WRIGHT MKARES, july 3 lt; Measurer Out on First I Seaside Club Grounds, Friday and Saturday, JTuly 3 and 4. Mechanics vs. Seasides; I at 4 :jCp.in. Admission 25 ccnt3. Game called Music by Coxnct Concert Club. The Mechanicrtre known as the champion Club of South Carolina. july 3 i-H uac Yacht Race. yrr-AGONBTTES WIIL LEAVE SOUTH. ERLAND'S STABLES at 7.30 a. m., July 4tb, 1835, for Wrigh'sville Soand. Fare for'the round trip $1. july 2 2t nac T. J. SOUTUERLAND. J. F. Carrell, LIVESTOCK BROKER, FDR THE SALE OF CAT -HE, SHEEP AND HOGS. OFFICE... ....NO. 4 CI NORTH THIRD ST. Pens located on little Bridge Road at Smlh' Creek, and supplied with every convenience for the earc of tftock. Consignments sodcitcd and prompt returr-8 made, liberal cash advance made on Stock in hand. ' ' Refers to Bank of New Hanover, Wlbnicg ton, N. :. may 29 tf i eat Wow Open ! M Y. HOUSE AT THE "ROCK"' IS NOW open for the season, and l ack a share of the public patronage. Every inducement is offer ed to pleasure seekers in tfce way of sailing and fusing. Capt. Barclay, with his fine yacht the "ANNA", will always be In readiness to take parlies to the Southern Recks for fiildng or to take out tailing parlies. For terms of Board by tbe week or month, address. Mm. W. E. MAYO, j one 3-1 w alt. 2a w s mtf "Wilmingtoa, N. C. J WANTE D .LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, lnciiy or country, to receive light, aim pic, easy work at home all tbe year round, work eent by aill; distance, no objection. Salarv from i& to $15 per week; no eanva&- lng; co sianp required for reply. Address - usiosf L'"G to., I'n w aanuagton street, Bolton, Was. . JulySlmdAw PUBIS a ILK SPONGE TOWEL f36x25) 23c postpaid, to Introduce Try. one. Buy more of dealers.- Geo. 15. BEOwjr, gt..iz) Wabh. St., Boston, Mass. july lxnd&w - NEW ADVERTISEMESTSi 4th Grand Annual Excursion Wilmington to Washing ton, D 0. and Eeturn. grECIAL TRAIN LEAVES FRONT ST. . Depot 4 30 p. m.,JnIy 13th. Tic turning leaves Washington, D. C, ,5 p. m. July 18th. - Only f? Round Trip, from Wilmington and all Stations on W. AW. R. R. South ot Gokls boro. Tickets good only on special train. special coaches rar?el for whlfe people. Tickets on sale at R. R. ticket ofllccs and by Mr. Arthur rrempert. No. 9 So. Front et. -- Wi H. HOWE, Manager. lune 2 ,7t th frl mtnwtb sat Simply Immens OUR KG 9 PSOSPHATE IS A PRO noueccd success. Come in atd try- our Novelties in Soda Water nd bo convlni cl (If not already so) that the-only -place la Wil mington to buy it st MUND3 BROS. Establishment, 104 N. Front Street. Improved Ico Machine iu a few days, and Ice Cream Soda also. , junebO Boaid. Board. Board. FTER JULY 1ST, I WILL FURNISH families with mcalj hj the day,, week or month. Whatever thh market affords wl'l bo obtained in addition to Western Bcif and Mut ton. Meals ecnt out without extra charco. . , , WILL WEST, J"'y 1 26 N. Front ft. For Wrightsvil I e Sound. QN AND AFTER JUNE 29, 18-5, Wagon ettes for the foutd win leae Southcrland'a Stables at 6 p m. . Rtutning wl'l ?cvp Pine Grove at 7 a. m.. ' ' i JuneSOlwk 1. J.- SOUTUERLAND A Nickel Saved is a Nickel Made! PURE DISTILLED WHISKIES. Coojlest Beer In the city, gmoke the Centenarian Brock, Season, Carolina Yacht Club and tho, Democratic.Boom ft cents CIgirs and you will get the ocst and save a Mckel. To co had only at McGOWAN'd Saloon, 6 S. Front St. june 25 i ' .. .... - J. - - C ONFIDENCK ESTABLISHED UPON facts and livinsr evidence, is sure to pro duce a growth In hns'nees, as has been clearly proven tiy J. R. MARSHALL. Ger cral Comailss'on Merchant, -24North Water St., Wilmington, N. C, Who has won tho conJl lenca cf many of tbe Farmer's and Village Merchants by his dili gence to business and correcnnss in returns, lie Is receiving Consignments diliy of Coun try rroducts, which be eclla at flr prices. Consignments EolicUc t. June 33 Pig Fish! Pig Fish ! G OOD SUPPLY -ON. HAND AT PINK GROVE. Our SHARPIE and other Bolts ready at five minute' 'notice-.with OWEN JONES (best boatman on tho Sound) and his two boj b always on the lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders acoommndatcd. Telephone No 70 1 - June 27 v ED. WILSON MANNING. WE lit " GOING TO BOOH SODA WATER. y"ATCH Us ! ! WE 'OFFER EGG FLIP. Calisaya' Tonle,' Lcmonadd. Tuttl FrattI (a ncwByrup), Genuine Deep Hock, Saratoga. Tate Epsom and a list of novelties that will make you think you never tasted Soda Water. Remember the iJace. 5 MUNDS BROS., . IOPn. Front St. Ice Shaver in a few days. i jone 27 Stationery. QF AL'i KINpS, SUITABLE FOR MER chants, Teachers, Lawyers, MlnUtcrs and others. Wc make a specialty of BUnk Books and Stationery for the use of Counties and CountyOfliclals. .Orders for Engraving Checks, Drafts, Notes, School Programmes, Invlta. Hons, - Viiltltg Cards, c , will meet with prompt attention at , . , june 5"a. YATES BOOKSTORE. State of North Carolina, ) SujKilor Court, ot New Hanover. ) County August Lcsraan vs Dnn-,an: M. Bryuit. ..-.- This id an actim for the foreclosure of a: mortgage of real ettatc In the County of New Hanover executed by the Defendant, Duncan II. Bryant, V the pjaintlu", August Less man, and 11 appearing to my satisfaction that tbe Defendant, Duncan 31. Bryant, is a non-retl-dent of this State and cannot after tine dili gence be found therein; that he has property in this fctate. and that a ciufc of action exist agaiii3t the Defendant; now thU U to com mand the said Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, to appear at the next term of the Superior Couri of New Hanover County, to be held at the Court House in tbe city ot Wilmington, on the !hlrd Monday after the first Monday In September, 1 and answer r demur o the complaint,- or judgment will bs rendered, against him according to law. This 27th day of June lbS. S. VahAMRINGE,, Clerk of Superior Court cf I june 271a wJw s New Hanover County "Ocean Breeze Waltz," FOR PIANO, BV I. H. GEENEWALD, Price 49 cents, poat paid. Tbe above piece of music Is moderately dif cult and prononocsd fl;e by our .leading musicians. For sale at ' - : . , HEINSBERGER'S - July I - -l live Book and Music Store A Freeh Gup ply O r DRUG? AND CHEMICAIS. . Jnat arrlrod at ' - , - - - - F. C 1XILLE2PS, Corner Fourth and Nun sts P. S. Prescriptions filled day and night, jnno 8

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