THI3 PAPER ever7 evening. Sundays ex--jepted by jOSH T.JAMES, - - gprroB -isronorHBOi.- -rrJPTIOS9 POSTAGE PAID: sC oft. x month. 2.0e. Three ,v One month, S5 cents. 000 win be delivered by carriers free f8 .1 ,r-ra'Cfllow,an(l IlberaL Ad'V,cr til report any and ail bit rr'.e tlielr P"i;r regularly. jjCS I J - - 77,, It iVy ilevusrjy ha me .largest f i - nri'-itwn. of any newspaper Orator shrifon's I'ahre Flo-el. San Sena'. . i a:d to be assessed at $1,- WinCim M- . . rnderfiker Merriit. who had charge ri-en Crant body is now said to niaic h!i bill at $30,000. C'-nklin has written to a frcaJ i' Uufff,h'lt he i3 thoroughly '. ;n., Kuropean tour and that his jj-bi" nn - improved. ThP V.v Orleans Vtaiyune views cmator Kalis' prediclion-ol a . I. Sol the part" in Jmisiana as tne possible io5sot a sp:intr. but thinks it will not beaP:-'- . I'hiiadtphia I'ress: In U natural .......! ihi'ir frenzied career it is al- niot ti:ne f-irthe Blaine organs to ac cuse'the President of buying all the fish be capture- . ... - XaMiviiic l-nion : In the fullness of tin'e it wsli d iwn upn the benighted rii-onsol the managers of the blootly shirt lai-try Hint they are turning out DeaiocraUc votes. Indianapolis Xacs: The walking match which is to attract the greatest attention is that of the cittle men out of Indian Territory. However, it not be a -'o-:ts-you ptea$e affair. - Th.- Kcntiickv iVmoerats, as far will as J IIV mw-- known, have eliic'.ed filty-3:x members of the Leitiilature. whilst the Republi cais haje elected thirteen. The State has gone a3 usual by a reduced major ity. - - ... Matthew Arnold, in his speecii on giving away the prizes at Dulwich College. England, oa July 39. said that the reign of the Euglish middle classes is now just over and that that of the. Democracy ha3 bejun. -- The project toecure from the next Congress an appropriation lor the erec tion of a Grant memorial bridge across the Potomac is assuming shape, and lssaid that a strong effort wiil be madetoaltain that end. An object of much interest to those attending tlie first annual meeting of the Society o! American Florists, now in reasion at Cincinnati, is a Francis Beaceit rose in lull bloom. The owner paid.? 10.000 'for tho Bennett stock, and ii is said that his protits already assur ed will be clos'j upon $30,000. An admirable work has just been completed by Pope Leo XIII. at a cost o! $000,000. subscribed by Roman Cath olics in all parts of the world. . He has built close by the Vatican a cholera hos pital, capable of accommodating 2C0 patients and fitted with every appliance the latest disco veriei of science show' to be desirable. The Alexandria. Va., Gazelle spoils the beautiful little story that has been Raioz the rounds about Mrs. Wiso con jritalating Mrs. Lee on the nomina tion of Gen. Fitzhugh Lee for Governor of Virginia by saying that Mrs. Leo has not been to Old Point this season, , nor ay from her home. Evergreen, nsar Alexin iri.-i. during the summer. Miss Kose Cleveland's book has reached its twellth cditioi and already over 50,1100 copies have been sold. Miss J- eveland has received an aclograpb Uer from the Empress of Russia re Win that the book be translated 'Qtothe Russian language. The writer "iJ she admires the work and makes th8reinesi on behalf of her country nraen. This work is now being done. J; !S also in process of translation into toman. French and Italian. These taxations arc all made because of eirne3t requests, so general aa to be come demands.. From Italy there re letters written by the legation tik2 fur -lt At the German watering place hwaibach, Madame Christine ;NUs- h the chief attraction . - A lew days 'Jo acor.cert was giyen by some, wan er Tyrolese minstrels in., a al wco restaurant in the woods there: -S3on was present and listened .for a tt with exempiary patience to the j aa' excruciating noises. Hat sudden- ta i h J;sappeared amJ presently, from heart of the greenery, arose, to the foment of the Tyrolese and the dc--t of the Scwalbachians, that voice has given so much pleasure to csaads.cvea when they hare had to I a bIg sum for the privilege of hear ,nt it. Va 13 Sau to e morc dangerous Ja whiskey. That is the verdict of E VOL. IX. the Scientific American , which sets forth that the use of beer is found to produce a species of degeneration of all the organs; profound, ar.d deceptive fa!ty deposits, diminished circulation, conditions of congestion and perversion of functional activities, local inflamma tidas of both the liver and kicneyp, are constantly present. A slight injury, a severe co!d, or a shock to the body or mind, will commonly provoke acute disease ending fatally in a beer drinker. (K0H TO ISW AnVERmtMEaU. Mdxds Brotiieks Netlcc F C Tar llee' Liniment HEUfSBEKOEB Pianos and Org ins 'J W V atks-aTWotiL to Merchants A S Black, Frla School at Iiurgaw TuoS D ME.VUES, Ast -Notice to Shippers There was do City Court this morn ing. Oysters will step to the front next month. There are few good watermelons of fered in this nierket now. Another warm wave visited our pity to-day. and it "a3 a scorcher. This will be.a first rate night for the moonlight excursion on the Passport. - - - - Shrimps have been selling here oc cassionally a3 low as five cents per quart. The heavy rains had hero on Tues" day night extended only a few miies East of the city. . . 