m r The Daily Review, 77l imiiu Review has the largest bona 'fide circulation, of any newspaper VEDNE1A AUGUST 19. 1885. r.rvmshnro Workman: The Noith State newspaper i M be revive! in v ,.- :m' nniLr thn nianarniffnt .n, Thnm-t I Kpoh aril James E. BoTtl. citizens o! dreenstwro. ni,nm Jtonirtpr' There his bjn an average ot tilteen cidoads of lumber on oar side track I r me ia-i. im.. month', which speaks in no uncertain tPrms oflhe prosperity f Durham. r.rAnsborn Patriot: Dr. Renbw .na.ira r.i darling a farm d?votetl to the breeding and carA c f- ipiproved i,rna.tQ rf rh!rken. A trenueman in Virginia is coaduc ing a ...'giiose ranch, covering 8,000 acre, his ll.tfksnuoiber- .n thanoitrhliorhn id ol 50.000 treeSP. which are returning quitc-a handsome prout.. Goldsboro lrcrHS : There was a sad fnnpral in this citV Oil Sunday laomin? last, that of Mrs. Fanny Heilbroner, wife nr Mr Iinis Ileilbroner. of Tar- knrA T'ho remains were brought to UVIVi m..w - this city on a special tram and were ac companied by the iieorew congrega tion nr.il thn I. (). R. B L'hIjio ol Tar- boro. and were borne V their last ret- inrplacein the Hebrew cemetery nere. Winston DaVi;: Mr. Lewis Wil liams, of 1'anther Creek, showed us to-day a tobacco loaf, taken atrandoui from hia. croD. which measures (we measured it) 31 inches in length and 19 inche in width, and is not fully 'grown. Mr. Peter WiUon, Sr. of our town, has a walking stick which, we presume, is as old as any in the c mn try, and has historical recollections connected with it. This cane is of wood of Independence Hall, Philadel phia. Some year3 azo it was repaired and the wood of which this cane is made was taken irom parts of the timber taken out. It U quite, certain that it is considerably over a hundred years old. Mr. Wilson thinks it to be 140 years old. News and Observer: It would be very interesting to know how many melons are sold in one week here. Per haps 2.000 to 2 500 is the daily average. Many oj the peach trees in this c ty and its immediate vicinity are bent with their loads of fruit, but the decay of the trait is sd extensive that nn some trees not one sound peach can be found. It is remarkable. Yet fine -perches daily come into the city, showing that many trees ace not aflecled -s Dr. W. H. Howertcm died Saturday at Morehcad. of paralysis, aged 55 years. Ho had held several oflicors of trust, and was for four years secretary f state ot North Carolina. He resided in Raleigh several years. Afterwards he was pro prietor of the hotel at Warm springs and of the Swannanoa hotel at Ashe ville. Thi3 season he was in charge of the Ocean house, at Morehead City. He was for a number of years a prac ticing physician. Cnolera in France. Makseiu.es. August 17 The Mayor of Marseilles officially acknowledges twenty-two cases of cholera to-day, n-t including twelve deaths which took place at the Phard Hospital and which the officials orefully ignore At Salon eight deaths, supposed to have been caused by cnolera, have taken place. The groat heat has been increased by a scorching wind, and the thermometer to-day marked 107 degrees in the shade. The fresh cases of death from cholera are alarming: Mrue. D' Astros, aged thirty nine, the wife of a hospital doc tor, whose daughter died of the same disease last year died to-day. and there is no evidence that the cholera attacked her through any imprudence on her part. Altogether there have been 109 deaths from cholera in this city since Friday. The Mayor has secretly opened five new temporary hospitals, but he re fuses to make any announcement of the fact, lor fear, as he says, of alarming the public. No nurses cat) be found to take care of the sick, as people are dis gusted with the injustico received and the