THIS PAPER cepted by jOSII T. ' EUITOB WDflOFlinOL,. o-rRllTH"3 POSTAGE. PAID: 5 I su months. $2.00. Throe Joe 5"es' ' ; ,K. one month. 35 cento. B r Till be delivered by carriers free rW!P'sr ny part of the city, at the above ofCilTi "'r. nt ;cr week. r'! ., ... e r..t- low and literal. ; Al;fsr"y,tr. win report any and all fall- , their paper reguiariy. .--ton "7- 77, )z:y Renew has the largest . fcU ' irculUion, of any newspaper ) " t j A city 0 TOmtwon. I""4- ' - 7- , .. - "M;., C . l:iriri bonk is to be trans , (!";... , fn-ncb. I'crruan and Italian. ,Vl! nlh niM'.f Washington city , .',' ! . xc-cil that of same period 1 j 111 J - .... The Kii:: f"r of Japan confer on -Min:-"' r Bintihaai the decoration of '.M.nkrt i the Hiding Sun. Xn u(, ntr:c bat beautiful belle at w!l!t,. , ; hur Springs decks her pony wJ h lr. m mane to' tail. I cv.i mated by a Washington cor responded that Miss Cleveland's book .v:;; lK her from $40,000 to $50,000. - William F. Cody, ' Buffalo Bill." is forty tbr.e years old, and has a fortune lint will probably reach the $500,000 hiuruhiil I h.' California Democrats are begin tnj i . t"rsider the propriety of re Ruminating Governor Stonenian next jear. It they dw, ttey will lect him. .. . Iopoid Morse is mentioned as the prubable Democratic nominee for Gov ernor -l Massachusetts, although it is said that Charles P. Thompson can have th, nomination if he wants it. . . . . .. ( un-rrssoian 1 1 ill. of Ohio, wants ti e Democracy of that Slate to come nit strongly against both the Civil Smite law and the Civil Service Com- uussion. Ditto tor Senator Blackburn, t.t Kentucky. -- New sf-el mills continue to attract the attention and absorb the capital of investors. I'nder the processes of maaulacture lately discovered, there is no doubt steel may be as cheaply pro tiueed in this country as in any other. "1 know it is hot as sheol, and please l .n't mention it,' is what is posted in a ilown-town saloon in Washington. Headers were perplexed, wo suppose, t'ulocitlc whether the reference was to Uic weathci'qr the stimulants furnish- Cremation in Paris will soon be avail able fi the general public at the small cv: of S-'.Oj for each operation. An experimental furnace, is being cod. s.rueted at Pere-la-Chaise on the prin . eipleof the crematories at Come and Milan. . . . New York Iribunc (disconsolately): "There are no signs of reform among the Prohibitionists of this State. Evi dently they mean,, or at least their leaders do, to go on with the bad work of putting tho Democratic party in power." . - - - Waiter Malley, who was tried for the murder of Jennie Cramer, will sooa marry, it is said, a beautiful young widow who is employed in the dry goods store in New Haven formerfy owned bv Walter's father. Walter is reported as behaving himself quiie do cent iy of late. The 1juisv.lie (Ky.) Couricr-Juur-Hl wants to know why IheEepublicans of Keutucky. in thuir address, congrat- -'i-e then.silvcs that loss than ono third of their party are black. "Why." istheC.-.J.. "oh .uld the Republican Pny m Kentucky be ashamed of its colored members?" , Uichoiond Slaic: ''Compare Dan vilie to-day with Danville two years ago. ItVas a Mahooe-riddeh city and business was paralyzed. But tho pa triots triumphed in November. 1883. aad Dm.-iile was like a now town. It no enjnys the highest prosperity, and 1 continue to thrive so long as tho Mahone gang: 13 kept down." U sounds strange, but Lho whipping Post and cowhide betfn to win popular ly in the Xorth. Warden Green, of the King's County Penitentiary, ii in favor of plenty hard work for prison er, and expressed in vigorous terms fet that tho establishment of a whip-2-pos.t would bo tho mo3t efficacious f thod ol seducing the army of crimi nals. The relations of Postmaster General !as with. Gen. Grant were rather fcore intimate than is common between men representing' different political Parties. GenvVila had serve! with ln. i;rant at Vicksburg; ha mada the 'peechof welcome when Gen. Grant reached Chicago on his return from his lrP around the world, and in the; Wis conslu legislature last Winter Gen. v as made a speech iu favor of"resolu- 'oriS sympathy with the then dying man. . - 1 i 1 VOL. IX. An election for a champion liar is 16 be held at Giles, Arizona, and the suc- ccssful candidate is to get a medal and a serenade. From official statistics it would seem the Indian problem Gen." Sheridan has in hand ought to be of easy solu tion. They are by no means formida ble. In 1874, when the last count was taken, .the Chcyennes