MISCELLANEOUS. In a dinnnoi mm well u distreeaiac oornrJamt. It nrlcctel it tends, by impairing nutrition, and de prwwm the ton ot the yatem, to prepare to way lor tUptd Decline. rj iUj i-i i-i m Ml III 11 lil -THE BESTTOHIC ? Quickly and completely Carat Dysjpepala. ia all ita forma. Hea.rtiro, Belching TausCfos the Food, Ac. It enricbea and rrarifien the Mood, atfenn latea the appetite, and aids the assimilation ox food. Bet. J, T. Kossittb, the honored pastor of the First Reformed Church. Baltimore. Aid., says: "Having used Brown's Iron Bitters for Dyspepsia and Indifestion. I take great pleasure in recom mending nv highly. A lso consider Ha splendid tonic and invigorator, and rery fitrengthening." Genuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no tbr. Made only by BKOWN CTI KMH'ALIO., UALT1XUUE, MD. IUrrs HAND BOOK usnfal and attractive, coa taming list of prizes for recipes, information aboot . coins, etc.. given away by all dealer in medicine, or mailed to any address on receipt of ic. stamp. janl ly Aw DO YOU KNOW , THAT LOKRIItABD'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Bed Tin Tag; ROSE LEAF Fine Cut Chew ing; NAVT CLIPPINGS, and Klack, Brown and Yellow SNUFFS are the best and cheapest, quality considered? ' aug 6 ly dw QOA finnn Vrtsf'nis given away Send 3P jvUU us 5cents poatage.and you will get free a package ot goods of largo value, that will start you In work that will at once bring you In money faster than anything eUe In America. All about the $200,000 in presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex; of all ages, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at their own homes. Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Haixktt Co., Portland, Maine. . dec2d&wly Health is Wealth. CURE GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S NKKVE AMD BKAIN TRKATMKIfT, a gnar anteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nervous Prostration caused by the use of al cohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the . Brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature old Age, Barrenness, Los of power in either sex, Invo untary Losses ana Spermatorrhoea caused by ovr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXE3 To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.itf, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN C. WEST A CO , 862 W Madison St., Chicago, 111. oct 21 lyd&w HC 3 for working people. Send 10 aii mm 1 cents postage, and we wll mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that will put you in the way of mak lng more money in a few days than vou ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at horn and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. f0 cents to S3 easily earned every evening. That al) who want work: may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all woo are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay fo the trouble of writing us. Fell particulars, directions, etc, sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once Don't delay. Address Stinsow & Co, Portland, Malee. dec2d&wlv Did you Sup-' pose Mustang Liniment only good "for horses? It is .r inflamma tion of all flesh. eb 2 d&w cm tu th sat nrm A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty ; but it is a part Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. feb 2 dAw cm tu th sat mm Manhood Restored Remedy r kef A victim of youthful imprudence causing iTemature JJecay. AervousDetMlit: tT I stmt Manhood, id., havinr tried in vain everv known rsmedy.baa discovered a simple meansof self-cure. 11 se Address, J.H-REEVES, 43 Chatham SU.Se w York. nov SdAwlv -r- A Radical Cure FORlt I , DEBILITY',1 Orranic Weaiiess, Jg PHYSICAL DECAY, InYounp A Middle geo wen Teteo for over Six f EAR3 BVUSEIN MANY Thousand Cases 1 trial PACKACZe- OneJaontn. - ss.OOi rrwo afonths, . c.oci.r;i SaxeeHobtlxs, 7.O0i j Decay .and numerous obscurbdiseasea. baf- tlinii UiO sitillod rhy- -iicin a . result, irom routhfal indiiretion. too f rao in.lulr-inco. or over h rain rrork. Avoid Hie uspofion ot preten tious Kisciiics f-r these troolri. Gt our Ires Circulcr and Trial Pack fs.anil learn iir.portant LacU before t&khv treat- wmt ehewhere. Tke f SURE ROIEDT that HAS CVBUD thousanda, doec not interfere won sues tion to business, or cause pais or inconvenience la airy vcy. Founded on (cientibe medical prineW pies. By direct application to the seat of eisesss its specific influence is felt without delay. Thsaat ural iunetkmef the fan man organism i restored. The animating elements of life, which rave been wasted are given backjuid rhe patient becomes cheer ful and rapidly gains bo tit strength and ecanai Vigor.. HARRIS REMEDY CO., UYcTracSTl soe w. Tenth bu 8T. LCxnalxoT P I DTURED PERSONS! Not a Tru3. H J Aslt for terms of oir Arpliancv dwl The Daily Review. JOSH. T. JAMES. Editor 6 Prop WIIMIKGTON; N. a SATURD4Y. SEPTEllBEa 12. 