MISCELLANEOUS. rvinn AH) Enters tne .system trom nalmpwn emuses, t all huou. ' ! Shatters tas Serves, Impair. Digestion, " Knieenir lie rr r I II I II II " U 1 II u THE REST TONIC Quickly and completely enres .TliUnMSL,ana tnua and Ferrn. For I ntermittent Fr verw, witadr, Inrk of Enerjry, it has no cqnal. Is enriche and paririxw tb blood, rtraiulat es the ap wrfit. nrl itnnrthBii th mnelea and nwwi It does not injure the teeth. caoae headach. or prodace conrtiptko all othrr Iron mdirtme fc. Fatheb T. J. Rm.t.T. the patriotic and scholar! OatholicDmn. of Arkansas, mts: . . "I have aMd Brown' Iron Bitters with ths ret wt Mtisf&ction for Malari. and as a prevent! of Chills and like disease, and will always keep it on hand as a ready friend.' Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no otucr. Mad only by Ladiks' Hand Book useful and attractive. c-m-taining list of prizes for r-cip. information about coin, etc., iriren away ty all leilers in rnediciu,or Daily Royievy. J SH 1 T. JAMES. Editor A Prop WILMINGTON. , N. C. WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1885. entered at the Poatofflce at Wilmington. N. C. aa second-class natter. - I them at Anderson Yille on September 28. 1864. and aaaressca io ueir u" Government, they say mai vwuue Bl owing the cwnieaeraie aainoruiKs doe praise for the aueauon paiu oar prioner, number nf our men are daily consigned lo early grates, in the prime ni manoncu, larwuui uuim kirdred. and this is not caused inten tionally by the Confederate Government, but by force oi ciicuiuawiiws. The cave out of which Israel Putnam draped the wol! is seldom visUed be cause it is in astony, mountainous for. ert. in a remote corner oi Connecticut. A picnic partyirecently made the tedi ous tripi which involved reveral miles of rough walking There are pictures in primers of Putnam entering the cave eric . with a blazing torch held above his head. The hole is really so small that it only can be explored on bands and knees, and an a Jolt cannot turn around in it. The length is 300 feet and tradition ssys that the hero follow ed the beast to the further end, shot him between the eyes by their own glow, and then" was drawn out with him by means of a rope. The prosperity of Cuba requires the adoption of a new commercial treaty between Spain and the United States, and if the Span'sh government precedes from its position in regard to Minister Foster's project, it will be to a great extent on account ot the clamor oi T.f."R."RTT. A "RJT3 CLIMAX Cubans, The total commerce between JW I . , -. r..i- J O J I trie ijnn.euaiaT.es nnn opbiu uuu mv jan 1 ly d Aw DO YOU . KNOW THAT PLUG TO BACCO N1 with Red Tin Tasr: ROSE LEAF Cut Chew Ine; MAYY CLIPPINGS, and lack. Brown and Yellow SMUFFS are l be best and cheapest, quality considered? au 6 ly d&w Dr. Mott's Powders 'EVER FAIL TO CURE INFLAlrfMa tion of the Kidneys. Gravel, uieet. strict ores and all Urinary diseases. Nervous and Physical Debility, tJenital Weakness and al) those untold miseries caused by Indiscretion rr KrcMsefl. Svnhllls In all ls forms perms nently cured. Yellow o Bro-vn spots on face and body.Sore Throat anl Nco, scroruia, uia Sores, Eczema, Tetter and 1 11 BkKd and Skin diseases, urinary diseases cureu in uayn. 1t1pa S. Enr.'osa the monev tc FRANK 8TKVKN3 A CO. ..Baltimore. Md.. and it will be sent by mall sealed. For sale by all drag giats: sent br mall. iuly7dwly t((in present given away Send ,rpaUl us & cnts postage, and you will ret free a package ot roods or larec. value. that will start you In work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything e'e In America. .All about the $200,0001n presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere. of either sex. of all ares, for all the lime, or snare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for ail workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. II. Hallett uo