1 Give the RfcviEW Job Office a .trial. We guarantee good work, prompt de- livery and low prices. v At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther. monpet6r1n this office registered90 de grees, with the wind from the South east. .The finest woolens ever offered to the trade aro shown at Dyer's. Suits for $254 hat .recently sold at $35 by other tailors. t Advertise your houses for rent or to sell in the Daily Review. We offer you the largest circulation and the lowest rates. Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn having return ed there will be services in Temple Israel at half past 9 o'clock next Satur day morning. There is some talk of an open air concert by the Cornet Concert Clnb, but the matter i3 not yet definitely de termined upon. Gent's Wamsulta Jeans Drawers, equal to linen, all sizes, at 00 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No. 27 Market St., J. Elsbach, Prop. tf The water is so low in the &ape Fear that the steamer D. MurcJiison, which was due here yesterday morning, did not arrive until about 8 o'clock this morning. - - . Another fine buck was killed a few miles from the city and brought into market yesterday.! It weighed about 100 pounds and was bought by Mr. George F. Tilley. Messrs. Harper and Ilarriss are in luck so far as weather- is concerned. They could not have a prettier night than this promises to be for their moon light excursion to the Rocks. There will be a match game ot base ball to-morrow afternoon betwecu the Seasides and theEurekasat the grounds of the former. It will be lor tho benefit ot Mr. Kurtz, the pitcher of the Sea. sides. JIo with Mr. Monroe will com pose the battery ot the Eurekas for the occasion. . And again we-ask: What about the proposed Onslow R.R? Six months ajo a meeting of the corporators was held and a committee appointed to set the ball in motion and as yet nothing, so far as we can ascertain, has been done in the premises. In the thing to stop just where it is and to die in its very inception? A private despatch received in this city to-day say3 that the yachts Puritan and Priscilla, who were to haye raced to day to determine who will defend tho Am erica's cup in. the International Regatta, were bpcalmcd off the High lands about noon in very hazy weather, and it was doubilul then if the race could take piacs. as the wind was too light. - Indications . For the South Atlantic States, weather, stationary temperature variable winds. - . - fair and ' Now is the season lor 'painting your houses Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and bay your paints, if you want to save moucr. " t DIM WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20, 1885. Thanks to the indefatigable labors of the worthy Superintendent, Mr. Henry Haar, the shell road to the Sound i3 now in an excellent condition. Many of the trees which were set out along the line of the road are growing rapid ly and next Summer the ehade will Jdq very refreshing.. Marine Mews. Schooner Three Brothers- passed cul at 0 a. m. to-day, and British brig Acacia passed out at 8:30 a. m. . Schooner. rJlirec Brothers t reported above a3 passed out, ha3 returned leak ing, and will come up to the city for repairs. Schooner Muml 11. Ibiyncs passed up at 2:15 p. m. School at Burlaw. That well known teacher, Mr. A. R. Black, will open a school at Burgaw on the 31st of this month. The institution wiil bo thorough in all ot the branches taugiit, and tho terni3 will be very rea sonable. Iiurgaw, it seem3 to us. is an excellent place for a school, and Mr Black will probably have a large num ber of students on the opening day. The Minstrels. Mclntyre & Heath's Minstrels, who are to open the amusement season in this city at tho Opera House on the night of the 27th iust., aro meeting with pronounced success wherever they appear. They play at Richmond to. night. Mr. George H. Lennox, their ageat, is in the city to-day and the bill boards are being covered with pictures of the show to catch the eye. L.ipiincotts Magazine. LippincottV for September is" light and amusing, as a number issued in the dog days should be. "On this Side" is brought to a conclusion, which is satis" factory in all respects, except that of leaving no more to come. "The Truth about Dogs" is a good humored protest against the exaggerated fondness for "pets." The story of an