85 Entered at the Postoffice at WHmlngon.N. C. as second-class nutter. maybe found on fila at Geo. p. Rowelz. at Cq's Newspeper Advertising Bureaa(l0 Spruce Bt wnere adrertising 1 contracts may be made for It In TI3IS PAPEC CJE17 VOfitL iieu. Hazeo. of the signal service, ha io press a yolome of army reminis cences which those who know its char acter say will raise the greatest kind of a riot amonz the officers who served with birn in the late war. Tbe Gener al is in Europe now, where he goeg every Summer, and very little accurate information can be obtained of the contents of bis book, bnt it is known that ever since tbe Court-martial at Governor's Island Gen. Hazen has been burning with a desire to get even with Gen. David S. Stanley and other officers who testified for him or ex pressed sympathy with him. The growing fi re losses in this country and Canada have been a source of great apprehension to tbe insurance com panies, who have exhausted nearly every expedient in their efforts to check the tremendous waste. Last year over $ 1 IO.OOO.oDO worth of property was burned up, and the earlier months of 1885 promised to surpass all previous records of fire destruction. There is cause for much encouragement, how ever, in the estimates for last month just published by the New York Commercial Bulletin, the figures beim; $5,500,000 against about $10,000,000 last year, and an August average of $7,000 000 for the past 10 years.' The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald, in speaking of the murder of the Chinese in Wyoming says: The Territory of "Wyoming, being territory jOver which Congress has exclusive jurisdiction, it is believed here that the Chinese Government will demand a money consideration for the injury done those who were forced tr leave the place and indemnity for : tbe lives sacrificed by the rioters. Had the violence occurred in California, Ne vada, Colorado or any of the States the matter would be .complicated by the sovereignty of a State; but having taken place orf Government soil the United States.' it is said, is directly bound by the provisions of the treaty, and impor tant and interesting diplomatic ques tions will arise eventually in presenting the claim for damages. A Washington gentleman who has spent the Summer at White Sulphur Springs for many years says that the closing season reminded him of days beforo tbe war, when this Southern resort was crowded with tbe wealthiest representatives of tbe slave States. This season there were a number of the old planters there who boasted that the fall crops in tbe Southern States would bring a larger sum than was ever re ceived tor the products of that section. The value ot the cotton crop alone is at the lowest estimate $300,000,000 $200,000,000 of which will go to the credit ot foreign exchange. The rice, sugar andt obacco 'crop will be the largest and most valuable eyer I nwn in the history of theSouth, while cereals will be abundant fcr the next twelve months at tbe lowest prices. Such a year of prosperity, it is said, the South has never known before. The London correspondent of the New York Times saysi "The mean side of English legal practice is shown in tbe juddden swoop- by warran'g upon all persons connected with the Eiiza Armstrong case, from Mr. Stead down. There was a cowardly " failure to prosecute him on the general ques tion of the publication, although the press clamored tor it, and he dared the "authorities to do it because it was known that he purposed to defend him self by proving tbe complicity of many notables in the crimes exposed, bnt they have no wgot a twist on him by the selection of a special case where the Judge has rigidly excluded as ex traneous all justification tor, the publi cation of the exposure, which ot course, is what be will really be pun ished for. He is too bright and daring a man, however, to be