Portland, Maine. dec2d&wly colonies is about $110,000,000 annually and much the ereater part ot it is Cuban. Cuba requires nearly. $100, 000,000 of foreign commodities an nually. buc. while she sells the greater part of her products in the United States, f he obtains here only one-fifth of her imports. It wonld contribute much to the prosperity of both coun tries to have a treaty established which will remove the obstacles to an exten sion ot their commercial antercourse. and the Spanish government cannot af- foid to disrega-d this fact. Cuba and Florida are not quite 100 miles apart at their nearest points, and a line oi steamships has been projected to c n nect with existing railways and aflord rapid communication between New York and Cuba ports. The time by water is somewhat less than six .days, and the proposed route might . reduce the time to three days. To the United MOSQTJITOES.lKSathlMi? States the Spanish treaty would be a IMjc Mosquito Bite Cure, al e instant gain , to Cuba it would be lifie nstead ot relief, a&d drives them. away. Address hALLiUK & CO ,-. July 11 4w 8F8st1Sth frt.. New Tork BURNHAM'S MPKOVED STANDARD Turbine MISCELLAHliUUS , .MISCELIANEOUS REMARKABLE RECOVERY OF A LADT UF hilLLTILLCf n. inu naa PRONOUNCED BtTORU nurtur Kiwuitni HOW IT WAS ACCOMPLISHED, V. 3' - w -l & a V a 1 ltann m i; iinDp-neriv eav. - wau uwu i - . - w . . w anff:rer fromDyrpei sla from the time I was any Set of politicians or juaniptuaiors; xvu- sixteen years old. 1 1 had consulted various i.vsipir and been under their treatment THE STJIST. ; JTX IN DEPENpEST, NEWSPAPER OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by Is the BEST constructed and finished Turb'nein the world. It aires BETTEB pemextaoe with part or full gate, and is sold for LESS MONEY per Horses Power than any other TuTbine. Pamphlet tree oy Btirnham Bros., York, Pa. ju!y 11 4 w Did you Sup- industrial paralysis. The Charleston News and Courier has taken occasion, recently, to administer a well-deserved rap on the knuckles to that very reliable paper, the New York Tribune. In a recent issuethat delect- ! el sheet goes back to the days of the war acd makes the infamous charge that-more than 29.000 Union soldiers Lad died in Southern prisons i"as the result of the treatment they re ceived' The News and Courier challenges this statement, and quotes from the re port of Secretary of War Stanton. dated July 19, 1666, to show that of the Federal prisoners in Confederate hands 22.576 died, while of the Confed erate rrisoners in Federal hands 26,436 died. The Tribune think "it would be The sea perpent is on time this year, but has made his. appearance in lhe Michigun instead ol on the broad At tantic. A Herald special from Chicago, dated on Monday. Fays: T Passengers on the steamer John A. mr nlvincr on IaSe Alicnigan oetwreu i hi nort and St. Joseph, Mich., report seeing an immense sea serpent sporting in the waters ot tne iaice last w euuw- dav evening. Captain tjoenrane s the monster was DiacK anu aa around as a barrel, having a long neck and a small head, with little eyes, and that, it showed above water a snort ais- tnpe from the stern of .the boat, lifting its head and looking arouna ana men diving again- It moved rapidly away frAm th hnat. Al . tlOSeon auu " . . . . i r Benlon Harb r there is a goou aeai o mir oKrvnt ihfl Kprnent. ana also at htt 1 A . I . Phil Jeannette. ewner oi J .ninmg .hnnnr rata ihnt. as he was beatme C WMWU' w a . in i.hnnt half Dast six in tne evening, ho onwihA sement run its head up out WW ww " " w - I - - . - ww r iho wotpr more than lour lett- tie w aw - - , wm fricrhtpned. but could not 8iop in boat, and felt it lac against someining hrrl pnonrh to knock him off his feet. Ixx)king over the bow ne eaw tne won ator It wr nhont as biir round as a beer keg. and its side was a bright arson onlnr nnd looked like leather. - It rWked ita head and slid