XHI3 PAPXB f Sundays cepted by jOSKT. JAMES, ttoB asd pbofkiitob. .pTfOVS POSTAGE PAID: eCBSC21,. x months. $2.09. Three rtr month. rU. one month .'clKcr?'! l7 carriers free XJt f-- ' . . -t the 'Uy. ai rt oz - It 'S rciKjrt any and all fail- IT""- . ,,a,,cr reguiariy. , juriKir his the largest :t-.iUoi. of any newspaper i, ity of Wilmington. JEs .., .lV his family is his a :. Charlotte Corday . . i . be fir sale. i ..-,k-iria. i coming. to .,,1 j in September. - .Mr. Spureon sti.l dis- , .uipil upon tbo wick- r. i: v . 'r :r j critical examina llCcl a sufferer from ca- 2. ' M--yb..y5 who are examined for --cei a thts navy are rejected as C-oVart Urease. Th s, the medU :iJ' v," is due to cisarette smok- "- - - jitcrnnibof comtort oh the v thi' misery lores., company: V.V. ia CalilwrnVa. July 12, the I 'lnebT marked iu to " - - - -- j.r ilelj. ijia Press: President Cleve .j..,! conduct toward.. General Grant's lir ,y has ben singularly discreet, cr.'-iw;' ar.d graceful. The. country io'j.erv.d it with satisfaction and la'.itud?. ::e P;,ociai'-:e ol their late Presiden-t;i:caa-liJateriliu.' a letter ft con i'rstulatiori to thv m.m of Henry A. Wise likely t ir.ye a .very inspiring (1r.i-toii:u; p,-r.ns who worship at the sanss; t old John Brown. AuiuP4 :h2 many relies left by Com minder fringe was a much prized fragment of coal beariog the distinct ixpressioaof afern leaf. It bears a label stating that it was discovered acicng Arctic snows by a celebrated ef!orT. It was said at the White llbuso re ceatly. unoflicially. however, that if Mr. Jonas, consul to Prague, was not ranked ly that country, and was compelled to return. Mr. Magnus (iro-i. for a number ol years an edi torial writer of the New York Slants '(.';v,wou!d receive the appointment. Tee Kngiish comment upon the death ot (ieu. Grant is one of extreme kind cess and discriminating admiration. The same may be said of the comment in every capital in Europo save Paris, where he is condemned as the enemy of France almost as bitterly as was. Frederick Charles a month ago. Uidicu'.e Kentucky as you may, the gast of judicial shrewdness, if not purity, havers over the old common wealth. A judce recently surprised a courthouse full of persons by ordering tbe sheriff to search every man in it for concealed deadly wea'pons. Two men wenj disarmed and fined and im v prisoned. - . The descendants ot the Huguenots throughout the world are makiog ex tensive preparations for the celebration f the revocation or, the Edict of Nantes ia October. The occasion is to b8 marked by the publication of a volume, eatitied "SyDods of the Desert." being the -Acta of the National and Provin cial Synods, held in the Deserts of France, froai the death of Louis XIV to the Revolution.' The Lmdoa Standard's correspon dent at Vienna says: "Mr. Leo will take charge of the American legation fcere until the autumn, when a new minister will be appointed. Mr. Fran cs vv:.l present his letters of recall as 8 n as the Emperor returns to Vienna ar"l ;.l then go to America. In the uean::aiC Mr. Kelley draws his sal ary." . I hf Prince of Monaco for years has a .ood the .Jesuit fathers to use the oldl wnvjMiiot the Visitation directly in 'font of his residence as a college. The 0,d Pr;cco has lately become very much attached to the new Bishop of Monaco; and has CiVCn the convent to him lor a co:'eje. The Jesuit lathers have spent couiidcrable money on tneir college 3i do not wish to leave, but the old ri;.Le retuses to change his decision. f tunJsome Tom to smiling Nell, w he xv did you find that mystic epell i t..u horers 'roand your tvexy smile. An i ouU my throbbing heart beguUe?" m- ;h iiuRhixuc heU. You silly boy, tn J. JloiT,-the cream of joy' 'i he Pair Daughters of f Albion J'refcr SOZODONT to every other ar J,lce tor the teeth, because nothing rea rs thjse ornaments of the mouth so actiess. or imparts such an agreeable to the breath. Moreover, experi wee proves the article to' be pcrtectlv 7Bo-e3oine, which cannot be said ot all "entrihi-ca. Tie VOL. IX. The Democrats in Virginia have done well but they must do still better at the polls. They have nominated Gen. Fttzbugh Lee for Governor, Hon John E. Messey for Lieutenant-Governor and Rufus A. Ayers for Attorney-Gen eral. Hon John S. Barbour was un animousiy reelected Chairman ot the State Executive Committee. The fol lowing is a synopsis of the platform adopted : The platform pledges opposition to any increase ot taxation; opposes all further agitation of the debt question. ami reiterates acceptance a final set 1 m . . W - mm iiement oi "iiuiajeoorKer mil;" renews the plede of