1 - aerted by J0S,IT. JAMES, Option POSTAGE PAID: ' sCB?CBlFi monthB J2.00. Thrt '.p., one month. 35 cent, pnttf. ; ,,eliverel by carriers free fS P ari r thf city. h bo rty0- , ,tfuio an J UberaL AJvcr. wju report any and all fall. '..'nrir paper regularly, es "'r r.i- litruw kas the largest ' ';!r,; alvjn. of any newspaper .;, rit of Wilmington. .,i,a- " jnCAL NEWS. - .a ririDCUCirt - 1 V f . 1 I . TT7 A . . r ! 13 hour? and 27 minutes. py - Tacre n( Clly Cw5irt V"3 mrn" .. c,nf. t-m'm afternoon at 47 Tre wa "iie 'nVcrraGDt in Oakdale Celery this week, that of a child. There was -r. interment in Bellevue Orr.c'.ery ti.i wtf. that of a child. TheK'-2,fr jl Deeds issued two niS,n)2e ::c---r.ce3 this week,, both for ivlc"'- .Tarr.ir's Almanac speak.3 of cold wiiU.eraseaiiy'a the latter part of .vjtoajber. - jt.cre will he no preaching or other Htrvicoi a i First Presbyterian Cii'.ircb t;-:ii'ro-A. Can yu lo without underwear ?" -Ccrtai&iy not.' Tiien get your outfit tntn Du.u at (Jllce'! There were five interments in Prnc Forest Ce:j;tti;ry this week, three ,iu!ts and twu children . h wulkir.'n. I driving or riding, if everyone wuuM ir to the right, much confusion and trouble would be avoid ed. hast night was much cooler than it bad been lor several of the preceding nights. aDd sleeping was a com fort as well as a luxury. j liev. K S. Alderman will preach in the Second .Preiyierian, Church to niorro.v evening. There will be no morning servieis Farmers from ouic sections in this vicinity bein to complain pf the dry weaihur, and say that rain is very much needed With them to make the crops i success. ? h is about time for tho appear aocecfthe first bale of new cotton. Tr.e lirst bale last year was received on the 23th of August, and that date is not far off. - The pulpit of the Fifth Street M. E Church will bo filled to-morrow morn ing by Rev. B. U. Hall and to-morrow evening at S o'clock by tho Pastor, Rev. IK II. Tuttlc We have been requested to state that Rev. I). 11. Tattle will preach at the Front St. -vet M. E. Church to-morrow luornin? at 11 o'clock and Uev.' B. R. Hall to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior Penn., are tho leading cook stoves, both in quali ty and price They -can be seen at Jacmui's Hdw. Depot. f Io the match game of base ball at Durham , play eij -yesterday, the Seasides cre the victor?. The score stood 15 for the Seasides and 2 for the Dnrhams. The lormcr club is expected to arrive hoaieto-tuorrow morning. ' Tha Germania Gurnet" Band have Noted their headquarters from Tien kca"sHa!l to Vollers Hall, opposite New Market. Tho band now nurri fcers 1G pieces, who meet . every night f'" practice Jand arc making commen dable pi"0re;s. - - ' The chandeliers "have been placed in Fifth Street M. E . Church and the ,:uproveruent3 are so ncariy completed 'hat night services, which have been asjH;ndeJ for several weeks, will here a,ter hi held commencing with to morrow evening. Mr- Juihi3 Taylor of this city has a feaarkable hen. She has presented Jn with three eggs laid on alternate The first is about-the size of a Pigeon egg, the second of. a partridge ej? and the third of a bird egg. After fiog the last she concluded that she Wls 'ired and stopped to rest awhile. ou'a find her smiling night and day, A though at times she la not gay. tm ell0uld you wonder why you meet nu constant smile, regard her teeth. pne only ugh those gems to show, n Wch sOZoDOST makes white as snow. Laughter Lends a Cliarnr o beauty when it discloses a prettj 'Of teeth. Whiteness, when nature taav ki)plied lhis element of loveliness, th U retained through life by using lQe 'ragrant SOZODONT. tal, l,IXUs Glue.": mends Furni irorfc yS' Crockerv-al1 ornamental u,n--TarlIee Liniment .V.tA Word to Merchants Cw .. Af;,a Asnland'a Book M . I r ... ..lu: k ' : l mm 1 JI Jli VOL. IX. August is half gone already. . Fifty cents a peck for reaches is tco much. - Another fine shower of rain this af ternoon. - j Canteloupc? have about disappeared and watermelons are preparing to lol. low suit. v AtJFo'clcck this afternoon the ther. tnometetln-this office registered 88 de grees, with the wind from the South. A match game of base ball was play ed this morniog on the orner of 'Sey cnth and Dock streets, between the lit view, Capt. J. II. ifanby, Jr., and the Star, Capt. J. Penny; tho game resulted for tho Review in a score of 11 toC. . Unfortunate. Mr. D. H. Walsh, wh6 lives on Sev enth St., between Mulberry and Walnut, has been twice victimized within the last week. In the first instance they came like a thief in the night and stole an axe, and a night or two after they came and stole a number ot chickens. It is easy, enough to understand what