Sundays ccptea aj JOSH AVD PBOPBIETOB. tirroR vC POSTAGE P AID: L,x months, too. Three - Ml' ' . nnc month. cento. -netbs.1- ' ,.m.i1 br carrier free , irr u , , rft. at the abort jcX' ., week. lJrTil!! report any and all faO- r., Rt-neuy has the largest w.ilioH. of any newspaper : . t'v Wilmington. rtcd to be of writing L ibl-fi'l ca'U ex-Governor arru.hi for the Copiah ptmocr3C. Lynchburg Virgin. - Tip -mi - rriirHi Iviriy write a I' war. ..' r .' xr: Ono of two thiols mo "a-pen Kither II iggins should ;:.c' iUi should let up on Hig- : ?..n-;y use capital- charge and no outrages at the Dublin As - cableJ to the American prcs3, is cori'r.f which Ireland and Irishmen , terroad. . k KeIv continues to enjoy his and horscoacK rrues ai. The weather i3 reported . L - . L f (kn l pU-aant ana me asptxi io c .ur.try is dl:LLtIuI. pon Richard Smith, of the fiery &n,l untamed Cincinnati Commercial ;.i-.tft,b&a astounden a Washington rre-VonJer.t by declaring, that he I'.publirans cannot carry Ohio in 'Oc tober by wilfu'Jv antagonizing Fresi. den: Cleveland. ' . :. - ACaicaiiih-'.'tel keeper had a man reccntij-arrested for stealing a cake of scap. The man pleaded, .in extenuation of his offense, that ho wanted it for his election curiosities, it being the rit cake of soap he had ever discov ered in a Chicago hotel. - There has bees some vague talk of opposition to the return of Mr. Ed munds to the Senate, but his re-election sceois to be practically assured. He is full ol partisan vinegar, but ejects it with less frequency than Republican syringes of smaller calibre. -00- . Lord Randolph Churchill used the iuCst strenuous efforts to obtain the lriih Chancellorship for Lord Justice lifzibbon, a very brilliant and hos- pi'.ible luminary of the Irish bench, at whosi! house.'since his stay in Dublin while his father was Lord - Lieutenant, Lc Las been a yearly guest. Impermeable floors arc now regard ed m indispensable features in houses constructed on. hygienic principles. They mcst be so treated that the wood caaaot absorb nioistarerough places mast be made smooth, and such cracks or depressions as give rise to the small est acsuniulations ot dust arc not per missible. Aa inventory ha3 been made of all tii2 objects of art belonging to the city of Paris The total valuation amounts to 12.250.860 francs, of which 8.078,551 francs belongs to the sixty-eight churches of Paris, and i, 178.000 francs to the secular buildings. The sculp tures at the Hotel dc Ville are valued at 11.000 francs, the tapestries at 2,250. (7 francs. S.r Peter Lumsden, who is receiving h:eh honors from the Queen and the cew Ministry, when ordered home from Afiwistan had to rido all the way from Herat to Astrabad on the '-vilest hrses' along jt'racts almost impass ible, and without change of clothing for la.v?. In one day the General, who u over 58. rode over eighty-eight miles. s;r Peter is both physically and morally The Maine bird catchers, who drive thriving trade in native song' birds, cseacage divided into. lour compart-Qj-Dk. In one is a captive, which, bcn taken into the fields, utters a cll 10 his wild brethren, one of whom is Tery llkeI'. in flying about the cage, to fcter one of the open doors and set free spring that shuts the door. The favo we bird is the red linnet or "redfroll," bich is hardy, easily contented, and a sweetsidgcr; it mates with the canary. 7 10 excellent cross breed is the re- I3it , In Accordance "h our uul custom at this season the year, we close out our entire k of Spring and Summer Clothing. e5rd:ess of cost, with a view to make raferoneot the largest purchases 1 and Winter Clothing ever crught to Wilmington. We have ery reason to believe that the new tes which go into effect to-morrow he0?1.02 aiId to c01111 antil Septem t,rV' wil1 Prove to be the lowest ever d upon perfect first class goods.' lltXfJEl: the Reliable Clothier, 1 Market street. Sign of the Golden 1 VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. uoex tb wvn AovcgmiaEirs. C W Yatxs Stationery 8AIXADB & Co Moeqaltoes n A Baoo, Chm'n-Tax KoUce r C M Iixzb Tar Heel Liniment B II MclHTlKE-Whltc tiooda, Ac Mcxds Beothkbs A FaTorab!e 8In Barnham'a Improved Standard Tnrbloe aEixsBEROM Birometer and Thermome ter Kxcuasiox-Ladles of the Fifth St. M. E. Church ' Days length 14 hours and 23 minutes. There was no City Court this morn ing. . New moon to night at 2 minutes past 12 o'clock. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 17 minutes 7 o'clock. Tho receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 9 bales. There was one interment in Bellevua Cemetery this week, a child. The weather has become somewhat cooler in cmsequence of the rains. There were two interments in Oak- dale-Cemetery this week, both chil dren. The Register of Deeds issued one marriage licence this week ; for a white couple. People don't go away from Wil mington to find cool weather; they just go for the pleasure ot th ride. There were seven interments in Pine Forest Cemetery last week, two of whom were adults and five were children. Rev. George S. Best, ol Duplin county, was in the city to-day en route for Masnnboro, where he will preach to morrow. The services to-morrow morning at St. Paul's Lutheran Church will be in German and at night they will be in English. ' It is a remarkable fact that there is v comparatively very little sickness in the city. The physicians are having but little to do.' Attention ! W. L. I Go and buy your shirts, collars, cuffs and under wear from Dyer and be equipped for the encampment. t Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save money. t Oar city was visited with several heavy showers this afternoon. Ap- pearanceS indicated that they, wore hea vier in the direction ot Smithville than they were here. Rev. Dr. Yates will preach at Scott's Hill to-morrow and his pulpit in the Front Street M. E. Church will be sup plied at the morning service by Rev. J. W. Craig and at night oy Rev. D. H.Tuttle, Indications. For the South Atlantic State?, fair weather with stationary temperature, except in Northeastern portion, where there will be lower temperature, vari able winds, preceeded in the Northern portion by Northeasterly winds. Cotton. There was no cotton received at this Dort from the 1st to 11th ot July. 1885. as against 28 bales for the correspond ing period last year. The receipts of the crop year to date foot ap iw.uii hales as aeainst 91.541 bales for the cor responding period last year; an increase this year of 2.370 bales. Steamer Sunk. The steamer Susie, Capt. Snell, left here yesterday morning for Philadel ohia. butlwent some distance up Town Creek in order to procure a supply of fuel for the passage. Aller obtaining the wood she returned to proceed down the river and after coming out of the creek she ran against the jetties and partially sunk, and had not been raised at the last account we had from her. Elegant Prizes. In the window-of Mr. George Hon net's jewelry store, tn Market street, are two elegant prizes to bo awarded to the successful competitors in tho test to be "made by the while fire engines of the city and the Newbern engine at the trial to bo made on Wednesday next. The first premium consists of a beauti- tif nl silver ice pitcher and goblet, to be awarded to the company whose engine and members show the greatest em- cieney and do the best work. The second premium ii an elegant bronze clock with a cathedral gong, to bo E awarded to the next best company. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 11. The Ladie3 of the Fifth Street M. E. Church will give an excursion on the Passport next Thursday, the 16th inst.. to Smithville and the Forts. They are noted for the splendid excursions gotten up under their management and that o the 16th will be equal to any of its pre decessors. Joint Services. Commencing on the 1'Jth inst.. the Seventh Sunday after Trinity, the con gregation of St. James Church wil worship in St. John's until the repairs on the former Church are completed. The Rectors' of these two Churches wil alternate in the conduct of the sermons, that of St. James' officiating on the 19th inst. A Watery Fire. At about quarter past 4 o'clock this afteruoon a fire wa3 discovered under the wharf at the foot of Market street and it soon spread to a considerable distance out into the river furnishing a novel sight. The lire was caused by burning kerosene oil under the wharf, but how it came there and how it ignit ed was more than we could ascertain The flames were soon extinguished and no damage was done. - Seasides vs. alGigii. Our home team has not been so for tnnate while, in Charlotte as many were led to expect that they would be from from the