numbered 3,905 and the Arapahoes 3.36G. They now number 3.169 and 1.300 'respectively. If the count embraces in each case the same'elements, and in each .case wa3 accurate, the figures show that these two tribes, at least, are rapidly fading away. ?". Said handsome Tom to smiling Nell, "Where did yon find that mystic spell That hovers 'round your 1 very smile. And would my throbbing heart beguUe?" t uo tli Uughlng ell. "You silly boy. In Z'JZ JDONT, the cream of joy." The Patr Daughters of Fashion Prefer SOZODONT to every other ar ticle for the teeth, because nothing rea ders those ornaments of the mouth so spotless, or imparts such an agreeable odor to the breath. Moreover, experi ence proves the article to be perfectly wholesome, which cannot be said ot all dentrifices. - LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO HEW AOVERNSEtfeXIS. W E Kikg TinRoofing C W Yatks B!ank Books 11 M McXktire White Goods F C Miller Tar lleel Unimcnt Hkinsbkuokr Mexican Grasj Hammocks There was no City Court this morn ing. Mr. R. B. Jewett. formerly of Uiis city, but now of Savannah, is here on a visit. - Call at Jacobi's Hardware Depot and examine 'his fine assortment of fishing poles anof lines. t Blue, white, grey, brown and olive llannel shirts, are sold by Dyer.. The visitors to the mountains will take notice. ." t Nearlycvery one we meet is scolding about the hot weather, but we fail to sec the U3e in fretting about what we cannot possibly help. We don't it is with other people, but this "nearly stationary temperature" business has become de cidedly monotonous to us. Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to v Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save monef. i -There is a good deal of compiaint about the English sparrows, with which the city abounds.- They are canning Jittle creatures, but it is said that they make havoc in the gardens. A small bolorcd boy was arrested this morning at tho Front street depot charged with stealing bras3 from the railroad yard. A hearinein his case will bohad before the Mayor to-morrow morning. Fair weather for tho excursion to the Rocks on tho Passport to-night and a good time guaranteed. It will be a dc lightlul and health giving trip, the pleasures of which all who possibly can will avail themselves. Tho Germania Coccert Baud will give an excursion down the river on the Passport on Wednesday, August 5tb. Tho Band will furnish tho music for the occasion, and will give their patrons a pleasant trip. We aro again under obligations to Mr. C M. D. Humphrey,' of the fruit store, near the New Market, for an assortment of delicious fruit consisting of cantelopes, apples, pears and the largest and finest peaches we have seen this season;- May his shadow never crow less. A ''Centennial Temperance Confer ence" will be held at Philadelphia on the 23d and 21th of September next, at which representatives from every State -and every important city in the country are expected to be present. One or mora delegate will probably be sent by the temperance; organizations in this city, " - luillcatlons- For the South Atlantic States, local ra'ns, winds generally South westerly, with stationary, temperature. . - A 1, mmm, i mi. - ' Throwinsr Kocks. .... Iuke Suggs, a colored boy, threw a rock last night at . another colored boy. and hit tho latter on the ear. inflicting quite a sevens wound. ; We could not learn the name of tho boy who was in jured, but Suggs was arrested; and an examinatienpf the casa wid bo had by the Major to-morrow morning. WILMINGTON. N. C TUESDAY. JULY 28, lro;jress. A few months ago a few determined members of the Baptist Church at Point Caswell began the erection of a suitable and much needed house of worship at that glace. It is now near ly completed, is a'structure 50 feet long by 35 feet wide, and when finished will be a credit to those , who have caused the work to be done. Rev. W. M. Kennedy is pastor of the church and he feels a commendable pride in the good work of his congregation. Clinton & Point Caswell It. II A meeting of the Directors of the. Wilmington, Clinton & Pt Caswell R. R. was held in this city this forenoon, in Mrs. Robt. Lee's parlors, on Marko' street. There was a full meeting of the Board, the following gentlemen having been present, viz. Messrs A. Adrian, H. A. Burr. Cicero Johnson, Clifon Ward, W. II. Moore. E. W. Kerr and Owen Fennell. An entire reorganization was resolv ed u pon a n d v M r. " E W . Kerr, o f CI i n ton, was elected President, and Mr. A. Adrian, of this