c - ' ' . - ... - ;.r. The Daily Review. m t-The uanv Mcvicvt has the largest bona fide dradalion, o(any newspap vlblilhcd. in the city of WUnxvjUm. WEDNKS1Y. AUGUST-20. lt5 season ha no-fa'ly. tMM.kM. ns3 through :. rlv lv e.nre. Cfl r'it f"r h. Vnrth iinl vl. Thrt lisli i ml of the Atlautic const i increasing r nd is very prulitab.e.- evry lUWuh Visitor: The "ajta-eol Bun combe" has pre:ty -well abs-.rbMi the officers ol the Stat t Nortlt 'Carolina. At thi3 time she h on her soil tnetol lowinir : Senator Van(Hf Senator Ran som, Ueprt-sentative Jhntnv tov. Scales. Attorney (lenera! .Davidson, a- llin. Chir Jus-iw Sinitn Associate Justice Merrinion and AHjor fi-M rv.i Sanniiera is at CleVtlaml SnrinffisndGn Roler sisODtnand- inff the Stale House nil alone. Charlotte Observer M-cklenbar; firt hlaof new cotKm wa sold in iinnvi1tA veterdav. It was, raised by Jimm Hlakencv. of Providence town ship, weighed 500 .pound ami was u. u O Vr.nnla S.irt & CO . ilt Tnrfi 1 on Snrulav lat Sydney KeWa obloYed section hand, was sent of Huntersvjllc. for the probable killing r V.;rr ninn named vv hitlow. in - mil in inmciiv. uv .. (h.f ni.M Whitlow had become en n,i in dineu!t7 with a colored .MK.f n!.v nn'il wa in the act r.minUtprincrtohim a gouna beat ;r.rr tvhon tho qpction master itdcrterea .nri' T.nlld Whitlow ifL As this was nno Rid who hnd not been engaged in the row, rushed up and struck Whit- low on the roreneaa wnn somw muu an inctmmont. snnnosed to have been notnnfr.hot. At &n v rate, the blow "fparfnl one. Whitlow's skul was badly shattered and one of his eyes was knocked out. Dr. walKupauena oH iho minrpd man. and cives no hope rrtf hi wnvfirv. A verv lively docket is being made up lor Judge Meares when he chines to Pn court here next October. Tho H!rirnrv Orovn camp meeting is becoming a famous institution in this ..Minn nf tho ortnn i nr. and bid fair to soon eciiDse the Rook Spring? nieetins; wjoi-nrv dmvn is eiffht miles lrcm the ond ls furnished with a targe- ar bor.wilh partly enclosed sides and with a ahinsrle roof. Iist fcunuay muy 4,000 people were J n the arbor am around tho eroundst Dr. W. M. Robey nftheTvron Street Methodist Church wa one of the cam d leaders, and his oormnn urns said -to have been a fine nne. There are a large number o camDS oh the ground, occupied by families who are there to see the meet- inirthmnffh. Many of these families have their cows with them and arosur rounded by all the comfort of home Mr. John Newell, ot NewcllV station it there with his family and has his six tmllnn row staked at the lent. The interest in the meetings is very great, and Sunday night there were about forty penitents arouod the arbor pulpit. Six hundred people from the city were there Sunday and Sunday night. The camp meeting will close Wednesday night. Newbern Journal: Mrs. Filis Dav enport, coU sends u? a basket of beans which are trooi her second crop this year. Capt. Appleton Oaksmith bad a stroke ot apoplexy at hi resi denceiuthi city ou Saturday night. We are pleased to learn that he is rap idly recovering. This is tho second at tufc ha has had this summer, tho first being at Morehead City rarly in June. Mr. Sol Haa3. Traffic Manager of tbo Associated Railwavs of Virginia and the Carolinas, Mr. T. M.Emer son, general freight and passenger agent of the Atlantic Coast Line. Col J no. F. Divine, general superintendent of W. & W. R. R.. Mr F. W. Clark, general freight and passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line,. Mr. D. Card well, assistant freight and passenger agent ol the Columbia & Greenville R. RM Mr. Washington Bryan, President ot the A.