arena;. Boadaya tx- eeotcd bj JOSH T. JAME8, POSTAGE PAID: .iiO. Six months. $2.09. Three jot , , (lf,. nncmoain,ceni6. , wii be delivered by carriers free raP , part of the city, at the abort c inta per wee. r'-'orj' rtes low and liberal. Ad .r will report any and HI fall. . theft- paper regularly. w t h rirntliiion. of any newspaper , niy of mimingUm jOCAL NEWS. .Kjririt:4(ITI cornet for.-. rtC!ul.rx:ortlon . ? SaUR-TarHcdUn Iraent V Yat-A Word to Merchants -?r.BEBOK-Pimo3 and Oigws HT, of ilovoa-Regular Meeting PiPKEB A TAVLoit-Don'tbe Deceived L K I wis Sos-Nc August Mullets , f. K BAi. Ch'mn-BrhUe Notice , w Hakki-. Ctm'n-To Magistrates p fiiKiiwiKU-s A ttwScuppernorg Wine u- k H'Piv.ii-K A Co-Mason's Fruit Jars itvus DKOTiitus-r.uffalo Lithlt Water . , .cave i3 probable for to- A Willi" - - morrow. Ol enough la?t night and this morn ing tor bed kirer. . Tna Standard Dramatic Company play this week in Newbern. Good reports in regard to ihe crops to pour in from all directions. continue The Board of Audit and Finance meet at 5 o'clock this altcrnooa at the City Hall- . Xor. barque Frey, Ilalvorsen, sailed from New Uelfast on the 13th inst for this port. One of the young printers of this citv is very proud and with good reason. It is a girl. E.& W Collars and cuff and the celebrated "Crown Brand" are sold by Djcr at 31 No. Front Street. t There arc several buildings now in process of construction at Smithville, besides many other evidences, ot pros perity and grovth Gent's Wamsutta Jeans Drawers, evial to linen, all sizes, at 00 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Markets!., J. Elsbacii. Prop. tf Pay your taxes. .The city tar book isnovinthe hands of the collector, and the sooner your taxes are paid the quicker the matter will be off your mind. The Seasides returned home yester day morning after an absence of a little mora than a week, It is notkeown defi nitely when they will play here, but the time will be annouueed in a day or two At half past 2 o'clock to-morrow afternoon the contractor for building the iron bridge across Smith's Creek. on the county road, will meet the vouniy commissioners at me oriage "l a r - . lor their acceptance of it. There wa3 a match game of base btil Played at Myrtle Grove Sound last Saturday afternoon between the Ma- sonboro and Rolling Sea nines. The Rolling Sea could not swamp the Ma- sonboroi tb latter were the victors by pUcoraofnto 12. t v imc twiuesteu 10 suite tuai. me excursion of Howard Relief Steam f IV - . ! , 'irecginaCo.. No. 1. which was to wvebeec fiven on Wednesday, the . ncst,,ha3 been postponed Indefi nitely cn account of a death in the fcoiljbf one of the members. ' t V an i having a plenty of, "3eis.Jjin pleasant showei rain and pleasant showers, without -32 sitended, a3 is frequently the case. ireS'3dtq learn, also, that the rain is jcfcocfcid to this immediate locality, "lcxtcoj into the country where it kflteqjto be badly needed. F.eaeiberthe moonlight excursion 01 if-a n.i . ... wport next Thursday nignt. r,i. and-mnsc. pigush and ssa- lancing and making love. Oh, j wBijetime it will be. ;Capt. J. i m thr1r aud iIr- George N:-IIarris tiTtf charge of the party, and they . 'Piri no pains to cater to the en--oyrjeat ?f the excursibbists. i Indications. or tt south Atlantic States, local Mstcrly winds and stationary ' . --- .. . uijrhts of Honor. Carti Vf odge No. 434. Regular aTV"13 eemng at ociock. u an is desired as business of ini--r.snd wiil batr.nM(tMi lt ' Ai hl her smlUng night and diy. As.,; Jn &t times she Is not gay. a ruu you wonder why you meat fr 1 - 48itaul Bmlle. ard her teeth. 'IVil i,uh those gems to show. J OZuiONT makes white as snow. Tj v"aj2hter Lends a Cuorni -tcf'l!? whcQ t discloses a pretty :f.l.a- Whiteness, when nature t , . v Pued this element ot ' loveliness, -:(- ;;etaiDed through life" by using '4-Inv. .. il" t- ' t " ui.le, menas rurm- ivJ8. Lrockerv. nil ornamental 1 i VOL. IX. City Court. . David Alallett, colored and an old ollender. was very drunk yesterday afternoon and was conveyed to the enard house. This morning ho stated that he bad been at work on the Wilson "Cut Off." and wanted to go back there again, and upon his promise to do so at once the Mayor discharged him. The Excursion. The Cornet Concert Club will give a grand excursion toSmithvilleandthe Forts to-morrow on the Passport. They wi'l turn out in full numbers and in their new uniforms, and will play some of their best music for the enter tainment of their guests. It will be