THI3 FAPXB -nlnc. Sundaya pl by J0SH T. JAMBS. Pr 1 1,;. of the ity. at the above -fC8"1 ,-cr wren. MrVf -1- - onf all full. H:- .. ,. ,:r rcsralarly. '&J!!wtiii of "y newspaper i's; '.lfh .Uyof Wilmington. m . wh whs born an . rt.-,! r rime tif the book i I f.e wjtuc". The ... i irm,.jr. "f Chicago, who c rorc'riicJ a feat in the New "l- Ik Evj.'.-"-'1 r 000. de- T:',rwr!,ritho inten',;, lo rc ii't-r f ity. the purcnase k ' ... a. matter ol tcono - ,i t l. i- State. a tobacco ,;, Mown, shows remarka ... i . Ktif OA InhaK !..c mJiitftoial valuation of prop- ''.wis only S10.000. A recent census s Lui-alation of 0,370. and the UsseJ v&Juation of the property is ?ven at $3 CW,.(('. c r.-r'n-n u-nrs a?o the death pen j;y lor rounli r in the firt degree was by Minnesota, ami me im iuvtA w;s substituted; but the ;i.wshoiju5t been reerccted. Mich ;.,n tried the ?ame experiment, and '.,. inn-- -ir.te a bill was passed by the wnr House of the Legislature reen the hanging policy, although it fii!ed of a lou'.ion hi the Senate. Maine J J no banging for six years, and then sent back to capital punishment. Mary AtiU-rs-:n is rt-hearsing "As Yea Like h" ni:h a full company at theOrcra C iu:?'.n. in Ixndon, prior toherperfiTiirince ot Rosalind at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Sntfonl. ML- Anderson has never seen the character of Rosalind played, iml shelves an original rendering of the part which promises to bo the most srikinj character in her repertoire. Mr. Wilis is writing Miss Anderson a tn'edy on Boailieea. ... j: Among the thiugs which thirty-fiye jears ago went t make up the crime cf high treason in Italy was the pos sesion of a Uible, which wa3 in tho list ofrevulaticnary and torbidden books, an l for a man to own it was to subject htmio prison, the galleys and even to death. Xow Hible depots arccstablish eJ in every Italian city, and itinerant Tenders circulate the book freely. In a conspicuous store in the Corso, Home, s whoiejvindow is filled with copies of tie Italian version of the Scriptures. The New Testament can be purchased for five cents and a separata Gospel for two. "Maxwell, the alleged murderer of Preler, appears to have a nimble tongueacd a lively imagination. He kasraanased to give a dozen or more accounts of the death of Preller. no two cf which harmonize to any great extent. If Maxwell "keeps on talking he will ban himself without the formality of a tna!. If he has secured any counsel the best thing his legal adviser can do to get him to shut his mouth, if sucli athinz is possible. An enlightened American public would like to be spar ed the necessity of reading so many of professed explanations of how Prel beanie to die. Brussels was on Tur5i1.iv List the 'eot a remarkable procession gotten n? to illustrate the various means oi asportation used from the earliest fcs-orie epoch to modern times. It mirkcd the citation- of tho fiiticth "nivcrsary of the Grst introduction of 11 :ass into Belgium . The affair was Crsn?7r, . ... ., ., a ""iu " connection wun tne ran- -u:uLloa now Sittintrin KrnP 9. - auuwu oi an me svvies in here u-oro ni' i --iicuiiuai Dt-rsooaees reu- sentin!? tho t-o;- r .i rro?rpa : . , . . . Q v. lanuus uerious iu iuu pujurovea meinoas oi loco motion TU . . .,. k u procession occupieu six 3JJrs in traversing the city.and excited x ferae interest :imnntr it nioc9ns r the DfinnUn., i- rCa Ahfcrd. fin AUKomo knrMnf aS Sfnir. l.. ... - -uwu lO Hard Ahrw fnr fir and a!,,, r. . ; ..v. uaj atrrveti nrnr o hai torm -wv, II I I' I li n T3 AM ft. . mm . "13 Rf4rl,. . j , . - jwa uiuicireiore UI9 e&tS. on . . -"n iwr -enro n A 1 r ur- wuai OI ftlr n 'J Atnoncm re n-iwi it. . " Gc- - fiu; ui, me raic oi r ' ' ' . iim u l . l . . . r ,j """'las, "ir any device or more deviiish in ita rnnnantnn C0DCOCtfcd Kit u : I -"fienuuy oi 'man lo Cu 7. feiIow man" 8a? tbe Prison wc.ors, 'e Woul(j bc glad to bQ of it. The idea Qf imprisoni!32 lathis no c- '"J a I1.i. . e . ... Stp euuicimng oversiuuat Kr day is abhorrent. b?,. feac tim and money POSTAGE PAID: SCBSCW 'cu month9t t2.oo. Three yea? ' " !j5e month. 