city. Vice President. lion, A. A. McKoy and Mr. I. M. Fennell, of Sampson county," were elected Directors, to fill vacancies ex isting on the Board. It was ordered that all collectors for thecompany be notified to at once make full reports of tho monevs collected by them. ' 1 '.. ' , 1 The meeting then adjourned. On to Clinton. We are glad to note that there is a revival of interest in the completion of the Wilmington, Point Caswell & Clinton R. R. The Board of Directors met here this morning and after a very harmonious meeting rconran'zod by the election of Mr. Edwin W. Kerr, of Clinton, a3 President, and Mr. A. Adrian, of this city, as Vice President. This looks like business and it, means business. Mr, Kerr is a very energetic man, of indomitable will and deter mination, and ho is backed- by a directory who will second him in all Of his measures to push forward tho road to completion. Mr. Adrian, the Vice President, whose character as a thorough-going and successful business man, is known of all, will watch "care fully the interests of the stockholders at this end of the line. President Kerr telis U3 that this road can, must and will be built and that it will be - at once urged forward to completion. In all it is about 40 miles from Point Caswell to Clinton, through a country in which there arc but few obstacles, and these very slight, to bo met and overcome. and of the entire line but 13 miles remains ungraded. This can soon bo completed and then the serious work of laying the eross tie3 and the iron and equipping the road will be met and successfully ever " ..." ' Of " n' come. . : Kaleitrh Male 'Academy. We notice that our good friend of Con fed. days, Capt. C. B. Dousou, a gentleman who has many warm friends and admirers ia this city, has become associate principal, with Prof. Hugh Morson, of the Raleigh Male Academy. Capt. Denson has spent much of his life in teaching aud has been uniformly successful, lie commenced his career as an educator as assistant professor of the Virginia . Collegiate Institute, of Portsmouth, Va , and was tho firot to establish a military school iu this State (the Franklin Military Institute, of Duplin county, August, 1858,) beforo the days of Geu.HilL at Charlotte, aud Col. Tew, at Hillsboro. The Franklin Institute was a large and successful es tablishment, and was suspended by the cadets following their preceptor into the army at the commencement of the war between the Stales. Since the war Capt. Denson has conducted the Pittsboro Scientific Academy for twen ty terms, covering a period of ten years, during which time he has prepared many boys for college and active busi ness pursuits. It will be to your interest to cili and sec our goods aud prices before you spend a dollar. Never before could you make a dollar go as far in clothing as at the present time. Wo . have yet a large stock of Summer Clothing, which must go.. We do not intend car rying over one dollar's worth this Fall. so have put prices where wo know they cannot help but go. You know our reputation ; when wc say goods arc cheapyou know they are. Shriek, the Old. Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t Se-ven-ty five cents only for the best white unlanndried shirt in the city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market st , J. Elsbacit, Prop. if At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 03 de grees. ' . . . ' Don't forget the moonlight excursion on the Vi$$2iort to-night. A full moon will help to the enjoyment ot all who go. ' . . - Sieam boatmen report that "there has baen a recent rise in the Cape Fear of about nine feet. This makes navigation easy and the boats are run through on schedule time. , The Nor. brig Emma and lha Ameri ca Sehootscr HaUie. Turner arrived io at quarantine to-day. We failed to learn where the brig was from, but the schooner was frcm Ilayti-. Capt. R. M. Mclntire is in need oT one or two good salesmen and asprighl ly boy, at his dry goods house, on North j Front street. Those in want of situa tions, who are competent, should apply at once. War News. The following is an extract from a private letter received here this morn ing from the encampment at Asheville, and will be of interest to many of our readers: "You would be surprised to see how nice and comfortable wo are, and how well everything is being conducted. The Wilmington Light Infantry is the largest company here, and the Second Regiment the favorites, and the band tho best by great odds. Our boys are just going to dinner and it is gratifying to