small recompenses awarded during the last epidemic. Corsica has ordered a three days quarantine for ships ar riving from Nice, thus giving an ad vantage to those from Italian ports The Governor of Algeria causes all mails received from Marseilles to be disinfected. The com merce of Marseilles is par alyzed by these quarantines, and in their distress the people are talking of holding a meeting to compel the French government to enter into somearrange ment with the foreign Powers by which tbo soverity of these sanitary measures may be lessened. The scare still con tinues, and it is reported that refugees from this city have inlrocuced the dis ease into Sisteron. a town of some live thousand inhabitants. In. the Depart ment ot the Oasses-Alpcs, and into some of neighboring villages. The Cholera In Spain. Madrid, August 17,1865 The places in Spain in which the principal increase ot cholera occurred yesterday as com pared with Friday last were Tarrago na and Valladolid. In the former place there were yesterday 77 new cases and 30 deaths, and in the latter 61 new cases and 10 deaths The offi cial returns show that in Granada the disease has reached its. height and re mains stationary. In Albacete yesterday there were 28 new cases and 23 deaths; in Castellon de la Plana. 23 now cases and 17 deaths ; in Cuenca. JL54 new cases and 32 deat hs ; in Terual. 46 new cases and 32 deaths; in Vatencia,82 new cases and 49 deaths. and in Madrid !M new rp nr! Q deaths. AH of these returns show dc-1 creases in the numbers of bo' h new cases and deaths. In the who'e of Spain yesterday there were 4 696 new ctses of choldra and 1,556 deaths. There have been slight riots- at-Log-rono owing to the resistance of the in habitants to certain, sanitary regula tions. ... The Governor of Granada has been attacked with cholera. italy Desfsms tn Ccrypt. ;. London, Aug. 17. The Marquis oi Salisbury, it is said, will soon after go ing to France have a conference with Signor Dpretis, the Italian Trine Minister. Tbe interviow will take place at Contrex ville a watering olac on the River Vaire, in Vosges. It is reported that Italy desires to pond 20, 000 troop into the Soudan, to secure the Red Sea coast from Soakim. at present held by tne British, to Assab Bay. along which lie most f the Ital tan possessions on the cast. The Italian scheme contemplates securing control over Etstern Soudan, and the the ue of Khartoum as a capital. If Sir Henry Drummond Wo'ff, who has been sent as a special envoy from Eng land to Constantinople and Cairo tor the purpose of perfecting arrangements tor the f uture management of Egyptian affairs, fails to bring the Sultan to terms it U believed that England will sirni an agreement with Italy which will leavo the latter power free to carry out her plans as outlined above. List of I betters. A list'of unclaimed letters remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed nesday, August 19th, 1885: A Trasy Aston, Jam pk ins Abner, Sa'ing Arrington, Wilsoa Anderson. B Mary Ballard. Amelia Bunting, Marins Becheras, A J Burron, Chas Rizzsll. A Bogan. Turner Battle, R L B ibbitt Jno L Barker. F L Brown. Chas P Brewer, Francina Boney, Pey ton Bowtnnn Sarah lirown. . C College Claremont. F R Cramer. Mary Craw. Red Iee Crawford. D Mrs ME Duguid. T C Dicker son. (2): F Efrom r rd G W Frierson, (31 Peter Flowers. R 1 fox. John fair. G Flora Green, Laura Gardner. Dan1! Goodman. Jno W Gais, Maria Gres. H Frank Haves. B J" Hastings. MrsEHolden, E C Hubban. Mary Harm. Chris A Hunt, Alfred Hill. J R C Jenkins, Wm. Jones, Maria Johnson. Jas Jones, A W Jones, Minnie W. Jamtfon. ' Ir-Peter Liughton, B F Long, Jane Lane. . .. M B J McNigli'.Fravers McKenzey. Henry McMillan, W II McBride, Miss II Mitrhell. Willard Mitchell. N Jesiie Nicholson, (care R N Hines) O Lena Owens. x P M S Paee. H F Price. Alfred Park. Sarah E Parmelee. Jos Pearce. R Henry Rogers, A W Richardfon, B E Rutledge, Agnes RicbardsonW CKoss ' S Abbie Saunders, Fannie South ern. Caroline Sanders. J G Siram, N N Shepard. Maria Smith. Frank Stradil.J W Simpson. T Jas Thompson, a M Taylor. W G S Willis. Oscar Waddell. D S Wallace. A Wacktel. M J Walker, Chas White. Sallie Willis. Persons calling for letters in above list will please ask for "advertised let ters." Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 19:h 1885. En. R. Brink, P.M. The Bent Etidorsers are Banks Themselves. An endorsement of the high repute which it deservedly enjoys at home (where it follows the even tenor of its way), is shown by the (act boldly ad vertised by the world famed Louisiana State Lottery, that Tne Orleans Nation al Bank. Louisiana National Bank, State National Bank, or Germania National Bank, all leading Banks of New Orleans, Li., will receive any registered letters or postal orders ac companying orders. The next drawine (the 184th). wiil occur on Tuesday, September 8. for any information of which address M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, la. Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save moaei. t- Cheapeat First-Class Music In the United States. Look at this list of some of the most popular music published. Printed on the best heavy mnsic paper, good clear print; full sheet music size, and tbe same as Generally retailed all over tbe Unite! States at thirty to seventy-five cents per copy: Our price is five cents per copy, or by mail one cent added for postage. We giye the retail price, but remember our price is but FIVE cents. We will fend catalogue of 1,000 best selling pieces published, free. Don't pay hieh exorbitant prices when you can get the same music for about one-eighth the price; see the fol lowtng: SONGS. Alice. Where art Thou?. . .Ascher 30c. Angles Ever Bright and Fair, Handel 35c. Answers Blumenthal 50c. Blue Alsatian Mountains. .Adams 50c. Bridge ....Carew 50c. Bridge ..Lindsay 35c. Brook Dolores 35c. Cherry Rips....... Horn 35c. Clang ot the WcxlenSboon,Molloy 40c. Dream Faces ...Hutchinson 35c. Esmeralda Levy ,35c. INSTRUMENTAL. Chop Sticks, waltz. DeLula 25c. Black Hawk, waltz Walsh 50c. Corn Flower, waltz Cooke 50c. Queen's Lace Hankerchief.Strauss 40c Raquet. galop. Richards 40e. Home, Sweet Home Slack 50a Shepherd Boy 1 Wilson 40c Warblings at Eve Richards 40c. And 1,000 other songs and instrument al pieces equally as good as tbe above only six cents per copy, post free. Send for a copy of bur Musical Journal, $1.25 per pear, sample copy twelve cents. In sending orders always send cash, postoffice otder, or postal note, as we get so many stamps we cannot use them, also in all cases mention tbe pa per you saw our advertisement in. so we may do justice to those papers that furnish us business. Address J II. THOMAS. Publisher. 4t. Albany. N. Y. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior Pean.rare the leading cook stoyes, bath in qnali ty and price They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. , f 9 1 r 1 more money hn at anything ebe WW IIJ by Uklojr an agency for tbe best elllnjr book out. Beginner succeed grandly. None fall. Terms free, a aixett Book Co. Portland. II sine. - dooS4wi-. Quarterly EleetlDcrs, The following are the Presiding El der's appointments for the Wilmington District of the M. E. Church, South Appointments for the fourth round : Crver'a Creek. Shiloh. August 15:h and 16th. Bladen Circuit, W indsor, August 29 and 30th. - , - . Elizabeth Circuit. EHzabethtown. September 5th and Cth . Cokesbury Circuit, Bethel, Septem ber 17th and 18;b. Whiteville