JOSH T. JAME3. fDlTO rOSTAQ PAID: sC slx month., $108. Three 01" KvKi One month. cents. 0BtW Jin be deUrerM by carrier. free f PPfny part of the city, at tbe abort ebirge.1 week. Jtiil report any ad all faH ihrtr rai-erreiratorly.t t mI , . htix Lhe. larcest at circulation of any newspaper "Z&d. in the cityofWUmvngton.Xl b.n trmn tbe estate of Hay- 0 nf 425 .000 a year. ..J.nin II"--'""- - .... SJ.hicb.beMbyh.. soot is worth li5. . ri:nmen in Chicaso hare stolen a Lr at fr TO31111 Pr- 0031 The pets dl the belles are de S to be very like tbe breed com- BODljeateiaCbina Thrre men started to climb Chamou ti'aciew. Bad weather set in, and !m, did not return. Search reyealed Se'rinng:ed bodies at the foot of a ibrea thousand-foot precipice. Opera is noTfinancially successful In. pris Tbe Opera House lost $30,000. ..jtbeOdeon $2,500. while the Comi- qoe cleared ouiy -r J aaes have Government subsidies, too. . Roller skating ssems to be waning. Many of the rinks In parts of the couo ry Wbere the sport Grst raged are being tamed to other uses, and everywhere the tendency of the diversion is toward unfubionablene83. - Atlantic City is said to have a flag so wired that it canuot hang limp, even if there is no breath of air stirring. It is fixed above the gable of a hotel, and is intended to convince the heated guest tbat bis discomfort is imaginary. A balloon railroad is to be construct eJ oa tbe Austrian Tyrol. The balloon will have grooved w heels on jts car, and these will run on nearly perpendicular nils, the gas providing tbe lifting pow tr. Gravitation will be utilized on the down trips- . la a recent review of the once despised Persian army 10 000 finely uniformed and clipped soldiers were, in line. Cnss:an instructors for the cavalry, and Austrian for the infantry and artillery, have brought the troops up to a good standard of efficiency. A Chinese belle has arrived in San Yr&ncisco She is tbe first genuine ex hibit of her kind on the Pacific coast. She ia till and Handsome, and her feet possesi tbe requisite deformity so thor oughly that whenever she walks a ser vant supports her on each side. ... .. Every year tbe Judges of Assize in England send to Queen Victoria the written names of three men in each county from whom to choose High Sheriffs. She indicates her selections by sticking a pin through the names. Bat this is an empty ceremony, for the choices are really made beforehand by the Prince Minister. Tbe wealthy merchants of London are discusssng tbe advisability of pri vate subscriptions toward the defence ot that city against assault by warships. They fear that, ia the event of war with a foreign country equipped with a pow erfal navy, a fleet might make its way op the Thames and enforce an anor moua ransom for sparing the town. Boston has tor months been full of tbe wildest theories about ghosts and wis ions. The subject is almost invariably discussed in every social gathering, and wonderlul stories are commonly told of Personal experiences. "As evidence of tbe kind of minds engrossed in these "ingg, it. is noteworthy that fqur members of Harvard's faculty are members of a societv for investigation Numerous haunted houses hare been developed, and several prophetic dream ers care become famous. . ibe results of a series of observations carried out by the Hydroiraphio bureau at Washington, in order to determine the length, depth, and dura tion of ocean waves, havei be pufc. inaed. The largest wave observed is Aid tofcave had a length of half a mite aaojer' have soent itself in tweotv- tbree seconds. During storms on tbe Atlantic waves sometimes extend 600 feet and last from ten" to eleven see oads. The most careful measurements f the heights of waves give from forty 'wriotorty eight feet as an extreme limit. -aU i handsome Tom to smiling Nell. acre did yon And that mystic 8 pell Anai hovers 'round your every smile. ad4 would my throbbing heart beguile? ' iinh tirhln Nell, "lou silly .boy. laZozuDoNT.-tbe cream of Joy Jhe Fair Daughters of Fashion Prefer Sn7nnnvr w !J fpr the teeth, because nothinr rea "rs those ornaments of the mouth so POtlea er u ..m. to thereath. Moreover, experi- -v proves tbe article to be pertectlv oWme hch cannot be said ot all 1 VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. racn ti inr AnyimscaciTt. W X Kino TlnBoofln . C W Tatxs Blank Books - tlajttic Hotrsn-Smlthvllle rCMnrti TarHeotUalment Giles Muacnxsox Home Again Da W . W. Harkiss For Bent or Sale Parkkx & Tatlok WeHavelaStock Mukds Bxothxxs lee Cream Hod, Ac W E 8PXIXOEK A Co Mason's Fruit Jars Gxo W Pbicx, JK-rnrnltare at Suction HxrasBxaoKB Mexican Grass Hammocks There was no City Court this morn ing. Thecrcps ar reported as rather backward, but growing very rapidly. The heated term continues and seems in no hurry to abate its intensity. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 90 de grees. The health officers' are busy and atcbfnl in looking out for the sanitary condition of tbe streets, yards and lots. The last of the delegates to the Dis trict Conference of the M, E. Church returned from Smithville this morning. Call at Jacobi's Hardware Depot and' examine bis fine assortment of fishing poles and lines. t Blue, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirts, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the mountains will take notice. t The Atlantic House, at Smithville, kept by Messrs. Davis & Bender, is be. coming very popular. It is located next South of the garrison. Meals fur nished there at all hours. According to a calculation made by an engineer officer there is enough stone in the breakwater at New Inlet to build a wall 8 feet high and 4 feet wide, all of tbo way from Wilmington to Smith ville, a distance of 28 miles. Unity Tent No. 60. Independent Order of Rechabites, will give their next excursion on Tuesday, August 1 1th, instead of on the 13tb, as we announced in Saturday's issae. The change was made necessary on account of the en gagements of the Passport. Remember the moonlight excursion to tbe Rocks" to-morrow night. Music by the harpers, free use of bath house and a sbeenbead supper will be among the attractions, to say nothing of the pleasures of moonlight on the waters with Glory Ann or some otner sweet and beautiful young lady. Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if .you want to save moner. t Indications. For the South Atlantic States, gen erally fair weather except proceeded In the Northeastern portion by local rains. Winds generally Southwesterly, nearly stationary temperature. ! Poraoual. Dr. Johnston B. Jones, a prominent physician of Charlotte, N. C. is in the city to-day. Mr. George Wilson, Solicitor ot the Criminal Court of Mecklenburg county, is in the city to-day. Capt. W. M. Parker was in New York on Saturday last, and wo regret to say that be was very much prostrated by the extreme beat of the weather. Hymeneal. Our friend. Mr. William M. Hays was a delegate'from Fifth Street M. . Church to the Conference of the Wil mington District which was held at Smithville last week He went a single man, but -returned a Benedict, Miss Emma, daughter of tbe late. Mr. Syl vester Petteway. having been united to him ia marriage last night. Rev. ftuxl J. Carraway, Presiding Elder of Wilmington District, officiating. Tue felesrates. The delegates to the M. E. District Conference, held at Smithville last week, have all returned to tbe city. They speak In high terms of the hospi ta&j and kindness of the good people of Smithville and say that their vis:t was made one of much' pleasure. Among others they speak in very high terms of the courtesies extended them by Capt. J. T. Harper, who not only himself entertained many of tbe dele-' gates but who gave them a trip on the Italian some miles out to- sea, which was very much enjoyed by all. Capt. John Harper also extended them the courtesy of a trip to the Rocks, on tbu Louise, which was also one of the most pleasant features of tbe week. F 11 WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. JULY 27, 1885. At the Old Stand. Messrs.' Giles & Murehison have re turned to their former stand, in tbe Mnrchison building. onFront street, and a ramble through their extensive es tablishment this morning was interest ing, as showing not only the magnitude of their .'business, but the excellent arrangement ot their goods for the con venience of salesmen as well as cus tomers. The business requires the full use two stores, with basements under each. The basement under tbe crockery store is devoted to the storage of crock ery and glassware in the original pack ages as they are received from on board the vessels, while the other is devoted to the storage of ploughs, plough cast ings, steel shapes for agricultural im plements, bar iron in appropriate racks, nails, buggy and wagon materials, pot ware and wood and willow ware. All these different articles are arranged in the most complete order with a strict regard to detail, so that there can be no posssible delay or confusion in se lecting any article desired. Entering the first floor by the South door we came to hardware in all