real. Stutflays dstery iT8. septed by jOSH T.JAMES. ! OSS POSTAGE PAID: , trtSCVr1"' Mrttlth 12.08. Three !jJe,; One month. 55 eenU. a M delivered by carrier., free . .p,peri" . he en-, Al the above per week. iSerTwlU report any and aD fan. g5- tper reguiarry. hoi the laratst cu circulation, of any newspaper S5!J fort oy 0 gn, Srnh rdt is coming South - hn I Sullivan will pitch in a game ,0 u.m ;n CIcyeland on September It ifn. Cramer, sister of Mrs, U 5. indent Cleveland: ."I was not Lj to my present position to help Governors forOhioJ .Egyptian mummy has arrived at nWesi, a P,C3tUfc . 7 ji believed to be over 3,000 years IMaoy persons mm. mn jjjTilden are respectively the greatest : Vno-UnH and America. iL:.l. f!!aa(nnn lU'Csuieu i" "e- jeither of them can ppeak above a t taper. iiiJInnnirmnit thai inilni. ....wHnn T&tins Donnelly ad rises Clw, "uu' -o tie farmers ot the Northwest to "raise h-T until they get better water trans t..-,Aa nf ftarfield'a tomb fresh flowers jbjiub I . . L. . cAr anil ? fa aairl jg llWajS lO Uc 8WU, bum it. ou lie Garfield iamily to daily supply them .L L.A frihlllllC. John h. Sullivan : "Fighting Is not utmosingas it used to be. The men who are put np against me are not so nnch fighters (as they are experts in dancing and dodging." AiNew York politics get livelier John Kelly gets better, and it is now si: J that he will once more direct tho fbrtanesof Tammany. 1 be Washington Star lays "the tribe needs a chief great Philadelphia News: "If Admiral Jouett mast pay for the banquets he t&ve at New Orleans on his shackling tfijunk-of-war Tennessee, there'll be a resirkably sudden decline in naval kspitality." Hairpins undoubtedly cause much of the neuralgiao headache suffered by women, says the Lancet The nerves of the scalp are irritated by the hair being drawn tightly back and put on tie strain. The Massachusetts State board of talth is overhauling the druggists to tee whether they keep drugs np to the roadard. In one rase it was found tht the opium was adulterated 90 per cent., that the wine was merely alcohol. Md that a quarter of 'the sugar was dirt. Mary Anderson has been admitted life governor pf the Shakespeare Memorial Association by virtue of a donation exceeding 100. Among those heretofore thus honored have been toor. Barry. Sullivan, Creswick, Booth and Sothern. ' ; ' ' t.i otQQei II. Hardwick has been made teaeral Eastern agent of.tha East -Ten-jweeXirginia and Georgialineswith jeqnarters at New York city. He heretofore been general - traveling atoftheEast Tennessee,5 Vfrginia jai Georgia, with headquarters at At toU,Ga. Connecticut school board has vot 1(1 Jot to employ this year, any school o who will not agree to remain ;Bl!e until the end of her term this "Prevent love-sick young ladies torn taking the schools, and devoting time which should be employed in aingthe children to' courting and around with the fellows." Mr. John Roach is likely to go into tics on his own hook, with the de j" to secure aome personal good from gtothR R nnkliAan nm n a A frTA JVach's said the: other; day that -ane(Koacb) settled up his affairs ' f Government, he Intended to me Delaware Legislature and we united States Senate. . - - Norfolk 17r.: T.U T '.1 wli iJwolIn- iPlyed, wiKlom cnaTv pa,sea Uw to extinguish Jks and quackery. The creation of atata Board of Mwi Priminri Jp Probably accomplish the work. aa duty of this board If, under the autuic. to examine all parties en on the practice of the profession Srpusaof the act. February wm i latent is thought, largely protect the profession ast empirics and frauds. J - WE VOL. IX. W ILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER For the opening season 'a dance. teacher has devised what he . calls the dervish It consists of a few slow. measured, stately revolutions in ordi mil. f . ? . "i j wolia iimB, ioiioweu'oy a dozen rapid waltz ones, done so suddenly that the oooples look like wild dervishes of the desert, who ought to howl as well as whirl. ' mm f- Wo nhticed lfi ifine display of doe collars at Jacobi's Hardware n- pot. . LOCAJj NEWS. IKDIX TS IE &QVE8USEKIEIU. Fok Eext Booms Ofkba. IIocse Ta.lly-Eo Mukus Bbothkbs DragisU F C Milleb Tar llcel Unlmeal ; C W Yatks Special IndBoements ' Dkiksbkkokb Ocean Breeze Waltz Change of Balling Ptya N Y Sb WSSCo I low R you. Mr. Oyster? Onslow Court convenes next Mon day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 206 bales. Make your selections for the winter. The styles shown by Dyer are the finest ever brouzbt to this city. f For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J. Elsbagu, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf The highest point reached by the thermometer in this office daring the Summer was 031 degrees, and we think that about expresses it.Tr .