gotten up with'a view to a day of pleas ant enjoyment and 'that it will be a success is a foregone conclusion. .Beneficiary. The temperance organizations of the country, of which the Independent Order ol Rechabites is one, have adopt ed a benefit of the members of their order by which they may be insured in sums ranging from $500 to $2,000. The organization is known as tha "Total Abstinence Beneficiary Asso ciation," and any member of any tem perance order can become entitled to the benefit of the Association by pay ing a small admission fee and a quarter ly assessment of 25 cents for each $500 insured. The person insured must re main true to his obligation and retain his membership in the order or he forfeits i his insurance, and the assessments and fees are made small from the fact that temperance prolongs life. Wo bear that the benefits of the association may soon be obtained in this city. . I .1 Personal. Mr. W. B. McKoy and his mother are on an extended trip North. Mr. David S. Cowan, of Columbus county, has gone to Georgia on a busi ness trip. We arc glad to state that Capt. Henry Savage is very much better than he was on Saturday last. Capb J. C. Borden and wife left for the mountains ot Western North Caro lina on this morning's train. Mr. Sol Bear has returned to the city after an absence ot a montn or more passed mainly in the Northern markets Mr. R. II. Chasten, who ha3 been rusticating in Duplin county for the last month, returned to the city last Salur- day night. Rev, Dr. Carmichacl conducted ser vices at Shoo Heel yesterday and Rev Mr. Lewis, Rector of St, James,' preached at St. John's in the forenoon. Rev. B. R. Hall preached yesterday forenoon at Fifth Street M. E. Church, and had a large congregation who were zlad to meet their former friend and pastor. Dr S. C. Ellis left here last night for his old home in Nova Scotia. He will be absent about two weeks' and when be returns he will not be alono. He left a bachelor and will return a benedict. Prof. M. C. S. Noble has returned to (da aUv nffor nn nhaennn of sfivern.1 IUV blVJ weeks, during which time he has been engaged in bis duties as teacher at the Normal School at Newton, N. C. Col. W. P. Canaday. Sergeant at Arms of the United States benale res turned to the city on Saturday night, fronvNew York where he had been in attendance on Gen. Grant's obse quies. . TheN. C. Pharmaceutical Associa tlon, recently in session at Greensboro, rejected nine out of twelve applicants. Mr. Robert R. Bellamy, of this city we are clad to know, was one of the successful applicants. - . V: r It IS Impossible For any concern that pays for their goods to undersell SHRIEK, ior the twofollowing reasons? 1st. SHRIEK pays spot cash for every dollar's worth of goods purchased. 2nd. Our light expenses and econ omical arrangements'enable ns to sell goods at the very smallest profit possi ble, and our percentage of probt is fre quently much less than it costs other clothiers to pay for their enormous daily, expenses. To other words SnniEit's expenses average about one third or less. Thi3 being the case, our doing a big business lowers the per centage. Wo will cheerfully refund your money if goods are not found sat isfactory and will gladly send goods to your homes for comparison with goods from other stores. It pays to trade at the Old Reliable's all the year round. Convince yourself of the fact. SraaEK, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St. Sign Oi me uoiuch aiu- We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De Bun WILMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. AUGUST 17, The Directory. We have received from the publish ers, Messrs DeRosset & Meares. the "Directory of Wilmington for 1885." the publication of which' was necessari ly delayed inconsequence of the fire in their establishment several months ago The book contains 158 pages, is well gotten up, and from a cursory exami nation we should think that it is in the main correct. There are a few errorst where were almost unavoidable, but these are less than we have ever seen before in a directory of this city. -In fact some of the so-called directories might much more appropriately, be styled 'indirectories." The press work and binding of the present number are good and the entire work was perform ed in the establishment of the publish crs. . - Uracclul Warriors The young ladies of this city are or ganizing for the purpose ol giving an exhibition drill with flags, and will meet at the armory of the Light In laniry at