33 cents. ""V-tM. I1-' ' i carriers free ",vv,'isuJw. Depot. t r 7- i VOL. IX. LOCAJ, NEWS. IX0EX TO HEW ADVERTISER! EITS. Moonlight ixcurelon W E Kixo TlnBooflng liUNDS BaOTHESS NotlCC Giles & Mukciiison Powder Coroet Concert Clcb Excanlon F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment W E Worth 4 Co -Price of Ice C W Yates Your Cn'y Chance HKijiSBKHGEK Summer Beading Parker 4 Tatlor Fa!l Stock D O'CoxKOR-For Sale ami Bent To Subscribers Wll;Tel. Exchanga Operv House Mintyre Heath WE Sprixger & Co Slason'a Fruit Jars No rice birds in market yet. i'. Only one bale of cotton received at thfs port to day. The moon will be full at 11 o'clock to-morrow night. Ncr. barque Ilelgesen arrived in at quarantine yesterday afternoon. Refreshing and copious showers greeted U3 at about noon to day. Yesterday was one of the hottest days we have experienced this season. At 3 o'clock this Mternoon the tber mometer in this office registered 90 de grees. "Boil and strain all your drinkinjr water before using." is the advice of a prominent physician of this city. New styles received Saturday. The finest line of woolens in the market. at the lowest prices at Dyeu's. . t A new lot of white Puck Caps. All sizes at 35c at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory.Nr. 27 Market st., J. Elsbacit, Prop. tf Quite a number of railroad offi cials have gone to Goldsboro to day to attend the obsequies of Capt. J. C. Iorden. Two boys were brought before the Mayor Ibis morning charged with dis orderly conduct and both were dis charged with reprimands. i Gcr. barque Fricdrich Wilhelm 1V Ahrens, cleared to-day for. Fleetwood, Eng., with 275 casks spirits turpentine and 3.300 barrels ro3in, valued at $8,- 250, shipped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Remember tbe excursion on the Pass- part to-morrow, gotten up under the auspices of the ladies of Fifth Street MrE. Church. Their excursions are always popular and successful and this will be no exception to the rule. The crops in the -country along the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad South of Goldsboro never looked better. There was considera ble datnage done in the early Spring by heavy rains, but since then the seasons have been good and there is pow every indication of an abundant harvest. ' Cotton Needing: Itain. We hope that tho generous rains we iiavo had tr.-day have been universal, ss we hayo heard much complaint of the need of rain. Itjfs said that the cotton has been damaged materially by the rought and that the injury is every day becoming more severe. A gentle man who came down the road Irom Richmond on Saturday says that there is a pressing need of rain everywhere along tho lino Ncrth of Goldsboro. In Self Defense Capt. R. O. Grant, a conductor on the Carolina Central Railroad, got into a difficulty with an obstreperous - colored man at Laurinburg on Saturday last, and was compelled in self defense to shoot his assailant, infliction a slight flesh wound. An examination in the matter was held before a magistrate at Laurinburg and Capt. Grant was fally exonerated from blame. We have no particulars as tolhe cause or origin of the difficulty. Concert Club The Cornet Concert Club will give another of their delightful excursions on the rassport on Wednesday next, at which time they will tnrn out as before I in full uniform and . will regale their guests with some of their most popular mu3ic. Tho harpers will furnish the music for dancing. A grand time may bo conGdently expected. Ambitious Juveniles. We learn that two of tho bestjuvenile base ball clubs in the city arc to try their mettle on the Seaside Grounds to morrow afternoon;. This is a new de parture fnr the bojsv They arc young, muscular and ambitious of beating tbe record and would like to meet some of their elders in the diamond field. It is said that the winning club to-niorrow aCterncon will