& N. G. R. R.. and Mr. Wro. Dunn, general freight and passenger ' agent of the A. & N. C R. R., went to Morehead City last night. Mr. Wal ter P. Burrus. Manager of tho Newbern and Pamlico Transport -tion Line, also joined them. - We understand these are to hold a conference and arrange it possible better rates tor carrying our eastern corn in,to. the intcnor. and lo give our people of this section battel facilities for shipping their produce and open up dw markets ir the same. On Monday morning Mr. Henry Humphrey, bailing from Bay river, Pamlico county, stood at the window, - on the south side of the ice-house office ( of Watson Si Daniels, in the alley way leading back Irora Aliddle street east ward, between D. N. Kilburn's and the ice house. W hile there in conver sation with Messrs. Lewis aod Turner, a ferocious bull came bounding around .the cast end of, Kilburn's store with a couple of men swung to him with ropes. Mr. Humphrey was standing with his back to the bull, and as soon as the bull rounded the corner the men swung to him gave the alarm. Mr. Humphrey started for Middle street but was too late ; the bull picked him up with his horns and tossed him ft ur - nr five feet in the air. caching him as ho came down. He was taken into the ice house office in an .almost fainting condition, where the application of ice anon cooled him off until he ould be removed. He is considerably bruised thouih it is hoped not serious. KTeics and Observer: Raleigh has to date this season received 32,887 bales of fnttnn- atrainst 33.613 to toe same aato last season. Cotton is shedding badly. In some fields, it is reported. bolls are dropping ou oy me nunareu. The hot, dry weather now does the -worst possible damage to the cotton. . The streams are very low and of r'lnarKame clearness. iu wr muddy them has tallen in somo weeks. Some streams .are dry and a num ber of springs and wells in this section fail to respond to the calls for water, .The manufacture of churns is being carrieQ on nero quuo caicushoij. xucj !! nitpntchnrns. and one firm is " filling a contract tor 1,000. Thus Ral eigh has another new industry, making a total of fifty-five different enterprises. warm wither lately. read;the record of tbo - j . a ast six dass. as larmsmju wr y Harris signal observer, me ucp - 20:h. 95 degrees ;.2lst, lHl -95 ; 24:b. 97 ; aver;inff95.G degrees. 1 ne t..tnl rainfall lor mo lUODlu uy terday was only half an inch. - 1'he -Jamestown weei. ura I y termed, the "jimson weed.; i not Uattrac'ive dh ni wegviauv.., ; 10 ifntir smell. It is coraai(mur, imdrci baps, all over me couuw . it is not the rear jarocsiown A specimen of that may be seen in the yard uX Hon. J . CJ1 owie. i . ineilirinal plant of rare virtue, and us dnwera are beautiful, witn an ooor much resembling that of. the violet. It it. rnfi'I 0 valuable plant. lie aee'i were brought here perhaps half a ccn- tury ago by the late Dr F. J. Haywood, There are bundrcas oi dtoiu viu- Una and Virginia people in the moun tains of Western North oaruiin. k onin r t ha naners sav mai the South Carolina people ore ufcuj claiming Western North Carolina as in a sense their own. 1 hey tauuue io .i as "Western Carolina." It if very laughable. Some people do say that the South Can.linians are not aware that there is a pretty large slip of land just north of them named NonhCarolina. Auditor Roberts has examined thu far all the remaining applications lor soldiers pensions, some 1,200 and about 2.900 of widows applications. Tnere remain ot the latter about 1,100 yet to be examined. Ot all the applica tions thus far examined considerably over half are held for further proof. On a 1 ihi class of applications Gen. Rqd: erts makes endorsements stating the nature ot each application and what is hcking to make it legal and complete. All the applications are numbered, and a record of all is kept. Some of the nnntioAt ions are interesting: all kinds ol wounds are (named, and deaths of soldiers on hundreds of battlefields are mentioned. One noted yesterday stated that the soldier was killed in the ex plosion at the "crater" at Petersburg.