, . t t ; il-'t it i . ..... . r I! ri; -it : . 1 ; 1 .hi , . i 4 i.l; ! i ! ' I .1 ? i J it. il: MISCELLANEOUS. A QUESTION ABOUT , Brown s Iron Bitters ANSWERED. r Th nnrtiosi has probahly -r ukad thoonand of timM. -liow can Br wn'i Iron Bitter euro ewtry thin?" Well, it d-nl. Bat it doe ours any disea. . which ft reputable physician would proscribe llto Physicians reeopnixa Ir.-n the bert nwtarativ. airrut knrjm to tho prufoxaua. and hwiniry of oy leading chemical nrm will sunstantist the aton th.it there are more prepiriUni of irro than of any othr anbetanon used ia taedicinet Tbj ahjrwa coo rjrwirely that iron w ackn-wrlU.i t. be the ro imp'jrtaat factor in micceauf al medical prjicw. It is. k.Mmt. rTarkaWe fvt.thjt prt tthe dioov iryof BROWN'S I HON IIIl'TEHSnoperfact lj satiafactorj iron combnukUon t-d arm- been Xouno. BROVifi'S IRONBinERSSTte bcadacbe, or produce conirt iun nil other iroa UiedIctncio.lIKOVNSIRONniTTEU8 rarca Indigestion BfliounrMM, Weaknem, lrspppia MalarLi, Chill- nnd Ferers Tired FeelInr,Oencra! DefciHty.rain intae Mde fear kor LlmbsIIi-aflnrlicanlNf nral ria for all these ailaaeat? Iron i proscribed daily. BROWN S IRON BinERS.in Kfcoift. Tike all rither tbcrrxurn medicinev. it act rl-wly. When taken by r-n trw tirst ymrfn of hener-.t w renewed energy. Tha mn-c t ami bornrae firtaw, the dicstion impf-rry. the bowciln are active In trnmn the effect ia g'J!i m-.ro rapid and uiarked Th ryes becin at once t ) !rihton : tb skin clnan np; healthy color conirta to the chenka: rervooBness duappr; foncti'Xial drnppnients locmie recn lxr. and if a nursing tn-rthT.. aban.lart east-nrinc in supplied for the rhild. RmTnhr Br.nrn' Ir ir. IJittors is the ONIjY irrn rj-xlicine that il nt in jurious. 1'hyttritt.t anl ffi.-ti rrrtnmnrn-1 It. V!i3 Ceauine his Trde "i'r'i ;iiv! croR-d red limr on wrapper. TAK.5: NO OTIIL'R. jn 1 ly dw DO YOU KNOW TCIVT LORRILARD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO nth KM Tin Tiur; ROSE IfAF Hneilit rhew- 'lack, r.rown And t ami chenpnfl Insr: M1VY CLIPPINCS. nn-1 tUn Yellow SNUFFS &re the best ami cheapsat. quality considered? Dr. Mott's Powders NEVER FAII, TO CURS INFHMM4 Hon of the RMnoys. Gravel. Gleet. Stx let nrca and all Urinary diseases. Nervous- and Physical Icbll!ty, ftcnltal Weakness and all thoae untold m'.scries and by Indiscretion or Excesses. Syphilis In all l' forms perma nently caretl. Yellow c Uro-yn spots on face and body.Sore Throat and Nr. Scrofula, Old Sores, Eczema, Tetter and Ml Blocd and Skin diseases. Urinary diseases cured In S days. Price $3. Enc'ose the money tc FRANK STEVENS Sc. CO., Ba't;more, Md.. and It will be sent by mall sealed For sale by all drug gists: sent bv mall , iuly7d&wly finn prtst'iis given away Send fP&VfaVFUl us&cnU po-itae, and you will fret tree a 'package ot gools of larei yaliic, that will start you In work that will at once brlnr you In money faster than anything e'. e In America. All about the $200,000 In presents With each box. Airents wanted everywhere, of cither sex, of all aes, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for ail workers absolutely assured. Hon't did ay. II. Hallett A Co., Portland. Maine. dec 2 d&w ly Health is Wealth. CUKE GUARANTEED Dr K.'C. WKST'8 Nervk au Bbaik Trkathest. a Rnar anteed speclflc for Hysteria. Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgta, Headache Nervous Frostrallon caused by tho use of al cohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De Vrc98lon,,5oftenInof the Brain resulting In Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature old Age. Barrenness, Los of power In either sex, Invo uutary Losses ana Spermatorrhoea cause 1 by ovr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment, fl 00 a box, 'or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX COXES To cure any ca3C. