a. MIfCF.1 XAKEOPB 10' rooni3 iUIIV lQVl eiV. 0 dress should reach I am not iokinir t n i ut ;,.,, ant said. "And now I beg the Jadge on my part to let iastice foUmv its ckadle and gcavb7 ine lol owinir ,,k:,.:i i. . i part i f ... ;"Ta "ncp, copied strict eours magazine, nnn i , . ihnrthin!. n.L - . uum u I luB Llratpnont'i' ... i. i tsr:SadUi? remarked th Jn&T "nil.1;. by those who c?m. 5"" l? dress and can demand the rradV 7?-. ' "ie article wfiich was sold him t- n W UW BMWki Tk rN tan. V.m. a. r.u 1 C4USQ Svo nim ' the dress ? yi course.'' screamed the lady. "I 111 W AVM m . AttL, for the BOWELS. rt- RUar'T-' Hn ll orrj Cordial U the great Sonthen - Iiiurrhra.ljentrr7. C r - p- Col l? aw .tig the little one 'uflVrin; much I '-..a th e Recti of Trrwi. ft . " -it ..-i.ri-t u t-rnU bottle. ... ! - Tn'"r ' ,rA Mull" ( In rUM Kcnrilj ofSwpci ;n ; v i" nrm ... ji w.. .u-ua uy a I cradle, or weep over a l.ule grave: I had a little'cradle And a little face slept there l nat childish beauty rare Ami now I have a little crave Do tbou be stUI my harr, God doth well and He hath fixed 1: or me the bvtter part. The cradle now is put awav ti ;f:?.r,C8can see trough tears) r,v - v, 'i wm oe mine Thn.ugh all Ws coming years. stray, 1? rom out its.cradle bed ; That liulemve will hold it well. Ii.'l eaith ivesup htrdead. Ills encugh-my char geful life ttath thi3 one thing sectire. precious grave a child Heaven. A child forever pure, My t-hild U sale, forever safe, And I must patient be; Ui til 1 too, look through the veil Christ and my babe to see. one ono in Tir Sifts ; S!iirc8in pro State Lottery r ;ompan.y. The Torn Train One afternoon in Info fir k- somely dressed together on one olihp fichiKi 6 caacle avenues ofa cnniWn ; Russia. The centTpmn tq0 be one of the richest merchant of ha CltV. His Wile dlllv ronrnl.ni 1 i. husband 8 wealth and unro o pensive walkinr? rosjiimo nriii, i . - o . uii a lull IT train nHU . . . r - fuiviucuL ' .it ..,. irt.Ji the. ut supervise tht -vi'-Js I (t nil the Monthly and Semi- , ;rarii4j$ r 7'A Louisiana Stat Lot- t . rrii.r,, C"rfii. person-manaffe and con- .( :."iwc.'r, and Aa Vie r, u t c :vcc t::i iwntsiy, fairness, end ,-. ..' f-r.! i-rard a'l pnriits, and tee author f.V 'f.;-i3':y t". r.ft this certified, withfao--.fir,ftwtt"yMturt attached, initscdver She walked alonp-. A tnnn t of dragoons was walking i? great haSte but I truata beneflcialone The Irom his private apartmenls to the t Srffifi T'S2ed a11 P'es' sayiS j" . a i uo lasd is ins win never take off mv Hrec3 ; ,;. court-room." The.Tndn-r.rH,ioH HPuto th ,ady with a threatening Ihe audience began to laugh moreacdihv. "Stop "cried the merchant. -I will Dnv Tnn rl- t l "J ug UIC3I Uni'K PCTftln larn am . . ' O BID )"u -iw rubles. "This is rmt cnfi;;n w i me SOldier. rprnsinir K a- check. "Every one can set a price on uis own property according to his own judgment. This allair will cause my arrestfor neglect ol duty, then I have to conjnt the costs ot the case which I nave just losf, I ask I.OCO rubles for fflv dress." Th o r-,; i 1 i louuiy The judge peremptorily com- "The price is rather high," safd the Judge. -But the lady can roluse to accept the terms and hand oyer the dress to the officer." Inn I U...n 1 f 1 . "c iiinus.tuu ruoic