- A lew days ago we maue iubhuuu the fact that cotton had been discover ed growing on tree3 in the northeastern part of tho State. It was a strange story, but none the less a true one. Yesterday Mr. Ednund Alexander brought specimens ot the tree cotton. It is quite silky and grows abundantly, the pk!s or bolls being in shape similar to those of ordinary cotton, but in sjze smaller, say one-fourth as large. The trees are thirty-five or forty fret in height and a foot in diame er, and stand in a swamp in Tyrrell county. The land belongs to Messrs Simmon? & Biggs and Mr. Andiew Bateman. So far as known ii is a new discovery. Ot course there are trees which bear lint like substances but nono anything like this. There is a silk weed which grows in the fields, whose pods are fill ed with a beautifully poft and silky fi bre, of considerable strength. This was once used by the Indians as thread in "feathering" arrows, wrapping points on, etc. the When Miss Kalclien Felt Lucky S M.Simpson, the distribution cigar store man, on July 13th. met the Den ver agent of The Louisiana State Lot tery. and bought fifteen tickets fro u him. and font ten of them to Leadville to a customer who asked to buy them, that night by mail, took five of them borne, gave two to Miss Kaichen, his sistcr-in-iaw, who had told him she felt lucky and to purchase for her two fitths tor two dollars in The Louisiana State lottery, and retained three hirn f elt. NVxt morning a message came to the t ffect that No. 8.999 had drawn the capital pi ize. He told Miss Kaich en to look, and found that she ha4 8, 1)99 Tho ticket was sent on and the money collected through the First Na tional Rank ot Denver, Coi.Xfenrer. (Col.) News. July 23. TILE MAILS. The malla close and arrive at the Cltr Post oflice as follows : CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast.. ......7.45 P. M. Northern through and wiT mails 8.30 A. M. Kaleigh 6.15 P. M. and 8.30 A, M. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A. A N. C. Railroad at 7.30 P M. and S.30 A. II Southern MaUs for all points South, dally 8.00 P. M, Western mails (C. C KaU way) daily , (except Sunday) 7 03 P. M. All iolnts letwea Hamlet and Kal eih 6.15 P. M. Mail for Cher aw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Mails for folnts between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. VavettcvlUe and efficca on Cape Fear River, Tucwiays and Fridays LOO P. M. FiyetteYllle,vla C C Railroad, daily, except Sundays.. 6.16 P. M. Onslow C. H. and intermediate offi ces, Tuesdays and Fridaye.... 6.00 A. M." Smlthville malls, by steamboat, daily (except Sunlays) 8.S0 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, Shallotte and Little River, Tues days and Fridays ..3.00 p. M. Wrightsville. daily....... 8.30 A. at. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls.... 7.S0 A. M. Southern Malls ....9.S0 A. M. Carolina Central Railroad 8.45 A. M. Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P M. and from other point of the city at 5 P. M and 5 A.M. Stamp oillre open from 7-30 A. M. to 6 P. U., Monef Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to - 5 P. M., continuously. eencral delivery open from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. and nn Sundays from 80 to -4.30 A. M. CarrlrH delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 tiaJWA. M. Wilmington Refrigerator and Ice Wor ks -yE HAVE ADVANCED THE PRICE of Ine from to dar to : 75c per 10? 