Miscellaneous w if ' - V -. if The Da i I v R e v i ev, j - ?or the BOWEL& -rr,' Hu. Uc!crry Cordial U taesn-at ?mirteii ' . Hurrli. ,ITetCfT. Crp-CoIl jrt -i . : .-. --rim the little one mnmu; sucn f ' f -.m the tffocti of tiitiiinc. for ' , .( iw rr.Uei- Remedy ofNwt-et fion T,ln , ? ."'nir-' r-niifh. Croup :iU Cc ,r..l i !!'" -i u little. rr s, i, it-l 5'-tc nrm W Health Renewer. v .t tri:; luerlt. unequalled for Tor- i'vf'r .'i M-t t sweats, Ntrrous Weak 1 "v ' i Ic inncrs, .c.ual Declii c. $1 r' , i f r .ii, :it Druggists i k. s W K LLQ, Jersey City, N J CURE FOR THE DEAF. i . pi? r. 1. 1 m i r vcdCufchlocod Ear Drums ... Tf v ,R.vriiRK TII"1 HEARING ' i T,.rt ,rmtl - work of the NatukalDbcm 'tp-i-Hlon. I&T ISVISIBLfi TO OTII- f,'.avlr.viif..rtatt'c to wear. All conversa . ... i i i-u-n vht-..T5 hcarl distinctly. Wc rt-ft-r tottiov ii-iii it'n- cn,, for ljlufctratcd i.'oi- w'.t'i ur-tim n!al.- l iUE. Address F. ni-(J I ' r.roadway. J- Mention tills " , . ,. july 13 dAw 4w MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO MOCK Weak EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SOKE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES. Producing Lnng-SightedncsB; and Re storing the .Sight of the OM. Cures Tear Drops; Granulation, Stye Tumors, lid Eves, Mattel Eye Lislics, ami Pro du:ing Qulc!; lU-llcf and Perma nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other iaaur.es, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, .Tu mors, fcalt KhctiTn, Burns, riles, or wherever intfanimatlon exists, MITCIIELLi'S SALVE mav I usc'l to advantage. SoM Lv all Druggists at 25c. j-aly 13 4w HTCapital Prize 75.0003 Tickets only 5. Shares in proportion. IT, Louisiana State Lottery Company. 'Wedoketity certify (at toe supervise tht crrangentnts for all the Monthly and Semi Annual Drawing of The Louisiana State Lot tjt Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that the tame are conducted with honesty, fairness, and tn good faith toward all parties, and ice. author v ike Company to use this certificate, tsithae nmutsofour signatures attached, in its advtr t intents." Commissioners. i.,J1,LOr'ratc,t 'n 1 for 25 years by the Lejr ature u K.lucatlonal antV Charitable pur JwUh x r.ivlUl of $1,000,000 to which re7fun.l of over t5S0,000 has since been rM.Iap ovcrwhc,mJnS populai vote ltsfran .tTf D!a,Je apart of the present State ns-ltwion a.lortca December 2d. A. D..1879. bV?cn'v Lottery ever voted on and endorsed v people of any State. ,,, ,. ' nerer scales cr postpones. n !ran,J, slnS!o Number Drawings take roPTVNl),n OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A ir I;1.;"- Ei?hth Grand Drawlixff. Class r' , lhc Academy of Music, NewOrleans, irSfi' Auust . 1835-183d Monthly Capital Prize. $75,000. 1 OO.ooo Tickets at FIto Dol arsEach. Fractions in Fifths i Proportion. LIST OF FR1ZJCS. t apltal PrUe 75,000 J Cavjui Prlze f 25.000 aUsLl Prize 10 00C r . - ........ ........ j,uuv 9 rrizcs of I'rUes of 7Ca of 1( Prizes of 9 IW l'.OOO"".".". ".."..... . 600.. 200 100 50 25 , APPROXXjUTTOM rKIZES. A5.proximaUon Prizes of $75o. , B00. " 250. 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 so.oon 25,000 25.000 6,750 4,500 2,250 l' Prizes, amounting to 1X5,500 enhilc.tUoa ,or ratC8 10 clnb hould be made fils lhe ace of the Company la New Or lfunirihfrln,ornatlo,i lwly, ilv dinaH i:r.aer8 or Kew York Kichanpe In or nary letter. Currencv bv EinrMi fall sums ard upwartU at our expense) addressed M. JV. DAUPHIN, a. DAUpniN. :KCTrr?eM- Mak. t?'l1.sT.eiltn,st-. WashlntAB. D. C vlrtiu. .. p. Money Orders payable and ad KKW m??11 Otters to H.wV.ULKAN3 NATIONAL BANK. ,WTHw. Nxw OXUCAX8. La SIC TKANS1T. When shall I my darling wed? Softly to my love I said, , When the violets sweet were blowing, Like her bine eyes gently plowing. And the wintry winds had fled; Ixiwly did she make reply: "When the swallows homeward fly." Summer, with her gorgeous train. Swept the violets from the plain ; Lilies gracefully were bonding. Roses sweet their pcrlame Fendiog On. the June time air again; Still she answered lovingly : "When the 8 wallows homeward fly ."3 (Jloricus Autumn, clothed in gold, Drckcd the woodland and the wold. But my heart my heart is sighing, For the 8 wallows homeward flying. Brought a presence grim and cold; For my love with eyes of blue. Homeward with the swallows flew. Now a spectre grimly stands, Beck'nintr me with outstretched hands; Cold tbest'ow is drifting, drifting. O'er a new made grave is sifting. Binds ray hands in ice bands; Never from the icy chain Will my heart be free again. Galveston Newl. Subterranean