" i . - . : r""" ' ' IHIS P APKB avery evenly. Staday, ct2 jOUll T. JAMES, f0iToa A5D rBorwrroB. I'11 Dim. SC1 S1I month. $2.00. Three . year . rw P1" . nf the city. at the above - ... .nv L' UI . ..4 low ana uoereu A2Tet - refH)rl any ana an i nui- lve tncir wer regularly. hjix the laraest Tr.t mifi' U . Arctd'Uion. of any newspaper intkc rtty of ,Mn cnts are being de- , .kp wiitir.ir f ht-r memoirs. ro:fJ l" , !lp(ir;!.'inai peeu tin h ay . .,!, c: .m missioned officer. Tare' P ' . . .:..i.r crave have eone Army is threatened Ill JUa L I M I IU1 piuiaill- 'three cheers lor (;5xb.iii'ifl Chicago is at last snp t'iej. So f"ay the Mayor and the fl.;tf of Pice. b J it appears. utr .lte authorities m earnest, aou are : in, up their leasts, seuu.s tuui lure, and quitting toe cuy. Farrar time? his first His .; tn America very fortunately but his en loir v of Gen. (irant and American Democracy .lllllftC 111"! FK" 3VcstminsrAbbey secures mm dik . t a mnnv Ipp.iiirpa ns he jOUsci IOi hucses to give. (hkviKe, Canada, brings forward the boe dying wife the doctor prescribed ine. Wine could not easily be bad iodine doctor furnished some from his private stores. When he sent in bis the sorrowing widower laid an in formation against,hini for selling liquor a a prohibition county contrary to the colt law. The name of the correspondent who represented the Associated Tress at mat Mcdregor during the last days Gen. Grant., and who so vifidly des- ribed the death und journey down the aoantaiD. is F. V. Mack. He had rep rinted the Associated Press in New rk daring Gen. Grant's last days in at city and was allowed free access to be house. It is stated at the postofiice denart- mont that the svstem of special letter liV.'ivtrv will not eo into operation before October 1. It is found that it tafcesa long whiie to get the preliminary work done in conaection with its in troduction. Clerks are preparing lists of the towns designated by the law, biscJ upon the returns of the last cen sus, ipon examination, it is ivuna that there are 620 cities and towns in the United States containing a popu lation of the required number. President Cleyefaud and Dr. Ward hive been in camp since Monday, August 17, at Willis's Tond, N. Y., nine miles froru the Prospect House. The President i3 enjoying good health as far as can be learned through friends, and takes much pleaure in the open-air snort?, having been fishing ad hunting with the rest of the party lhe rumors that ho was ill seem to havo been started becauso Dr. Sawyer, an old friend of Dr. Ward, was called by teiesram lo join the party. Jeveral hundred members of the Zfchman family in Pennsylvania arc excited over the information that a for me of $50,000,000 is awaiting them in itzerlacd. They are now advertis lc? for the recovery of the missing QiiIy Bible, which alone is needed to establish the claim of evidence to se care the fortune. The family say that tie last man who bad it was Fred. oyer, who when last heard of resided er Williamsport.'buf he cannot now be found. The Salvation Army of London has uQed appeal for SIOO.OOO to rescue fallen wnruPn and tQ send them to the United State and Canada where they CJa have opportunities to reform and ;fe respectable. TheaDDeaPis "meet- JJS Vita great success. Mr;1 Samuej ioriey, m. p.. for Bristol, has subs bribed $10,000. Three other gentle- nave given $500 each, and $35,000 Vm raised in one day. At the meeting c,the National f!rmprna fnr tha Pro ton of Ynnntr Hirio holH In St. a. t iuaj , iuci u i ci ul men present. Je .orm was aylph-like, and her face m iust a miricle of grace. fSiV s.w.hy 1 bought It fery strange 'oisft talked with her at such lonsr rang " : ba-l teeth ller hrrath vu tainted! n 'U 5o.odonT she wasn't acquainted. The Onlv TTAiiinflv JnSe who suffer from foul breath j t opea to the charge of carelessness. ahv0 oSnco that can be speedily leA-i single bottle of the fra- OnoNT will unmistakably Phsh the work. No toilet table and 2 wilhout it. It will preserve breitK p lhc teet-h white, and the realQ Pure and sweet. " V irrni ' ' " -rHv- " . Y Y .. Til DAILY; MMMW. VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO MEW AOVCITlXEmHiS. Ctrd of Thanks Mum ds Bkotiiehs