- - 1 m i - "M"WMMMMMMMM,WM,IIMI"'MMMMMMMMslSaaa r T fVOlVOl Vili?U or Snndaya txr h-s5sJ s-rcrT " - " ' til. T. JA3IE8, r JUS" A-I, rROrKlETOB. f"' PAID: rfOU , ,. -r Month. ;',Ct. '! '.' ,,,.,..1 i-y r.-vrrlers free rsep-i ' ' ... of :tr city, at tbo abOTe week. - v.r and I!bcraL ; . . . . . ; report any and U. fait ... i.ycTTCirnlarty, ft ; a newspaper it 4 , f Wilmingtori. f..-.v recipient o r pays aajounts j.-.r.'- r.n- i rcr of (Jen'. Trirn, A'?'" 4 f,u th li-fc of Kin? ,r ; ; .v tf:ver is report ! titaiiv with three f. i xjifM iojcntcd upon . V. r M 1. Inrr.t-r, who lately . i ,. ,!. in-J.eorgia. was me : bo- to whom Uncle ( nandler Harriet iC i t v ry kind have been . -irvfts of Berlin by J n-;: been upheld by the s ;-. o: C.mioion Vleus, to r i : 1- .1 I'm- v,.i;c;i was u:mi huiiit lit ! uj-un Kith supreme Sin Francisco, says an cjn.eui..'-1- revolutionized t,- .: ".-r:.ii!2 U.niL's ana service- fi ( ' V. lull il i- he! ieved that cop v, i.: 5 "'i hj current. !.:-; -a-ill directs his -in ur.tin to S750,-j;j-.tfie jurehase of :iid -r Wales, but tin; use of his ivs. with remainder u in Irci.iii i. 1 ...Lctldani-jio antl his heirs, subject l.jijcii trt: -t as she may direct. X i Ki.iH.I -L' irmu London report !::. in all t::" thutircs remaining open Uc'.vjJioi c a wt-ro "thinly scattered, to c;tie u; a .-i.o v.' Thtre are plenty el Amtririr:- :!.Lie. but they all dine ;i:.:itur ihth- .-h'-see during the .':r,, a'..(! -re:;i l. jv i'cr alier dusk a n 1 c' ii" " i Tnanies Em- , v. i !ia visit to a j'lay. A vor. c'yver inv-. uiio i j'ist brought" on fcn .t-.rlwn "to a manager in X V . !'y si-ii ply turning the :;nch !;: a sound is prc- ikc.d. Hs-j'MhLvz ihri clapping of a r.uaibtri I h irul-j. The applause, by r.tiL; of. a hive fuunel, ii projected in'.oihv iror.t oi thu hou.-e. It is a Ltcch production. I - has just been discovered at Lynch-b-rj.Va., that the sewage of a popu Iru district of the ctty flow9 into the h:v.c Kiver above the entrance of the cr.3.ihroji: which the supply of waterJ i rihe inhabitants is drawn! This cm.!.L;u;i of tiiing-j was not revealed sst:i riii extra trdinary am6unt..s fx ivp'aoiJ fever attracted public atten tion. rnei:yaU;e. .graphical Society has ."ja a movement looking toward an 'sroverucnt in the text books used in (Tfat Lritain tor the study of geogra P-J. They arc described as far behind la:e, and much excelled by those c-el by the Cermacs, in whose twenty- "u-J"'ve-'tic?!h2rc are twelve ' Tict mv'raphy alone. pro- A A. Maa.-r. one of the richest men Haicu-a. j,. j.l.j f r KuroDe for L Purpose investing .$00,000 in ri:ntin?s. IT.. art pii;cry lor Chicago w M.vthiagoi 'the kind in hich shall America. admittance" 6y t v. . . ?.Ttnu, the citv. Mr. MonKr's iicuai U1I1IIUU3 I'ay euttu biogers has sometimes ken aS ud.l r..rm Rfl1 Zt, e- a vocalist from the Theatre j"1 l0;lr rund the world some rs 3.4 . she gave a concert in the "j iMau-js. he agreod to sin? an 'toa "Norma" and a few other f. ar d Was to ect a third of the fe w liC counted the prima don.; S: 'e was lound to consist of three iKir5K-.!lirA-..i r . e 'unv-iui ejf8, loriy-iqur 4 -J a 1 ve thousand cocoanuts, I Jantity cf bananas, lemons A 0- . V'.' I. teeth souDil, whlto anl neat. ana swct,-- (la Nevermore 1 ' - led wCiirse crilty 10010 Powders -d . .;a'ueslrojns chemical , fluids People t! cU the toilels of sensible aI. u-UDONT has superseded them 'Si- ll'i; ?, Ci-E.. mends. Head usand Broken Cradles.. ut,-iv: "' rMin pure 1 51 ioiy ocalthful Rums, 5t Z v m l whatevcr comes; :u lo.vr lMraett tbem an. VOL. IX. 7r Arw the largest) a Thirty years ago an alteropt lo raise snfllcient money to buy .a; tdwn '.