the thieves wanted ot the poullry, but there is some doubt as to what they wanted of the axe unle33 it was for the purpose of decapitating the chickens. lp or Accommodation. A gentleman who resides on South Second street ha3 been much annoyed by people sleeping under his house nearly every night, and on Thursday last concluded that he would find some way to put a stop to it. Accordingly be secured a large otter trap and set ii under tho house, making it fast to one of the pillars which support the struc ture. -Yesterday morning he found the trap sprung, with epots of blood upon it and other evidences of a struggle, from wh ch ho thinks that some would be lodger got caught, and not liking the way tbo bed wa3 made, sought some otherTesting place lor his weary limbs, with as little noise a3 possible, so as not to disturb the family. ' Prof. Otis F. Manson, M. JD. We are gratified to learn from the Richmond Slate that Dr. Oris F. Man son was chosen Emeritus Professor of Physiology and Pathology in the Medical College of Virginia. Dr. Manson is a medical scholar of hieh standing, having been a student from the earliest days of his remarka ble medical career to the present time. He is a native ot Richmond, but won his substantial fame in North Carolina, and it was as a North Carolinian that he was intrusted . with the noble and helpful institutions for bis adopted State in Richmond an admirably sup plied ho pital forthe sick and wounded, and a refreshment bouse for the sol diers en route to and from tho army which were conducted with so much satisfaction to all interested. Gov. Vance said of him : 'As Medical Agent ot North Carolina and chief of the hospjtal assigned to the sick and wound ed from this State, during the war, he endeared Himself cot only to mc, but to all of our people." - - Dr. Manson's skill in teaching and his storehouse of mature learning should not be relegated dimply to an emeritus chair, but engaged for the ac tive business of a college that needs the best men just now. Literary. , Harper's Magazine for September is an attractive Number- General Horace Porter's "Reminiscence of General Grant" will command the reader's at tention." The article is accompanied by an entirely new par.rait. The Num ber opens with an illustrated article on Labrador. An illustrated paper on the English tmblishing house of Murray is ot interest to literary people. The art paper ot the Number is an interesting sketch of Antoine Louis Barye, by The odore Child, with sixteen illustrations. One of the illustrations, -The Tiger Hant n serves as a frontispiece -to the number. R. F. Zogbaum, the artist, contributes an animated sketch of a march Across Country with a Caval ry Column," with five illustrations. In serial fiction the two best American novelists Constance Fenimore Wool son and W. D. Ho wells are represent ed.v J. S. Billings, M. D., contributes an article of vital interest on "Sewage Disposal inJCUies." In many ways the most important contribution to the Number is Charles Dudley Warner's "Impressions of the South." Mr. Warner finds that the feeling of nation ality has nowhere developed 90 rapidly of latn as at the South, and -ho is "con vincsd that this is a genuine develop ment of attachment to the Union and of pride in the nition." WILMINGTON. N. C. SATUR DAY. AUGUST Pharmaceutical Association. At the recent meeting of the State Pharmaceutical Society held in Greens boro the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year : President, II. R. Home, Fayctlevllle; first vice presi dent. A. W. Rowland, ot Wilson; sec ond vice president, F. W. Hancock of Newbern ; third vice president, John Tull, of Morganton; secretary. J C. Mund?, of Statcsvfllo; local secretary, B. E. Sedberry, of Fayetteville ; treas urer, A. "S. Lee, of Raleigh. The asso ciation adjourned to meet at Fayette ville the second day of August. 1880. r Fearful Accident. -l Yesterday a3 the freight train on tho Wilmington & Weldon Railroad was leaving the station at Dudley ,in Wayne county, and while it was in motion, a man named Pennington, who lives about 12 miles fronr Mount Olive, en deavored to get upon the 6hanty. car, but missed his foothold snd was drag ged a considerable distance before the 1 rain, con Id be stopped so that he could be extricated. lie was fearfully man gled and, although ho was ajivo last night and was brought to Mount Olive on the passenger tain , there is hardly a possibility of hi3 recovery. Two of his brothers were on the train at tho time of the accident, having succeeded in getting on board before the train started. , Shark Fishing" On Thursday last the fishing party which went out from the Rocks did not catch any sharks, nor, indeed, did