Notice . . C W Yates Your Cny Chance F C Miller Tar II eel Liniment Wahtei ladles and Gentlemen HEiHSBKsaEK Pianos and Organs OrEitA HoctE-Standard Dramatic Co There was no City Court this morn ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to dayfoot np 7 bales. We noiiced quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacosi's Hardware De pot. The Standard Dramatic Company will occupy theOpera House all of next week. The cool wave still continues and lhe weather has been threatening rain nearly all day. ii id cxceiiem weainer lor ripening suppernong grapes, of whichx there promises to bo a bountiful harvest. John Dyeu has just received a lot of fine suitings for Fall and Winter. They are now on exhibition. t The season for excursion parties is rapidly drawing to a close, and there will be but a few more this season. Messrs. F. S. Coburn and E H. Fon- vielle have purchased Lloyd's meadow. in Onslow county, and intend to pat it under cultivation. They will raise rice and will erect a rfce mill. Rev. E. S. Alderman will preach at Moore's Creek Church on tho third Sunday ic September, at 11 o'clock, and at Point Caswell at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of the same day. Th excursion of the Cornet Concert Club, which was postponed on account of the bad weather, will take place some time during the coming week. The precise day will be decided at a meeting of the club to be held to night. For Men and Boys Pee Dee Plaids. Workiug shirts. "The poor man's friend", all q;oo a i .ti. at 25 cents, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory.Nc. 27 Market St., J. Elsbacu, Prop. tf Indications. For the South Atlantic States, light local rains, followed by fair weather, Easterly winds, becoming variable, and slight rise in temperature. Flag Drill. The llag-drill by the young ladies will "be at the armory of the Wilming ton Light Infantry to-night. It is ex pected that 25 young ladies wi'l be in attendance. The uniform committee will Alan mnet at the same time and place and report upon the style of uni form which they have concluded to adopt. At the Kocks. Tire writer was at the Rocks yester day. It is very pleasant there now and September will probably prove a very popular month at that point. The fish ing in that month is generally the most interesting ot the entire season. Wc visited Fort Fisher lor tho second time this Summer, and on th s occasion we were fortunate to find a number of in teresting souvenirs of the terrible fights which took placo there, unearthed by the recent, storm.- Yesterday' .Excursion. The excursion given by the members of Howard Relief Steam Firo Engine Co. No. 1, on the Passport yesterday, was well attended, notwithstanding the cool weather, and was thoroughly en joyed by all- The Germania Cornet Band who are. by the way, a remark ably fine looking body of men in their neat uniforms discoursed some very sweet music and the harpers furnished that which was needed by the dancers. It was a very pleasant affair and we hope it will not be the last the company will give this season. Pic Nic for Purchasers. Bargains in Clothing. Odds and ends and broken assortment of sizes wilt be sold without regard to cost. A chance for all in want of Clothiug or Furnish ing Goods. Oar rule is not to carry over any goods from one season to an other if low prices will sell them. there fore we cut prices accordingly, it is useless to quote prices. Come and see the eoods and you will be astonished at the marvelous bargains we are giving our patrons. Sjirier, the Old Reliable Clother, 114 Market st. Sign of lhe Golden Arm . - t Farmers can savo "tim and money by getting barbed wire lor tbeir fences, at Jacobi's Hdwv Depot. t WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 28, Fifth Street M. E. Church. The improvements and additions which haye been in progress for sever al weeks in the Fifth Street M. E. Church, are now rapidly approaching completion and are so far advanced that a description of the changes may f be given. The enlargement consists of the addition of eighteen feel in length to the front or West end ot the building. By this addition to its length a com" modiou3 vestibule has been arranged, while