-l0o SIX moniua, .100; One month. 35 cents. 't delivered by carrier, free oe nart of the eity. at the above ekrtVn(nU per week. will report any and all- fail- rt!Tn Review has the largest ,irnuUition, of any newspaper Vr, i of Wilmington. JEL Tt i3 said to have lost ruinous alan gtoiogists fa'.imate that the Sea will be a mass of solid salt a mi Ka mnr.h roller skating There " : The rinks are generally B- .... r.nrnnia or tnm . il-VtCU l"t t ... , d'3- ... r --,. ,! ia D-vmtnt, of subscription ..-ready beinir oailuiTf'jr by .the La- i ..,-. i n o rtt taI nl I Inn jfi cool fa! - in,, run of salmon in Frascr River. . c lhi3 year has been enormous. i.'n',M the boats took Irom 2,000 to jOOOfi'b each, ' . - A citizen of Brnegat, N. J-, has three ,crt3 in sari flowers, -which are roughly Miniated i0 number between 50,000 Md 100.000." . .- Xbe White Iloue letter paper is of tie first quality, with beautifully print ed heading- 'Jefferson headed his own foolscap with a qnill pen. ,'. Cardinal Newman, the head ot the Soman Catholic Church in Epgland, has a brother, Prof. Francis Y. New man, who is a pronounced agnostic At a British royal banquet, the plate cn the tables usually amounts to $I 50 000 in value. This is only about a quarter of the amount kept at Windsor. The "Old Oaken Bucket" was writ ten, sajs A. P. Russell in tis 'Literary Notes," by Woodworlh, a journeyman printer, "while under the inspiration of brandy." . A prominent physician of Athens, Ga., who has had many cases of sore throat lately, made an investigation and (band nearly every one of them wa8 caused by cigarette smoking. . ,. Four vessels in the United States Sivy named Hpstcfh have coma to dis astrous ends. Superstitious officers, therefore, dislike to go into serrico on lie new and fifth one. The latest claimants for the honor of being the -oldest pair of twins' are Mre Catharine Rider and Mrs. Betsy Brazie ol Schohariecountv. N. Y.k who celebrated their ninety-fourth 1 feirthday last month. ' The late Ixjrd Houghton lett a notable collection of rire books; and the Grange thing about them is that, hay ing been bought with good discrimlna uoq Deiore the present era of unreason able prices, they would sell for far more than their cost. - Callinga man a big buffoon in Naples ii considered the highest honor you can PJ him. Buffoonery is a fine art there, requiring unlimited talents; amateurs are classed as the best and t ake no Day : hence a prince may be a buffoon and wteau. Customs differ.- Saratoga has only one . pretentious gambling house to compare ,with the ix at Lons; Branch Jbut the play in hi is exceedingly heavy, and chiefly at roulette, a game in which the bank's vantage is so great that practically Ifcere IS DO risb nl! rn its sirle. Mf. John Turner u1l knriwn Norseman of Philadelphia, has just sold President Cleveland a span of horses J $5,000. The animals are of the "amiltonian breed, and were formerly owned by John F. Curtis, Of Upper Sandusky, who secured them in Paris, where they were born and bred. Hie? are said to be elegant specimens tfborsellesh. On Sunday last almost extraordinary Redding occurred in Pierce county, Ga. William Ilarrell. aged 40, a well-to-do fcrmer, married Sallie WiUon, aged 10 3 ears and 6 months. The girl's father ,s a ferry man for Major Spence. and Kave his consent to. the 'match. The coople went to Macon on their wedding Qr and returned yesterday and began housekeeping. A Manitoban farmer was sharpening ai&ke with an axe. when a flash of saining, accompanied by a single clap i thunder, cama irom tha only cloud J'sible, a small one fmmedlately oyer-hb&- The bolt struck the head ot the xe. splitting it into two pieces and nocked to the ground insensible, but Peedily recovered, and upon searching "aiioundtho fragments of his axe yrcea deeply into the ground. , - ; ' : r i .;: : i "'- ' . ' . " " " : : - , . . . . ;,: ;, f . r H VOL. IX. LOCAL NEWS. IM0EX TO NEW AQYE8TIXEMEITS. A "Big Offer W E KlNGTlaEooflng Wasted Yoani Ladies J awn Partyand Concert Wanted An active Man Sallade A Co Mosquitoes Mux OS Brothjbks AttenUoa Hum s BjEKQKH Family Bljjlea Giles Mdrchisox A Drive F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment & Taylor Fail Stock O W Yate Special Inducements W n Fat A Co Manilla Itoofinj? Woktii & Woktu Cotton Bhw, fte Mb? Kate c. Wines Gone Noith P h Bbidgers Jk Co Whiskey, Wine Jno J IIkbkick A.U.W00I Casslaerta Kniojits of IIoxor Regular Meeting Bur chain's Improred StandarJ Turblno W E Springer & Co Mason's