" 7 " 7i T. ' : . ; -.-... ............. ......... :t -. - - ... XSI3 PAPKB . .very eTenms. Smiuayo . septed dj JOSH T. JAMES, P.,mvs POSTAGE PAID: 5IJBSC.ioo Six months. $2.09. Three OfS J tioc- One month, 33 cents. sontW. jguvcred by carriers free fi P1 " nirt of the city, at the above t-" a tier orW ,oW ud liberal. aJe? L -HiiraDortanyand all taB- vT",!eri " Tire tbelr paper regularly. n-,7., Ryiew has the largest 7ze wily ' , or Wilmington 701 last lecture .is enii- tu n," Oliver Wendell Holmes was 7 6 f-insurance policies now n forc . the Ui . j Cfotr.a am mint to over tbelJnue'j rIooocooooo The corn crop of Kansas will anioun Sam Jones used to be one of and was converted at bis the bojs. er's deathbed ,wnf the curiosities at the White Salphar Spring is a poet who wears on Invest buttons mat cost .lucau. i ..,v statue of Grace Darling has tea set up near Longstooe lighthouse inpkee of :be one tne sea aesiroyea. . w i Worcester girl, bavins married a French count, all the belles of that city nnt to take the next steamer for Paris. . The sword which Blucher wore and fielded at Waterloo was sold at auc ion ja Berlin the other day for less thin $2. . ; Mia Emma Abbott is now reported tobetrowtoS very fat, but then when i!I other advertisements are exhausted liegjme mention is made of Sarah Bernhardt. Postmastef General Vilas1 sister. Miss Etta, twenty years old, has been ill for many months with BrigbVs dis ase, and cannot live more than a few reeks longer. One otthe sights at Ware, Llass., the other day was that of Benjamin Eaton M years of age, "topping ofl" a chiml sej above the root of his domicile with bricks and mortar. The Hon. . B. Wasbburne has placed in the Washburne Memorial Ubnrjtheold stone ink bottle from which ink was taken to sign the articles of General Lee's surrender at Appo- XlltOX. lire. Bayard and one of her daugh. 2n are at Gloucester, Massachusetts. where much good has come of pure air m other pleasant surroundiDgs. Sec- ."eUrj Bayard intends to journey thither a i fear days. Should the Duke Abercorn live four pn longer there will only have been po holders of his peeraeein 100 years. Uttili BOre remartnhlft inntnnPA rw- Fiin the Fitzrov iamilv. The second Me of Grafton onjoyed the duekdom pom 1690 to 1757 and his successor til ?-oniy two in 120 years. Carl Schurz is writinp hia "Life of earyClay at Elberon. asacontinua- uic American oiaiesman oeries. 'asaid to be continually solicited' to Renter journalism, both by German American newspaper proprietors, declines ail such invitations lor the Henry II. Rocnrs a Trust no- of H Mutual Life Insurance Company of iork, and Vice President of the (Manufacturing Co , recently prc a masniScent. fullv.enuiDDGd C001 hoase to his native town of Fair- 0. Kfica 'T1 1 ! .1 i , ' Aut5 luiio town is juitij Fjwof this $100,000 present from one rwijons. . - - kiODallv thp.ro mnat hnxrn : hMl) Peveo in Daniel Webster's homo. reminiscences reveal the fact tbat 3S7notaa uncommon thing for him febl S0Q aside and obsere: Cher, mv gon lot no on tn Prnt fto-morrow txrn i i .: W "Cll UStBBgUUUUUiO r we the old lady at home." Obody j seeni3 to knew exactly who ess" ia. Tim C" 1UChPaaM :, C?. ,l,8ho is Jrish and that her r4 Argaelles; a correspondent of Sand TFbr says 8lie is Eng" 09 yvnmercial-Adverliscr insisU Kei3an American, the wifo of M. Cornwell. a wholesale sta- or New . York. KuS"? a,lese"d rauds in the Al l .aims Commission manage rs thn v r . . . L ;i every day evidence is com- that - "gat to prove rCp r 00 real 8hstantial Ciyii rient Until tbo 8everal de fUtt iQd bureaas been freed L . e who DATA hoan (mihaiI !n 92. j oaonest practice!. " - 'iTO . TV A TTTV" "0 17 r ITPW . ' VOL. IX. A panic prevails .in that Dortion nr county, w . va.. lying along Syca more Creek, arising from the friehtfnl . .... . ravages of a strange and fatal disease which has broken out among the few inhabitants of that locality. So far about fifty persons have been attacked, of whom a score have already died. The local physicians seem powerless to afford rel tef . The Weekly Progress says:' "Every hour brings the sad news of another death. At first the malady was uuougni wi oe nux, nut it Is now believed to be another and more" fatal disease. A vague, horrible , fear has begun to fill the breasts of some. It may not be cholera, but the symptoms are very much like it. An Instance of the fatal effects of the disease