formerly tho front door opened directly into tho. body of the church. fThis ba3 also given room for a spacious gallery over the vestibule ; ror th(To(r cmmodation of the organ and choir. The old seat3 in the body of the church haye been removed and their places supplied with new settees, made of na tive North Carolina pine. The altar and pulpit have also been removed and replaced by a much more convenient arrangement and one which is more pleasing Ir the eye. The side galleries have also been removed, which wii'1 cause no inconvenience to worshipers, as tho increased seating capacity on the first!floor will be amply sufficient. By this change, also, the interior of the house will be made much lighter in day time and tor night service there arc two chandeliers with 21 burners each. The windows are larie and gothic in styio. These will be supplied with panes of imitation stained glass, to soften the light. All ot the interior wood work is of Nortn Carolina pine, oiled and varnished, and ithas a rich as well as solid appearance such as can be given by no other material. The study is immediately in rear of the pulpit and i3 connected with the pastor's residence by a plank walk which amounts to a prolongation of the piazza of the dwelling. A historical chart of the church U being prepared which, when completed, will be placed in a conspicuous place in the vestibule. This will uive a synop tical history of the church, its several pastorf, the terms of their ministration, the increase in membership and other matters of interest connected with the pews will be set apart as memorial pews, in memory of some of the de parted ministers and members who have been prominent in the church and labored fpr its success and welfare. The outside of the building has been repainted ot a light load color, present ing a pleasant appearance to tho eye. Wc are glad to notice theso improve ments and to know that the church is in a prosperous condition and that all its members and worshippers are pro foundly pleased with their pastor, Rev. D. II. Tuttle. , Tho Minstrels. We wero not present at the entertain ment last night, and such are the con flicting opinions of those who did at tend that we are somewhat in doubt as to the merits of the performance. That it was novel and in some respects ex cellent there can bo no doubt. All agree on that point. Some of the sing ing was pronounced good and some rc ihniiwht to be verv poor. The house was one of the largest ever seen in this city, and tho general opinion Bnpmq to he that there was enough fun for the money. It is claimed that the performance as seriously cut, which will nnndemn the bc3t company in the world with a Wilmington audience. Our people pay their money to see a show or play a3 it is advertised, and hfivo a int rirrht to demand that the performers shall fulfil their part of the agreement. The excuse tnat tne per formanco was necessarily cut in order to make train connection for other en gagements is not a valid plea, unless it is made beforehand so that our people may know just how much they may expect. Tho Vets, on a Sh oot. Capt. Aibert Worth won the hand- rirp tp.niforpfl bv Mr. R. E Ileide, of thi city, to the Veteran Corps of the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry, of wh:ch he is a mem ber. The Observer says : The handsome prize offered to the Fayetteville Independent Co., by Mr. R. E. Heide, of Wilmington, put new life into the old folks, and they turned cut in ft 11 force. 35 in number, and marched as nimbly to the tap of the drum as regulars, and tho score made by them proved that at long range their eyesight was still good, and their target, with many bulls eyes, reminded them of former days. All seemed to enjoy the day. and were willing to compete with the juniors not only in shooting, but in the enjoyment of many refresh ing things that clustered around the spring beneath a shady pine. C-l. Albert H. Worth, always a crack shot, conrH Qi. nnd pained the elezant silver L pitcher and goblet, but close to him were others wita scores 01 10 anu j. Rernonai. Mr. W. H. Neal, of Laurinburg. i3 in the city to-day. Capt VI V. Richardson, of Colum bus, is registered at the Purcell House. We regret