-clock- war made -by the citizens of Farming ton. Me . bat failed. Last week ajair wa held there for the'.samej potpi&sc.f and enough money wa raised, toother with that -collected throe .decades, of years agoto buy the" lorj:-so'uiht-for time piece, which - will - be placed on top of the now c unly. buildings now being constructed.' : '. r - - LOCAL NEWS. tXSEZ Tfl . VH AtlVE8niIMZ. WAXTti -A Scrfant C W YATKS-irank Hooks , F C Millek Tar Ucc' Liniment KUKfiBKRtt&a-yriinoH ami Oman i t 3 1) WAi.i,ACKCahr Di?IUent KotleV - Mlsds Brothers Iluffalo LiihU Water Is this the 'cool spell in August?" ' Uut one bale of cotton received atthi3 port to-day. Maj. C XV. McCIammy, of Pender county, was ih the city to-day. Turner's almanac promised u lair weather Tor to-day and lair it has been. . At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer In thisffice registered 88 de grees. f ' Ausu3t and September arc the - most delightful months of all at "the sea shore. ' -' The moon complete ! its last quarter yesterday afternoon at 41 minutes past 4 oVock. The Directors of the , Bank of Jse w Hanover have declared a f isemi annual dividend oi l per cent, payable on the 8th inst. Farmers can save tiru. and money by getting barbed" wire lor their fences, at Jacoiu's Hdw. Depot. t The colored firemen who went ou an. excursion to' Goldsboro yesterday, re turned to the city at about 2 o'clock this morning. ' Blue, white, grey, brown and olive llannel shirts, are sold by . Dyeu. The visitors to the mountains will take notice. - t . Se-ven-ty five cents only for: the best white unlaundried shirt in. the city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. tf Ger. brig Der Wanderer, StreuWng, cleared to day for Qaeenstown for or ders with 1,396 casks spirits turpen tine and 250 barrels rosin, valued, at $24,300.42, shipped by Messrs i D. Rl Murchi3on'& Co. : ; 4 ' - The-Grand Ixdge Knights of Honor of North Carolina will hold its next an nual meeting at Winston oh Wednes day the 19th inst. P. D. Clayton Giles will represent Carolina' Lodge No; 434, of this city, in that bodyi; t$V. - ' r Mr'J C MD.' Uumphrey is again to the front. . He laid' before us (6day apples peaches, pears and . grapes There are two varieties pf 2iapetnd three cf pearsVAll of rhese he offers lor sale on South Front street, near the new marker" I 4 1. t 4 ''4 Indications ; ! For the South Atlantic State?, fair -weather, except in central portion local rains. . tarfefTarJ ncfniterairirei and variable wind9. City Court. Alice Hill and Rachel Smith-both colored, and old offenders, were brought before the Mayor, this rooming charged with fighting last night in the "Hollow." They were found guilty 'and sentenced to pay a fine of $10 each, or go below for 30 days. They went below. ' ; proiu FiytevHIe. j A-partyconsistitig of' eight pefsons from Fayetteville arrived here this morning on tbe'sleiurieV UiVl. Hurt. Ttey proceeded directly to yrightsville Sound where they ,wU cmbarksf en board the'Eponer J.: IT. ! XeJT; "which they havo chartered for the occasion, and will sail for'Nag's Head,- Beaufort. Morehead City and other places fclong lheNorth Carolina Coast.'. VThey ex pect to be absent about two weeks and hope to haro plenty of sport- and re creation. 