off straight whend. nivino- and coming up to me - - o . f ... purr Thf.ro was a sort oi rioge inn ir its hank, and there was a ligni. streak under its throat. Its teeth were a little hooked and its jaws were about a foot deep. Its eyes were about as big around as a silver dollar, and they set out each side of its head like little balls. It was about forty or fifty Teet long. Ita taiUloped off and was flit', tened out like an oar, only much thick er, and it lashed tha water with the tail when it dived. Last Wednesday, while Standing on the porch ot the St. Charles Hotel at St. Joseph he shw it again. He saw its head rising anove the surface about half a mile off the beach and to the nvrthword n fSt. Joseph light. He ran into the hotel and called Colonel Tom B. Seele's attention to it. and together they went to the upper piazza of the house and watched the serpent tor sev eral minutes, when Colonel Seeley went to get a field class to view it better Upon his return with several guests of the hotel the serpent was gon. Jeannette sajs it dived once or twice in plain view and then disappeared tor good. He believes that its favorite re sort is the warm water on the bar off St. Joseph Harbor, so as to bask in the sun. but onlv during the extremely hot neriod. and that it comes from a sub-J terranean cavern .under the lake or through an outlet from some othe body of warmer water. The huge, drastic, griping, sickening pills are fast being superseded by Dr. Pierce's "Purgative Pellets." Sold by druggists. . r JULY J UM ISLES. ted to Collecting and Publishing all the Kewa SdlC5vcn8uSf FX?rT2ii of the Day In the most Interesting Shape and with the. greatest possible-Promptness. Accu-: raerand Impartiality: and to the .Promotion nf Kfimoprat'c l-eas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Society and Industry. - Rates, by Mail, Postpaid : . : ; " DAILY, per Year.X...,....i.i.i. DAILY, ter Month.....;.........-..--. ; 8UNOAY. per Year...... 1 0 DAI LY and bU N D AY per Year. ......... 7 00 WEEKLY. pcYcar 1 00 , Address. THE SUN. New York City : dec 17 . V- - ' ' -! ' : -:- ' J' " ' - It A T.T ra Wilmington & . Railroad ComPa If hAAltn restored A friend recommenued uk. 1IV1D KENxEDY'FAVORITS B&MEDY, nhirh r trfod nndh.vi ten cUra-1 It's the hess medicine 1 ever knew of, and worthy of . t Mt J . - . T' tne greates. ronuucaw , , . , The above i but one of the hundred facts whicS prove that D DAVI1 KENNEDY' FAVOHITK RtMEDY is without an equal as a cure for lseases peculiar to females. Bnt, if the reader Centre more evidence, read the following proof from Mrs Carrie Key the wife ot Sergei t Key, :o. C . 3d . J. Beg , who says under date of March 'st, 1SS4: "Two years ago my husband came home Ir. thespiiagfTom Virgnia, whre ho had been in charge of a schooner. He was taken down with Malarial fever We were both sick w ith it After consulting our f mlly physician and finding no permanent relief we , ti lei your FAVORITE RKMKDY, and I can say that It completely cure! us of malaria, and Is ihebest meat ine cf its kind 1 ever bewnrd I of " ' ; x - DR. KENNKDi o FAVUBllfi nrMtui i - ,fe- . TRAINS GOISU '1885. - . Harper-8 WeeM y. ILLUSTRATED. DatedIay 3.S3 Leave Weldon.. A r. Rocky Mount Arrive 'Jarboro. Leave Tatboro.. Leave'wilson... Arr; GoMsboro. Leave Warsaw. Leave Burgaw.. Ar Wnmlngton. a nnsltlve cure for all Diseases of the Blood, j aiid habitoal Constipation As proof of it B. J sears, cf Vineland. says, under date of Ma-ch 2d: "I have used DR KENNEDY a H-AWfcTT-p. RkMRDY and I am willing to jickrowledge It the bett medicine in the world frnMiiArtoweiai erer use'i.