i " rLSAS3 KOTIC3L Tf tra ts izZ to rscslra 'cornr-nvxtioi evening. Sunday tx- .K,SH T. JAMBS. Ayu rsoPKirroK. Ka&Mt9taaEj:tor. Cominunlcatlonsmnjit M wrlttca ea MV jt1 months. 12.08. Three - M:1 : one month. 35 cents. ',t-.'- ' . hr carriers free ont side ottlie paper. : ; ' .rtrsciiAaaeintutb aTcSisd."' " ;And ltU especially a4 parttcxOAXlycad tood that the Editor does aot always tadot the views of correspondents naleas so stall la the editorial . J i ot im el V. -.cr"''"''5' ' .,c an 1 liberaL VOL. IX. frf5rl" .... f..rt any wd all IaU- WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. AUGUST 3. 1885. no: .180 Trns paper . c . " r ,-uwhtixthe largest "7, i1 " r ,,,,,, n.finnnillif.T :,. ., r Wthninaton. ...! .' puMican thinks wil. bo invited to . , mil on c.G the life o V ' r,... i,.,! ..at lour separate ,;r3Sr , .. (hiring the coming A:1C V. intenclcl to com v nKirehes in me ex:.vi- .a" ;;,e North Arctic , , n.ir.Mpr at Wash-, '. !-3i.a:chethat. the :' 'J j ( ri.' const of Venezuela , -u- un'1 lhat quict nas T'.-uVl' 'r tbS whoIc T'i;r.:M. rJ.-iH tdis the ftory ct r. Mv.-j.t in Ireland by the Jig S. '"v,n 't i ' --:or country's popu-xu-re wvrc vir eiht million . jr, 1-1 j a-? there arc less ."aTe m:::i'r.s now. Scotland lu-etiuK? hassteadily increased ' - T.f?rereriJcaiic at Plymouth, Fa., ti5,t;s;:aba'.ed. The hospital has 2 aaal-.ne.l an 1 the nurses nave AlK'U- Pn:c &av died from fever in Tiy mouth sinc.e -its Grst K-jrea'E. Tae hhi.-st number sick at wii-aiewasi. About $10,000 has temper.: in relict (ueasure. .. .- Tie mo-t r-::rin: e co.u mcncehicnt s,.:y iron Yft'.': t'.-l.e,:.! this year is one tav-siKTir ! '"'l' college to en tt :he ''!;tf!er.'ite army, and was "irr-n(-vf-r !V liii 1-ul.v love in conse ';r.v. Ilereturiu'l to New Haven ir.sr. I )t t.i! t!e l v. of his youth : !ru. riM-l t!i-ro wi .1 be a wedding i't'ariiii'i- . T.Lj.'.ines.' h:ive al .ast enacted a e:.'. law, which appears, like many Kjtr recent Japanese Iaw3, to be cmn I'.ei ir.-m similar la ws of other coun t'.ts The ti rra oi frotection is fifteen jei:::"ar!ies tiial total to tlislurb sccviriMiitii.'.'iv. ci (lernorali.o cus- Lianiti?ii,r,s. or "are injuries to Li'.'.li." Mi (i nines ran not 1 c pat-, . . . Tsil. cJon iki;ruph, in an edito rs rt.'trr.rg to ( Icn. Grant's anxiety lo fhishi'sbo.'k.says: "There is some tin of Walter Scott's heroic grappling .::r.acc:a! ruin in this last act of tae deceased warrior's life, which ought taoereaembereil in his lavor, along awutbercrf at claims to Enclish resect arsd ainiration, when the ser- riceln Westminster Abbey is held." - - l-eclrlcal storage batteries, which tTisalone time hoped would solve -;roblen ot domestic lighting by !-r c:i:y, do no: stand the test of fal examination. Tho batteries t"lili arc futir tinip fin pfl'miont as 'trodactd by the original Plante s. and yet they still show only '"'ton per cent. x;f theoretical n.ffi- PJ- But their worst fault is that fHo not last long. aDd are subject r.3ea.at destruction by oyer charg- . . - epidemic oi cholera in Snain is QlC' rinro i fc.r r "."iuiuk every uay. r-v spreading cvery- m t , I-' J. till i'3 lu"'s'lu '"ortality. Num- -3.0WDS in the i.nvin-i h?iu nt !n.y.,ik,i UlI. a"1Kiloritics ot thc -,. ClW-era among ihem and tho al7S f lU':i'h exceed the oQi-jssc-Thuu-anJofthe upper . lreJius to Franco daily, and - .amniinj: tho appalling con- 'Jnnve been lost. tally beiieved in English c.rc.es that the mission ofSi k;C- ?caWolffto Cairo will . - utjrosmoa of the present e.TeWfiklha, and the restor- ;-TleX Ledive Ismail psh- -otPr- V ine coucur- of.t ce BiSmarck and to bo a -Utsc . . - h Govern iitp. 0s'er:tcd to the change, and Jet:jf.-aa tr,ari wa9 t,ased upon -iH r T ; ; pare na sweet. "JitovrV:!-13- 0verm.-k. "-Ju ,l,U! - chemical- fluids ;- i has superseded thpi AlJ . 