The Daily Review. ry TJie uauy Heview has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper the city of Wilrrinclon. THURSDAY JULY 23. 185. rA l'iS NJKW8 Greensboro Patriot: The shipment oi peaches from Greensboro mis v-ar will be unprvcwlftUed. Over- 3,0K) boxes, aggregating upward ot 100,000 pounds, bave already been shipped t' northern markets, and e rniiht say, notwithstanding prices are Ioa-, that the business ha3 simp'y c-jmninci-d. Newbern Journal: Oi the planta tion of V. 1. Mi lve t-', in Hyde coun ty, nearLaki J,anHitif, there was a lien with a brood if at-ja.l clrckrns shut up in a coop. ()a or atut the niuht of the 16th of July. Being: molested by an intrudor. a large. popIar-!eaf snake goins: into her ab"Ue and making- sad havtKrwith ber li tlc ones eating two and kiilin.s two oih-rs she made an attack on tbe rtons;er and put an end to bi3 existence by pic king his head un til he was dead. Tbe snake was found in the coup lifeless, mucn to the &ur Tri3ft ot the ladv of the house, who went out next morning to give the hen lrcedom for the lollnwin: day. Tbe hen still survives to nurture the re maining Utile one3 left her. News and Observer : We are pleased , to learn from Morehcad that Mrs. S. A. Ashe's health is rapidly impr ninjr nndcrtbe invigraiinsf sea breezes ol the Atlantic We paw -yesterday. at the Fayelteville street sureol W. C. A f. Stron.uch. a hen gir weighing four ounces' and measuring 01x8 inches in circumference. Tbe egz was sent to the Messrs. Stronach by Mr. L. P. Council, Elm Grove. Chatham county. Call and see it. Yesterday Auditor Roberts saidta reporter that there was a slight falling off in tbo, cumber ol pension applications the past two or three days. Of "course they rome in, but not by tbe hundred. Thus far about 2,500 have been received.' This is perhaps something like half of the total. The crops in Harnett are suffering for rain, corn especially Cot ton, though small, looks well. A few of the farmers planted some tobacco, which is small generally, and buffering badly for rain, being planted mostly in new ground. This is not a good year for tobacco at last. The 2rasshopprs come near eating up the young plants and tbo worms since have been very troublesome. Raleigh 1'isitor: Our readers doubt less remember the killing of the Gun ters, in Chatham county, about a year ago. We learned this morning that the coroner's jury in Pittsboro have inform ation derived from Dick Tyson and Jerry Finch, who are in jail and charg ed with the murder of Ned Finch and sister and, the ne?ro boy, that Baxter Gunter murdered his motherand si3ter. The sheriff has been trying to arrest Baxter for more than a week and he cannot be found. He has fled and is believed to be biding in Wake county Capt. U. IS. IJenson. who is welfand so favorably known to many ot our readers, has connected bimself with Professor Hugh Morson in the conduct of the Raleigh Male Academy. Capt. Denson was at one time a Pr fessor in the Virginia Collegiato Insti tute at 'Portsmouth and lor several years Secretary of" tho State Agricul tural Society of North Carolina. He was principal cf the first military school in the State, located in Duplin county in 1858, and renminud in that position up to the war. For ten years after the war he was principal ol the Pittsboro Scientific Academy. Charlotte Obs rv r: A telegram to A. E. Rankin m this city at I o'clock yesterday announced the death at his home, Castenea Grove, Gaston county, of Dr. Sydney Xenophon JohnHon, one of Gaston county's ino3t prominent citizens. Dr. Johnston had been sick butashort while. Ho was 75 -years old and leaves two daughters. Dr. Johnston was a brother of Col. Wm. Johnston, ol this city. Rev. Joseph B. Cheshire. Jr.. rector of tbe Episcopal church in this city, has just added a valuable feature to his library in a completo volumo of tbe Old North Carolina University