t -. aepted try JOSHT. JAMESt POSTAGE PAID: 0 7l 00: One month. S3 cents. be denvem uj y part of the city. at the adot -tea. or 1 ,rt nberaL XZr will report any and Ell bit regularly. . w rrr r II A.7 firvitnv has the largest nmd'Uion, of any newspaper in the my V rrmwifyww. ' I,ach i3 now playing an engage- -,ent lhe cru',1 ..L:,..i.!nhi Times:. Tho Kentucky ,vnh,3 given FieM Marshal Hal- another w"" " rr nearly. 50.000 men in U ne funeral nasoant ia Ne yJrVnnSV.ur.hy ami about 500 000 looker "Tj,.r,.2u!ir biennial meeting of. lhe L':V,rvKivh court of tbe Ancient Order f Foresters in the United Slat rcorro. ..n.f ments have been made lor a -n'est between the oarsmen. Haolan saJ lice, tu take place on Jamaica Bay on Saturday, the 15th instant, for a parse of $ 1.00t Jones, having been convicted of a rJrber too free use of his tongue, will cow be allowed to reflect that silence is goMen. lis still holds the Indianapolis postoflice. however. Among the eulogies delived on Gen. Grant on Saturday was one at Lowell by Benj. F. Butler and another at Au gusta, Me., by James G. Blaine. Un fortunate selections. The Democrats cycloned the Repub i: the. p.irremnnih. X. H.. muni- k .- cips! election, carry "me every ward and electing every city officer. Mayor-elect F.theredge lias 601 majority. The Puritan's victory in the sailing race? f jr the Goelet cups has so raised ber in the estimation of sailors that she is bein? spoken of as the boat to beat tbe Genesta in the race for the Queen's cup. ' ..a : Oae ninth of the Egyptian loan is to be usud for a really good purpose, that of building irrigation works for the beneGt of the fellaheen eugaged in ag riculture. If properly expended that part may easily be made to pay its in teiejt in increased products of the land. Physicians in the Sandwich Islands bare come to the conclusion that the only way to stop the alarming spread of leprosy.is to begin vaccinating with leprosy microbes. They think the operation will be a success, bnt have found no one yet willing to submit Co it. John S. Wise, the Rcadjuster candi date for Governor of Virginia, weut to New York city after his nomination to pave the way fcr.raisin funds to carry the election. He declared 'that with $50,000 Virginia could be fixed as sure Republican as Pennsylvania or any Northern State. Among the Court presents ol Prin cess Beatrice all the royalties avo jewels, save the Crown Princess of Germany, her sister, who presented two silver candlesticks, and the Prince of Wales only an oil painting of Wlnd "orCistle. These paltry gifts are re-1-tfded as an additional slight to the marriage. Bishop Turner, a prominent colored keortfan. urges the young men o! his rtoseek homes in the Government wdsof the West instead of clinging to loo Eastern cities and engaging in oo Rations too often servile. Says the Ushop: -You might lake tho bright Jouog man in Georg a and let him comeoutof nrWrH vi ;u ... ..-i lam ui a aia nidu u "Pioma as large as a bed-sheet, but er hehas blacked boots for t three Mt a hotel his manhood is gone tor life.-' . J5? I)nJoa iVw draw attention to Qifference between the peerage and b e Jnstcracy, a difference suggested recent creation of peers. It wU to sveral untitled magnates who essentially members of tbe aiUto JT. and remarks, on the other hand. -min3 lxrd Cairns, al gh a niomKar f iL- 0 -xvi ui iuo peerage, is member of the aristocracy, a dis- ouen lost sight of. One or two W P6CrS are even quite ' un" - tienoos moving in what is 2l Dfemocralic State central com J!r n irnia will make their head- n'th Alexandri ths campaign. Deal! in lhe camPan at which a ?Uc u-islatro was elected in tioa , & Readjaster-Republican coaU ati1811016 and at the Ust Presi- 3ii J .;mPa'K- The central com- f 4.. . togetner at an ear- '. "'"I'UUL inn Ptmniii rrr rt IKMS hion Mue lQe means of its prosecn- 1 I VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. I10EX TO IEW AQVERHSEUEITt. "VlF.w T 8 PAGB Deafness Wasted A Situation W B Kino Tin Roofing . Wahted -Young Ladles Oat Buos Man Wanted Sallaob & Co Moaqultccs : -. P I. Bkidokks & Co tngars r C Millek Tar Heel Llnlcacnt W H Fa v Co -Manilla Booffi C W Yates A Word to Merchants B M McIhtise Making things Lively Ueimsbesoex Miss Cleveland's Book Pabker A TatlorWc Have la Stock liornbam's Improved St uulard Turbine W Springer A Co Mason's Fruit Jars Mukds JSaoxxisas Buffalo LUbU WaUr u Matt. Thompson, Prln Plcdaaoat Sem inary Farmers can save tim and money by getting barbed wire tor their fences, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t We bear of several families who' are to start for the mountains this week. Belter stay at home and keep ool. Blue, white, grey, brown and olive flannel shirls, are sold by Dyer. The visitors to the mountains will take notice. t Se-iren-ty five cents only for the best white unlaundried shirt in the -city, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, Nc. 27 Market St., J. Elsbach. Prop. ' tf The pupils and teachers of Brooklyn Sunday School will meet at Brooklyn Hall at 8 o'clock to-morrow . night for the purpose of practicing some new music. Two very bad white boys drove a cow into the riyer yesterday near the x - Carolina Central Railroad, and she was obliged to swim to Market dock before she could be gotten out. One sailor tramp and one man charg ed with disorderly conduct were the only cases for the Mayor's consideration this morning. The former was held until a vessel could be found for him and tbe other was discharged. The highest tide wbtsh the "oldest inhabitants" remember to have seen on the Sound or at Smithville was that of yesterday. Not a blade of grass could be seen at Wrigbtsville, and the water rose over several of the gangways. It is said that tbe Seaside Club will be converted into a "professional nine" next season, and will join the Southern League. It will be composed of three batteries, and only one of the home, boys is to be retained, and he will hold first base for the revised edition. Dropped Dead Reuben Bryant, colored, dropped dead this morning at the corner of Campbell and Sixth streets. He bad been in poor health for toraertime but was not considered in a critical condition. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death. He was about 55 years of age. and leaves a wife, who is a confirmedinvalid. but no children. Kill Ulnf. One of the savage dogs which made such a fearful assault upon Mr. W. L. Dukes, on the north side of the railroad a few weeks ago, but which was not killed at the time, got upon the war path again yesterday. W.J. Kellogg, col ored, tho owner ofJLhc dog, also owned a calf, and this the brute pitched into and dragged into the street and man gled badly before he could be gotten off. In fact be did not let go his hold upon tbe calf until be was knocked senseless with clubs. The Seasides in italeigli. The Seaside Base Ball Club play the Raleigh Club, at Raleigh, to-day and to-morrow, in speasing ot inem, mo News and Observer says: The Wilmington club has visited Raleigh but once this season, and ev erybody will remember the fine game played witntna nome team, as neiu ers they have no superiors in the State, and they are quiet, gentlemanly play- . . i r rr grs. iney nave secureu jucaurey as Ditcher." ate of the U ncinnati c.uD.jana Lsitzen. a caicnr oi mucn noie. a nese, together with Monroe, late of the Chat tanooga club, and a fine catcher, Kurtz, Kocchogey ana uarris. lorm a team hard to handle. The Raieigh club will put its best men in the field. McElroy has recovered from his sickness and wilCcertainly go in the box for Raleigh. Fitz will catch him. Bennett, House, Cain, Kennedy, &c, &c, will compose the team. This array of baseball talent has never before been on the