-auu ITaepkh's Weekly -ha w, for twenty years, maintained Its position as the leading illustrated weekly newspaper in America. With a constant increase of literary and art Ictta TPa nrnpa. it is able to Offer for the CD3U- KltMKDY Is a mofct excellent preparation for ing year attractions unequalled by any pre vi- the Blood." Theee a wis wuiouciuuuj convince the most sceptical tnat DRDAVID KBKNfDYM FAVOBJ - REMEDY is an honest preparation, which no family should be without, tt Is the result of the eclentiflc kcowledge of medi ine attained only by the years or experience of sn educated pbssician. it is prsltive cure for Malaria, Ktdney and Liver Diseases,, and all li eases peculiar to f males. Price $l pcf bollle. june 22 d&w nrm ous volume," embracing a -capital illustrated serial story by W E Horrts ; inustraua am cles with epciaWeferertce to the West and South. ln-luiuc the World's Exposition at New trleabs , enu rtalnlnsr thort stories; most ly Hlu3trted, ad iraptntant papers' by high authorities one the cMef topics of the ay. Rvurv one who desires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an eniertaimnganuiiiBs-umive mm ll journal, enun fpar.iirra in either if tter-Ptess should subscribe to Habpkks Wekklt In w 5 U . S ' 7 00 7 ,r0 s -J3rv, TRA,ySGOIKGgg; . --' - i 11 21 .. .l ? p. m ' i . !! ...I 1 13 I. Il .147 njV on Scotland Neck nTTTt -J a ... 'tAiirn if . tor Scotland Neck t rt a leaves Scotland Keck '.V .rJt' L L've Wilmington I eave Isargaw.. leave V'iriiw.. Arr- Goldebo-o. t ave Wl'son Ar.Bocky Mount Arrive Tarbo.ro Leave Tarboro. Anive We Won.. - Train Hallfaxi turning dally. , ' 4. i Tr-in No. 43 North will f,tn - . Train Kr an fivn.V. ii " 1 tlllliH. - Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Capacity 3GOO Tons Ice per Year. ALL ICE Manufactured by na is made from DISTILLED WATER, WHICH INSURES r JTS PURITV. We offer Ice at the following rates delivered: 5 pounds each delivery, 7&c pr 100. r 10 60c per 100. Half Cent per pound in quantities to suit buyers at our Factory. : - snaofgi Rsttp.n to vrec consumers. - OuOKBrt from thetountry carefully pack ed In Sacks, Her ces or HogshcadB, acd deliv tred free on board at f 0c per loo pounds, ; , VVM. B. w UKitl a, aj ntertainingandlnst-uclivefam I mo u stoPwfit? Urely free from objectionable GSTH0Eland MApolla. w f! ler ltter-ptess or Illustrations- 4l,DQAkc cloe connects. .. . Richmond, and dally except fo r A Vermont paper, speaking ot the fashion of making cold badges to repre sent kitchen utensils, asked how a gold eridiron would strike us. Very much like an iron one, perhaps, If we didn't dodge it. Binghamton Republican. At a recent social gathering an Osh- kosh a woman demonetrated that she could hold her breath two minutes. 'june 29 tf Propiietors, 3t- V mvttwtm wasaa ' . ' avaawi . v w ;; THE ; n. itj v i ii ,uu Harper's Periodicals, i Per Year: V 1 HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZINE........ 4 w HARPER'S BAZAE........ ...m..w. w W & RPER'S VfllTNO PKOPLK , 2 m uaaa ...... . 1 A ATi -n Vpar .'52 Nnmcers.... .......... 10 w - .Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada, r ; ; - . j v; Thn VnlnmAo of the Weektv berin with the' first Number for January of each year-AWheo n- timp io Trip.ncioneu. il will ub uuui.owu that the subscriber wishes to eommence 'with the Numbernext aiterime receipv v The last Five Annual Volnmes of Harper': Weekly, in teat cloth binding, will be sent by moii rwataim Tid. or bv exwress. free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed HniW tt volnmes. for 7 00 pervolume. ninth ranft tor each . volume, suitable for binding, will besent by mail, postpaid, oh re ceipt oraiw eacn.T: uemlvtancea snouio De mauc uy ( jtobi-uium; Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loss. . Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express ortler of Hakpek A BROTHERS. : ; Address ' ' ; HARPSR & BROTHER8, - ? . dads -n. ;U'.it) r New Torkf- MERCHANTS, B ANKERS AND MANUr AU TUBERS S HOULD READ -' , l- t 1 xraiiis maces close enrpntu-. via Richmond an wZ. 