Magazine, dating from February 1852 to April 1802. The different volumes of thi3 magazine he has collected by unti-fing endeavors and unlimited correspondence, but he bas been well rewarded f.r his pains, as it i9thc only complete st of volumes ofj this valuable book now in existence, save that at the University owned by Hon. K. P. Battle. Very general regret will be expressed throughout the city to-day when it is known that Capt. J. Roessler. one ol Charlotte's oldest and most popular merchants. ra3 gone down under the tide of adversity. Capt. J. Roessler yesterday allcrnoon maoe an assign - r among whomhe has always stoood in high favor ana popularity, tie nas worked hard, lived economically and all of his transactions bave been char acterized with the strictest integrity. It is to be hoped that he will soon find himself over the shoals and in fair sail' ing water aain. v The Whole Country Hot. The volatile mercury in the Govern ment thermometer, top of the Equita ble building is shielded fmm the sun by a latticed tower overlooking Pine street. A southwest wind blew through the slats of the tower yesterday at a fifteen mile rate, but that didn't pre vent the mercury from eclipsing its best previous July record since 1881, and c.imbing up to 59 9 degrees. Down in the artiricial canon3 of brick and stone, people, with everything off in "the way of clothing that could be doffed without badly fracturing tbo laws of modesty, moved along under umbrel las, fanned themselves, and talked about tbo weather. When they stop pet! it was to get a glass of soda water, lemonade or beer, or to look at a street thermometer to be absolutely certain that the heat was not purely imaginary. At 3 o'clock the mercury in a therraorn- e er at John street and Broadway had reached the 100 (leg ten notch, while one at Ann street and Broadway registered 98 deerees. It was at this hour that the Government thermometer marked 95 9 decrees. It is always, however, a !e ree or two hotter near the side walk. . The weather clerk said that yester day's record was 2.0 degrees hotter the the record of Friday, tbe hottest day iif last week. Tbe heat was dry, bit intense; there was less perspiring, hut more suffering. Toilers on the street and buildings in course of erec tion knocked off work during the hot test part of the afternoon. Several hundred of them reclined on the. grass of the City Hall Park, oblivious of the gray-coated policemen, who were too warm to risk the exertion of enforcing the law. A brisk brcez3 from the northwest turned the anemometer around and made the city much cooler in the evening The piobabilities are. the weather clerk says, that we will haye just as warm a .time to-day as yes'erday. N. Y. Sun, 22nd. COMMERCIAL. NEWS. I WILMINGTON MARKET. , July 23-4 P. M. SPIRITS T U R P NT I N E Quoted doll at 34 J cents per gallon. No sales reported. V ROSIN Quoted dull at 87 cents for Strained and 90 cents for Good Strained. . TAR Quoted firm at $1.20 per bbl of 280 lbs. . CRUDE 1URPENTINE Quoted steady at $2.00 for Virgin and Yellow Dip and at $1.10 for Hard. - . COTTON Quoted quiet at 10 cents per pound tor Middling. No sales re ported. The following are the official quotations: . Ordinary... 1 cente Lwd Ordinary 9 Low Middling. 9 Middling....: 10 Good Middling... lOf DAILY RECEIPTS. Spirits Turpentine......... 316 casks Kosin 733 bbls Tar . 01 bbls Crude Turpentine 209 bbls so Tho Art Amateur For Augustcontains designs for a des sert plate (eglantine), a cup and saucer (pansies). two panels in oil colors (flowers), and a chair back, besides monograms (in G), suggestions for metal workers, and two paees of charm ing figures by L. Penet. There is ao article of special interest on "Vicior Hugo as an Ariist," with some striking examples of his work, and a drawing by F. A. Bridgman ot the great French man after death. Other noteworthy articles are on "Picture Criticism," "A Newport Nursery," "Tricks and Mistakes of Bric-a-Brac Dealers," "How to Detect Spurious Sevre3." and "Amateur Photography" with particu lar reference to landscape. Montezu ma's "Not" Book," dated from London, gives a vivid account of the Royal Academy Exhibition, and a page of Salon pictures forms the frontispiece. Price. 