is aflorded by the family of Justice Sizemoro,- a walUknown citizen. Three of his sons are already dead, and as thev lie in their coffins three more are writhing J . . . . auu screaming witn me awiui torture which carried off the others. We have been unable to learn the exact number of deaths, but the reports are most alarming. It is chiefly confined to children, who are attacked and die within an hour," seemingly paralyed wiiii pain. This time it occurred in theorlb, in the loyal town of the truly loyal State of Pennsylvania. Read this: Yokk, Pa.. August 31. A commo tion was caused in the Evangelical church at Winterstown, this county, a m . ounuay morning, a no pastor nau announced that he would preach a memorial sermon on General Grant . A man. named Fulton, said no such sermon should be preached. When the pastor. Kev.'Mr.Sbultz, began the ser mon, he made a reference to the heroes of Bible times and then spoke of our beloved hero just put in his last resting place. Fulton called out to mm to stop at the same time advancing to the pul pit. The preacher continuing. Fulton seized him and dragged him away from the pulpit, striking him a blow with his fist and knocking him down. Simon Englebrecht, who interferred to save the pastor from assault, re ceived one of Fulton's blows in his face There was great excitement and after a time order was restored and the services proceeded. Fulton, it is re ported this morning, has skipped over the line to the stale of Maryland. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It M McIktihk Carpets HKraSBKKQER School Books Munds Bkotheks Attention . T C Miixer Tar Heel Liniment C -W Yatks Special Inducements Jackson BELir-Come and See Us Opera House Standard Dramatic Co There was no City Court this morn ing ' Tho receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 75 bales. Make your selectfons for the winter. The styles shown by, Dyer are the finest ever brought to this city. t Rice birds begin to be brought in quite freely and are sold at from 40 to 50 cents per dozen. Tho prices will probably be less as the season for them advances. ' - 20 Wanted 20 good, experienced hands for making Pants and Shirts. Call at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory, at once. J. Eisbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vanco and New Excelsior Penn., are the leading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and price. They can bo seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t A cold wave reached here during last night, and this morning it was quite chilly. It is not winter" yet, however, and we shall have plenty of warm weather between this time and Christ mas. Indications. For the South Atlantic Stales, fair weather, brisk Northeasterly winds in the Northern portion, Northerly winds in the remaining portion. Cotton Figures The lollowing will show the receipts of cotton at this port for each crop year ending on August 31st. from 1876 to 1885, inclusive," with the closing figures for middling in each year. As will be seen the receipts were lightest in 1880 and heaviest in 1882: In 187683.420 bales', closing steady at 11 cents; 1877113,461 bales, closing dull at 10;in 1878123,374 bales, clos ing quiet at 111 ; in 1879-107.518. clos ing steady at 1 1 ; in 188078,804 bales, closing steady at 10J ; in 1881119 713 bales, closing firm at 111 ; In 1882137.- 341 bales, closing steady at 12; in 1883 127,500 bales, closing quiet at 9J ; in 188491,701 bales, closing firm at 10 ; in 1835 94,054 bales, closing quiet t Now is the season for painting your houses. Go. to JACobVs Hardware Depot and buy your paints, ir you want to save moner t WILMINGTON. C. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1885. NO. 205 - liargro Potatoes. 