probabiy challenge tbe Seasides to a game. W CLMINGTON. N. C MONDAY. AUGUST 24, eath of Capt. Borden. We regret to announce that Capt. James C. Borden died at t he residence of his brother, Mr. E. B. Borden, at Goldsboro at 25 minu'es past 8 o'clock yesterday morning. The health ot Capt. Borden began to fail in February last, although he continued to perform his duties as conductor on tbe Wilmington & Weldon Railroad until the following April, when his increasing infirmities compelled him to relinquish the road for awhile, with the hope that with per fect rest, freedom from responsibility and care and good nursing and medical atteniion he might recover At times since then be has shown symptoms of some improvement in h"i3 condition, and a few days since he was removed to Goldsboro with the hope that tbe change of air might prove beneficial, and for a few days after his arrival in that city there was apparent improve ment, but on Friday evening last he was stricken with paralysis, after which every prospect ol his recovery wa blighted and his hold upon life was only a question ot a tew fleering hours. Those of his family who were not already present were at once summoned to his bedside and all were there in bis dying moments except one son, who is in New Orleans. Capt. Borden was born in Wayno county, in whati3 now within the cor porate limitspi June, 1829, and was consequently 50 years old at the time of his death. Just previous to, and during the late war, he was a mail route agent on tho Wimington & Weldon Railroad, a position he re signed to enlistjin a company ol cavalry under Captain, afterwards. Col. Thomas Ruflin. After seeing consid erable service he obtained his discbarge from the army to take tho position of Sherjff of Wayne county, to which he had been elected. Soon after tho war, and immediately after the stockholders had regained control ot the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, he was appointed a passenger train conductor, a position he held up to the time of his death. The deceased was a member of St. John's Masonic Lodge; a member of the United Benevolent Society, of which Mr. Thomas R. Tost is PresN dent, and Mr. D. .II. Walsh is Vice President, and in which he was endow ed to the amount of $5,000. Ilcwas also a member of the Conductors' and En gineers' Association, in which he was endowed lor $2,000; and a member of tbe Knights of Honor, in which he was also endowed for $2,000. Capt. Borden leaves a wife and eight children four sons and four daughters whose great affliction will be amel iorated by the consoling reflection that through life he had their warmest affection, and that when prostrated by disease and pain, from which only death could bc a release, all that tender love and anxious sol:citudo could sug gest was done by willing hands and affectionate hearts for his comfort. In all the relations of life, while firm and positive in his convictions of duty, he wa3 gentie as a child. He was a care ful and faithful official, and he will be sadly missed, not only by his immediate family, but by a iarge circle of acquaint ances, who held him in tho most "pro found esteem. Death of Mr. Griffith. Mr. William H.Griffith, of the police forcq. died at his residence. No. 519 Castle street at about 4 o'clock yester day afternoon, aged 38 years. He had been in feeble and failing health for several months with that terrible disease, consumption, but had been confined to his house and bed only a few weeks. The deceased had been a member of the police force nearly seven years, and was known all over the city for his cheerful and kindly disposition. Everybody knew and esteemed him for the frank and cordial friendliness which was one of his : most prominent characteristics. He leaves a wife and four children, and was a member in good standing of Orion Lodge No. 67, I. O. O. F.f Under whose direction and care tho obsequies "ere conducted at 4 o'clock this a Iter noon at his lato resi dence, and thence bis remains were