'I'C All tralna run Aollft ,71. , North T.M may Cape Fear & Yadkin Ti ; ley Railway Co. CondeQsedTimeTableNa; jlO. TAKE EFFECT AT 8:00 aT,( DAY, June 22, ISIS? .i i; TRAIN NORTH Arrive. A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TR 4DE. FI NANCE AND PUBLIC KCONO Y, '- : si vtp(n Paires every saturaay. urienwrnen Twenty ..Pages. oometimes xwemy - . ! four .--Pages.' - rv H i ' FIVE DOLL VK3 A YEAR. - Bennettsvlller.... Shoe Hel. Fayettevillo Sanford........ .. OreHiU...... Liberty.... ...... Greensboro.... .. .9.30 a. m. f2.l5 p. m. . 3.0 1 . 4 25 , 5.i5 G45 S3 I sup t in ; ,i. '. - 'ViC f, VC Vi? tt imWim jt. 't- - v? v(c - V 't? The foremost purpose oi MARKET STREET, NO. il2, (Ui TAIRS) Within three days afterward she got well if the number of captives held at nineteen proposals of marriage and an anv time euld be published" : toffdi from a dime museum. Lfiicaao 'Pho ronnrl ftf SnrffPnti (ltnornl I jeaffe'' pose Mustang Liniment only good frr Viorcipc? It is iniiamma- tion of all flesh. eb 2 d Aw "em tu th sat nrm Karnes, u. s. A... sunnnes ine intor mation the Tribune desires. Accord ing lo that report the Federal prisoners ;n Confederate hands numbered 270,- 000. and the Confederate prisoners in Federal hands numbered 220.000. This is to say, the "official statements" of the Federal Government show that less than 9 per cent, ot the Federal prisoners in Confederate hands died "as 'he result of the treatment they - re ceived, ' while more than 12 per cent of Confederate prisoner in Federal hands died from the treatment which IS only a part Ol Deauty; zAy received. These figures hafestood but it is a" oartL Everv iadv I unchallenged for twenty years, with all mav have'-it ! at least, what tbat they imp'y. J ' ' I TUrf A7V a yvl t tKna aIao vlo luo xv etc i4t vvMf ( t'uus virai LJ A Clear Skin looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. feb 2 d&w cm ta th sat nrm Manhood Restored Remedy Fkee. A victim of youthf al Impradenc intT, aar triea in vain everv ki remKlT,has discovered a simple means of self-cure. raostnir frematnre Decay. lrvous iebintr, AiauDooc. ac. divide irieu ia vain everr a Lout Down whicti he will od FREE to bis fellow-sufferers. Address. J.H.RF.KVKS. 3 Chatham St-.New York, nov 3dAwlv and truly states the points: I. Tho Federal prisoners in the South received the same lation of focd allowed to (Jon ieaerate soldiers in ac tive service. II. The Confederate soldiers suffer ed for want of clothing because the federal armies destroyed every manu factory of clothing which they could reach, and the Federal prisoners suf fered from the same cause. III. The Confederate Government could not supply its armies and prison ers with medicines because the Federal Government (contrary to the usages ot civilized warfare; made medicines con traband ot war, ana sept meaicai sup- Sraith. why don't you get your dia monds insured?" said.Xones. "Where can l do tnat:" innocently assea Smith. "At the United States Hate Glass Insurance Company, of course." and a coolness has crown up. between them. Pittsburg Telegraph. Nothing makes a man prouder than to find when ho has got his garden nicely laid out and the seeds all in, that every hen within a mile of him seems determined to have a claw in the job. and to show him how she would have arranged matters if he had consulted her. Fall llwer Advance. Attorney-General Garland decides that an Indian cannot hold a postofiice. Not having a very loud voice in the matter, this paper will not criticise the Attorney General's decision, but it does seem that a man who can hold a buck jumping pony can" hold almost any thing. Arkansaw Traveller. "Pray tell me the difference, dear," Said Edward to his Iaas, "There is between a storo cashier And the teacher of a class?" The damsel, smiling, said. "I will The difference you will find: The store cashier he minds the till. The teacher tills the mind." Boston Courier. Ur. UOdd S IMerVine NO; Z.lplies out of the Confederate States. W