-. Eicebirds are unusually abundant now, and they are sold at Smtthville for 15 cents per dozen. The price asked in this city is 25 cents per dozen. The display ot apples, pears, grapes, figs and other kinds of fruit at some of the stores is truly tempting. We have never seen finer specimens in this or any other State. We hear it stated that a colored man claims that be killed eight dozen of rice birds at one shot a few days, ago, which is either a remarkable shot .or a re markable story. Thanks to Messrs. G. S. Baker, J, A. Thomas, T. J. Harris and F- N. Egerton the committee, for an invitation to at tend the celebration ot the completion of the Louisburg R. R., to be held at Louisburg on Thursday, Oct. 1st. A gentleman ot this city, while in conversation to-day with a gsntleman of Columbus county, had the hardihood to speak of Lake Waccamaw as a pond but fortunately corrected himself in season to prevent serious consequences. There has been a struggle for a storm for the last two days, but thus far it has been ineffectual. .There have been prognostications of a storm, followed by cooler weather, but they have all failed. f However, the equinoctial may be expected in a few days, so that a storm cannot be far off. The Othello. New Emerald, Zeb Vanco and New Excelsior Penn., are the leading cook stoyes, both, in quali ty and price. They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Indications. For tne South Atlantic States gener ally fair weather, variable winds and mostly stationary temperature. Ctianzre of Hour. The hour of meeting of the Brooklyn Sunday School has been changed from half past 4 o'clock p. m. to half past 3 o'clock, p. m., and the pupils and teach ers will assemble at the latter hour ou Sunday next. ,. . City Court. ; Two sailors, , named respectively Charles Coomes and Alfred Wilson, beloncing on the schr. Albert IT. While, Capt. Macomber. got fighting drunk yesterday v' and kicked up a row on board the vessel, for which they were arrested and locked up. They were brought before the Mayor ' this morn ing and, upon the evidence of the cap' tain, wew ordered to pay a fine of $5 or go below for 10 days. They went be low. . - ' - : Deer Sliootinsr. A partiy of hunters a few days since went on a deer hunting expedition from the neighborhood of Lake Waccamaw. in Columbus county, and met with un usual good lnck. ' They started at a little after boon and returned at about half past 7- o'clock and in this '. short time they had aucceedeci in killing nine splendid deer. It was m possible , for them to bring homo their game and they bad to send two wagons for that purpose. Tentlonl The Cantwell Light Guards will meet to-night at the Armory of the Wilming ton LfgbtSInfantry for drill and it is hoped that there may be a full attendance ot the members of the corps. In fact it has been whispered by the breeze that gently blow that the drill Cantweil be efficient unless the members are nearly all present. If they see the pun I shed it is well; If not we trust they will be pun-l shcd for non-attendance. A Risky Leap. Mr. H. McL. Green's setter dog Black" jumped from one of titf win dows of the office of Drs. Freeman & Baldwin to' the pavement below, at about 5 o'clock last evening, and strange to say, was not materially injured. He howled some upon first alighting, but was soon on hi3 feet again and . as nim ble as ever. It was a big jump, and it is a great wonder that the dog wa3 not killed, or at least so badly maimed as to make ' the killing of him an act of real mercy. Tally Ho!" This is the name of the play which is to be presented at the Opera House next Tuesday night. It was written for Mr. Robert L. Downing by Joaquin Miller, and is founded upon incidents in the life of Hank Monk', the stage dri. ver of the Sierras, who became famous to the world by driving the coach which conveyed Horace Greeley across those mountains. Mr. Downing appears as Hank Monk, and it is his acting which give3 character and thrilling interest to the performance. In speaking of the play and the actidg the Washington, D. C, National Republican, says : Bob Downing received a royal wel come at Ford's Opera House. Long balore the hour of opening every avail able seat was occupied. TalIy-Ho," the play, is a story of frontier life when that country was in its infancy. The interest centres around Hank Monk, the stage driver. It is fall of pathos and sentiment, and yet the humorous element is sufficiently prominent to re lieve it of undue sombreness. Mr. Downing made a capital Hank Monk. His magnificent stage presence, fine voice and excellent method fit him for the part, and