Forests. If you want to see something curi ou?,1 said a Iriend who was a member of a government survey, ' go down with me to Woodbine." Four miles beyond Woodbine, out on the sand stretch of old sea bottom or beach, that is termed the Cape May peninsula, we came upon Dennisviile. where all the Dennises ol all time had evidently set tled. Wfs'ro oil in I ho Irttrrrin Knctnnaa said a tatl, thin Dennis, yet as far as the eye could reach not a treo could be seen standing that would make even the ghost of a lair log. They're 'un derground. We dig lor them, as you might say. Here s the tool," and step ping into a low hut he brought out a crowbar that, like everything else. seemed attenuated, and was stretched out into a long, slender pointed rod. "We wade along," continued the man, and probe with this feeler, and when we strike a log we f'.ct around, and it it's a good one we dig it urvaod if it ain't we let it soak: that's about the way ol it." So, down-in -Jersey you burrow for your lops?" "Ibat s about it, ' replied the maD. Y.-u know we're obliged to bo a whit odd or so; we've got the name of it, onnyhow." "The secret of this business," said my friend, the geologist, 'is that ages ago all this area was covered with .a fine growth ol large trees, and the same are found growing in some parts of the swamp yet, but they have died out and fallen down and- sunk into the solt mud. and so been covered up by mold and mfud, until many other layers have grown over them; but in some remark able way the wood is preserved and these sunken ancient logs are just as good for shingles and other articles as they were when alive; hence lor many years there has been a steady bunt lor them, and Dennisviile is a result of the industry. To the botanist the tree is the evergreen white cypress, and the numbers that once grew over this swamp and that have been entombed are beyond conception: The trees upon or near the surface are the only ones available and fortunately are the best. but far below there are probably myr iads of others turned to stone and representing the past geological aces of tho earth. The logs were worked out by the men who are nick named Swampoodles, and who live in the midst of the malarious district all their lives. When a log is found a ditch is made about it, into which the water soon Hows. A great saw is men ap plied and the roots removed, and as a rul the log'will rise to the s'urface and can be cut up and carried off, though in many localities the sbineles are made right on the spot and dragged over the swamp on roads in many cases made' of boughs and twigs. This curious business is not coo lined to New Jersey, j but over in Delaware and Maryland there are similar swamps, where the shingle business has been carried on tor years, une or tne swamps in Dela ware extends over twenty-nve square miles, and hardly a houso in Sussex county but what is shingled from the ancient deposit. rniia. tress. A Great Inventor's Income. How much is Edison worth? I do not know. Ho certainly does not own himself, for he has been public proper ty, now, lo! these many years. One of these hydra-headed correspondents of half a dozen newspaaers declares mat he is "worth nothing;" that he has fost a pile of money", lately ; that his stocks are of no value, whereas iney were formerly worth two millions, and that ho is "disappointed and depress ed." Now, the fact is that Edison is what "most people would call a ncn man. even in these modern days, tie has a regular annual income from the Western Union Telegraph company ol $20.000in roy allies on old patents. He is the principal stockholder in ne manufacturing companies that bear his name, with an accrecate of $900,000 capital; and Fallot tbem pay large divi dends every six months, lie has pet $80,000 in cash into the Downtown Electrical lllaminaling company, which has earned a dividend, notwith standing the large expenditures which experiments required. Since the death of Mrs. Edison he has moveu wun mo three children into a flat on Eighteenth street, near Broadway, where the in quisilivecould probably a seen ai nth at he pays his rent witn scrupulous regular ity. In fact. Edison has a very practi cal side, and I suppose be receives an income of from $75,000 I o $100,000 W.A. CrofTuKiirNew lark Worm. - mm i Balmy odors from Spice Islands, " Walled br the tropic breeze; SOZUDONTln healthful fragrance Cannot be surpassed by these. Teeth U whitens, purifies; Yon will use It If you're wife One Great Merit of thatBeautifierof lhe Teeth, SOZO- DONT. is that its effect upon the mouth is refreshing, while as a means ot cleansing tho teeth, and improving the breath, it stands alone. 