muzzled thus, and what the court excludes the public will hear. This manipulation w of the courts in the interest of a class ws grievously illustrated in the Adams- Coleridge case, but this abuse is ten fold worse, and I ranch mistake Mr. Stead's spirit if he fails to . make England relaize itX ? .: -' -:j lu New York special Inquiry among the agents of the transportation lines discloses tbe fact that the fall trade i. opening in marked improvement over last year. The volume of business is much larger than at the corresponding period last year, but at the same time with one voice the agents declare that this business is done with little or no profit to the transportation companies. OnA tf-if t Vim nrinAin.l m im m n .ftl,. XT. York Central makes the remarkable I statement that the company was taking freight simply to oblige customers. 1 he rates obtained scarcely paid for-the cpst n Ihe i transportation. The agents.' he ays 'are not therefore asking for busi ness, though taking all that is offered. Bates have gone all to pieces, and T do nntVee any immediate prospect ot im provement. The testimony of the transportation linps as to the volume of outward bound freight is regarded as a fail inrlirntinn of the condition ot- busi- ness. Careful inquiry was made to day ot nearly all the agents of the pnn. cipal companies ; ; the result may be summed op as follows : The fall trade business is. so far, all the way from 5 to 20 per cent. larger than last year at this time. ' This is true of shipments to New England, and larger orders from the South and Southwest' are also re ported. This is the testimony of the railroad agents as well as of the agents of steamer lines, and it supplies further proof ot the improvement in business, which has been reported lately from all parts of the country." . Salvation Oil is the greatest pain destroyer of any age or clime. For the cure of neuralgia, rheumatism, and wounds occasioned by accidents such as cuts, bruises, sprains, burns, and frost-bites it has no equal. Price only 25 cents a bottle. MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL Oliver Wendell. Holmes lives in a bouse painted a bright yellow with green blinds. ! Colooel William Yolland, the emin ent English military engineer, is dead. Ho was born in 1810. , j The day ot miracles is far from over. Samuel Miracle, an Ohio man. is the father of seventeen boys. Thomas Butler, ot Utah, who is now preaching polygamy in Maine, is a bachelor. 37 year3 old, preaching from principle, he says, not practice. - ( Throw Away Trusses. Cures guaranteed of every case of rupture undertaken. Book of partic ulars, 10 cents in stamps. Address. World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 SEPTRMisKK SQUIBS. "A good name is better than tons of gold," says Cervantes. We don't know about that. We have never had more than one ton ot gold at a lime. Grap- ic. ' ' ,; ". ! Japanese dentists use;only the thumb and forefinger in pulling teeth, and if they drag their victims around the room naif an hour before the molar comes out they don't charge anything extra. Norr.Her. A GOOD ' REASON. Why does she hold her head so high And look so supercilious. And pass the other maidens by As if they made her bHpus? . Well may she proudly wralfc the street, The while her pride increases ; Her crazy quilt isjust complete. Made of ten thousand pieces. Boston Courier. "We had quite a discussion at the club last evening," said Fenderson; "I made the closing speech, and I think I made myself clear." Ah!" returned Fogg ''then I have been misinformed. I was told you made the others clear " -Boston Transcript. t : yi "How do you feel?" a man was ask ed, after telling how be was caught by the cowcatcher of a locomotive and thrown; over the smokestack into tbe tender. , "Well. I didn't like it, ;altho' I must say I was very much taken up with it at first," he replied New York Jour. f ,.