1 Exports Foreign. We saw thi3 morning at the store of jf" German barque Eintracht. Muswick, Mr. John Dyer, on Fronttreet, a lot.pleared to-day for London, with 2,474 of Irish potatoes which were the largestjcasks spirits turpentine and 250 barrels and fairest we remember to have seenf rosin, valued at $39,220.91. German that were raised in this. State. They were grown in Yancev oonntv and were sent here by Mr. E. S. Warrock, from Bornsviile. Some of them would nearly or quite weigh a pound and all were remarkably fair and smooth. "Immediate Oelivery." October 1st this stamp, which is of the denomination often cants, comes inu use. The postmaster, says that then, as soon as the mail bags are opened, immediate search is to be made for letters bearing the new stamp. and the messengers wilt post right ofl", before anything else is done, to deliver them. Registered letters may be de livered with the fame dispatch, if prop. erly stamped. Drop letters are also to be sent out by special messengers if bearing the "immediate "delivery" stamp. The messengers are to have a receipt book, like the telegraph boys. Every effort is to be made to make the new postal scheme a success. Mortuary Report Dr. F. W. Potter, Superintendent of Health, has submitted his report for the month ended August 31st, 1885, from which we find the number ot deaths during the time mentioned to be as follows : Of whites there were 4 males and 4 females, making a total of 8; and of this number 6 were adults and 2 were chil dren. Of colored there were 21 males and 10 females, making a total ol 31; and of this number 13 were adults and 18 were children. Thi3 makes an ag gregate of 39. but of this number 1 was drowned, 1 died of old ago, 5 were still born, which leaves only 32 as the actual number of deaths from disease. The actual number of deaths for the corres ponding month last year was 52, or 20 more than in the month just passed. Opora IIouso. There was a large audience at the Opera House laab night to vritnoea tho performance of Hartley CaupboH's cele brated play, entitled "My Partner," by tho Standard Dramatic Company, and all present were highly pleased with the efforts of the acton. The leading parts, and especially Mary Brandon, by Alice Irving, Joe Saunders, by A. M. Hamilton, and Wing Lee, by S. B. McElreth, were very well impersonated and had the house in full sympathy with them from the start We have seen much poorer acting when the prices of admission were four times as large, and wc are glad that our citizens have beeu furnished with a means of amusement at prices within the reach of all, and hope that the day of extor tortionato prices has passed. The "Two Orphans" will be present ed to-night, and if it is not rendered mifth better than when we last saw it here, at dollar prices, it will bo poor indeed. . Personal. Col. L. A. Powell, ol Sampson coun ty, was in the city torday. Mr. J. J. Gay, of Brunswick county, wa3 in the city to-day and called to see us. Dr. W.J. II. Bel the city last nijiht al amy returned to er an absence of seyeral weeks. ( Mr. W. J. Hollingsworth, of Point Caswell, Pender county, was in the city to-day and gave us the pleasure of a call. We were pleased to receive a visit to-day from Mr. W. W. Shepherd, formerly of this city but now of Eiiza betown. Lieut.-Gov. Stedman returned to the city this morning from Lumberton, where he has been in attendance upon Robeson Superior Court. Capt. N. F. Parker was a passenger on the steamship Gulf Stream, which arrived here yesterday. He is now con nected with the house of S. Burkhalter & Co.. wholesale grocers, and will can vass this State and South Carolina in their interests. "My Iotc, whit magic spell Is thrown Upon your face? its charm I own. Whence came thy pure and pearly teeth? Thy rosy llpB? 'i hy perfumed breath?" - She said. In acccats sweet axd clear, "lis only SOZODONT, my dear." The Atmosphere of Love Is a pure, sweet breath. This desider atum is one of the -results of using SO ZODONT, which not only invigorates and preserves the teeth, but renders tho mouth as fragrant as a rose. : Spalding's5 Glue," handy about theliiri mends everything. - -. Farmers can save tim and money by getting barbed wire lor their fences, tX Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - t ! barque 2exas, Loof, cleared for Ham- ourg. witn 4 barrels rosin, valued at $5,265, making a total of exports foreign-amounting to $44,485.91. Both cargoes were shipped by Messrs. Pater- son, Downing & Co. The Isaac L. Clark. ? The schooner Isaac L. Clark, which vent ashore on Stump Sound several months ago, and after remaining -there about two'months, was gotten off and brought up to this port, and sold at auction a few days since, is now under going thorough repairs at the ship-yard of Capt. S. W. Skinner, in the southern section of the city. She has been . for some time on the marine railway for such repairs as were necessary under the water line, but was launched yes terday, and' now lies at the wharf at the ship-yard. That she i3 a staunch and well