35 cents: Montague Marks. 23 Union Square, New York. . The l atest Quotations. From the boards at Mr. Jnn R. Turrentine's Exchange Rooms we are permitted to publish the following quo tations, received over bis private wires as laic as 4:30 o'clock thi3 afternoon, the close of the markets : Chicago, July 23. 1885 Wheat market opened at 83 and closed at88 for August. Opened at 91 and closed at 901 for September. Opened at 93 and closed at 93 J for October. Corn opened at 45$ and closed at 45 fur August. Opened at 45. and closed at 455 for September. Opened at 44 $ and closed at 45 for October. Pork opened at in OOl unit rraat of 1ft 994 fnr Ancrncf completely Opened at 10.32 and closed at 10 324 for September. Opened at 10.40 and closed at 10.40 for October. New York, July 23. 1685. Cotton opened at 10.25 and closed at 10 28 for August Opened at 10 03 and closed at 10 05 for September. Opened at 9.79 and closed at 9.79 for October Opened at 9 73 and closed at 9.73 for Noyember. MISCELLANEOUS Bricfc Wort. CONTRACTS FOR BRICK WORK OF any I Ind. such as Plastering. 8;ucclng, Ac- me Eoucite i om wans roaae to xook as if built or best Press JBrick. at a small cost. This Is mncft cheaper than palntlos, and It will be to the Interest of those who wish t have work done to give me a call, aa I have fcal an expeiience of ihlrty years In th bust BtES. . J. W. feCULiAALAlX, july S Agent Homes in North Carolina Onlv 20 Hours Kide from New York! MAlilNJB NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master. Steam yacht Louise, Woodside. Smithville. Master CLEARED. Sieam yacht lxuise. Woodside Smithville, Master Steamer Passport, Harper, bmith ville. Master Steamer D J Black, Paddison, Point Caswell, RP Paddison. WEEKLY STATEMENT. Tlio Artiful IJodfifer Sewer gas (lodges past imperfect trap, confuting the sanitary engineer, baflhng tbo doctor, taking possession fit your home and killing you. or mak ing you an invalid. If you are dead, that closes the business, it . you are crippled or poisoned, Brown'n Iron Bitters can do wonders for you. Dodge the artful dodger by enriching your blood, invigorating your system, and enjoying good health. Mrs Spier. 83 Decatur street, Boston, says, "Brown's Iron Bitter isju&tthe thing for build ing one up." STOCKS ON HAND JULY 18, 1885. Cotton ashore. 298. Spirits ashore, 3,571 ; afloat, 3,200; to tal, t,771. Rosin ashore. 104,121; afloat, G.802; total, 110,983. Tar ashore, 1.454. Crude ashore, 776. RECEIPTS FROM 1 iTII TO 18TH JULY. Cotton. 7; spirit's, 2 323; rosin, 5,088: tar, 2-24 ; crude, 845. EXPORTS FROM llTII TO 18TH JULY. DOMESTIC. Spirits, 73; rosin, 442; tar, 170; crude, 1,144. FOREIGN. Rrosin. 3,573. SASH. DOORS, rpiIE VERY BEST MATERIAL UHEI, anil nore but the most skilled workmen employe; not an apjvrntice boy in our shops. Our WIIITK ASH INSI; K RI.INDS act! DOJUS, an.l Hani Oil Finish, will equal any li the worM. june 17 dlw PARSLEY A WIGGINS ment ol his wholesale dry g(ods stock lor the benefit of his creditors. Unlike most assignments, however. Captain Roessler's assets are large in compari son to his liabilities, and each one of his creditors will be fully secured. His assets, it is stated upon reliarble author ity, will amount to $15,000 orer and above hi3liabil:tips. Dr. John H. Mc Aden is the trustee under the assign ment, which was recorded lato jester day afternoon at the court house. The trustee will call a meeting of the credi tors at an early day to take advice upon the course to be pursued in the matter. In tho assignmaut there are some