to state-that Cart. II. C. Brock, Chief of Police, is quite sick and confined to his house. Mr. Williams T. Ban Derman, Clerk of Pender County Superior Court, is iu the city to-day with his wife. Miss Gedie Taylor, daughter of Mr. J. W. Tayior. has left5 the city - for Thomasville. N. C , where she will at tend school to finish her education. Rev.F. T. Wooten, a student of Wake Forest College, is in the city on a brief visit and will conduct the ser vices at Brooklyn Hall to-night, and will preach there at 8 o'clock next Sunday nigh." The Drama. We are glad to bu able to state that the Standard Dramatic Company, who played an engagement here last Spring,' and who made many friends among the theatre-goers-in this city, have en gag'ed to play here again for a short season. They will open on Monday night next in Zingara and this will be followed by other pleasant pieces. The box sheet will bo open to morrow morning at Heinsberger's and. the low price ot admission established by them will be maintained. Since leaving us they have played in Charlotte, Raleigh, Newbern and other places, and to good houses every where. Let them haye a substantial welcome on, their return to Wilmington. Merely a Ooak. A good one is told on a young M. D. of our acquaintance. He was at Ma sonboro Sound a few nights since on a visit to a gentleman resident there, and in company with a number of others, ladies and gentlemen, was walking on the gangway to the bath .house, when suddenly a board which was loose gave way with him and he fell into the wa ter. Had hewaded out the danger would , have beenslight, as the water was not more than 12 inches denn k Who- f.O -frnHc, Ol . ashore ho got slightly wee. f he next thine was of course somexdry clothes, and he essayed a suit of his host's How well they filled can be imagined from the fact that the M. D. is quite a portly man and his host just the reverse all legs, in fact. Since then the gen tleman has had to stand the fire of a great many jokes, all more or less to he point. ,Hereisours: Let him take his salt bath next trip in homeopathic doses, and not all at one time. In Earnest. It would seem that the efforts niak ing to copunue inc Carolina enirai l. .. it r if r i l T I R. on to the Cranberry works are earnest and decided and we hope that it rHay yet bo done. ' The Shelby Aurora says : The Cranberry Co. are, working for their route. Gen. Hoke says he will come here after the election . and push this enterprise. He and Maj. Winder, armed with maps and surveys, went last week oa a tour of inspection to Cranberry, and Maj. Winder pro nounces the mountain route better than he anticipated. They mean business. It is said that the owner of the Sea board Air Line, Mr. Robinson, ofiBalti more, favors the advance to Cranberry and Tennessee for iron, coal and through freights. We think his route to Cranberry will be built before the Boston Construction Co, reach Ten nessee, Burke county has put her shoulder to the wheel; one of.ber citizens has subscribed $100,000 of which $5 000 cash has been paid to the Treasurer, and next month Burke county will order an election on a railroad tax. THJB MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Poet office as follows : ; CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 7.45 P. M. Northern through and way mails.... 8.30 A. M. Raleigh: 6.15 P. M. and S.30 A. U. Malls for the N. C. Railroad and routes supplied therefrom includ ing A:.& N. C. Railroad at 7.30 P. M. and 8.30 A. M Southern Malls for all points South, dally 8.00 P. M, Western malls (C. C. Railway) dally, (except Sunday) 7.00 P. M." All points between Hamlet and Ral eigh .4 6.15 P.M. Mall for Cheraw and Darlington Rail road 8.00 P. M. Malls for points between Florence and Charleston 8.00 P. M. Fayetteville and offices on Cape Fear River, Tuesdays and Fridays 1.00 P. M. Fayetteville, via C C Railroad, daily, I except Sundays C.15 P. M. Onslow C. IL and Intermediate ofii- i ces, Tuesdays and Frldaye 6.00 A. M. Smithviiie malls, by steamboat, dally I (except Sundays) 8.30 A. M. Malls for Easy Hill, Town Creek, ! Shallotte and Little River, Tues- I days and Fridays 2.00 P. M. WrightsvWe, daily 8.30 A. M. vrxxi run u ivLti rcui. ,i Northern through and way raalla 7JS0 A. M. Southern Mails. 