Ml SCF.I.I-AKEODS, if raw 1AL cor the BOWELS TheDaily .Review. .. -i fordlul i the great Sontben ;rr' ti:,.-rli.i u.lJentcry. Cramp-CoIIe a - ..... th l;rtlc one mferiuiS uck I th'- efT--! of ttmio. Ffcf .i.t. at 5 tenU bottle. "T . i, rok KemPlj-ffwcct Jui Tjilr . "'. , r.. -ixli. t.'roup and Cc I. i ,- . . v tc nrm W Health Renewer. . .. tn:-' intrit. unctioallcd forTor ,' ;; . . v -i ! sweats, Nervous Weak : ' v i 1 1 ir.iu Sexual Declltc. $1 1 x f. r -', at Druggists ! ' , s. Wt Li, Jersey City, N J A I CURE F0W DEAF. ! k - if'it ini r ved Cut-hloced Far Drums .'...Vi.y t:bT(iKB THIS HEARINH. , ",Vr'rinU!'- work of the NATUIULDrI'M . .I ' l I-- t i-n. ni l INVISIBLE TO OTH ;VV ;;.V,l)'cto wear. All convcrea n o I tv.-n whl.-Kr.-i heard distinctly. We .. ferioti,-. urua Hem. Send for Illustrated w.k with toslim nhilo KKK. Address F. ,rco.-M!radway. N: .!. Mention this n', julylSdAwtw NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. M'T.K Weak EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy lor SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Longsightedness, an 1 Re storing the Sight of the 1)14. Cure3 Tear Irops, Granulation, Stye Turners, lic'l Kyes, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick-Relief and Perma nent Cure. &Uo, equally cfllcaelous when used In other mata-Ucs, euch as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu rgor, !;at Uheum, Burns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, MITCHELL'S SALVE may be uscl to advantage. SoM bv all Drusglata at 25c. j uly 13 tw BTCapital Prize $75,000.ffii Tickets only $5. Shares in pro portion. ' Louisiana. State Lottery Company. 'tdohenly certify that tie supervise th arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Draftings of The Louisiana State Lot Tf Company, end in person nonage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the $ane are conducted teith honesty, fairness, and in good faith towardMi parties, and tee author Ue the Company to use this certificate, with too tmues of our signatures attached, in its adver t tner.ts." Cera mls8ioners. n,-or-.ratcl n 1SS for 25 years by the Leg .-..iv f, r K.liiu:o.nal and Charitable pur-i-with si capital of wtuch a Trryo fliml of over t!(W 000 nas aincebeen a 1'le'L rh,an0Terwhc!mlnJf pop'ulaj rote ltsfran vA .ul made aP"-rt of the present State uMw.n:ton adomed December 2d. A. D..1S79. Jt only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed r the people of any State. it. Itnfrer scales or postpones. r'i nr' ' Slnle Number Drawlnirs -take race monthlv. Km.TriKNlIn OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A ii i - E,?hth Grand Drawing, Claae J. .n the Aca.lemy of Music. New Orleans, A-Vr.V5" August 11, 1SS5 183d Monthlj Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 Tickets at Five Dol arsKach. Fractions in Fifths u proportion. l l n 5 10 2 IX Z.V Ha 1 . UST OF PRIZES. Uvjtal Prlre -JI'ltal Prize UU'ital Prle '. 1 rlcs of J6.000 t rtzes of 2,000 y.203 of 1,000 , l rlcs of 500 I rUes of 200 100. 50....., 25 APPKOXIjIATIOK PRirES. irproilmauon Prizes of t75u. 500. 250. ; rizca of irt;09 of Frts of 75,000 25,000 10.00C 12.00C 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 25,000 25,000 6.750 4,500 2,250 l7 ' zes, amounting to .t... $265,500 cniJi511011 'or rates to clubs should be made Jeans. office ot Company Id New Or- i.r tlher Information, writ eilearrr. r. Marl i88- POSTAL NOTES, Express UaarJ Lf. ers or New Tork change In or um Currency by Express (all sums uwariia ai nnr expense) addre&sea M. A. DAUPHIN, A- OAUPHIH. NCW 0rlCM' v.i.. W Seventh 8t.. Waahtsftmi. I). .... 1 O. Monev Ordnm nhlA And &d . re r ' Mney Ordei July l??8 KTIONJ A. DftEAAI. NATIONAL BANE. NXW UUliKB, Uh BeloT'd 'tis but a dream yet still I see . : Tlie witching beauty of your face bo iair, I watch again the light thit never dies Upon the yellow glory of y oar hair. I gaze Into the eyes that wrought my woe. The gray eyes flashing neath their heavy frinee. I watch the hue that glows upon your cheek. The sweetest rosebud knows no fairer tinpe,- And yet 'tis but a dream tho face I lov'd Will, perfect, lie no more against my own; The heart has ceas'd to beat for me, and yet My love has neve r, t never weaker grown. How we can love! if women only knew The po wer she holds to work us good or ill. The happiness and peace