its variety, conveniently stored or packed upon shelves. In the centre of this room is tbe private office of the propri etors which i3 well lighted and from which they can see tbe entire length of the room. In the rear of the office are bins containing tinware, so arranged that one can see at a glance whatever article be may desire to purchase, ilere are also large quantities of tin ware in the original packages. Near these is arranged a large sample tablo upob which every variety of hardware kepi in stock. from a needle toi plough, may be seen without causing delay to either salesman or purchaser. The stock of the entire room is arranged in most perfect order, and eyery available space is utilized either for the storage or display of the merchandise. The North store room of the building is devoted exlusively to the display and sale ol crockery, china and glass ware, and here, a3 everywhere else on tbe premises, the arrangement ot the goods is as perfect as human skill can devise. All of the goods in this department, which arc known under the trade names of "C. C." and "W. G," wares, are direct importations from the large potteries of Ennland, via Liverpool. There is a large room in the rear of the crockery department where goods are taken from their original packages and stored for salo as occasion may demand. The hard ware and crockery rooms are of alike dimensions, each being MOlcet long and 27 foet wide, .with 17 feet pitch, and are well lighted and venti lated. Literary. The contents of the August Magazine of American History are varied and of substantial worth. It has four essays on the Civil War, and an equal number on other historical topics. Gen Thomas Jordan's second paper on the "Begin ning of the' Civil War in America,'' touches many controverted points in an able manner; General Henry M. Cist writes a chapter on "Cincinnati with the War Feyer, .1801;" General Co chrane discusses "The Charleston Con vention,1' of which he was a member ; the Editor, in a sketch of "Major Gen eral John A Dix," describes the great Union Square War . Meeting in New York; Hon. James W. Gerard con tributes a paper on the "Revocation of the Edict of the Nantes;" Professor E. W. Gilliam, in "Presidential Elections Historically Considered," calls the at tention of every voter in the land to the inconsistencies of the electoral system ; Ethilbert D. Warfield writes of -'John Breckenridge, a Democrat of the Old Regime." The pictures are by Theo. R. Davis, and the portraits of Jefferson Davis and'his first Cabinet are given with much effect. Published at 30 La fayette Place. New York City. Won the Prizes. From a private letter received from Ashe vi lie this morning, by a gentleman of this city, we learn that the Second Regiment N. C. S. G. won the prize at the State encampment for drill, dis cipline and efficiency. This will be good aews to the citizens of this section who take pride in our State Guard, and who feel a special interest in our military organizations. We also learn, from the same source, that the Cornet Concert Club of this city won the prize for the best music; which is just what we predicted. It is a mighty good baod. and there is none. North or South, which can discourse music in better style than the Cornet Concert Club of this city. I:.- How to Treat It. Good watermelons are now abundant and cheap enough to be within the reach of almost every body. To enjoy this delicious fruit properly, says an authority on the subject, select a dark green, fat one. with a yellowish spot where it has hugged mother earth. Pat it on ice for twenty-four hours, cat a hole in one end of it and pour a bottle of claret into the hole, plug it up and put it on ice some more. . Cut t in longitudinal slices, bring t on the table surround ed by wild flowers and other fancy fixings, and you have a dish fit for the ga(. Some luxuries palates, happily accompanied by means enough to grat ify their gustatory whinis. find one or two bottles of campagne emptied into the almost frozen melon, in place of claret, a decided improvement. But the man who cannot like a good, ripe, sweet ' watermelon without wine, is deserving of much pity. Se-ven-ty five cents only for the best white unlaundried shirt in the city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market st., J. Elsbacii, Prop. tf Sentenced. The following are the cases tried at the recent term of the Criminal Court when the penalty was imprisonment: Thomas Whitfield, larceny. Six years in the State Penitentiary. Ulysses Richardson, assault and battery with deadly weapon, 12 months in the County House of Correction. Gen. Lee James, larceny, two years in State penitentiary. Lizzie Floyd, assault and battery with deadly weapon, three months in County House ot Correction. Scilla Bradlv. nuisance. 