o'clock to-morrow night to perfect the organization. The drill wiil be something like that given by the young ladies of Ashevillc during the encampment of the State Guard in that city, and we have not a doubt that it will be an elegant affair, which will re flect credit upon our brave femiuine soldiers and also upon' the city. We believe that, with a very little practice they well acquire a proficiency and pre cision of movement which our soldier laddies might will envy, and ail being arrayed in becoming and uniform at tire they will present a graceful appear ance which will leave their masculine compatriots entirely in the shade. Valuable Lands. Wo have heretofore alluded to the fact that Capt. B. L. Perry, of this city, has entered into a contract with the State to drain 80,000 acres of public swamp lands in Carteret county. These land3 are very rich but it has hereto fore been considered that jt would not pay to drain tbem. Capt., Perry thinks otherwise and wc have reason to be lieve that be will succeed and will make a good thing out of it. The following, from the Beaufort Telephone, shows just what these lands are and what they are capable of producing: Mr. Delamar Wells, wnoresides near the "open grounds" at the bead of North river, has corn which is fourteen feet high from the ground to the top of the tassel and it is nine and a half trom the ground to the car, and this by actual measurement. Wo give this as a mor: sel for those to chew who think those lands will not pay for the drainacc. It wo live to see these lands improved and cultivated, wo shall see Carteret one of the wealthiest counties in the State. Cheapest First-Class Music in the United States. Look at this list of some of the most popnlar music published. Printed on the best heavy music paper, good clear print; full sheet music size, and the same as generally retailed all over the United States at thirty to seventy-five cents per copy. Our . price i3 five cents per copy, or by mail one cent added for postage. We give the retail price, but remember our price is but FIVE cents. We will fend catalogue of 1,000 best selling pieces published, free. Don't pay high exorbitant prices when you can get the same music for about one-eighth the price; see the fol lowing: SONGS. Alice, Where art Thou?. . .Ascher 30c, Ancles Ever Bright and Jb air, Handel 35c. Answers Blumenthal 50c. Blue-Alsatian Mountains. .Adams 50c. Bridge Carew 50c. Bridge Lindsay 35c. Brook.. ...Dolores 35a. Cherry Ripe Horn 35c. Clang.ot the WoodenShoon.Molloy 40c. Dream Faces.... Hutchinson 35c. Esmeralda ... .Levy 35c. instrumental. Chop Sticks, waltz . - DeLulu 25c. Black Hawk, waltz .Walsh 50c. Corn Flower, waltz Cooke 50c. Queen's Lace Hankerchief.Strauss 40c Kaquet. galop iticnarcis iuc. Home. Sweet Home ..Slack 50c. Shepherd Boy Wilson 40c. Warblings at live Kicnaras 4oc. And 1.000 other soncs and instrument al pieces equaily as good as the above only six cents per copy, post free. Send for a copy ot our Musical journal, $1.25 per pear, sample copy twelve cents. i In sending orders alwavs send cash. postoflice older, or postal note, as we get so many stamps we cannot use tbem. also in all cases mention tne pa per you saw our advertisement in. so we may uojusuce 10 uiose papers uiai furnish us business. Address . J. H. THOMAS. Publisher. 4t Albany. N. Y. Asbcville Citizen'. Roan Mountain. Blowing Reck. Morgantoo, Marioc, Round Knob. Black M (fan lain, Hender sonviile; Arden. Turnpike, Waynes ville, Blackwell's. Alexanders. Weaver ville. Warm Springs, and hundreds of Country places, have been and arc filled witn summer visitors, aoa me crow u at each increases. Asheville is reason ably lull. ml Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to JacobVs Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you wan tu save money. t NEW ADVEBISEMENT8 New August Mullets. Q0 BBLS.IN STOSE AND FOR SALE. i-WEET AND FAT. aagl7 W. E. DAVIS & SON Notice. LL YOUNG LADIES WHO DESIRE TO take part la the organization of a Company for the purpose of having a FLAG DRILL, will report at the Armory ot ihe Wilmington uni jnrantry, at s o'ciocje, Tuesday evening. Angu3t ibid. aog 17 It Don't be Deceived, DUY FfRST CLASS GOODS, AT BOTTOM JL PRICES, from HEADQUARTERS for fetoves. Tin and toheet Iron Ware, Pumps, Lamps. Lanterns. Wood and Willow Ware and in fact all kinds of Uousef ornlahlng Goos, NON EXPLOSIVE OIL, at PARKER TAYLOR'S, aug 17 23 South Front St Mason's Fruit Jars. yy E NOW II AVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send In your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER & GO.. 19. 