'Spalding's Glue," handy about the house, mends everything. A Druggist's Story.. Mr. Isaac C. Chapman. Druggist, Newburg, N Y., writes us: "I have for the past ten years sold several gross of DR. WILLIAM HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I can say of it what I cannot say of any other medi cine. I have never heard a customer ppeak of it but to r.raise its virtues in the highest manner. I have recoor- mended it in a great many cases of Whooping Cough, with the happiest effect. - I have used it in my own fami ly for many years ; in fact, always have, a bottle in the medicine closet ready for use." Nervous Iebilitated aien You are allowed a free trial for thirty (lays of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliance?, for the speedy relief and permanent cure-of Nervous Debiiity, loss "f Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles Also, for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated phamphlct. with full information, terms, etc. mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall. Mich. w s m & w lyU Good Wokds ioi: a Good Thing. Dr. David Kennedy VFavorite Rem edy" is exactly what it claims to be, and deserves the praise that are show ered iiDon it from all who have used it. Mr. Israel II. Snyder, of Saugerite?, N. Y.. says: "My little daughter was Lcovered with Salt Ilbeum from head to foot, Dr. Kennedy's 'Favorite Remedy' cured her. This was I wo years ago." Get "Favorite Remedy" of your drug gist, or write to the Doctor at Rondout, N.Y. $1-00 a bottle Quarterly Meetinns, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments for the Wilmington District of the M. E. Church, South TFIUD hound; Smithville station, (District Confer ence). July 23 20. Brunswick circuit, at Zion, July 31, August 1. Wilmington, at Front Street. Aug. 2. Onslow circuit, at Mount Lebanon, August 6-7. Durlin circuit, at Richlands, August 8-9. Topsail circuit, at Herring's Chapel, August 12-13 P. J. Cakraway, P. E. Those Blind Doors have arrived. Parties Hrwant of them can now be supplied at jACom's lldw. Depot, f Take all in all. Take all the Kidneys and Liver Medicines. Take all the Blood purifiers, Take all the Dyspepsia and Indi gestion cures. Take all tho Ame, Fever, and bili ous : specifics. Take all the Brai?i and Nerve force revives. Take all the Great health restorers. In short, take all the best qualities of these and the best, Qualities of all the best medicines in tho world, and vou wili lind thai Hop Bitters have the best curative qual ities and powers of a'l concentrated in them. ; And that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or combined. Fail ! ! ! ! A thorough trial will give positive proof of this. with rheu Hardened Liver. Five years ago I broke down kidney and liver complaint and nia'isni. - Since then I have been unable to be about at all. My liver became hard like wood; my limbs were pulled up and filled with water. All the best physicians agreed that nothing could cure me I resolved to try Hop Bitters: I have used seven bot tles; the hardness has all gone from my liver, the swelling from my limbs, and it has worked a miracle in my case : otherwise I would have been now in my grave.- J. W. Mokey. Buffalo, Oct. 1,-ltaSl. Poverty and Suffering. "I was drastrcd down with debt, jnovertv and suffering for years, caused by a sick fami ly and large bills for doctoring. i a 1 j : l wi l was compieiuiy uiscourageu, umu one year ago, by tho advice of my pastor, 1 com menced using Hop Bitters, and in one month we were all well, and none of us have seen a sick day since, and 1 want to say to all poor men. vou can keep your families well a car with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. I Know it. MW None genuine without a bunc i of grf en llopson the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with Hop" oi "Hops" in their nar- July 23 lin d&w nrmtc Health is Wealth, CUBE GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S Nkrvk amd Bkain Trkatmekt, a guar anteed e peel lie for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, t its, nervous neuralgia, lieaaactic. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of al cohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay ami death. Premature old Age, Barrenness. Losj of power In either sex, Invo untary Losses ana Spermatorrhoea caused by ovr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment, fl 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 CO, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied 1th $5.i o, we will sena the purchaser our written guar an tec to refund the money if the treatment docs not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO , 2 W Madison st., Chicago. 