9.SC- A. M. Carolina Central Railroad....; 8.45 A. M. Malls collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M, 11.30 A.M. and 5.30 P. M. and from other polntf of the dtv at 5 P.M and 5 A. M. Stamp office open from 7.30 A. M. to 5 P. IL, Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M to 5 P. M.. continuously. ticneral delivery open from 7 A.M. Vo6 P.M. and on Sundays from 8J0 to.50 A. M. Carrfers delivery open en Sunday from 8.30 toJUQA. IL 1885. NO 201. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior Penn. are the. leading cook stoyes, both in quaii ty and price. They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t JSBV ADVERTISEMENTS i OPERA HOUSE, A m DOLLAR PERFORMANCE FOR 25c. Standard Dramatic Go. ' m m m . .,. NIG UTS Commencing MONDAY. Aug. 31st, In the cel ebrated English Drams, ZINGAKA, or FL.OWKRS OF THE FOUKST. Admission 25c.; Gallery 15c Ecservcd Scats without extra charge. The management wish it distinctly under stood that while they have cut the price of admission to one fourth their usual prices, there will be no cut In tbe performance. feats now on rale at Heim-bcrger's. aug23tf t tar copy WANTED Ladies and gentlemen to take nice, light, pleasant work at their own homes. Work sent by mall any distance all the year round. $2 to $5 per day can be quietly maae; no canvassing Address Reliable Ml'g Co , Philadelphia, Pa. Pox 1503. Card of Thanks. rims MEMBERS OK TfJE 1IOWARD Itff 1 LIEF FJUE ENGINE CO. NO. J, hereby extend lo the GERM A.NIA CONCERT CLUU their most gTatef ul thanks for the delightful music forDlshed on the occasion of their ex cursion on Stmr. Passport, on the 27th icst., an 1 congratulate them on the great Improve ment they hare male In such a short time. 1 hey would also return their thanks to the ladles who so kindly assisted them, and hope many returns of the pleasant affair. apl28 It Siarcopy The Best I pORTNER'3 TIVOLI BEER 13 THE BEST. That!? what good judges say. Sold whole sals to city and country trade at the Depot, 21 N. fecond street, Wilmington, N. C. aug26 3ttac ' L. 11. Parson, JpIANO AND ORGAN 1TJNEB, Graduate of the New England Conservatory of Music. Experienced both In factory and route work. .Repairing a Specialty. Terms rea sonable. Orders left at the Bookstores or through the mails will receive Immediate at tention. v aug 27 3t Just Received. Poarn of various kinds, Sweet iiiah Po tatoes, Cabbage and Onions. Cabbage and Irish Potatoes Dy the barrel or less quantity. CM. D. HUMPHREY, aug 27 "Davis' Row", near New Market PIANOS AND ORGANS. T HE PLACE FOR YOU TO BUY A PI ANO OR ORGAN chcai) and on very easy tsrros. Ten Leading Makers and over three hundred different styles to select from. All Manufacturers' Lowest Factory prices. Send for Catalogue. Pianos $25 Cash and $15 Monthly. Organs, $10 Cashand $5 Monthly. ONE UNIFORM PRICE TO ALL, AND THAT THE VERY LOWEST KNOWN. Fianoa. $203 tal,000; Organs, 25 to $750, HEINSBERGER'S, live Book and Music Stores aug 27 Just Opened Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Wire Bustles, Canvass Belts and Ooraline Corsets. aug 27 J NO. J. HEDRICK. The Gem TS THE ONLY PLACE IN TOWN where I ORIGINAL BUDWEIS and EBLANGER BEKR can be obtained. Also the finest LIQUORS and CIGARS. Meals furnished at all hours. WiLL WEST, aug 26 26 North Front St. Fall Stock. llfE ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL stock TT of Cooking and Heating Stoves. House Furnishing Good. Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove something new. Don't fall tn examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere- we are prepared to oner YKiix PARKER TAYLOR'S, aug 21 23 South front 8t Powder TTE CAN DELIVER AT A MOMENT'S T f no uce: FFF.rnnpowder, In kegs, halves, quarters, orange Duckiog, in qrs and l ib canisters. Rice Jiira. in Kegs. - Blasting, In kczs. j Alio, FUE of several grades. augU GILES A MURCUISOX. TIN K00PING, TOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING AX, i Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. I I Stove Pipes. Elbows, Ac , 1c. MJ Jobbing generally. i W. E. KING, . PracUcal Tinsmith, PriEccss.bet. Front and Water fetrecU aug 24 - - - ; i APRT7P send six cents for poetago X MiJ.mjmj and receive free, a costly box of goods which will help you to more money right awar than anything else In this world All tf either sex, succeed from the llr.t hour. The broad road to fortune opesa before the workers, absolutely sure. At once ad dress tsce Co., Augusta, Maine. sot 2 d&w It . 