in.s is posterou cried the enraged lady: "By nouieanp," the Lieutenant turned politely. "I shall not take siigntcst advantage or profit -out ol Ints affair, for I intend lo hand over all surplus to the military orphans of the last war to benefit their asylum and in cnnsiHarotinn f i -.. I now raise the price of my dres3 to ,uoo rubles. The merchant pulled out ms cnecK-oooK. "l ou are going to do with your surplus what I h ive long desired to dohere is your 8 COO rubles. Lieutenant Thia io n lesson but I trust a beneficial one." The pre- re-tbe "ryr, A-ioveiy young girl bowed uuuHOJucu a3 ne passed along, and as he was returning her salutation in a most lovcr-hke way, his eyes directed l" opposite site ot l he avenue where missed, as both nnrtip? h an amicable understanding." at one weeks; two weeks; iriE jnaUrow JsscAPE. Mr. Peter she stood nPr t ha nn" r","',' nJ'uv" iuass- leqa miser his snnr o: ht Tn 1 Z. m ?Z 'r lourteen years, with sfoae Commissioners, r. in 1 for 2.r ycaie by tne Leg ., r i..:t:cr.iifn!ii acj unantauie par j..v.!tn ir?.i.itioifi,fto,ooo to wh.ch a r r.r t :r.'l of over t-V0.OO0 has elnce been i:j.v.! overwhelming nopulat vote Its f ran 'i'.-e in:i:e a ;art of the present St&te l.:'::f.'::.-r a l-n ted Hembcr 2J. A. D..1S79. Lottrry fer voted o aMl encr4 i rkvrr cir cr postpones. ij tiinn.i MiDflo Ni:ralcr Dravrtnftd take jsc montlilv. a ri...MM. (H'J'OKTUMTY TO WIN A 'i.riM-.. Scv. nlh Drawlnar, Clasa u .'ir.n-i' of Music. Sew Orleans. T:.--.Uy, '11, 15 121 Monthly Cacital Prize, S754Q00. IOO.ooo Tickets at Five lol hxrs L'ach. Fractions in Filths ir proportion. ust or PRI7.KS i Ci;!tal Prize I Ca; lf.il prize " I Ca:.!tal Prize Ir!zcs of t-;,;Yi Prizes of 2,ii0..., I Trlzes of 1,0-xt ."" J- Pnr of 1 41 Prli.-s of prize. Cf Prlrea of 50 : Prizes of r.'. '.J"." ' ' A'PK5ATioy VriZES Arproilmatlon Prizes of 75o. a .. " - 500. 2M. 1 v- iee, arnountliur to 75,DO0 25,000 lO.OOC 12.00C 10,000 10,000 10.000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6,750 4,500 2,250 j is spurs caught in the long train worn ujr iue raercDani s wire. AIy lady I beg your pardon a thousand times." ex claimed the frightened youth. "I can hardly express my deep concerni but I hope the damage is not irreparable." "It is irreparable." the angry lady retorted ; -the train is torn and my whole costume is ruined, sir." "You will havn tn niv rVii- th;a ul;u iue uusoanu.- "Of course. I will." th 1 declared. "Here is mv nddmce he drew forth his nard raca .u prcllered card was angrily refused by mus luercnaui. A OU lllUSt D.1V mp hofnrr. 1 ha cnwl ' "If I arrive too late at th shall be severely punished." the Lieu tenant said, "i beg you. I implore you to let me cro heforn it. crpta trvn um IOIO. How much does the damage amount to? "My dress is ouito npw. Tiiio ;a - - a - - A'J 1 fcUU first tima I ever Dut it nn n t Dkn have to ask the full nmnnnt rtP ifo chase, two hundred rubles." the ladw exclaimed nervously. lwo hundred rubles! My yearly pay does not amount to that," the youth cried dismayed. A crowd ot spectators had gathered in the bladder. He called on Dr. Ken- ;t "ocuout, N. Y. lor relief. W e will first try 'Favorite Remedy.' " said the Dr., "beiore risking an opera-j!on-' A fow days later he received the