-'.';-'" . When the philosophic gentlemen ' Attends the roller rink And pensively sits down, mv son, ' Does he sit down to think? ' ' Hatchet. t She was a miss of snmmers ten And did not care a snap for men, - But only loved her poodle. And when she got into her teens She did not care for men of means, But loved a sickly noodle. She's thirty now and hast more sense, ' And knows what money is, and hence Her love must have tbe "boodle." -Evajisville Arqus m e Tbe Baby With "black drops'' in infancy and candy when he got a little older, baby crew up pale and puny. They gave him all. sorts of medicines. They beard ot Brown's .Iron , Bitters, but had. an idea it was tor : grown folks only.. As every thing else failed, they tried this medicine ode dav on babv. - Babv be gan to pick up. The blood in his little veins was enriched. .He was saved. The doctors agreed that Brown's Iron Bitters had riven babv new life. The druggist says that many ot his custom- S w - ers nnu immense success in using Brown's Iron Bitters for nilino- Ann delicate children. Any truth, faithfully faced, is strength in itself. Although opposed to Patent Medicines," says Mr. A. J. Giflord. Master Mechanic of the Lowell division of the Boston & Lowell Railroad. "I was induced by a friend to try Dr. David Kennedy's; 'Favorite RemedA.' My complaint was Paralysis of the Bowels; the Stomach and other organs seemed to sympathize with it, and had lost all action. At this stage I osed Dr. David Kennedy' Favorite Remedy and in a short time, in ; my opinion, Favorite Remedy saved my life." Now is tbe season lor painting your houses. Go to -Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you, want tusave money.- . f Auguot 27th. 3BLS. NEW MULLETS. OUB OWN CATCH. 100 Pounds la each barrel. atxg27 DAVIS A SOX 1 HE FELL IN THESTREETS. REUNEDY S FAVORITE REMEDY CURES A TER RIBLE CASE OF GHAYEl VHEH OTHER HELP K FAILED." ; V .1" P. What ia Gravel? what causes It, and who are rnest liable tgli? There is no one no matter how apparently free from this appal injr and paint nl disease now bat is interested In tbe answer to these questions. Gravel 13 a general name for all those diseases which in clude the formation of a sandy cubstancc and ultimately larger and more solidstones called calculi in tte Kidr eys and Bladder. e It is fre quently attended with arute pain, and unless relief -can be found, produces inflammation and death. BotQ sexs ai d all apes are liable to It, although men who hive re -chedor ass ed mi' idle age are its most common victims. Nothing Is more urgently needed than a relia ble medicine for Gravel, as the disease seems on the increase, and we are glad to say that such a specific la nw bpfore the public m the frm of OH. AVU KKNNEDY'S FAVOR ITK RKHKDT, of 'ondout. N. Y.; We put in evidence the following letter, selected from many similar communications: Pjttsfikld, Mass., March, ISSt. ' Dr D. Kennedy, Dear mr: vou have a rlht to know, and I desire the public to know mv experience with Gravel and my remarkable recovery tnrongh the use of your "FAVORITE KKMffi tY.'' I am a carpenter living In this place: and there are plenty of witnesses to tbe truth of what I say. My first comparatively 6iignt attack of Gravel was n the year 1878. t pass ed away aui I had little more trouble until last July J883 une day when at work In mv shop I was suddenly seized with a keen and terrible pain in my left side. I consulted two physicians at once. One said: "I can do nothing tor you. Your case i incurable! I was frightened and went to the fecondwho taid litue but gave me a prescription. It did no good. Then began a eer'esof experiences tbe agony and horror of which words cannot de let. Think of it! I was sometimes taken, in. the street and would fall, wrii bin z with agony, upon the sidewalk. J t was death In life Thank Heaven, I then heard of "KHiNNEDY'd FAVOBITK HEMEDY" through Mr. P. P. Cooley. I had not used half a bottle wfcen I pasee l three stones in succession, one -: of which was nearly one-half an inch long, I persevered with the medicine, the symptoms gradually abated, and I have no moie trouble since. I am well, thanks to you and "FA VO RITE REMEDY." 4 Yours most jRra efully. JAMlfiS D. KENNEDY. What "FAVORITE KEMEDY" did in this case, It has done in many others. . If you de sire to do so Address Dr. David Kennedy, liondout, N. Y. aug 21 d&w nrm T H.B STXIST - , r jJS INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER' OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled hy any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most Interesting Shape and with the greatest possible Promptness, Accu racy and Impartiality; and to the Promotion of Wemocratlc Iieas and Policy in the affairs of Government, Soalety and Industry. Bates, by Mall, Postpaid : DAILY, per Year............ $6 00 DAILY, per Month...... 