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied "1th $.t0, wc will sen'i the purchaser our written guar antcc to refund the money If the treatmen docs not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JOHN C. WEST CO , 862 W Madison St., ChI"ao. III. net 21 lvd w FOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and use'd more and more every year. eb2dw cm tii th sat nrm J HAGA1TS Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who wpuld rather not tell, and0 cant tell. feb 2 d&w cm tu th sat nrm Manhood Restored Remedy Fbek. Arictim of youthful imprudence causing Premature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood. 4c, bavins tried in vain erery Known remedy. has discovered a simule meansof self-cure, whictx he will send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address. J.U-RK VKii. 43 CUathun SU.'e w York. bov SdAwlv Iftr.VOUSDSBlUTY Decay umd nnsieroae f-becnrdirrwc!. baf- liiBctto seilled ?hy- siciat.5. rvalt rrom n-othlul indiscretion. io.t frooiadnlTonee,or orer brain work. Arcid the unrsit!cn ot rrcten tiocs rvtuciiir fur thr. tro'U.M. Get our i res Circular end Tr-al Iack caml (earn imoortant III J facts bcOr takiartreat f STl went tlfflrhm. Take r SI RE KFHcnvthatiioa CX'KCD thousands, doec not interfere with auea tion to business, or cause pain or inconYeuience in airy way. Fonnded on scientific medical principles- By direct application to the seat of discs its specific inflnesc is felt I without delay. ThesaU oral ronctionioi tae dd. man onanism is restored. The auimatini elements wtiica -siase been are eirea hark and the pat icnt becomes cheer fnl and rapidly aaina bota sn?enpa ana ssxuax vigocw A FTALtcAL Cure for IIJCHVOUS ' I3IIBELITY. Crganis Weakness, 3 PHx SI CAZ DECAY, InYouna; ft Middle fga wen. Yzjteo for oveuSk ( ears bv use in many i HOUSANO CASES. . Teo A TRIAL One Konth, - S3.00 Two Months. - fi.oc i'axooMoatlLa, 7.00 F J. HARRIS REMEDY CO.. U'reCRtSSTS S06M H. Tenth 8t ST. XOTJXa. MXV D 1 1 DTURCD PERSON8 ! Not a Truss. M m Ask for terms of onr ApplianeL Wil GrlVXl X'XT XXX3 TH, TT fTf aplS dlwl The Daily Review JSH. T. JAMES. Editor & Prop WILMINGTON. -N. C. . WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 19. I8S5 oter d i the Foetoffice at Wilmington, N. C. 4 econd-eiaas natter. maybe found on me at Geo. r. Boweu. ct Co' Kewspaper Adrertlsf ns? Bureaa( 10 Bprace ScX where advertulnz contracts may be made for Ik THIS PAPER Qut-lpart, the inland which it is said ba been so zd by three Russian iron- clad- and over which the Rassian flag now floats, Is a strategic position of fina class importance, between China, Japan and the Core. It corninar.ds the seaway to important commercial centres. It is only 150 geographical miles from Shanghai. It wonid make an excellent station for the fleet ot a foreign power. The Corean Govern ment are not in a position to defend it. Both Japan and China arc becoming alarmed and are making active pre parations to protect tho Corean Islands in case of a Russian advance upon them. An English lady who has been visit ins Canada expresses in tho Pall Mall Gazelle the opinion that 'a judicious and gradual influx of highly cultivated English women into Canada and. the United Slates would bo as great a boon to those countries as it would be relief to Great Britain." Her reason fortius opinion is thus stated: "Although the ladies In the older cities ot the North American continent are, with scarcely any exceptions, superior to English gentlewomen in brain power, in clear ness of mental vision, in common sense in practical, sound judgement, and in general intelligence, yet we miss in them that indefinable charm which always cling to a highly cultivated European." Ex-Io8tmaster General James, of New York, when questioned as to the trouble between the steamship com panies and Post tu aster Jc General Vilas, siid that th steamship companies, in his estimation, had made a mistake in refusing to place