lollowin2 letter: ' ' Dalton, Mass. Dear Dr. Ke7inedy.The day after I came home I passed two gravel stone?, and am doing nicelv PETER LAWLER. MORE Listen to Your Wife. Ihe Manchester Guaediax, June Sth. "Windows" Looking on the woodland ways With clumps of rhododendroms and Sfeat masses ol May blossoms!!! "There was an interesting group It included one who had been a "Cot ton spinner," but was now so Paralyzed!!! That ho could only bear to lie in a reclining position. This refers to my case. I was Attacked twpI with "Locomoter Ataxy" (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely ever cnreU) and was lor several years barely able to get about. And fnw hn la.f 1?'. . 1 1 - w. uf-vmui j uau littiuereu 1 iuc ia five jcars dol aoie round bv this time to thft Afanmpnf I Manv thlncrd Hava lirpn invin rA "Then you will have to aDoear before ieJMt Perent teing Nerve stretching, the court " the lade id rhl De,rf T" 0 ya go I was toted Into the inecoun, ineiaay said. The court Home for Incurables' Tpar Afnn nnti1 ih ltdftJ"?m& i 1 us go there Chester, in May? llS Man' II I dn notSS5??r! h?i 1 am no "Advocate" ; "For anything tclii . p r . . ujui j iu tue snape 01 paieni" Medicines fhJ n reprimanded and punished." And m4de many objections to mv Srif.nJJ r Unate ??nth ilSaded- They dear wile's constant urging T try lloo parleyed for a while and tho merohant Bitter?, but finally to pacify her threatened to call a policeman if the Consented!! youth did not eo with him nnipf ltr r t .L . . . . . KTY I t ha T iantrn.nt k. J .."J ' i. uau liuk umiB UUJSUBU me HrSlUOt- t-i-v- imuHuaut uau iu luiiow inn mpr. 1 1 io nr hnn 1 i- u On said 1 write clearly, gtv- ST T a-ct !Tf 'fV.10.36. was in tomyroom companions. "I was sure v V 1JV, express ".V- 0 , . V a" LUM i:is in me 1 1 could v., x yr r-xenansre Ui or-lar. xiia uecision was Short charn and decisive. "The Lieutenant must pay instantly or bo sent to prison for debt." "To pay fmmediately is impossible " cried the Lieutenant. "And does not your Honor think the price oxborbit ant?" 'Every one can set a price on h's PVF PI AOOro u vruponj accoraing to his own Llt-bLAootOi Jadment." decided the Judge, but I wuiu out wo luc ciaimaois 10 oe less 11wn.ua lorratesto rlnha ehnnMin.. I cnam ana hiR nnm miro in 4- I wniT o thp r;P u ltv iu.uc 1 . , . o-j .T.wbv mu iuuit' I I UIS Was OaLUruaV INOVPmhPr iff cace of the ( oo.pany in New Or- house QQ o , d n S.o nday morn i ne feltie? stron J 4C full a.MrtH. T iers, or New Ynrk ' 7rrT 'j jirr f 11... : --mud ui r .l-war.!s at r,Ur expense) addressed , M. A. UAUPHIN, K. A. OAVPHIN NCW rlean8 L Kake P.)51.. Washterton.D. C. Weak WITCH ELL'S EYE-SALVE. N)RP , .p1' .1;,,lirT8 Remedy for I AND INFLAMED Pro, EYS. :rr9 Tear !v VJIO. vJtc-'.T-V"'- Lashes. . u.Ct KelW -iO f.-.. Tnmtn. ellef Jinrl t-ecl I lira C2'arl.-na . . : rv, '"cu usca mother ' M fli I 1,-. ' , . net kMrpj4 . m. vT,V.eSv?r wherever tchkll's SAX.VK I !.rC.,.:?.!'-'!vantaiM I PARK flair ac- .T atKc. jcncl.ttw ER'S Balsa tn. . . ? r ' X , Kost economical hair r-w V ? i .-.'