' ; , . ' ; " l "... '"' .... ' . W : -vf " , ' -IX . - . , . 4n psorKirroB. tov POSTAGE PAHfc , jCr; month.. t.. The rtEkl !' VfiTC'i v. " . r.f the city, at tbe bor ' . ' rciort any ana m "the'-' irregularly. 5P-- -- - I has the largest i . 1 nil . ; ' ' t L i' Q" Wilrnington' ( ." -j.. ..r ZTi Jrninnton. 3 . P von lhr.il speaKS oi Tb, ,,.ir Democratic quceo." il , l-i'ivt''l'",i'"' J'"' -:t.,. iiagliM nas jus- 5 , ... . r.ii1-i .ti'n into French J'-J ........ ,.! i:i-ar Allan Poe's t;. a contributiou !u'l ,ire of the Congo coun ry rr out a carao of liquor, which fvSwbo.lcth.t U culd not be , i r; ,',.n name on the back w nt"f a Jh53li3ippl uuum uinerip in Texas. So says . 'V-:.... n1ill;." but OllW, it SJ3'..T iu . .. . .. ,r the ourpe ol joining in mo Lw.nies w honor if a General who '.m-rnaninnns as well as victori- L.cUrn not ashamed to us juu, LfcewasnoialraiJ t njjnt.- T-r a.'el largest !iaiuond in the torllwas foun.J n-contly in Alnca. iritis tub? p m!.-Ii'-1 i: Amsterdam, c!ireaSLrtc';aI ?hop U being construe fdfjrlhe purple. It h said to weigo n nrat?. which is U)j carats, more I LUJii k " " )n.n h nIl III i I'LSia J VV'4U Mojo:. Commenting on the frequent mis carriage of justice m criminal cases the Baltimore Sun says : "Out oi 3.337 carders perpetrated during the year Ivltho total number ot murderers cx ecated wa? but 313. and of this number 210 met their death by lynch law and only Utt by Ical proces:'! - - - .V. the Inventor's Exposition in Lon idoumr.cthousan! incaudescent lamps are used t j il'.uajinate and decorate the IprJeas ?.nX, fountains, and as the larcps and fountains are all under elec trical control, wonderful fairly-like icones arc produced when the key- I board is properly mapipulated. t CoIonelJohn S. Mosby, whose ex ploits in Confederate cavalry service during the var will be remembered, sajs he "will never again set foot on Virginia soil." He is at Hong Kong. ad will soon turn over his ministerial seal to ex-Seoator "Withers, who is to luceeeJbim ia office. A Iraadulent mineral spring has been exposed Jin Austria. Chemicals were introduced into an underground s'ream a considerable distance from its . The properties of the doctored a:er were commended honestly by Pbysicians. and the enterprise had en tered upon a career ot prosperity, when aseptics! visitor dug out the troth: r Friday mornings Saturdav Review'. oflxinJoa. is remarkable for a column waspish attack on the Dean of West OmstPr Abbey be cause of his lending lie Ai)0-y on Tuesd iv f.ir com memo- joa services over Gen. Grant, there 6rconcedinj: him the one mark of fionarao Englishman holds the hiehest ia4ijab:e, and that is peculiarly Eng- Tbe officers ot tho New York inanr- companies say that the six months rost trying period in their recol- ;oa. The losses have been heav 'o the West ami Srtnthn70f " Thotr J wit the public cannot expect i r rates unless more precautions kea azaint dptmt;nn r nmn. XeV Ynrt lT-t,l k. r.ttt a, , -mm, uca kUUU t, ' Dst- u i8 something in regard lite war and relates' to a reported ?ira:y to excite a revolution in the duriug the last days of the war. o t believe it. but publish it hero tiT. l 11 Q the Shape of a irom tbe Herald bureau in -aueipaia: - ,- uiuk i understand what uen H, 3t referred to in speaking to 4 r.. i . 1 lue imminence or a sec v2?Uoninthis nation." said an taeSiret .Sice ofiicer at the Con- h,aHot1 l0-n'Slrt. "II is a secret red t7Jr . wea KePc- tnougn it nov- 'Ur mOUthn nvr tho lU.ekinirfAn Ud s . ; . After Lincoln's assassln- e " ,ia nave divided the North Wbrni0? l"b'-e Hnes. It would beronJ 2ht England into the trouble coauj'i uoaot. because of Canadian "lciUona. It would have been fatal VOL. IX. to our government and would have re- buiito m lnuifcnminate rjutcnery. "What is this secret?" It relates to the assassination plot," was the reply. 