their ves sels on the August schedules and refus ing to receive mails from the Govern ment for sea and inland postage. Tbey should have continued as heretofore and presented their grievances to Con gress next Winter. He also said: Postmaster General Vilas, in my judgment, has done the best he can under the circumstances. He is a good lawyer and has no doubt given the subjret close consideration, and his views have been sustained by the law officer of the Government, the Attor ney General of the United States." England's auxiliary navy, establish ed when tho recent war cloud was blackest, is an expensive luxury, the one hundred and thirty-five steamers chartered costing at least .$1,000,000 a mnnth. These vessels, having a ton nage of 300.000 tons and a carryingca pacity of over 400,000, were taken in April for a term of six months, the gov eminent to pay 20 shillings a ton for steamers manned bv officers and crew and 12 shillings and 6 pence a ton for those without officers and men. Anions the ships dratted are somo ol the larg est and swiftoit on leading Atlantic lines, from the Cnnarder Umbria. of 7,718 tons, to the Abyssinia of 3,376. This pressing of their steamers into service during the busy season of the year has annoyed the companies greatly. The special agents of tho general land office engaged in examining the un lawful inc!osurrs of public lands in the West have ihusv-far overed only a small part of the field to which tbey were assigned. Their reports show, however, that the President's procla mation affects more than fitty it closures in Colorado. IMonlana Wyoming, Kan sas, Nevada. Nebraska and Utah, the in eloped areas ranging in extent from 700 to 90,880 acres, and the total area in these vases being about 650 000 acres. There are six ranges inclosed in Colo rado, and two of them cover 2.000,000 acres. Had of this area is controlled by a company organized in Scotland. Suits against .some of the Colorado squatters are pending in the Federal Courts. It is estimated in the land of fice that in addition to the 3.000.000 to which the reports relate there are at least 10.000,000 acres illegally inclosed and withheld from settlement which the agents have not yet had time to ex amine. j- When the short and simple annals of the poor are written they can well in clude the closing of the life of an hum ble German in Chicago, named Wil liam Tieckleman. who has just been sent from the homes of his two daugh ters, and is now in the Cook County poorhoaae. Tieckleman went to Chics- go & dozen years ago with a wife and three daughters. The wife soon died. w the eldest daughter' married, and the rest of the family lived with them nntil she'in turn died. Finally the other two daughters established homes of their own by marrying, and . rieckle- mfen.who had always earned good wages and .devoted . bis sayings to his family became a cripple. He lived for a time with one daughter and then with the other, each unnaturally trying to escape her respnsibilitfe. Finally, last week both daughters closed their " doors agaiust him, Jfnng Vul his bedding dpoh the street, and the crinDle. 63 Years of age. was found- in ihe streets crying like a child. lie is now in the poor- house and the daughters can save their nfn-mnnev fur sweetmeats ;It is a short story, and has been told before. '. ... -. . , Z ' The tearful earnestness with which the Republican organs are demanding civil service reform now is a melan choly indication of how they must have suffered in other years. Bad men were given office for .which they had no qualification, unless il was an aptitude for partisan rascality ; the Hayes re turning board introduced the glowing beauties ot their reform proclivities into official station, and party mana gers levied their tax upon r fficial saK aries, with which to carry Republican elections. Still the organs raided no dissenting voice. It needed