12 months in County House of Correction. Andrew Iluss, assault and battery! and resisting a police officer, 12 months in County House ot Correction. John Anderson, breaking into a storehouse, 2 years in State peniten tiary. Edward Edwardsaffray, 38 days in County House of Correction. Robert Manning, affray, 30 days in County House of Correction. John N. Sheldon, assault and bat tery with deadly weapon, 3 years in County House of Correction. William llarriss, embezzlement, 2 years in State penitentiary. Richard Herring, assault and battery with a deadly weapon. 3 months in Connty House of Correction. Guilford Hendricks, larceny, 2 years in State penitentiary. We have had plentiful and gracious showers here ot late but at Smithville, 28 miles distant, there has been no rain in three weeks. It will be to your interest to call and sec our goods and prices before you spend a dollar. Never before could you make a dollar go as far in clothing as at the present time. Wo have yet a large stock of Summer Clothing, which mtcst yo. We do not intend car rying over one dollar's worth this Fall, so have put prices where wo know they cannot help but go. You know our reputation ; when we . say goods are cheap you know they arc. Siihiek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm- t Wo noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacoiu's Hardware De pot. IIEl. GALLOWAY' In this city, on Sunday July 2tb, 1SS5, at 4 o'clock, p. m., WILLIAM, son of C M. and Ellen Galloway, aged 23 years and 10 months. Interment tnls afternoon In Bcllevue Ceme tery. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent or Sale, Qy N ACCOMMODATING TEKMS, kN ACCOMMODATING TEEMS, formerly occupied by tbe subscriber. Possession 1st October. For terms and particulars apply to july28 1t DB. W. W. HAKRISS Atlantic House, Front Street, Srulthyille, N.C. GEO. W DAVIS and D. L. BESDEB, Prop's. MEALS AT ALL HOUBS. Tisb, Clams. Crats. &e., eerrcd In all styles, at short notice Hrt class Bar attached jnly271m "Home Again' E ARE ONCE MOKE AT OUE OLD Stand, Front Street, next door North of Bank of New IlanoTcr, with a 1STE"W STOCK BOUGHT AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PBICES FOB SPOT CASH. By ttralsbtforward dealing and polite ''at tention to all, we hope to merit and receive the generous patronage bestowed upon us In tbe paat. Call and see us. ' GILES MUECniSOS, I jaJy 27 lw Hardware Department NO. 173 NEW ADVERISEMENT8 PLAID AND STRIPED MULLS, With all other kinds ot White Goods, marked down so low as to make the best Bargains of the Season. GOOD WHITE MULL TIES at 5c, lOc. aud 15c. LADTES' WHITE II . S. HANDKERCHIEFS, at lOJc. Very clicap. White and Red Table Damask, Napkins, and Doylies. Towels. 5 ' Printed Percales and Pacific Lawns. H3P A good stock of Boy's july 25 Geo. W. Price, Jr., AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. TUESDAY, JULY 28, AT 3.30 o'clock, at our Sales Boom, corner Market and Second streets, there wtll be offered for sale a large lot of Furniture, o.d and new styles; Bed steads, Bureaus, Sideboards, I ounges. Cots, Cribs, Desks, Sofas, Feather Beds and Pil lows. Also, an assortment of Crockery. Examine slock and BUY CAEAP. july 27 It BLANK BOOKS. J-AY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGEBS, i.ash Books, Becords, Letter Books, Bill Books, Memorandum Books, all sizes and style binding. Straw and Manilla Wrapping Paper.? Paper Bags, Twine, &c. Stationery of all kinds, suitable for every line of business, at lowest pi ices C. W. YATES, 119 Market St july 27 Mexican Grass Hammocks, JJAMMOCK STRETCHERS an I HOOKS. A fresh lot iust received. Now Is the time to make yourself comfortable. Call at HEINSBEEGKB'3. Pianos & Organs gOLD ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN AT HEINSBEEGEB'S, july 27 Live Book and Music Stores Fresh Every Day. J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON tinue to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach cs, Watermelons, and all kinds of Vegetables , Chickens, Eggs, &c. Will sell at reasonable prices. Give me a call. CM. D. HUMPHREY, july 20 "Davis' Bow", near New Market COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, &c. VSTE SOLICIT 1NQUIBIES AND OBDEBS for tbe WINSUIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON PBESSES, which