THIS FA eeptca oy jOSH T. JAME8, fDlTOB PBOFRIWOB. ' POSTAGE PAID: sCBSCf. w. montb8' t2- , X Onemonthrcen. sontb". " . ,rt.reil bv carrier rrf rcr't of the city, at the above or , low and unerai. r irlll report any anu u "'vo tieir rarer regularly. . w fall. ff " 'ZTh'iVy Rcri" 1119 e rS7 nrcul-iiion. of any newspaper - . v. - tact that finec the dark I ,r,l i i-b'iry h tbe hrst beard .v ii in: ha3. accepted t he :HI'.nry of the Industrial College at , , j r ,..r,.:i ip-timatfdtobe worth r" ' . . .. i ..-f , f which he cot out V ;.,,r.nj ninst ihe orthodox re- T- fatv -ra- "f Sir M080 Montefiore .a3 unostentatious as the countless (jf charity which enriched his cob.-1" .... l 1lnrn IV Of Rt t: e pavi.ion m ,".a'in i, been turned into a res- and people dinte in the very .'m ;n which l.uia XIV was born, II n. U': l' Morton, ex-Miohter to frr(V Ji" arrived at home Saturday, Sl-, nAv ill this Fall and take an Jyrt a usual in Republican success. . An American expert, who has rav'clin both countries, asserts that ijesrwJi'iKfigiUb train's is, on "the averaze. one-fourth greater than that of American trains. A Missouri editor, soliciting subscrip ts' u his paper, declares that a reject t take inUTesl in reading the ne5 ot the dav i an- infallible symp (.bi of early doath. . . Florence. Turin and Rome having enjoyed the honor of being the capital c-f hiily, the Neapolitans are now loud ly pressing thcclainis'of Naples. - ; l.izt,the greitest of pianists, is very poor, but absolutely refuses to give con certs to make money. His only reve nue is a small pension from a German rrincess. la Saline county, Neb., two weeks ago, a woman closed her husband's ejes on .Monday, buried him on Wed nesday and married his successor on Friday. An Italian engineer says that if Gar bWs favorite project for improving th?Ilaian campana should eyer be carried out, it would yield homes for a million of peasants. Only two of the Delaware and Hud son's employees submitted to the tests for color blindness proved unable to distinguish signals, and one was an engineer on the most important train on the road. t Prince Bismarck recently told a Rus sian diplomatist that he had decided never again to use tobacco in any torn), and that be regarded cigarette smoking as extremely noxious, and ridiculous to boot. The Afghans eat onions as we do ap The cause ot the recent attack by the Russians au therefore be eisjly uaJerstuod. They were obliged to use their guns to'keep the Afghans from coming within bailing distance. The publishers of M iss Cleveland's recent bock, :uid also the publishers of revished edition of tho Ladies of Vie 11 kilt House, have tried to induce her toa'bw them to place her portrait in their bcoks, but she positively refuses. Richmond telegram : Thirty cases, involving the genuineness of coupons tendered for the payment of State taxes, ere decided by tho Hustings Court to dlJ io favor of the taxpayers. There are co;v rending in. the courts here wnpons representing in the aggregate . ,r- iMaunay. an eminent French I'hjSician. SaVS tht ilia mnat ironprfll j ftaiw auvw wuvb jwition in sleep i3 on the right side. reitU5 which come to a sieener in - . Position, he says, as a rule are !-cal, absurd, full of vivacity and Iteration. Those which come to a JPcr who lies upon his left side, in Je.aunay's opinion, are not only less sarJ. but also more intelligent. They rt to le concerned with recent tQ'' events and less with roiuinis. cence? ot, . " " onni, white aim neat. h c "ream that's pure and a,wet. ht t. i,'I?ecl whatever cornea; JDONT 1M m wt them alL Nevermore r -d Jhe ,carse critty tooth powders Cad J U Jestroying chemical fluids PeoDl'4 on tjollelB of sensible tiveT(rA,? ,ra8"-Dt and preserva all. 6UONT has superseded them lsSi,u,V,IN's (;il;E" ends Head- auu wroKea cradles. r 1 VOL. IX. Fired with emulation of Evangelist Sam Jones, the Rev. Job Cooley, a Methodist minister at Spring Place, Tenn ; preached a vigorous sermon to his flock, remarking it they didn't like his styla they could leave. In five minutes Mr. Cooley was alone. Norfork Virginian-. "Joint dis cussion" has been tabTed in this State lor the present. The -still hunt," so effective in the long ago, will be the order ot the day. if not the night. In other words, the Democrats have grown weary, of furnishing audiences for the Mahoneitcs. It is announced on authority that the German Government has in pre para tion a bill excluding from the succcs sion to German thrones all princes of foreign , nationality. This bill, which will affect both the Duke of Edinburgh and the Duke of Cambridge,-will prob ably be passed in the autumn. The Governor of Kilmainhani jaU was lately recognized by Mr. Healy, M, P., in the lobby