her smiles may brine. The sorrows that her voice has pow'r to still- Surely she could not prove to us un kind. Surely sho would not win us to bo tray! Knowing that she can give us life or death And turn onr darkest night Into brightest day! Sweet 1 forgive you tho1 your iovely face Breaks in upon my lonely, unlov'd rest I have no powV to judge I love you still. Although you broke the heart within my breast- Cecil Lorraine. A Fellow to Be Trusted. -What do you think of Bliffkins, Brown?" "Pretty fair sort of fellow in his wy, I believe." "Do you know him well?" "Oh, yes! I am very well acquaint ed with him. indeed." "And you consider him a man to be trusted?" 4 No doubt olit." What do youi base your ODinion upon?" 1 "Personal experience." "How's that!" "Well. I began trusting Bliffkins shortly after I became acquainted with him, and I am trusting him still." Detroit Journal. An Absent-Blinded Barber. "Yes," said the proprietor of an up town barber shop, "Jim was a good workman, but 1 had to get rid of him7 "What was the trouble?" "He was too absent minded an' for getful. One old fellow, with a head like a billiard ball, he never failed to ask if he didn't want a shampoo. Another bald beaded old chap got mad because Jim insisted upon sellin' him a bottle ot Juixir that was warranted to keep the hair trom lailm out; an7 a young man, who was slightly -under the influence of beer, fell asleep in the chair an1 Jim shaved off his moustache. I had to call in a policeman then. He cut the man's ear nearly off while watching a dog fight in the street, an7 sometimes be would rub hair oil over a customer's face instead of his head, an' fill his ears full of lather and forget to wipe it out. Jim didn't mean nothin1 wrong, but as rsaid. he was absent-minded. You re member when old Deacon Jones died?" "Yes." "Well, the family sent for a barber to shave him, an I told Jim to go up It was that job that lost his situation. He did the work all right, nobody ever found fault with Jim's work; but when he had put on the finishin' touches and pulled the towel off the poor old deacon, ha turned 'round an1 shouted. Next!" so that tho people heard him a block away. So I told Jim that I guessed I'd have to let him go. New xorh Sun. Dr. Sage!s Catarrh Remedy surpass es all. Anecdote of Queen Victoria The following admirable trait in the character ot the highest personage in tbeBntish realm is not generaly Known. When Princess victoria, she is said to have frequently amused herself by going incognito in a carriage to different shops, and derived a great entertain- ment, when divested of the appendages which are attended upon royalty, in observing as a passive spectator the in finite variety of incidents and occupa tions with which . London abounded. Being one day at the shops, she ob served, among many objects that at tracted her attention, one that fixed it. This was a young and intelligent lady. who was most sedulously employed in looking over different gold chains for the neck, which were presented to her for inspection. After she had admired several, she asked the price ot one which seemed to hare peculiarly struck her fancy. The price was named. It was more than she imagined it .would have been. "Can it not be offered cheaper?" "Impossible" was the reply. The young lady seemed disconcerted. examined the cha'n again, and when she laid it down the second time ap peared to part from it with reluctance. However, at length she admitted that the price was far too high, chose a much cheaper, whicb-was ordered to be sent home, and went away. The young Princess Victoria, who had si lently observed the silent workings in the mind of the lady, as displayed in her countenance, inquired who she was, and upon receiving satisfactory information ordered the firm to pack the gold chain which had so attracted her attention, with the one she bad pur chased, and sent it with a card, signi fying that the Princess Victoria was so well pleased with observing that the young lady, who had been so much taken with the beauty and workman ship of the chain, had yet s6 much the command ot her passions as not to suffer these to overcome her prudence, that she, therefore, in token of her ap proval; desired her to accept the chain she so mnch admired, in the hope that she would always persevere; in that laudable line of conduct upon which