.r 's m , v ine yomntui ::l Jt T tbt- r.,vKn uretnnjr is art" "(lri.t- " avc isrl It tn .n. account of lti n.wii. materials' hilr. ir t i r-otutns matert Dl-r- 11 t0the BCll,P aa 1AHKKR'S TONIC "5 .. tkat Never Intoxl ates. 11? ;::lnlh r- Purple wi(h J to iiV ,5" . ."Uut it U imy : ?M ,;v uip fi? ni P led. the officer. " cx it :: co.. Bo'n Vi.TT Dlored the L severe."" The merchant whicnorod something tohis wile; he was inclined to be lenient, but bis intercession was repulsed with an energetic shaking of the head. "Let justice follow its strict course," toe laav said, ".ind r do. EYES, sire you to nrocced -with thn rea " .Wait a minute." cried a deep bass voice, and a veteran, r.ld nd with many badges of honor, walked up uu lue.juage. "i am Uenerai Milora dowilch, and l beg that this young Lieutenant will accept iho Joan of the two hundred rubles fro jd me." "But. indeed. I cannot do it." groan ed the Lieutenant, "fori hayo no rea son now to believe that I could ever get that amount to return to you." 4You will bo in a situation to return my loan very soon." said the General, and he whispered something in the i-ieuienant's ear. The face ot the cused brightened up immediately. accept tho loan," be said, and handed laecnecK 10 ine laay. which the Gener ai had given him. She started to leave me court room with herhnsband. mere is a trilling something to be uonc yer," tne lieutenant said. T now request tne Judge to aid me in takin possession of my property." "What do VOIl mPAn?',rtnmonl l. . inai dros is mine, for 1 have paid l.r u . J'ieutenani calmly asserted, i ! ? sent 10 yur add re s to day.1 the lady replied carelessly. "A o, no, my lady. I now demand that this case be arranged on the spot. The dress is miue. I want my prop erty. So please be kind enough to hand it to me immediately. I, too, am m haste." Tho spectators all-began to laugh. "But I can not take off my dress in a ooiirt-rrii im " rr,nA i. . v.. i,u tug uicicam i Walk! So started across the floor and back. I hardly knew hw to contain myself. I was all over the honse. I am galninjr strength each day, and can walk qalte safe without any Stick!" Or Support. I am now at my own house, ana hope soon to be able to earn my own living asraln. I nave ocen a member 01 the Manchester For nearly thlrvy years, and was most heart ily congratulated on going Into the room on Thursday last Very gratefully yours. JOHN BJLACKBUI MANCHESTER, (Eng.) Dec. 24, 18S3. Two years later am perfectly well. JKS, me wmie uioeu oaos an tne vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" in their nr. june 2 lm dAw nrmtc North Carolina Roe 'Herring ARE FAR AHtAD OF ANY FISH IOR ; THE BREAKFAST TABLE. 30 Cnts per Dozen! We r.ceiic a nice let of June 10 daw lm race and sham Idrcss now. cooliv rr. The husband im. .lPtltprmnt. nnt i joke on any longer, and assure4 him 9 every morning, which we are selling at LOW FIGURES. f AN ABUNDANT SUPPLY OF Itoyster's Pure Candies ! The great success that ROY3TKR'3 CANDY has obtained Is due to Its superior ina'Ity and cheapness. - 3 lbs. for SI. The Courts Under the New Ar- ' ranffement fv?1?01"8 SHEPHERD. ucrituckSeptcmber 7, one week. STUW, oepiemuer II. one week. -4uoianK September 21 week. ... . ., - .' Perquimans .ntPiTiKf. no ChowanOctober 5, one week. Uates Otober 12, ore week. criiora-uetober 19, one' week December 21; one week. Washington October 26, one week December 14. oco week. v ' ivrrei -.Novembers, one week. IJare November 9. one week. juu November 16, one week, i l aaillCO KnromKorOO . eSSi?r.tNo7n,Ber . weeks. STRICT JUDGE" PHILLIPS. warren September 21. two weeks. Northampton-October 5, two weeks. Ldgecombe-Octf-bcr 19, two: weeks. cr.lf- OVember 2-two weeks.