continued support lothe public school system; -recommends a ahango Jn the rev onae laws." which will require speedy settlement by collecting ofheers; recommends supervision ty the Legislature of the operations of the railroads of the State, so a3 to prevent unjust or discriminating charges; advo cates liberal support to the insane asy lums, and continued aid to needy and disabled Confederate soldiers; recom mends the passage of such laws as will permit oacb county or district to hold a special election upon . the question of the sale or spirituous liquors; favors an amendment of the existing oyster law ; favors changes in the election laws, soas to relieve the people of the bur den of too frequent elections; favors an equal distribution of the public patron age Among all sections; opposes the employment'of convict labor in com petition with free labor; also favors laws compelling government contract service to be performed by free labor; favors the eight hour law; advocates the complete and unconditional aboli tion of the internal revenue system ; reaffirms the declarations ot the Na tional Democratic rarty in its last Con vention, on the subject of the tariff, and especially maintaining.tbat a neces sary reduction in taxation can and must be male. without de priving American labor ol ihe ability to compete successfully with foreign labor; endorses the civil service reform, while at the same time it opposes the appointment to or reten- ti n in office of offensive partisans; commends the administration of Presi dent Cleveland, and especially the President's action in removing offensive Republican officers in Virgina; spuras the charges brought against the Demo cratic party, in the document purport ing to be the platform of the Republican partv of the State ; and sets forth what the Democratic party has done lor Vir ginia, ana concludes witn a severe ar raignmentof the Republican party. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates Blank Books Excuksion To Charlotte Ukinsberoeb Family Bibles Regatta Carolina Yncht Club F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment Mun'os Brothers Buffalo TJthia Water Farmers can save tim and money by eettiug barbed wire lor their fences, at Jacoui's Ildw. Depot. ? t A new pitcher and catcher for the Seaside J3ase Ball Club are expected to arrive in the city from Baltimore to night. The August Regular Regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club will be sailed over the course at Wrightsville on Wednes day next, August 5th. Se-ven-ty live cents only for the best white unlaundried shirt in the city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market St., J. Elsbach, Prop. . tf Blue, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirts, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the mountains will take notice.' ' ' . ' . i i Messrs A. E. Pait, of Bladenboro, and W. C. Herring, of Xong Creek, good friends ot ours and subscribers of the Reyiew. were in the city yesterday and favored us with calls. A colored excursion train will be run from this city to Charlotte on Monday next, returning on Thursday. Fare for the roun trip only $2.50. A special car has been provided for white persons. There was a case of an affray brought before the Mayor this morning, but in consequence of the absence of impor tant witnesses on the part ot one of the defendants the case was continued un til to-morrow morning. We find that a good many of our citizens complain that yesterday was the most oppressively hot day thus far of the season, when in reality, it was the coolest we have had in a week. But was'ot last night hot! " Indications For the South Atlantic States, con tinued warm and generally fair weath er and variable winds. Personal. Mr. E. A. Hawes. ol Pender county, was in the city to-day. Tho latest news from Ir, X- H. Thompson, who has been seriously sick atWhitaker's, is that he is very low and in a critical condition. WILMINGTON. N. C. More Stealing. Late last night a thief entered the yard of Mr. J. II. Hanby, on the corner of Eighth and Dock streets, and stole two chickens and some underclothing. Mr. Hanby had purchased the poultry for bis Sunday dinner, out the season is too warm for chickens to keep. The thief was seen and an alarm was given, but he managed to escape with his plunder. J ii acre Bennett. The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer, writing Mon day, says: "Judge Bennett arrived here Friday night, lie is in belter health than has been for years, and- is' Is undonbteuly one of the handsomest and most distinguished looking' men who come here. He made