'rc , ;ALare Excursion. A large excursion tarty fu consisting of about twenty families, from Sumter, S. C." arrived hera thislmorniag on the Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta train, and proceeded at once to Smiths ville on theysteamer rUssport, which went up to the railroad wharf to receive them. The party was so large as to re quire two extra cars lor their accommo dation. . and they propose to remaia several days at Smilhyille to enjoy the refreshing breezes of the ocean and the influence of salt water bathing. W ILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY; AUGUST 4. '"'; County Co m ni 1 ssioners. The Board 3f County Commissoaers met yesterday ' afternoon in regular monthly session ; present' II. A Bagg, Esq., Chairman, '.and Commissioners Moore. Worth, Pcarcc and Montgomery.-. '.-"wY.. ' ' '-;Y . .-..t.- The Treasurer submitted his report for the month of July, as follows : .2 ; Genural Fund, showing bal- 1 noce on hand . .;. . . . . '. . $20,021.29 Educational Fond, balance . on hand . .... .... . . 15,409.09 .Orihe Geueral Fund, $7,000 is in the form of a certificate of dep03it in thc First National Bank. "" Also exhibited two coupons of the denomination of $3, and ont coupon of the denomination of $15, which said coupons were destroyed in the presence of the Board. The Register of Deeds submitted his report of fees received Irorn marriage licences during the- month of Juiy, aniounting to $13.30, and exhibited the Tiessurer's receipt lor the same. It wa3 ordered by the Board that Isaac Roster, alias Crippled Dick, be exempt from poll tax and" public duty on account of physical disability. Y . It was ordered by the Board that the compensation or Mr. F. M. James for the care and superintendence of-Oak Grove Cemetery be fixed at $50. com mencing the 1st day of August. 1885. It was ordered by the Board thai John P. Walker and Alonzo Durant be exempt from poll taxi and public; duty on account of physical disability. j The Board proceeded to draw tho regular venires of jurors lor the Sep tember term ot the Criminal Court and the Superior Court, as follows: It appearing to the alisjaction of the Board upon the representation of Dr. Thomas F. Wood, Secretary of the North Carolina State Board of Health, that a descriptive list of. the physical condition of each prisoner sent from this county to the penitentiary should accompany the same, it is therefore ordered that Dr. P. W. Potter, Super intendent of Health of tho County, make out such descriptive list and the same be lor warded to the penitentiary authorities with each prisoner so senf. C1UMINAL COUfcT. H. 11. Bloom, James Smith, W. S. Ellis, JM Branch, B. L. Hoskins, John A. FarrarPrederick Clark, John S. Bordeaux, B. F. Latham, James F. Po3t, Jr., John Oliver, John H. Lewis, J. W. McCIammy, E. P. Bailey, J. G. Swann, John Sidbary, Henry Savage, W. H. Chadbourn, Jesse W. Lewis, John A. Parker, D. R. Bornemann. D. B. Futrell. R. M. Gilbert, Henry Tay lor, H. VonGlahn. John J. Stokely, V. J. Kirkham. G: J. Boney, Oscar Pearsall. C P. Rasberry, J. L.' Breck enridge. Pdward Johnson, D. N. Chad wick, J. O. Orraaby, J. J. Forrest. Edward W. Sneeden. 