- HalifaxNovember 16, two weeks, craven November 30. two weeks. V TIurtD DISTIiICT JUDGE -. rrJLrun kjLnAgnst 17, one week: No vember 16, one wrek. r Martia-Scptember 7, two weeks; December? t0Di.0.( Jzzz.l ,,j ; x civji causes and jail cases only. ... . Pilt-4-September21, two weeks C.reene-October 5, two weeks. r-!'ccrber IJ' two weekj. HiisonNovember2, two weeks. Nash November 23. twn wppL-s i FOURTH DISTRICT FAI L TERM, ibe fall courts of'the iourth district, composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, wii: beheld as lollows un der ihe new act; WaKe-July 13, to hold two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31. to hold two weess; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks; criminal. Octo- uuro, tnree weeks; civil causes only. U ayne July 27. two .weeks ; civil and criminal. September 14, two weeks ; civil causes. October 19, . one werk ; civil causes only. narnett August m civil and criminal. Johnston Aiijnrncr-1? civil and criminaT. FIFTH DIRTRirrr .TiirwiT.' mri.r,, UtLJUJUii wxarjge August 10, one week: No vera oer u, one week vas wen August 17, one week; No vum oer io, one week. i . erson August 24 , one week : No vember 23. or.n wpr-t Guiltord Anrrust 31 tn-n nro.n cember-14. two wp.lr Granvil.'e Spnt Pm hnr I A t rV! Aim l-nrw OA a " .huvoujwi ox., iwo weeKs. lainance bept ember 28, one week. vuu oam-uetober 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones Aucnst 17. ono mir. xr Vember 2, one week. T - a . jxjno.r August 24, two weeks; Kb- vemoer iu. two weeks. Duplin September 7, one week: No- ybiuci ou, iwci weeKS. Pender September 14, one week rVT -w-m TT xcw xianover September- 28, two weeKs, lor civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks: December 14. one wesk. Carteret October Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE.' Cumberland July 27. one week : No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes oply; November 16, two weeks, lor civil causes Columbus August 3. one weak. Moore August 17. twn nwi-s. n eember 7, two weeks. Robeson August 31, two weeks; Oc tober 12. two weeks Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 30, one week, lor civil causes. Brunswink Rnr.tpml.or Ol f-. . . , 1. uo W CCBk. Uichmond S?ntn Til KOI OQ Yr v rrr rtlrn . i'c.cuiuei -i, one wees. Bladen-October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE ireuell August 10, two weeks ; No veruDer y, two weeks. uowan August 24. two weeks ; No- vem oer 2d, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; j-uemuer , one weetc. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. otamey .November 19, two weeks. aoarrus November 2, one week; for criminal case3 and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES Kockmgbam July 27, two weeks; iioveiaoer y; one wees. btokes August 10, two weeks; No vcujuti io, one wees. tourry August 24. two weeks: No vo m oer xj, one week. Alleghany- September 7, one week. wiiKes beptember 14. two weeks. x adKin September 28, two weeks. JJavieUetober 12, two weeks. - orsyth October 26. two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY Henderson July 20, three weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week Mitchell September 14, two weeks. lancey September 28. two weeks iviclJowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPP. Aiexanaer Jaiy 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland An.net in October 26, one week. jHecfcienburg August 31, three weeks, civil casea on iv Union September 21. two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12-two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. 1 oik November 16. one wppt. TWELFTH DISTRICT JT'T.f.. n i "Ti.-T.-r? Madison August 3. tiejt weeks; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16. three weeks; December 7, two weeks. Transylvania spr.fomi.or ? ., week. Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one week. Macon Oetohpr r nnn u..l Clay -October 12. one week. Cherokee October 19, two weekj. Graham November 2, one week. Swam November 9. t.vo weeks. WDOLAIaE PRKJES. wSLSL . JfH?5 qttomiona represSJi sauoruem urtcos have to be charged mm t 0 BAQGITfG-- '"-.-,..-. -' r'srd..;.!...... - Shoulders, y th vnjfs2.KS:-----" unas........ JS:desL fc..... ....7.7.7'" srnjrioi DRY SALTED." Shoiitlir k cocd Uan-1, each...... i New Nev York, each t New CRy.each... BRICKS, M BUTTER, f- t;"1 iarOjiliuu., NortSiorn. , CANDLES, V it apcrm , TAifow - . Adamantlia.. . CHEESB., fc" - Northern Factory.... falry. Cream......, Q(e COFFEE, y al." Iagnyra...,...."" "" Rio " wvxiwm J. litis, v bndlo DoMESTlCS-T Doaaie.... soeetHyr, 44. yd........... egs dozen. .7.:::;:: ... ?i.?r bbi,......i6 oo Sercl, No. 2, bW 5?? No. 2, v half bbl.. 0. 3, V bbl..... Muiiets, & bbi...:.....;:;;; Mullets, pork bbla ii 5 n i&o MISCELLANEOUS -V o a 31 , 25. 13 a 12 12 O U I a is m a - ii 17 a. 25 12 O 13 ii a 12 1 60. a 1 71 85 a 2) a Sash, Doors, Blinds, French Window Glass. ENCY FOR T. ENAMEL PAINT V ; CO'S READY PREPARED PAINT, "t ALL AND EXAMINE OURQOOD3 AND Keiour prioea before purchaaln. Tho fact hat oer Palcta are from the celebrat&J Fac oiks of WetheriU Jk Co.. and narrlsca Broa I Co., is sefficient guarantee for thcJr qcaUty A line hoe of Cooking stove at Facto ' Prices, !n addition to our large and full HAEDWARE STOOK to which yoor ftttent!cnla reepectfuL'y Invited NATITL JACOBI, ; W South Front St epts "IZVocL & ft. 8 60 9 60 5 CO - 7 75 4 00 7 00 3 00 5 O20 OC 610 10 010 (0 O8(0 a & 8 5C fl 4 OJ O 9 riCKTUJZERs. V nrn ivV " T. . - u -wv- JJLU "uviaa wuano. No. 1., . No. 2.. M . " Ixbos. Ground 1ot. Rone Meal....;;!;" Bone Flour Navasea Guano:.:!; Complete Manure.. Hhann'sPhosphate V flnHrt TK 7. . S 53 C7 50 Sti 00 .. ..CO 00 00 00 ....45 00 ....CO CO ....00 00 00 00 40 GO ....00 00 ....00 00 ....00 00 062 50 537 00 51 CO 060 00 C50 OC 40 CO 045 00 057 ce 045 CC 087 CC 070 00 070 0C 0 a 0 00 3 75 4 75 6 (0 6 00 5 75 S 50 11 89 '.4 1 6G 25 5 11 20 15 75 0 O O 0 0 0 0 a i 0 o 0 i 0 l 0 00 10 80 840 rrcnnn'.i ..k.. . . . S?38 AWnltaral Lime... fins. ; Northern Super:.;; " " " ' Extra .7. " Fa mil p.... " " Oity Mills-Extra.....; Lu-- lb.. -"y- ORAIN, bushei7"""": fra store, bags, white, com, cargo. In bulk, white., Cora, cargo, lr bags white, .v Corn, cargo, mixed, In bags . . Oata, from store............ 