3i: ' Head- Thc Philadelphia Times says: "There is something more than a proper burial place and menament for Gen. Grant to come ont of the unfortunate discussion now perplexing the nation. Through it all the need we have of an American Westminster or Walhialla in which to lay our bravest and honored dead will maku itself plain, and perhays that would bo tho larger object for which to subscribe without delay." Farmers can save tim and money by ctling birbed wire lor their fences, at Jacoui's Hdw. Depot. t LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO MEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CJraivl Family Kxcurcion C W TAXES Il!ank BoDks r C Miller Tar Uec Liniment Change of Schedule W A W R It Change of Fcbcdulo WCiAKQ Ukxn hbskoek Pitnoa aud Oncan Knights of Uonok Regular Meeting Parkek A Tavlok We Haxela8tock Mcxus Brotuebs BofTalo LlthU Water W E Springer & Co Mason's Fruit Jars Geo W Price, Jr Furniture, at Auction W S Brigqs & Co Farmvllle Lltbla water Forother locals see fourth page. ' Columbus County Superior Court, His Honor, Judge McRae, presiding, convened at Whiteville to-day. Blue, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirts, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the mountains will take notice. ' . It is thought that the next encamp tuent of the State Guard will be some where o1i the seashore, possibly near Wilmington. The Pilot is the name of a weekly paper which has recently begun pub lication at Smithvillo. .We have not yet seen a copy of it. Sc-ven-ty five cents only for tho best white unlaundried shirt in the . city, at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Markctst., J. Elsbacii, Prop. tf The Criminal Court ot Mecklenburg county, Judge. O. P Meares presiding. will convene at tho Courthouse in Char- otte at 10 o'clock next Monday morn ing. Nor. barque Fiellsladl, Andersen, cleared to-day for Bristol, Eng.. with 1,5000 casks spirits turpentine and 2,107 barrels rosin, valued at $26,750, ship ped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt& Son. Tho schooner Winner, Frye, from St. George's, Grenada, has arrived in below and is now at quarantine. She is consigned to E. G. Barker & Co., and will probably come up to the city to morrow. F'rom tHe fact that thero'wero noser- vices in either of tho Presbyterian churches in the city yesterday, the other houses of worship had unusually large congregations both at the morning and night services. Yesterday wa3 , somewhat cooler. especially in the alternoon, than it has been for some time past. Towards night, however, it became eultry again and it was warm during the early hours of the night. A gentleman who was at the Rocks yesterday; tells us that 16 sailing vessels were in sight there between tho hours of U a. m. and i p. m. Several, of those were bound to this port and will proba bly arrive here to-morrow. Our barometer has fallen several de grees and thero is strong evidence that there will bo a marked change in tbo weather between now""rtnd to-morrow night. Just wait and seo if thero isn't. The Atlantic Coast Line will sell tickets to New York and return August 5th and 6th good to return until August lltb. inclusive, to parties desiring to attend the obsequies of Gen. Grant, at $22.40 from Wilmington and $19 from Goldsboro. In view of recent events it is in order for Gov. Scales lo instruct his Adjutant General to withdraw the unpopular order issued by him some time since, prescribing blue as the uniform color for the State Guard, and substitute the dear old grey in ita place- Knisrlits of Honor. Carolina" Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance is desired as business of im portance will bo transacted. U Indications For the Sonth Atlantic States, local rains, followed by fair weather, nearly stationary temperature and South westerly winds. Wo noticed, quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. " The Soldier s Return. The Wilmington Light Infantry re turned to the city from the State en campment at about 8 o'clock lastSatur day night. They were met upon their arrival at the Front street depot by home detachment of the infantry in uniform, but without arms, under tho command of Sergeant George Harris. J r., and preceded by the