they hang any. But at the Rocks, on tho steamboat wharf at that place. Capt. Mayo and Mr. Fred Hashagansuccecd ei in catching a young shark, about six feet long and weighing perhaps 125 punds. They also hung one much larger, apparently twice the size of the other, aud they had him fairly out of tb.3 water, but while waiting for help from the hotel to pull him up he man aged to cut the line aud made off with the hook in him. That which was caught was shot five times by,Mr. John Miffitt while suspended above the water. lie was taken off oir- tbePass port by a country visitor who took it honi9 with him to astonish the na tives. I'ernonai Dr. W. G. Curtis. of Sraithville, wss in the city to-day. Mr. Isaac Macks, of Baltimore, Md. is in the city on a visit to his son, Mr. J. I. Macks. Capt. E. J. Pennypacker, after quite a prolonged absence, .returned to the city last night. Dr. A. T. Jone3. of the New Orleans Time's-Democrat, i3 in the city and reg istered at the Purcell House. We are glad to state that Captain Henry Savage, whose sickness we men tioned yesterday, is reported as being considerably better this morning. We were glad to see Capt. W. A. Cumming upon our streets this morn ing. He is yet rather feeble, but in much better health than he was before his trip to the mountains. CoU'W. P. Craighill was in the city yesterday and went down tho river on the steam tug Jat. T. Easlon, in com pany with Capt. W. H. Bixby and Mr. Henry Bacon, on a tour of inspection ot tho government works. Mr. Robert R. Bellamy, who has been in attendance upon the meeting ot thoN. C. Pharmaceutical Association, for the purpose of an examination as a druggist, has returned to the city. The Goldsboro paper, from which we gathered the information that Capt. J. C. Borden was not so well as he has been. Was mistaken, as we are happy to learn that bi3 health has decidedly improved. Mr. W'Aldcn Jatncs, who was last Simmer engaged on the government works near Georgetown. S. C, but who has more recently been with Gen. Ransom on the Neuse rivor, is in the City tor a few weeks. Mr. N. Jacobi will leave here on Monday next for Winston, N. C , to be in attendance upon the meeting of the Grand Lodge nights ot Honor, which will convene in that town on the 19th inst., and of which ho is one of the offi cers. Tfaenca he wilt gn to Bostcn. Mass, as Supreme Representative of North Carolina to the Grand Council American fegion of Honor, which will covenc in that city on the 25tn inst. His wife .will go with him and Mrs. I. L. Greenewald will accompany them as far as Raleigh. Gent's Waiusulfa Jeans Drawer?, equal to linen, ail sizes, at GO cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market St., J. Elsbacii, Prop. tf The liast Base Ball. The game with Wilmington, - which will probably be played to-morr0w; says yesterday's Xews and Observer, JtfiU be the last straggle ot the Raleigh baseball club. It will then die a natur al death, it3 professional players will beJ released, and home folk have to handle te bat and ball if it is done at all The club's finances arc in a bad condition. Itiji3 no exception to a pretty general rule in the South this year, it appears, for in ' Atlanta.' Macon, Norfolk and other places the same trouble exists. fThero have been some grand gamf played during Tthe seisbu and - sonic exceedihgly poor . ones. Baseball, properly regulated, is the cheapest and most exciting ot amusements. s Certainly the Raleigh people, taking things by and large, have had their money's worth. There has been some poor management, re sulting in bad playiDg and lack ot concert, yet much of tho season the .management was able.- It is not known how the championship matter will stand. Raleigh is cow tar ahead in the race, but loo much money is be ing lost, owing to small attendance and failingofFin interest, to permit the con sideration of winning to weigh for mcch. Thero were no exports foreign of cotton or naval stores from this port this week, which 13 - an, extremely un common orcurrence for Wilmington. It is Impossible For any concern that pays for their goods to undersell SHRIER, for the two following reasons: isi. oiikieh pays spot casL aor every dollar's worth of goods purcsed. 