jjrjS PATER " eventex. Bonaays ex- pted by t . JOSH T. JAMES, rto.'V TTTlOV9-rOSTAGK PAID: i mentis UMU Three J ha- On. month. 85 cento. , "" Jin be delivered by carrier, free f P4py part of the city. at the abort SfbSi will report airy and all fall- ZLsr vl regularly. . i n.7 RmievJ has the largest l lie ism-y circulation, of any newspaper Kited, in V" Wilmington. ShTiicemen wear silk aad crry silver-headed walk first Hind" ladj who ever went intot"(,eb30p BoaibJ' The (iordon lund. now swollen to ago 000. is to be used to tound a boys' The Anthropological -Congress, . n tn he held at Rome, will Weston, ib a collection of 700 Jails of criminals, numbered and Ossified. popular advertisements in Montreal re do' worded: "Oar premises are itofoaghly disinfected every day from lueoent to top floor "Arrangt? menu are bein made for all employ ee,, not already done, to be vaccinated to-morrow." i Geneva," the name of - the crack relish yacht, is the botanical (Latin) nime for the broom plant. The latter istheymboloftbe line of English eonirchs which began with Henry ll iad coded at Bos worth with Richard l,planla qenesla Plantagenet. , A life toad and a petrified snake were found together in a vein of blue limestone at West Union, W. Va.. Saturday. The snake was' hanging by the toad's lei, and appearances indica ted that it was trying to swallow the toifwhen they were buried. The Pall Mail Gazelle describes Tai inage as "the great American Boan erges, the eloquent and popular pulpi teer, who3e thunder is heard throng li cet tie States ; whose fiery a mat hem as tad tearless denunciations rouse the (rood citizens of Brooklyn twice: every Sandij." French railways annually kill one piMeuseria every 2,000,000 carried; English railways one in every 21,500. 000. French railways annually .wound rce passenger in every 500,000 carried ; Etjlish, one in 750,000; Belgian, one ia 1,650,000, and Prussian, one in 4,000, (XX). S. 3. Renfroe. ex-sheriff of Sumter eoaaty. Ala., in the Court at Livings ton last week, was convicted of horse stealing and sentenced to the peniten tiary for five years. Daring the days of reconstruction he .ruled his county uiu chief Republican , organizer and 'hw officer. , . ,-f Statistics show that the wheat trade of California, Oregon and Washington Territory with Europe gives , employ tteni annually to more than' 400 tailing going around Cape Hdrii. ' The irerace passage for each vessel is about w.ooomiles. in an avorage time of a &tle over four niontbs. Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico and florid hate taken advantage , of the provision made for the payment by the United States of one-half bt the cost of kinf. a census in -such States and Ter rkriefr&s might takeii decennial cen to, upon condition that the returns be 5'ed with the secretary of the interior ot before September 1J , - - Tkere is a good demand for help, and JJiiaIlj for young girls, in Montana. Corts, chambermaids and waiter girls to Particular demand ; they readily fcoaaud from $15 to $2f5Q per week, board. Female cooks are scarce Jjfioa 50 to $60 per month. Cham kn&tids readily secure $40 per month ad waiter girlsfrom $35 to $50 -of course including board. . - : " a novel method of committing, sui was that employed by a Brooklyn wdler the other day. He walked in- ne yard, and picking up a big threw it into the air and let It fall !Ino,P BPon the top of his bare head : ,,t0Qe mde a deep wound, but he rnheless kept up the Ipractica and Jr ,Qcceeded in dangerously injaring Jwith lbe stones when inter by officers. His wounds were bai not to be fatal' ' - iCcruan writes to an English paper vjlkri Is a specifio for rhenmatism fcBrrto U effectuai. however, it be cooked. His method Istomake oap of th? stalks and roots. Gener ki a ,Js eatenra. wnich prevents .Jrtic qualiUes known. Z, .aet Qt using it is to . havei tk'fi ? CQt iato bits, boiled In water .UitwaUfjJMik. by the totitV U MQ eed warm, with d bread. This, It Is said; wil 06 the worst cases ot rheumatism. 