Italian Workwoman's life profe3se3 to be a true narrative in all its details. "A Chapter of Mystery" deals in a simi lar manner with spiritualism. "Roses of Yesterday and To-Day" is a paper of pleasant reminiscences. "Muster Day in New England"is an amusiDg picture. "The Story of a Story" is an ingenious bit of work; "A Hoosier Idyl" is a realistic study of Western life; and "Rena's Warning" completes a series in which tho writer has given faithfu' and charming pictures of characters and manners in some of the rural parts of Pennsylvania. The "Gossip," among other good thing?, contains ex tracts from TourgenefTs correspond ence. Personal Mr. W, W. Larkins, of Long Creek, was In the city to-day. Mrs. II. Render will sail tomorrow on the steamship Gulf Stream for New York. Mr. W. W. McDiarmid, of the Iiobc soman, was in the city to-day and favored us with a visit. We were pleased to receive ta visit fday from Mr. S. W. Henley, editor of the Wades-boro Intelligencer. Capt R. M. Mclntire left on this morning's train for New York and other Northern? markets for tho pur chase of his fall and winter goods. Mr. W. Ii. Hocut, of Rocky Point. Pender county, was iu the city to-day. Mr. James T. Murphy, of Clinton, Sampson county, has been appointed to a $1,200 clerkship in the Bureau of Statistics at Washington, D. C. Mr. George II. Lennox, agent of Mclntyre & Heath's Minstrels, arrived in'fhe city last night and registered at thePurcell House . ... , , , I MiS3 fc. ivarrer win icavo uuru morrow for New York, on the steams ship Gulf Stream, for the purchase of the largest stock of goods she ha3 yet displayed in Wilmington. Rev. N. M. Woods, with hi3 young wife, isin the city, the guest of Collec tor Robinson . He will preach at the First Presbyterian Church next Sunday Rev. S. Mendelsohn, of Temple of Is rael, who has been absent several weeks, returned to ihe city last night. His wife, who accompanied him on his trip, did not return with him. She is ex pected here about the fi.h ot September. Miss Kate 'Robinson, nieco of Capt. E. D. Browning, died at Halifax yes terday morning. The sad news was received here during the afternoon and it was a great shock to many. Deceas ed was a charming young lady, well known to many in this city, where she was recently on a visit, and had many warm and sincere friends here who will regret this untimely close to a lovely and promising life. Sudden Death. Mr. Robert C. Player, son of Mr. W. II . Player, of Holly Shelter township, Pender county, died very suddenly a few days since in Georgia. The father received a letter from the son less than a week ago at which time the latter was well and the next news was that his remains were on Iheir way to Pender county tor interment. There ere no particulars as to the cause of death. The deceased Was about 24 years of age. was unmarried, and at the time of his death was in the employ of Mr. J. Wilder, of Brunswick, Ga. Farmers can save tim and money by eetting barbed wire lor their fences, at Jacobi's Hd w. Depot. t The Yacht Kaco. The third regatta of the season of the Carolina Yacht Club was sailed over the Wrightsville Course yesterday af ternoon. Tho weather was all that could be desired, with a moderate breeze from tho Southwest and there was a largo concourse of spectators who had assembled to witness tho in teresting and exciting sport. We have heard many of those who were present speak it the occasion and their opinion is unatiiniou3 that it was one of the best races ever sailed at Wrightsville and one which was-highly enjoyed both by the participants and the large throng of spectators. The race was started at about 2 o'clock p. m., and was won by tho Idler, Capt. Pembroke Jones, in 1 hour 31 mjnutes and 43i oeconds. The Ripple, Capt. Norwood Giles, came in second and the Rosa, Capt. VV. L. Smith, Jr., came in third. The following ii the time for all the yacht3, with the exception of the Bonnie Lassie, Capt. Price, and the Relta, Capt. Boney, which were not in the race. Following is the start of the yachts : Restless started at 2 o'clock ; Loulie av 2.00.5; Frolic at 2.00.42; "Lillian Florence at 2.00.52 ; Rosa at 2.01.37 ; Mist at 2.01.55; Ripple at 2.03.07; Vixen at 2.04.05; Idler at 2.04.32. Tho yachts came in as follows: Idler at 3 39.15; Ripple at 3 41.40; Rosa at 3.42.35; Vixen at 3 43. The time of the other boats was not taken by the judges, as it should have been. We would suggest that the time of each boat going through the raca should be taken, as it is a matter of interest to owners to know.the speed ot their boats. Interest often centers between two slower boat3 as well as between the very fast ones and it is no inducement for a boat to go through the race if it is seen that it is not coming out among the first. Several inquiries have been made by the scorers of the boats whese time was not