Fruit Jara John E L.J1TITT Uen'l Ineurance Agent Both cotton compresses will probably start up next week. Now moon lo-morrow afternoon at 29 minutes past 3 o'clock. Coie's circus is comine to Vilming loo. The date fixed upon fqr its ap pearance here is October 10th. Mako your selections for the winter The styles shown by Dyer are the finest eve brought to this city. t At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther. mometer in this office registered 80 de grees, with the wind from the East. A total eclipse of the sun is booked for to-morrow but, unfortunately we don't get a glimpse of 4t in this Tor. the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J.Elsbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf The - Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vance and New Excelsior Penn., are the loading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and price. They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Downing's Talley Ho company are to play in this - city .next .week. The agent, Mr. B. WVK lei backer, is expect ed here to-morrow when the exact date will be determined upon. Rev. P. J. Carraway P. E. of the Wilmington District M. E. Church South, has changed the time for holding some of bis fourth quarterly meetings by which that for Topsail Circuit will be held at Rocky Point Nov. 7 and 8 and Brunswick circuit, Nov. 14 15, at Shallotte camp. 0 - tmm 1 iil 11 1 ' '" t Indications. for the South Atlantic States light, local rains, Northest to Southeast winds and nearly stationary tempera ture. Knisrhts of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this evening at 8 o'clock. Full attendance is desired as business of im portance will be transacted. It Concert and Lawn Party. There will be a lawn party and con cert in the City Hall Park to-morrow evening, it will oe given oy me ior net Concert Cub and the Cantwell Light Guards and will be a pleasing and unique affair. Let everybody who can attend and help the good cause in view. In consequence ot tho above there will be no drill to morrow night. Personal. Mrs. Kate C. Wine3 is now in New York Selecting a stock of Fall and Win ter millinery goods for this market. Capt. A. L. DeRosset's wife and three children sailed on the steamship Gulf Stream, on Saturday last, for New York. Hon. D K. McRae returned to the city last week from an extended visit to New York and various points of inter J est in that State. ; Col. Jno. D. Taylor is ugain at his postofduty, lookingasimproved.we are pleased to see, as if there were no such thing as .rheumatism or sciatica known in the world. I want some SOZODONT." said he. Just out." the cunning drugsist said, 'Bat hero's some powder Jmown to be As good." The patron turned and fled, A' king. "Do you suppocc 1 don't Know nothing equala SOZODONI?" Plain Talk. There is a preservative principle in SOZODONT that effectually preserves the teeth from decay. Chemists pro nounce it wholesome. Rich and poor endorse it No lady ever tried it with out approving its cleansing and purify ing properties. It outsells all other dentifrices. Ask tor SOZODONT, and take no substitute. Farmers can save tim and money by getting barbed wire tor their fences, it Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t WILMINGTON. N. C .. MONDAY SEPTEMBER! "1885. NO. 208 A Dastardly Act. Early yesterday morning some one entered the stable ot Jacob Thompson, the well known colored baggage; ex pressman, who lives on the corner of Eighth and Taylor streets, and taking therefrom his horse, led him to the lailroad track. They got htm near the road and as the horse would not go on the track, the scoundrels proceeded to mutilate him. They got possession of a railroad axe and struck him in the eye and on the back of the head and in various other places on the head and then, as the animal fell, They left him tor dead. This must have been alter 3 o'clock as at that hour Tbomp. 