1 1 VOL. IX, WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER ?t There are still public lands open to settlement In nineteen States and eight Territories. The prices vary fromS1.25 The outlook in regard to Spain and Germany is more peaceful. Emperor William seems to be determined on a picifio adjnstment and has telegraphed to .this effect to King Alfonso.? But Spain seems to be on the ver?e of a revolution. Gen. D. H. HUl will deliver the an nual address before the Virginia divis ion of the Con fed ei ate Association of the Army of Northern Virginia, at Richmond, on the 22d of next month His subject will be "The Confederate Soldier in the Ranks." A terrible cyclone is reported from Ohio. Washington Xfonrt House, a town of 4,000 inhabitants, was almost completely demolished, and it is proba ble that more than a score of lives have been lost. Hardly a residence in the town escaped, fully 4,000 buildings having been. destroyed. ' The Durham Reporter may possibly have a libel suit on its hands, but we doubt it. The Reporter has been charg ing that "one A- T. Robertson, who has been in Durham and is now in the West, is a fraud; that he purchases real estate and gives worthless check on the Durham bank in payment for the same. The Charlotte Observer says that Robertson is on his way loDurham with his counsel and will bring suit for criminal libel against the Reporter. We doubt if he ever gets to Durham. . t We noticed quite a fine display of dog collars at Jacobi's Hardware De pot. t t LOCAL NEWS. IIDEX TO MEW AOVERTiSEMEITS. K n McKor For Bent Munds Bkotiiebs Drugiat3 n Ckonenberg Photographs D Q Worth Sealed Proposals r C Mim.kk Tar Heel Liniment C W Yates Special Indncements Hxiksbxboss Ocean Breeze Waltz K E Lloyd & Co New Wood Yard ' tW Wth Co Fine Creamery' Butler No oysters in, market yet. Too hot. The New York papers failed to reach here last night. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 164 bales. . t. . There is a good deal of sickness in the chyjut now, fevers being the pre dominating disease. Make your selections for the winter. The styles shown by Dyer are the finest ever brought to this clty.x , x : There was no City Court this morn ing, and much of a dullness pervaded the atmosphere of the City Hall. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 88 de grees, with the wind from the North west, t - .. . ' To day being the Hebrew New Year, was observed as f a holiday and the stores of all the Jews in the .city were closedrI J 'vy:V ' The river is yet distressingly low and the steamers have a difficult and tedious time jn getting through from Fayette ville to this port. For the best unlaundried.white shirt in the city! call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J. Elsbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf ' This is the seventy-second anniver- sary of Perry a victory over the British fleet On Lake Erie, that battle haying been fought on the 10th of September, 1813. " Farmers can save tini and money by getting barbed wire for their fences, at Jacobi' Hdw. Depot. t A match game of baseball was play ed yesterday, afternoon between the Comets and Brickbats, which resulted in a Victory for the latter in a score of one to nothing. Farmers in the country are busy picking out cotton, and all the boys and girls who have been without employ meat now, find as much as they can at tend to in the cotton fields. 1 Nor. brig San Juan, Bache, cleared to day for Montevideo, for orders, with 200 casks spirits turpentine. 