Circuit, Whiteville. Sep tember 19.h and 20sh. Wilmington, Fifth Street, September 26th and 27th. S re i:h ville Station, October 3rd and 4tb. Magnolia, Providence, October 10th and 11th. Clinton Circuit, Goshen, October 17th and 18th. - Dupliu Circuit October 24th and 25tb. Onslow Circuit. October 30th and No vember 1st. Brunswick Circuit. November 7th and8th. Topsail Circuit. November 14th and 15th. Wilmington. Front Street, Novem ber 21st and 22nd. P. J. Carrawat, P. E. COMMCKClAlj NBWb, MISCELLANEOUS. WILMINGTON MARKET. Aug. 19-4 P. M - SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady, at 3lk cents. No sales. ROSIN Firm at 874' and 90 cents. TAR Firm at $1.30. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $L 10 and $1.60. COTTON Quiet. Official quota tions: Ordinary 7 ; good ordinary 9; low middling 9; middling 10; good middling 10. Receipts to day : Cotton, 1; spirits 103; rosin, 316; tar. 83; crude, 79. Provisions and Cotton. Frost the Board at Turrentine Ex change : Chicago, Aug. 19.2:30 p. m. Wheat market opened at 82 and closed at 82J for September. Opened at 841 andclos ed at 83$ for October. Opened at 86i and closed H 85J for November. Corn opened at 45 and closed at 45$ for Auzut. Opened at 45 and closed at45 for September. Opened at 44 and closed at 4Z for October. Pork opened at 9 27i and closed at 9 02-i for September. Opened at 9 32 and closed at.9.074 for October. New Yokk, Aug. 19. 2:30 p ra Cot ton opened at 10.20 and closed at 10 26 for August. Opened at 9 80 and closed at 9.74 for September. Opened at 9.55 and closed at 9.52 for October. Opened at 9.50 and closed at 9.46 for November. Opened at 9.53 and closed at 9.50 tor December. MA KINK NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master., . Steam yacht Louise, Wocdside. Smithville. Master Steamer D J Black. Paddison, Point Caswell, Master CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper. Smith ville. Master . Steam yacht Louise, Wooaside Smithville, Master Br. brig Acacia, Mattson, Pernam- buco. Brazil. Georges Harriss & Co., cargo by E. Kidder & Son. Schr. Jennie N. Huddell, Henderson, Philadelphia, George Harriss & Co. - EXPORTS. COASTWISE. Philadelnhia Schr. Jennie N. Hud dell. 213.471 feet lumber, 29.825 shin gles. FOREIGN. Pernambuco Br. brig Acacia 144. 152 feet lumber. VESSELS II THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. August 18. 1885. No vessel under 60 tons reported In this lis t.1 BARQUES.. Ger ElDtrcht, 399 tons, Mnselck, CP Mebane Dan Rial to. 438 tons. Hansen, Helde & Co Br Arlca, 383 tons, Scarrell, CP Mebane Ger Texas, 691 tons, l.oef, HeMe St Co Ger Lydla Peachan, 368 tone, Burmeister, Peschau A Vt esterman Ger Frederick Wllnelm, 369 ton", Ahren-, Heide ft Co BRIGS. Nrr Kmma, 305 tons, Andersen, Ilelde & Co William Mason, 281 tons, Haidy, KG Barker A Co 3CHOONJCB3. B 8 Graham, 345 tons. Avis, Geo Harriss & Co Addle E Snow, 155 tons, Norton, . J U uarker & Co E Arcularios, 101 tons, Marston, EG Barker & Co Hover. IV tons. McLeod. Geo Harriss St Co Winner. 176 tons. Frye, EG Barker St Co Hatt e Turner, 280 tons, Keen, ww ' K G Barker St Co Dlone, 190 tons. Ri jnes, E G Barker St Co Isaac Li Clark,S34 tons, repairing, ' Geo Harriss St Co Span Natlvldad 170 tons, Gonzales, rebld E G Barker St Co Don't be Deceived. BUY OTR8T CLASS GOODS, AT BOTTOM PttlCES, from HEADQUARTERS for Stoves, Tin and Sheet Iran Ware. Pntnps. Lamps. Lanterns Wool and Willow Waie, - PARKER TAYLOR'S, 23 South frtmt 8t Mason's Fruit Jars. TTTE NOW HATE A FULL. ASSORTMENT, of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER St COL. an 17 19.1 23 MarketStreet, Wilmington. N. . Smithville and the Sound ARE THE PLACES FOR PLEASURE "creation, and JOHN WERNER'S Barbershop Is the