ILL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL and Genital Weakness caused by in (lis cretlon and violating the laws oi neaitn. Fli0et DR. IIUNTER'S PILLS Cures Syphilis In all It forms and stages, Vollnw or Brown t rots on the fae an body. Rata Throat and Nose. Scrofula. Tetter. Kcxe- ma. Itching sensation. Salt Rheum and all Blood and Skin Diseases. Uilnary Diseases and Strictures speedily cureu t nee s ni! linVT FK1I -LK FR1CND f alto tt I'rtn irrvtmlsjitlea or Snppres- - alons. caused by colds or - disease. Married . ladies and ladies in delicate state of leaUX are cautioned to not use it. Price $S. Enclose the money for either medicine to FRANK STE VENS Jt CO.. Baltimore. Md and It will be sent by mall or express sealed. For sale by all Druggists; sent Dy : - inly 7 dawlT - WANTED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" In city or country, to receive light, aim nle. easv work at hone all the ye r round. work sent bv nail: distance no objection. Ralarv from i to SIS per week: no canvass ing; no stamp required for reply. Address Diiiow MT'o Co., 767 Washington btreet. .' Boston, aiasa. . iJ aju.w mall or express. Uontederate soldiers ana f ederal pris oners died alike irom want of these supplies. IV. The Federal Government broke its cartel for the exchange of prisoners, and refused to renew it when the Uon federate Government repeatedly urged such renewal. V. The Confederate authorities next officially proposed, in August, 1864. to surrender sick and wounded Federal prisoners in exchange. The Federal Government failed to avail itself of this off er until December. 1861, lour months later, and the records show that the chief suffering among the Federal prisoners at Andersonville was during this period. .VI; The Federal prisoner! at An- deron? ilia .themselves recognize ' the source of their rufferings and fixed the responsibility where it be ' a . a longs, in tQ8 resomuoni paasea oy Advice to Mother. Mrs. WrNSLOW s Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." it is verv nleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens toe gums, allays all pain, relieves ind. regulates the bowels, and is the best Known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, lwenty-bve cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly. . The Narrow Escape. M r. Peter Lawler, of Dalton, Mass., led a raiser able life for fourteen years, with stone in the bladder. He called on Dr. Ken nedy, of Rondont, N. Y. for relief. "We will first try 'Favorite Remedy.' " said the Dr., "before risking an opera tion" A few days later he -received the following letter: - Dalton. Mass. Dear Dr. Kennedy- The davafterl nave came home l passed two gravel stones, and am doing nicelv TiiTJiB LAWLES. 7 COMPLETE IN EVERY KEUfKUl AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF Mi BEA1STKEET 19 to be f practical service to tjusii ess , men. Its stecial trade and iadustrlal reports; its week- ly epitome ot ; DanKrupicies vnrousnouv .uc United Slates and Canaia and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are aione wortn tne subscription price; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed! ig ly . valuable ' A s com mercial transact! n, in the wider sense, are coming to be rooie and- more conducted on a statistical aafcis, cue migrawiwu iaiuwiuuu iu Bka.dstkeet'8 is of the first Importance both to producers and middlemen.- '. The - Trade and , A gricalturai aituauon throughout the United Hates and Ct nada Is reported by Telegraph to Bbadstreet's up to the hour of publication v . . k ' SINGLE COPIES, TEN' CENTS- , THE BRADSTKEBT VO., 279, 281," 28T BROADWAY, den 30 tf ' NKW YORK CITV I First National Bank of Wil mington. ; " Dinner at 1 ayettevillc J - i;; TRAIN SOUTH. yjC'j'x' ' - ' : i ArrlTC tent Oreeitsbord. . , la i Liberty.... ..' 11 00 a. a 119 Ore Bill... U55 i Sanfcrd........ 10 p. m. Vlivi rayettevlU3.;. 