preferred creditors, among which is the Merchants & Farmers National Bank for the full amount ot their debt. The Rink, besides being1 a preferred creditor, has good collateral security in tho way of customers' paper, to cover their claim. There are other preferred creditors to tbe amount ot about $5,000. all for borrowed money, uco oi tno principal causes that brought on the assignment was tailing health, Capt. Roeisler having been confined to bed for sometime and unable to give his-personal attention to his business. His surrender is farther dao to the stringency in tho money' market, tho dull season and the ina bilily to make collections of money due him with which to meet bis obliga tions. CapU Roessler does not think that there is any doubt about his assets being suffi cient to pay all' his obligations. In this business trouble which has over taken him.. Capt. -Roessler will have tbe sympathies of all oar citizens, 1885. Harper's Bazar. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. JCLT 23. 18S5. No vessel under fiO tons reported In this list BARQUES.. Ger Frederick Wilhclm, 309 ton, Ahren-, is Pesehau & Westermaon Ger Oii-ra, 313 tens, Clausen, Tx TTrCi I is rcscnau wcsicrmann JdXj 1 JN Uo. Nor Fieldstadt.4 7 ton3, Ander3cn. Gtr C RoLertus, 56 tons. Schultz. Paterson, Downing & Co BRIGS. Ger T er Wanderer. 2 V tons, Strueb'ng, K Pescbati & Wesieraiann Charlotte, 319 tons, Carver, E G Barker & Co William Mason, 284 tons, Ilaidv. E G Barker & Co Br Swlftsure, 199 tons, Stuart, Geo Harries & Co SCHOONERS. Ruth Darling, 193 tons, Chlpmah, E U Barker & Co Isaac L Clark ,334 tons, repairing, Geo Harriss & Co span watlTidad liO tons, Gonzales, rebld E G Barker & Co 69 MilesSoutli of Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1 Rflfl ACEEVOF LAND IN TUB lotg leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms In lots to uit purchaeers. four acres for $25 tarsrer tracts fa per acre, m monthly pay mentsoftlO. Tills land adjoins tbe"Soutb era fines", a recently t Eta disced ccaltn re port (oi sanitarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit culture, as well as au me cereals A. number of New England people have bought lots in tne town or "ooutnern rine," ana it Is the d"6lrc of the owners of this land to in duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. . No State in the Union offers greater Inducements to fet tiers than North Carolina Nowhere can better lanntng couatry or as fine a-climate be found Ibis is the opinion of Northern men who have settled m North Carouca. This la a bona fide offer, and Is limited or f nrther particulars write at once to Jt UN T. PAToIOK, CommiVr of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C. or B. A RICHARDSON, jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta. Ga. Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints i French Window Glass. GENCY FOR N. T. ENAMEL PAINT GO'S READY PREP A BED PAINT. JALL AND EXAMINE OUR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing. The fact hat our Paints are from the celebrated Fac- orleeof Wethcrlll & Co., and Harrises Bros Co., Is sufficient guarantee for their quality purlt. A fine line of Cooking Stoves at Facto Prices, In addition to our large and full HARDWARE STOCK to which your attention is respectfully Invite KATH'L JACOBI, sept 2 10 South Front St Caution to Consumers T INK M BE SURE OF GETTING THE GENU SHELL ROAD Tobacco, chewers should be careful to totlce that-tho cblong blue pper fag in the centre of each plug bears ti c 'J rade Matk of the buggy and horses the words shell K )AU. a'd tha name of the manufacturers, Messr- R, A. PAT TEBSON & CO. Beware of the many worih lees Imitations th't are being sold to the pub lie as tie genuine SHELL ROAD, and do not be deceived. ADRIAN & VOLLER3, Agents, junc C 3meod Wilmington, N. Horner School. Oxford, N. C. CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL AND Sccntific Academy, with military organ tion and discipline . The Fall Ternr begins MONDAY, JULY 27, 1833. An ami le corps of able Instructors " vided, and the school thoronghly equipped efficient work. Term 8 for hereto 'or a. board and tuition, the as fend for catalogue. july 9 2w J. II. & J. C. HORNER. ILLUSTRATED. H Harper 8 Bazar Is the only paper in the world-thai combines the choicest literature and the linest art Illustrations with the litest fashions and methods of household adorn ment. Its -weekly Illustrations and deeciip- tlilnil rif thA nAnrMt mrA ami MnVntV with Its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own xtressmakers. save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, tbe man agement oi servants, ana housekeeping in its various aeraii are eminently practical. Much attention la given to the interesting topic of social etiquette, and Its illustrations of art needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led. Its literary meilt Is of the highest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures has won for It tbe name of the American runchZ Harper's Periodicals. r Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR. $4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 II AKP Elt'S t RAM KLIN tfQUAJUE LIBRARY, One. Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. Tbe Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned. It will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with tbe Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper Bazar, In neat cloth binding, will te sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight docs not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each rV Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid ehanee of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adyerttse ment without the express order of Habtxb & BsoniKsa. Address - HARPER BROTHERS, decs KawYork. for working peop'e. Send 10 cents postasre. and we wil mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you In the way of mak ing more money In a few days than ou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at horn: and work In snare lime only, or all the time. All of both sexe, of all ages, grandly successful. f:0 cents to f 5 easily earned every evenine. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied w c will send tl to pay for tbe trouble .f writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc.. sent free. Immense tv ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't aeiay. Address bTlNSON & Co. Portland. Mai e. W2.wiT 1885. Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. i, The serial -and &hnrt Young People have all the dramatic Interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what la rwmir-fmm or vulgarly sensational. The humm and pictures are full of Innocent tun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whose names give the best assurance nf Ainmv anri value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give full Information on these subjects. There la nothing rhn atwut it but Its price. New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. LnSQCIJjANEOTJS. Hatting Cm batting a good Assortment. riaT -iiihf, LI 1 si Yon can have some real bargains from the stock-'n, L irv to elosa ont evp.rv nipmi 'RTTfiS Will Ho ci , w Q hand ALL-SUMMER' DRESS GOODS wili be sold it V ' V ' - SUNSHADES AND PARSOLS-A very g1 Corsets. Corpetc; Co We ask especial attention, as we are prepared to . -v ;HOSIERT-In anyandallcDlonandblfct"0011'1' CHEAP "WHITE GOODS ! Wo have whito Lawn 40 in. for 12c. White Lawn at 15 ties in fine white goods. - r v w"' an Htj BLACK CASHMERES In this line of goods woaro fST Jerseys a specialty. i", . .