place for Hair Cutting. E Shampooing:, Sbavtajr and Hair Dyeing of every shAdo. one but tirst class workmen employed and the finest Perfumes used Give w? c11, N- 29 Market street, between Water and Front sta., Wilmington, N. C. may 26 tf On Corn, Peannts and Potatoes rjlRY CARBONATE OF LIME, RESULTS ASTOSlUL W'T" KA,MT AUOres . . FRENCH BROS.. Ulj 8 W . ; Rocky Polntt.C ITAKBsPLKa.su.eis auww to my many friends and patrons, both to tne city and country, that owin to the growth of my business, I found It necessary to en largrf mv space. Coosequently I have taken down the partition and now occupy the whole of that spacious store neat to the Auction Rooms. Consignments solicited. P an VJanted zsl localitr. KMfMHtaibl ho. Beferaaeea axebaared. AA 75 for oar tn i la SBKlUh. CAV BKOS, IS Barclay Street, X. Y . au&?10 4w dw ' ' rOSQUITOES.ilfM Wanted illto- Lie Mosquito Bitk Cure, ales Instant reiiei, ana anves tnem away, auureeo MLLlDS St CO , ang'O 4w 8 East 18th St., New York WAN1ED You"g adles In city or country to work for us at the'r homes; fasclna ting employment: no Instructions to buy; work can te sent by mail (dis ance no oojec tion) ;$6 to $9 per week can b3 made. - No can vassing, particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents In stamps. Please ad dress. Home Man trr actukis g Co., Boston, Mass. P. O. B&x 191 . aug 10 dw 4w FAY'S 1866. Established MANILLA ROOFING ! Rest mules fine leather; for ROOF3, OUT fl i E WALLS, and INSIDE In place of Plas ter. Very strong and durable CARPETS and RUfeS of same material Catalogue with testimonials and samples J?bee. w. h. FAY St CO , Camden, N. J. aug 10 4wdAw Piedmont Seminary. A SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, v lde-awake and un to the times. Prac ileal course, practical teachers an4 practical methods. Prepares for College or Basinc's. Has a reputation for thoroughness and gord dlscipll&e Location health v. Of cay access by railroad. Next session begins 4h Tues day In Aug 18S5. For circular, Ao , send to u. Man. iuumiu, rrm., augl0dAw4w 1 iocolnton, N. C. tnscE J BURNHAM'S IMPROVED STANDARD Turbine S Is the BEST constructed and finished Turb'ne in tbe world. It elves BETTER percentage w:th part or lull gate, ana is sola for LESS MONEY per Horse Power than any other Turbine. Pamphlet JJ ee py Burnham Bros., York, Pa. aug 10 4w A Polite Request. A NUMBER OF PERSONS OWE ME small bills past due. Each amount Is small of Itself and might be paid without much ex a ' " 'ertlon; In the aggregate the amount is quite large. Tbi) being the season when a shop keeper needs money most, I would esteem it a special kindness on the part of my friends to make an early settlement , JNO. J. HEDRICK. aug 7 Caution to Consumers ! rjK) BE SURE OF GETTING THE GENU INE SHELL BOAD Tobicco, chewers should be careful to notice that the oblong blue pper tag In the centre of each plug bears the Trade Mark of the buggy and horses the words SHELL ROAD, a"d the name of the manufacturers, Mcssr R A. PAT TERSON St CO. Beware of the many worth less Imitations th t are being sold to the pub lic as the genuine SHELL ROAD, and do not be deceived. ADRIAN St VOLLERS, Agents, june 6 3meod Wilmington, N. WE HAVE MOVED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST., ' where we will keep (as usual) The Largest Assortment I of Liquors Cigars and Tobacco of any house la the city . Be pleased to have our friends and patrons call H. BRUNHILD & BRO. , 114 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. aug 14 M A LeadiRcLandoaPby. a. ixwug saw n mm rtice in New York. AroTTi Am, Joanialof Mo. T 1 JC 4Ir. Ab. Afeserole. who f I I 1 i nVmakesaiipecUltypfEpilieT r I, it, lw".wlWMO uooo urescea I .frl t?