50 SUNDAY, per Year......... 1 CO DAILY and SUNDAY per Year 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year...... 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 " ; : 4 MISCELLANEOUS i'i J". VlC tif p VjC Vf VC VC SJOB OFFICE, 2V. MARKET STREET, NO. 112, (UJt TAIRS) T3 COMPLETE IN EVER T RESPECl, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO I ALL MANNER OF ..... Mob tiniitia 1 m Iff EE WRIBEE1. WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-nEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, i i PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, ' ( MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER- i IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES EXECUTIONS, 1 CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, v . jiw . i:"s CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. . : XL 1SS4.- 5 ;issj. i CHRISTMAS, i . -fiT r a. iisniTH's Furniture Wareiooms. Can be found a large assortment of - VALUABLE GIFTS, v t i ? i suitable for everybody.' Tbe public, and .. especially. the.. ladles,' are respectfully Invited to call and examine prices. Ac :::- D. Ai SMITH; r ; Furniture Dealer N Trpat Street dec ?2 - " ' ' ; " , r ' CaroUna CaatiSV .f-jv'':l??npany,::. --wa..oi,t,;:- 114 NORTH1 WATER ST. whera we, will ieep (as usual) f t - The Largest Assortment OF 4. 4 Cigars : -i.M'; and -Tobacco of any house in the city. Be pleased to have I 1 ... r - i our friend and patrons call ; j ?j - : : i ---.V,: -- - 'o H; BRUNHILD & BRO., : "iwJNprtVWaufr'iStipvi"..' WILMINaTONN.iO. The Western Tribune ! A j THJRTI-.T WO, ; COLUMN i WEEKLY ewspaper. Chas. r dward '4WiIsbrii lEditor and Proprietor, Ajahsvllle. il ; Ci "-- ; t x InE TRIBUNE win discuss ''w&h entirt freedom all questions of public Interest.". ) ... In politics it will teach Democratic doctrine, pure and simple. - - ' - ' 1 ' : ' It will labor Jealously for the upbulldingof our whol..ctaie, and especially fo the oevel opneent of the varied resources of Western North Carolina. .tf' f It will be the friend of all Railroads so long as they arc the friends of the people. - It will aspire to deserve the es eem of its readers by dealing with all subject in a fair ana dlgnilied manner, and by carefully ex cluding from its columns everything ot a vi cious tendency; r 1 ? j ; 1 . ' , ' ' " t ' . - ,. - t The TRIBUNE is printed from iew type, ou a new and improved Power Press. ' The price of jlhe paper will be Per Year, f 1.50. Mx Mcnths,75c, Three Months i5Cf-in-varlably in advance. v - , ., j ., Change of Scheie- O 7 ::; Ho. US Leave Uixr " - ) Arrive at CharkrtteVt"I t 1 Leave fr!n. Ko. L J Arrive Ealelzh '- ArrlTe at Winia";--.! ' Passenger Trains ton t wZ.' -only, and points dsigluJea'i1,?olT , Time Tabk. ; Tww-tt Cct SXIELBT DIVISION, PASS I . . ; , EXPRESS AND frS "L05- i Arrive at 8helDy.V.."r' V v. . i Leave Shelby... ': No-4 Arrive at CiarIotUU ' Trains No. 1 and S make eCl Hamlet with K.AA. TraU t? elgh.; . Mdtrt , Through Sleeptaff Cars betwiV- " and ChartotteandilehS, Take, Train Nor 1 tot 8uSf Western NCR B, AshertlteaS&8. Also; tor Spaxtknbarg. Gi5? 1 Atlanta and all polnUSouSSSj A : v - ' " uao W. W. CLASX. General pSS? june 8 ' MBBjce Capol?ear& Yadkin i? i Xey, Hallway Co. CbhdensedTirrieTabht!; EEEHsl s tiT" 1 1 1 m t-T-U.-.-, U rpO TAKB EFFECT AT Sflj i, ; .TRAIN NORTH. Caution to; Consumero ! TO BE SURIfi OF QETTINQ THtf GENU 1NE SHELL. ROAD .Tobacco, chewen should be careful to notice that the oblong -.- - " - . blue pxper tag la the centre' of each plug bears the Trade Marl; of the buggy and horses the words SHELL JROAD,ad " the' aam'e of .the ; manufacturers, Messr R A. PAT TERSON CO. 'Bewaxe 'o the ' many worth lees Imitations that are being sold to the pub 11c as the genuine SHELI ROAD, and'eto not be deceived. . ADRIAN A ROLLERS, Agents, ' juue 6 3meod - ' Wilmliijcton. N. 1885.; Harper's ri7eolilT ILLUSTRATED. ..hi- I -,; V'-v i,. Arrive. . i1 Bennettsville.......... r - Shoe Heel...... 90 a, m. 1S1 Fayettevllle. .12.15 v J Z . Sanford..... s.or " ?S Liberty.. 5.55 & I Greensboro.... 6 45 PinneT af Jwtevine. S-TRAIN SOUTH. ' l i-i:t'i a-' '-'Arrive.' W GTeensboro. .......... ' . iu, Liberty..:. :ii.on'r." n1. Ore flill.... .i...... ..11 &5 .Sanfcrdi. ............ . 1.40b. n. ia Fayettevllle........... 3 80 - 4nr Shoe Heel...........,; 6 :t t.40 ' Beuncttsvllle 8.15 , Dinner at 8anfor4; v , W. M. 8. DUNN, GenlSup' JNO. at." ROSE, GenM Pass. Agent ' First National Bank of I ."'mlngton.