6on is sure that the horse wa3 in his table. On rising at an early hour Thompson looked lor bis steed but as he was not to be found he came to the reasonable conclusion that he had escaped - and ho thereupon set out on the Sound road in search of him. Not finding any traces of him he turned back after going a few miles and returned to the city. The horse was found afterwards lying on the strict and badly mutilated. He was not dead, however, and will probably recaver. He was blind in one eye and this is, fortunately, the eye that was injured by those who stole him. There is no cer tainty, as yet, a9 to the scoundrels, but there are some good clues to work up on. ' Columbus County. We have heard it remarked that "it will be a good day fur this section when the last barrel of turpentine has been made and marketed" and we don't know but that there is more truth than poetry in that sapient observation. When the turpentine is all gone then farming will take its place and the man who can make money out of the pine trees at the present price of the raw material ought to grind a fortune out of good farming land with corn at 50 cents a bushel. But farming is not the only employ ment open to those who many wish to tnrn from turpontine to tillage. There is a splendid prospect ahead for many in the raising of beef cattle, sheep, &c., for market, provided ah! provided wo can find a legislative body with backbone enough to protect the sheep from the dogs. To these Columbus county opens an excellent vista. There are some splendid pasture lands in that fine section and these will surely be utilized at no distant day. These remarks have been suggested by reading in the Chadbourn Times a short article written by Mr. Gerald McCarthy, of Washington City, the celebrated botanist who has been spending some weeks in this vicinity. It was written for Rev. A. Kirkland, of Whiteville, and is a3 follows: Columbus county has the best soil of any coast county south of Hyde. It is prevailingly clay, with a thin layer of sand above, and in tho "bays," a super imposed layer ot vegetable mould. Such a sod possesses the elements of great and lasting fertility. - The fortune of tho man is made who will be the first to inaugurate stock growing on civilized principles in this section. Kentucky blue grass and or chard irrass will grow finely on timber ed land similar to the Chadbourn tract. Timothy and Redtop hay can be grown upon cleared or unshaded clay land, and will require but littlo drainage in most cases none. Bermuda grass is about the only for age grass that thrives on thin sandy soil. This grass makes the best pasture that over a sheep's cje or an ox's gazed upon. It does not seed in this section. It must be propagated from root cut ting, which can be purchased by tho barrel in Charleston, S. C. Sorghum llalapense. otherwise call ed Johnson or Means grass, is a most valuable grass for drowned laud. It will grow in standing water and cattle Wilt swim to get a nibble of it. Clover will grow admirably on most soils in this county. Good i corn land will produce good clover, and will pay seven times as 'much as the same acre age in corn. Clover, however, re quires considerable skill in coring the crop. Millet would also dowell here, as would Sorghum. X Now. for a downright lazy man's crop, there is nothing like bay. Only get a meadow properly seeded in Timothy and Redtop grasses and the meadow will outlast its planter. The lazy farmer need only send his men to mow it three or four times a year, securing at each mowing one ton per acre, which will readily sell for $20 per ton. Broadly speaking any land that will grow rice will grow Timothy and Bed top grasses, and such land is pretty abundant in this section. . As to medicinal herbs and, useful wild plants, there is a large number ot species in the swamps and woods, but it would be of little purpose for me to enumerate them by their Latin names, and most of them have no common English names. Sumach, of which there are several species pretty abund ant. Is purchased by several . Virginia firms who export it for tanning." 5 y, , ... -I "' We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. . . - . t rnvrnw. Pistols for Turo. Last night, as Sergeant George W. Bishop, ot the Police force, was on , his way home, he was accosted by a small boy who.tpld him lhaVthere was jimp son weeds to pay on the - corner of Third and Castle streets. This i3 the palatial residence ot John . L." Owens, proprietor of the saloon corner ot South Water street and Mnter's alley. Sergeant Bishop proceeded at once a the direction indicated and : Soon ' met John, batless, coatless and cheerless fTTH his way he Jcnew not whither. t He brought him to a standstill and then John, with many tears forcing their way along his ruddy cheeks, told his tale of marital infelicity. He had quarreled with the wife of his bosom and she had emptied a loaded pistol in his direction. 