'That conspiracy was hatched before Lincoln was inaugurat ed the second lime. It contemplated the abduction of Lincoln for the benefit oi aooiner man, I refer to Vice Presi dent .Johnson. He was to be made the great man of war. Lincoln was to to ue got out of way. Johnson was a Southern man ; the struzrrlo was then an admittedlv hooeless one for the South, but it was desirable to baverav man who could be depended on lor satisfaction, as Lincoln, with Stanton behind him, could not be expected to be .lenient. Remember. I do not say that Johnson was a party to the con spiracy, but I ak you to read Gen eral Butler's arraignment of Johnson during the impeachment trial. fRcad it carefully between tho lines, and see what it nieaus. . I tell you only thi, that the list of men privy to the abduc lion of Liuecln would, if printed to moirow. convulse this nation to its centre. I have seen .myself a note Ironi Johnson to John Wilkes Booth askinsr him to meet him at the Kirks wood Hoas3. Han't draw tny infer ences; I merely mean that they wcie on intimate terms.'' . , 'When and where was tho conspira cy organised?" was a"kcd. "It was the outcrowth of Seward'i direct interposition in the case ot Beal, the rcan convicted ot the plot to liberate the prisoners at Johnston's Islantl. in Sandusky Bay. Lincoln was appealed to and promised that Beat should not die. Seward personally interfered and uoally. Eccured Bears execution. A meeting was held at St. Catherine'?. Canada, a few weeks afterward. The plot,was hatched there. It was born of personal malice more than Southern sympathy. The Beal case, and it alone. accounts for tho attack on Secretary beward. I5ut this malicious scheme of a cabal of vindictive men grew into a widely ramihed conspiracy. Most dreadful of all, it becarqe known among largo circles in Washington. There were plenty of men in the Capitol on March 4 who went there to hear a dif ferent man from Lincoln make the in augural address. It is terrible even now tothink how rotten tho heart of the. political centre of this nation then was. I he surrender at Appomattox was a crushing blow. It came sooner than was expected. Lincoln's death bad been resolved upon and the date fixed. But only a comparative few knew that this change had been made in the scheme j I have often wondered if General Lee had not obtained an inkling of the terrible crime in contemplation and hastened the capitulation. He never would have sanctioned a dastardlySact. After the shooting the abject fear man-1 ifested by some people in Washington who had not been attacked is remem bered yet. Too many people were hanged or not enough. The most ex perienced men in the service were put on the case. But one by one they were withdrawn. I was detailed for special duty, but stack tor the conspiracy. I found I was shadowed by other people. I have always suspected there was a conference one very dark night be tween Stanton, Wade and Grant that re ferred to the secret information obtain ed about the conspiracy. I was not present, though I was in the house when it occurred. The archives of the House Judiciary Committee contain, or did contain, some of the most startling tes timony imaginable. General Butler and George S. Bout well knew all that General Grant knew. It either man would tell what be knows, though it is not all the story,-we might have a rev elation yet. What I have merely hint ed at shows how wise General Grant was to keep this awful secret so long, and bow indiscreet he would have been to confide it to anybody." ;A part of Philadelphia and the couu try near at hand were visited by a terri ble tornado on Monday." It struck tbe Delaware river below the city and in just one minute tn excursion . steamer was a wreck. But two lives are known to have been lost: It followed up the river, cutting a swatth through the city of Camden. It crossed the river to the Philadelphia side, near Port Richmond. the great coal shipping and manufac turing center. Then, like a flash, it was gone on its work, of desolation up the river. On the same day .Baltimore and Chicago were visited with terrible rain storms. In the former city, in twelve hours,; the rainfall was 5.58 inches. The sewers were overrun. basements were flooded and there as much loss to property. . In Baltimore Harrison street aqd the Centre Market were flooded for fully two feet above the street surface. Oh. irtye me teeth aonnd, white and neat. Oh, xlve me breath thai put and sweet. Oh. give me rosy, healthful gums. And I will meet whatever comet; What trouble may befall, - . - ; With SO.9DOKT I'd meet them ialL Nevermore Can the coarso crilty tooth , powders and tooth-destroying chemical fluids find place m the toilets of sensible people. The fragrant-and preserva tive SOZODONT has superseded them all. " SrALMNo's Glue." mends Head less polls and Broken Cradles.. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb VancoandNew Excelsior Penn;, are the leading cook stoyes, both In quail ty and price." They can be seen at Ja.cobi's Hdw. Depot. . . t w LLM1JNUTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST LOCAL NEWS. noa tb ntn AOYcinxcnciTs. C W Yates IVaiik Bojks F C Uiluk Tar Hee' liniment HKnrsBxsoxB Pianos and Organs B M Mela tike Carpets ad Mattings Muxds BaoTHxas Buffalo Llthi Water Last night was cool and comfortable. Our Rechabite friends are making efforts to have their excursion on lues- day pext one of tbe very best of the season. - Bine, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirts, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the1 mountains will take notice. 1 f Wc arc inlormed that there wi.l ba another moonlight excursion to the "Rocks," to take place on the night of the 20th inst. Steam boatmen report that there is about two andt half feet of water on the shoals in the Cape Fear and that the river is slowly falling. It; is reported that the Henderson Base "Ball Ciob have disbanded, in which cas it is hardly probable that the Seasides will play there. Se-ycn-ty live cents only for the best white unlaundried shirt in tho city, at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory, Np. 27 Market st., J. Elsbacti. Prop. tf A colored man in the employ of Mr. A. Y. Wilson had the misfortune to have his hand badly loccrated by a saw at the saw mill this morning. His wounds were dressed by Dr. W. J.H. Bellamy. Wc hear that a tinner, who was working on the roof of tbe market house this morning, accidentally slipped and fell to the ground, but did not re- ceivo any. serious injury. We could not learn his name. Tho Fourth Annual Fair of the N. C Fruit Growers1 Association will be held at Greensboro on the 12th and 13th iust. It is hoped that this county, and in fact this entire section of tbo State, will bo well represented! The fare by rail and steamboat has been made so low that' the expense will be almost nominal- Indications. For the South Atlantic States, fair weather, nearly stationary tempera ture and variable winds. ! Street Music. The Germania Cornet Band paraded through some of our streets this morn ins on their way to the Passport tor an excursion down the river. It was their first parade and they played with remarkable smoothness and skill con sidering tbe time they have been in practice. A large party accompanied them down the river. A Kattler. A couple of gentlemen who were riding to the Sound yesterday alternoon saw a rattlesnake on the tornpike. and after quite a battle succeeded in killing the venomous reptile. He measured four teet in length and had eight rattles and a button. It was at an hour when a great number of people were either going to or returning from tbe Sound, and the fight with the snake caused quite a blockade of the turnpike for a short time. .. - ... l'eraonai. Mr. Willie Rosenthal has been ap pointed a city letter carrier in place of Walter Evans, colored. Mr. William Anderson, who has been visiltng his parents in this city, has returned to bis , home at Ocala, Fla. Col. Jwhn D. Taylor and wife left this morning for Warm Springs, N. C. and expect to be absent from the city about a month. Mr. T. H. Thompson, who has been sick at Whitaker's for several weeks, returned to tbe city last night. He is now well but is yet very weak. - k A letter received in this city this morning from Capt. W. M. Parker. staWs that he is now at Hartford, Conn., and that bi3 health is improv injr. It Beats AH. How trade does keep at Shrier's is tbe remark often made by visitors and frequently overheard. It is indeed a matter of ereat surprise while nearly eyery (we may say every) clohting house is complaining of dull business. This encourages us to do still batter. Depend upon us always. Depend upon us always .or tbe best of everything at the' lowest price. Remember, it will pay you to trade with the Old Reliable. Shhtep, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t Fifty New Houses. Hon.