2ud. Our light expenses and econ omical arrangements'enable us to sell goods at the very smallest profit possi ble, and our percentage of profit is fre quently much less than it . costs other clothiers to pay" for their enormous daily expenses. Tn -other words Shriek's expenses average about one third or less. This being tho case, our doing a big business lowers tho per centage. We will cheerfully, refund your money if goods are not found sat isfactory and will gladly send goods to your homes for comparison with goods from! other stores. It pays to trade at the Old Reliable's all tho year round. Convince yourself of the fact. Siirier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arrn. t Now is the season tor painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save. money. t Church Services : To-Morrow. Second rresbyterLan Church, corner of Fourth i ana. uampneu streets. ev. o.v , Primrc-ee, Pastor.' No services In the morn insr. Sunday School a 4 p m. Rev. E. 8 Alderman will conduct services at S.15p m. rayer meeting Wednesdays at 8.15 p. m. " First Baptist Church, comer of Market and rim, ' atraota Ttpv. T. TT.' Pritc.hard. 1). D.. pastor. Sunday School at 9 30 a. m. Services -sy-k-ar . -m- 1 T M at Jl a. m. ana o 13 p. m. rrayeranu jrraisu meeting Thursday night at 6.15 o'clock. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Niin and Church streets, Rev. 1. II. Tuttlc, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 4 p.m. No services at night. . Front Street M. E. Church, South, corner of Front and Walnut streets. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 74fc p m. 'Sabbath school at 3 p. m., W. M. Parker, superintendent. Prayer meeting and lecture Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Christian Association Tuesday evening after lirst and third Sabbaths, at S o'clock. Scats free and strangers and visitors cordially invited. a t St Thomas' Pro-CathcdraL First ; Mass at 7 am. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock pni. Daily Mass at 6:30am.- ; Religious services in'Tileston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P M Public cordiaUy ; In vited. Christ Church (CongregationaliBt)Nnn street between Sixth and Seventh. Kcv; I. D. Dodge, minister. Preaching services at 11 o'clock, a. m. and S o'clock, p. m. Pastor's Bible Class at-12.15 p.-ni, Prayer and Praise meeting, Wednesday, 8 o'clock, p. m. Snnday School, 3 o'clock, p. m.. in Memorial Ilall, corner 7th ami Nun sis. Second Baptist Church, on Sixth, between Church hnd Castle streets, liev. J. P. King, Pastor. Services at 11a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 9 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. . Services st St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and M ulbcrry streets, are as fallows : On faun days, Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock, and Eve ning Prayer at 6 o'clock. Sunday School at St. Barnabas' School House at 4 p. m. First Baptist Church, (col.) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, A. M. Conway, pastor Preaching at 11 a. m. and 3 p.m. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. , - .'-- DIED. McUOLLUsf Died iatlia city, on the mora lng of 15th Inst., after a shOTt llbacss, Mrs. Eju1Zj McUCOLLUM, wife of the late Archibald McCollum. fcr aged 75 years. The funeral will take rlace from the resi dence of her son-in-law. Jno. H. Hanby, No 115 8. Sixth street, oa Sunday, at 4 o'clock, p. nr. interment at Oakdale Cemetery. Star copy . . NEW ADVEBISEMJENTS. fllHK TAX BOOK FOB TtlS TEAR :iS5 A ha3 been put la my hands fr collection. Those I. te: cstcd will plciss take notice. - JOHN D. TAYLOR, . aug 15 et Tax Collector. 15 , 1885. NO. 190 NEW AD VBKTISEMJEN Ttt. " CLOSE OUT PRESENT STOCK-OF , CARRETSIl THE PRICES ARE SO LOW Also ail Dress Goods Arc being sold at low figures. Come and see us, we have almost anything desired Th rpmninrlor fit rlnsor Jerseys a specialty. " ang 14 WE HAVE MOVED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST. , "where wc will vkeep (asusua-) The Largest Assortment OF- Liquors Cigars and Tobacco of any house in tho city. Be pleased to have our friends and patrons call H. BRUNHILD & BRO., 114 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. 0. aug 14 State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover. uperior Court Aujuet Lessman vs Duncan M. Bryast. This is an action for the foreclosure of a mortgage of real estate in the County of New Hanover executed by the Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, to the Plaintiff, August Less man, and it appearing to my catlsfaction that the Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, ia a non-resident of this State and cannot after due dili gence be found therein ; that ire has property in this State, and that a cause of action exists again3t the Defendant; - now this Is to com mand the said Defendant, Duncan M. Bryant, to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of New "Hanover County, to be held at the Court House in the city of Wilmington, op the third Monday after the first Monday in September, 1885, and answer or demur to the complaint, or judgment will b3 rendered against