con veyed to Oakdale Cemetery for inter ment. Hcf form was aylph-likc, aDd her face Was iust a miracle of prracc. That's why 1 ihougbt it very strange Folk talked with her at such lonj? range. Aha ! bal teeth ! tier breath waa tainted! With SOZODONT she wasn't acquahrted. The Only Itemeily. . Those who suffer from foul breath arc open to the charge of carelessness. It is an offence that can be speedily abated, as a single bottle of Ibe fra grant SOZODONT will unmistakably accomplish the woik. No toilet table should be without it. It will preserve and keep the teeth white, and the breath pure and sweet. MM Moonlight and Music, The next moonlight excursion of the season will be given on Wednesday night, the 26th inst., when the Passport will proceed down the river and re turn, being absent from the wharf abou three hours. She will not stop at the Rocks" as heretofore, which will give the young people a splendid chance for danemgunder tbe inspiring music of the harpers. Capt. J. W. Harper and Mr. G. N. Harriss will have charge of the excursion. ., , , The Minstrels. Mclntyre & Heath's Minstrels , will open the amusement seas HT in this city at lbs Opera House, next Thursday night. They have a large company in which there are quite a number of tbe most brilliant lights in the profession. They opened for the season in the Cen tral Theatre in Philadelphia, and in speaking of their Grst performance, the Philadelphia Daily Times says: The New Central opened for the sea son last night with a packed house. Mclntyre & Heath's Minstrels, suppor ted by a strong troupe of specialty per formers, will occupy tho stage during the week. The company is a good one throughout, and tho negro sketches are particularly funny. The closing act, "Way down South," made a hit. v Personal Capt. B. L. Perry, ot the Purcall House, is in Beaufort. Mr. Geo. Z. French, of Rocky Point, is on a visit to relatives in Maine. Mt. Charles J. ' Warnor. agent of the Standard Dramatic Company, is in tbe city. We regret to learn that Mr. B. H. Scott is quite sick at Smithfield, John son county. Dr. W. C. Green, of St. Louis, arriv ed here last Saturday with his little daughter on a short visit to relatives and friends in this city. Mr. L. Vollers lett on this morning's train for White Sulphur Springs, Va. where his wile and daughter have been stopping for the last three weeks. The Othello, New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior ; Penn., are the loading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and price. They can be seen at Jacoki's Hdw. Depot. ; t , Officers Elected. The Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor, which has just closed its session for 1885, at Winston, elected tho following officers for the next two years : Grand Dictator, J. T, LeG rand; Grand Vice Dictator, E. M. Nadal; Grand Assist ant Dictator, N. C. Dodson; Grand Chaplain, Rev. L. A. Bikle; Grand Re porter, P. C. Carlton; Grand Guide, N. Jacobi ; Grand Treasurer, S. E. Sco field ; Grand Sentinel. Douthitt ; Grand Guardian, Crabtrec (ot Washing ton) ; Trustees, Messrs. J. C. Kennedy, Moye and Slocnm ; Representative to Supreme Lodge to succeed J. D Taylor, Marsden Bellamy; alternate Jordan Stone; to suceeed S. S.Klutz, S J. Pemberton, alternate. J. M. Sprag gins. Dr. W. J. H. . Bellamy was re commended to Supreme Lodge for re appointment as State Medical Exami ner. Now is the season for painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to sa ve money. , t Slash the Prices. From now until Fall Shriek don't expect to make any money. We guar antee to give our patrons, at all times, more and better goods for their money than can be had elsewhere. The values we are offering in suits for men, boys and children are fully from 15 to 25 per cent, cheaper than their equal can be had for elsewhere. Y our opportunity is now to get more and better value for less money than at any time yet. All our Spring and Summer goods must be sold before receiving our new Fall stock. Come