- McliyTf?Et This Hotel will be open for the; reception after the 18th of May, 1885, The Manager will endeavor to maintain the high reputaihn rf n V respectfully solicits the patronage of the 'public Kates $40 per month. $10 per week, $2.50 per day. Special rales month or season by addressing Wade fur may 8 SMITHVILLE. Conoley's Drug Store.. .216 MARKeT STREET. QRUGS, AND TATENT MEDICINES, Cigars and Cigarettes ; Birds and Flowers. Prescriptions prepared at any hour. apl25 J W. CONOLltY. Droeglst Hauling. J AM NOW PREPARED. TO VHADL FUR nlture and household gocda to the Sounds, guaranteeing good teams, caref a' drivers and low charges. , . I hive aleo accommodations for a few more boarding horses. . 5 ' . Horses and vehicles for hire on low terms.. - R. C. ORRELL ' " wingonri5h & Augusta B. fi. Co, V CONDENSEDSCUEnny TRAINS G0INQl3g- Dated Jane22.'S5 - fo.,laU7sJlleA Llrery and Sale Stablesf Mulberry Sts. ; V Corner Fourth and june 27 , 1885. -llarper'a Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. , With the new volume, beginning In T Decern ber,. Harper's Magazixe will conclude its thirty-fifth year. . Tr,e oldest periodical of 1( type, it is vet. In each new volume, a new mao azinenot elmply presents fre-h subjects ann new pi tures, ouaiso,-ana cnicr ly, because It BteacMy advances In the method iee!f of magaz'ne making, r In a word, the Magazine becomes more the faithful mirror of current life and movement. Leading features In the attractive programme for .1885 are: new serial novels by Constance Fenlmore W poison and W, D Ho wells; a new novel entitled 'Al the Redlovei" descriptive Illustrated papers by Jf D Milieu, R swain uiffora, is a Abbey. II Gibson, and others; Goldsmith's "She Stocps to onquer," illustrated by Abbey ; Im portant papers n ax, science, etc. HarDer's Periodicals. Per Year: IlAKPER'8 MAGAZHTE.. 4 00 Harpsb's Weekly 4 08 Harper's Bazas....................... 4 00 Harper's Voting People... 200 Harper's Frajtextn Square Libbart. une 1 ear art lumbers) 10 ou Pottage Free to aaabscriber$ in the United States or Canada, The volumes of the Maaazine beam with the Numbers for June and December of each year When no erne is specified, it will ue under stood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. . - The last eleven Semi annual : volumes cf Harper Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 00 cents each by man. postpaid. ' Index to Harper Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for volumes 1 to 60, inclusive, irom June, lbso, to June. lsJSU. one VOL, 8vo, Cloth. $4 00. Remittances should be made bv Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are not to copy this advertisement wuiout tne express order of harper at isROS. Aaoress . .,: - , HARPER A BROTHERS, decs " New York. " Leae - : J Wilmington...... 8 15 p w ... LakeWaccawaw 9 42 Marion... u 37 M j' Arrive it Florence.. 12 23 Sumier 4 31 a if I JiT Columb'a. c 40 JJ "11 111 ' ' ' " ' in . , ' - TRAINS G01N9 M0iliri ' I:., v No.43,Dailj(irft-V Leave Columbia 1 ... I.uuf Arrive Sumter.. Ji'S , fave Florence: I 4 15 P. M. 5K ii Leave Marion ... I 5 01 I 5 a Leave L. WacV 6 55 JU At Wilmington. 8 f 0 " j j; . Train 43 stov at all stati.-ma Nos. 48 and 47 stODsnnlvnt P. Vint T.n. ville. Lake VVaccamaw, Fair Bluff, Kick Marion, Pee Dte, Florence, Ummw Lynchbur?, Majcsvllle, f umter. Wedxefc Camden J unction an1 Eastover. Passengers for Columbia ana aDpolnti &G. R.R., C, C 4.A. B.R.8UB0Ei,ll Junction, and all points bevond,ihildi thfl 40 Night ExpreES. Pullman Slefpen; this train. j I Pullman Sleepers for SavarnihonTnii!' All trains run solid between Cnulntai Wilmington. - j - JOHNr.DITOI, General SaperintoJe T. M. EMERSON, General PuKoterlf JU6 '1 Another Large Invoice F, MILLINERY IN TO DAT, tad f : An epitome of everything thAt and desirable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A week lv feast of rood thimr tn hn imva and elrla n every family which it visits Brooklyn Union. It is wonderful In it wpiih A v.rnMfn. formation, and interest. Christian a rlrlt NY. TR,M Prepaid. $2.00 Per Year. . x. commences November 4, i8S4. 