balLfield in Raleigh and surely should draw large crowds. The above games will be play ed Monday and Tuesday afternoons at i o'clock. Now is the season tor painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to saye money. ' . t WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. AUGUST 10, A Isold ifurgrlary.: Mr. A. Weill, of this city.' residing at the corner of Chestnut and Fourth streets, was on Saturday night the vic tim of a bold burglary. Mr. Weill hjtd in bis possession on Saturday tbe sum ot $160. Thts amount of money was in one large pocket book and in an other there was a smaller sum, amount ing to $13.' On retiring to rest on Saturday night Mr. Weill placed both poeket books under his pillow and soon fell asleep. He slept soundly, more eoundly than usual, hejthinks, and at 3 o'clock be awoke, shivering and chill ed. Tberosecmcd to betf strand op pressiveness upon him and be arose and going into a room occupied by his daughter he found open a window which had been closed be lore Miss Weill weut to sleep. Mr. Weill awoke sev eral of his children and it wa3 an unusually difficult mat ter to do so and hence there are some grounds for belieying that chloroform was administered by the bur burglar. Mr. Weiil then returned hur reidly to his room and on looking for his monry found that tbe large pocket book, with its contents, bad entirely disaspear ed. and the smaller one remaining in its plae?, as though it had been overlooked. Further investigation disclosed the fact that a small tin box in which Mr. Weill kept some valuable papers had been forced open and the papers overt hauled, butTis there were no valuables in the box nothing was missing there from A bureau drawer in Miss. Weill's room had also been forced open and the contents scattered, in a vain search for more money. There is no clue to tbe robber, and there is much mystery as to his mode of entrance. If he gdt in the window- as il is alpost certain that he did, then he must have climbed the trellis work on tbe back piazza. Possibly he might have managed in some way to conceal himself in the house overnight. The loss is a serious one to Mr. Weill and we can only hope that the scoun drelmayyet be detected and the money recovered. Hernotiai Mr. Robert J. Taylor, of Wilson, N. C, is in the city on a brief visit to his brother. Mr. J.W. Taylor."- Mr. Joe Merritt left on this morning's North bound train for a visit to friends in Duplin and Sampson counties, and intends to be absent about two weeks; Rev. Dr. Pritchard has returned from Wadesboro, and be preached at the First Baptist Church here yesterday. A letter received Irom Capt. W. M. Parker this morning states that he is still at Harttord, Conn., and is fast regaining health and strength. . Mr. J. T. Bland, of Burgaw. Pender county, was in the city on prolessionai business this morning. He reports that the crops in his section are looking finely, but are beginning to need rain. Mr. Ben. Kendall. of Wadesboro, has been appointed a mail route agent on the Carolina Central Railroad. He takes the place vacated by Mr. Rollins, and will enter upon the discharge of his duties this week. Mr. C. C. Corbin, who recently re signed his position in the Signal Office, has succeeded Mrs. Leo in the boarding house on Market street, opposite this office, the change taking place to-day. Mr J. 1). Nutt. tho druggist, who went to Asbeville with the Wilmington Light Inlantry, and who has been sick ever since the return of the Company, has recovered and is now regularly at business again. Lincolnton Press: Capt. W. ' A. Cumming and family, after a short so journ at Blowing Rock, returned here last week. Cart. C. finds that the at mosphere and water of Lincolnton ate of more benefit to his health than that of any other place be has visited. Jury of Inquest. Oh Thursday afternoon last a son of Mr. George