female happiness so much depended. , , . ' ' mm m. .' ' . - An Eccentric Cbaucellor. ' Chancellor George II. Bibb, of Ken tncky. twice a senator from that State, and Secretary of the treasury in Mr. Tyler's administration, was known in Washington as "the last of the small clothes." Until bis death he wore a broad-brimmed hat, fine, linen, long waistcoat, knee breeches. - black silk ho? e. and low .shoes with silver buckles. The chancellor's personal appear ance and manners proclaimed ; him a gentleman ot the old school dignified, high-toned, and courteous to everybody. Even the boys, knowing that he took snuff, would often stop bim in the streets with. "Please, sir, give us a pinch of snuff!" The chancellor, with an air that would have become Louis XIV him self, would at once offer his scuft-boxto the little fellow. One day. thechancellormetio Wash melon a friond from Kentucky, and in quired particularly about" the gentle man's family his son and his son's children. "His youngest." said the friend, "is named for you and for one of the Bib lical characters. Nehemiab.''' "Tha 's right," replied the chancellor. "The law and the prophets should al ways go together." The chancellor's fondness for angling always amounted to a passion. Wheth er the fish bit" or not. ho would sit for hours on the bank of a stream, with rod and line, waiting for a nibble. A story, illustrative ot bis reputation as the most patient of anglers, used to be told in Washington circles : A gentleman, seeing that the chancel lor had been sitting: on the wharf for several hours, watching his float, stroll ed down to him. and asked: "What luck?" '"None," replied the chancellor. "I thought I had a bite two or three hours ago, but apparently there is not a fish about." "What is your bait?" "A live, plump young froir, hooked through the fleshy part of the leg." "Look there, chancellor!" said the friend, bursting into a laugh, and point ing to a log partly out of water. The chancellor looked, and saw his bait sunning itself on a log! Nervous Debilitated Men You axe allowed a free trial for thirty (lays of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy- relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss rf Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated phamphlct, with full information, terms, etc, mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. w s m & w lyR Advice to Mothers. Mks. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving tho child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly Listen to Your Wife. The Manchester Guaedian, June 8th, 1SS3, savs: At one of the "Windows" Looking on the woodland ways ! With clumps of rhododendroms and great masses of May blossoms!!! "There was an interesting group It included one who had been a "Cot ton spinner," but was now so Paralyzed ! ! ! That ho could only bear to lie in a reclining position. This refers to ray case. I was Attacked twelve years ago with "Locomoter Ataxy" (A paralytic disease of nerve fibre rarely ever enred) and was for several years barely able to get about. And for the last Five years not able to attend to my business, although Many things have been done for me. The last experiment being Nerve stretching. Two years ago I was voted into the Home for Incurables! Near Man chester, in May, 1882. I am no "Advocate"; "For anything in the shape of patent" Medicines? And made many objections to my dear wife's constant urging to try Hop Bitters, but finally to pacity her Consented ! ! I had not quite finished the first bot tle when I felt a change come over me. This was Saturday. November 3d. On Sunday morning I felt so strong I said to my room companions, "I was sure I conld "Walk! , So started across the floor and back. I hardly knew how to contain myself. I was all over the house. I am gaining strength each day, and can walk quite safe without any "Sack!" Or Support. I am now at my own house, and hope soon to be able to earn my own living aealn. 