the ad vent of a Democratic Administration to expose the anguish they were endur ing in secret. Humanity has witness ed no more pathetic spectacle than the way the organs have suffered and hid den their pain . Never too Late to Mend. Whom the system is so badly run down that it is like an old boot which has been half-soled .ud heeied several times, and mental snabbiness goes hand-in-hand with physical debility then it might seem too lato to try re cuperation. No. sir! Not os lone as vou can get a bottle of lJrown's iron Bitters at the druggist's for just one dollar. AUGUST ANTICS. The falls profit is dead at Niagara. Tho weather is offensively partisan. Tho proper study of mankind is wo man. The fl mr mission to make good bread. No man cm carry a feather bed and look graceful. The girl who loves William never asks her father to foot her bill. v An eye-scream The loud wink of a customer to (ho soda water clerk. When a woman wants to make a complete change of front she leaves off ber bangs. "Plenty to do?" asked a reporter of a professional swimmer at Manhattan Beach. 'VVell I should strangle to hesitate. Why, I'm up to my neck in business most of the time." Itiipture, is reach, or Hernia, neglected, often becomes strangulated and proves fatal. We employ a new method and guarantee a cure in every case or no pay bend 10 cents in stamps for pamphlet and references. World s Dispensary Medical Associa tion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. An Austrian artillery lieutenant con trived to commit suicide by shooting himself with a huge cannon. Rescued from Ueatb. William J.' Coughlin. of Somorville, Mass., says: In the fall of 1876 I was taken with bleeding lungs followed by a severe cough. I lost my appetite and flesh, and wastton fined to ray bed. In 1877 I was admitted to the Hospital. The doctors said I bad a hole in my lung as big as a half ollir. At one time a report went ronnd that I was dead. I gave up hope, but a friend told me of PR WILLIAM HALL'S BAL SAM FOR TH E LUNGS. I got a bot tle, when, to my surprise. I commerc ed to feel better, and to day I feel bet ter than for three years past. Mason Mitchell, an actor, quit the Kate Claxton Company to fight in the Riel rebellion, and got killed. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Sykup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the-little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." , It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly 6 deod & wly The British Bible Society issues a New Testament at two cents a copy. In nine months 950.000 have been sold. The Snbstunce ot a long: and Grateful Letter. No less than seven physicians were employed at different times, to whom Mr. Beach, of Stone Ridge, N. Y., paid hundreds of dollars. "I was induced to use Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, - which" has made me a well man Thanks to D. K. and his med icine : Through the efforts of Ouida, the practice of skinning frogs alive has been stopped in the market of Flor once. - i Nervous Debilitated Men You are allowed a free trial for thirty tlays ot the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt, with Electric Suspensory Appliances, lor the speedy reliet and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases.. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated phamphlet. with full information, terms, etc", mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. ws m & w lyR ' e. . A Phi adelphia lawyer said recently that he has never known tho law busi ness to-be so dull as it is at present.