built vessei is shown by the fact that with all the buffeting of the waves while upon tho beach not one of her knees nor any of her planking or timbers were started, and all of these are as good as ever they were. She has been re-trenailed throughout, her keel son has been re-bolted, and she will be re-caulked and will have a new tran som. There is not a timber nor a plank in her that is not entirely sound. Some of her inner planking has been taken out to allow of tho removal of the large quant ties of fine sand which had beaten in where the caulking had given away. Her cabin will be remod elled and when completed will be large and roomy. The Isaac L. Clark is 318 tons burthen and was bought by Capt. R. H. Beery, who contemplates using her as a general freighting ves sel between this city and Baltimore. The work is being done under the su pervision, of the veteran ship-builder, Capt. B. W. Beery. Pic Nic lor Purchasers. Bargains in Clothing. Odds and ends ond brokpn assortment of sizes will be sold without regard to cost. A chance for all in want of Clothiug or Furnish ing Goods. Our rule is not to carry over any goods from one season to an other if low prices will sell them.there fore' we cut prices accordingly. It is useless to quote prices. Come and see the goods and you will be astonished at the marvelous bargains we are giving our patrons. Sukiek, the Old Reliable Clolber, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm- ' ' t Wc noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jajcobi's Hardware De pot, t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, A Oil DOLLAB PERFORMANCE FOR 25c, m m m Standard Dramatic Co. NIGHTS TONIGHT The Beautiful French Drama, lnsrvenacts. Two Orphans, Admission 25c.; Gallery 15c Bcservcd Scats without extra charge. The management wish it distinctly under stood that while they have cut the prices- of admission to one fourth their usual prices, there will be no cut in the performance. Seats now on calo at Heine berger's. sept 2 tf COME SEE US! HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEED OF FRMTIHS, RULING or IHDIW, come and see us. Wc have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. Give us your orders. . JACKSON A BELL. School Books. FULL LINK OF SCHOOL BOOKS, is adopted by the School Board of Education. Offer special Discounts to Merchants and Teachers. Trice LisU furnished on applica tion at HEI S3 BEB G E B'S. Check Books. ON THE BANK OF NEW H4NOVEKnd FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Also. liote. Draft. Eecelpt and Order Books. A new lai just received at HEISSBEBGEK'S. sepc " - 1 fl f I n 1 more money nan at anything else Vi w 1 1U by taking an agency for the beat selling book out. Beginners sooceed grandly. None fail. Terms free. Haixett Book Co, Portland, ilaine. - -. . dee3dwir. I NEW ADVERTISEMENT; AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK IS BEING OPENED OUT OF CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS. FURNITURE COVERING, &c. WINDOW SHADES Special attention is called to this line of goods, cm ' bracing all of the new things as well as staples. - CORNICE AND POLKS of all grades. - Lace Curtains and Curtain Goods. COTTON DAMASK, ) WOOL DAMASK, 50 inches wide, good styles, low prices. SILK DAMASK, VIRGINIA CASSIMERES -For Gents and Boys wear; these goods cannot be excelled for school boys; just the. thing. . Jerseys a specialty. R. Rtf. MclHTIRE. sept 2 " - Powder. WE CAN DELIVER AT A MOMENT'3 notice: FFF. Gunpowder, in kegs, halves, quarters, - Orange Ducking, in qrs and 1-lb canisters. Bice Bird, in kegs. Blasting, in kezs. Also. FUSE of several grades. ang31 GlUfiS & MUBCHISOS. Eat Koyster's Candy! JJT IS SWEETEE, FUREB, BETTER AND MORE HEALTHFUL than eny CANDY sold in Wilmington. We recommend it particular ly for excursion parlies, Ac, and guarantee it will give more satisfaction than any other investment you can make. 3 Pounds for $1. Creamery Buttered Flour! We have just received a FRESH LOT of this delightful preparation, and are prepared to fill all orders. The great saving of time and labor, and its many excellent qualitles.should recommend It to all good housekeepers. You Mn m.Va nAf Bmoa. Siaanlt, TTaiUeS and Muffins with Ite than you can make wHh any other flour. A trial will convince you of Its utility 25 Cents a Package. P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., HO North Front St. aug31 WE HAVE MOVED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST., whera we will keep (as usual) The Largest Assortment OF- Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco of any house in the city. Be pleased to have our friends and patrons call. H. BRUNHILD & BRO., 114 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. 