480 barrels roiin and 13.570 feet lumber, valued at $8,085.99. shipped by Messrs." E, Kid der & Son." j" s The Ifetcs and Observer is . right, ,va think, as to the pronunciation of the wcrd (bockra.M We have never heard it pronounced otherwise. It has' gen erally .been 'po1 bockran and we have nercr before beard tho pronunciation called in qnestion. ' W-!l i K i I i' t'J t':- Mm y 21.JLJU titer , - v JL ' -' - '." . j -JL New Wood Yard. Messrs. R. E. Lloyd & Co., commission merchants and dealers in general mer chandise and country produce, at 13d North Water street, have established a large wood yard at the foot of the nevT market and near Metsrs. W. E. Davis & Son. They cut their own wood, lighter it here themselves and deliver it on their own drays and carts. Special attention is invited to their advertise ment, as it appears elsewhere in this issue.' Too Of ten. RachelJobnSon, colored, who uveal on Sixth street, North of the railroad, don't live there now. She was taken sick a few days since and a physician prescribed a powder and a pill, to be taken every lour hours. She exceeded her instructions and took a pill every hour until she had swallowed 17 of them, in consequence of which she died. We know the absolute necessity of drug stores, but firmly believe that any at tempt to establish an apothecary shop 'n the human system will result in cer tain disaster. Persouai Mr. B. W. Kleibacker.business mana ger ot the "Tally Ho" Co.. i in the city and registered at the Parcell House. Mr. J. M. Axley. who has been in the city for the past three weeks eagag ed in establishing a branch of the Frankiin Square Library, left on this morning's train for Raleigh. Thence he will go diiect to Knoxville, Tenn. Our good friend, Capt. D. T. Ward, the of Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, was in the city to-day, having just re turned from a short visit to Smith ville, where he has been spending a part of bis vacation. He leaves this evening on his return to Raleich. In Self Detence. We learn that a party of gentlemen at Smithville wnt out on a deer-driving expedition yesterday. Among the hanters was one who has a great fond ness for the sport and has followed il with spirit from boyhood until now, when he hasreached nearly, to middle life, but had never succeededln killing a deer until yesterday, when the animal a fine buck came rushing so near him that he was obliged to kill it to keep from being run over and perhaps badly injured. At any rate the deer was slain it weighed 103 pounds dress edand the gentleman escaped unin jured, which was a result so entirety unlooked for and unexpected that the friends of the latter feared for the conse quences and a party of them concluded that it would be well to remain with him over night," and went to his resi dence for that purpose, but to their sur prise, as well as joy. they found him so entirely calm and self possessed that their services were not needed and they return to their several homes. A Counterfoil. One night daring the engagement of the Standard Dramatic Company at the Opera House, a young gentleman of this city attired himself 4u some of his sister's clothing and, escorted by an elder brother, wentWwitnesshe per formance. Tho make-up was so neat and attractive, the disguise wasso complete and the impersonation of a young lady was so perfect that no one mistrusted the fact, and a drummer who happened to be in tho city and present was so completely smitten with the charms of the supposed young lady that he sought and obtained au in troduction in due form, and thinking he hade a "mash," he sat beside her (him) the remainder of the evening talking the tenderest sort of sentiment inter mixed with bo small amountof "gush." He never discovered the counterfeit, and when ho left the young lady (gen. tleman) he was fully impressed with tha idea, that he was in a fair way of making a complete conquest of the heart of one of the sweetest young la-, dies in the city. We wonder how he will feel if he should ever discover the trick. ... m 'm i i . 