an early startler the departments next morning. Judge Bennett is prepared for an ag gressive campaign, and does not pro pose leaving Washington until all his work as mapped out is complete. The important offices in his district yet to be filled are the assayersbip ol the mint at Chailolte, and the postoffices at Wilmington and Concord. Seven removals' have recently been made. completing tho list of fourth-class of Gees in that district. The Judge has had three postal agents appointed, and made entire changes in tbo postoffices of a number of ctuuties. He will make 4 m a clean sweep of all the remaining office holders.in the Sixth District. As that district includes two of the largest cities in the State, aud some of the most pro gressive towns, his task is one that would tax any man's wisdom and ener gies, but Judge liennett is fully equal to his responsibilities.1' By Kali to Clinton. The people of Clinton are wide-awake, progressive and gb-aheadative. They have taken their commercial interests into their own keeping and are determ ined upen having direct communica tion with the outside world. A year or so ago they built and equipped a tele graph liae and now they have energet ically attacked the railroad question. We think that in a few years they will have two good outlets by railway, one. that via Point Caswell, of which we spoke a few days ago, and the other via Warsaw. This last project, we understand, is in a very lair way ot being realized. It is in the hands of energetic business men and it is said that work will be begun on the the first of October. The road was formenly intended to go to Faison and to this end the charter was granted but an amendment was secur ed from the last Legislature, allowing ,;li onir nnmf nn fha Wit. mington & Weldon R. R Warsaw was the point selected and the road will follow pretty much the line of the old plank road from Clinton to Warsaw. This road, it is intended now, will be built and equipped and run byfprivate enterprise. Kelly's Cove Items. Mr. R. M. Wescott, of Kelly's Cove. Bladen county, sends us some interest ing items from his section. He says that the seasons in his section have been excellent and the crop promises are generally very good. It has perhaps been a little too wet ' for cotton but corn is really exceeding the most sar guine expectations But, in the midst of this bright outlook, there is a serious drawback in tbe'presefcce ot the dreaded ho rholera. which has recently been developed in that neighborhood. On last Tnesdav Mr. Wescott left home in the morning, for the day and when he returned in the afternoon he found dead in the. pen a 175 pound hog which was well and he&lthv when he left home. The health of the people, however, is good, and there is less sickness in the neigh borhood than is generally the case at this season of the year. Mr. Wescott attended the picnic at Mr. D. J. Corbett's on the 28th, in honor of that gentleman's birthday, and he says "you can just bet that we had a good time. You ought i to have bes a there." And we would have been coul J wo have got there. It will be to your interest to e ill and see our goods and prices before you spend a dollar. Never before could you make a dollar go as far in clothing as at the present time. We have yet a large stock of Summer Clothiog, which must go. We do not intend car rying over one dollar's worth this Fall, so have put prices where wo know they cannot help but go. You know our reputation ; when we say goods arc cheap you know they are. Subxeb, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t FRIDAY. JULY 31. 188&. Sprung Aleak. The German barque Vericn, Jahncke, which cleared for London on July 18th, sprung aleak while lying at anchor in the stream at Smitbville, and it was found necessary to run her ashore. Lighters hava been seat down to assist in removing her cargo. It is not yet known whether the barque wilf be obliged to return to the city for re pairs or not. War News. A dispatch was received here to-day stilting that the Wilmington Light In antry would leave Ashevillo to-night on their return home. They will, arrive here to morrow night and will be me at the Front street depot by the mem oers oi the corps, in unitorm, who re mained at home, and by them will be escorted to their armory. Sergeant W N. llarriss will have charge of the escort. A Sad Event. , Capt. Carver, who left here a few days since in command of the brig Charlotte, bound tor Barbadoes. died yesterday on board the vessel at Smith vine, ot malarial lever. lio was a res ident of Searsport , Me., and bis wife and two children were on board the vessel at the time of his death, ills remains will be interred at Smitbville Capt. Carver was about 35 years of age in the prime and vigor of life, and when he left here on Saturday last ap peared to be in robust health The sympathy of our people will be extend ed to the sorrowing widow and father less children in their sad bereavemen among entire strangers. We noticed quite a fine display o dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. 