?nr tlie ovi-i-w I ... it the rrrat S.mthT1 ' " .. ... ? r. ?.- r .f tsthi';. F.I , f V cent. bottle. . ... drJ ii ... if ... ...i -M.. i ruuii nun I ' ll. ifl . . ..... .. ,y to nrm -pital Prize Ti.kftHotily r. Sharcsin pro- 3 u-sr louisiana State Lottery Company. . ctrtttv th& e supervise the Wt-iaiif o The Louisiana State Lot- r -'flt, fiMiti frfcn manage endcon Zrttfxclcings tkerrjelves; and that the ltUclU u-xth honesty, fairness, and cr. ... . nr-rlie and VBi author f?trtnr.toU this certificate, tcithfac Fanfour MTuUure attached. inttsadver TheDailv Roviev, V t Syr f . r t Commissioners. ;n,xn rrr.tct '.r 1 fr 25 rear by the Leg V.rcf-r K.ii.-.at'onal ani Charitable pur K-.'--W.th a rvt-!t&l of tvvo.ooo to wboCha rfrv fun 1 of over 1550.000 baa since been E7 an overwhelm. ponulai vote ltafran n'ie vr.is u.vlc a y?.rt of the present 8 tote tonf.Uut'or. a-loi tC'l Dccoinbcr -l. A.. D..1879. The r'y Mtcry trrr voted on and endorsed tj Uif pe-'pti of any tie l:wrer scalts or postpone: It tinn I sir.le Xunr!cr Drwlcjcs take L'.ire r.orithlv. A SPI.KMI1 nproiITl'NITY TO WIN A Fuirrt'NK. twv.ih (iran l Drawinjr, ClasB i, tLc A .!! n . of 5i:s-!c. New Orleans, T".f Ju'y 11, lS-5 1S2.1 Monthly Canital Prize, S75.000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PBJZJCS. i Cii 'tal Prize 4 75,000 1 Caj.'tal Prize 25)00 1 Capital Prlc 10.00C : PrLtcs of rt,flirt 12.00C 5 l'rlzcg of 2,w 10,000 M Trlzra of l.um 10,000 3) IV zc; of ,rii 10,000 .'VPrlica of i 20,000 50 Prizes of .1W 30,000 ) Prlica of .V 25,000 Km) ?rli of 25 25,000 irPROXlJlATIO POIZKS. i AprcxlinaUon PrlzeB of f 750. 6,750 " " 500. 4,500 3 . 250. 2,250 l.T Prlxce.amoiinarirto..''. 1265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made M"7i3thcoceor tbe Company In Ncjr Or t For further Information, write clearly, rly t full a.MreM. POSTAL NOTES, Express Hottj or-icrs, or New York Exchange In or ""sry ktter. turrency by Express (all sums ! ara upwanU at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, w . New Orleans, La. w. A. DAUPHIN, M . W Seventh St., Washington. D. C. fi V: - Mnoy Ordors payablo and ad feMUVCrr'-,'fttcr to 51WORIAAXS NATIONAL. BANK, Jons 1. w s Aw Jw new OkljCAKS. La MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. Atrta!n. sf n. i vt-h m W'LE. WEAK ATn txtvt AXfT.n m. m m. m M 4. A. aJXL A'laJ" eyes: iurlrjt Lonjr-SiKhtetlnCBS, aill E- lLSfer lr,s Granulation, Stye Tumrs, -""'s viuck Kcucl ana Perma nent Cure. u2l!t?Mlly fficacloua wlien used to tfther orPhCh "'"anjerer Sores, Ta n' :csK-?rOT .whereTer Hit Uv-l . :SLa FflM1 i vantage. iHT all nrnnrlsM at :25c jnel.J4w PARKER'S Hair Balsa: lrtjuv. 'anf and most economical hair f lcr ocv, ,cTfaiL, 'etstore the youthful Ureert ,n y.,ialr- lhls gnt dreeelng la s'ailar Vn bcec who have used it, to any fae' r. c; on ount of Its -superior ce'yih tan,arurl,y- U contains material vwnuuai io u:e ecaip ana but. PARKER'S TONIC 4 Pc5c "mi!y Mcdicicc that Never Intoxl cates. ie 15 - . HISCOX CO . W rTLD'7LadIC8 nd YonngMen. la city "U i.0nlr lo wrt for cs at their JuicUon?y Wor.k cn b7 all (distance no k can be made. A"anvia i -'"i-Pcr wee ' l,lreM n .No tmn fo r- TUYBUKDEN. Toevery one on rtirlh- i God gives a barden to be carried: down Tbo road that lies between the cross and crown. No lot is wholly free; He givetb one to thee. Some carry it aloft, Open and visible lo an v ptps- And all may sco ita form, and weight ana size. Some bide it in tbeir breast. And deem it thus unguessed. Tbe burden is God'j eittl And it will make tbe bearer calm and alrooir. Yet. lest it press too heavily and long ne sajs.casi u on Ale And it shall easy be. And those who heed Ilia voir And eeek lo s:ive it back in trustful prayer, , Have quiet hearts that never can des- . pair; . And hope lights np tbe way . Upon tbe darkest day. Take thou tby bnrden thus Into tby bands, and lay it at Hi's leet, Ann whether it be sorrow or defeat, Or pain or sin or care. It will grow lighter there. It is the lonely load That crushes out the life and light of heaven. But, borne with him, the soul, restored, torg ven. Sings out through all