taken but be have not been able to give them any informa tion. As far as we can learn everything passed off pleasantly, there was a good crowd present after the race had start ed and no accident . happened to any boat. The race was started promptly at the time appointed, whichlnot being expected, caused a number of specta tors to be late. You'll ilnd her smiling night and day. Although at times she Is not gay. And should you wonder why you meet This constant smile, regard her teeth, frhc only laughs those gems to show. Which sOZUDONT makes white as snow, daughter Lends a Charm To beauty discloses a pretty sctoftcetb. Whiteness, when nature has supplied this clomcnt ot loveliness, may be retained through life by using the fragrant SOZODONT. "Spalding's Glue," mend3 Furni ture, Toys, Crockery, all ornamental work. ' T11E MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Pest office as follows : CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast ...7.43 P. M. Northern through and wiy mails.. ..8.30 A. M. Raleigh....'. -.6.15P.M. and 8.30 A. M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom Includ ing A. & X. C. Railroad at 7.30 P. M. and 8.30 A. M Southern Mails for all points South, daily 8.00 P. M, Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) 7.00 P. M. All points between Ham let and Ual- -elgh 6.15 P. M. Mail for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Mails for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayette vllle and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays...... LOO P. M. Fayettevllle,Tla C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays 6.15 P. M. Onslow C If. and intermediate offi- -cos, Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00 A. M. Smlthvllle malls, by steamboat, daily (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls lor Easy Hill, Town Creek, ShaUotte and Little River, Tues- -days and Friday....... 9.00 P.M. Wrightsville, dally... ..8.30 A. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls.... 7.30 A. AL Southern Malls. 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes In business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.80 P. M. ami from other potntf of the city at 5 P. M and 5 A. M. Stamp Office open from 7.30 A. M. to 6 P. M., Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuously. General delivery open from 7 A.M. io6 P.M. and on Sundays from 830 torS.30 A. M. CarrterV delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 to&SOA. IL - NO 194 Slash the Prices. From now until Fall Siikikk don't expect to make any mo'ney. We guar antee to give our patrons, at all time?, more and better goods for their money than cap ba had elsewhere. The values we are offering in suits for men, boys and children are fully from 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than their equal cn be had for elsewhere. Your opportunity is now to get"morc and better value for le3s money than at any time yet. Al our Spring and Summer goods must be sold before receiving our new F'al stock. Come and see the prices this week. Siibiek, the Old Reliable Cloth ier, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior Pen n., are the leading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and price- They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Notice to Shippers, OUIPPERS VIA THE CAROLINA CEN- TR4.LIt.-K CO. arc notified that receipts for goods must be ma le to com spond with each dry load as dcliverc aid receipts not so made will be altered lo correspond. TUOS. D. ME ARES, aug2olt Star copy it Agent. SCHOOL AT BURGAW. rTIIIE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN School at this place 31st August, 168". Tuition per month $1.50, $2.00, $2 50, $3 O'j ana .cu, according to advancement. No student will be admitted for a shorter time lpan one month. Special pains will bo taken in preparing stu- ueEia ior concge. God board can be had at $7 to $3 per month. Bcllevln that there i3 "no royal road to learning." that "there is no excellence with out efl'ort," "palma non sine pttivere," all who enier tnis scnooi are required to apply them selves to study. A. R. BLACK, Principal, ang 2J 4t Presbyterian copy 3t Attention ! y-E HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment of Clears and Cigarettes. Our "Little Boy Blue" 5c Cigar Is the best In the market; it will pay you to try them. MUND3 BROTHERS. 104 North Front St , 621 North Fourth St. aug 19 Hotel Brunswick, Smithville, N. C. npHE HOTEL BRUNSWICK WILL BE open for the reception cf guests until the first of October. aug 19 lw COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, &c. 