111. oct 21 lyd&w THE MAYO HOUSE, ATFOKT FISIIEK, IS NOW Ol'EV FOtf THE SEASON, with increased facilities for the a rxo mtu odation ofpartle. Panics male up alon incline of the different .Railroads ran have the line and fast steamer PASS PORT, with the ever popular and accommodating i'aptain J. W harper, to meet them at the Railroad wharf upon the arrival of the train, by corresiord lngwlih him or w. ic. Mnyo. ai Wilmington. 'J here Is now the best fisting at the Kecks ever known in this country, a fine sea boat, undT the management of a skilled tailor. CapL Thos. Bark Icy, to take parUts cut sail ing fcilhcr still water or surf bathing. The Table, supplied with the best the martctnd sea affords, and Is under the immediate super vision of Mrs. Mayo, with Mr Robert Uoua ton as asilstant. Krgnlar I oat to and from the Kocks twice daily ; 'caving .Wilmington at 0 o'clock. A. Jl and 4 o'clock. 1. M. This now popular resort Is note I for Its in vigor Org influence upon wc ik and dcbilitued per sons, who immediately feel Its effect. bere are aU ths Ishing Tackle ml Bait necessa ry for good spoil to be bid t upon the place, aiso Fine Liquori and Clears. ju)y6m JUiS. MARY A, MAYO. Tho Courts Under the New Ar rangement. FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. ; Currituck September 7, one week. (rndfln Cnr.,.... 1 . t a l """""'M vreyicuiucr it. out: utiit. one PasquotankSepfember 21. weec. - v.; .... Perquimans September 8, one week.-.. , , ' Chowan October 5. one week. Gates Otober 12. one week. Hertford October 19, one week; December 21 ; one week. " Washington October 26, one week; December 14. one week. Tyrrcl' November 2. one week. Dare November-9. one week. Hyde Novemberl6, one week. Pamlico November 23, one week. Beaufort November 3D, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS. Warten September 21. two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks. Bertie November 2, two weeks. Halifax November 16, two weeks. Cravrn November 30. two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE . - Franklin August 17, one week; No vember 16, one week. Martin September 7, two weeks; December 7. two weeks ; for civil causes and jail cases only. Pitt September 21, two weeks. Creese October 5, two week3. Vance October 19, two week j. Wilson November 2, two weeks. Nash November 23, two weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM. The fall conrts of the fourth district composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnstou and Wayne, will beheld as follows un der the new act : Wake July 13, to hold two weeks; eriminal causes only. August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tembcr28. two weeks; criminal. Octo ber 26, three weeks; civil causes only Wayne July 27. two weeks; civil and criminal.- September 14, two week?; civil causes. October 19, one week ; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, one weeks; eiyi! ami criminal.' Johnston Au3gust 17, two weeks; civil and criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE GILMER OrangeAugust 10, one week; No vember 9, one vcck Caswell August 17, one week; .No vember 16. one week. Person August 21 , one week ; No vember 23. one week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;De cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week Chatham October 5. two weeks. Durham October 19, two weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY- Jones Au-rust 17, ono week; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks; No vember 16, two weeks. Duplin September 7, one week ; No vember 30, two weeks. Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14. one weok. Carteret October 26, one week. Onslow -November 9, one .week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE. MCRAE. Cumberland July 27. one week : No vember 9, one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two weeks, for civil causes Columbus August 3, one wcok. Moore August 17, two wocks; De cember 7, two weeks. Robeson -August 31, two weeks; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; November 30, one week, for civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one week. Richmond September 28, two weeks ; December 21, one week. Bladen Optober 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks; No vember 9, two weck3. Rowan August 24. two week3; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; December?, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two weeks. Stanley November 19, two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week; for criminal cases and no jury civil cases NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27, two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes August 10. two weeks; No vember 16, one week. Surry August 24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. Alleghany- September 7, one week. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28. two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. Forsyth October 26. two weeks. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY- Henderson Juiy 20, three weeks. Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week. Caldwell September 7. ono week. Mitchell September 14, two weeks. Yanccy September 28. two weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHUT. Alexander July 27, one week. Catawba August 3, one week. Cleveland August 10, two weeks; Optober 26, one week, Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil case3 oniy. Union September 21. two weeks, Lincoln October 5, one week. Gaston October 12 two weeks. Rutherford November 2, two wecka. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3. two weeks; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three weeks; December 7, two weeks,'. Transylvania September 7, one week. Haywood September 14, two weeks Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. Clay -October 12, one week. 2 Cherokee October 19, two week., Graham November 2, one week. Swain November 9. two weeks. Ilcliing Piles Symptoms and Cure. The syorsptoms are .moisture, like perspira tion. Interne itching, ircreased by scra'chtng; very distressing, particularly at niht; teems as If pln-worras were' crawling in and about the rectum ; te private parts are sometimes affc"tel. f allowed to contlno" very scriona results may fallow "SWAVt's OINT MKNT" 1 a, 4ea?ant, sure cure. Also. for 'letter. It-It. Salt Klvjum, scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Bloiches, all scatv. crusty f kin Di eases. Box. by mail, fiOcts; S for$l, ?5. Address, DR. 8 WAYNE, & SON, Ffciia., r . Sold by Druggists. - juaa 15 d eod a w 1 13t ?rl5t WHOLESALE PRIUES. iug luijuwulg quguuon iviitimut wholesale prices generally. In making nt small orders higher prices nave to be charged ...v.. n s 10 u 0 s 0 75 - 00 ii 15 BAGGING Standard.. 2 1 as ....... BACON North Carolina Hams, y B.. Shoulders, lb Sides, WESTERN SMOKED Hama.. ...... ........... . w.'ao, m. ...... Shoulders. ...... DSY SALTED Sides, C ft.................... Shoulders, Id.... .......... BARRELS Spirits Turpestln", Second Hand, each........... - New Nev York, ea?b.... .... New Clty.etch... ...... ....... BEESWAX,?- ft...... BRICKS, il -BUTTER, V la North Carolina.............. Northern ....... CANDLES, r ft Spcra. ........................ Tiik)w... . Adamontrse.. ...... ........ . CHKESfc. V ft - Northern Factory............ U3.1TJ, t-rcara.. State , COFFEE, t ft Java............ Laguyra liio CORN MEAL. V bus.. In sacks COTTON TIES, V bundle-... DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4 4, yd.... Yams, tf" bunch. ....... ...... EGGS, y dozen.. FISH Mackersl, No. 1, V bbi.......!6 00 alackerel. No. 1. V half bbl-. 8 60 Mackerel, No. 2, it bbl.... .. Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. Mackerel, No. 3, V bbl Mullets, bbl Mullets, Pork bbls N. C. ltoe Herring, V keg.... Dry Cod, & ft FERTILIZERS, V 2,000 fte Peruvian Guano, No. 1 '0 CO- " No. 2 36 00 Lob03.... ..00 00 Eanga3 Puosphais .....00 00 Carolina Fertilizer 45 00 Ground Bone... Bone Meal...... Bona Flour Navassa Guauo Complete Manure. . ...... Whann's Phosphate.... Wando Phosphate Bcrger & Butz's Phosphate. .00 CO Excelienza Cotton Fertilizer. 65 00 11 a 10UO G 60 (ft? r r 9 it co' to c G a c CO MISCELLANEOUS. i 0 ) 3 3 13 s 114 12 a 12 12 14 10 17 12 9 75 33 a a a a a a a a 13 lb J2 25 13 1$H 8) 14 85 G 14 a 15 60 00 oc 00 00 00 6 20 00 010 10 ttlQ tO 0 5 a 0 to 0 0 0 o 8 5t 4 00 9 ....00 00 ....00 00 :..oo 00 ...33 00 ...00 00 ...00 00 ..00 00 French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 French's Agricultural Llmo.... 3 60 r iajur, obi Fine .. Northern Super , " Extra Family.... City Mills Extra.... " Family.. " Extra Famil7. GLUE ' ft.... GRAIN, V bushel Corn, from store, bas, white. Corn, cargo, In bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed, In bag3.. Oas, from store.............. Cow Peas HIDES, tf-ft Green 6 Iry... il HAY, W 100 fts Eastern 1 20 Western J 16 North River 75 HOOP IIRON, Vft 3 L.A1U), y ft Northern SfrO COO 0, mi 00 051 Ct cm rx 050 oc 40 CO mb oe 057 (X 040 CC 0 37 Ot 70 Oi 070 0C em tn C0 0 0 7 030 0 00 3 75 75 10 00 75 50 75 70 ta 25 1 a 0 0 a 0 a 0 a a a 0 0 0 o a a a 0 0 a 00 00 25 0C 5i 11 '.0 8 75 72 fi'-Vl 75 25 25 8? '4 North Carolina 00 a LIME, barrel.. 