the days Her joy, and God's high praise. Christian Wurld. HOW TO FOOL YOUK WIFE. for reply. Please ., uoston, ai&ss une 10 dAw lm Col, Atlautus Pindererrass's Way. One day. after deep' meditation, the f rince of Orange remarked to lientinck : To the ravages of strong drink tbe human 85 stem resorts to various resis tances yielding versatile results.' This remark, although it embodies uo parti cular philosophy, cither inductive, syllogistic, reconstructive or democrat ic, has caused much comment. It is true that there is a creat differ ence in men, concerning the power of resistance against the influence of strong drink, and although no man es capes, yet some men, while struggling under the effect of liquor, ' can com -pletely 'deceive a beholder. Tbero is Colonel Allantus Pindergrass, for in stance. It you did not know that be was drunk you would not think that ne bad been drinking. He has a way of standing on the tiptoe of such polite ness, a way of saying such pleasant and appropriate things, that his intoxica tion is hidden under a bushel of agree ableness. The other day Mr. Martinhead went home with tbe Colonel. Tbe Colonel, his wifo'and Mr. Martinhead were sit ting in the parlor when Miss Sallie Poniruell. an old maid who had entered her thirty-uintb volume, -called. The Colonel presented bis friend, and, satis lied with the success of his sober pre tense, be leaned back and smiled. Then he began to think about something, and the thought that the. two visitors had not been presented occurred to him. Ab, Miss Pummell, allow me to in troduce my friend. Mr. Martinhead." . "We have met." replied Miss Pum mell. 'Ah, 1 didn't know that you were acquainted." The Colonel's wifo cleared her throat with a-sharp rasp of irritation. Tbe Colonel continued: ,I have thought for some time that I would like for you to become acquainted, bat it never oc curred tome that you were old friends " Colonel, let me see you a moment," said Mrs. Pindergrass, drawing her husband Into an adjoining room: "What's tbe matter with you?" she asked. Nothing." "Nothing! the mischicl! You are drunk!"- . Drunk !" he repeated contemptuous ly. 'Oh. of course. A man gets drunjr on tbe atmosphere." - We:i. I can tell yba that the atmos nhfire when vou are around is quite enough to make any one drunk. You must bave been smelling your w own breath." 'Has it come to this? Do you want to insult me? What have I done?" "Why, just look how you acted aoout introducing 1 ' "Ob, I see." said the uoionei, wuu a brightening change of countenance. "It was my lault a mere matter of forget- fulness." . Then stepping into the parlor, tbe Colonel said : "Miss Pummel), allow me to present Mr. Martinhead." "Miss Pummel and I are acquaint ed," replied Mr. Martinhead. . . ?'! bat so YV ny, teT, me assure -jou that I didrit know lt' Introducing yoo to an old friend! why that's a good joke! haw. haw capital joke! he he! Wife, let me see you a minute. "You've got me into a pretty fix," said tbe Colonel; when his wifa .had followed him into the adjoining room . "Told me those folks were not acquaint ed. You ought to be particular about such things." . "You oueht to be . killed," bis wife indignantly snapped. "What I have done?"; ;You good-for-nothing thing, you have made yourself " ridiculous. You are the mcst despisable man I ever saw." . I'll be confounded it I can under stand you." : . , . You are too drunk to understand anything, you brute." - "Ixxk here, I am tired of being in sulted." The Colonel wheeled around and went back into the parlor, where he proceeded to make himself agreea ble and to disguise the fact that he had been : drinking anything. "Why," said be, bow many surprises there are io store for us. We , meet people every day, and then, when we least ex pect it, they surprise us.. . Why. if any ono bad told me, Martinhead, that you bad gono to school lo Miss Pum mell. I would not have believed it." He d id nt go to school to me," snapped Miss Pummell. - Atr, that . was my understanding: Oh, it was you who went to school to Martinhead." , M "No. . sir, i interposed Martinhead." "Oh, yoo