-J aua enrod mors eases than been astofmhing; we bsve heard of cases of over 20 years atnd in CTred by hin. Heipianuiteesaeam. Iatto bottle and Tretib sent free. GiveP.O. and r-iprrea aodrew to Dr. AB. MESEROLE. No. 96 John St.,New York. - apl "Aw. - Board. Board. Board. ETER JULY 1ST, I WILL TURNISH families with meala by the dar w.v -month Whatever ihU raarket afford??! S foTl1? "on Western Beolad lii? ton. Heals tent out without extra charge. , WILL WEST, J1. - 28 H. Front t. u - CLOSE OUT PRESENT STOCK OF Y " ; ,CARPETGf WATTIWCSQ ; ET THE PRICES ARE SO LQW YOU WILL BE SnL1 ..... ' - , . ' . ,. - Also all Dross Goods Are being sold at low figures. Come and see u, we haTe almost MATTINGS! MATTINGS ! , The remainder atj closer prices than eyer offered - Jerseys a specialty. : . - aug 14 - . ' , ' 1 - , 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS.; AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture W.reroomsf Can be found a large assortment of. : VALUABLE GIFTSr ...... . . r.icirjTinE - ' 't iiik ""in! ' The pubUc, and ' especially -the ladles; are reepectfully InyltAd to - call and examine prices, Ac. - . U. A. MtTl. dec 32 Furniture Dealer, N. Front Street Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works Watermelono ! 500 FINE CUBAS XTTILL BE ICE COLD 1RIDAY AND for Tf sale at from , 15c; to 30o. for Cash Only ! We will deliver them to private families between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. , ( . W. E. WORTH & CO., aug 6 Proprietors. flew Yorfc & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER. NEW YORB c - At 3 o'clock, P. M. GULF STREAM ...Saturday, August 15 BBNEFACTOR...... .....Saturday, August 22 GULF STREAM.. ......Saturday, August - 29 FROM WILMINGTON BENEFACTOR. Friday, August 14 GULF STREAM. .....Friday, August 21 BENEFACTOR Friday, August 28 KT Throusrh BOls Lading and Lowest Through Rates gcaranteed to and from Points In North and South Carolina. - - For Freight or Passage apply to . H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, - Wllmlngtoii, N. C. TJIEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent. - New York. WM. p. CLYDE Sk CO.. Genera. Ajraats, 85 Broadway, New York. aug 8 1885. ; ' ; Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. TT A XTTT Wtfrvr T ha maw w.m J rears, maintained its position as the leading Uustrated weekly newspaper in America With a constant Increase of literary and art istic resources, It Is able to offer for the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any prevl- serial story by W E Norrls; Illustrated artl eles with special reference to the West and South, Including the World's Exposition at New Orleans, entertaining short stories, most ly Illustrated, and Important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the iay. Every one who desires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and Instinctive fam ilv journal, entirely free from objectionable1 feature In either letter-press or illustrations should subscribe to Habfxb's Webklt , V - Harpef s Periodicals Per Year:" - HARPER'S WEEKLY. .............t4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR..... M 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE S 03 HXKTEK'8 FRAKKUK SQUAUB LlBBXBT. One Year (52 Numcers ....10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers In the United States or Canada. r The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the nrst Number for January of each year. When no time la mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. Th last Five Annual Volumes of Earner Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. .ioUl 9fff ,or eacn volume, suitable for binding, wUl be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances sfcould be made by Post-OlSce Money Order or Draft, to avo'd chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Haktxb St Bkothkks. Address- - :, HARP5B it BROTHERS, dec- - NcrTmk . . . . ,, . . f SPCISOCIRTFISH. 