see how well our mess is conducted and how well they are pleased. The four wounded men of the Golds- boro company are now out of danger, and, outside of this, we have not had a single thing to mar our pleasure. All are well and the boys are drilling splen didly." The Light Infantry is expected to re turn on Saturday next.' v I'errtonai. Mayor Hall and family have gone to the Sound today. Mr. E. Murrill. Sheriff of Onslow county, was in the city to day. Mr. Hugh A. Murrill, of Hickory, N. C. was registered at the Purcell House to day. Ex-Mayor James Wilson, who has been in New York for a year past, has returned to the city. Mr. John D. Woody, with his wife and three children, is rusticating in the mountains ot Western North Caro lina. Mr. W. J. Parker, a prominent citi zen of Bladen county, was in the city to-day, and left for home this afternoon oh the steamer Hurt. Capt. A. B. Potter, who left here a few months ago on the steamer Harold, for Jacksonville. Fla., returned to his home at Smithville on Saturday last.. Hop Daniel L. Russell and Mrs. Russell have gone to the Pacific slope. their immediate destination being Ari zona. They fwill be absent about five week3. Rev. W. M. Kennedy gave us the pleasure of a call yesterday afternoon, lie was en route from Point Caswell, where ho preached .yesterday, to his home at Warsaw, Duplin county. We were pained to Icarn from him that his daughter, Miss Miunie Kennedy, is quite sick. Our valued friend aud subseriber.Mr. W. II. Moore, of Clinton", Sampson county, is in the city to-day aud gave U3 the pleasure of a call. He i3 here in attendance upon the Directors' meet ing of the Clinton & Point Caswell Railroad. Ho reports that the appear ance of tho crop3 in his section was never better than at present. Mr. E.W. Kerr, of Clinton, Sampson county, is in the city to-day in atten dance upon the meeting of the Direc tors ot tho Clinton & Point Caswel Railroad, and gave us the pleasure of a call. We also acknowledge the pleas ure of calls from Messrs Cicero John son and) Clifton Ward, of Sampson county, who are also Directors 01 this road. Educational. .' Tho State Superintendent of Public Instruction has given the following rulings: 1st. The Board of Education can not return an unused balance to the general fund for redistribution, bat the different school committees can. 2cd. J Tbe.Iaw does not allow a " sal ary to a County Superintendent for services as Secretary. His compensa tion is by the day for , all services and no allowance can be made for horse hire. ; . 3rd. Thcr Board of Education' can resolve townships into school districts, provided schools are maintained con vicntly located in the different nc!gh bothuod3. ' , -- These Blind "Doors have arrived. Parties in want of them ran now ln supplied at Jacobi"? Udw. Dpot. f " 1 1885. NO. 174 NEW ADVEBISEMJflKTS WTHO HAS EVER OFFERED THESE GOODS AS CHEAP AS WE ARE TO-DAY ? NEW SATTEENS at 8. 10. and 124c. GINGHAMS AND SEAR SUCKERS, cood styles, at 10 and 12c. BLEACHED COTTONS In this line you will be suri'Rised at tho prices we . are giving, as yon have never seen them so low. Shirtings all widths. DRESS GOODS AND FLANNELS - We can suit you. Come and seo us. Corsets. Corsets. We really have a pride in keeping Corsets. to suit every one. Almost anything you can desire. . LIGHT WEIGHT BLACK GOODS These we are closing out now. All - SUCh goods AWAY DOWN. Mattings Mattings. Commencing now, we expect in the next few weeks to close out all of the stock on hand and for spot "cash we will give some bargains you have never dreamed of in Carpets and Mattings. , 1 We have room for one on two good Salesmen, and a smart, ac tive, sprightly boy. ' t . july 28 ' PLAID AND STRIPED MULLS, With all other kinds ot White" Goods, marked down so low as to wake the best Bargains of the Season. GOOD WHITE MULL TIES at 5c, lOc. and 15c. LATHES' WHITE H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, at 124c Very cheap. White and Red Table Damask, Napkins, and Doylies. Towels. Printed Percales and Pacific Lawns. $3?" A good stock of Boy's Goods for early Fall. JS july 25 Geo. W, Price, Jr., ; AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. QFFICB AND SALES ROOMS N. B, Cdr. Market and Second streets, where epecial at tention will be given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, &c, on Consignment, and a General Commission Business. STRICT at tentlon to business and QUICK returns Of sales. july 10 BLANK BOOKS. . "TVaY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, V