of the House of Com rnons, and received the heartiest greet mg. utber Irish members, who had formerly been his prisoners, soon came clustering around him, and carried him on io a seal wicnin me House. ibis speaks well tor both sides. The controversy oyer Gen. Grant's name has not yet closed. His father. in a letter which has been published, savs that his name was alwavs Ulysses Simpson, but Gen. Grant himself, when he first entered West Point, wrote it on a hotel register as TJ. H Grant and that leaf of the register is still in existence. It is not claimed at all now that his name was Hiram Ulysses. The St. James Gazelle is not in full accord with Canon Farrar in bis re marks in Westminster Abbey at the Grant memorial services. We quote from a cablegram in the New York Ilerald : The St. James Gazelle (tory) this evening joins the Saturday lieview, (also tory) in carping at the Grant memorial service in tho Abbey. The editorial claims that no one, Lincoln excepted, on the side of the North could compare with Lee, Jackson and Beau regard in nobility of character. "This forbids us," continues the paper, "to regard the Southern soldiers as crimi nals over whose defeat Englishmen can rejoice." Too article nexi criticises America's "grana lunerai ooom, ana says: "It would have been more hu mane to have buried the Northern Gen eral with less ostentation." Thn anrtlle. next directs its erowl against one ot its English clergymen. "Why should a dignitary of the Eng lish Church use such language as Canon Farrar did on the occasion? It was as man. nf war alone that he talked ot Grant, who might have been treated in a better way than that by a Christian Church ftnrl in & church more than any other associated with the greatness of ... i the English people, uanon uarrar treatrd with extraordinary forgetful- ness tho lessons which eyery religious .... tr v i teacher should have arawn. iiesniueu the battle afar off twenty years alter tho war had ceased. Indeed, he was mom like a. soldier than a Driest. Alto gether it does not seem to us that either at homo ior in America any good or nrnrinnt man should reioice over the service held yesterday in the Abbey at Westminster." Now is the season for painting your . -w . TT 1 houses, lio to jacobis naruware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save moner. t LOCAL NEWS. IID TO REW AOYCITISEMEITS. MctiowAS's Cool Ber C W Y1TX8-Blank Books Geo M Crafok Ham 8ausage F C MiLUEB Tar Heel Liniment Jko J Hedsick A Polite Bequest Heixsbkrgxb Qnlzzlam and lt3 Key Munxs Brotheks Buffalo Lithla Water This hot weather is intolerable. Fruit is plentiful and cheap enough. There was no City Court this morn ing. i Eggs were retailing at some of .the stores to-day for twelve and a half cents per dozen. Theso are hard times for tho news gatherers, as there seems to be but .yery little stirring. - Farmers can save tim and money by ettihg barbed wire lor their fences, at JACOBfs Hdw. Depot. t In the match game ot bas9 ball at Oxford yesterday the Seasides retrieved the misfortune of the day before and secured a victory in a score of 6, to 4 for the Oxtords. Blue, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirts, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the mountains wilt take notice. t Bail! WELMINGTON. Mr. D. J. Corbett, of CaintQck town ship, Pender county, was in the city to day and gaye us the pleasure of a call The farmers are all jubilant over the prospect ot good crops. This cheering news comes from all of the surround ing sections, and we hope there may be no set back to. make the harvest less than is now anticipated. - Messrs. ti isrunniia s isro. will re move about the first of September to the commodious store, No. 114 North Water street, which is now being .refit- ted and prepared for their reception. Mr. Geo. M. Crapon, on South Front streef, has something new and pleasant to the paiate in . the shape of ham sausage put up in jelly, which doe3 not, however, increase the price of it We have tried it and it is good. Correction. In our report of the prisoners brought here from Rocky Point yesterday, we should have stated that they were in charge of Mr. R. I. Durham, deputy sheriff, instead of Mr. R. I. Armstrong, as we made it appear. For tlie Country. Messrs J. L. Yopp and JoeSchloss, two of the best bicyclists in this city, propose to take a trip in the country on their wheels within a day or two They will take the county road and go as far as Rocky Point, i n Pender coun ty, and return th same night. It will be an entirely novel sight to many of the people whose houses they will pas3. and it would not surprise us were tbey looked upon by some of the colored folk on their route as the "Old Scratch on wheels !" Musical. At a meeting of the Gerinanka Cor net Band, held last night, the serv ices of Prof. Herndon wero jsecured as teacher lor two months further practice. Tho band now meet every nieht and are making excellent pro gress under the direction of Prof, Herndon, and they think that with two months of instruction from him they able to "go it alone." We learn that they propose to give another excursion down the river bo fore the season clones. Painful Accident. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Ponder county,. was in the city yesterday, and he in forms us that on Tuesday last, as Mrs W. W. Larkins and Mrs. J. Henry, of Long Creek, in that county, were riding in a buggy to wnicn a mule was attach ed, they met a pack peddler in the road As the mule showed signs of fear, one of the ladies asked the peddler to step out of the road until they could get past This the man refused to do, and the animal, becoming thoroughly frighten cd. dashed out of the road into the bushes at full speed, which caused Mrs Henry to be thrown violently from the bucev. breaking some of her ribs and her collar bone. Mrs. Larkin3 escaped without any serious injury. Pomology. Each succeeding year clearly demon strates the fact that this section of the State is peculariy adapted to fruit culture. Bunch, or trelli3 grapes, are successfully grown and ripened ; peaches are profitably raised ; pears grown here are equal in size and flavor to any we have seen, and Mr. W. A. Riach. Gen eral Auditor of tho Atlantic Coast Line, has proven tha. as fine apples can be grown in this locality as are raised in the State. We have before us a speci men of a variety ot apple, the Sin clair," raised on his truck farm near this city, which is as fine a specimen of his fruit as a pomologist would desire o (cast his eyes on or satiate bis crav ings with. The "Sinclair" is neany, it not quite, as large as a man's fist, is blood red and very smooth. It is . en tirely free from blemish ot any kind, which is but another evidence of what thrift and well directed energy will do owards developing the resources of our section. Mr. Riach has a hue farm under a high state of cultivation, which has been brought to its present ex cellence by a careful study of the re quirements of the soil, and well direct ed efforts prompted by sound judgment. It lieata All. How trade does keep at Shrier'sJ is the remark often made by visitors and frequently overheard. It is indeed a matter of ereat surprise while nearly every (we may say every) lohting house is complaining of dull business. This encourages us to do still batter. Depend upon us always. Depend upon us always ior the best of everything at the lowest price. Remember, it will pay you to trade with the Old Reliable. Sitrier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t Beyiew. PROGRAMME OF CEREMO NIES. In Meraorlara to the Jeparteu Hero. TJ. S. Grant, at St. Ste phen' A. M. E Church, Sat urday,' August 8th, 1885, at 2 P. M.. Under the Auspices of J. C. Abbott Post, No 15, Grand Army of the Republic ORDER OF CEREMONIES. 1st A chant by the choir. 2od Prayer by the Rev. James W. Telfair. 3rd Ritualistic services, by J. C. Abbott Post, No. 15, Geo. L. Mabson Commander. 4th Music Nearer My God to Thee." &c. 5th Eulogy, by Stacey VanAmringe 6th Music a funeral dirge. 7th Poems of tribute by J. C. Hill Esq . 8th Music, "America." Jib Benediction by the Post. 10th The Doxology. The members of- the Post earnestly request that the pastors of the seyera churches have their bells toiled in the following order: At 7 a. m. for hal nour: at iu a. m., lor naii nour, and 2 p. m., for half hour. The Post will move at 1 :30 o'clock from its headquarters for the church, the colored fire department acting as an escort. All other civic societies are in vited to participate in the ceremonies The assistant marshals for the me morial services will meet at the hall o the Cape Fear Engine Company at 1 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. They will wear black sashes across the shoul der and crape.on the left arm. Monroe Bykd, Chief Marshal. G. P. Roukk, Master of Ceremonies. A Curious Effjr. Mr. J. T. Westbrook, of Harrison's Creek, Pender county, has a heu which laid an egg a few days since ot an ex. traordinary kind. It was very large and when it was broken was found to contain the white of an egg and envel oped by this was a full-sized egg with a perfectly formed hard shell upon it. Mr. Westbrook had supposed from its unusual size that the outer shell con tained a double-velked egg, which is often seen, but was very much sur prised to find the inside as we have des cribed. The Weather. The weather was certainly in "tan- trums" for awhile, to-day. At