simply wont to school to gether. ; Yes, I got it mixed, but not much. : I do. liko to seo old1 friends meet each other. Let's see, I've kaown Martinhead for ten years. Bliss Pam mU. but not until to-day did I know that he was old friend of yours no, not until to-nay.' Mr. Martinhead, pleading the sudden recollection of urgent business, with drew; and Miss rommell not desirine to remain after her old fnend had gone, soon took her departure. The Colonel, not long afterward, tumbled into bed, When he awoke next morning be re membered nothing except that he had deceived bis wife. "A man wanted me to take a drink with him yesterday, but I wouldn't do it," said he. His wife did not reply. "By the way. our friend Martinhead would have come homo with rae yes terday, but he couldn't get off." Yes, some men have-a way of con cealing the fact that they are drunk. Advice to Mothers. Mes. Winsi.ow's Sootiiing Sykup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens tbe gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best jknown remedy, for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly Nervous Debilitated Dion You are allowed a free trial for thirty (lays of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaio Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss rf Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated pbamphlct. with full information, terms, etc. mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. w s m & w ljR Listen to Vour Wife. The Manchester Gcaedian, June 8lh, ISSi, savs: At one or llic "Windows" Looking on the woodland ways ! With clumps of rhododendroms and great masses of May blossoms!!! There was an interesting group It included one who had been a "Cot ton spinner," but was now so Paralyzed!!! That he could only bear to lie in a reclining position. This refers to my case. I was Attacked twelve years ago with "Locomoter Ataxy" (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely ever enred) and was for several years barely able to get about. And for the last 1 lve years not able to attend to my business, although Many things have been done for inc. The last experiment being Nerve stretching. Two years ago I was voted Into the Home for Incurables! Near Man chester, in May, 1882. I am no "Advocate": "lor anything in the shape of patent" Medicines? And made many objections to my dear wife's constant urging to try Hop Bitters, but finally to pacity her Consented!! I bad not quite finished the first bot tle when I felt a change come over me. This was Saturday. November 3d. On Sunday morning I felt so strong I said to my room companions, "I was sure I could "Walk! So started across the lloor and back. 1 hardlv knew h"w to contain myself. I was all over the house. I am gaining strength each day, and can walk quite safe without any "Stick!" Or tupport. I am now at my own house, and hope soon to be able to earn, my own living again. I bave been a member 01 tbe Manchester "Koyal Exchange" For nearly thirty years, and was most heart ily congratulated on going into the room on Thursday last. Very gratefully yours. JOHN XSLACKUUttiX, Manchester, (Eng.) Dec. 24, 1883. Two years later am perfectly well. Knrn own-nlnn without A hnnc'j Of fifTCCn Ttnnn nn thn white labeL Shun all the vile. poisonous stuff with "Hop" 01 "Hops" In MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD READ 9 O A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, FI NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty Jrage8. sometimes iweuvy four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. Th. (AMmixl nni-nnAA OT TI It A D8TREET la to be f practical service to busltess men. Its mieclal trade and Industrial reports; its week ly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the TiHcuvrtiitlnn nr1r Its avnonseS Of ICCent lccal decisions are exceedingly valuable- Aa com merciai xransacuns, m ue hww ocuw, uc coming to be more and more conducted on a ..x.tYi1 )i . ci a thn infsvrmaMsvn frmtA.inp.tl in Bxaxjaxbxet's is of the first Importance both . . ...11 10 producers anu uuuuwiucu. The Trade and Agricultural SItuaUon throughout the United states and Csnadals reported by Telegraph to Bbadstkeet up to the hour of publication SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BICADSTBECT (JO., 279,231. 