'j "I want some SOZODONT. said he. "J U8t out." the cunning drugzlfit said, "Bnt here's some powder known to be As good." The patron turned and fled, Afklng, "De you suppoEC 1 don't Know nothing equals SOZtHXJST?" Plain Talk. There Is a preservative Drinciple in SOZODONT that effectually preserves the teeth from decay. Chemists pro nounce it wholesome. Rich and poor endorse it. No lady ever tried it with out approving its cleansing and purify ing properties. It outsells all other dentifrices. Ask tor SOZODONT, and take no substitute. ' : The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vanco and New Excelsior ' Penn., are the .leading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and' price. They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - t TTsT ' : ,J" - ..... , In large sections of Duplin . and Wayne Counties there has been a pro tracted dry spell without any rain for several weeks, until a few days ago. This has materially injured the crops and it is estimated that cotton and corn will fall short at least one-fourth. , : ..The next entertainment at the Opera House will be on Tuesday night, the 15th instl, when Joaquin Miller's fa tuous play of Tally Ho will be present ed. with Mr. Robert L Downing in the leadin? character of Hank Monk, the .Jitace driver of the Sierras.'. 4 ' v Mr4 H. Cronenberg, proprietor of the well-known photograph gallery - next East of this office, . advertises in this issue a snecial reduction in price, to hold good for thirty daysfrotu this date; As 'the offer is limited all those in need of good work in his line- should take advantage of it at .once, i r j .-'., Cliallensre Accepted.1 4 1 d The "Pony Four" of the Wilming ton Light Infantry, consisting of Third Sergeant W. N. Harriss. and. privates J. J. Henrick, Jr., H. Gerken and W. Willson, haye had a challenge posted in the Company's Armory for some time for any other four in the com mand to compete with them in a . trial of skill.to consist of the manual of arms, marchings and target practice at 200 yards distance. The challenge has now been accepted by a four composed of First Sergeant W. R. Morrison, Second Sergeant Geo. Harriss, Jr., Fourth Sergeant B. W. Dunham and Corporal G. P. Howey. It is not definitely de termined when the trial will take place, but when it does there will be some skilful military work and tho contest will be most hotly and obstinately con tested. Distressing News. Mr. E. II . Keathly received the un welcome and entirely unexpected intel ligent this morning that his son, aged about 14 years, was seriously and alarmingly sick at the residence of his grandmother, in Duplin county. It seems that the lad was spending the vacation at bis grandmother's, and a few days since had the misfortune to cut his foot with an axe, inflicting an ugly, but not necessarily a dangerous wound. Erysipelas supervened, which threw the young lad into a fever and he is now in a critical condition. Mr. Keathly, together with '- his wife and family, started on this morning's train to go to the afllipted one and in all hu man probability they are at his bedside ere now. I 1 ! '.. ; Pfc Nic tor Purchasers. ' Bargains in Clothing. Odds and ends and broken assortment of sizes will be sold without regard to cost. A chance for all in want of Clothing or Furnish ing Goods: Our rule is not' to carry over any goods from One season to an other if low prices will sell them .there fore we cut prices accordingly. It is useless to quote prices. Come and see the goods and you will be astonished at the marvelous bargains we are giving our patrons. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clother, 114 Market . st. Sign of the Golden Arm. t nN JEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ! fXTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DKUG YY; GISTS. lo4J9orth FrontSfc.Wlhnlngton, N.C. Solicit orders from Physicians and Merchants In the country, aud guarantee best goods and lowest prices. sept 10 ; ' ; New Wood Yarfl. WE HAVE "OPENED A ' WOOD YARD In Wilmington,' and are now prepared to furnish BEST QUALITIES OF MARKET WOOD as cheap as any dealer in the city. We will use our own Drays, and offer special Inducements to parties who wish to