5 lbJ. each de'lvcry. 50c per ICO 10 ds. or over, each deliTery. 40c per IOC 10 lbs. or orer, each delivery. Prices first named by us when ve Btaxted our Machine. All we ask is a fair 11 ring price. - ! . t W. E. WORTH & CO., Proprietors. f PI more money han at anything else w w I ii U by Ukinc an agency for the best selling book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None fall. Terms free. tJ AXXKTT Book Co. 1 Portland; Maine., . , deo3 dAw i . V COMMEBCIAL NEWS; - WILMINGTON MARKET. - V.: .::-r" U, . Aox. 2G-4 M : SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dnll at 32 cents Ho sales ROSIN Firm at H7 ana yu cents. TAR Firm at SI 30- " " , CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady COTTON-Qaiet. Official quota- itions: ijooa nn-marj oj; iu... 9 3-16: middling 9i; middling 9 im6 . .: Receipts tolay: Cotton '3; spirus 417; rosin. 510; tar. 84; crude. 45. BXAitixK news; ARRIVED. Ste ville, Steamer Passport, Harper, &mun Master. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Hay- etteville, G V Williams & Co. : Steamer D J Black. Paddispn. Point Caswell. Master , " . t Schr Etta M Barter, Barter, Barba- does. E G Barker & Co CLEARED. Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville. Master , . Ger brig Albert. Abrams. Charles ton. S C. E Peschau & Weslermann Provisions and Cotton. cvrt-n .a rtoird at Tnrrentintt's Ex- WMW . change: . . : Chicago, Aug. 26. 2:30 p.m Wheat marketonemd at 791 and closed at791 for Sntember. Opened at 82 and clos od at 811 for October. Opened at 835 nd nlospd at 831 for November. Corn opened at 44i and closed at 44 4 for Sep- tember. Opened at45ii uniieiow" at ?3 rorf)AtnhT ' Ooened at 40 itnd closed at 39i tor November. Pork opened at ft 7.1 and closed at 8.90 lor September. Opened at 8.82i and closed at 8 92 for Oftnhr New York. Aug. 20. 2:30 p m Cot ton opened at 10.21 and closed at 10.24 for August. Opened at 9 80 and closed at 9 77 lor Septera ber tjpeneu at 9.62 and closed at 9.62 lor. uctooer. Opened at 9.58 and closed' at 9.57 lor November. Opened at y.s ana ciodtu -at 9.59 for December. r WERKLY STAT EMJBN T. STOCKS ON HAND AUGUST 22, 1885. Cotton -ashore. 298; afloat, I; total. 5,707; afloat, 2,365; 114.126; afloat, 7,353; 299. Spirits ashore, total, 8,072 Rosin ashore. total. 121,479. Tar ashore, 1,269; afloat, 74; total. 1,343. Crude ashore, 1 ,086 ; afloat, 30 ; , total 1.116. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED AUG. 22 Cotton. 11; spirits. 1 873 ; rosin, 5,776 ; tar, 549; crude, 1,044. .;, EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED AUG. 22. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 9; spirits, 1; rosin, 30; tar. 269; crude, 1,261. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. August 26, 1885. rNo vessel under 0 tons reported In this list 1 BARQUES.. Dan Uelgescn, 95 tons, Leopold, ' : - Hcide & Co Ger Die Krone, 276 t ns, Kruffer. K Peficb.au & Wester mind Ger Fidelia, 376 tens Meyer, K Tesrhau & Wc&termann Vor Abel. 482 ions, DanieleeD, ' " Helde & Co Br Battle H , 403 tons, Cochran, E G Barter & Co Ger Eintrcht, 899 tons, Musclck, CP Mebane Br Arica, 383 tons, Fcnrrell, C P Mebane Ger Texas, 591 tons, 3 oof , HeUe A Co Ger Lydla Peschau, 368 tone, Buraieis'er, r csciuu a n esierisan BRIGS. Nor San Juan, 296 tons, Bche, Heida Co N r Emma, 305 tons, Andersen, He Ida & Co WUUam Mason, 28t tons, uat ay, EG Barker & Co SCHOONERS. Etta M Bsrtsr, Baxter, S59 tons. js w isaraer jo Melln. Ill tons. Bill. Geo Uairles & Co R -Graham. S ton. Av 13. Geo Harriss & Co Addle K (now. 155 tons. Norton. KG Barker & Co E Arcularias, 101 tons. Mars ton. - : . js v uarscr x to Rover. 