recent splendid record which they made upon their own gronnds in this city. On Thursday they were beaten by a score of 5 to 10 for the Kal eighs. It was thought that this disas ter would be repaired in the game yes terday, but suchfwas not the fact. The score in yesterday's game stood 14 for the Raleighs and 9 lor the Seasides. They play again at Mt. Holly to-day where it is hoped that pur boys will show a better record. Those Blind Doors have arrived. Parties in want of them can now be supplied at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, t Personal. Mr. J. W. S.Robinson, Representa t!trr tr (Tho fZannra AcsomKltr r ( Mrrt h Carolina from Sampson county, was in the city to day and gave U3 the pleas ureof a call. We are glad to learn that Mr. A. M Waddell, Jr., who was badly hurt at the baseball grounds on Wednesday last, is very much better and will soon be as well as ever. Mr. Bennie Doanc, son of Capt. Doane, of the Jsteamship Regulator, who has ben in the city for the past week, returned to New York this morn ing on the steamer with his father. Capt. R. M. Houston, of the Mayo House at the "Rocks," was in the city to-day. He tells us that the weather has been delightfully pleasant down there during the week, and that the fishing has been remarkably fine. Rev. Charles E. Taylor, D. D., Presi den of Wake Forest College, will ar rive in the city to-night aad will be the guest of Mr. George R. French Sr , during his stay in Wilmington. His business here will be in the interest of the college over which he presides. Mr. Frederick T. Price, son of the late Mr. Alfred L. Price, who is a stu dent at the Catholic Seminary at Bal timore, Md., is here to pass the vaca tion with his mother. He has been a student for the last eight years in active preparation for the Cath olic priesthood, and has already been ordained deacon in that church. He will pass one more year in scholas tic life when he will be given priestly orders and will enter upon bis sacred calling. L We will sell all wool white flannel shirts FOR THIS WEEK ONLY at $1.50 at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market St., J. Elsbach, Prop, tf Cavenne Pepper Comes from the neighborhood of Cay enne, in British Guiana. It is a stimu lant without beiBg in any respect a strengthened Some medicines have a good deal of Cayenne pej-per in them in connection with other articles, and the. folks who take them think they are receiving strength while thev are really being only stimulated. The effect of the stimulus is soon over, and then tne patient feels wprse than before. Brown's Iron Bitters is free from Cay enne pepper, and contains the best toj ics. together with the only reliable pre paration of iron known to medical science. The druggist all sell it. Call at; Jacobi's Hardware Depot and examine his fine assortment ot fishing poles and lines. t Water Coolers. yjj ATEB COOLERS ASD OTHEB MiW good just received and for sale vert low at GILES & UUBCBISOX'd. July c Opposite Kew Market Church Services To-Morrow. St. John's Churcn, corner Third and Red vres Birceis. lie v. James CarmlchaeL 1. D Hector, hlxth Sunijv af terTrinitv. Julv 12th 188. Uoly Communion at 7.30 o'clock, a. m Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock Snndiy Schoc-1 moo ciock, p. m. jfiveniDgFrayerate o'crr Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Xun and ouurcn sireeis, itev. u. u. Tuttie, i'astor. ccrx at n a. m. ana s p. m. ; jias3 meet lng at 3 p.m.; Prayer meeting Thursday even ips at v& o'clock. Front Street M. E. Church, South, comer of rronfc ana walnut streets, llcv. Dr. JS. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7Vfe p m. oauoatn school at 3 i. m.. W. M. Parker superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Yeunesaay evening at s o'clock, enristian Association Tuesday evening after lirst and third Sabbaths, at 8 o'clock. Seats free and stranarers and visitors cordially Invited.- St Thomas Pro-Cathedral. First Mass at 7 a m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction ' at 5 o'clock p m. Daily Mass at o:ju am. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth ana campucu streets, A. M. conway, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. fcunday acnooi m. 6,jo p. m. licliglou b services in Tilcston Upper Boom every ounuay at r ju. jruonc coraiaiiy in TltCU. Christ Church (Congrcgationalist)Xun street between Sixth ana Seventh. Key. D. D. Dodge minister. Prcachine services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and S o'clock, p: ni. Pastor's Bible Class at 12.15 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday. 8 o'clock, p.m. Snnday School 3 o'clock, p. ill. in Memorial Hall, corner 7th and .Nun sis. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hna uastie streets, liev. J. P. Kmr Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. ni. Prayer meeting every Tuesday nignt. Til 13 MALLS. The malls close and arrive at the City Pot office as followB : CLOS15. Northern through mails, fast........ 7.45 P. M Northern through and wsy malls.. -.8.30 A. M, Raleigh 6.15 P. M. and 8.30 A.. M. Mails for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom inc)ud lng A. & N. C. " Railroad at 7.30 P- M. and 8.30 A. M Southern M.iIIa for all rminfcs South. daily . .8.00 P. M Western mails (C. C. Railway) dally. (except Sunday) 7.03 P. M Ail points between liamiet and .Ral eigh 6.15 P. M Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...... 1.00 P. M. rayettcviiie.via U U Railroad, dally. except Sundays 6.15 P. M. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. amitnviiic mails, by steamboat, dally (except Sundays) S.30 A. M. Mails tor Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallot; and Little Rivei. Tues days and Fridays 2.00 P. M. Wrlgntsvnie, dally 8.30 A. M i OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails;... 7.30 A. M. Southern Mails 9.S0 A. M Carolina Central Railroad.. 8.45 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes in business iportion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 'P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 jr. ju ana o a. ju. Btaaip Office open from 7.80 A. M. to OP.M., Money uracr ana register Department opou from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and on bundays from H.H0 tor9.30 A. M. Carriers delivery open en Sunday from 8.'0 to 9.30 A. SI NEW AUVEKISEMENTS. Excursion. rjlHE LADIE? OF FJ FT II fcTREET M. E CHURCH will cive an excursion to Smithville. irorccaswcii and toe juiackllsh urounds on the Steamer PASSPORT, on THUKSDAY. the l"t"o Inst , leaving wharf In this city, promptly at 9 a. m. Ticke;s 50 and 25 cents. Refreshments at city prices. Proceeds to be devoted to repairs of the Church. july ii it star copy Tax Notice. rilHB BOARD Or COMMISSIONERS FOR JL New Hanover County, will meet at their office In the Court Houee on MONDAY, the 13th day of July, 1S35, at 2 SO o'clock, p. m for the purpose of revising the tax lists and hearing compliints from those objecting to the valuation of improvements to their prop erty. All persons so objecting will take no tice and govern themselves accordingly. July 11 It HORACE A. BAGG, Chm'n Agents Wanted to tell the Mag- Tn MoeniTTTfi TItts". fli'nv.. Mma Instant reiiei, ana drives tnem away. Address hALLADE ft CO., july 31 lw 8 Hast 18lh St., New York BURNIIAM'S IMPROVED STANDARD Turbine A la the BEST constructed A and finished Turbine In the J world. It slve3 bktteh I'tKCENTAOii w''th part or luJl gate, and ts sold for LESS MONEY per Horee Power than any other Tut bine. Pampnict x ree uy Burnham Bros., York, Pa. ju!y 11 4w THE MAYO HOUSE, AT FO KT FIS IIEK. IS NOW OPEN FOtt THE SKASUA. With Increased facilities for the accommodation of nartiea. Parties maae up along the;lisea of the different '.Railroads can have the fine and fast ctcamer PAtjJfOKi', wun inc ever popular and accommodatlcg Captain J. W. Harper, to meet them at the Bailr jad wharf upon the arrival of the train, by correspond ing with him or W. K. Mayo, at Wilnjiogton. There to now the best fisfclsfr at the Kocks ever known in this country, a line sea boat, undr the management' of a skilled failor, Capt. Thos. Barkley, to take panlis cut rBall ing Bilber still wat?r or soti uatnmg. a ne Table, supplied with the beat the marcet'nd sea affords, and launder tne lonneniate super vision of Mrs. Mayo, with Mr Bobert Hons ton as assistant. Regular boats to and from the Rocks twice daily: leaving Wilmington at 9 o'clock. A. M- and 4 o'clock. P.M. This now popular, resort Is noted for its in vigor a tlog influence upon weak and debilitated per sons, who immediately feel Its effects. There are all the Fishing Tackle and Bait necessa ry for good epott to be had upon the place, aiso Fine liquor and Cigars. nrosouiTOES 1885. NO. 160 NEW ADVERTI8 EMENT8. A SPLENDID STOCK. LACES A1STD EMBROIDERY, A good. assortment and cheap. ' H ANDKERCHIEFS for Indies arrl Gent3, from lowest grades to very fine. GLOVES AND MITTS, black And co'orcd, embracing various styles. , FANS Quite a variety of new things. Mourning Fans. CORSETS. CORSETS. CORSETS. In this stcck you certainly can be suited. 