in it he made a decided hit. The company was all that could be desired. The star and play scored a decided success Oolden Weddinr. Yesterday was the fiftieth anniver sary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrsa S. D. Wallace, and the event was made the occasion for the gathering together last night at their residence, on the cor ner of Red Cross and Fourth streets, of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in a happy family re union. The dwelling was brightly illuminated for the occasion and the hearts of the venerable couple were male lighter and brighter as they re ceived the earnest, loving congratula tions of their kindred. Each, of the guests came with some fitting golden present for the occasion, and the aged couple-were gladdened bythe reflection that the love which had joined them to gether in their youthfu1 prime had des cended to their children and their children's children to be made manifest in tokens of tender and affectionate re membrance. Fifty years of wedded life! What a rare event! What a sacred history those many years could unfold! How much of joy and grief, happiness and sorrow, hope and care and anxiety and confiding trust are written indelibly upon the minds of that a?ed couple! What tender reminiscences must have crowded upon their memories as they looked last night upon their happy, and affectionate kindred, who had come with reverent love, in their hearts to give them joy ou that memorable oc casion, and to hope for them - many more years of life and happiness tn this world. , Trade at the Old Reliable where you always find just what you want and everything of, the best make, and always for less money than you are asked for tho same quality of goods elsewhere. Y ou can depend on honest goods and squire dealing at 3HRIER'S all the 'year round. Before1 you pur chase, visit Shriek's and convince yourself of the most astonishing val ue in Boy's and Children's Suits over offered in this city. Pay no attention to prices advertised but compare goods, that being the only true way to find out the house which gives the most and best value for the least money, and you will be fully convinced and to your en tire satisfaction that" it pays to trade with Siibier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market st..' sign of the Golden Arm. ' t Farmers can . save tim and money by getting barbed wire tor their fences, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t. iiv., .-iolvo;! '-linCl c;.f": 5 i - I . Too Bad. . ' It is rumored ' that when a party of gentlemen from 1 this city go to take Waccamaw on a hunting and fishing expedition, a kind-hearted citizen ol that locality manages to coax a lot of squirrels up into one tree and hires a boy to watch them until the hunters arrive, so that they may be sure of finding something to shoot and not be compell ed to return with empty game pouches. Painful -Accident:1 Joe--1- ' , a colored- man 5 employed n Hon. D. Lv Russell's plantation, in Brunswick county, got his arm caught and frightfully lacerated in a cotton gin this afternoon. It seems that he was leaning against the gin, while it was A in, motion and incautiously, allowed .his arm to slip and it was caught near the elbow and badly mangled before, it could be liberated. Tho wounded man was brought to the city and conveyed to the hospital for surgical attention. : ; i ' i Hot Bat lis .-. In sultry and oppressive weather the hot bath is of all others the most cool ing. No matter how heated the system water as hot as it can possibly' be endured is the safest and .most efficient relief. One should remain t in it long enough to give every part of the body a thorough scrubbing with soap and a mohair wash-cloth, which cleanses the skin more thoroughly than a brush. The hot water dissolves every 'particle of refuse that clogs the pores, the rough . .... -.'. , , . . cloth and soap remove it searchingly and the towel is hardly laid aside before a delicious coolness and freshness comes upon one like that of a dewy summer morning. ti j,- Cliolera Infantum. Cholera infantum is quite as much a filth disease as Asiatic cholera; un wholesome or improper diet being the immediate cause and foul air and, gen erally unsanitary surroundings the pre disposing and aggravating condition. A good deal of real missionary work might be done among the poor in show ing mothers how to save , the lives of their infant children. Experienced phy sicians will tell ihem that care ot the diet is everything, but nine motbers In ten need more explicit directions. Over feeding, the almost universal mistake of American mothers, is one prime cause of digestive troubles, and doubt les3 many a fated baby might be