12" tons, McXcod. . Geo Harriss Co winner. 176 tons. Frye. EG Barker & (Jo Hatt e Turner, 2S0 tons. Keen, , tun uarser i o DIone, 190 tons. Rynes. E G Barker & Co Isaac u ciark,334 tons, repairing, ' Geo Harries & Co Span Natlldad 170 tons, Gonzales, rebldg js u jsaraer x kjo When You Ride jf-J ALL ON. WRITE OR TELEPHONE TO rs and y u will get good horses end sound vehicles and careful drivers. We try to pleiee always. Hoisej boarded by the dy, week or month We respectfully solicit the atlentJon 'or the public to ohr facilities . -r R. C. ORRELL. Livery and Sale Stables, Corner Fourth and Mulberry Sts. aogli Sash, Doors, Blinds, White Lead, Paints French Window Glass. GENCY FOR . Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO'S READY PREP A BED PAINT. JiLL AND EXAMINE OCR GOODS AND get our prices before purchasing . The fact hat oar Paints are from the celebrated Tac oriesof Wetherill A Co.. and Harrison Bros Co., is sufficient guarantee for their quality puiit -A fine Ene of Cooking Stoves at Facto Prices, la addition to our large and full HARDWAEE STOCK to which your attention Is respectfully invite 3 ' ; NATH'L JACOB!, apt i - ; - 10 South Front St Board. Board. Board. yrTER JCLY 1ST. I WILL FURNISH zamuies with meals by the day. week or month. Whatever this market affords wi-I be obtained It addition to Wet tern Be-.f and Mut ton. Mcal3 sent out without extra chance. . ' .y; V WILL WEST, : Julyl . . - 38 N. Front J:t. k jUSCELLANEOUS. rJ3ari Wanted a SALARY 75 SlOtf lor oar basiBcaa - to him OSQUITOES.IIfKSiS ic Mosquito Bite Cure, tl e3 Instant " relief, and drives them away. AddreM bALli.Dfi & CO . - aug WANTED YOUtig i aoies in wiy vr wuuv j to wrk lor ua at the'r homes ; f asclna- tlni employmnt: no Instructions w uuy, u. K . 1 Mia aiwui Tift An!(V worK can re sent uy v Uon) ;$G to $9 per week ran be made. Nocan vftteing. particulars free, or amp!e of work nledforfour cenU in stamps, rieafead- re3S. HOME JUASUFALTilfl"i ' Mf. ' AT. vl. Xi ji. JilJ. "6 " EstablUhed FAY'S , 1S61 MANILLA ROOFIIMG ! novnibl fine leather; for BOOF3. OCT- 1 j K WALLti. and INS1DK in Pofi"; fer Verv etrong and durable - CABr&is RiT.rt- ume material Cataloaue wjtb KBIUUVUUX - . . a A CO . Camden. N. J. aus 10 4w1Aw Piedmont Seminary, . snrrnftT. FOU "BOYS AND GIRLS. A uM,ia.firftizA and nn to the times. Prac ."rt rraftifAl Leachera ani practical method. F re pares for college or Mslne.a. Has a reputation for thoroughness and god discipline. LcaUon health t . Ot ea-y access n Ar "lAss." For circular. &e . seed to D. M ATT. THOM P3QN, Frln., aug 10 dAtf'w x incohiton, N. O BURNHAM'S IMPROVED STAND A KD the BEST const ructcd g and finished Turb'ne in the W wnrld. It elves BETTER PBunwT k v th ii art or full gate, and is sold for LEHS MONEY per Hore fowcr than any other Tut bine, rampmei r ree Dy Burnham Bros., York, Pa. aus 10 4w - '". " . . ' " -o- WE HAVE MOVED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST., wherj we will keep (as usua") The Largest Assortment -OF- Liquors. Cigars and Tobacco of any house in the city . Be pleased to have our friends and patrons call . H. BRUNHILD & BR0., 114 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N.; 0. ang 14- A I-eadingLnndoiiPliy. .VI lilceinNew York. lV..m Am .Tiinmul of MMI. I y.A m . V at n Kmvi.il t v nf Knileosy Ljhas without doubt treated 53F and cnid more cases than aSy otfierliviiu physician, tc0 "' been astou'siimg ; we uvo ueuru " rearaetandinsc