1 f Y SUPERIOR COURT.' First Week--Seth Walton. Wm. H. Williams; Z: E. Murrill, James Wil- son-BoneyL Southerland,' Aiv J. Hoyr'pq. JosepoB. Allen, W. J. Morris W.rTarsJeY"Wl. ilahkinsf E Scbulken, J. G. Wright. , Second "Week Samuel R. Twining, W. G.T. Keone, Lewis L. Sheridan, J. W. Hewett, James H.Iewett W. H. - w- Wnlrnn Phillio Larrinston. F. J. Lord, E II. Keithly, Wm." Anderson. The Board then adjourned. I , t',jUiWdrtJoit Kates. The, Cape Fear & Yadkiu Valley Railroad Company and the Cape Fear Steamboat Companies have made an flvonrsion rate. to the Fnlit Fair which is to be held at Greensboro on the I2th and 13th insU of one .cent per ,miic each way Tickets t iaeie rites ca'ti hr Vht n.ined either at the railroad or Mcanibtyl offices in this city. Magistrate's Court. Robert Lilly, colored,- was arrested last night upon a charge of forgery pre ferred against Dim by iouisa , falso colored i A hearing was had in the case this morning before J ustice E. D. Hall, and the testimony 'showed that Louisa had bceh keoninz a', sum , of money lor one John Nichols, colored, who was working in the swamps of Columbus county getting timber, and that Lilly yesterday presented an order purporting to como from Nichols for the amount, whlch'shc delivered him. She soon found that the order was a forgery and bad him arrested. Lilly is a bad man and fought like a tiger to resist arrest. He was required to give bond in the sum of $100 for his appear ance at tho next term of the Crimiual Court, in default of which he was com mitted lo jail. None of the money -was recovered he had made good use of his time and disposed of it. .. , ; ' There was a decidedly fallish" feel ing in the atmosphere to-day. : Hoard of Aldermen a The Board met in regular session yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock ;i preS'; ent. His Honor Mayor HaJU and Alder; men Bear. Giles, Dud'ey Worth,4 Bo ney, Darby and Doscher. 1 : YJ s Y The conmhtec on Retr'gerators was granted further" time to report. Y. '.':'" The committee to whom was referred th: motion! -.of Alderman Dudley ,j at last meeting in reference to a change in section 6 of tho Market Ordinadce, reported verbally that said resolution be not adoptedt .f j 5 i j. Alderman Dudley called for the ayes and nays, which resulted r Ayes-rDud ley. NaysGiles, Worth, Boney, Dar by and Doscher. ' , - Aidcrmau Worth introduced thu fol lowing: . - Be it ordered by the Mayor and Al dermen, ot the City of Wilmington, that the general tax ordinance of the City of Wilmington for the year 1885. be amended as follow, Viz : By insert ing in the said ordinance as printedJ in class 11 on page 11, immediately alter the words 47. hotels, five dollars per month." the words following, to-witr 47-i. hucksters, thrco dollars per month. Referred back to'Fi nance comtnitteo, Aidcrm in Boney moved the follow ing, which was adopted : Bo it ordained by the 'Mayor and Board ol Aldermen of the Oily ot Wil mington, that the -resolution of the 8th of May, relative to the bond of the Clerk of the Market, be rescinded, and that tho Clerk f the Market bo requir ed to file a bond in the sum ot two hun dred dollars, according to the require ment of the general'iuarket ordinances, on or before; the 10th ! day. of August inst , and his failure to do so, the 'said said oflice be declared vacant, a - . Alderman Bear moved that a. com: mittceot three-be appointed to draft resolutions in regard to the death of ex-Ppresident Grant, which adopted, and the following were appointed: Aldermen Darby, Hudley and Giles. The committee on the Cape Fcar& Yadkin Valley Railroad reported pro gress and asked for further time, which was granted. The petition of Maj. W. L. Young, for aid in publishing a work to be en titled 'The Semi-Tropical Area of Southeastern North Carolina," was re ferred to the Finance committee