him according to law. Thi3 27th day of June if 85. S. VanAMRINGE, Clerk of Superior Court of june 27 lawGw s New Hanover County "y i w- aug 10 tf Fresh Every Day. J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL CON tlEuc to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach cs. Watermelons, and all kinds of Vegetables, Chickens, Kfgs, Ac. Will sell at reasonable prices. Give mc a call. C M. D. HUMPHREY, July 20 "Davis' Bo ". near New Market Cool, Cooler,; Coolest ! j-OT THE WEATHER,! BUT THAT DE LICIOUS BEER, at McGOWAN'd. JRtepia and try it. ang 7 NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO Weak MORE EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for ; SORE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightednesa, and Re storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lasbes.and Pro - duclng Quick Relief and Penna nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used In other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Barns, Piles, or wherever inflammation exists. MITCHELL'S SALVE may be used to advantage. soia dv ail uruzzists at c arg l w On Corn, Peanuts r and Potatoes IJIRY CARBONATE OF LIME, i fii lAtu )vuu ivirtix RESULTS ASTONISHING. Addrea - FRENCH BROS.. ialj it Rocky Point. N. C. 3V a? : ''x'Cz-.-raSAs:5 OTica"-"'.V':"-"V TTwmi t glj to rte&v eoamaaseauoB troa on? friends on aay- taJ an :abjtj K? : J Th tame of tht writer mn always t:? ixmnnnnications nut b wrttus n nl oaealdeof Um paper. ; rersonaEUca must be aT0lde74 ' And n la especJaUT and particularly tad tood that the Editor dees not always endoi the views or correspondents nnl4 so sutt In the editorial column. - SEW AOVEItTISEaiEKTS: YOU WILL BE SURPRISED J22 nrfpps lhnn nrnr nirml ; . . Turkish Bath ioapl r. nj. aicirjTiRE. J. All XvuUl IX, JJOOF REPA1B1NG AND PAINTING. Tin .and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, c, 4 c. Jobbing generally. - W.E. KING, j.'rinccss,bct. rront ani Water Streets aug 10 , " Tar Ireel Liniment. JpOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Bahn and Wel-Dc-Ycvcr's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock'of Tatcnt ' F C. MILLER'S, aug 10 Coraer Fourth and Nnn sts Miss Cleveland's Book,. ; QEORGE ELIOI3 POETRY AND OTHER STORIES, by Rose Ei2abcth"cieTClanil. The San Francisco Ch Cleveland la a highly educated, thoughtful woman, just a little bit of an esprit fort, but not In the least a blue stocking. Jicr bookti sure to be veiy interc3tlrg. Miss Cleveland la atrpe of robust American womanhood, with feelings akin to those of the rest of her coun trywomen. She has a broad and generous heart." . Boucd in cloth only. Price fl .50 - For. sale at P. IIKlvsitKPf:ir.r?' aug lo live Book and Music Stores Buffalo Lithia Water No. 2. IRESH LOT JUST IN BY BOTT'E OR ; Caso. Congress Water, fresh- Hathorn water, fresh. Deep Rock, Saratoga and Tate Jj-peom are the genuine waters wo dispense at our Soda Counter. Up to the times with tho best Goods and reasonable prices. Cone and sec us at 104 N. Front ft. July 9 . MUNDS BROS. 1'jg 1 i8Ji ! Tig Fish ! Q,OOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT TIKE GROVE Our SHARPIE and ' other Boats ready at live -minutes' notice wiih OWEN JONES (best boatman on the Sound) and his two bo j s always on the lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No 7i June 27 ED. WILSON MANNING. A Word to Mf rcliants, gBFORE SENDING OFF FOR YOUR Fall supply of BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE STATIONERY, let us give you prices, and C! W Ii f f O on vrt w- . ' " " CHECK BOOKS, DRAFT 1500KS, Ac, iuiue io oruer ; MISS CLEVELAND'S BOOK, George' Eliot's Poetry, and other Stories; price $1.50. . j a . - C. W. YATE9, aug 10 119 Market St . Cigars. Cigars. rjlHE-FINEST Ll E OF CIGARS KEPT In tlte city is at our store. f,OUR LEADER" 13 the ben FIVE-CENT CIGAR ever put pn ata market.. Our ;ZEB vANCE";,!s an ele ganl "after-dinner" smoke fr Are cents. We claim tkat our Cigars arc THE BEST to be cbtalncd - . - '..,' Wc make some preteotiora to be able t tell what a tear A CAvnr fa. We will also throw in a box of matches every lime a Cigar , ii bought. Tho matches were bought low dawn, and you do not get cbeiper CTgar to tay fcr ttcm. TRY OUR CIGARS. . P. L. BEIDGERS & CO., HO Korth Front St. ane 10 Smithville and the Sound ARE THE PLACES FOR PLEASURE ,ai,V "creation, and JOHN WER VER'8 Barbershop U th place for Hair Cutting. Egg Shampooing, frhav leg and Hair Dyeing of every shade None but llrat clafs workmen employed and the-Jlncst Perfumes usd Give him a call at So. i'J Market street. letweca Water ami Front sts., Wllmingtch, N. C. mayiu tf

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