cured by liim. lie gnarantees a cure. Large bottle and Treatiso sent free. Give P.O. and l.PABlffislROLE. No. 95 John St., New York. apl Aw NEW YORK HERALD. WEEKLY EDITION. ORE DOLLAR A TEAR. Brightest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly Journal In United States f KBTCHES, CABTOOUS, ;r And numerous other features have been add ed. Alan-a rompiete, exhaus'lve summary of the news in all departments. It Is read b up wards of half a million people and is a good advertising medium, reaching factories, farms and homes of all descriptions inr every part the country . . : A PERFECT NEWSPAPER. It contains all the areneral news cf the dally edition of the Herald, which has tho largest circulation In the United States. INDEPENDENT- IK POLITICS, It is the most valuable chronicle of political news in the world, impartially giving the oc currences ana opinions or an parties, so tnat all sides may be known. . In the department of " --: -- , ' f OEEIGN JNEWS ; ',- , : the Herald has always been distinguished by the fullness of its cable despatches. The new transatlantic telegraph cables , will Increase facilities. The Farm Department of the Weekly Herald Is practical. It goes to the point, and does not give wild theories. The farmer will save many more than . One Dollar a Year from the suggestions of the farm department alone, - concerning soil, -cattle, crops, trees, buildings, gardening, - poultry and agricnltp ral economy. - - "Thb Home" -Instructs the housewife and the children In re gard to economical and tasteful new dishes, the fashions, and the making of home com forts. In addition, are given latest reports trade and Produce Markets. r the condition of money, columns of rolscella neous reading," poetry, special novelettes, wit and humor, both social and political, sporting news, popular science, the doings of veil-known persons of the world, a depart ment devotedio the dramatic and lyric stage, vir hfle the Weekly Herald gives the. latest and best news of the wor d, It Is also a jour nal for the family. Subscribe one dollar, at any time, for a full year. Postage Free to any part of the United States or Canadas. A good advertising medium. Adver tisements should be sent in not latex than Tuesday noon. THE NEW YORK HERALD, In Weekly Form, " v - ONE DOLLAR A YEAB. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, dec 19 - Broadway and Ann Streets Atlantic Hpiioe7 Front Street, SmtthVilie, N. C. G EO. W DAVIS and D. L. BESDE8, Prop's MEALS AT ALL HOURS. Fish, Clams. Crabs, &e, served in all styles, at short notice.- , . ' ;;-- ;-:v JO" First class Bar attached." , ;- 0 e : July 27 lm - - H.1 Turbine Li t-M Is iHiTiaii M n U O O PJ u XIISCEIiLAITEOUS. .CARPETS,; WATtlWCS & r THE PRICES ARE SO LO W T OU WILL BE SUUPh ' AIgo all Dreso Goods Ajg being sold at low figures. Com e apdseo us, we have almost MATTINGS Jerseys a specialty. " . v T , J ads 14 1884. : 1334. CHRISTMAS. ; :. AT D A. SMITH'S F ii r n.i t'u r e Wareroomsi - Can be found a large assortment .of . V ALU ABLE-GIFTS, . suitabl6f or everybody. " The " pub '.lc, and- especially the ladies, are respectf udy invltwl to ; call ,and examine prices,-Ac -. . -v ':- - ;' "r " " " - : ,y lD.'A . SMITH. ' i Furnttnro Dealer, N. Front Street ' dcc -: . i :".- ix-: ' ' : FROM PIEB 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORE :yi ' I At 3 o'clock, P. M." ; GULF STREAM. . ...... . Satur day, , A ugu s t 15 B SNE FACTO R ....... . .Satuiday . AugU t 22 GULF &T8EAlT..-.ii..8attirday,r Angust; 29 FROM WILMINGTON . BENEFACTOR........:..