1 P0lt''r remedy for th abor dlMsa - brlM 7 worst iiaauaci lour naadiibavabameatIiids.soMnmrlaiaTfauS tn lteeffiaey.tbat I will send TWO BOTTLES! Trjul together wlU a VALUABLE TREATISK on this dlseM 'towynftwr. eiTepreMandP.O.a4drsa . - . r. a. euxfm, in rewi sl, yw York, may 18 Cjaeod;d4w.' v - AtCIMEIB k COSIlSSliJir.' QVriCB AKO SALG3 EOog Market and Second street., where tentlon will be given the saleof Merchandise. Ac , on Con!-"' ' l I.I.I . General Commlasion Lii4U;CS8 fij tentlon to1 business nl j sales. r sj THEMAYolot v ATFOICTFISIIEK, j IS NOW OPEN FOR TH increased faclUUes for the SjS? of Parties. Parties made up Iffi!1 of the different :Ballroad8 can h. - and fast steamer PARSPOKT iw. Sopular and accommHlati w? larper, to meet them at the bSC!1 upon the arrival of the train, b2i, inir with him r,r W w xr. i.' 7 !fr There Is. now the" best fishing atfc ever known In thla Mnn(.. ? " e I :rife.!WnMt of a rtfiP. in ir iLiinHr mill nrorav a TasupVUedwUh sea auoras. and lanniiov fK. yision of Mrs. Mayo, with hTS "b inivo uaiiy: 'eavinK wili.- 9 o'clock, A. M ana 4 TcBck ! $ , now popular resort Is noted for ltiV i. tag Influence upon weak and aebilW sons, who immediately feelltg eftwT. are aU the Fishing Tackle and lSV ry for good spoil to be had npoa uT. aso Fine Liquora and Clears, ml jury 6 m s MRS. MART i i,. - J , "S Fresh Every Day. , J HAVE NOW ON HAND AND Wm I tlnue to keep a fresh Buonlvof es. Watermelons, and all kinds of YtpJ Chickens, Egs, Ac. ui aeU atnuct' prices. Give me a call O. M. nHUHPrtRlY jnly 20 "Davis' Ros", near New Mirl Dr. Uodd's Nervine No, CTTILL - CURE NEKV0U8, PHTS Tf and GenltAl WcAkneu exrxwA u k crctlon and trlobitlne the lavi nf y- Price $1. DR. nUNTER'S PILLS Cures Syphilis In all its forms i&it Yellow or Brown rpots on the fare at , Sore Throat and Nose, Scrofula, Tetio, I ma. Itching sensation, Salt Bbeua it rt . . J a a a&a niouu bdu oE.m iiscases, urinary uiseub Strictures speedily enred Price $! DR. UU Tr3 FKMALK mi Never falls to enre I rrr en larltW or It- slons, caused by colds or disease. . ladiet and laditt in delicate tlatt af cautioned to not use it. Price $3. My money for either medicine toFlASir VENS A CO.. RalMmnrft. Mrl Mil It r sent by mall or express sealed, forak u iruggisu ; sent oy mail or expes. m 1 Home Again 1ITE ARE ONCE MORE AT QUI t Stand, Front 8treet, next door sorts at- m mrw -ww ... . . . . oi new xianover, wnna nSTETW STOCK. BOUGHT AT LOWBT POSSIBLE PRICES FOB SPOXU Bv atraisrhtforward deallnr and tentlon to all, we hope to merit m the generous patronage bestowed opoet the past. Call and see us. july 27 lw Hardware Depsrtae I Sash, Doors, Blinds, "White Lead, Paint! . r - 3-'' ' f : . ' French Window GENCY FOR N. Y. EN AMD T1 ' - COS BEADY PREPABID ALL AND EXAMINE OUB G00D!A get our prices before purchasiBfr . - . . . - at hat our Paints are from tbe celeW , orles of Wetherlll St Co.. wd H" Co., Is sufflcient guarantee for thsP v ' purlt?.. . ' Una Una of Cooking stores Prices, In addition to oar larre an HAEDWABE STOCi . ak tiaai t4AH Tat WBICO TUUI liW NAT to ii r-m m . n for working tm LZ bir cents POta. . mall you fbxe, a royal. mJAm that r1)1 TtTlt V0U Ul 106 WJ f 9 mnrtk mnnc tn a feW ay rrt thonirht TV required. wans wot W- :'!. this nnparalleled olftr: T. f not weu satunea e w j, rtr. the trouble t lllvs. J directions, etc. wtTv solutely sure for all who start f delay. Address snssos att AlSlUfS Front Strdet. SrnttDTi". GEol W nAVnandD.IBp ' ' TEALS AT ALL BO V ' JV1 Crabs. .. served in ail su naKT First class Bar attached. v julr27Jxa