1 LOW HPjrh HIDES, Uj " " tiroen Irt7 ' HAY, tf-lOoifcs Eastern Western "' North nivAT. HOOP iirov iiT LARD.l ' Northern , North Carolina.. r.Tfii. i. i -Py Sawed, p M t't. ouipoum, resawed is oo Rough Edge Plank ... ii; W est India Cargoes.accordlng to quality l3 qq SESSv!1 rUaf seasoned::i8 CO '-' W l gouuir . ln bbla w Porto Rico, In h ads ii . " m bbis...:.::::: g Sagar House.ln hhds...... an r " In bbla ' m i l 1 1 T rvvn . ii. I OILS, gallon iieroscne, Lard " Linseed.. 7.;; Rosin "" Tar... POULTRY Cidckcrw, live, grown. 1 L: flp J. -JTitt: VH Pff A K.TffpQ . POTATOES.V bnshel- oweei , Irish-? hhi PORK.barreiH City MC33.. .......... . Micr Er::--; S 7Tr.:"V."-"-:. -u w uyu ojiroima, w m. ...... Rouirh. hnaV.. EAGS, lb-Country.. Cj 1 1 v ROPE. W tx . "' SALT, y sack, Al..'n7.777 -iverpoo ................ Lisbon . ....;;;;; sugar, y ib-cnba:::::::: i'orto Rico A-co?ree. ;;;7" r .......... Crrishp.rl "7"" SOAP. & Lty NfrthPii7 LKS.71n.rM low 11 Ou inn. n vs. , . CvDress'Sn:" STAVES. M-Wn.:V- S " ' R. O. If.. J w ib w f at TA,un w vu aio oo -. --ViLiv- TT , ID. ........... . . o, . TIffi.,T M W Sl4 OO ..11 (jo .. 1 50 O 8 60 .. 6 000 6 50 .. 5 oo a o cc .. o oo a 4 oo loo a 4 00 1 00 0 . -0 H-0 2. 15 0 20 10 1 0 15 7 5C 9 0 0 i 00 0 4 00 0 5 25 a 7 oc 0 6 5t . 0 6 CO 11 10 90 90 00 00 2 10 75 00 P0 25 0 0 020 01C 01S 023 01. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 50 en 80 75 CO 67 M 75 15 25 3 10 33 0 O 024 017 0JT 4U0 95 O 140 10 140 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 lOVftO 5 0 lb 75 00 75 00 00 6 11 6fc Patronize Our Home Insii ranee Cos. SAYtYOUR MONEY, AND KEEP AT HOME WHA TOll HAVE TO SPEND FOR INSURANCE. Tk Germania ITulnal Fire Insarance Conpan,. OF W1MMINGTON, N. C, TS NOW TIIOROUQnLY ORGANIZED nd prepared to tike First Class Rlsks.ajpa Inst losses by FIRE. Office No. 122J p, lucess. St . Journal Bull! ln- B- G. WORTH. President. J. E. LIPP1TT Kf a.r . apl 21 tf 7 NEW Y0K5 HERALD: WEEKLY EDITION, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weeklv Journal In United States? lvee,y . . fflafcTCHES, CARTOONS, A nd numerous other features have been add cd. Also a complete. cxhausilre summarT of the news ln all departments. It is refd bT n r?9Ple. ndCf.dab5S?I- uv..l,u,0i,ls "'wra,rcacningfctorles frma A Pekfect Nkm spaiek It contains all tho ireneral news cf the dallv ' edition of the IleraUl. which has the West circulation In the United States iargest t. ti. iNnEPEJfDENT IN PoMTICS. It Is the most valuable chronicle of political news in the world, Impartially glvingthe currcnena arnt oi,ininn. ... A.;", M".w" allsldes may be known. in tffl - r oREiGM news - Suacsnt!C tC,Cgraph cat will LhcreDS k . l-VJk'- ?raiu is practical. It coes to the point, and docs not give w Id theories Ihe farmer will save many mord than - One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning soil, cattle, crops, trees DUlkllntra. o-Arrlnlnn- ...! l.vr,.uVMr ral economy. 'vu" nu agncuitr- , , "The Home" LT11? i,,c hou We and the chiUlren in re- fhJdfi?,ecODOmI.ca,anatA6tef new dish, the fashions, and the making of horiie com. taKSaiS J " Kiven latest Kru . t . ., Proijuce SUrkets. the condition of money, columns of mlscella- wT8' PT' "wclal novSStS Wit and hnmnr i.ntn . i . , . . . t 0-.101 l01111CiLl Subsctlbo one dollAr. nt an. . . year. Postage Free ioVnZrlTttiXiV" I states or Canadas. -- -t,. 