- Friday, Auguet 14 GULF STREAM. ........... Friday, August 21 BENEFA1TTOR- ..... ....".Friday, August 23 Through Bills Ladina and Lowesi rhrousrh Rates aruarantoedto and from Point Id North and South Carolina. . Tor Freight or Passage apply to ; - EL G. 8MALLBONE3, Superintendent - :- . Wilmington, N. C T1IEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent .' - New York.' WM. P. CLYDX rv. Genera. Ateatf, -' S5 Broadway, New tort, aug 8 ' ,r - .1885- ' : Harper's Weelkly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weeklt ha rw,; for twenty years. -maintained Its position as the leadina Illustrated weekly newspaper in America With a constant increase of literary and srt ibtlo res- urces. It Is able to offer for the ensu Ing year attractions unequalled by any previ ous volume, embracing a capital Illustrated serial story, by W,E Nonis; Illustrated artl eles with special reference to the -West and South, including the World's Exposition at New Orleans, entertaining short stories, most ly Illustrated, and Important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the ay. - ' Every one who desires a trustworthy politi cal guide, an entertaining and insttuctive fam 1W journal, entirely free from objectionable features In either letter-press or Illustrations should subscribe to Harper's Weeket . ? Harper's Periodicals. jPer-Year: : HARPER'S WEEKLY... ..$4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. ....... ........ 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR..V..... i............ 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE.......... 2 0J Harper's Frankxtn Square Librart, One Year (52 Numcers..... ......... 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. . - "The Volumes of the Wttkly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Five Annual Volumes of Harper'' Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper ft Brothers. Address - HARP7SR A BROTHERS, deiSS - i - . New York " MERCHANTS, BANKERS AND MANUFAC TUBERS SHOULD' READ ; ' : A WEEKLY JOURNAL : OF TRADE, Fl" NANCECAJTD PUBLIC ECONO T. Sixteen Pages' every Saturday. Of lentlmcs Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose ox Bkadstreet Is to bef practical service to. business men. Its sreclal trade and industrial reports : its week ly epitome of bankruptcies throughout the United States and Canada, and the summaries 1 of assets ana liabilities, are sione worth the subscription price ; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceeuingjy valuable .as com merclal trans actions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the Information contained lo Bradstreet's Is of the first importance both to producers ana miaajemen. - ,J The Trade and Agricultural Situation throughout the United tates and Canada is reported by Telegraph to Bradstreet's up to we nour 01 puDncauon v - - v , T SINGLE COPIES, TF2 CENTS. THE BBADSTUEET (JO., 279.28L 83 Broad wat, r RW TOBK C.rTT iW jsa tt Fresli Every Day T' 1IAVE NOW ON HAND AND WILL. COS JL- . . . - v ' r-" tiine to keep a fresh supply of Apples, Peach es. Watermelons, and all kinds ot Vegetables, Chlckers, Ega, 4c will sell at reasonable prices. Give me a call .;;. t . C M.- D. HUMPHREY, a tf r July 20 .Davis' Con v.ifaear New Marked CLOSE OUT PRESENT STOCK OP "M. anythi . MATTINGS t The remainder at closer prices than ever offered AUCTI0SEE8 i CDSHiSJDs ,ntJ. QFFICE AND SALES Room, X;t Market and feoond slreetf. wb. ' tentlon will be given thejalcof Goot Merchandi e. 4c , on Co. General CommUsicn EuMtess. ETL ' tfntnn'1rx . . . QUICK sales ATFtfltT PIbiikr T S NOW PEN FO a TIIK SE An. 1 increased facilities for fie tiJ? l V?rl?Z ' ram made "p affi? cf ihe different Railroads aiT hf ,be and fast toteamer PASsporj- WiMMl pular and