lor investigation and report. The petition - of. Jos. H awes and others, stevedores, asking for a reduc tion of tax, was referred to the Finance committee. The communication ot the Southern Bell Telephone Company was referred to the committee on Gamewell Fire Alarm Petition for a report.. ,,; The report of the Superintendent .01. Health was presented and ordered on file. . .'' ' ':::'. ii The Board then adjonrned. Puotogrraplis. Mr. W. T. Johnson nas1 a photo graph ot the Cornet - Concert Club, which. was taken at AshevillO , while they were engaged in rehearsal in their d i n i n g tent . The pict u re i a good one and every member of the club, is dis tinctly recognizable at a glanccl They are represented as seated in a- ? promis cuous group, each "membefappearing to try and make: himself as comfortable as possiblo,and ail in theurrshirt sleeves He also ha3 a phbtograph pff acoai- pany of youug ladies of Ashevillo who gave an exhibiiiou drill for thebenefi t of tho Presbyterian Church at that piacc These vounff ladies were all dressed in white, sniped wUUihlncJ the lattMor being cmbellished'wkh Star?, and with crimson sashes oyer J.helr:. .shoulders. Instead of muskets or ri ties . the fladiics bore American flags and their -evolu tions received the' plaudit3jf the largo throng ol spectators. The members of tho company were all j.youcg ranging from, IGtoSO, years oi age. and as a matter of coarse were: all as pretty a3 they conld be. - . Ihe' drill master for the occasion YV CaptZC. A. Moseley. of Asheville, while the merry maidens kept time to, the . drum beating of Mr. W; T. Johnson, of Ithis city. The following is a list of these young soldier ladies;. i;Y. IYY.,.,i Y First S jrgeant---Miss( May; ' Ella Brown. ".'" Y ; Y. . . . - First Four Misses d Jvizziie Cain. Mary Erwin, Jennio Beyland, Agnes Sbelton. t.-r Second Four Misses MayMcDavett. Maggie Dakes, Mary Lummey, Sosan Dukes..... .... . j-v-rr, Third Four Misses Mattie Dcda- mcad, Lily HenritZi. Eliza Duke?, Lottie Beyland. " Y' ' ' ""' '' . Fourth Four Mioses Bertie Pattonl Delia oongi if. lfUi Now is the season lor painting your hooses. Y G o to; Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if ytm want to save moaej.- ' u t ? v ar r-3 -.V is i 188f q 181; , , , I Memorial Services. , . At the Grant Memorial Scrvirt t! be , held: at SU Stephen A- M. Church next Saturday aXiernconBev. W4tTeJfair?tw;H act as Chaplain; Mri Stacy.t:VanAniriBgc: ..will deliver the address, and J.-C. Hill will read a poem ii Sats will be reserved especially for while people who would like to par ticipate in the scryiccs. ? The following marshals have becn: appointod ' i or the occasion: ' Monroe Byrd , chief mar shal, witU'CMnieri J. EY Sampson j J.. llf fiWbiteman E.Nichts; James iiniRM WWU, Jfl T iU IMJiU, V, 11.' 1UUU1U9 and Davfd Jacobs as assistants s " ; iYj : -PorBOriaf.' -'iY;;-;-; lMrYCharle&Ey)o brother to Mi. James II. Taylor, of the firm of Parker VTavlor, arrived Here this'morning qn tho steamer. A . P. Hurl. Mr. Henry Morrits,, of- Tarboro, Grand Ct)mmandeT : of ' the American Legion of ilohbrof. North!f)Caroliua, with his daughter. Miss Peari Morriss, isrin the c:ly to-day ' Y ; Y Mr. J. G. Snyder, of Rcky Mouutj Grand Treasurer of tho American! iJe giou of Honor of North Carolina, is in. the city to-day. - '-.'