- ECZEMA or SALT .RHEUM AMOTHEti CLEAR AMD POSITIVE. REWVEBT All ELDERLY UDt'V LETTER. Heople iorten expre-s their wonder at the rmmeroUB cases OI 'ali usua sureu uy JJK fT.vin KENNEDY'S FAVORITE KB ME DY accounts of which are brought to their notice through the Dewepapeu. Although no other known medicine has- anything like the same sccccss, w ta not sraKe in-auK ITK ttKMEDY,.boald accimplLih these re tnit-a Md rladden the hearts cf. so in ny Buf ferera Tho reason la that Salt FHi.ux.une oftnem-st loathsome of skin diseases, fj In rearttv a dtseare of the blood; and this new tw1 aMen'ISc rreparatlon la adapted, beyond all others, to purify the blood and keep It so hy relnvlit' ratlnsr the Stomach, liver, and Kidneys. ' ' . J , , -- - . ' ' - Arr nnir thenumerou3 letttrs received by Dr. Kenned v testif 1 1' c to notable SALT I Bhech cures, the following will be found of interest to our readers, wno may accept our asniiranre of ita perf-Mit autnentlcuy anu irumiu ness;; Wokcestek, MafB . March 23, 1884 nr T). Kenned Rondout. K T :: Dear mr: Un! 11 recently I have been for three years a sufferer from Salt Bheum it followed upon an attack of rryslpelas. for which 1 was for a lone lime unoer maieai treatment. I placed myself again in the hands of ihe phyfclcltns who dl I have no doubt, n that vinld be done. One thine is pure. however: I was none tho. better for all the medicine they ga erne The painful and un alj-htlv disease made continual proere8, un- tlll bgan to fear I should never set rid of it Bv means of one of those accidents thai oft en reanlt in so mnch bleaslnsra I had mv atten Hon called to OUT FAVOKITK RKMEDI' which 1 was told would aurelv do me gord I nRfrtit. and within a much shorter tlmeth n I would have believed possible. I received permanent cure. I am now perfectly free from8Air Khkum. What a comfort tats is, and' how it places your wonderful medicine in mr- opinion. ou may guess at. but never know. I keep ltJiow constantly in the house, as a family medicine. Yours truly. MRS. DINAH PHAIR, Mrs. Philr Is a wllw lady in advanced life, of nimpearhlble character. Sometime since. when on h visit in Kansas, she found a case of J alt Rheum, could not pet "FAVOttlTE KKMttni", sent to New xort uity roritj ana cured the case feral! diseases of the Blood. Liver, Kid neys, JSiaddcr and Digestive urgans. vr. U.WIU JUSLNMlCDl'a ,'" JTAVUIUIn JtJS.ffl.ni DY". Rondout N. Y. july 23 d&w nrm UUU V alasta VV J'i '. 2f' i't ViC "Vii" V(v" VC Vf yoB mm, i' J'i '4. J'i . J'i "it? "it? "itC VC "S(P ItC MARKET STREET, NO. 112, (Ul TAIRS) IS COMPLETE IN EVERY RE8PEC7, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF printing WE WILL SOT BE MDERWOSKEQ. WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, CA LL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON N.- C. Red and White SCUPPERNONG WINE ! AN- ELEGANT BEVEEAGE FOR THE TABLE- - This ia considered to be among the fines Light Wines on the market, o TOKAY CLARET BY THE BOTTLE OR CASE Made near Fayettevllle North Carolina, at the Tokay Vlceyard, and is said to be the flneet Domestic Claret in the country. Imported & Domestic Beer, Bass Pale Ale, Scotch Ale, Dublin Stoat, Im ported and I omestic Ginger A'e. An elegant Blackberry fcr medicinal purposes $1 03 per bott'e. ... -o P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., aug-17 HO North Front 8t. APRT7R send six cents for poaUge A.AZJ ' and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right away than anything else In this world All cf either sex, sunceedfrom the firt hour. The broad road to fortune opens before be workers, absolutely sure. - At once ad: dress Tkue A Co., Augusta, Maine. ov2d&wlT flEAFNESS lta CAUSES and CURE, by one Af who was deaf twenty eight years, rieat ed by m-st of the noted specialists of the dav with no benefit. Cured himself In three months aud since then hundreds ot others by sane process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. . PAGE, 128 East 2SUx St.. Kew York city. ! aug 10 & tw Quarantine Ilotice, TJAlLlKTtNlS FOK THS JORT OF WHr MiNQTON irni be enforced from May November 1st. as follows j 1st; to r : Pilots will brings all vesr els from Ports south Qf:ape Fear, from