0. aug!4 Caution to Consnmers ! rpO BE SURE OF GETTING THE GENU INE SHELL ROAD Tobacco, c hewers should be careful to notice hat the oblong blue pper lag in the centre of each plug bears tfce Trade Mark of the buggy and horses the words SHELL ROAD, atd the same of the manufacturers, Messrx R . A. PAT TERSON A CO. Beware of the' many worth less imitations th&t are being sold to the pub lie as the genuine 8HELL ROAD, and do not be deceived. ADRIAN & VOLLER5, Agents, june6 3meod Wilmington, N. One Botten Egg TROKEN AMOKG A CRATE Of GOOD Kzzs will injure the sale of the whole crate. It la better to buy egg testers and ship only good eggs to J. R MARSHALL, who guaran tees the highest CASH prices for first ciaca produce. , . . , aog 22 -. FZXAS3 BOTICS. Wt will tot clad to rccrr coiantuiicxtloa from ocr friends oa uy aad , all rsrAjaets;; ganerallntereatbtit Thm name of tho writer most always bo . Planed to the Editor. Commtmlcatlona must bo wMttsa oa oV. oaealdoof tho papex. , ; , u- Pferaon&ntlea must bo avoided.! .. And It la especially and particularly nod tood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents micas so itatt tn the editorial columns. NEW AIVEBISE2SIENTS. 3! Excursion. THE LADIES OF FRON STREET METH ODIST CHURCH will give an Excurslon on the Pteamer Passport, to the Rocks, Smith, vllland the Forts, en THURSDAY, 3rd of September Fare for the round trip CO cents; children half price ; Refreshments at reason able rates will bo famished on board. The steamer will leave her wharf at 9 o'clock, a.m. Ecpt 1 , Rice Birds. Rice Birds. Rice Birds. JjllEST OF THE SEASON, AT THE OEM, sept 1 2G NORTH FRONT ST Geo. W. Price, Jr., AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. AUCilON SALE OF GOODS ON CONSIGN MENT. ON WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2. COMMENC ing at 6 tf. M.. at our Sales Room, corner of Market and Second sts.,will be sold a large assortment of excellent Household Furniture; Oil Paintings; a fine combination Secretary, Writing Desk and Book Case ; a Parlor Suit; 4 Bed Room Suits; Show Cases: Butter Crocks, from half gallon to Ave gallons ; Preserve Jars; -Pillows, Bt-de, Mattresses, Stoves. Lounges, Carpets, c. Sale absolute and un limited, sept 12t .; Fall Stftp.k. : WE ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL stock of Cooking and Heating Stoves. IIouso Furnishing Good, Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove something new. Don't fall to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We are prepared to offer VERr LOW PRICES. PARKER A TAYLOR'S, QPg31 23 South Front St Mason's Fruit Jars. yE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send In your orders at once. Wo will guarantee lowest prices. ang 31 W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19,121 A 23 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. Tar Heel Liniment. JpOE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wel-Dc-M over's Ca- tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at JT. C. MILLER'S, aug 31 Correr Fourth and Nun its Special Inducements ! rjlO MERCHANTS, TEACHERS and Others. We are anxious to supply you with SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, i and will make pi leca to suit you. We bay strictly for CASH, and can therefore give ycu the benefit of the best discounts. C.W.YATES, aug 31 119 Market Street. Just Received. FINE LOT OF APPLE?, PEACHES, Pears of various kinds, Sweet and Irish Po tatoes, Cabbage and Onions. Cabbage and Irish Potttres by the barrel or less quantity. CM. D. HUMPHREY, aug 27 "Davis Rot near New Market Something New ! J3KIVATE STOCK WHISKIES. ! "W. H. McBrayer" and "Eoso Valley." 10 years old 2fc a drink L50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and best 5c Cigar (Brock's) In the city. J. M. McGOWAN. gg2 Attention! HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. Our "Little Boy Blue" 5c Cigar Is the best In the market; it will pay yoa to try them. MUKDS BROTHERS, 104 North Front St., 621 North Fourth St. aug 19 Til.'' aoglOtf 1 ... r : i . :! t . i