-,-' ; - - Tbii .following; lihei were Yyviritlen by a young gentlemen jn this cityl They were suggested by seeing the body of a drowned sailor float past the ship while our young friend was on a voyage across. Ihe ocean ; Y ..! ( . Y ; . It was once a sailor's deliffht, ' I -On. a calm and beautiful night, : Y : When ho was at leisure, a s To look at. a treasure, ; . Old but ever hew to him! ! Y ! As he looks his eyes grow dim - ! With. thoughts of oldca days, " : Of his. mother's loving ways , Her parting kiss on -his brow Yet lingers, he feels it no w,r As he gazes on her picture old. .' Knowing that in heaven rests her soul, But to him she's ever living, (Although now in heaven), Words of cheer sbo's ever giving To help him lulfil life's duty, And go to God's land ot beauty, , Thus he muses and the hours glide by. The hour of midnight will soon draw, nigh, v - ' Still he lingers, lingers on Over his mother face so dear Bringing back days that aro gone Since leaving home, with mother there. .;-..: . , , : a . ' Still he muses, mnses on - ; Till light brings the morn,' - ' And they find him dead.' . - On the face' of his mother He had bowed his head, '-' And went.f without a shudders Above, to Heaven fair Y iVVith mother there! 'r i; 1 5 TbelOthello..;New Emerald, :-Zeb Vanco and New Excelsior Penn'j, ( are the leading took 'stoy es, botbin''.qshaf ty and , prtce. j hey can.-bOjseen at Jacobi's Hdwv Depot; r. t ! ;ft Beats All r.' J.i: Ho w trade does - keep at Shrier's : is the remark often made by visitors and frequently overheard. , It i 3 . indeed a mattej of great.gurpriso w hi lo nearly e;very (we may' say every)' clohting house is com plaining of dall business! anisj encourages i s . to ua siiu oaii?r Depend upon us always.? Depend upoa ns! always for febe" bcstJof eve'rfthihgat the1 ioweslce H Remembcr Hlwlll SmuiiR,' tho Old Reliable Clothier; 114 Market st. s Sign of the Golden 'Arm: t - ; BASKOF 'NEW HANOVER ! A J ' T" HE 'DlRECTO 0tHS! i;A'NK!bF H----ifU i tiK-'H n-tiXi r ---. NEW JUANoyEB havft declared Bewi-Annual Divi'lcnd of FOUR PER CF-KT-, paya Moon the 8th Instant to Stockholders of re cord of this dateY mc-fciwu i -,.,- . aug 4 -;, h ? 1 i ;& WALLACE, Cashier ft . ... ..... r BLANK BOOKS. Books, Memtiraadura JJoots,. all; alzta aiwl Y titrav nad Manilla Wrapping Paper, Paier Bags; Twloe, &c. ; Stationery of all' kind , soluble for extty unco I business, at Jowcet pilces !0 I We lTave in Stock rrlUE BEST. LINE OF COOKING STOVES. Kerosene OU Stores. 3 la and Sheet Jru Ware ami House Fnmlehlnj: Goois to hi found lo tfae city. If you want FIRST CLASS foods at bottom pries call at . . . , I rAlLBJ&B at TATJJUK'3, aajS 23 Sonth mat St a email fainity. , J:rtlyLat ikiJ tffv&cL,, bc- Kmsh BookstRec, it exfaff Boka; Blll r;. rixAiS KOTlCt-'-f --vv'.'- . yTTfETbilMa to rtcarra eoxamxuUeatioa klaiireiitar--' iyt ot .tie writer mait fttwaya tl f -fibmrjilcaaoaa pcb wrttto ca c) ontatdoef tie jpaper: . - . y "rertonaCnea latia tM avoided. : Juad n tapectaJiy and "parttcrxlarry xco 5JoM tbalUio'EJttordoei not alwaji aadox tMowadf dorrespondestr nalaa go ttati ta Uie editorial eolamna. ' - - ':- NBW ADVERTISEHTEKTS: The Colelirated TAKMVILLK XdTUIA. WATKB, f Y " OS DRAFT AT "Y'. ' - W. S. BRI6G3 & CO.': aosii Grand; Farri i ly Exctjnsipn ! QTHE JSTEAMKE PAsisro-nnder t ho auBpicea of G EBM AN I A CORNET BAND. WeUncfiday, Auxiit 5th. uMc by the Bind. Tickets 0 cents , . ,s i - - (.' E. W. DOSCIIKB, J. O. I.. GIESCHBN, : J'rcsWcnt- "" - ; t'ccrctar; ; y-;y-; ',,',. ' 4 ; TIN ROOFING, V Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order; Stove 11 pes. Klbows, Ac , Ac S" JqbpiDgccneraUy.. . -- n-( V: Y : ; - w. K KlKO, ij r Practical Tinsmith, ' ! Princcss.bet, Ifront and. Water Strecti : ti...Why:Illot-.' Q.O TO 21 KOUTII WATER STREET, and buy toutri Piu Juce o 13, R, if AUSHAt-I-. 