- James Wilson, who is tbe largest real estate owner in tbo city, proposes to build fifty new dwelling houses here this Fall. They will be convenient, comfortable residences, of various sizes, and will be located in dif ferent sections of the city easy of ac cess from the business centres. Mr. Wilson proposes to sell these residences on easy terms and we doubt not" that he will be able to dispose of them a3 fa3t a? they are completed. Handy Scale lor Letters. A silver dollar weighs very-nearly an ounce. Hence anylctter not heavier than the dollar can go for a single two cent stamp. This is easily remember ed. If you want to bo exact, take a sil ver dollar and a silver five cent piece, and you have an once almost to a feather s weight. Provided vou haven't tho silver -dollar bandy. use two naiyes. or it you have nickels only, five of them and a small copper cent will give you nearly the ounce. As ninety-nine letters out of one hundred will fall within the ounce , weight, this simple system of weighing will serve for general use. I1 is the result of so mo tests made by Chief Clerk Wood house, of the New York Postollice. N. u. Soldier s Home. A friend writes us from Henderson that at a meeting of tbe people of that town, held on Satnrday Ia9t. Col.,W. F. Bcasley, President of the Soldier'3 Home Association made a very grace ful and eloquent speech in behalf of the noble cause which he represents. In the course of his remarks Col. Beasley paid a glowing and well-merited tribute to the ladies of this city. He said that Wilmington is the only place in the State where action bad been taken and money raised in behalf of tbe Home; that our Ladies' Memorial As sociation had done noble work and arc prepared to do more. The meeting at Henderson was duly organized and the good people of the town pledged themselves to raise their quota of tbe fund. Col. Beasley was to have spoken at Oxford on Monday and he seems de termined that the good cause in which he is laboring shall succeed. . itead and' be Comforted. Those who for the past tew days have been broiled, par boiled, roasted, stew ed, or otherwise done up by the heat, can take some comfort from the follow ing paragraph: In 1303 and 1304. according to a French periodical, the Rhine, Loire and Seine ran dry. In . 1615 the beat throughout Europe became excessive. Scotland suffered particularly in 1625; men and beasts died in scores. The beat in several departments during the summer of 1705 was equal to that in a glass fornance. Meat could be cooked by merely exposing it to the sun. Not a soul dared venture out between noon and 4 p. m. In 1718 many shops had to close ; the theatres never opened their doors for several months. Not a drop of water fell during six months. In 1773 the themometer rose to 118 de grees. 1779 the : heat at Bologna, was so great that a great number of people were stifled. There was not sufficient air for the breath and people bad to take refuge under ground. In July. 1792, the heat became -intolerable. Vegetables were burned up and fruit dried upon the trees. The fumitnre and wood work in dwelling houses cracked and split- up ; meat went bad in an hour. Colored Temperance Men. The Independent Knights of Recbab, No. 1, is the name of a colored temper ance organization recent ly established in this city. It has received its charter and is now ready to engage in the work of temperance reform among tbe colored race and has already a member ship of 35 persons. At a recent meet ing the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing term : C. R. Altimore Walker. D. R. Samuel Merrick. . P. C. R- J. H. Jackson. Shep. W. Stanley. 