W. Hughes and a son. of Fred Bennett, colored, aged about 13 years respectively, got into a quarrel on the North side of the railroad and the latter threw a rock which hit young Hughes. Upon this Hughes struck tbe colored boy and hit him in the stom ach. Oo Friday morning Hughes was arrested and taken before Justice G. P. Rourk. charged with an assault and battery upon Bennett, when he submit ted the case and was discharged . upon the payment of a small fine and the costs. Yesterday the Bennett boy died under circumstances such as made it necessary for a coroner's inquest to be held to investigate the cause ot death. Coroner Jacob, this morning, sum moned a jury and held an inquest in the grand jury room in the Court House, where tho witnesses were subpoenead III tdjppear.and where they were examin ed by Solicitor B. R. Moore. Dr. F. W Potter, City Physician, testified that he made a. post mortem examination of the deceased and found no laceration or bruises of the .Intestines, but that he found a fatty degeneration of the heart,' which from a slight cause might result in death. Witnesses were examined but their testimony was not important as bearing upon the cause of death. The verdict of the jury was that "the decased came to his death from causes unjruown." . j - lhe following composed the jury of f AItM&frr -John II olio way, foreman ; M. L. Morton. Washington McNeill, Geo. Peiman, P. P. Lockhart and P. Carr. AVill not Attend. . .- . i We regret to know that Capt. S. W. Nobles will not be in 'attendance at the Fruit Fair at Greensboro, with his fine display of grapes. The fact is his crapes are all off and marketed, the greater portion ot them having been shipped to New York where he receiv ed 25 cents per pound lor them. As thi3 section of the State is at least from two to three weeks in advance of the middle and Western porlionsof tbe State we think it would bo advisable for fruit growers to organize an East ern fruit fair. Uhder the present or ganization the fruit fairs, will always be held about the middle of August for the reason that the nurserymen in the middle and Western I portions of the State have no fruit until about that time, while fruit growers in this section been have selling their products for nearly a mouth and their best varieties are all consumed before the Western crops begin to ripen. ft Beats All. How trade does keep at Slider's is the remark often made by visitors and frequently overheard. It is indeed a matter of great surprise while nearly every (we may say every) clohting house is complaining of dull business. This encourages us to do still batter. Depend upon us always. Depend upon us always ior the best of everything at the lowest price. Remember, it will pay you to trade with the Old Reliable. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 1 14 Market st. Sign of lhe Golden Arm. t We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. NEW ADVJEKISEMENTS y i f; auglO tf Wanted- A SITUATION BY ONE WHO 13 NOT afraid of work. Having had 20 years ex perience as a Druggist, that business would be preferred But It matters not what it la ; something to make a living ia the object. - Apply at It IS VIEW OFFICE. anglO It Star eoyy and tend bill to Re view Office. J. II. JONES, 11 VERY, SALE, BOARDING J AND EXCHANGE STABLES. Ho'ecs, Mules, Bugg'cs and Carriages for sale or hire, stiict attention paid to boarding horses. No 312 Princess, bet. 3rd and 4th sts , Wilmington, N. C. auglO We Have in Stock rjJHE BEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES. Kerosene Oil Stoves. 1 in and Sheet Iron Ware and House Ifurnlshlng Goods to be found in the city. If you want FIRST CLASS goods at bottom pric: s call at FARKER TAYLOR'S, aug 10 23 South Front St Mason's Fruit Jars. -yyE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send In your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 13. 