1 Chicken Tliieyes. , A colored man by the name of Mo Kenzie. who lives on Seventh street, between Church and Castle, reports tnis morning mat his premises were raided last night and about 30 chickens were stolen. Mrs. I). Gilbert, who lives on the corner of Seventh and Cas tle streets, bad her chicken coop- also broken into last night and several chick ens stolen. Now is the . season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if yon want to save money. t Quarterly Meetings, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments for the Wilmington District ot the M. Church, South thikd kound; Brunswick circuit, at Zion, July 31, August 1. Wilmington, at Front Street, Aug. 2 Onslow circuit, at Mount Lebanon, August 6-7. Duplin circuit, at Richlands, August 8-u. Topsail circuit, at Herring's Chapel, August 12-13. P. J. Cakkaway, P. E. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excefsior Penn., are the leading cook s to yes, both in quali ty and price. They can be seen at Jacoui's Hdw Depot. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Regatta. fTIHE AUGU8T REGATTA OF THE CAB- J. OLJNA YACHT CLUB will be sailed over the Wrightsville Course, rn Wednesday, August am. uommanacrs or x scuts are noti neut report at.ciub House at 1.30 p. m., wnen nrst gan win do nrea. KJtce win com mence promptly at 2 o'clock. By order of Regatta Committee. T. WBIGHT MKABES, iuly3ilt Measurer Excursion! w ILMISGTGN TO CHARLOTTE AMD RETURN ! Leave C. C R. Ii- Depot HON DAY EVENING, August 3. at 7.4) 1. M. and return August 6th. Fare for round trip $2.60. Given by King 8olomon todge. No. 1, United Sons and Daughters of Llbertr. Special car for white people has been provided, and those wisning to visit sneioy ana tn ceiebratea opnngs wm nave an opportunity so ao so jnly SI It AARON WILLIS, Chrn'n Com Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Watermelons JCE COLD AND FOR SALE AT VERY reasonable prices fr cash. 'Watermelons taken o ttorjge up to nooni every day and made ICC COLD In 24 hours o r FIFE CENTS, each. W. E. WORTH 6 CO., Proprietors. july 23 NO. 178 NEW ADVERI8EBIENT8 WHO HAS EVER OFFERED THESE GOODS AS CHEAP AS WE ARE TO-DAY? NEW 8ATTEENS at 8. 10, and I2dc. GINGHAMS AND SEAR SUCKERS, good styles, at 10 and 12.c. BLEACHED COTTONS In this line you will be sunrsiSED at tbo prices we are giving, as you have never seen them so low. SimrriNOS all widths. DRESS GOODS AND FLANNELS-We can suit you. Come and see us. Corooto. Coroetc. We really have a pride in keeping Corsets to suit every one. . Almost adything - " you can desire. --- . LIGHT WEIGHT BI-ACK GOODS These we aro closing out now. All SUCh gOOds AWAY DOWN. Mattings. Mattings. . Oarpets; ' Carpets. Commencing vow, we expect in the next few weeks to close out all of the stock on hand and for spot cash we will give some bargains you bavo never dreamed of in Carpets and Mattings. US? We have room for one or two good Salesmen; and a smart, ac five, sprightly boy. r. m. rjcirjTiRE. jalyas 7 PLAID , AND STRIPED MULLS, With all other kinds of White Goods, marked down so low as to make the best - Bargains of the Season. GOOD WHITE MULL TIES at Sc., lOc. and 15c LADIESV WHITE H. S. HANDKERCHIEFS, at l2Jc. Vcri'cheap. ' White and Red Table Damask, Napkins, and Doylies, Towels. ' p Printed Percales and Pacific Lawns. U" A good stock of Boy's, Goods for early Fall. JiDTO. July 23 BuffaloXithia , Water No. 2. ERESH LOT JUST INBY' BOTTf K OR Case.. Congress Water, fresh. Hathorn Water, fresh. Jleep Rock, Saratoga and Tate Epsom are the genuine waters we dispense at our Soda Counter. Up to the times with the best Goods and reasonable prices. Come and see us at 104 N. Front St. julyi9 MUNDS BROS. Pig Fish ! Pig Fish! ON HAND AT PINE OOD 4 SUPPLY GROVE. Our SHARPIE and other Boats ready at lire minutes' notice with OWEN JONES (best boatman on the Sound) ana ins two bojs always on the lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No. 70. June 27 ED. WILSON MANNING. Family Bibles. JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE assortment of FINE ILLUSTRATED BIBLES, beautifully bound Id Morrocco, with elegant new style of Clasps. Please call, see