all Mediterranean Port3; and all vessel which have had any kind of sick ness on board during the passage, or which have sickness on arrival, to the Quarantine anchorage; and wlU ciuee signal to be et in the main rigging on -the port side, as soon as possible after crossing the Bar . Special notice win be issued to the pilots, by the Quaraniioe Phvalcian. to bring' vessels from ether ports to -the. Quarantine Station whenever it shall appear to the Quarantine Board that they are ln'eeteV or suspected of being si. - -No vessel mutt leave the Qasrantineanchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tugboat, tighter, er boat of any kind to go alongside, unless by written authority from the Quaran tine Physician ; and every vessel must be an chored as far to the eastward ot . the channel as is consistent with safety . ... ; Besrolations covernbsg vessels while In Quar antine may be had on application at the office ox me viarannne f nysieian at esmitnvuie. Applicatians f or permits to visit vessels In Quarantine must be made to Dr Thomas F. Wood t Or. eo O.I homas, and permits so obtained vriU be-eudorsed by thai Quarantine Physician, it in his otlnion, it is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels. A penalty of $3' 0 for each and every offence will be enforced against any person vto'ating any ox toe Juranun ttetrnia'ions or ine roru : : vrr" curtis. m. r.. Quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington. ; THOS. F. WOOD, MVD. GEO. G. THOMAS, M. pl23 2am GrnJAis Consultants CaroUno7 0IC3 xazBAx Si Change of ScheduiT' AND Arrvp J ArrlTe at cZll':: .1 1 1 w 1 IaTeCharlotteat- -t4.'! Ko. 3. Arrive EaleSS 9 Passenger Trains stop at iILTM THBSTJN." t N IN DKPEN DENTNESySP APER OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most interesting Shape and with the greatest possible Promptness, Accu racy and Impartiality: ana to the Promotion of Democratic Ideas and Policy in the affairs or iiovernment, society ana industry. . ,.. ' Bates, by Mail, Postpaid; , . DAILY, per "Year..,. 6 00 DAILY, per Months.. 50 SUNDAY, per Year. 1 CO daily and Sunday per Year.......... i uo WEEK LY, per-Year . ........... . 1 00 Address, TU sun, ew xoric city dec!7 . .... ; -. .. ' . 1885. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED.. Harper's Bazar is the only paper in the world that combines the choicest literature and the finest art illustrations with the latest fashions and methods ; of household- adorn ment. Its weekly illustrations and descrip tions of the newest Paris and New York styles, with Its useful pattern-sheet supplements and cut patterns, by enabling ladies to be their own dressmakers, save many times the cost of subscription. Its papers on cooking, the man agement ol servants, and housekeeping in its various details are eminently practical, jaucn attention is given to the. interesting topic of social etiquette, and its illustrations of art needle work are acknowledged to be unequal led, lis literary meilt is of the highest excel lence, and the unique character of Its humor ous pictures has won , for It .the, name of . the American launch. Harper's Periodicals. Per Years HARPER'S B A Z AR. . ... . . . . ........ ... . .$4 dARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Harper's f rakklik square library. One rear (52 Numbers)... 