saved by simply giving its over-taxed stom ach long intervals of rest. Rather Mulish. There was considerable of an excite ment for awhile this morning at the corner of Princess and Third streets, occasioned by an attempt to drive a conple of obstinate cows into the cattle pen near the jail. They were deter mined not to go and for awhile it ap peared as if they would be bosses of the situation, but after a good deal of shouting, racing and bard struggling on the part of the drivers, and after one of the latter had been most unceremoni ously thrown on the sidewalk, they were captured and gotten into the pen. One of the cows, a stub tailed, lank, scrawny specimen, gave the drivers several hard chases and she was the last one captured. It was poor fun for the drivers, . but there was plenty of sport for the bystanders, Not a House. There was bright light visible from the city last night in the direction 6 the Sound, and a report' was rife that it was caused by the burning ot the "Monk" house. Ifaero was no alarm given, however, as the fire was outside the city limits. This morning there port was current that the house of Mr Monk was totally destroyed. " We made inquiries : regarding the matter,1 but could gain no definite information . fur ther than that there: was a fins! and the "Monk." house was in ruins, until , we had the good fortune to meet Mr. Monk and he told us that his house ; was not burned, and the light was caused by the burning of a lot of brushy on the prem ises of Mr. J.! B: Barnes, who'llyes nea by. The ' brush was purposely set on fire to get rid of jt.f.. " . , . . , - ' .Tnereyenbqutatorai fotepUm ber wheat nor pork to-day. ''I want some SOZOD02JT.H aaldW . "Just out. the cunning drogglat said , ' Bat here's some powder known to be .as good " The patron turned and fled Aklng. "Do you suppoce 1 don' Know nothing equals 80Z0DONT?" it . Plain Tatk. h ' There is a preservative principle fn SOZODONT that effectually preserves the teeth w from decay. , Chemists pro nounce it ! wholesome. 'Uich and poor endorse it. No lady ever tried it with out approving its cleansing and purify ing properties. It outsells all other dentifrices. Ask for SOZODONT, and take no aubitiiute. -: 1 .l; 11; 1885; NO!: 212 3T ?k The Race. The great international contest be tween the British sloop yacht Gcnefta 'V. ' x'i and the Boston sloop yacht Puritan is oeing saueu ioaay. ai , u p. m. , ine latter passed to windward of the for mer and thus secured a decided advant age. At 3 p.m. the Genesta was re ported as running ahead, but with the Puritan well .to windward. At that time about, 15 miles of the outward course had been covered. This was our, latest report, and it leaves , tho 'ad vantage decidedly, in fayor of the Puri tan; she being well to windward. W'- . " - Personal. Col. H. B. Short, of Lake Wacca maw, is in the city to-day.' a ; n, Mr. J. T." Bland, of Bhrgaw, Pender county, was in the city on professional business to-day. J J ' Now is the time of year for the un wary; pedestrian to slip up on the treacherous grape hull and utter, male dictions ppon the .thoughtless or care less one who threw it upon the side walk instead of into the gutter. ' At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 84 de grees,1 with the wind from the East. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. m mm m m ' i TUESDAY, September 15. The Popular Young Actor, Robert L. Downing, ' ' AS HAUK MONK. (I he famous Stags Driver of the Sierras) in Joaquin MUuer'a Jieallstio Drama 1 Pronounced by Press and Public a greater play than "The Danltes,' "49" or "My Part ner." . General Admission 50c. Reserved Seats on tale at Hetnsbergcr.'a on Monday. sept 10 3t Star copy 1 Rent. A GENTLEMAN AND WIFE CAN find pletsant rooms, furnished or un- f uulahed, 'within five minutes walk off- tne i-obiomce. Apply to L,oc Jiox sept 11 2t New Tort & Wilmington Steamship Co. FKOM PIKE 34, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK At 3 o'clock. P. M. GULF STREAM........... Saturday, Sept. 12 BENEFACTOR.... ..... ....Thursday, Sept.' 17 REGULATOR .Saturday, Sept. 19 GULF STREAM... Saturday, Sept. 2C FROM WILMINGTON GULF STREAM... ....... ....Friday, Sept. 18 BENEFACTOR. Wednesday, Sept. 23 REGULATOR Saturday, Sept. 26 GULF STREAM ..Friday, Oct. 2 mW: Through Bills Lading and Lowest xnrough lutesgcaranteea to ana nrom roinu In North and Booth Carolina. ? t.. - ; For Freight or Passage apply to IX. G. SMAT.T.BOHEa. Superlnteadent, Wilmington. N. C TJIEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York. WM. P. CLYDE OOw GensTS. Axents, 35 Broadway, New York, septll , Muhds-Bros.; fTTHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG YY GI8TS.104 North Front 8C, Wilmington. N. C. Solicit orders from Physicians and Merchants tn the country, and guarantee beet goods and, lowest prices. , t . . sept 10 eo. . W. Price, Jr., iUOTMH.Ti! COIIISSION IIICUIT. QF1ICE AND SALES ROOMS N. E. Cor ner Market and Second streets, where special attention will be fiven the sale of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Ac ; on Consignment, and a General Commission Business. STSICT attenQon to business and QUICK returns of sales. . - , , .. , "v r - - July 10 . uw TTw 4 P n fiPTrin. ' .