1 have been a member oi the Manchester Mioyal Exchange" for nearly thirty years, and was most heart ily congratulated on going into ihe room on Thursday last. Very gratefully yours. John Blackburn. MANCUKSTKK,(Eng.) UCC. 21, 18S). Two years later am perfectly well. MW None genuine without a tunc J of green Hops on the white labeL Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hop" oi "Hops" in their nar- june -I lmd&wnrmtc f&T FREE! RELIABLE SELF CURE cT y A favorite prescTijition of one of tlie rno'i SmOmmb DOted and successful soecialisH in the V. S nv retired for the cure of Xtrvoui Debility, lt Maufco!. WeaknfM and Ieeay. St-iu tpLun sealed envelope r icr. i 'ruggisis can nu 11. VJdress DR. WARD & CO.. Louisiana. Mo. A LendinRLnndenPby ttiHan KMnbliuhr no From Am. Journal of Wed. makes a specialty ofEpilerr and rnrod mora eases than . ""TLTT.:.. it . I... tim minnlT Limastan whine: we nT hrd of cases of over S SuSSBOLE. No. 96 John St.,Nr York. apiso d&w rmuHTnlf'otl The Courts Under t be New Ar- ramrementi iiCJl FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SIIErilERD. Currituck September 7, one week. Camden September H. one weeki I Pasquotank September 21. r pne week.- - "-'.. . :.:;.: "Perquimans September 28, '" one week. - ' v r--. 'k Chowan October 5. one week. -: Gate 3 Otober 12, one week, r ., Hertford October 19, one f week; December 21 one week; 1 5 Washington October 26, ono week ; December 14, one week.; ;V Tyrrell November 2. one .week. Dare November ). one wpek. t Hyde November IC, one week. Pamlico November23, one week. Beau for November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGK PHILLIPS. , Warren September 21. two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. vi Halifax November 16, two weeks. Craven November 30, twa weeks. , THIRD DI3T1UCT JUDGE J. " Franklin August 17, one week; No vember 16, one week. ' Martin September 7, - two weeks; Decern ber 7, two weeks ; tor civil causes and jail cases only. ; Pitt September 21, two weeks. . Greene October 5, two weeks. Vance October 19, two weeki. Wilson November 2, two ; weeks. Nash November 23, two weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM. The fall courts of the fourth district composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and. Wayne, will beheld as follows un der the new act: Wake July 13, to hold two weeks; criminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks ; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks; criminal. Octo ber 6, three weeks; civil causes only. Wayne July 27. . two. weeks; civil and criminal. September . 11, two weeks; civil causes. October 19, one week; civil causes only. , Harnett August 10, , one .weeks; civil and criminal. , Johnston Ausgust 17, two weeks; civil and criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE GILMER. Orange August 10, one week; No vember 9, one week Caswell August 17, ono week; No vember 16. one week. Person August 24, one week; No. vember 23, one week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;Dc cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks ; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week Chatham October 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. Jones August 17, one week; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two Svceks; No vember 16, two weeks, Duplin September 7, one week ; No vember 30, two.weeks. ; Pender September 14, one. week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; Decern bor 14. one week. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one week. SEVENTH DI3TRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27, one week ; No vember 9, ono week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbu3 August 3, one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks; De cember 7, two weeks. Robeson August 3 1 , two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November .30, one week, for civil causes. . . , Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks ; December 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks f No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24. two weeks ; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7 two, weeks; December 7, one week. , , Randolph September 21, two weeks! Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19, two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week; for criminal cases and no jury civil cases NINTII DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES- Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes August 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany- September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26. two weeks.- TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY- Henderson July 20, thrte weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7, one week Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yancey September 28, two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHIPr. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August ,10, two weeks; October 26, one week, Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil casc3 only. Union September 21, two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUYGER. Madison August 3. two weeks No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three weeks; December 7, two weeks. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two week3. Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. Clay -October 12, one week. Cherokee October 19, two week., Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9, two weeks.' ' Itching Piles Symptoms and Cure. ' The symptoms are moisture, like perspira tion, intense lUbing, it creased by ecra'chlog; very dlstres sing, particularly at night; teems as If pin-worms were crawling in and about the rect am; t be private parts are sometimes affected, if allowed to continue very serious resmlts may follow "jjWAYK'a OIT MKNT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for 1 etter. lfh. Salt Rheum, Scald Head , Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty rkinDiteases. Box, by mall, SOets; 3 forl, 23. Address, DR. SWAYNE & SON, Phlla., Pa Sold by Druggists. uune 15 U eod m w 1 13t wist WHOLESALE w4- PRIUE3. 3T The . fo'Jowtcg ciiotrttoiiSj resreaes wholesale prices generally In xnakliyf" n; , small orders higher prices hare to be ctarce? ' . - - i : ' -' - ; 5 Pi. t .:tl& In ' ' i i Mi i- W I s BAGGINfe St&adaxd.- OA CON North CardSc . ..' r v Haas, V; W--. -Shoulders, v SideR. i?. WKSTKRN SMOKKD : Hasia. ... . t Sides. tt. ..V.V...... .... : Shoufderfk;. n D R Y .SA LTED t ? i ?'! . Sides, V' It 'Shoulders, lb.... ........... D A URKIS Spirits Tarpeattcj, Seoonl Hand, each...;......; l New New. York, each.... .... 1 New City.eacn beeswax: p a..!.-... BRICKS, y M w BUTTER, T ib ; ' - North Carolina, ......... - Northern........ .1 , CANDLES, f Jb -Sperm. .... .......... Tailow . ? 'Adamantine..:... .'. :. ; CUEESlL,! y lb k Northern. Factory. ........... Dairy, CrCDjn.... . ......... State 5-OFFKJS.y Ur- Java. ...... Iiaguyxa.. .............. ...... Bio... CORN MEAL, if bus., in sacks COTTON TIES, V bundle.... DOMESTICS : Sheeting, 44, V yd.... l ams, f bunch.. EGGS, dozen..;, . Mackerel. No. 1. V bbi..-....16 00 Mackerel. No. 1. V half bbl- 8 50 iiii 0 If o b 00 .J 5 S to 1 , ( f3 H 65 00 f 3 12 o 1 12 U 10 n 12 0. ?5 3f a a a a a a a a cvo S5 14 IS O 11- . IS 12 25 13 124 8) 14 13 Mackerel. No. . V bbl.... Mackerel, No. 2, & half bbl. Mackerel, No. S, V bbl...... Mullets, r bbl .... Malic is. Pork bbls.... i N. C. I toe Herring. V keg... 9 CO Dry Cod, y tb FERTILIZERS, 2,000 fba Peruvian Guano. No. 1 00 00 00 00 00 5 SV20 OC 610 10 4910 (0 6) 6 M a o co a a a a 8 5C 4 00 9 .:o co No. 2.. S6 00 " Lobos.... ..00 W Baugh's Phosphate.. ...... ...00 00 Carolina Ferullzer 45 00 Ground Bono-.. .00 00 Bone Meal 00 CO . Hone Flour. 00 00 Navassa Gnano:..... 33 00. Complete Manure.i.. .00 00 Whann's Phosphate.. .00 00 Wando Phosphate........... .00 00 Berber & BuU'a rhosaliato..00 00 Excellenra Cotton Fertfllzer.65 00 7 00 8 50 ., 0 00 75 T5 00 00 75 50 1) 75 .4 72 70 C5 25 S 11 20 15 75 00 40 French's Carbonate of Lime French's Agricultural Urns. FLOUR, bbl- JTine... Northern Super. " Extra " Family City Mllla-Extra " Family...... " Extra Family... . GLUE ? tb..... GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bagB.wtiite. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, ir. bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, in bags.. uats, rrom store..... Cow Pea? HIDES, V lb Green Dry i HAY, VIOOfiwB Eastern '. Western North IUver HOOP fIRON, VJb LARD, tf" lb Northern North Carolina LIME, v barrel. LUMBER, City Sawed, f M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. 1 8 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 WeBt India Cargoca.accordlng ' to quality.....; 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Scautllng and Board. com'n..T 1 DO MOLASSES. & gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhda... " " in bbl3.... Forto Rico, inbada " " in bbla.. ...... Sugar House, in hhds..