21 A 23 Market Street, ang 10 Wilmington. N. O. NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO Weak MORE EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain. Safe and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sigbtedncss, and Re storing the Sight of the Old. , Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Bed Eyes, Hatted Eye Lasbes, and Pro ducing Quick Belief and Perma . nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors. Salt Rheum, Burns. Plies, or wherever Inflammation exists, MITCIXEL1S SALVE m be used to adrant&e. Sold brail Druggists at 25c. 1885. NO. 185 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Making We are closing cut all DRY GOODS CARPETS & MATTINGS at such prices as are telling. Almost anything you wish (except money) we have and if you are in the mood for buyinv, we may be mutually benefited. BLEACHED SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS of goccf quality at lowest Driccs CLOSING OUT EMBROIDERY. A broken lock in this linoand : SET WE WILL SELL TIIEM. S - Corsets. Corsets. We can suit you and no mistake. - 1 BLACK CASHMERE. Now i3 your time and this your-opnortunitv A FEW RUGS Verv. vcru chenn. Kntnihic CARPETS-The remainder of this jerseys a. specialty. aug 10 IVian Wanted! SALARY 075 to 100 for our business la hi. locality. Kesnontibl. hnus.. Reference exchanged. Addrcs, lnEoslish. GAT BKOS., 19 Bartlay Street, Jf. Y. aug 10 4w daw TIEAFNESS its CAUSES and CURE, by cne AJ who was deaf tvrentv eight years. Tieat- cd by rnrst of the noted. specialists of the day witnno benent. cttreafttjnsevintnreemontns, abd since then hundreds of others by same process. .A plain, simple and successful home treatment . Address T. . PAGE. 123 East 26th St . New York City. auglOdlw. TVT0SQUIT0EStoaMrod Xlirc Mosquito Bite Cure, Uc3 Instant relief, and drives them away, aaurcus bALLa.DE & CO . ug!0 4w 8 East ISth St., New York WANTED Yourg T adies In city or country to work for ua at the'r homes ; fascina ting employment; no instructions to buy; work can be sent by mail (distance no objec tion) ;$ (i to $9 per wees can be maae; no can vassing, particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents In stimps. Please ad dress, Home Manufacturing Co., Hoston, Mss. P. O. Box 1915. aug 10 dw 4w Established FAY'S lb6S. MANILLA ROOFING ! Resembles fine leather; for ROOFS. OUr- RlLE WALLS, and INSIDE in place of Plas ter. Very 6trong and durable. CARPETS and RUGS of same material Catalogue with testimonials and samoles i REE .W.-.1I. FAY & CO , Camden, N. J. aug 10 4wd&w Piedmont Seminary. A - SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIUL.3. Wide-awake and up to the times. Prac ileal course, practical teachers and practical methods. Prepares for College or liDSiness. Has a reputation for thoroughness and good discipline. Location healthy. Of easy access by railroad. Next session be a Ins i:h Tues day In Aug. 18S5. . For circular, &c, seed to W. MATT. TXlUMJaUN, tTTVa.; aug 10 d&w4w Lincolnton, N. C. BURNUAM'S IMlMtOVED STANDAUD Turbine Is the BEST constructed and finished Turbine In the world. It gives better percentage with part orfull prate, and is sold for LESS MONEY per Horse Power than any other Turbine. Pamphlet Free by Burnham Bros., York, Pa. aug 10 4 w A Word to Merchants, JJBFORE SENDING OFF FOR YOUR Fall supply of BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE STATIONERY, let us give you prices, and see what I can save you. CHECK BOOKS, DRAFT BOOKS, Ac, made to order MISS CLEVELAND'S BOOK, George Eliot's Poetry, and other Stories; price $1.50. C. W. YATES, aug 10 119 Market St Cigars. Cigars. rjHE FINEST LIE OF CIGARS KEPT in the city is at our store. OCR LEADER" Is the best FIVE-CENT CIGAR ever put on this market. Our "ZEE VANCE" ia an ele gant "after-dinner" smoke f r five cent). We claim tkat our Cigars are THE BEST to be obtained We make some pretensljEs to be able t j tell what a gocd Cigar U. We will also throw in a bx of matches - -' , ever 7 time a Cigar is bought. The matches were bought low dawn, and you do not get a cheaper Cigar to pay for tfcem. . TRY OUR CIGARS. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., HO North Front St. aug 10 -. , TIZL3 KOTICJT - Tfa TTUl ha Ud to rtc&vs ciausaciciCoa fxoa our tricafia on ay tal ill "rettec t'. Reaerallntcrsatbat : Tta Mum oS lae writer mtrst always bJt 3ahd to tte Editor. " ' Communications mat! j irrlttta ca c one side of tho paper. Personalities must be avoided -Aad itia especially "axd parttculxrly crd tood Uiat the Editor does not always en dot tho views of correspondent!! 'atlret o sutt la the ed! torial coluians. v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: things Mvely ! Corsets. stock away down. . , " . R. M. nicirJTIRE. licchahite Excursion. UlH TENT NO. 6). I O. R WII L D11IVK AN 1XCCRSION fon the PAS& nff-T,.i ??vlllc aml the Forts, on TUES DA, the 11th lest. Mufic bv tte HarpcYs. t r?? Vh1 clt7,yrl. Faro for round trip 50c. ; children half price. Committee II B. Bishop, T. S Tblar.J. X. Spoencr and R B Eeglsttr nag 8 TIN HOOFING, JJOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING Tin and. Sheet Iron Wave made to order Stove Pipes. Elbows, &c , 4 c. orucr. . Jobblnir o-cnrrnliv ' W. E. KING, . Practical. Tinemfth aug 10 Cti t and Water strcctj 'Pat ITirkl I J... a. pOK INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL UE. Ely'e i Cream Ealm and Wl.De.Veyprs Ca. O" I v- f W C MILLER'S, v Cortcr Fourth and Nun -is aug 10 Miss Cleveland's Book, QEOrgk ELIOT'3 POETRY AND OTHER STORIES, by Rose Eli, tbeth Cleveland. . The Fan Franc.itco Chronio!e says Miss not In the least a UuotSkiSg!Wi2oJalg aSSi' 'Msa C1" eland S u ipe or robust Ampr!an mnrx.u.i feelings akin to those of thtVTu trywomeD LI V W lllllfTl n Il K .1 1 . . neart." is ii uruau ana generom Uoutd in clollKonly. J'orsalo at Price f 1. 50. P. HKINSBERGER'S. l ive Book and Music Stores aug lo Ham Sausage ! JUST RECK1VZD A SHALL LOT OF HAM SAUSAGE Packed in Jelly. Tho most delicious thing. Call at Crapon's Family Grocery and exam ine for souraclt. Geo. M. Crapon. LL3JL. J J So Front St. A Polite Ilequest. NUMBER OF PERSONS OWE ME small bills past due . Fach amount Is small of Itself and mlgat be paid without much ex ertlon; in the aggregate the amount li quite large. Thi3 being the season when' a shop keeper needs money most, I would esteem It a special kindness on.the part of my friends to make an early settlement JNO. J. HEBItlCKi Fresh Every Bay, J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON ubuc i to keep a fresh supplyof Apples, Peach C3, Watermelons, and n"a ot vegeubles. nucleus, Kfrga, Ac. Will sell at reasonable pneca. Give me a call. .V-M. D. HUMPHREY, juiy -u -Aavis' row near New Market Buffalo Lithia Water No. 2. THRESH LOT .TfTST lWnv nnivft.n f A Case- Congress Water, fresh. Hathorn water, iresh. Deep Rock, Saratoga and Tike pEom are the renufne water urr. rfiimmt , our Soda Counter. Up to' the times with the beat Goods and reaf onable prices. Coxe and see us at lot N. ront t ' Joiya MUND3 BEOS. Pig Fish! Pig Fish! QOOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT PINK GROVE Our SHARPIE and other Iteats Qa5, fiTA mlnuIcs' Btlce with OWKN JUNES (best boatman on tbe Sound) and his two bo s always on tho loo-out lo take you saiLng. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated Telephone No 7 ) June 27 ED. WILSON MANNING. Front Street. Smltliyille, C. GEO.' W . DAVIS and D. L. BENDER, Prop' -irEALS AT ALL HOURS. Flsb, Clams. ITl. Crafcs, ferved In all styles, at short FIrt class Brr fltLsri.ii July 27 1m Cool, Cooler, Coolest. JOT THE WEATIIKR. BCT THAT D1T U6IOUS BEER, at.VcSOWAK'J. Step In And try u. . - ' ; aog-