accommodatlrg' ! J tfarper, to meet them at the kK 1 x log with him or w. e. Mayo 11 J here b now the best fishirV. ever Known in this country. und"r the manasremt.nt ,,r Capt. Thos. Bark ley, to takenatd . tiU ing , Either siill water or garr S;? Table, supplied with the bc3 : the SftJ sea affords and Is under the immeff Z' vision of Mrs. Mayo, with Mr aKf ton as assistant. Kemilar in, tto Rocks twice daily; 'eaYlnrwi'min;' 9 o'clock A. M and 4 oJclock p now Popular resort Is noted for it' LI sons, who immediately feel Its tbZTZ! are ail the fishing Tackle nd Bait MrT ry for good -epon to be had ntv,n nJS- a;so fine Llguora and Cigars. - juiy o m s MliS. MARY A. M4yft H E LP SStfSSSJK! mail yotT free, a royal. valualta miuJ of goods that wilt put you in the way oft In. wiz-hYA wmiwinmw In f . . . J . t " ,uj, muni uiviic ui a icw i. lay m&B r thought poeslble at any bubiaees. Cti required. You can live at honi4 and work -spare time only, or ail the time AUoJ L sexe. of all ages, grandly BnccesBtuL :enr to $5 easll earned every eveniBg; Hui who want work may test the builikat make this unparalleled offei: To allst not wen saosnea ve wiu sesa fl to ' the trouble f wrltlne us. Fidl ran uucvuuuB) etc., seat iree. immeiHl ftti solutely sure for ell who start at ona. k aciay. Address bTiNSON et Co, PorL Mai. e. dccJdW 1885. Harper's Magazine. 1 ILLUSTRATED. . . ' . , . With the he volume, beglnDlorli Dec ber. Harper's Maoazixis will coachA thirty-fifth year. Tne oldest perkxfial type, it Is yet. In each new volume, n azine, not simply because it present it subjects and new pi tures, but also, and c Jy, because it stead.Uy aivancesin ww iieelf of magaz'ne raaklntr. Ins word, fi Magazine becomes more the faithful dire current life and movement. Leaaln' in the attractive programme wr lassan. r serial novels by Constance renlmorefi and W D Howells; a new novel entitled the Red Glove;" dr scripdvc uiuatratedp;' by F D Mlllett, R Swain Glfford, I A A'f H Gibson, and others ttoldsmlth'i Stocps to conquer," illustrated by Ablj; portant papers on Ar, Science, etc. MlarDer's Periodicals, j - Per Year: Harper's Magazine.. Harper's Weexlt... Harper's Bazar....... 1! Harper's Vodno People - Harper's Franklin squaei Uvu, One Year (52 Numbers).. .... ' Postage Free to aasubtcribm in tu State or Canada, '. ! The volumes of tho Magazine W?. Numbers for June and Ieccml)CTof eaceF When no time is specified, it wiU stood that the subscriber wlshei the current Number. , v.ja f The last eleven Semi annual Harper's Magazine, In neat Jg , will be sent by mall, poatpald, o; rew 50 cents each by mall, postpaid. . Hbet Index to Harper's Macaztne,r Analytical, ami Classified, for Uto Inclusive, from June. Ib50, to JvM. , voL, 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. . Remittances should be made W JTt Money Order or Draft. to aTO;dcbafl Newspapers are not to without the express order of haw j dare8S HARPER ABBOTS Sewl decS . The Lincoln Press PUBLISHED EVERY FBIDAT, 1 colnton; N. C, by John C.TIptw. ; Proprietor. ' f ; THE PRE33 Is acknowlcdged.bJ TiVAti.4ri it fobeone of the bert j IngMedhim in Western has a large and sieai la l lncoln. Gaston, Cauwba, Rnv- MMklrnbcrg counties. lng'ratJS HberaL Sabecrlpona I num. ' . The Belles-Lettres, PEMI MONTHLY M AGiZl rrlce $1 a l- PubUshcUt i. ,eroted Th, TtiiiPo.i ettres - tirrv lalC1 yancsmuufc ui o Carolina and the outn . . i far Having been PPpJg J0V jrtft xcellent Majrs zjie, J am v ; .nhnrrfn ions t'Ota -rep 1 lent ' ceive suoscnp v-.i ci procui ?---2t'lt. .uon an n: JKTiMoW tare iauies csi ct"j , Review Office. wlu THE MAYO ttat:

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