'yyE SOLICIT INQUIRIES AND ORDERS for tbc WINSHIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON PRESSES, which aro superior to any offered In this market. Circulars and Price Lists will be sent on application. WORTH & WORTH. aug 19 New August Mullets, en BBLS.IN STORE AND FOR SALE. SWEET AND FAT. aug 17 W. K. DAVIS A SON MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND M ANUFAC TURERS SHOULD READ A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRa.DE, Fl. NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. Sixteen Pages every Saturday. Oftentimes Twenty irages. sometimes Twenty four Pages, n VB DOLL AKS A YEAR. The foremost purpose or Bradstbket Is to be of practical service to buairess men. Its . i - . . A . . . eyeciai wraue ui iuiiusiiuii rejuria. liaweCK ly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth, the subscription price ; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceedingly valuable. As com merclal transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the information contained In Bbad9Treet8 Is of the first importance both to producers and middlemen. The Trade and Agricultural situation throughout the United Mates and Canada Is reported hy Telegraph to Bradstkeet8 up to the hour of publication SINGLE COPIES. TEN CENTS- THE BUADSTUEET (JU., 279,251, 283 BBOADWAT, iVm 30 tf NIW YOKKT CITV DEAFNESS ita CAUSES and CURE, by one A who was deaf twenty eight rears. Tltat- ed by m-st of the noted specialists of the clay with no benefit. Cured himself In three months, auu since uica uunureos oi otners by same process. A plain, simple and successf u 1 bom treatixent. aaress i. a. if AGE. 123 East 26th su. New York City. aug 10 d iw : 7XXASS KOTIC& 17 win bt glad to neerra cbmmunicattc trcaa our friend on ury and all ;rtJc : cotrallatemttmt.- ThA uuBtat tna writer tatut always be" wuea to ue Editor. CommnnTcatlona anil be wrtttsa c oV. one side of the paper. xrsonanaes must bo avoided . And it xs especuny and psrtlcnlarly und stood that toe Editor doe not always endoi tho views of correspondents unless so ststi in the editorial columns. - NEW ADVERISEMENTS. 1 tlT J i. H .L JJBFORE SENDING OFF FOR YOUR Fail supply of BLANK BOOKS AND OFFICE STATIONERY, let us give you prices, and see whit I can save you. CHSCK BOOK, DRAFT BOOKS, c, made to order- , MISS CLEVELAND'S BOOK. George - " w 9 ma W V 4 tag y4 ,v T ft' C. W. YATES, ang 17 ' 110 Market St Notice I Notice! CRAIG & THOMAS, T NO. 113 SO. FRONT STREET. STUL keeps for sale Fresh Family Groceries, - , . Pure Gins, wines and Brandies, an3 "Solon SLIrgle," "Craig's Choice," and Ihe "live Indian,". -aug 18 The best 5c Cigars lithe city. V . '. J V H t k k 1 . illlll . ..II II .V II I .k ll'B SPECIAL NOTICE ! J WILL MOVE FEOM THE STORE I NOW occupy about October 1st, to oto of the new Stores opposite the Market in the Vollers' BulldiEg. I will sell off goods now on hand at greatly reduced prices and will open In the new store with a larger, handsomer and bet ter slock than I have ever kept, as I will have more room for display. , Respectfully - MISS E. KARRER. aug 17 Exchange Corner. aug 10 tf Cool, Cooler, Coolest ! JOT THE WEATHER, BUT THAT DE LICIOUS BEER, st McGOWAN'3. Step In an! try It. ang 7 Taxe&- fJlHE TAX BOOK FOB THE YEAR lf8. has been put in my hands tf collection. Thoec ittcresled will please take notice. JOHN D. TAYLOR, auglSCt Tax Collector. TIN ROOFING, JJOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING; Tin and Sbcet iron Ware made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, fee, 4c r joooiDg generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith. Prlncess,bct. Front and Water Streets augiu . Tar Heel Liniment. JIOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wcl-Dc-Mcvers Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at JT C. MILLER'S, , aug 10 Correr Fourth and Nun sts Pig Fish ! Pig Fish ! G0D SUPPLY ON HAND AT PINE Our SHARPIE aud oilier Boats GROVE. ready at live minutes' notice with 'OWEN JONES (best boatman on tho Sound) and hi twoboisalwavson the lookout tn tka saiiiog. Transient and Permanent Boarders accommodated. Telephone No. 70. juner EU. WILSON MANNING. When You Ride QALL ON. WRITE OR TELEPHONE TO us and yea will get good horses and sound vehicles and careful drivers. We try to please always. Horse j boarded by the day, week or month. i We respectfully solicit the attention or the public to our facilities . . K. C. ORRELU livery and Sale Stables, Corner Four.h and juuioerry uts. ansl PIANOS AND ORGANS. REPRESENTING IHE GREAT EOCTII- ERN SIUSIC HOU3Eof LUDOEN A BATES, SAVANNA H, GA., I can now cfler" pure has era a choice of orer two hundred styles ot PIANOS and ORGANS, and give yon bargains for ca5h, or whatever time yon may wtih to pay for an instrument. lein offer a'fuecial Discoust to Churches, f choote,' Lodges, Pas- tors anl Teachers. Fend for llliut rale 1 Cat alosruo ad our 8 r tela I OCTers and let us dem onstrate bow well wc can satisfy you In price andquUty. -Respectfully, t aug 17 r. 1I8INSBERGER. TIE