1 . SUN SHADES, MOURNING SUNSHADES, in both plain and lined roods. HOSIERY in Black and all colors. . SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children, the prices - of these are lower. . MOSQUITO NET. 90 to 168 in., 3 crands. Also Bav. Net.-" MATTINGS, just any style you wish and cheap. Jerseys a specialty. july 11 4th Grand Annual Excursion) Wilmington to Washing ton, D 0. and Eeturn. S PECIAL TRAIN LEAVES FROUT ST. Depot 4 30 p. m., J uly 13th. Returning leaves Washington, 1. C.,;5 p. m. July 18th. Only f7 Round Trip, from Wilmington an all Stations on W. ft W. R. R. South of Golds boro. Tickets good only on special train. epecial coaches reserved for white people Tickets on sale at R. R. ticket offices and by Mr. Arthur Prempert, No. 9 o. Front 9t. W. II. HOWk, Manager, iune 2 7t th frl m tu w th sat WILL IT BAIN OB SHINE TO-MdEEOW ? Old Probabilities, OR BAROMETEK ANU TUEKMOilEXKJI COMBISEl. : This great Weather Indicator 1 endorsed by the otoet eminent Physicians, Professors and Scientific Men of the day, to be the BEST IN THK, WORLD. Price only 5J centjk r or saie at HEI-NSBERGER'S, july S Live Book and Music Stores Caution to Consumers ! rpO BE SURE OF GETTING THE GENU INE SHELL ROAD Tobacco, , fchewers should be careful to notice that the oblong bluer ppcr tag In the centre ol each plug bears the Trade Maik of the buggy and horses the words SHELL ROAD, and the name of the manufacturers, Mcssr R A. PAT TERSON ft CO. Beware of the many worth less Imitations that are being sold to the pub lic as the genuine SHELL ROAD, and do not be deceived. ADRIAN ft VOLLER9, Agents, june 6 3meod Wilmington, N. J. F. Carroll, LIVESTOCK BROKER, FOR THE SALE OF CAT TLE, SHEEP AND HOGS. OFFICE.. NO. 404 NORTH THIRD ST. Pens located on Little Bridge Road at Smith's Creek, and supplied with every convenience for the care of Stock. Consignments solicited and prompt ieturrs made. Liberal cash advances made on Stock in hand. Refers to Bank of New Hanover. Wllmin ton, N. c." ' may Z'J ti sat WANTED. AN AGENT TO TAKE OR ders in WllmiDcton. for "ESSAYS AND KPKECHES OF JKltEMIAH S. BLACK," $3.75. Address AGENCY D. APPLKTON ft CO., 437 Seventh srcct, Washington, D. C. State qualifications. july 'J it Tar Ileel Liniment. OR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL UflE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-Dc-llcyers Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, c , at july 9 Corner Fourth and Nun sta J. II. JONES, 1VERY, SALE, BOARDING AND EXCHANGE STABLES. I?orce. Mules. Bueg'cs and Carrisgea for sale or hire. Rtiict attention paid to boarding horses No 313 Pr laces j, bet. 3rd and 4th s 8 , Wilmington, N. C. juiy'J A Favorable Sign. LOOK AT TIIK HANDSOME SIG ON the sidewalk In front of our fc tore and see wnat Men nen's Corn urcwilldo. Try a bot tle. Only 25c Our lea Machine has arrived and we now d aw the finest Soda waUr ever offer ed our public Ice Cream toda Water. Peach rinvor, Thursday, Uth inst., and every day after until notice. MUNDSBttOi.. july 5 104 . Front St. Brick Work. CONTRACTS FOB BRICK WORK OF any kind, such as Plastering. Stuccoing, Ac., aie solicited uld walls made tr look as If built of best Press Brick, at a small cost. This Is much cheaper lhtn painting, and It will be to the Interest of thoe who wish t have work done to give me a call, as I have bad an cxpeiiencc ox thirtj ycaxi n inn uuu- nees. c w. aicuL.AMaii, july S . ; . Ageat Mason's Frnit Jars." Ty E NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT ot the afcove Prefer vinj; Jars. Send In your orders- at once T We w 111 guarantee Unrest prices. ; W.E. SPRINGES CO- july 6 f . Wilmington, . C. . FLZASX NOTICK- TrairSlbtgiad to rtcsXra ecsmcricaooa troaicsrrrlcacLioaaay asd aa Idaeta:. saerallaterestbat 4 y Tha name of the writer m'uat aMnyi K aSaattitotaaEffitor. CommnilcaUonaiauat. be wrhtta cm o . oaeatdeottiie paper. 