4 a rccclvJug consignments dally, p good !-.. - ; tidna; fresh from the country. R l - . . Y ':- 'r .v !:;.Tm,;Hqo1 pUR INTERNAL AN 1 EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Raim and Wti-De-V oyer's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete etoefcof Patent . Medicines, Drufrs, c , at . ; V - F. C. MILLER'S, j uly a - . Corner Fourth and Nun ets . Fresh Every DayvV ' J1IAVE NOW ON HAN D AND WILL CON ; tinuo to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach . cs. Watermelons, and all tinds of Vcaretables. Chickens, Ejrffs, Ac. will sell at reasouabte prices. ' Give mc a call. ' CJ. M. D. IIUMPUREY', July 20 ,CavIs,Row",nosr New Market , Buffalo Lithia .Water No. 2.r FRESH LOT J UST IN R V .BOTT K OB I Case. Congress Water, fresh.. Uathorn Water, fresh. ieei) Roclr, t'aratoga and Tate LpEom are the Rennlne waters wo dispense at our Soda Counter. Up to the times with the best Goods and xcaeouablo prices. - , Come and ace bs at. 101 N. Front ft. july ',9 MUND3 BROS. PisFish! PlR Fish ! Q.OOD SUPPLY ON - HAND AT PINE GKOV0 pur SUARPIE and other Itbats re.-Kly at Av nitaates' notice -rh OWEN JONES (best boatman on the Sound): and h iff ' two bo j s always on tho lookout to take row sailinfr. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No.7d junezi EU. WILSON MANNING. Atlantic Houses Froni Street, 8mithvllie N. GEO. W IAVI3arid D. L. BENDER, Prop's. MEALS AT ALL UOURS. Fish, Clams, Crabs, &e., served in all styles, at short notice aw First clsss Dr attached. ' july 27 lm c: i Board. Board. Board. families with meals by the day, week or month. Whatever this market affords wiU be obtained in addition to Western Beef and Hut- ion, Mcais sent out wltbout extra charsro. : . J--- - J : WILL WJCST.; " ; jrtlyT 2CN. Front fet. 1 m I Home Again." E ARE ONCE MORE AT 6UR OLD Btanil, Front Street, next door North of Bank of New IJanovcr, with a ITEW stock:- ,T1. j BOUGHT AT IX)WEST . POSSIBLE PRICES'Von 'SPOT CASH. p BjgAs4j5htfiXvaril 4lg nr4 r)Uick tenitom i aU&vt. lioj- ti ititrls aiut ttctAml tAic generous patronage bestowed iionusla Uicpast. Ca 11 and sec us. . H i Vliir'-iJ GItK8 Vt MURCHISOi: i . , Jab -p W , Hardwarp Department , ,; QFFICK AND 6 ALE? ROOMS N. E. Cor. , McrchandijCy Ac , on Conslfirumcn, and a Gicncral .Commission EusUcs. STRICT at ltcntIdhtto' buEliJOBs arnl QUiCK returns off sales. Pianos &r-0 ;t,f . - t ; f, i t .f'l , JJEPSCSSNTING THE GREAT SOUTir- ERN MUSIC HOUSE of LUDDEIf A B ATES,' - . . - . ' ; ' " '- Sarautiab,' f can now sapply purchasers at lowcet manufacturers'-rates, with one anl- --f- jsw--.r. ?ii..:.!.'-f.',-n : ' -form prlca to all. I represent now the Chlk- eilos Afions. Lad'ien A Bat Mathushek, Arlon, Brent, Sllen. WUcelock 'and Bans PIANOS; Mason A Uaml'u. Packard Orchf s (ral. Bay atato and SUndaid OUGANS. i eend tor IUufrated Catalogue and or Spe cial UTexs. and let us demonstrate bow well wc can satisfy you la price aad quahty. ; ii? y. ;.;. Very respec fully, - -,:.- : ; aosS P. liElNSBERGER.' ) 4 J -;:. BackAgaln. QALVAND IIEAB ALlABOUr WASH tofton and Alcxaa JrU and pet the COOLEST BfcER In thc.'clty, ; v 1 .july 20 . J. U. MciOWAN, iaariqpi ua ogcvwi, sirec w, waero tpedti att tcurjn gien tne s aloof Qoidi, War " 1 1 . ..." j . ti i 4 Y i I! i ! f -