10 no Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes of the Botox begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, ' it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. xneiast five Annual volumes or Marver't Bazar , In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of ex oense ( provided the frelsrht does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 .per volume. luotn vases zor e&cn volume, suitanie ior binding, will be sent by mail, postpild, on re ceipt of $1 00 each Remittances should be made by Post-office Money. Order ur. Draft, to avoid chanee of loss. ewspap rs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper ft brothers. Aaaress i . . HARPER BROTHERS, dec 3 ' New York. Homes in North Garolinai Only 20 Hours Ride from New York ! o- 69 Miles South f Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line R R. 1 500 ACEKS OF L&ND IN THE long leaf nine reirlnn. For oa1a nn uv! ti-ma In lots to suit purchasers. JTour acres for f 25. Larger tracts per acre, in month rv pay- TTlP.ntB ftf llin This lanri arti'nlna tha "SvnfH- ern Ptnea'. a reeentlv sata.hi1arArl health ortfor Sanitarium), and is specially adapted ' ruib vunure, as wen as an tne cereaia. A number of New England people have bought lOtS in the town nf RnnthpTTl Pino a If is the desire of the owner f thla lnn1 tnin. duce small farmers, mechanics and others xrum me new juigiana ana nuaaie states, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State in the Union offers greater Inducements to set tiers than North Carolina.; Nnwhow n-n better tanning country or as fine a climate be found. ; 1 his is the opinion of . Northern men who havebettled in North Carolina. . This la a bonajtde offer, and is limited - y ' or inrtner parucuiars write at once to JOHN T. PATRICK, Commis'r of Immigration, Raleigh, N. C. : , . or A RICHARDSON, . jan 21 tf Chronicle Office, Augusta. Ga. i The Twin-City Daily. A TWENTY COLnifN nATI.V JfiniiiffiT. Devoted to local, Stata 'and rational newe, town topics, poll ics, Ac.' - Published In one of the most thriving and progressive towns In the State, and circulates In 'thirty-one coun ties and continuously Increasing, affording un. p ralleled. facilities to advertisers for placing their business before a prosperoui; people! Subscription pricipec year! ''ffVisixjnoniBs 2; three months, $1. V7&: t-:V- 7DOUB WHITEHEAD,;: and ProprietOfrs, Wtesum, NC : cend fl by mall ana try it three months. " 8HEI1BT- DIVISION, FASSESy ' . , . . . cEXPESSS AND mSS No t ( Leave Charlotte... wo-s Arrive at ShelhT tt 1 No 4 i LeaTeShelby....... "-',3r.i 4 i Arrive at Chariot.:- . 1 Trains No. 1 and 9 make clT " I Hamlet with R. a a t.-7c108 eotjw.. .uart 7! ' "Thro rich AlAetthiw r.- w.. and Charlotte andIleUh?1 Take Train No. At tJ? Western N C R IMhSig! - Also, for Spartanburg. Glla tff Atlanu and all polnUouthS . L- O 1-iv r w ri dtt r, . onperbitrl.-. june 18 T:rrB. F "'ttTOAS qapePea&Yaci ley Railway Cb hde nsed Time Table No!l2 rjio; TAKE EFFECT AT 80 A. H., .''". ' . : - TRAIN NORTH. 1 ' Arrie. tan shoe. nee Js, m. SU Fayettevllle... . 12.15 p. S lS. . Sanford:..... 8.0 tV- o uiu. ........ ..... . zj Liberty............... 6..5 Greensboro.... T Dinner at ayettevllle. TRAIN SOUTH. C! ' -V. Arrive. Urn urcensuoro,... ....... . Sanrcrd. . . . v. 1'iOp.n. 1 41 Shoe Heel.. ..... 6 25 6tt Bennetts vllle 8.15 Dinner at Sanford. YT. M. S. DUNN, GenlSaiV JNO. M. R03E, Gen'l Paes. Agent June 22 tt 6 First National Bank of II - mington. AP17 AIj 8TOCK; .....iMJt SURPLUS FUND - JK sb Deposits received and colleetlou aiA allacceMtfble polnU in the Unttad etn D1RECTOB8 E- K. SURRUSS D. 0. WOCT A. MARTLN. JAS-BMUR GEORGE CHADBOTJSS. OFF1CEBSI A. K. BURRUSS..-.. - A,K.WALEIa.M..M- W.LARKINS - nl V , twOtf RALEIGH BE6I8TEB. I P. M. EAIE, Printer U ik Subscribe to your Home Fap l and then remit $2 to psy totJ State Democratic raF' the RALEIGH REGISTER. Bet Bcribei, remitting $2 direct, is tt Register for one 3 ear and to WEBSTER'3 PRACTICAL PiCTlOX Which, unUl August 1, 11885, PremlHm. . i rWS Sample copies of the Registeb application. Addrets, V v ; RALEIGH JJGWTfc ,. may 19 - 3 Patronize Our Home jf x ranee Cos. SAVE.T0DB HMEMID IKM1 Vf TOO HAVE TO 8PEID Ffl I?f lie Ceriaaaia 'Iibal rircfcf : ; OF WIMMISGT05,S.C-JJ js "NOW THOROUGHLY Ad prepared to t ,ke First C1a- losses by FIBE. Office NoJ PriDcee-1 3 " R a WORTH. F ing. B u l J:e: LIPPITT, Beefy 1"' ap!2l tf -. ' v - , -. ' . ' - x-' 1 V