have Wood delivered at their houses Leave your; orders at our Yard, at Davis' . Wharf, in rear of New Market, or at No. ISO N. Water St. -scptlOtf B . E. LLOYD & CO, Wilmington i v Refrigerator, and Ice Works Fine1 Creamery Butter, pUT DP IK FIVE POUND PACKAGES, for Family vie. For sale at a reasonable price for cash. Delivered when desired: w. E. WORTH & CO., Proprietors aug 34 Munds Bros 10.4885. ? ' NO. 211 NEW ADVERTISEaEKTH; Photograph s. N QW IS THE TIME TO GET GOOD PHOTOGBAPUS at the following low prices t CBONENBEBGM GALLERY. For SO days the price will be: i-a'Doz Card ' PhotographsllGO 1 1-2 1 1-2 ,Doz. M ,.vv; DozV Cabinet " -,,,.,, ,Doz. i; ... Doz Panels, - . DOZ., in -- ,. i" ": 2.50 3.00 4.50 - - '3 CO j - COO 1 I 1 A 11. PJetnrM miiRt Yu paid, far when the ucgauve. is tas.cn, or lanpricp waiic enavgea. sept lO Uf, i . ;v, . II. CRONENfiERG. Sealed Proposals. 1 until noon; Befctember 21st, last , for. furnish tog WINTER UNIFORMS for tho City Police Force and two Janitors thirty ono 31) j Uni forms In all Suits to consist of Frock Cofats single-breasted for Privates and dctible-breast-ed for Officers, Vests and Pants.- Bids are so llcited for these Suits to be made of Metropol' itaa iBlue) Police Cloth and West Point Cadet Gray it being optional with the Committee ty decide which material will be selected finally .n.! . . ; -. . . Bids are also wanted for twentvnind f20) Overcoats, dark material Cassimere or chjn- chllia,J Ulster style samples of Material asd sample Overcoat to acconmany bids. i j D. G. WORTH , sept 10 3t . Chairman Committee on Pjollce FOR RENT. pEOM THE 1ST OCTOBER, THE Store on the N. W. Corner of Front and, Market sts , at present occupied , by W. S. Briggs & Co. sept 10"4t 11. II. McKOli 122 Princess fct. For Sale or Rent. pEOM THE 1ST OF OCTOBER, a two-sory house on Third, between Church and Castle streets Apply at this office. BCpt 8 For Sale and Rent. OTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS. Apply to D O'CONl aag 24 2taw3m m th Real Estate Agent School Notice. jyjISS MARY C. DARBY WILL OPEN A PRIVATE SCHOOL for Girls and Bovs for Instruction In all the English branches, at the residence No . 6 Church street School will be gin Oct. 1st, 1885. Terms moderate and made known on application. sept S 3t August 27th. oc 3BLS. NEW MULLETS. OUR OWN CATC ft. 100 Pounds In each barrel, aug 27 DAVIS & SON Mrs. Kate C. Wines LEFT LAST THURSDAY, FOR NEW York, to purchase FALL GOODS. The, baT anco of bummer Stock for sale at reduced prices. No. 119, N Seeond Street, sept 72t mon th Next to Postofllce TIN K00FING, ' t ROOF REPAIRING AND PAINTING. . ' ., Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order. StovePipes, Elbows, &c, Ac 49 Jobbing generally. , i ; W.E. KING, ' : ' Practical Tinsmith, - Princess, bet. Front and Water Streets aug24 t- , , State and County Taxes, " 1885. I J rpHE TAX BOOKS FOR THE YEAR 1SS5 haye been placed in my hands for collection. All interested will take notice.' Pay prompt ly and save costs. . r S. H. MANNING, Sheriff . , New Hanover County " sept 8 3t tu Ih sat . - Notice. Notice. - J BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN tion of the. Country Merchants and Farmers to the fact that I have removed from the cor X , ,( ri-:-. - ..' ; 'i I nerof Chestnut and NorthTVatex streeta to the ' : store formerly occupied by G. Boney 9c Sots, 107 North Water si., where I am prepared to handle aU kinds of Country Produce. 'and will guarantee the highest prices obtained for all placed In my handa for sale wlta quick sales an 1 prompt returns. Also keep on hand a stock ot General Merchandise, &c I - ; I respectfully solicit your patronage, i sept 8 St dftw . B. F. KEITH, Jr. I Special Inducements I rjpo MERCHANTS, TEACHERS and others. We are a&xlous to supply you with , x SCHOOL BOOKS, ,w : BLANK BOOKS . . v .. t ' , : ' , AKD STATIONERY, and will maka prices to suit yoo.! We bay stricDy for CASH, and caa therefore give you the benefit of the best discounts 1 5 ' 1 1 , C. W. YATES, 119 llarket street. 