21 A 23 Market Street, ang 17 . , s Wilmington, JN. . CORNET CONCERT CLUB Excursion I rriilE GRAND UNIFORM EXCURSION OF JL . the Cornet Concert Club will be given on the Stmr. l'ASSl'UKT, XUKSUAX, august is, '835. Every arrangement has been made to guarantee a ueiightful trip. The Band will appear; In their handsome new uniforms and give during the day GRAND CONCERT. Befre&hments will be served at very reason able prices. Fare for the round trip 50 cents: cnudren 25 cents. aug 17 it PIANOS AND ORGANS. JEP RESENTING THE GREAT SOUTH EltN MUSIC HOUSE of LUDDEN & BATES, SAVANNAH, GA.. I can now offer purchas or. a cftoicc ui oror two iinndred styles f PIANOS and ORGANS, and give you bargains for cash . or whatever lime yon. may wish to pay for an instrument.' I can offer a Special Di-cou&t to Churches, ifchools, Lodges, Pas tors and Teachers.' Send for Illustrated Cat alomio and our Special Offers and let us dem onstrate how well we can satisfy you in price ana quality, isespeciiuiiy. aug 17 P. 1IKIN3BEEGER. A Word to Merchants, : .' f ' - " ' : T BFORE SENDING OFF FOR YOUR Fall supply of BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE STATIONERY, let us give you prices, and see what I can save you. CHECK BOOKS, DRAFT BOOKS, Ac, mide to order MISS CLEVELAND'S BOOK, George Eliot's Poetry, and other Stories; price $1.50. C. W. YATES, aug 17 119 Market St SPECIAL NOTICE ! T WILL MOVE FROM THE STORE I NOW occupy about October 1st, to one of the new Stores opposite the Market in the Vollcrs' Building. I will sell off goods now in stock at greatly reduced prices and will open in the new store with a larger, h&ndsomer and bet ter stock than I have ever kept, as I will have more room to display the stoci. Respectfully MISS E. KARREPw aug 1? Exchange Corner. Bridge Notice IJHE IRON BRIDGE OVER SMITH'S Creek having bsen tendered by Mr. H. P. Griham, Superintendent of the King Iron Bridge Company, to the Commissioners of New Hanover County for their accsptance, and Inasmuch "as the Maeistrates of thla County delegated the power 1 3 said Commis sioners to build said bridge, the said Magis trates are cordiay Intlted ta meet at the bridge with the Commlieion'rs, at 2 o'clock, p.m., Tuesday.. J Sin Inst, to Join the Com mlsslor era in accepting the simc , HORACE A. BAGG, Chairman' Board Commlsslonera. - ? rpHE MAGISTRATES OF NEW HANO VER COUNTY are rerraestel to 1C present at the above named time and place. ' ; (SIgnea) wl W. HAREISS aogl7 1t Chairman Boird Magistrates. .1 x.v m. 1885. NO. 191 NEW ADVEKTISEMBNTtt. CLOSE OUT PRESENT STOCK OF : THE PRICES ARE SO LOW o-: ' " Also all Dress Goods Are being sold at low figures. Come and see us, we have almost anything desired. MATTINGS ! The remainder at closer Jerseys a specialty. aug 14 Red and White SCUPPERNONG WINE S . AN- ' ELEGANT BEVERAGE FOR THE TABLE. Thla is considered to be among tha finest Lisht Wines on the market. TOKAY CLARET , BY THE BOTTLE OR CASE Made near Fayettevllle. North Carolina, at the Tokay Vineyard, and Is said to be tte finest Domestic Claret In the country. Imported & Domestic Been Bass Pale Ale, Scotch Ale, Dublin Stout, Im ported and romestlc Ginger A'e. An elegant Blackberry f:r medicinal purposes $1 03 per bott'e. " P. L. BEIDGERS &C0 110 North Front St. aug 17 Call on Us XjlOR FRESH FAMILY GROCERIES ! I Country Produce, Wines, Liquors, Tobaccocs, &c, "Buckingham Rye," "River Mills," "Old Log Cabin," "Brunswick Private Stock," and m.uuwva b vuvacvi caxv v jr uuc ujo HIUO' keys. We also have Corn Whiskeys, Wines, Gins and Brandies. Highest market prices paid for Country Pr duce. Consignments solicited. CBAIG & THOMAS. Produce Commission Merchants and ' Dealers In Groceries, Wines, Liquors, c. 113 So. Front Street. Wilmington. N. C. julyi20. THE MAYO HOUSE, ATFOKT FISIIEK, IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON, with increased facilities for the accommodation of parties. Parties made up along the lines of the different : Railroads can have the line and fast Steamer PASSPORT, with the ever popular and accommodating ttaptaln J. W. Harper, to meet them at tho Railroad wharf upon the arrival of the train, by correspond incr with him or W. E. Mavo. at Wllmlnston. There is now the best fishing at the Rocks 1 ever known in this country. A line sea boat, under the management of a skilled eallor, Capt. Thos. Barklcy, to take parties cut sail inr Either still water or surf bathlncr. The