1 Levite A. Davis, - R. S. A Sampson. ' ., ' - " F. S W. Bland. I.G W. Knight. O. G. F. Daniels. The regular meetings are on Mon day nights and are held In tbe ball over Capt. J. U. Boatwrigbt's Store. A good deal of interest is manifested among the members to make the Tent as pros perous as possible, in order that . their influence upon their race may . prove beneficial. They will hold a special meeting on Friday next for the further advancement of the cause. r I jf; if Now is the season lor painting your houses. Go to . Jacobi's I Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save monej. ; t ' 5, 1885. NO. 181 NEW AJ3VERISEMENT8 4 'j. . I . j ; 1 , i Come and avail, yourself, of a real ii.viwiA.ix ia a good CARPET. We intend closing these goods .out before going in the market for new stock. ' 'You will save 10 to 15c peryard. - MATTINGS We are selling at very reasonable prices. ' '- r .RUGS Closing out very low. - A complete stock and Ihose who are posted know that we excel in this line. LACES. ALL-OVER LACES, &c We arc selling LaWs and r ' Embroidery now at reduced prices as the stock is broken. WHITE BELTSrReceivcd to day. Samepricesj Corsets. ; Corsets. Corsets. A splendid assortment and we think you can bo suited. WASH GOODS Gingham3 and Saarsuckers and a lew Salteens. - Jerseys a specialty. aug 5 Brunswick Budget. i . We arc indebted to Sheriff Taylor forthe following interesting items of nows from Brunswick county : i The rice corps on the Cape Fear are very pretty probablywere never bet ter. The epland crops ot corn and cotton may prove average crops; in Shallotto and Waccamaw townships they are line and there - will be a surplus of corn there, . provided they meet with no disaster beforo they are gathered. . From Smithville to the South Carolina line, however, along the coast, they are not so good,-and will probably be cut off one-half, in coc- seqtienco of the want of rain while in growth. There has been very little rain on the coast since May. while on the stiff lands in the interior there has been too much rain. On tbe whole, however, a fair crop may be looked for in the county. Henry Williamson, a white man who is said to have been raised in Sampson county, and who escaped from the Pen itentiary a few yearrs ago, turned up in Brunswick in tbe latter part of 1883 or early in 1884. At the last, term of the Suprior Court he was indicted for burglary but was' released on bond, pending trial, lit jumped tbe bond and has since oeeu at, large, heavily armed and bidding defiance to the law. He was captured last Saturday in Shallotte township, by Special Deputy P. C. Gore, and was yesterday safely confined in the jail at Smithviile. where he will be held for trial at the next term of Brunswick Superior Court. ' ' List of Letters. A list of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, August ,5th, 1885: - i . B Betsy Bell, G W Brown, James Baily. . . . . D Morgan Davis, Kvalt V Donned ly. ii Annie J nankins, J L, uoweu. J L P Johnson. , K J G Kelley. NSallie N Nichols. S Manerva Simmons, M M Stanly. Silva Scott. Chas Scott. T Alice Thomas. W Eliza U addell. 'Allan Warters, Ann Weavar. , PACKAGES. Levina Hurbert. Persons calling for letters in above list will please ask for 'advertised let ters," giving date ot list. Letters wil1 be sent to Dead Letter Office if not called for within 30 days. , r ? 4 "Kd. R." Bxunk, P. M. , Wilmington, N C. Aug. 5th 1885. There was no City Court this morn ing. ; 4; . - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BANK OF SEW HANOVER, . WILMINGTON, N. C.,Aui. 3, 1SS5, fJIHE DIRECTORS OF III BANK OF MEW HANOVER hsvc lcclarcil ft Seml-An-mial Dividend of FOUR FKR CEST., paya ble on the 8th Instant to Stockholders of re cord of this date. . SDg 4 St 8. V- WALLAtC, CAeuicr Home Again. 