are superior to any offered In this market. Circulars and Piicc Lists will be sent on application. WORTH & WORTH. july 20 Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Watermelons JXE COLD AND FOB SALE AT VEBY reasonable prices fer cash. Watermelons taken on storage up to noon every day and made ICE COLD in 2i hours for FIVE CENTS, each. W. E. WORTH & CO., Proprietors. july 25 Gall oh Us pOB FEES II FAMILY GROCERIES.! . Country Producs, Wines, Liquors, Tobaccocs, Ac., "Buckingham Bye," "EJver Mills," "Old Log Cabin." "Brunswick Private Stock," and "Hunter's Choice," are very fine Bye Whls keys. We also have Corn Whiskeys, Wlnea, Gins and Brandies. Highest market prices paid tot Country Pro duce. Consignments solicited. CBAIG A THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchants and Dealers in Groceries, Wines, liquors. Me. US So. Front Street, WUmtngton. N. C JnJy20 rUEAJSS KOTICHL Wt wis be glad to rtcarrs ocsancaicacoe front our mends on aay sad all Isutjacu.': renaraltntareat bat Xke nam of ike writer most always t: slaked to tkekvutor. ' Communications most bo wmtaa oa e. one side of tno paper. FeraonaSucs must bo avoldad. And it la especially and particularly und stood that the Editor does not always eadoi the views of correspondents unlasa so stall In the editorial oolumna. : . NEW ADVEBTISEfllEKTS,' I Goods for early Fall. 115 MARKET STREET. TIN E00FIN&, JOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. StovePipes. Elbows, Ac, Ac; Jobbing generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Front and Water StrceU july.27 Mason's Fruit Jars. -yyE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPBINUEU CO.. 19, 21 A 23 Market Street, july 27 . Wilmington, N.fS. We Have in Stock rjlHE BEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES. Kerosene OH Stoves.Iln and Sheet Iron Ware and House Kurnlehlng Goods to be found ia the city. If you want FIBST CLASS goods at bottom prices call at PABKEB A TAYLOB'S, july 27 23 South Front St Visit the Encampment I OF THE North Carolina State Guard. TO EN AB E YOU TO DO SO The Atlantic Coast Line WILL SELL TICKETS TO ASHEVILLE AND RETURN AT THE FOLLOWING LOW BATES: From Wlimioton, N. C. ...... .$10 55 " Wilson, 10 45 Tarboro, " II 65 " Weldon, " 11 15 Five Days in the Mountains! Tickets on sale July 23tb, 2Cth and 27th. Good to return until August 1st, 1S35. T. M. EMEB80N, july 22 it nac Gcn'I Pass. Agt. THE MAYO HOUSE, AT FORT FISHER, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON, with increased facilities for the accommodation of parties. Parties made up along the Hoes of the different " Railroads can have tho fine and fast steamer PASSPORT, with the ever popular and accommodating Captain J. W. ilarper, to meet them at the Railroad wharf upon the arrival of the I rain, by correspond ing with him or W. K. Mayo, at Wilmington. There is now the best fishing at the Bocks ever known in this country J A fine sea boat, under the management of a skilled pallor, Capt. Thos. Bark Icy, to take parties cut sail ing Either still water or surf bathing. The Tabic, supplied with tho best the market and sea affords, and Is under tho Immediate suier . vision of Mrs. Mayo, with Mr. Robert Hous ton as assistant. Regular boats to and from the Kocks twice daily; 'caving Wilmington at J o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock. I. M. -.This now popular resort Is noted for Its invlgora ting influence upon weak and debilitated per sons, who Immediately feel its effects. There are all the Fishing Tackle and Bait necessa ry for good siott to be had upon the place axso Fine Liquor a and Cigars. julyGms MRS. MABY A. MAYO. Back Again. QALL AND HEAR ALL ABOUT WASH Ington and Alexandria and get the COOLEST BEEB In the city, july 20 J. M.MCGOWAN. " Ship Notice. LL PERSONS ABE UEBXBY forewarned not to trust or harbor an v of the crew of the tier, barque "TEXAS", as neither the Master or Consignees will be responsible. ED. LOOK, Master july 25 3 1 UEIDE A CO., Consignees JF YOUB BUSINESS CALLS YOU OUT, the coolest and most sensible as well as econ omical thing to do, la to step into MUIOS BROS. STORE ON FRO IT STREET, and get a glass of their delicious Ice Cream Soaa, an Phosphate or a glass of Natural Mineral Water either Tate, Saratoga or Deep Bock. Inly 24 Moonlight Excursion ! July 28. SnEEPSHEAD SUPPER AT MAYO'. Harper's will furnish mode, rare 50 els: Boat leaves at s o'clock. -J SO. W. HARPER, GEO. N. UABBISS. July 25 2t -' ' r . 1 V i t r i. r I H it I 4-

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