Table, supplied with the best the market and sea affords, ana lsunuer the immediate super, vision of Mrs. Mayo, with Mr. Robert llous ton as assistant. Reirular boats to. and from the Rocks twice daily; 'eaving Wilmington at 9 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock. P. M. Thla now popular resort is noted for its lnvlgora Ung influence upon weak and debilitated per sons, who immediately zcei its effects, i here are all the Fishing Tackle and Bait necessa ry for good spoit to be had upon the place, aiso Fine Liquor and Cigars; juiy ems uiu. aiaux a. jsiaiu. MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD BEAD 9 O v A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, Fl. NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose or Bradstreet Is to be of practical service to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports ; 1U week ly epitome oi Danicruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the subscription price ; Its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceedingly valuable- As com merclal transactions, in the wider sense, are corning to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Information contained In Brad8trket"8 Is of the first Importance both to producers and middlemen. - Tho - Trade and Agricultural Situation throughout the United Mates and Canada Is reported by Telegraph to BxaitfrKEET8 up to &ne nour oi punucauon 8INGLE COPIES, TEN CENTS. THE BJXADSTIIEET OO.t . 279, 221, 233 BaoADWAr, dec 30 U , . NEW YOBS: CITT . FLSAS3 NOTICX. TTi nil tt glad la xtccrn ccsuniuiicaUca firoa oct friends cm asy and an ;nbjtf " ceaeraimeresttmt w'; '.'X Tat mae of ma writer must always U'S RSaaed to thaEdltox. r : Communication! must t wxlttaa oa ci oseBldeof the paper. " . Ftrwcmanytea meat be avoided.; And IX la eapeclally aad partleulaxly tad tood that the Editor doea not always eadoi the views of correspondent! imlaw to atati la the editorial column. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: iUlATTIWCS- die. YOU WTILL BE SURPRISED JE3 MATTINGS ! prices than ever offered. ' Turkish Bath Soap. r. ni. rjcirjTiRE. Y If." aug 10 tf Fresh Every Day, J nAVE NOW ON nAND AND WILL CON tirue to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach es, Watermelons, and all kinds of Vegetables, Chickens, Epga, &c. Will sell at reasonable prices. Give me a call. CM. D. HUMPHREY, July 20 "Davia'Ro V. noar New Market Cool, Cooler, Coolest I JOT THE WEATHER, BUT THAT DE LICIOUS B EEC, st tfcGO WAN'S.' Step In an1 try it. nng i Taxes. fJIHE TAX BOOK FOB THE YEAR im has been put In my hands f r collection. Those ittcrcstcd will please take notice. JOHN D. TAYrnrt. ' aug 15 Ct Tax Collector. TIN ROOFING, JJodF REPAIRING AND PAINTING; Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to orders Stove PipesA Elbows. &c . Ac. - . ar-JoobiDg generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Front and Water Streets aug 10 - Tar Heel Liniment. pOB INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wel-Dc-U over's Ca tarrhCurc. Also, a complete slock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at F. C. MILLKR'S. aug 10 Corner Fourth and Nun eta Buffalo Lithia Water No. 2. FRESH' LOT JUST IN BY ' BOTTf E OR Case. Congress Water, fresh. Hat horn Water, fresh. Deep Rock, Saratoga and Tate Epsom are the genuine waters we dlspcnsajit ' uui ovua vuuijlci. upio mo limes WltA UlO " best Goods and reasonable prices. Come and see us at 104 N. Front SL July S3 MUND3 BROS. 1'ig Fisli ! rig Fish ! Q.OOD SUPPLY ON HAND AT PH5e GROVE. Our SHARPIE And other Boats ready at five minutes' - notice with OWEN .KINKA fhoat hnitmon jvn tVA a.. n .1 ,1 .1.1. two bojs always on tat lookout to take you sailing. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No 70 WE HAVE MOVED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST. whera we will keep (as uaua') The Largest Assortment OF Liquors Cigars and Tobacco ..."" , m of any house in the city. Be pleased to have our friends and patrons call H. BRUNHILD & BBO. , 114-North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. aug 14 Smithville and the Sound A EE THE PLACES FOB PLEASURE anil recreation, and JOHN WKUNEtt'S LUrbrrShop 1 the ptare for Hair Cutting. Kg? hhimnoolng, frhavirg and Hair Dyt lug of every shade. None but 11 nt clata workmen employcl and the fineet Perfumes used Give h5raacallat No. 20 Market street, between Water and rrontsta., WUmlngtcxi,N. C. raajiS it . . pot.

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