and buy at UEIRSBERGER'S, July ?y Live Book and Music Stores Cautionto Consumers TOO BE 8URE OF GETTING THE GENU INE SHELL SOAD TObSCCO, chewers should be careful to notice that the oblong blue pper tag In the centre of each plug bears the Trade Mark of the buggy and horses i the words SHELL ROAD, and the name! of the manufacturers, Messrs R. A. PAT TERSON A CO, Beware of the many worth less imitations ihtt are being sold to the pub- lie as the genuine SHELL ROAD, and do not be deceived. ADRIAN A VOLLERS, Agents, June 6 3meod Wilmington, N. Geo. W. Price, Jr., AUCTIONED & COMMISSION MERCHANT. QFFICE AND SALES ROOMS N. E, Cor. Market and Second streets, where special at- tentlon will be given the sale of Goods, Wares, Merehandlie, Ac , on Consignment, and a General Commission Buslaess. STRICT at tentlon to business and QUICK returns of sales. july 10 BLANK BOOKS. BOOKS. JOURNALS. LEDGERS, V ash Books, Records, Letter Books, BUI Books, Memorandum Books, all sizes and style binding. Straw and Manilla Wrapplxuc Paper. Paper ttjgs, Twine, Ac. Stationery of all kinds, suitable for every line of business, at lowest pi Ices. C. W. YATES, July TT J 113 Market St Tar Heel Liniment. IOB INTERVAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Baim and ,FTei-De-eycr's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Meflfrfnea, Drags, Ac , at - T. C MILLER'S. . July? Ocner ronrta and Nan sti I ITLSA23 BOTICX. T7swatc!xl to rcssrrt ccnxMaicaBoa tea eex fifleaitU ea bxj tU :suttev:; CtserslXatsresttml . ' " Z " " " . ..'.!.. V sJteS to tbe E2Uar. ; : ; ': y' . Csamimlr tttoni mart t wxtttti es v csssfcteet Uw 'paper. rttsonanuea unit be avoid! kd ttis especially ;a4 Tarticnlarry and stood that ta KOUot doe ot always amdoi . the views ot correspondents tnlass so slat i lath editorial eoltuxai, J ' - r NEW ADVIIlITISCilEIT3: Corooto- I J". HEDEIOK, 115 MARKET STREET. : TIN ROOFING, -poor repairing and, painting. At, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to "order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, &c , Ac mr Jobbing generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Prlnccss.bet. Front and Water Streets July. 27 Mason's Fruit Jars. Vjy E NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT v .v m. iiug wfuo. uvuu iu y KfUk orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. K. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 A 23 Market Street, july 27 Wilmington. H.C.. We Have in Stock rjlHE BEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES. Kerosene Oil Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware and House Furnishing Goods to be found in iuc cur. ii you want litar ul.as goous at bottom piicss call at PARKER A TAYLOR'S, july 27 . 23 South Front St Atlantic Houoe7 Front Street, SmitlryilU, N. C. GEO. W DAVIS and D. L. BENDER, Prop's. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clams. Crabs, &c., served in all styles, at short notice i MmT First class Br attached, july 27 lm i Board. Board. Board. AFTER JULY 1ST, I WILL FURNISH families with meals by the . day, week or month. Whatever this market affords wlU be obtained In addition to Western Beef and Mut ton. Meals sent out without extra chanre. WILL WEST, july 1 i 20 N. Front tt. "Home Again." E ARK ONCE MORE AT OUR OLD Stand, Front 8trcet, next door North of Bank of New Hanover, with a NEW STOCK BOUGHT AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH. By straightforward dealing and polite' at tention to all, wc noc to merit and Teceive the generous patronage bestowed upon us in the put. Call and see us. OILfS A MURCUI8WX. july 27 Iw Hardware Department Cul on Uc pOIt FRESH FA ICILY GROCERIES!! ! Country Prodoc?, Wines, Liquors, Tobaccocs, Ac., "Backlngham Rye," "River Mills," "Old Log Cabin." "Brunswick Private Stock," and "Hunter's Choice," are very fine Bye Will keys. We also have Corn Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and Brandies. Highest market prices paid for Country Pr duce. Consignments solicited. CBAIG A THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchants and Dealers in Groceries, Wine. Liquors, c. Joiy Back Again. VlALL AMD HEAR ALL ABOUT WA8U lngton and Alexandria and get the COOLEST BEER In 1 he city. Ja'y2 J. M. McGOWAN. Fresh Every Day. T HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON JL tUoe to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach es. Watermelons, and all kinds or Vegetables, Chlekeas Egs, Ac Mill sell at reasonable price. Give mc a call. C. M. Dl IIITMPimKY- july.20 "Paris' Ron ".near New Market

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