3 iw i Shoe Ucel....... 6 '25 6. Bennetts vine. 8.15 : .r- Dinner at SanfjrJ JNO. M. ROSE, GenM t aes. Agent. ( . juneaJtl ' ; ! Carolina Central B. i Company. OIXIOB OJt flEHTCKAL 8UPK3IJTXSCrST, j T Wllmmgton. N. C Jure 7, IS I ! 2lh intma , -... u CAPITAL STOCK.... f 2T0,00 I JILL IT 1 liBIBEED 8URPLU3 FUND. WHEN YOU WANT- PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET TER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JODG- MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. ' r Change of Schedule, j AND AFTER JUNE 7, C following ucneouie will bo cpenttd . Railroad : I PASSENGER, MAIL AND ElPUSSTti Dally except Sondyfc ' v l Leave Wilmington at....-7f . 66.00C no. 1. 5 Leave Raleigbat........'- V, ) Arrive at ;narioiMjk.-"-j V Leave Charlotte at......--.9-;-, No. 2. 5 Arrive Raleigh t..-"V""Vi ) Arrive at nuauujsiwu aVDeposlta received and collections made oi I all acceJble points In the UnltedStates. passenger invu inn am only, and points designated la tM ( SHELBY DIVISION, PA53ESbH. " EXPRESS AND rEKibiu. DIRECTORS E- E. BURRUS3. D.G.WORTH A. MARTIN, ; . .. JAS. SPRUNT. GEORGE CHAD BOURN Dally except Snadiyi. t ( T Astra KTlnttft. . t o l Mm,v PtU.O. I An4vA Ht RhftlbV... ilhv.. .......... No.. 1 irrlvAnt Charlotte..- - f ,5M Address REVIEW-JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON, N. C. FOB OFFICERSl Mm E. BURRCSS.....-. A. E. WALKER ...... W.LABKJNS , ' -, President . Cashier 4Bt Cashlsr ) Leave Shelbj (Arrive at Ct rv. Nn. 1 and 2 make close namleTwlth R. A A. Train- M v . - Take Train wo. V1U' ..oouia WesternNCER.AshcvllSi3f Also. lor ouiu wnu"f5i -r I tlantk and all points Sonthwet J paged -AT- LOWEST CASn PRICES ICask, Capacity 1000 Gals. 1 " 160 " iOO M.'T. Whiskey Bbls. 100 M. T. 8 Hoops, New Alcohol Bbls. :zAuitis' v -v ; AtSCAtCURS FOR smw Wetess, lie? t ie m APHYSICAI v DECAx. In Young A Middle Aged wen. Tested fob ovEnSix Fears by use in many THOUSAND CASES, lY TRIAL 'I' HERVOUSDEBIUTY OtiAMO WEAKVESS lJociivjir d nnmeroas obsccTodiHenwtA. baf- tinatha sklllod ?hy- sicipna. resalt froia youthful indiscretion. tv frpA likl-jlifjnca. or over brain work.- Avoid the Imposition ct preten- boB- rcmsuics l- inevt rroublef.' Gftwnr ire Circular and TiUi I'nck aee.and learn liRDortant fact before Ukinir treaa. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., WILMINGTON, N, C. 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Is , Liquors. Cigars (tbTobacco. matut elsrvhere Take C sure remedy that has CURED thotteaiKit. doe? not interfere vilii stten tion to bntinesa, or causa pain or inconvenience ia any way. Founded otx ctenti&c medical princi ple. By direct anpficatioa to the eeat cf diaeaae its peeiae. infineaee ia flt without delay. The cat oral fanctionaof the hu man organUm if restored. TK. . n i m.t tn Y .lmii.iila Ona Month.' - 34)0 ' 'iho ntitTMVum..rh Tw Months. - 6.0C j.( ffaUndrapidlyrainsbotli ghxeo Months. 1XKk itrfnnaBdsexuaiTigoc HARRIS REMEDY CO., U'FSCirnssTS S06K K. Tentn St-ST. jJCTJT3. ISO. , Truss. I Atlanta and all points F. W. CIJaitK, General RALEIGH KEGlSlt, By :P- M. HALE, Wer U -Ik, Subscribe to your Home rapcr ; -and then remit $2 to PT State Democratic P the'BALEiail BEGISTEB. tt scribei. remitting, $2 direct, Regisieb for ore year and to which until Autfust 1, 11S3 which, nntll August PremlHm. Sample copies of the KecistE application. 9? Address, . RALEia iay 19 ,i tSt?f i v r-' m-, aplS dlwl: WANTED. Ladles and Young Men. In city or country, to work for us at their homes Permanent employment; no instruc tions to bay Work sent by mall (distance no objection). $9 to $12 per week can be mice. No canvassing. - No sump for reply."' Please address Home JIajio Co:. Boston.Uass. 1. O. Box 1015. - ' June 10 d&w lm PR EE! A " fcvorite presa-1rVi,. JL' noted and success oi Manhood, iplam sealed envelop Fre- .fiX3' VJdres$bR.WARD&CO..:o k

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