was one lime this afternoon the wind due East and clouds of dust were blown down Market street towards the river. In less than a minute from that time the wind was due West and the clouds of dust were blown up Market street from the riyer. In about five minutes after this the rain began to fall and the dust was soon laid. The thermometer fell three degrees in a very few min utes. The rain was much needed and the cool atmosphere, after the extreme sultriness and oppressiveness of the morning hours, was indeed refreshing Painful Accident. As Mrs. rarker uuince anu tier sis ter, Miss Sallie Burgwyn, were walk.. ing on the East side of Seventh street, between Market and Dock, at about noon to-day, the former, who was on the outside of the sidewalk, unfortunately slipped and fell, breaking her hip. The walk had quite a sharp decline towards the gutter and the grass had grown up so that it was rather obscure and Mrs. Quince did not see exactly where she was stepping.' She was carried homo and her family physician, Dr. E, A. Anderson, was immediately sum moned and rendered such surgical as sistance as her condition demanded. Notes from Smlthyille. A correspondent at Smithviile writes us that there are a great many visitors there now and that all are haying a de lightful time ot it. The Hotel Bruns wick is full of guests and the manage ment are talking of having to place cots in the pavilion. He is a lucky man who sleeps there as it is one of tbe coolest and most delightful places we eyer saw. Present prospects are yery favor able to making Smithviile a first class watering place for Winter, as well as for Summer guests. At this time it is full of clever and agreeable people from Sum ter, Darlington, Charlotte and numer ous other places and they will be sure to speak well of its many advantages and bring their friends with them when they return next season. There was a grand ball in the Pavilion last nigh1 and it was crowded to its fullest ex tent and next week there is to be a children's fancy ball there which will be well worth Icokiog at. We think that tho Hotel Brunswick ought to be enlarged and we under stand, from good authority, that this is almost certain to be done next winter. We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De NO. 183 NEW AIVERISEMENTS Come and avail yourself of a real bargain in a good CARPET. Wo intend closing these goods out before going in the market for new stock. , You will save 10 to 15c per yard. MATTINGS We are selling at very reasonable prices. RUGS Closing out very low. t&U-JESLIL'JFJEI C3r0a3EDS I A complete stock and those who are posted know that we excel in this line. LACES. ALL-OVER LACES. fcc. We arc selling Laces and Embroidery now at reduced prices as the stock is broken. WHITE BELTS Received to-day. Same price's. Corsets. Corsets. Corsets. A splendid assortment and we think you can be suited. i . - WASH GOODS Ginghams and Searsuckers and a few Sattecns. Jerseys a specialty. R. M. rJclNTIRE. The Postofiice will be closed to-morrow from 1 to 5 p. m. The money order and register departments will not open after 1 o'clock. Mails despatched as usual. The Custom House in thi3 city will be open from 9a m to 10 a ra to mor morrow for the arrival and clearance of vessels. It will be closed during the remainder of the day in respect to Gen. Grant, whose obsequies will take place to-morrow. Arc Melons Unhealthy? We guess not. There is a family in this city who have already eaten 81 watermelons and 137 canteloupes thus far this season and the several members of the household are in excellent health This was told us by paterfamilias just as hewas about indulgein a huge water melon, and he did not look at all like a sick man, and the melon he was about to eat was an outside issue and not one of the 81 we have named. Sc-yen-ty-live cents only for the best white unlaundried shirt in the city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, Nr. 27 Market St., J. Elsbacii, Prop. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ham Sausage ! JUST BECEIVED A SMALL LOT OF HAM SAUSAGE Packed in Jelly. The most delicious thing. Call at Crapon'a Family Grocery and exam Ine for yourself. Geo. M. Crapon, aug7 i22 So Front St, A Polite Request. A NUMBER OF PERSONS OWE ME small bills past due. Each amount is small of itself and might be paid without much ex rtlon;inthc aggregate the amount Is quite large. This being the season when a shop ' keeper needs money most, I would esteem it a special kindness on the part of my friends to make an early settlement JNO. J. HEDRICK. atig7 Cool, Cooler, Coolest ! J-OT THE WEATHER, BUT THAT DE LICIOUS BEER, at McGOWAN'3. Step In Bnd try It. aug 7 More Room. I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING to my many friends and patrons, both In the city and country, that owing to the growth of my business, I found it necessary to en large my space. Consequently I have taken down the partition and now occupy the whole of that spacious store next to the Auction Rooms. Consignments solicited. Respectfully, aug 6 J. R. MARSHALL. . Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Watermelons I 500 FINE CUBAS -yiyriLL be ice cold Friday and for sale at from 5c. to 30c. for Cash Only I We will deflrer them to private families between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. LW. E. WORTH & CO., Proprietors. aug 6 ' . .. FLXAS3 KOXIC2. TTi win t glad to neelvt eommnaleatica from our friends oa any sad all ;nDjtCi" Ktaerallntarest bat Th &aae of the writer must always tl' Blshod to the Editor. Communications must bt wrlttaa oa oiV one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. And it la especially and particularly tnd . Hood that the Editor does not always endox ' tho views of correspondents unites bo a tat i In tne editorial columns. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: I BANK OF NEW HANOVEB, WILMINGTON, N. C, Aug. 3, 1SS5. rjIHE DIRECTOrvS OF TIIK BANK OF NEW HANOVER have declared a Scml-An-nual Dividend of FOUR PER CENT., paya ble on the eth Instant to Stockholders of re cord of this date. aug4 3t' S. D. WALLACE, Cashier TIN EOOFING, JJOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. Stovepipes, Elbows, c , Ac. S Jobbing generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tlnsmiih, Front and Water Streets aug 3 Tar Heel Liniment. . "pOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-De-V eycrV Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complcto stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at F. C. MILLER'S, july 0 Corner Fourth and Nun ets Fresh Every Day, J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON tlcue to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach es. Watermelons, and all kinds of vegetables. Chickens, Ej-gs, &c. will sell at reasonable prices. Give me a call. C. M. D. HUMPHREY, july 20 "Davis' Row", near New Markets Buffalo Lithia Water No. 2. IRESH LOT JUST IN BY BOTT E OR : Case. Congress Water, fresh. Hathorn Water, freBh. Deep Rock, Saratoga and Tate EpEom are the genuine waters we dispense at our Soda Counter. Up to tho times with the best Goods and rcaeonable prices. Co me and sec us at 101 N. Front St. JulyU . MUNDS BROS. ' Pig Fish! PiS Fish ! G0D SUPPLY ON HAND AT PINE GROVE. Our SHARPIE and other Boats ready at five minutes' notice with" OWEN JONES (beat boatman on tho Sound) and his two bo js always on tho lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone Ho. 70. June 27 ED. WILSON MANNING. Atlantic House Front Street, Siultliyille N.C. GEO. W DAVIS and D. L. BENDER, Prop's. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clams. Crabs, &e., served In all styles, at short notice W First class Bar attached, july 27 lm Board. Board. Board. A FTEB JULY 1ST, I WILL FURNISH families with meals by the day. week or month. Whatever this market affords will be obtained In addition to Western Beef and Mut ton. Meals Ecnt out without extra chareo. WILL WEST, july 1 t .26 N. Front tt. BLANK BOOKS. JJAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, LEDGERS, Cash Books, Records, Letter Books, Bill Books, Memorandum Books, all sizes and j style binding. ' Straw and Manilla Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, Ac. r Stationery of all kinds, suittblc for every line of business, at lowest pi Ices. c. w. YATES, aug 3 119 Market St Qnizzism, and its Key, BY ALBERT P. SOUTH WICK. IT CONTAINS AN EXPLANATION of the origin of a thousand and one common' sap logs and. familiar quotations. Jt Is filled to repletion within teresUng "matter" in HJsto ry, Literature, Geography, feience and Eiog- rapny. a iew f ample qi . ... . i lurries, wnicn arc fully answered: "When was the Grasshopper War?" -Uow aid the Horee-shoe come to he an omen of Good Luck?" Where Is there a River of Ink?" "What was Columbus, 8trata?cm?" 724 papes, with an Index, handsomely bound in bright cloth. Price $1 For sale at- P. HEINSBERGKR'S, I ivc Book and Music Stores aug Home Again." ; ..... ,. ' , ARE ONCE MORS AT OUR OLD Stand, Front Street, next door North of Bank of New Hanover, with a 3ST!B"W STOCK. BOUGHT AT LOWEST f POSSIBLE PRICES FOR SPOT CASH. By strafghtf orward dealing1 and polite at tention to all, we hope to merit and receive Ihs generous patronage bestowed upon us in the pan. Call and seen. . , m GILES A MURCHISON. july 27 lw Hardware Department f ! il V ! j i I j f i ii I

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