140 0 LUMBER, City Sawed, y M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 13 00 020 Rough Edge Plank .15 00 016 West India Cargoea.accordlnj to quality...... 13 00 Ola Drcsecd Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 0J Scautling and Board, com'n. 1 DO fii5 MOLASSES. W gallon- New Crop Cuba, in hhda V " " In bbls Porto Rico, In bads " " In bbla Sugar Houac.ln hhds " " Ic bbla.. Sttup. In bbla NAILS, tf" Keg, Cut.lOd bafsla.. OILS, V gallon- Kerosene...................... Lard... Linseed liosla Tar.. Deck and Spar................ POULTRY Chickens, live, grown. .. .... Spring Turkeys... PEANUTS V bushel... POTATOES, V bnshel Sweet Irish, W bbl PORK, V barrel City Mess .13 CC Prime 12 00 10 23 to IS 21 10. to 11 10 90 yo 00 00 21 10 75 00 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 o 0 a (C 30 iiO S3 3 5 25 2 25 Ramp........... , CICIS Carolina. V ft.. Rough, tf" bushoi RAGS, V ft Country.. City c ROPE, V ft SALT, sack. Alum.. 00 O0 03 COO 00 0 00 5 0 CM 95 a 1V0 1"C 00 0 n 75 0 5 00 AW 0C " 00 0 lb. 00 0 y . 00 0 T 00 a c 00 O 6V 0 t 10VO 11 5 0 6 American 3UGAR.V ft Cuba Porto Rico................... A Coffee B " C " Ex C , Crushed... SOAP, V ft Northern SHINGLES, 7 In. fM 10 60 Oil 00 Common 2 50 0 3 oc Cypress ;Saps 4 60 0 5 00 . Cyprees Hearts 0 00 0 7 6C STAVES. V MW. O. Barrel.. 12 00 118 0C R. O. Hogshead 00 00 C10 0f TALLOW, V ft 4 0 5 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping. 12 00 Ol4 00 Fine Mill., 11 z5 013 00 Mi d Prime 7 50 0 8 60 Mill Fair.'. 6 000 6 60 Common Mill 500 O00C' Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 0 4 00 WHISKEY, V gal Northern.. 1 00 0 4 00 North Carolina....... 1 00 0 . C WOOL, W ft Washed U 0 2. Unwashed 15 0 20 Burrv... , 10 0 15 Gilding! Gilding!! Send in your Christmas presents, such as Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Albums, &c, and have name neatly stamped in Gold by a reliable and competent workman. In the meantime your orders for Printing, Ruling or Binding could not be placed m better hands. JACKSOX & BELL. A FtulincLndanPIiy feirian Knblihri no Ofiice in Nrw York. Fnni Am. Jrmrzuu of MmL "Dt. Ah. Maeirv " ho raake a fipeciaitjr nfEpury hM rrtbmat dobbfc-trmtaci ami rami mora miww thia been rt.imhAXK ; we lure beatd of cases of over ao yar M ji rw i i cu rl r.y mm. fiiraarameescBro. -Large bottfo and Treatise sent frue. Giw P.O. ana KiureK8adiiT9 in r . . ' Dr. AB. MESLROLE, No. John St., Sear York. any t4.Fk.-r liwuux apl 0 HT81 Wh'm I &a r eore 1 do nnt mean merely U Stoo tteia for a tuna &&d then fcava them return araia. I mean a rinl enrm. I hr raada tdiseaeof HTS.EPL Lfc.1" OiiFALLlXU SICKNESS able4OTtadj. 1 warrant myrenwsdy to core thoworrt ease. Kacjcaxo tAbeta l:ar 1 oiled i no reason for not new reeemng a csrs. Nen.1 st oac (or a Treatise and a I tdc Bnttlaof rur inijIijbJe reraedj. Oiro Uxprt aand PoatoSoa. Is cost Tfa cot birr for a tril, an.l I wtij ear you. Address Dm- li U. ROOT, 123 Pearl Kt, New York. apl 1 Zm eod ddtw NEW Y011K HERALDo WKIIT IDlTiaB. C3E COLLAR A TEAR. Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly . SKKTCHKS, Cabtooxs, And numerous other featarca have been add ed. Also a complete, exhaustive summary ot the news in all departments. It Is read by up-1 wards of half a million people and la m good advertising medium. reaching factories, farms and homes of aU descriptions In every par. the country. . A PEHTXCT NrWSPAPER. ik cuuiiuus ah uiu Kun-isi uvwi 11 uio uaiiy edition of the Herald, which baa the largest circulation In the United Stales. IXDETEXTJEXT DC POLTTTCS, . it la the most valuable chronicle of political news In the world. Impartially giving the oc curresce3 and opinions of all parties, bo that all sides may be known. 1 n the department of Fokeioic News the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of. its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables ' will Increase facilities. . The faiui Department of the Weekly Herald Is practical. It goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many moro than. One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, concerning , soil, cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, poultry and agricultr ral economy. - Thus Home" Instructs tl.o housewife and the children In re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and tho making of home com-" forte. In addition, are glvon latest reports Prodcce Markets. the condition of money, columns of miscella neous re a 1 ling, poetry, special novelettes, wit and humor, both social and political, sporting news, popular science, tho doings of well-known persons of the world, 4t depart ment devoted to the dramatic and lyric stage. ' While tho Weekly Herald gives the latest and best news of tto world. It is also a jour nal for the family. Subscribe ono dollar, at any time, for a full year. Postage Frco to any part of tho United States or Canadas. 