2S3 Bboadwat, dottl tf NEW YORK C1TV CONSUMPTION. I hv ft Doaltlr rmiy for tfa fcbere diaease : by 1U n thoadsof cimot the worst kindandof ki one Madia Kb bMi tmred. Indeed, ostrocijri nrfe'th taiuffieey,thtl will mdTWO BOTTLES PRES. together with VALUABLE TEE A TUSK on this diMM to kuT offerer. Giraexpreaa udr.O. mddrc. , PK. T. A. SIiOCCH, 181 Fearl St., Xtw Tork. may IS 6m cod dJtw SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. fJIHrl VERY BEST MATERIAL USED, and nose but the most skilled workmen employed; not an apprentice boy In our shop. Our WHITE ASH INSirE BUNDS and DOORS, and Hard Oil Finish, will equal any In the world. -!nnel7 dw PARSLEY WIGGINS ED RE BILK fr PONG & TOWEL (36x25) ZZC postpaid, to introduce Try one- Doy more of dealers, ti eo. a. Baoww, a gt.. SJ0 Wabh. Bt., Boston, Mass. - JulySlmdAw The Courts Under the New Ar . . . rancement. r FIIT DISTRICT JUDGE SUEPUERD. ' Currituck September 7," one 'week, , Camden--September 14. one week. Pasquotank September j 21, one week. - ;- - ' Perquimans September ' 28, one Week., , - ' i,;..-1';'. ! H t j : ? Chowan October 5. one week. Gates Otober 1 one week. Hertford October 19 ono week; December 21; one week. - ' ' Washington October 26 one Week; December 14, one week. . ,, Tyrrell Novembers, one week. Dare November 9. one week. Hyde November 16, one -week. Pamlico November 23, one week." Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. 1 Warren September 21. two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie Nov em ber 2, two Weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. , Craven November 30. two weeks. 7 TIUKD DISTRICT JUDGE . Franklin August 17, one week; No vember 16, one week. Martin September 7, two weeks; December 7. two weeks ; lor civil causes and jail cases only. l iw oeptem ber 21, two weeks. Greene October 5, two weeks. Vance October 19, two weekj. Wilson November 2, two weeks. Nash November 23, two weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM! .The fall courts of the fourth district. composed of U ake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld as follows un der the new act: Wake July 13, to hold two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 2tf. two weeks; criminal. Octo ber 26, three weeks; civil causes only. : Wayne July 2V,, two weeks; civil and criminal. September 14, two weeks ; civil causes.. October 19, one week ; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, one weeks; ciy:i and criminal. i Johnston Ausgust 17, two weeks; civn anu criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE 'GILMER ' Orange August 10, one week: No vember 9, one week Caswell August 17, one week: No vember 16, one week. Person August 24 , one week ; No, vember 23, one week- Guilford August 31, two weeks ;De cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, two weeks. Alainancc September 28, one week. Chatham October 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones August 17, 'one week; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks ; No vember 16, two weeks, Duplin September 7, one week ; No vember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14. one wesk. . Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27. one week ; No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbus August 3, one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks ; De cember 7, two weeks. Robeson August 31, two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 30, one week, for civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks; December 21, pne week. - Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks ; No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24, two weeks ; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; December 7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19, two weeks. 