-..,- " - Icbbl3 Syrup, In bbla NAILS, V Keg, Cut.lOd basis OILS, V gallon . Kerosene Lard. ....... ........ ........ Linseed ... Rosin Tar......... Deck and Spar... t. ........ POULTRY ! Chickens, live, grown... .. Cpring Turkeys PEANUTS y bushel 100 POTATOES, V bnsnei Sweet Irish, V bbl..... PORK, V barrel City Mess.. Prime... Rump. ................ RICE Carolina, V lb. Roujrh. ?" bushci.... BAGS, V lb Country City c... EOPE. W lb SALT, V sack, Alum,. Llverpoo i ...... i . : Lisbon American ... ..t. .......... SUGAR, V lb Cuba Porto Rloo A Coffee . B " C " Ex C- . Crushed... SOAP. V lb Northern. SHINGLES, 7 in. VM 10 50 Common.... .................. 2 GO Cypress fSaps..... 4 50 . Cypreea Hearts ........... 0 CO STAVES, V M W. O. Barrel.. 12 00 R. O. Hogshead .00 00 TALLOW, V lb 4 TIMBER, V M feet Shlpplng.12 00 100 00 537 00 t51 00 H)0 0C ?56 0C 40 CO 045 03 ftxi oc GiO 0C 67 0C 70 00 70 CC 60 00 tmm n 75t a o o a a a a ts a n a a a a a a a a a o a 4 00 4 00 5 25 7 0C 6 5C 6 00 5ft 11 '.0 8 75 72 75 iy2 25 25 &f ii', 8k .. 1 25 2 28 iO IS 2) to to 11 10 90 90 00 00 2) 10 75 fO 75 a a 020 10 1S5. 22 IS a a a rt o a a a a a a a a 10 CC 30 HQ S3 3' 25 a a 11 00 12 00 2 25 03 a o 000 00 0 00 5 95 0 1V40 10 HMO 00 Q 76 f5 0 85 , 00 B CK' .00 : .75 00 0 00 00 0 00 00 0 6 00 0 6V 0 6 &V0 lOVfeO U 5 0 6V 00 00 OC' 50 011 3 0 6 a 7 IS oc 10 CO 0 5 14 00 13 00 0 8 50 Fine M1U. 11 25 Mm Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 6 000 6 SO Common Mill... 5 00 0 0C Inferior to OrdJnary.. 0 00 0 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 CO 0 4 00 North Carolina 1 00 0 . WOOL, V tb Washed.. H 2. Unwashed.... - )5 20 Burrr - 10 0 15 1885. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The serial and thort- atoriC3 in Harper's Young People have all the dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The humoious stories and pictures are full of innocent lun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes gltc full Information on these fcubjects. Thereto nothing ebcap about It but Us price. -An epitome of .everything that Is attractive and desirable-la iavcnlle literature Boston Courier. A weekly feast of pood things to the boys and irlrla in every family wulch It .yiaita Brooklyn Union. It to wonderful in its wealth of picture in. formaUon, and interest. LhrkUan .Advocate, NY. TERMS: rostagc Prepaid, $2.00 Pr Year. Vol. VI. commences November 4, tiis4. Single NcKCtES, Five CcnLs each., Remittances should be made by lot Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy , this advertise meat without the express order, of JUsru & Broth cits. Address HARPER BROTHERS. dec 3 ' vrw York: WANTED. LADIE AND GENTLEMEN to take nice, light, pleasant work,' at their own homes. -Work cent by mail any distance all the year round. $2 to a day can be quietly matte; no canvsssing, - Address Reliable M.'r'o Co , Philadelphia, Pa. Box IVJS. - July 13 d&wlm r TV? f.IISCnLLANEOUS QUAlLANTIJrE FOR THE PORT OF WIL MINGTON will be enforced froW, Hay 1st, to November 1st. as follows: ' , Pilots will bring all vessels from For tj soo th of Cape F-ear.froioiall.MedlterTanraaiPorts; ana all vessel which have had any kind of sick ncsson board daring the paessge. or which Bareslckaess on arrival, to the Quarantine anchorage; and wiU cause signal to be let la the main rigging on the port side, as soon as possible after crossing the Bar. Special notice will be issued it the pilots, by the Quarantine Physician, to bring vessels from other ports to tho Quarantine Station wlicnevcr IS shall appear to. the QuaranUne Board that they are infected,- or suspected of being jji. ; j . - -t. ' .o' . - . No vessel miut leave the Quarantine anchor ate, or allow,aBy person, steamer or tugbott, lighter, or boat of any -kind to go alongside, unless byTwritten authority from the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward of ho channel as la consistent with safety. " Regulations govemlngvcsscls while la Quar antine may be had oa application at the ofiice cf the QaaranUce Physician at SmttbvlUe. ' . ' Applications for permits to visit vessels In Quarantine must be made to Dr Thomas F. Wood Dr. Geo. G. 1 ho seas, and permits so obtained will be cbdorsed by tlie Quarantine Physician, if in his opinion, it is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels. a penalty oi fs.o for each and every offence will be enforced against any person violating any of the Quarantine Regulations of tho Port. W. u. CURTIS. M. D., Quarantine Pbyilclan, Fort of Wilmington. TH03. F. WOOD, M. D. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. D. aid 28 2am 6m 1415 Consultants Sash, Doors. Blinds, White Lead, Paints French Window Glass. GKNCY FOR N. Y. ENAMEL FAINT , CO'S READY PREPAEED PAINT. QA-LL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND getour'pilces before purchasing.1 The fact hat our Paints are from tho celebrated Fae orles of Wethcrill & Co., and Harrison Bros Co., Is sufficient guarantee for their quality purity. ' . ' , . ' .. A fine line of Cooking stoves at Facto Prices, in addition to our large and full . tt a tVtttt t t-i ctmrrTr YV iiXtJj O lUUil to which your Attention la respectfully Invite J t . VT a rrTT f . T A rTlTfl , ." septa 10 South Front. 8t Ifi IWriT.nnil numMnn obscoredifciute. baf fling tho ekillod rhy- sicinne. rexnlt from youthful indliicretion. too f poo inih;lirf nco. or ovor brain work. Avoid the iinpositioa ot preten tious ttiacUk'i for thew tmublea. (it our tr Cireulcrnnd'frUil l'ack pe, and le&rn facts before tukina treat ment elsewhere. Take av Stllin KMr.ivthatiiA CUKKD thousands, does not interfere with -Mention to but iues a, or cams pain or inconvenience in any way. Founded oa X53ILITY, Irpio 'Weakness, DECAY, LiYounp; & Middle ftgeo men. l"EoTED FOR OVEnSlX ITEARS BY USE IN MANY Thousand Oases. 5 ran m PACKACZ TREATMENT. One Month. - 3.00 Two Months, - 6.00 1 rientifie mrdiral nrincl- pies. By direct application ut ino teat oi oiscese ua Inx'ciflc influence is felt without delay. The oat. ural functions of the hu- mn ortranlim is restored. The animating elements of life, which, nave been wasted are eiven back .and the nation t becomes cheer I Cut and rapidly (tains bo tlx I strength aud sexual vigor. HARRIS REMEDY CO.. M'fqChemiSTS 306 N. Tenth Bt ST. LOUIS. HO. Truss. mm. apis dawl I have a positive remedy for the above disease ; by It use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of lone; standing have been cured. Indeed. o strong tsmTfattti in its efficacy, that I will send TWO BOTTLES FRXB, . together with a VALUABLE TBEATISB on this disease to any sufferer. Give express and P. O. address. i DB. T. A. SLOCL'il, lsi Tcarl St.. 'ew Tork. may 18 6m cod d&w Board A FEW MORE BOARDERS. EITHER table, regular or transient, can be accommo dated with comfortab'-c rooms and the best the msvlrAf a ft I a of. SJfciS v vi m MRS. ROBERT LKE'3, HSVi Market St. bet. Front and Second. HE? I D lor working pcop'c. Send 10 Cu Lai sr, cents TKstage, and we wll mall yon fbeh, a.royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of mak ing more money In a few days than tou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. CO cents to $5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer; To all who are not well satisfied we will send tl to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address STUfsoif A Co, Portland, Malce. dcc2dAwly SASH, DOOJtS, blinds: rjlHE VERY BEST MATE2IAL USED, and norc but the-most skilled workmen employed ; not an apprentice boy In our shops. Our WHITE ASH 1NSIUS BLINDS and DOORS, and ILwl Oil Finish, will equal any in the world. iunel7d&w PARSLEY A Y.'IGGINS ileal tli is Weal tlie - ... . . i nt'KZ trUARANTEKD Dr. E. C. WEST'S yJ NEBVE AD BUAUf TRKAT31EST, a gnar antced eperJfle for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con Tulslons, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by tho use of al cohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mcnfal De pression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature old Age, Barrenness, Loss of power in either sex, Jnvotintary Losses' and Spermatorrhoea caused by ovr exertion of tho brain, self abuse, or OTer-Indulgence, fiw& box. or six boxes for 13 00, sect by mail prcpild on receipt of price. ; WE GUARANTEE SIX EOJCES To cure any case. With each order received by us for tlx boxes, accompanied 1th 3J 0, we w in scna the t urchaser our written guar actec to refana the ' money if the treatment doea not effect a cere. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEiiT & CO , bC2 W -Madison Chicago, IB, ,oct211yd&w

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