'sept? 1! vmvn ' rLZAt2 EOTXCS. Wiwnibtglad to ractrrs ccaaxatlcanoJi fxcaocrfrlaKLioaaxy tad all !stbei: gtattallBterest bnt - " ' ' The name of the writer must always ba . aished to the Krtttor.r . Ckmuarmlcatloss xatut M wxltaa ca e one aide of the paper. Peraosanoea must be avoided.: , . And it la especially and particularly end tood that the Editor doe. aot ahraya endoi . the views of correspondents calsat to stats In the editorial eohunna. NEW AI VJERISDIICIITS . Rice Birds. , f-RIco Birds. Rice Birds.; FIRST OF THE SEASON; AT THE sept 1 28 NQRTlt FRONT ST Ocean Breeze Waltz, -po R PIANO, BY I. H. GREENE WALD. Second edition iust out"af this nniilr niece of Music Price 40 centd, iost paid. For sale at PJANOS AND , ORGANS. W V4 UABE AND UPRIGHT. SOLD AND RENTED. Fojpartlciilars plekso calif at1 ' sept S- Live Book and Music Stores Fall Stock. WE ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL stock of Cooking and Hcalbig 5tovea. House Furnishing Good", Grates and (irate Fixtures. Kerosene OH Stove soiocthUg, new. Don't fail to examine our stock -before purchasing elsewhere. Wc aro prcpaml to offer VERY low prices. ::. . , parker a tjlylor. sept; 7 , tl 23. South Front 8t Tar-Iljeel nlipient. pOR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wel De-M ever'e Ca. tarrh Cure, Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, &o., at - ' '.' F. C. MILLER'S, aug 31 Corner Fourth and Nun sts Just Eecelvefl.t FINE LOT OF APPiES, PEACHES, Pears of various kinds. Sweet and Irish Po tatoes, Cabbage and Onions. Cabbage and Irish Potatoes oy the barrel or less quantity. C M. D. HUMPHREY, aug 27 'Davis' Ro w ". nctr New Market Something New ! JpRIVATE STOCK WHISKIES ! "W. H. McBrayer" and "Rose Valley." 10 years old 25c a drink f 1.50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and best 5c Cigar (Brock's) in the city. J. M. McGOWAN. aug 22 YIP' LE METALIQUE BRILLIANT de roviptii Directions Anglalp: y Antokella, Et-Fils, Athens, Greece, sept 841 Attention ! yjyE HAVE ON HAND AN ELEGANT assortment of Cigars and Cigarettes. Our Llttla Boy Blue", Be Cigar Is the best In the market; it will pay you to try them. MUNDS BROTHERS, 104 North Front St., , 621 North Fourth St. f aug 10 r.VJ' Wanted w v . DURING THE FALL AND WINTER, CASH orders for Peanuts. Now River Oysters, Fresh or Salt Fish, Fish Roe. Oran ges, Lemons, and other Tropical Fruits, or any other merchandise, CONSIGNMENTS of Cotton. Naval Stores and Country produce generally. xi - Will buy, or sell on Commission, all kinds of Country Produce. JOHN R. MARSHALL. . Gen. Com. Merchant, 24 North Water St., sept 3 . Wilmington, N. C. I Lime. bimua BBLS. ROCKLAND LIME, A' BEST QUALITY, FOR SALE. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. WORTH & WORTH. sept 8 ' . ' weo. f? , rrice, Jr., AUCTMEEB k COMMISSION IIICHAM. -yyE ARE LOOKING FOR A LARGE LOT OF FIRST CLASS FURNITURE, cooslstlDg of SoHd Black Walnut Bed-Boom Suits, Mar ble Blab Suits, Oak Cults, c Also, a lot of Parlor Suits, just as good as new; Tables, Desks, Carpet, Sofas, Lounges. What Vots, Ac, in fact a general assortment of Household and Kitchen Furniture, mostly from the Rocka way Beach Hotel Bankrupt Sales. ' Also, two Cooking Stoves, two Bed Room 8ctJ, and one Parlor Set, from local points, alt first class, with permission to give names If desired. - Wc also have a full set of law Books. 42 volumes rare selection. . f AticUon commences at 11 o'clock. THURS DAY, Sept. 10. J n the meantime, as we have a very Urge stock of Goods on hand, aad the Store we are now occupying is rented to an other merchant, we must dispose ot mix ex tensive stock of Goods BEFORE THE FIObT OF OCTOBER, and we therefore will have an auction EVERY NIGHT in the week. In addition to oar Day Auction, until our stock U sold out. aept 8 2t 00

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