1 Cabarrus November 2, one week; for criminal cases and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes Augutl0rtwo weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany- September 7, one week. ' Wilkes September 14, two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks Davie October 12. two weeks. kJ Forsyth October 26, two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY Henderson July 20, three weeks.- ; Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week. , Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28. two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHtPP. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks; October 26, one week. - Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil cases only. Union September 21. two weeks. ' Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two week3. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT -JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3, two weeks; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three wceksj December 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. . i Haywood September 14, twd weeks. Jackson September. 28, one ,week ' Macon October 5, one,wee& 1 1 j Clayf -October 12, oneweeK4 j: ?rf Cherokee October ig.tfcwdiweekji 'Graham November 2.one week. Swain November 9. two weeks. .V:' WHOLESALEiJPRICES. The following qnotpruona reprcpeB wholesale priees generaly. In making ; oi small orders higher prices bave to be eharxwS " 11 11 8 ,10 ii 9 s 0 75 H UU BAGGING . Standard.. 1 CACON North Carolina Hans,V !b-..fc..,.-......2.J Shoulders, if fb..i. ............ Skies, ...... WESTERN SMOKED ' Hams........ Sides, if a.. ....... Shoulders.. ........... DRY SALTED t sides, & m....;;....:...:.;. Shonklcrs, fb... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine, ; Second Hand, each... New New York, each ... k ew city , each ..... . BEESWAX, V lb BRICKS, r M , BUTTER, T S . . . ? North Carolina-'.. , ' is Northern ............ tS CANDLES, V lb Sperm.. ......... , "xaiiow .........M. . Adaiaantiae.. ........ , CHEES&, V to ' -, Northern Factory......... Dairy, Cream.... ......... SUte.....-i . COFFEE, r ft Java....................!..... Laguyra.. .............. ...... Rlo CORN MEAL, r bus., tn sacks COTTON TUfiS, r bundle.... 1 DOMESTICS i . Sheeting, 44, f yd.. Tarns, ?r bunch... ........... Kiius, dozen , M 1211 - Mackerel, No. 1, V bbi IS 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. 8 0 Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl., 9 60 Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 3, Y bbl Mullets. V bbl Mullets, Pork bbls 7 00 N. C. Roe Herrlnsr. W kez.... S 00 DryCod,ytb 5 FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 lbs Peruvian Guano, No. 1 ........ 0 CO - -'No. 2. ,86 00 1 1 LoUC8m.. ..00 CO v Raagh'sPacsphate..;.;..,... 09 Carolina Fertilizer . ...45 00 Ground Bone-.. ....00 00 Bono Meal 00 00 Bone Flour........ .....00 00 Navaaaa Guano... ......3) 00 Complete Manure ......00 00 Whann'B Phosphate ,i...00 00 Wando Phosphate .....00 00 ucrger & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 Excellcnza Cotton Fertillicr.65 00 1040 75 & r Si .0 a o a 1 9 lr (0 CO to 7 0J 63 65 to , 0 3 MISCELLANEOUS reis AJbl -AT- LOWEST CASH PRICES 11443 . 12 a It 13 14 10 17 li 9 75 3 a o a a a a a o 13 15 .13 13 Si 4 6a 85 O 14 O 15 5 00 5 00 4 00 020 J filO (0 010 10 & 6 P0 00(0 a & 4 09 O 9 C03 0 rw7 ot 051 CX, 060 0C 050 0C 040 09 045 00 057 OC 040 067 M 070 0 070 OC 060 Of 060 0t 0 7 50 0 9 0 0 00 4 6 00 6 00 5 75 if ft) 9 4 75. 0 4 75 0 5 0 7 0 6 a 0 o oo 00 25 0C 5C 6 ft) 11 l 'A 25 '4 10 French's Carbonate of Lima... 7 00 French's Agricultural Llmo.... 8 60 riAJUR, v bbl Fine Northern Super.. . ' ' ..Extra.. " Family. City Mills Extra..., h Family.".:.... ' ' Extra Family. GLUE lb ... GRAIN. V bushel- Corn, from store, bags, white. 7 75 0 f 0 Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. '.4 0 80 Com, cargo, In bags, white.. 72 0 75 Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. 70 0 72 Oats, from store.............. 65 0 67 u Cow Peas...i..... 1 25 0 1 75 HIDES, V lb 3 tirrecn...... ..7., ....... 5 it - Dry.; ii n HAY, V 100 lbs Eastern ....... 