and see the prices this week. Shriek, the Old Reliable Cloth er, ' 1 14 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm. - - ". - . t We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot, f Dr. Uodd's Nervine No. 2. i IJ ILL CURE NERVOUS, PHYSICAL IT and Genital Weakness caused by Indis cretion and violating the laws of health, Price $lj DR. HUNTER'S PILLS Cures Syphilis in all its forms and stages. Yellow or Crown epots on the face and body. Sore Throat and Noac, Scrofula, Tetter, Ecze ma, Itching sensation. Salt Rheum and all Blood and Skin Diseases, Urinary Diseases and Strictures speedily cured Price $2 . DR. HUTS FEMALE FRIEND' Never fails to core Irregularities ox Suppres slons, caused by colds or disease. -Harried ladies and ladies in delicate state of health are cautioned to not use it. Price 3. Enclose tbe money for either medicine to FRANK STE VENS & CO.. Baltimore, Md and It will be sent by mall or express sealed. For sale by all Druggists; sent by mall or express, iuty TdAwlv - . , 1885 -NO? 197 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; For Sale and Bent. gTORES, DWELLINGS VACANT LOTS. AND ill Applv to D. O'CONKUItT aug 21 2taw3m in th Keal Estate Agent Cornet Concert Club b :x: o tjt or, s i o nsr 1 i WEDNESDAY, Aug. 2G. QTEAMEB PASSPORT. Concert Music by KJ ine liana. Dancing music by the Harpers. z are au cents ; iniiuren, : cents. ang24 2t - . , Sohcrilcrs to Wflmingtsa Teleploiic Eichingc. PLEASE ADD TO YOUR LJST3 THE fol lowing new station: No. 96 d C. Corbin's I ining Parlors, No. ii. juarxci oircet. aug 24 It J. C. WHITE, Manager Fall Stock. W E ABE RECEIVING OUB FALL Btock of Cooking and Heating Stoves. House Furnishing Good. Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove something new. Don't fail to examine our stock before purchasing eisewnere- we are prepared to offer yjeki LOW PBICES. PARKER 4 TAYLOR'S, aug 24 23 South Front St Powder. AffE CAN DELIVER AT A MOMENT'S TV notice: . FFF. Gunpowder. In kegs, halves, quarters. Orange Ducking, in qrs and 1-lb canisters. juice uira, in aegs. Blasting, in kets. Aljo, FUSE of several grades, aug 4 GILES & MORCUISOS. Mason's Fruit Jars. w E NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your rders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. K. SFiUNGEB CO.. 19, 21 23 Market Street, ang ?4 Wilmington, N. . Tar Heel Liniment. JjlfJE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-De-Ttf ever's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at F. C. MILLER'S, aug 24 Corner Fourth and Nun at TIN HOOFING, K OOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, &C.&C r Jobbing generally. W. E. KING, - Practical Tinsmith, Front and Water Streets aug 24 Moonlight Excursion ! WEDNESDAY NIGHT. PASSPORT LEAVE 3 AT 8.33 O'CLOCK, sham. Returns nromDtlv at 11. 30. Music and Dancing. Fare 25 cents. aug 21 It , . GEO. N. HARRISS. Summer Reading. X PROPOSE lO SUPLLY A GREAT pub lie demand for ENTERTAINING BOOKS of a high class, well printc i from good a ad large type, neatly and strongly bound in cloth an ornament to the Library shelves and at the very minimum of cost. It is a wise saying that "a book worth reading is worth owning" a proverb that applies to "light" as well as to solid" readine. It is hoped that 1IK1NS BERBER'S, LIVE BOOKSTORE will ecrvc as a corner stone upon which will be built tens of thousands of Home Libraries, aug 24 TOUR ONLY CHANCE J rpHIS IS MR. ALDERMAN'S LAST week with u and thoso wishing Photographs will please take notice and make engagements ahead. YATES PHOTO PARLORS. , School Books. s UCn AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE Board of Education. Special discounts al lowed to merchants and teachers. Send for frice list. All kinds of Blank Books and tatlonery, suitable for business and school use. C. W. YATES, aug 24 119 Market 8treet Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Works "rTE HAVE ADVANCED THE PBICE of Ice from to day to r 75c per 100 5 IbJ. each delivery. Oc per 1C0 10 lbs. or over, each delivery. 