-ft - I ItAil . IVVViiaUlli) ? ROOF' 'REPAIRING AND PAINTIKG. Tin .and .&he Iron Ware' made to order. Stove Pipes. Elbows, tc Ac. - M3T 1 oobing gescrauj. sa..i ' - Vf.K. KlJfO, , i'L " ' ' Practical Tinsmith, . Front tad Water StrccU TTi wni tf glid -rtccsrs cemsslcattca trca cor frsii ca vu t3 gtrtralnitecst'out -; . ' The name ci ta wzitsx cczt aiwtja be ? -alahed to the rector. . CrnnTn-nTi'Ttncmi emit bs wrtttsa cs oi', one dde of the paper. . . , PuaonaHtles must be avoided. S And It la especially , and particularly cad tood that the Editor does not tways eadot the views of correspondents anises to stall tn the editorial columns. - NEW AT VERISErUCtJT8. FOR RENT. FROM THE 1ST OCTOBER, THE store on me . w. Corner of Front JJJ and Market sts , at present occupied l'J' i?i by W. S. Briggs & Co. t sept 10 4t . R. H. McEOY. 121 Princess St. For Sale or lent. JjiROM THE 1ST OF OCTOBER, 5. k . . . Ml... 9 m . ff mtriwiy iiouaeoa Lmra, uciweca Church and Castle streets -: . 5 Apply at thbj ofilcc. septs. New Wood Yard. WE HAVE OPENED A WOOD YARD In Wilmington, and nre now prepared to farnish BffST, QUALITIES OF MARKET WOOD as cheap as any dealer in the city. We will upc our own Drays, and offer special inducements to rartles who wish to have Wood delivered at their houses 2 Leave your orders at our Yard, at Davis' Wharf, In Tear of New Market, or at No. J SO N. Water St. sept 10 tf By E. LLOYD A CO, Photographo.D OW IS THE TIME TO GET GOOD N PHOTOGRAPHS at the following low prices at CRONENBE BG'S GALLERY. For 80 days the price will be: i J f i 1-2 Doz.Card Photographs, 91.GO 1 Doz. " 2.50 1-2 Doz. Cabinet " 3.00 I Doz. " 4.50' l-t Doz Panels, . - J3.50' 1 Doz. - 5.00 All Pictures must be paid for when the negative la taken, or fall price will be charged. - sept 10 tf H. CRONENBEBG. Sealed Proposals. ' ILL BE RECEIVED AT MY OFTICE until noon, September 21st, Inst., for furnish log WINTER UNIFORMS for the City Police Force and two Janitors thirty one tlj Uni forms in all Suits to consist of Frock Costs single-breasted for Privates and double-breast", ed for Officers, Vests and Pants. Bids are so licited for these Suits to be made of Metropol Itan (Blue) Police Cloth and West Point Cadet Gray It being optional with the Committee to decide wnlch material will be selected finally. Bids are also wanted for twenty nine (20) Overcoats, dark material Casslmero or Chin chilla. Ulster Style samples of Material and sample Overcoat to accomoany bids.' ' D. G. WORTH, sept 10 3t Chairman Committee on Police Rice Birds, Rice Birds Rice Birds. JjURST OF THE SEASON, AT THE OEM, , septl j 28 NORTH FRONT ST Ocean Breeze Waltz, F OR PIANO, BY 1. H. GREENEWALD. Second edition just out of this nonular niece of Music Price 40 cents, post paid. For sale at HEINSBERGEE'S. PIANOS AND ORGANS. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT. SOLD AND RENTED. For particulars please call at HEINSBERGER'S, sept.S Live Book and Music Stores Fall Stock. WE ARE RECEIVING OUR FALL stock of Cooking and Heating Stoves. House Furnishing Good, Grates and Grate Fixtures. Kerosene Oil Stove something new. Don't fall to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We are prepared to . offer VERY LOW PRICES. PARKER A TAYLOR'S. - sept 7 - 23 South Front St Tar lie el Liniment. JOlt INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wcl-Do-Mever's Ca tarrh Ciirc, Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac, at F. C. MILLER'S, aug3l Corner Fourth and Nun sts Something New ! PRIVATE STOCK WHISKIES I ' " W. H. MeBrayer and Rse Valley." 10 lean old 2c a drink 4L50 per Bottle. Coolest Beer and bet So Cigar (Brock's) In the city. J. M. McGOWAN. augZJ LEMETAL1Q UB BRILLIANT de Pcmptil Directions Anglalse: AXTOXKIXA. XT.FILS, Athens, Greece, sept S St.. Special Inducements ! rjiO UESCHAITTS. XEACHEBS and others We are anxious to supply yon with J SCHOOL BOOKS, v I ' J 'lt-' . " BLAKK BOOKS : . AMD STATIONERY, and will make prices -to suit you. .. We boy strictly for CASH, and can therefore fire yen tie benefit of the best discounts. -, ; ' ' C. W. YATES, 119 Market Street, sep'.J7

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