9f W E ARK ONCE MORE AT OUR OLD Staml, Front Street, next door North of Bank of few Hanover, with a , ; COIGET AT LOWEST - , POSSIBLE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH. Bv ibralzbtforward dealing and pclllc at tention to all. we hope to. merit and reed re the generous patronage bestowed upon ui In the iast. Call and see us: 3 ' GIuKS ft MOBCUISOy. july 27 lw " Hardware Department - We HaTin sStocfcf Q alllE BEST LINE OF COOKINQ STOVES. Kerosene Oil Stove s.l in and Sheet Iron Ware ami House rnrnlxhins Goo-Is to ba-found In the city. If you want FIRST CLASS goods at bottom rWccs call at PARKER TAYLOR'S, . aug 3 - O Soatli fTont St fLSAJEK K0TIC5 - TTi ira fca glid ta rtctlva coramnTrtratio fcroa ear frtais cm say aad an irsjsc,; csaerallaterestbiis I tXhe Basts of th9 writer must always t" .". aJfihed to tae IZiZizt, : CommTiTilcationj masv be - wtftUa cs " otV.: one side of the paper. - trmonnnem must oe avoiaec. - - And It Is especially and particularly end tood that the Editor does not always endoi ; t tha views of correspondents tmlsas so stati u tho editorial column. ' . - N EWU AD VEKTISEfllEKTS: r. ni. rjcirjTiRE. Wanted. SEUVANT TO DO THE WOBK FOE a email family. Apply at Na. 711 Dock, be tween Seventh and Eighth firects. ' TIN ROOFING, JOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING Tin ant Sheet Iran Wave! made to order. SstovePlpesj Elbows, &c, c . , x Mfir Jobbirg generally. i r W.E. KING, v " Practical Tloemlth, Pnnccss,bct. Front and Water Streets aug 3 - , ,. .,, . ' Why Wot JO TO 21 NORTH WATER STREET, and buy Country ProSacc of J. R. MARSHALL, who is receiving contignaicnU dally, of good things, fresh from the eouniry. aug 1 4 , : Tar Heel Liniment. pOK INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. - Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-Dc-Yeycrs Ca--tarrh Cure. Also, a complete Block of Patent Medicines, Drug, Ac , at i . , F. C. MILLER'S, july U Corner Fourth and Nan st . t - , j w Fresh Every Day, - J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON ca. Watermelons, and all kinds of Vegetables. Chickens, Kpga, &c, will sell at reasonable prices. Give me a call. -1 . , a. M. D. HUMPHREY. July 20 "Davis' Row", near New Market Buffalo Lithia .Water No; 2. Epsom are the srenulne water we dinnaA nt I FRKSII LOT JUST IN BY BOTT E OU Case. Conarress Water; fresh. IJathorn Water, fresh. JDeet Itk. HAmtntr nri T.tn pur Soda Counter. Up to the times with the , " best Goods and reasonable prices. f i Come and sec us at 104 N. Front t. july 19 MUNDS BROS. Pis Fish ! Pis: Fish! QOOD SUPPLY ON HAND kT PINE GROVE. Our 8HARPIE and other Boat ready at five minutes' notice with OWEN -JONES (best boatman on the Sound) and his two boj a always on Use lookout to take vou . sailing. Transient nl Permareot Boarders' v accommodate rt; "Telephone No 7U " Jane 27 ED. WILSON MANNING. Atlantic House, Front Street, Sraltliyllle, N.O. GEO. W DAVIS and D. L. BENDER, Prop's. "ATEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clam. wraus. c, Bcrvtu in an Bines, at snort notice rirntc 271m class B$r attached. july Board. Board. Board. JFTEK JULY 1ST, I WILL I URXISII families with meala by llic day,- week cr month. Whatever this market affords wi'l be obtained ia addition to Western ltPifnrf &rit. ' ton.. Heals etnt out witbyut eitra ehartre. . , , WILL WKSl. " jnly 1 . , go y. rronttt. Geo. W. Price, Jr., ArCIMEEK ' k COSHfSSJOX IKM1ST. QFF1CE AND SALES ROOMS N. E, Cor. Market and Second streets, where ipccjil at. tentlon tJU be gincn thosaloof Goods, Ware Merchandlie; Ac i on Cooslgnnien and a General Commission JJuaiccss. STRICT at ten Hon to bu!css and QUICK returns of "ales: :;" " Jolyi " P i a ri be &0 rgano JEPRESENTING THE G BEAT SOUTH ERN MUSIC HOUSE of LUDDKN A BATES. Savaiiuah, ! can now sspply purcbacrs at " lowest nianufactarcrs rates, with one uni form pr.'ca to all. I rerreecnt now the Cbick-' crlDgASou?, Lnd lcn A Bat;n, Matbn&hck, rlon. Brent, S hefty Wteclock ' and Baus" PIANOS; Mason & Jlaml n, Packard Orchfs tral. Bay SUte and Stsodatd OKU ASS. Send tor Illustrated Catalogue and oorSpe- -clal Offers, ana Jet as demonstrate how well we can satisfy yon la price aad nuali tr. '-' " Very rcspcofoT ." aug 3 p. liElSSBKEGER. , Back Again. QALL AWD HEAR ALL ABOUI WASH lng'on aiwt Alcxan JrU and fret the COOLEST ' BEER in the city. - July 20". - - j. i. McGOWAN. 7 . - i ! . t 1 1 . t i I i I .. f i

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