1 20 0 1 Western 1 15 0 1 North River.. 75 a HOOP IIRON. V ft 3 Ft LARD, ft Northern...... 8U0 North Carolina. ...... A Sr. : A1? on 0 jjiaiK, barrel.... ...V..; X W 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, MfL ' 1 Rough Edgo Plank. . . . :15 00 016 West India Cargocs.accordlng t9 quality .......13 00 01s Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 0.3 Scautllnnr and Board, cnm'n ' K) ia MOLASSES. irallon 1? JT . m . . . tuw vrop VUoa, m nnua..... " " In bbls Porto Rico, in bads In bbla Sugar Hou3c,ln hhda... " in bbla Svtup. In bbls... NAILS, Keg, Cut. 10U ba&ia.. OILS, V gauon Kerosene Lard Linseed... Rosin i Tar Deck and Spar................ POULTRY . . Qhickens, Uve, grown... .... spring........ ...... Turkeys PEANUTS y bushel POTATOES, V bnahel sweet Irish. bbl 1 75 0 2 25 PORK, barrel- City Mess 4, II OS 0 0 00 Prima.. ......12 00 000 00 Rump.. ....?', 00 130 00 BICE Carolina, p Rough, v busaexx. RAGS, & Country. - city ....o...... ROPE, ft SALT, sack, Alum... Laverpoci Lisbon American...... SUGAR, ft Cuba.... 26 0 to Z! 0 30 28 0 80 10 0 23 IS 0 2) 0 tO 0 2 (0 0 11 0 10 0 . 90 0 90 0 00 0 00 0 2) 0 35 10 0 25 75 0 1 00 0 MV 0 Itcliing Piles Symptoms and Cure. ! The eyxpioms arc moisture, like perspira tion, inter sc itching. It creased by scra'ching; very distressing, particularly at night; seems as it pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; tbe private parts are sometimes affcted. if allowed lo ton(inn very serious rc3uUs may. follow. SWAYNfa OINT MENT" la a ple&rant, sure cure. Also, for letter. Ith. Fait liheum, Scald llead.Erysrj elas, liarbera Itch; Blotches, all scary, crusty MUn D If cases. lox, by man, DOcts; 3for$l ?5w Address, DR. SVVaYNE & SON, Phlla la. Sold by DrugglU. jtzne 15 d eod m w f l3t wist A Coffee........... B ' ........... C " OA W " ........ ...... Crushed................... af AO- If Mi KTswtVxiOT. SHINGLES, 7 in. f M 10 60 bommon Jl 50 Cypress ?Saps 4 60 Cvprecs Hearts 0 CO STAVES, M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 R. O. Hogshead 00 00 TALLOW, ft 4 TIMBER, M feet Shipping. 12 00 vmeAiui. ....11 25 Ml"! Prime , 7 50 Mill Fair....... 6 000 5 0 Cfe 95 0 140 1V0 1440 06 0 15 TS 0 8. oo a oo 00 0 75 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 6 oo a evi 0 ts. 60 1OH0 11 6 0 6' 1 Cask, Capacity 1.000 Gals. T " " 160 " 100 M. T. Whiskey Bbls. 100 M. T. 8 Hoops, New . Alcohol Bbls. Common Mill.... ....5 00 Inferior to Ordinary.......... 0 00 WHISKEY, gal Northern. .1 00 North Carolina......... 1 00 WOOL, V ft Washed U Unwashed... 5 011 00 0 3 0C 0 6 00 . 0 7 50 OlS 00 010 00 a i 014-00 013 00 0 8 50 , 6 50 0 0C 4 00 400 . ( 20 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1885. Harper's Young People. AN IIAUSTRATKAyEEKLY. ; The serial and short 'stories in Harper's Young People have all the dramatic Interest that j uvea no fiction can possess, wnue tney are whoUy free from what is pernicious or Vulgarly sensational. Tbe humoioua stories and pictures are lull of innocent lan, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whoe names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give full Information on these subjects. . There la nothing cheap about it bat U price. , '-Ad epitome of everything that Is attractive and dcfclrable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. --. A weekly feast of yood things to the boys and drta fn every family which It visits Brooklyn Union. " It Is wonderf nl- in its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate, JMY. . TERMS: rostagc Prepaid. t2.00 Per Year. Vol. VI. commences November 4, 18S4h BraGLB Nuxbeks, Fire Cents each. Remittances should be made by Poet-OCce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. New&papers are not to copy this advertise mcnt withoat the express order of Bjlkfkm A BxomEXS. Addres - HARPER A BROTHERS, . deeS ' j New York. A f p 1 more money nan at anything else Uw llJ by taking an agency for the best selling book oat. Iieglnnera succeed grandly. None fall Terms free. H allett Book Co.. Portland, Maine. decSdftwiy n. BRUNHILD & BRO., WILMINGTON, N. 0. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Liquors. Cigars dtiTobacco. July 8 ' . ' 1885.. i Harper's Magazine; ILLUSTRATED. With the new volume, beginning in Decern ber, Uari'ek's Maoazivk will conclude its thirty-fifth year. The oldest periodical of its type, it is yet. In each new volume, a new map azine, not simply because M presents freh subjects and new. pictures, but also, and chief ly, because it steadily advances in the method liself of magazine making. In a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current lifo and movement. Leading features in the attractive -programme for 1665 are: new and W D How ells; a new novel entitled At the Red Glove;' descriptive Illustrated papers by F D Mlllctt, R Swain Gilford, E A Abbey, 11, Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's - "Sao Stoops to Conquer," illustrated by Abbey; im portant papers on Ar, Science, etc. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: , iiAKPEXt's Magazine 4 00 HAEPEB'S WEEKLY. 4 00 IIASPEB'S BAZAR 4 00 Hjcrpeb's VbUHQ People 2 oo HABPEB'S Fbakexht Squajuc Lxbhabt, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to ailsubscribtri in the United States or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified. It will be under- tood that tho subscriber wishes to begin with . c current xsumuer. The last eleven Semiannual Volumes cf Harper's Magazine, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of " $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binttlng, 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. I index to uarpers Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, from June, 1650, to June, 1660, one vol., avo. Cloth, 1 1 00. Remittances should bo made by Post-omco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. newspapers are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of ILlrpkb A Baos. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, dec 3 . New York. 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar ii the onlv raner in tho world that combines tbe choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with tbe latest fashions and methods of household adorn ment. Its weekly Illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladles to be their own dressmakers, save many times tbe cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, the man agement ol servants, and housekeeping In its various details are eminently practical. Much attention is given to the Interesting topic of social etiquette, and its Illustrations of arc needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led, its literary met it is or the highest excel lence, and the unique character ofits humor ous pictures has won for it the name of the American runch.z . i Harper's Periodicals. r Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE -. 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's Franklin squabs libbabt, Ono Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada. .- The Volumes of the Bazar begin with tbe first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after tbe receipt of order. Tho last Five Annual Volumes of Harper's Bazar In neat cloth binding, will De sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 OO each. Remittances should be made by Post-Ode Money Order or Draft, to avoid ebanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without tbe express order of Habpeb A Brothers. Address HARPER M BROTHERS; dec 3 KawYork. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints French Window Glass. tiENCY FOR I. Y. ENAMEL PAINT i ' ' t .... . CO'S READY PREPAEED PAINT. f ALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasicg. The fact hat our paints are from the celebrated Tac orlcs of Wetherill A Co., and . Harrlsoc Bros ,2Co., is suficient guarantee for . thdr quality 1 ' purit, . -r- : ' A fine Rae df Cooking Stoves at Facto' Prices, in addition to our large and full - HABDWAEE STOCK to which your attention Is reepectfullylnvitrd NATH'L JACOB1, septs 10 South Front t

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