8JMGLK Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Poet Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. Nc7!3pei?55e not to COPT this advertise ment without the express order of Hartex BKOTBXXa. Address HARPER BROTHERS, d5 " New York. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. BENEFACTOR ....Saturday, July 25 REGULATOR...., Saturday. August 1 BENEFACTOR Saturday. August 8 REGULATOR Saturday. August 15 FROM WILMINGTON : REGULATOR ........Friday, Joly 24 BENEFACTOR.. .............Friday, Jul ?1 REGULATOR...... ....Friday. August 7 BENEFACTOR Friday, August 14 y Tnrouga Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from PolnU In North and South Carolina. x For Freight or Passage apply to H. O. SMALLBONE3, Superintendent, Wilmington. N. C. TJIEO. O. EGER, Frclgtt Agent. ' , New York. WIL P. CLYDE COM (toners. Axtsnt, . . , , S5 Broadway, New York. A T3FTrpt send six cents for postage x aiiajai. and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else in this world All f cither sex, succeed from the Hrt hour. The broad road to fortune opens before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad areas True a Co., Augusta, Maine. r woy2 d&wir Patronize Our Home Insu- ranee Cos. jl .... i . ; SAYYOURMOHEY,AND KEEP AT HOME WHA YOU HAVE TO SPERD FOR INSURAICE. Tbe GerQanuk Holaal Fire Insurance Company, OF WIMMINGTON, N. C J8 NOW ' TUOBOUGHLY ORGANIZED and prepared to t'ke First Class Rlsks,against losses by FIRE. Office No. 122 Piincess. St . Journal Bulla Ing -s. B. G. WORTH, President, 1 J. E. LIPPITT, Secfy & Treas. - 1 at A.m apt n ' - v.- i- -' 18847 1834. CHRISTMAS. AT 1) A. SMITH'S E u r n i t u r e. Warerooms, Can be found a large assortment of " VALUABLE GIFTS, - suitable fnr everybody. -The public, and especial 17 the ladles, are respectfully, invited to call, and examine prices, Jte. - D.AiSMIUf. , Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street - dee 22 . - , , ; . , , - O everything la fresh and new I bre del to sell at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PEC I contemplate making a change in jb and consequently must sell out tie .fit stock and I desire to give mj customea advantage before Ifie stock U picked f Millinery. Notions and Fancy g oodi H prices. ' Respectfully MISS E. KABREK may 19 Kxcntase Cor Quarantine Notice, j QUARANTINE FOE THE POBTprf: MiNGTON will be enforced froffl KJ November 1st, as follows: j Pilots will bring all vessel from Port ' of Cape Fear, from all Medltenanttt r and all vesselswbich bave had any Koa ness on board during the pase, have sickness on arrival, to tne . anchorage; and wiU cause ajlfl1""' In the main rigging on the port!! possible after crossing the Bar. , SpecUl notice wM be lssned U W by the Quarantine Physician, to WJI g from other ports to the UnuiUn whenever It shall appear to tM tjP Board that they are infected, or wp, fvessel must leave tbeQaarwjf aee. or allow any person, steamer or lighter, or boat of any kina "jjw unless bylwritten autborliy r0r a tine Physician ; and every vessel are-, shored an far to the eastward of , as is consistent with safety. 'v&jC Bearulatlons governing vesseMww, anUn may be had en PPnc"2iiAit of the Quarantine Phyfliclan at QuaranUne must be made to v Wood t Dr. Geo. G. 1 hotff(5? oHalned wlUite ebdorsed by tw Physician, if in his opuilon, " ",1? safe to allow communlcauonwB" - will be enforced against any .Pgi ; any of the Quarantine Kcgnlai low w ' " w. g. ccirns ! Qnarantlne Phy.iclan, Port o TH03. F. WOOD, GEO. G. THOMAS epl 28 2am 6m 141a , M. V.) Board. Board. A FIEB JULY 1ST. Jaodlles with meaU by the month. Whatever this markei, obtained i axidiUon wWwtera ton. Heals aent out without eu -g-t t postpaid, to pgetS; more of dealers, (if. - ""M Wi Waalugt.. Boston, Mass. jalyl lORE siur s