1 . rucAss i?orict ,1 V Tf mil bt g lad to rceem eommuticattoa from our friends on any and-all BUbjaci.'; general Interest but m . The name el tho writer must always Xx'm niched to the Editor. - - Coannrnicaaona mnat b wrttW oa oV, oca aide of tho paper. Psrsonantlea must be avoided.; And It la especially and particularly u3 tood that the Editor does not'always esdoi the views of correspondent unites to aUti In the editorial eoluana. . ' NEW ADVJEaJISEMENTS. Something New ! pUlVATK STOCK WHISKIES ! "W. II. McBraier" and "Rosa Valley." 10 jciro oil 2Tc a drink-1.50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and bet 5c Cigar (Brock'n) In the city: J. M. McGOWAN. aug 21 t . '' Attention! 'yyE HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment tof Cigars and Cigarettes. Cur "Little Boy B?ue" 5c Cigar Is the 19 1 In the market ; it will pay .you to try them. MUDS BROTHERS, 104 North Front St., f 21 Ncrth Fourth St. aug I'J Mason's Fruit Jars. ly E NOW II AVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jara. Send In your rd era at occo. We wlti guarantee lowest "... prices. W. F. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 a ib Market Street, Wilmington. N. aug 14 Tar Heel Liniment. JpOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE, Ely's Cream Balm and Wei-Dc-Ycvcr'a Ca tarrh Cure,' Als?, a complete stock cf Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at r C. MILX.ER'3, aug 21 Correr Fourth and Nun sta aug 10 tf Mortgage Sale. BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained Iu an Indenture of Mort gage executed . by B. T. Hay and, wire to the undesigned, dated the 0th day of May. 1S12, and recorded In- tho Register's office of New Hanover county, In Book R. R. K. at Daces 7G7ct sen . I will 'n by public auction, for cash, at- tho Court iiousc uoor in tnc city or Witmlrgton, on the SCth day cf Fcptembcr. 18t5. at 12 M.. the premises in said motlgige conveyed, t ituatcd in lha city and county aforcaaid, ard descrlb cd as follows: Beginning at a point In the E. unu oi mn si., jou ieet a. irom lti intersec tion with the a. line of Wooster st , thence E. parallel with Woos'cr street 132 feet, thence a. 55 feet, thence W. 132 feet to FJLfiJvt. !. rftoWirg'fc the"offilal pUn Tf sVid city. LUHR VOLLEIW, Mortgages. aug 26 sot T0E ONLY CHANGE ! PHIS 13 MR. ALDEBMAN'3 LAST week with ua and those wishing Photographs will please take notice and mnko engagements auraa. rATJiib' niuru i'auiajks. School Books. s UCH AS ADOPTED BY THE STATE Board of Education. Special discounts al lowed to merchants and teachers. Send for price list. All kinds ef Blank Books and Stationery, suitable for business and school use. C. W. YATES, aug 24 110 Market 8trcet. August 27th. 25 2BLS. NEW MULLETS. OUR OWN CATCH. 100 Pounds in each barr el. aug 27 DAVIS AEON COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, &c. W E SOLICIT INQUIRIES AND ORDERS for the WINSUIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON PRESSES, which are superior to any offered in this market. Circulars Jicd Price lists will be sent on application. WORTH & WORTH. aug 19 . Notice I Notice ! CRAIG & THOMAS,, T NO. 113 SO. FRONT STREET, STILL keeps for sale Fresh Family Groceries, Good Rye and Corn Whiskeys, Pure Gln3, wines and Brandies, an i "Solon SLlngle," .CTalg'alCholce," ; and the "live Indian,". aug 18 Tho bcit 5c Cigars la tbe city. SPECIAL NOTICE ! J WILL MOVE FROM THE STORE I NOW occupy atout October 1st, to ore of the new Stores oppttite the Market in the Vol'ers Pu'ldlrg. I will sell off goods njw on hand at greatly reduced prices and wilt open In the new stoic w tin. a larger, h mdsomer and bet ter stock than I .have ercr kept, as I will have more room for dlanby. Kcapci trolly MISS E. K ARRER. aug 17 Exch&ngo Corner, "V 6

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