49" A good advertising medium. . Adver tisements should be sent in not later than Tuesday noon. THE NEW YORK HERALD," In a Weekly Form, ONE DOLLAR A YEAH Aaarcss, new 1 uun u.ei&jl.lu, dec 19 Broadway and Ann Streets . 1885. . ' Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Bazar Is tho only r apcr m the world that combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with the latest fashions and methods of household adorn ment. Its weekly illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and Kew York styles, with its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladles to-le their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, tho man agement ol servants, and housekeeping In Its various details arc eminently practical. Much attention Is given to the interesting topic of needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led. Its literary met it Is of the highest excel lence, and the unique character 01 its humor ous pictures has won for It tho name of tho American Punch.Z Harper's Periodicals. r Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR... t HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY ................... 4 00 HARPER'S YOLNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harfer's Frank Lin square Librakt, Oac Year (52 Numbers)... .............10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In tho United States or Canada. . - The Volumes of the Bazar begin with tho first Number tor January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Tho last Five Annual volumes or uarper's Bazar, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar ier volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth cases for each volume, suitable xor. binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of 1 00 each Remittances should bo made by post-umce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Iobs; Newspapers are not to copy tms advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Bkotheks. Address . dec 3 New York. for working people. Send 10 cents postage, and wo wll mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you In tho way of mak ing more money la a few days than vou ever thought possible at any business, oapiiai not required. You can live at home and work In, spare time only, or all tho time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 60 cents to $5 easily earned every evening. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied wc will send tl to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc, sent free. Immcnne pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stikson A Co, Portland, Maite. lec2dwly SASH, DOORS, BLINDS. rjIHE VERY BEST MATERIAL USED, and noce but the most skilled workmen employed ; . not an apprentice boy In our shops. Oar WHITE ASH INSIDE BLINDS and DOORS, and Hard Oil Finish, will equal any in the world. June 17 d&w PARSLEY A WIGGINS ' 1885. Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The serial and short stories In Harper's Young People have aU the dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what Is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The humoious stories and pictures are full of innocent tun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facta of life, are by WTlters whose names give the Lest assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic (porta, games, and pastimes give fall Information on these subjects. There Is nothing cheap about It but Its price. An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable in iovenlle literature. Boston Courier. - - - - - . A weekly fcaet of rood things to the boys and air is la every family which it visits. Brooklyn Union. n - It Is wonderful in Its wealth of picture In formation, and Interest Christian Advocate, TERMS: Tottagc Prepaid, t2.00 Tr Tear. Vol, VI. commence November 4, nst4. single NLMKiayi,TlTC Cents each. ! ' Itemlitancca erfuM be made by PostOflce Mosey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Km. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address HALTER A BEOTHER3, . . dec w York, .