1 "'I'Ct FcrsoaaCSiesBtxutbe avoided. i Aad It la can?ecUlly aad particularly cad tood that the Editor does aot always tndot the views oXcorrespondeny ualM so atati la the editorial column, - : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: R. rj. MclHTIRE. Yacht Cooking Stove. JUST THE THING FOR VESSEL AND Steamboat use ; durable and cheap. Always in stock the Farmer and Golden Harvest Cook 8tovea, They ara the pride of the kitchen. Wood and Willow Ware, Pumps, Bath Tubs, ftc , at ? PARKER ft TAYLOR'S, jaly . 23 South Front 81 Simply I m m e n se. OUR F.G PllOSPnATE 13 A PRO nounccd success, jr omo In and try our NorelUes In Soda W atcr nd be convinced (If not already so) that the only place In Wil mington to buy U at MUND3 BEOS. Establishment, 104 n. Frojit Street. Improved Ice Machlac in a lew days, and Ice Cream Soda also. Jnneao - A Nickel Saved is a Nickel Made ! PURE DISTILLED, WHISKIES. Coolest Beer in the city, femoke the Centenarian, Brock, Season, Carolina Yacht Club and the Democratic Boom 5 cents Cigra and you will get the best and save a Nickel. To bo had only at McQOWAN'S Saloon, 6 S. Front 8t. june 25 Pig Fish Pig Fish! Q.OOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT PINE GROVE. Our SUABPIE and other Boats ready at five iiilnutcs notice with OWEN JONES (best boatman on tho Sound) and his two bo j s always on tho lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No 70 june 27 EO. WILSON MANNING. GONFIDENCK ESTABLISHED UPON facts and living evidence". Is suioto pro duco a growth InTius ncts, as has been clearly preven by J. It. MARSHALL, Ger cral Commiss'on Merchant, 24North Water St., Wilmington, N. C, Who has won the cbnfl lcnca of many of the Farmers. and Village Merchants by his dili gence to business and correc'nfws In returns. He Is receiving Consignments diily of Coun try Products, which he sella at fair prices. Consignments solicited. june 30 Horner School. .i' Oxford, N. U.; CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL ASD Sc entifie Academy, with military organlza tloh and discipline Tho Fall Term of 1885 begins MONDAY, JULY 27, 1835. An ample corps of able Instructors la pro vided, and the school thoroughly eonlrpcu for eflicient work. Terms for board and tuition, the same as heretofore. Send for catalogue. july 9 2w J. H. ft J. C. HORNER. Stationery- QF AL KINDS, SUITABLE FOR MER-. chantsTeachers, Lawyers, Mlnlstera and. Others. We make a specialty of Blank Books and Stationery for tke use of Counties and Count jOfliclala. Orders for Engraving Checks, Drafts, NotesV School Programmes, Invlla Uons, Vliltlrg Cards, Ac., will meet Ilh prompt attention at ' : july C YATES BOOKSTORE. State of North Carolina, IT. ) Superior Court. Cotmty of New Hanover August Lcssman tb Duncan M. Bryaat. TLls Is an action for the foreclosure of a mortgage of real ettatc in the County of New Hanover executed by the Defendant. Duncan M. Bryant, to the Plaintiff, August Lessmao, and it anriearlnir tn m v enf Ufftinn i tk. Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, 1$ a non rf ol dcat of tbis State and cannot after due dili gence be found therein; that he has proierty la this fcute, ana that a cause of action exist against the Defendant; now this U to com mand the said Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, to apiear at the next term of the Superior Court of New Hanover County, to be held at the Court Hou?c in the cUy ot Wilmington, on the third Monday after the first Mendayln September, 1S5, atid answer or demur o the complaint, or judgment will bj rendered against him according to law. This 27tb day of June mm ' - VasAMBINGE, Ckrk of Superior Court ot , juce271awiws New Hanover County Oolumbns Buggies. AWARI FOR THE BEST DISPLAY OF Light Vehicles, over all Competitors, at the World's Exoo-lilon, held at New Orleans, to the Columbus Bcggy Co.. Columbus, u.: We awarded the Columbus Buggy foa. pany, of Coiuabtia, Ohio, a gold medal on best collective ditrLT ett UaY.t i.n.t.. . carriages regardless ot price; also, medals on juwvj - p Buriy agon, urewBier fide -Bar Waaron. Jefferson wurnn Twa r4. tjn and Ladies' Phaeton." J.C. McCLELLANi Jury. 11. 1. rUAMZ. For (ale by ' T. J. SOUTHERLAXP. jaJy 7 lwk it-. r. ; s I 1 iv f. ' i : I 1 4-' 1. ' u. f A . k I- . 'i t

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