9& A Ernnd mlvortlsi.. i . T1IE NEW YORK IIERALD. ui a wecKiy JTorm, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ' Address. NEW YORK n kh a mi lccia Broadway and Ann Streets Homes in North Carolina Only 20 Houf s JWdo from New York I Mill Prime Mill Fa.1. Common MtUTTTT"" . m. .v ..III "ft r T . ... i fEY, V- gal-Northed wool, v a-wiwted.7::::; Earnr 1885. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The serial and fchort stories ln llartr'a Vl.-S .r - ..TCJ co "ramauc interest that luvenll fiction ., ..... are wholly lw wmwiinw lDe7 wno navo settled In North Ca vulga s4fe!I ad is limited ..v.u.v.an, innocent iun. and thi rrrr, aiu "y wruers whose fci c luc usi afsurance or accuracy and value. IIlnstTAfAri n.ru -ivt...Yl .Afr t?sii!-!St MB.issaasa 69 Miles South of Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1,500 ACBES or LAND IN TU n Jear pine region. For. sale on easy terms In lots tO ult nnnhii.M tr i""" n - - - x v. v. jewux acres ior . Larger tracts t5 per acre. In monthlTpaT: mentsof tio. Thtti.n,i -..iJJi.f fZZfl? V"" fstabllafced health re. ?nlV(ifaf riam)'an(1'JI peciaDy adapts ror Fruit Criliiiri wh "ZzrTTT A number of New .England people have boShl uV? J00, tow? tJ "southcraPine," an It !fne!oftl!0owner8 of land to In- from the New England and Middle SUtM.S f a8hcre to ,ocatc ens. No Bute In the Union nflfcra irr.. . . . . ,. . luu uclucd io ret tiCtrlan orth Carolln. Nowhere can a hn' lll!fl..3ihe opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. ThlsTs a P. L. BRID&ERS & CO.. . T HO North Front St. June; Itrliing PIJ S jrjnptom and Care. tion. lotr65 lt biD? ircrcase.i by 8rfa-ChW. - iiir ' "i'yamyDi; earns as ir pin worms were crwUng In bxs about affc-tcl- if allowcl Jo coolinu very scriouj 31K1. 1 a i'laeant. stiif n . .. . . . . . . . v It'll .!! ft M elas. Rarber-s Jicb. B!ocbt. all stair, cnsiy kin DlfCases. Box. lTnoit n,I . -VTLf,' 1 Altlrrt 11 titv.vi.1 Pa fiold by Druggists. jucc l5deodmwf I3t wlit SON, Phlla. A n epitome of everything tht is attractiTA A. f0 feast of good thlo& to the boys 1. - . . ". - kiluUan Advocate, formadon, and Interest-- TK.Ml:.roetagcrrcPai'1. 2. Pr Year ol v I. commences Noremtcr 4, ii4. I . Sjxolb Ncmbers. l-lve Cents each. " VIUCI Ui ""i loavoia chance of loss. r arc no i to copy this ad vcrtle mcnt without the express order of Uaeb A Bkothera Addreee WH . - nAKPER A r.ROTUKRV WANTED An active Maa or Woman i In CTirM fn rrntv . . .5 per mwnth nd Mene3 or commloa J-.xic'n-f a In tdr..n iinntKi... .... Co., Roaon, Mass. junelOdivrim For further parUcalars write at once to . . . ' John t. patmck. vummisj-or immigration, R.lcJgh, N. C u0rf A UICJIAUDSON, jaa2l tf Chronicle Ofllcc. Augusta, Gu ? A PIEPEf? CREECH ?v bOADINQ . m .. I 1 ' l-. I XI M10ST6U11 . cT ever ofierrd ur tne irtt mmsm. tp ever oficrrd to tlie uut.n. orUale by mil flrst-elast Can 1ealen. V' i;ouiorvatjogu CHOVERL HG. Dill V A Vnai ce SI & 88 ChsmUrs St.. Hew Ya. - .t. V ".r e" e th wor.t kind iT.f ioir 1B. T. A. iiUK; cat, itl rerl Sl, v rk. ' cay 13 6aeo-ldJtw . . t- . . f t i: i r I t v if I-

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