Cornet Concer1, Club, were escorted down Front street to Market, up Market to Third, up Third to the City Hall. Along the entire route the returning troops were greeted by cheera and huzzas from the crowd of ladies, gentlemen and children who thronged the sidewalks and the piazzas of the residences on the line oi march. There was a fino pyrotechnic exhibition along tho rcuto and at every corner barrels of blazing tar illuminated the scene. Arriving at the City Hall the company foucd a large assemblage of ; ladies. aentler men and children who had gatb ered there to bid the soldiers "welcome home." The infantry filed into the armory where they divested themselves of their arms and accoutrements and partook of some refreshments, alter which they marched out to the City Hall park, where a bountiful collation bad been prepared for them and to which they did ample justice. This part cf thc programme was gotten up under the dieection of Messrs Haney, of the Signal Office, and W. S. Briggs, druggist (both members of tbo com- pany) and thc collation was prepared by Mr. Will West, of the Gem Saloon. The feast hazing been disposed of tbo members ot the company soon dispers ed for their several homes to seek need ed rest from their labors. Their march through the streets received, as it de served, many words of praise lrom the bystanders, and the music was superb. Those of the Infantry, as well as of the band, with whom wo havo conversed, speak in raptures of (their trip, and while they acknowledge that tbey have had a large lot ot hard work to do in most disressingly hot weather, they havo had a reasonable share of enjoy ment, and they feel a just pride in the act that the company had the largest number ot men in line of any In the en campment, and their military efficiency and discipline were such as to secure the unqualified praise of everyone. The Second and the Flag. The Second Regiment left AsheviHo with a big disgust on them in reference to the decision of the three army offi cers in awarding lha flag to thc First. Regiment. This decision was a sur prise to all, to the recipients as well as o others. Everybody, except the three officers referred to, seemed to think -that the flag was fairly won by he Second Regimentjand when it was announced that it had been awarded to the First, there was not a cheer heard anywhere. Opinions as to the decis ion ot the three shoulder straps were freelyiexpressedjahd.it seemed, to use tbo expression made use of to us, that cearly every man in Asbovilio but the three judges appeared to think that the Sec- ond had fairly won tno liag. &omo oi he officers . and men of the Second voluntarily'said that they had not won be prize and were not entitled to Jit. It is said, though, as some ex cuse lor tho judges, that tbey were not quite as la mi liar with Upton as the necessities of thc case required that they should be. City Court. There were two cases of disorderly conduct brought before Ibo mayor this hmorning and a fine of $2 was imposed in each case. A colored boy charged with sleeping in the streets was discharged with the warning to do so no more. For Goldsboro. The colored portion ot the fire de partment of the city left here this morning on an excursion to Goldsboro. They made a fino appearance as they paraded our streets oa their way to the depot, preceded by a band of music. Their ranks were quite lull and it took five passenger coaches for their accom modation. . It Beats All. How trade does keep at Shrier'a is tho remark olten mado by visitors and frequently overheard. It is indeed a matter of great surprise while nearly every (we may say! every) elohling house is complaining of dull business. This enconrages us to do still batter. Depend upon us always. Depend upon us always ;or the best of everything at the lowest price. Remember, it will pay you to trade with the Old Reliable. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t Suddeh Death. - Mrs. Alice A: wife of Mr. F. J. Good ing , who lives on the corner of Taylor street and Parsley's Alley, died verv suddenly at about 6 o'clock yesterday morning, of heart disease. Sho had been in feeble health for a considerable time, but her condition ; was not" con sidered at all critical and her death' was entirely uncxpectedV . She was 30 years of age and had a large circle of relas tives and acquaintances by whom she was much esteemed and, who will deeply feel the void .created, by her de cease.-' wf.-Jwru-1.. ,r.Wr'n-e; fit. JSasoBalt The Seaside Baseball Club, under its new management, will leave here to morrow night for tho round of games which remains for them to play in the State League this season. They will go first to Oxford, where they will play on the 5th and 01 h inst.: .thence to Raleigh, where tbey will play on the 10th and 11th inst, and thence to Dur ham, where they will play on the 12th and 13th inst. With the last eame a Durham will close the season for the Seasides, so far as going away from home is concerned. They will play other games, but will play on their own grounds, in this city. Memorial Exercises George L. Mabson, commanding Joseph C. Abbott Post. No. 15, Grand ArmyofiheRepublic. has receivedorders for the Post to hold memorial services upon the death of Gen. Graot, on Satur day next. In pursuance of that order appropriate services will be held by the Post at St. Stephen's A. M. E. Church at 2 o'clock next Saturday afternoon. Thc services become the more appro priate and fitting from the fact that General Grant was Past Commander in-Chieff tho Grand Army of the Re public. 1 be services will consist of religious exercises, siDgiog and an ap propriate address. Complimenting the Boys. The Asbeville Citizen pays a very handsome compliment lo the Wilming. on Light Infantry, in an editorial in its Saturday's issue. We copy here some portion cf its article : At the head of its active members stands the name of Col. John L. Cant- well, brother to the first Captain ot the Company. He is also a veteran of the Mexican war; but in spirit he is the young man he was forty years ago. He attends all the drills of the Company with promptness and regularity; but he refuses to accept office, which bis Com pany would thrust upon him. The Company thinks it will have within the next year one hundred men on its active list. It ought to have. It has made a splendid impression here ; it has been a conspicuous feature ia the 2nd Regiment. It is splendidly -equipped, and is most admirably drilled. It is the prido ot Wilmington, and it is an honor to the State. Wo take especial pleasure in making the above imperfect notes of tho organ ization which deserves a full and im perishable record for its past eventful history, and of its present honorable position in the ranks of the Stato Guard of North Carolina. Personal. - Wo are in receipt of a. letter from Mr. T. II. Thompson, at Whitaker's, N. C, in which bo states that he is very much better and expects to be at bis post in the dry goods store of Capt. R. M. Mclnitre, some time during tho present week. Mr. Thompson is yet quite weak, but is gaining strength rapidly. Mr. O. R. Mallard, ot Goldsboro, is in tho city to-day and gavo us the pleas ure of acill. Rev. Dr. Carmichael. having returned from Asbeville, conducted the services yesterday in St. John's Church, the congregation of St. James' worshipping there also. - ' His Honor Judge McRae, and Lt. Gov. Stedman, Mr. John D. Bellamy, Jr., and Mr. J. I. Macks, of the Wilming ton Bar, went up the road last night to attend Columbus Court, at Whiteville. Mr. Bruce Williams, of Pender county, with his family, a lso passed through tho city last night en routo for Whiteville. Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buyyour paints, if you want to save money. f Quarterly Meetings The following are the PresidinFET der'a appointments for the Wilmington District of the M. E. Church, South THIRD ROUND J Brunswick circuit, at Zion, July 31, August 1. Wilmington, at Front Street, Aug. 2. Onslow circuit, at Mount Lebanon, August 6-7. . Dorlin circuit, at Richlands, August 8-9. . , , .Topsail circuit, at Herring's Chapel, August 1213. P. J. Carbjlwat, p. E, DIED. GOOOING-In thla cltr, on tndav mor tag. AngBSt 2nd, 1835. ALICE A . wife of F. J. Gooding, aged 30 and 1 months . inm ADVEBi8EMENT3 WUmingtoD & Weldon . Bailroad Company. CONDENSED .SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING ' SOUTH. Dated Aug. 3, '85 No.43,l)any Leave Weldon.. Ar.Rocky Meant fro 40, Daily 2 15 3 33 P. M. Arrive Tarboro. I 4 55 Leave Tarboro.. f 11 5) 5 38 P. P. M. Leave Wilson... Arr. Goldsboro. Leave Warsaw. Leave Bnrgaw. Ar. Wilmington. 4 05 P. M. 4 M " 5 4 7 00 ' 7 50 6 Sti P. M. 7 30 " 9 53 P.M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 47, Dally No. 43, Daily L've Wilmington Leave Burgaw.. Leave Warsaw.. Arr. Goldsboro. Leave Wi'son... Ar.Rocky Mount 9 ?ZA M. 11 IT 12 16 P. M. 1 04 1 87 1 . 8 53 P. M. 9 50 11 C3 12 04 A. M. 12 53 1 27 Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. 4 55 P. 11 53 A. . M. M. Arrive Weldon.. 3 05 P. M. 2 45 A. M. Train on Scotland Neck Brunch Rnd 1a Halifax for Scotland Neck at S.OOrP. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally. ' Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations. Train No. 40 South will aton ontv t wiioAn Goldsboro and Magnolia. ms f . i- j i - . . . iiauinu. iuuci ciose connection at wei don for all points North Daily. All rail vl Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bai Line. Trains make close connection fnr aTI nnioto North via Richmond and Washington. All train run solid between Wi'Tninortnn n' Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep era attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, - General Superintendent. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent aog 3 Wilmington, Colnmbia & Augusta B. B. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Aug. 2d, '85 No. 8, rAly No. 40,DaUy Leave Wilmington Lake Waccawaw Marlon........... Arrive Florence Sumter Columbia 8 20 P. M. 9 42 . 11 36 12 25 ' " 4 31 A. M. 6 40 ' 10 10 P. M. U 17 12 40 A. M. 1 15 4 34 G 40 4 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 43, Daily No.47,?)ally Leave Colnmbia. Arrive Sumter.. Leave Florence. Leave Marion... Leave L. Wac'w Ar. Wilmington. 4 30- P. M. ,6 14 " 7 14 8 33 " P. M. 9 55 H 55 5 07 A. M, 5 53 7 44 " 9 07 Train 43 stops at all Stations. Nos. 48 and 47 stoD onlv at Brlnklcvs.Whlte- vl lie. Lake Waccamaw. Fair Bluff, Nichols, Marlon, Pee Dee, Florence, Tlmmonsrille, Lynchburg, Mayesville, Sumter, Wodgefleld, Camden Junction and Eastovcr. Passengers for Columbia and all points on C AG. B. R., C. C. A A. R. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take the 40 Night Express. Pullman Sleepers for Auguaia on iius train. Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. .. JOHN F. DiVlNE, ; ' - General Snnerintendent. T. M. EMERSON , General Passenger Agent. auga HEW AD VEKTISEfilEKTS: t i Tho Celebrated JpULRMVILLE " " - J. T , LITUIA WATER, 4 L f " -, v ON DRAFT AT . asgSSt XT. S. BRIGGS CO'3.1 Grand Family Excursion ! QN THE STEAMER PASSPORT, under the auspices of GERMANIA CORNET BAND, Wcdnesdav. Aunut fith. Sfrntlt hv th. Tti Tickets 50 cents E. W. DOSCH EE, J. G. L. GIXSCHEN, aug S 2t . . . Geo. W. Price, Jr., - AUCIIMEEB k COMMISSION MEECHAST. Auction Sale. rjlHIS (MONDAY) EVENING, AT C o'clock, a large lotof Furniture Household and K Itch en including washstands, Safes, Bedsteads. Sefas and Sideboards. A fresh lot of 8ugir Cured Hams and a job lot of Butter on con signment, aiig Sit TIN BOOKING, T OOF REPAIRING . AND PAINTING Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. oiovenpea. jsidows. c.. sc. Jobbing generally. W. IS. KING, PracUcal Tinsmith, Prlncesa.bet. Front and W&tor Atroota aug 3 Why Wot no TO 2t NORTH WATER STREET, and buy Country Produce of J. R. MARSHALL, who is receiving consignments daily, of good things, fMsh from the country. aug i . Tar Heel Liniment. pOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Klv'a Crrnm Tia.m Anil 1VI .ni.Vnioii.. Cm. tarrh Cnrc. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at 1 JT. U. MILLER'S, july 9 Conor Fourth and Nun sta Fresh Every Day. J HivE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON tinuc to keep a fresh sunnlvof Annies. Peach cs, Watermelons, and all kinds of vegetables. viiicjKcna, Agg, ac. nrm seu at rcasonabio prices. Give mo a call. I ' C. M. O. HUMPHREY, july 20 "Davis Row", near New Market Buffalo Lithia Water No. 2. ISESH LOT JUST IN BY BOTT' E OR 7 Case. Cdngrcss Water, fresh. Hathorn water, iresn. ucep kock, Saratoga and Tate Epeom are thc genuine waters we dispense at our Soda Counter. Up to the times with thc oc si laooas ana reasonable prices. iomc and sec us at iu N. Front ct. julyi'J MUNDS BROS. Pig Fish ! Pig Fish! QOOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT FINE GROVE. Our SHARPIE and other Boats ready at five minutes' notice with 'OWEN JONES (best boatman on the Sound) and his two bo s always on tho lookout to take tou sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No 70. junezf EU. WILSON MANNING. Pianos & Organs JJEPEESENTING THE GREAT SOUTH ERN MUSIC HOUSE of LUDDEN A BATES, Savannah, I can now supply purchasers at lowest manufacturers rates, with one uni form pr'.co to all. I represent now the Chick ering A Sons, Ludden A Bates. Mathoshek. A rlon. Brent, Stlcff, Wkeelock and Baus PIANOS; Mason A Haml'n, Packard Orches tral. Bay State and SUndard ORGANS. Send tor Illustrated Catalogue and our Spe cial uners. ana ict us aemonstrate now wen wo can sausfy you in price and quality. Very respectfully, aug 3 P. HE1NSBERGER. BLANK BOOKS. p.AY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, Cash Books, Records, Letter Books, Bill Books, Memorandum Books, all sizes and style binding. - 1 Straw and Vanilla Wrapping Paper. Paper Bags, Twine, Ac. Stationery of all kinds, suitable for every line of business, at lowest pi ices. C. W. YATES. aug 3 119 Market St We Have In Stock rjlHB BEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES. Kerosene Oil Stoves.IIn and Sheet Iron Ware and House Furnishing Goods to be found ia the city. II yon want FIRST CLASS goods at bottom pric:a call at ' raaiuut tailosts, aug 3 23 Sonth Front St Mason's Fruit Jars. W E NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. . W. E. SPRINGER CO.. i,.zx 23 Aiarxet street, ang S WUsUsgtoa, Atlantic House, Front Street. Smithvllle, N.C. t ... GEO. W DAVIS und D. L. BENDER, Prop's. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clams, Crabs, Ac., served In all styles, at short notice, i 9BT First class Bir attached, july 27 lm Board. Hoard. Hoard. i .... FTEE JULY 1ST, I WILL f URNISII families with meals by the day, week or month.! Whatever tht ninrknt lffnnlii will imJ obtained In addition to Western Beef and Mut ton. Meals sent out without extra charge. ' i WILL WEST, july I 20 N. Front fet. (ft W Home Again." E ARE ONCE MORE AT OUR OLD Stand, Front Street, next door North of Bank of New Hanover, with a 1STE"W STOCK. BOUGHT AT LOWEST HAoorTiT 'wm mnmpa . . . . ..m. By straightforward dealing and polite at tention to all, we hope to merit and receive the generous patronage bestowed upon n tin the past. Call and see us. UILKS A MDRCUISOK, jnly27Iw Hardware Departmen t Call on Us i. 170R FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES A -I -- I Country Prod oc?. Wines, Liquors, Tobaccocs, Ac, "BucklDgham Bye," "River Mills,? "Old Log Cabin, -'Brunswick Private Ftock,f and 'HunteA Choice,, are very line Bye W his keys. We also have Corn Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and Brandies. ... ,f ; :-- Highest market prices paid for Country Fr ' dace. Conslgemenfs so United. CRAIG A THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchants and - .-.-Dealers In O roccrles, Wines, Liquors, Me. 113 So. Front Street. Wilmington. N. C July 20 . . . Back Again. "I ALL AKD HEAR ALL ABOUT WASH lng'on and Alexandria and get the COOLEST BEER In the city. juJjSO " J. JlL AlCGOWAN. S0

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