'At tho houso pretty near the same tale was told with the addition that John had come home, up to his ears in whiskey, and after mak'ng kindling wood of the farniturc, had fired a Fourth of July salute at his wife from the mouth of a pistol, which Mrs. John had returned.. The only injury sustained was a slight wound in John's left jaw. The two were ar rested, and John is now in limbo, while his cara spouse, who declared that she was too sick to appear in conrt to-day, was released on her own recog nizance to appear to-morrow. Pic Nic for Purchasers. Bargains in Clothing. Odds and ends and broken assortment of sizes will be sold without regard to cost. A chance for all in want of Clothing or Furnish ing Goods. Onr rule is not to carry over any goods from one season to an other if low prices will sell them.there fore we cut prices accordingly. It is useless to quote prices. Come and see the goods and you will be astonished at the marvelous bargains we are giving our patrons. Shrier, the Old Reliable Clother, 114 Market st. Sign of the Golden Arm . t Now is the season tor painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save monej. t FLOWERS At his late residence in this rity, on the 3rd day of September, J. J. FLOWKRS, aged 71 years. ENNETT In thia city, this morning,-7th inst.. at 10 30 o'clock. CHRISTOPHKR C ENNETT. son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth En nett, aged 27 years. r. ' 4i The lunerai will take place to-morrow (Toes day) morning, at 8 o'clock, from the residence &0i South Sixth st., thence to Prospect Church on Middle Sound.. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.; NEW AOVKKTISEM15NT8. Mrs. Kate C. j Wines, J-EFT LAST THURSDAY, f FOR NEW York, to purchase FALL 'GOODS. The bal ancc of bummer Stock for sale at reduced prices. No. 119, N Keeond Street, eeyt 7 2t mon tn Next to Postoflice A Drive. ELEVEN PIECE DECORATED CHAM BER SET for $3.50. Colore .assorted. u . sCpt 7 ' GILES & ilDRCHISON, r1- v 1 . -' Lawn Party and; Concert, Tuesday Night, Sept. 8. 4 IN THE CITY HALL PARK, BY THE CORNET CONCERT CLUB AND THE CANTWELL LIGHT GUARDS. Admission 10 cents. ' r ' - rcpt 7 It 1 John E- Lipp " GEN'L INSURANCE AGENtI Fire. -Life. -;.,....- Marine. Accident. r Endowment, Insurance Lowest Rates. Eept7 All Wool uassimeres ! AS rpHE FINEST ASSORTMENTS HAVE had, both CHEAP AND HANDSOME for Gents' .... v and Bays. Opened this day; " TABLE DAMASK, DO Y LIE?, 2D0 doz HANDKERCHIEFS, and 34 TABLE AND TRAY NAPKINS, Handsome Tucking, Nainsook and Mulls, Rusching and Tourist Ruffling, Ac.; : sept 7 JNO. J. HBDHICK. WANTED Ladles and gentlemen to take nice, light, pleasant work at their own homes. Work sent by mail any distance all the year round, f 2 to S5 per day can be quietly maue; no canvassing. Address Reliable Mf g Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Box 1593. augSS d&wlm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: Furniture We have just opened a variety of good stylesj 50 in. widej If you would like to see all of the pretty new things in Ska des, call and see 5, , then! next week. CORNICES and POLES, all styles. . BoS?' Lace Curtains bv the pair and bv the yard. CARPETS APJD MATTINGS. An entirely-new Jerseys a specialty, sept 5 - Mason's Fruit Jars. -yyE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO.. 19. 21 A 23 Market Street, sept 7 Wilmington, N. C. Special Inducements ! rjlO MERCHANTS, TEACHERS and others. We are anxious to supply you with SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and will make prices to suit you. We buy strictly for CASH, and can therefore give you the benefit of the best discounts. C. W. YATES, sept 7 119 Market Street. WHISKEY, WINE AND LAGER BEER ! THE FINEST LINE OF LIQUORS IN THE STATE. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC LAGER BEER AND GINGER ALE, BASS PALE ALE AND SCOTCH ALE. BED AP WHITE SCOPPERNONO WIM! A FRESH LOT JUST RECEIVED. WE KEEP A NIC Jfl ASSORTMENT OF CAKES aha CRACKERS. TRY LARREBEK'S EXTRA SODA CRACKERS, In 3-lb fcans for FIFTY CENTS. a P. L. BBIDGERS & CO., 1 1 0 North Front St. sept 7 WANTED An active man or woman in every county to sell our goods. Salary $73 per month and expenses, or commission Expenses in advance. Outfit free. For fall particulars address STANDARD SILVER WARE CO., BOSTON, MASS. ' . sept 7 d&w 4w : t . . ' a i WT ANTED Young 1 adios in city or cuntr , Y f to work for us at their homes; ftfBlna-r ting employment: no InstrucUons to buy; work can be sent by mail (distance . no objec tion) :$6 to $9 per week can be made. tNd can-i vassing. particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in , stamps, please ad dress, Home Masoactukisu Co., Boston, Mass. P. O. B&x 1D1S. sdpt 7 dftw -4w Tm OFFER. Tolntrbducc trlvn a wa.v TOfid KAlf nnfnra.linr Wash In v Mtchines. 