40c per IOC "0 lbs. "or over, each delivery. Prices first named by us when ue started our Machine. All we -ask is a fair living price. W. E. WORTH & CO., Proprietors. aug 24 . 66 II w aog 10 If j PT.TTArs Rones. ; , TTt ttCJ tot 2x3 to rxcclT ccnnnlraSca trca czi fr!s3j ca tay tsi tUl :;':::i" ' catriuatcmttd7 - , ., not Kama of the writer must always tLt to uia'astett - Cda-mTrnlri terras nmit hm vrlttsa e eai osasUoex tid papers Fsrsonaliaeanixistbo aTOldeO -y And it Is especially and particularly cad tood that the Editor does not arways eadcx the views of correspondents tuilsss so stall In the editorial columns. - ' new ajo vjfmiraiimmj. OPE RA : HOUGE, ONE NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27r The Bigokst and Best ih tne World McINTYRE & HEATH'S GRAND SPECTACULAR MINSTRELS. Embracing tho Leading Celebrities of the Mu stem firmament, carrying special ccenery, Mrc.hantafi.1 KflVwtii . Prrsentlng a Brilliant. Novel and Original i rcrgrauiuju uiim uvekiuue io VUBTAIX, snd RtcriNED AS a royat. T? TTTnV Conludlng j with the ReallsUo Spectacular WAY D (Mm ROUT IT J Reserved Seats 1 : on R.iln TnMiliv it Ileiosbcrgcr's. aog 21 ft One Rotten Egg JJEOKKN AMONG A CRATE OF GOOD Eggs will injure the sale of the whole crate. It is better to buv ess testers and shin onlv good eggs to J, R. MARSHALL, who guaran- iuea me mgnesr wash prices ior urst ciars produce. ' aog 22 rNE HORSE AND TWO PONlESr guar anteed to bc perfectly round and gentle. If not disposed of befora September 1st, they hui ue boiu at aucuon. aug 22 2t SUr copy J. W. TAYLOR, Hotel Brunswick, Sniitliville, N. C, J1IB HOTEL BRUNSWICK WILL JJE open for the reception cf guests until the first of October. aug 19 lw -Something New ! pRIVATE STOCK WHISKIES'! "W. H. McBrayer" and "Bose Valley," 10 years old 2Tc a drink $1.50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and bct 5o Cisrarr Brock's) In the city. J. M. McGOWAN. aug 23 Attention! y-E HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment of Cigara and Cigarettes. Our "Little Boy Blue" 5c Cigar Is the best in Ihe . market; it will pay you to try them. - MUNDS BROTHERS, 104 North Front St., 621 North Fourth St. aug 19 SCHOOL AT BURGAW. rjIHE UNDERSIGNED WILL OPEN School at this place Slst August, If&5. Tuition tcr month 1.50. ft-2 00. 2 .VI i rvt and $3. 0, according to advancement. No student will fn& a. fehnrtAv lime than one month. Snecial rtalns will bo taken in tiromrfnc stn . dents for College. God bdard can be had at 17 to $ 8 per month. Believing that there la "no roval road to learning." that "there is no excellence with out effort," "palma turn sine pulvere," all who enter this school arc required to apply them solves to study. a. it. ULA.CK, Principal. ang 25 4 1 Presbyterian copy 3t Notice i Notice I CRAIG & THOMAS, T NO. 113 SO. FRONT STREET, STILL keeps for sale Fresh Family Groceries, Good Bye and Corn Whiskeys, - Pure Gins, Wines and Brandies, and "Solon Sblnglc,": "Craig Cuolce," and tho 'Live Indian,", aug 13 The beat 5c Cigars ia tbe city. SPECIAL NOTICE ! J WILL MOVE TOUM THE STORE I NOW occupy about October 1st, to ore of the new Stores opposite the Market in the Vollers Building. I will sell off goods n aw on band at greatly reduced prices and will open in tbe new store with a larger, handsomer and bet ter stock than I have ever kept, as I will have more room for display. Respectfully ' MISS E. KARRER. aug IT Exchange Corner. PIANOS AND ORGANS. J-EPRESENTIXG IHE GREAT SOUTH ERN MUSIC HOUSE of LUDDEN Jt BATES, SAVANNAH, GA., I can now offer purcbas eras choice of over two hundred styles cf, PIANOS and ORGANS, and give you bargains for cash, or whatever time yon may with to pay tor an Instrument, i cm offer a Special Discoo&t to Churches, fcbooTs, Lodges, Pae- tors and Teachers, fend far'lllutlraiel Cat aloeue and oar Sr erlaLOscrs and let us dem onstrate how well we can satUfy you In price and quality. Respectfully, angi; P.IISrxSBERGsX.