ash Books, s Records, Letter Hooks, Bill Books, Memorandum Books, all sizes and style binding. ' Straw and Manilla Wrappincr Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, Ac. StaUonery of all kind3, suits ble for every line of business, at lowest piiceg. YATES. july 27- 119 Market St Mexican Grass Hammocks, ppAMMOCK STRETCHERS anlUOOKS. A fresh lot iust received. Now is the time to make yourself comfortable. Call at IIEINSBERGKE'S. Pianos & Organs S OLD ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY INSTALMENT PLAN AT UEINSBEKGER'S Live Book and Music Stores ju!v 27 COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, &c. yrrE solicit iNguiKiES and orders for the WINSHIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON PRESSES, which are superior to any olTcrcd in this market. Circular anid Price Ll3t3 will be sent on s f plication. r r - WORTH & WORTH. july 30 . , -. ..- . . Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Watermelons CE.COLD AND FOR SALE .AT VERY reasonable. prices fcr cash. Watermelons taken 00 storage up to noon " , I every day and made ICE COLD in 2t hours or FIVE CENTS, each W. E. WORTH & CO., I Proprietors. july f 3 ' -; ' . - IflllTl more money han st anything ele Vi I Id bytaklnr sa sgency for the best selUng bok out. lglnner succeel grandly, None fall. Term free. Uaixetx Book Co , Pcgrtland, lialao. - , - dec i d .t w . r z rLSA3 E0TIC3. . ITs will b giid t3 rteslvs eoaac&leificsi Croaocz friends o&jubj sad all Iiafcjteta; csncraltaterest Irai Tlis nam of tits writer moat always tC isJiea to tta Editor. - ' ' - " . Com in na lotions must be wrltus oa m one side of (he paper. PcxsonaHtleaxnusthe avoided. And It Is especially and particularly and ttood taa't the Editor does not always en dot the views of correspondents nnlesa go stitf in the editorial columns. NEW AD VEBTlSEcIEKTS: Corsets. " Carpets. ' Carpets. ' I 115 MARKET STREET. TIN ROOFING, JJOOF repairing and painting. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, Ac, Ac I S" Jobbing generally. . W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Front and Water Streets ' i july 27 . Mason's Fruit Jars. rvv E NOW IIAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jara. Send In your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19, 21 A 23 Market 8treot, j july 27 Wilmington. N.fl. We Have in Stock tjlllE BEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES, Kerosene Oil Stoves. 11a and Sheet Irou Ware and House Furnishing Goods to be found in the city. If you want FIRST CLASS goods at bottom pric: 8 call at PARKER A TAYLOR'S, I july 7 23 South front 81 Atlantic House, Front. Street, SmltliviHc IT. O. GTEO. W DAVI3ani D. L. BENDER, Prop. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clam. 'Crabs, Ac , ecrvtd in all etyles, st short notice i sr First class Bar attached. , ; july 27 lm . j "Home Again." j yyE ARE ONCE MORE AT OUR OLD Stand, trout Street, next door North of Bank of New Hanover, with a ; j 2STE-W" STOCK BOUGHT AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH. By straightforward dealing aud polite at tention to all, we lioic to merit and receive the generous patronage bestowed upon us In the past. Call and eco us. GILES A MURCHISON. I ju1y27.1w Hardware Department Call on U JjlOR FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES. I Country Produce, Wines, LUiuors, Tobaccoea, Ac, "Buckingham Rye," "River Mills,' "Old Log Cabin," "Brunswick Private 6 tock," sod "Hunter's Choice," are very fineBysWhis keys. Wc also have Corn Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and Brandies. ! t Highest market prices paid for Country Pr duce. Consignments soUelted. CBAIG A THOMAS. ' Produce Commission Merchants and " Dealers in Groccries.Wlnes, Llqusrs, e. '113 So. Front Street, Wilmington, N. C. JttlySQ .i-- : Back Again. Q ALL AND HEAR ALL ABOUT WASH lngton and Alexandria snd get the COOLEST BEER In the city, july 30 J. M. lfcGOWAN. Ship Notice. LL PERSONS ARE HEREBY fnrwnnri not tn trunt nr hir1nv nnv nf tlifl trrenr of th4ipf tutmnj "fBXAh?, as cltlier the Master or conttgncc3 will be responsible. KD. LtMir. lfBtr July S3 3t UEIDE A CO., Corulgnecs JTYQVf, BUSISESS CALLS YOU OUT, me cQOic ana most sensible as well as econ omical tuiog to do, 13 to etep into - MUHOS BROS.' STORE OH FRONT STREET, and get a glas of their delicious Ice Cream Soda, an Earg Phosphate or a glaea of Natural Mineral Tfater either Tate, aarators or Deep Kotk. . . J ' July 2

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