'If you want one send us your name. P. . and express ofliceat once. TUB NATIONAL CO., 21 Doy St., N. Y. :S3pt 7 dfcw 4w . .. r0SQUIT0ES.SiS! lie mosquito Bite Cube, gives Instant ( . reuei, and drives them away. Auurces , bALLADE A CO., sept 7 4w 8 East ISth St., New York Established FAY'S 1866 MANILLA ROOFING ! Resembles fine leather; for ROOFS. OUT SI DIG WALLS, and INSIDE in place of plas ter. Very strong and durable. CARPETS and RUGS of same material. Catalogue with testimonials and samnlcs r kek. w. II. FAY A CO , Camden, N. J. scptliwdftw BUKNHAM'S IMiitOVEl Standard sis the BEST constructed i and finished Turbine in the 'world. It xtves Bi&riitK perckxtaoe with part or full crate, and is sold for LESS MONEY per Horse Power than any Other Turbine. Pamphlet Free by 'Burnham Bros., York, Pa. sept 7 4w 11." ZEitETALIQUE 'BRILLIANT, de rcmptii i .Vf Directions1 Anglalsc: AXTOXKLLi, Et-Fils, Athens, Greece, cept 8 01 A 7 Turbine V FXSAS3 NOTICS. tft will b glad to rtcatvt eoxaxatmieaooa from mx fxlosdj on aaj aad all tiabjtett; general la tereathnl The name of tha writer must always b Btsoed to the Editor. CoTnmnnTcaaonamtat be wrtttta ea oV, one aide of the paper. Personalities must be arolde.; " An J It la especially and particularly tad tood that the Editor does aot always endoi the views of correspondents valeae ao atatt in the editorial columns. NEW ADVEKI8EMENTS. stock tp show you. r. ni. rj Fall Stock. 1 i. WK ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL stock of Cooking &nd Heating Stores. Houso Furnishing Good-, Grates and Grate Fixtures. KerOSCne Oil Stovn rtmth1nc nnw I Inn't fall to examine our stock before purchasing eteehere. Wc are prepared to offer VERic LOW PRICES. " PARKER TAYLOR'S, sept 7 23 South Front St COTTON GINS, COTTON PRESSES, &c. TE SOLICIT INQUIRIES AND OHDERS for the WINSHIP COTTON GINS AND COTTON PRESSES, which are superior to any offered in this market. Circulars and Price Lists will be sent on application. WORTH & WORTH. sept 7 E. VanLaer, 149 E. lh St. N. York, GIVES HIS PERSONAL ATTENTION to the selection of Pianos and Organs Be sides a personal selection, a great savlag in price la effected, by these direct transactions. All orders entrusted to me will receive faith ful attention. Address as above v sept 5 tf ' . For Sale and Eent. gTORES, D WELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS . Apply to D. O'CONNokT aug 24 2taw3m xa th Real Estate Agent Tar Heel Liniment. J10R INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. ....Ely's Cream Balm and Wel-Dc-Mcvcr's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, &c at W- C. MILLER'S, Corner. Fourth and Nun sti aug3l Jtist Received. FINE LOT OF APPLES, PEACHES, Pears of various klnds, Sweet and Irish Po tatoes, Cabbage and Onions. Cabbage and Irish Potatoos by the barrel or less quantity. C. M. D. HUMPHREY, aug 27 Davis Row', near New Market ; Something New ! JJRIVATE STOCK WHISKIES ! "W. M. McBrayer" and "Rose Valley," - ; . ... .. - .' i , 10 years old 25c a drink-1.50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and boit 5c Cigar (Brock's) in the city. J. M. McGOWAN. aug 22 Attention ! W E HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment of CI cam nml - riiniwttjii CUir "Little Boy Blue" 6o Cigar la the best In the market; it will pay yon to try tbem. MUNDS BROTHERS, : la North Front St., aug la 821 North Fourth St. August 27th. BBLS. NEW MULLETS. OUR OWN CATCH. 100 Pounds in each barrel. aug 27 DAVIS A SON TIN BOOTING, JJOOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING . Tin and Sheet IronWare made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, Ac, Ac Jobbing generally. W.K. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Princess, bet. Front an Water Streets augJ24 : . ' Family Bibles. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE ASSORT meat of FAMILY BIBLES, beautlfnllr il lustrated and handsomely bound la Morocco with clasps. For sale cheap at " UKINSBEKGEK'3. Cheap Choice Books. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW IN hand choice standard and wonderfully low-priced which will be exhibited with pleasure to alt callers Catalogues furnished sme as by tbc Publiaher, from - - . HEINScERGER'S, eept5 , LItc Book and Music Stores Covering !

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