- CAPITAL STOCK..-..- V surplus ruNb-.-..---. r ;yn.t ".si - 4 J' 4-' " " Dcposiai receivod aad eollecttwi aacceMs:&l voatta la the C&1S4S OIBSCTOES '; GEO RGB CHADB0UJS1. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE; WILMINGTON, N. C, Homes in North Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New Yorkl t 69 Miles South or Raleigh On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. " 1,500 ACRES OF LAND IN THE long leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in lots to suit purchasers, rour acres for $. Larger tracts $5 per acre, in monthlvpay ments of tlO. This land adjoins the "South ern Pines", a recently established health rtf ort (or sanitarium), and is specially adapted for Fruit Culture, as well as all tue cereals. A number of New England people have bought lots In the town of "Southern Pines, audit Is the desire of the owners of this land to In duce small farmers, mechanics and others from the New England and Middle States, as well as elsewhere, to locate here. No State tu the Union offers greater inducements to set tier than North Carolina. Nowhere can a better canning country or aa fine a climate be found- This Is the opinion of Northern men who have settled la North Carolina. This La a bona fide offer, and is limited . Cor farther particulars write at once to ' - JoIIN T. PATRICK, Commlsr of Immigration. Rtlelgh, N. c. orD. A RICHARDSON, : jan 21 tf Chronicle Office. Augusta, (ia. Harper's Wkeklt has nw, for twenty rears, maintained its position as the leading Uustrated weekly newspaper ' fxi America. With a constant Increase of literary, and art Istlc resources. It Is able to offer for' the ensu ing year attractions unequalled by any previ ous volume;' embracing a capital illustrated serial story by W E Norris? Uluatrated arU clcs with special reference to tbo . West and South, including 1 the World's -Kpositlou " at New Orleans , entertaining short stories, most ly illustrated, and Important papers by high authorities one the chief topics of the day. 1 Every one who desires a trustwe-rthy politi cal guide, aa entertaining and insta uetive fam 11 v journal, entirely free from oluectionabl features in either letter-press orUJustrationa 1 u 1 at a. tt . . vn. buvuiu nuuwriLW w -KirjK 9 fvjf suUtXj Harper'sPeriodicals.; Av - FT ' r Jta ' n IT TflTiTTTTT 1 XT.IJLZZ1Z3 , RALEIGH , EEGKIt- Ir t E;BilE,.Pritlti liti I . ? ,').' 11, ; "' Subscxe to journome'Faperra'rfPff " ' an-d tben remit $3 to psy Wyf .i-.f, ..-' i . r' '" xi' Stato Democratic the IlALiUGir Bxoistxr. W!t ' scrlbex. remitting $2 direct, Is eafiSel t "6 .' MI- W BUFi ...... . harper's weekly. llii!: ' -.ill' 1 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE...iU ........ 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLB-. .. ...... 2 00 HARPSR'S FRAfrxHf SQTJAlua L IBRAST. ' One Year(5JNumcers,.......j.... 10 00 postage Free toajlaubacrlheri 4a tHe United Olt. a PIw l I . . ; ' .... .. obabco vrvaiuuo. ' . . . . .t., ,7 .'1 .T; The volumes of the Weekly 2egtn with the nrst Number for January of eae h year. When no time Is mentioned, U will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the recernt of orders The last Five Annual Volume s of Harper Weekly, In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, nostasre nairf. or bv exrvrcMii. tVaa nf pense (provided the freight doe a, not exceed one aoioar per volume;, ior si 93 per volume. 1 Cloth Case for each- volumo; suitable for binding, will be "sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of fl 00 each. , . . , Be-nlttaaces slKKild be xqado by PostOfSce Money Order or Draft, to avoJd chance of loss, Ne wspapers are not to copy this advertlse me&t without the express ordei' at Uxsrrsx A Brqthsrs. ' Address x IIAEPSR & BEOTHERS,u decjs..; , , , , m's,- YfJ,NewXorlkf I aonllcfltion. Address. . . - .V. rf1l hfilO J"? Smithville and the Sound i BE THE PLACES' FOB PLEASURE XJLand recreation, and JOHN WE22NEtt'd Barber Shop is the place for Hair Cutting, Egg Shampooing, Shaving and Hair Dyeing of every shade. None but Urst class workmen employed and the finest Perfumes used' Give him a call at No. 29 Market street, between Water and Front Eta., WHalngton.N. C. .. rnajSS tf . , - - - ifsGisTE-t forone jear and to WEB3TER'S JPBACTICAL DIL' , which, until 4SMt 1.P883, ft .Premlam. ' v- ' " ' . Sample copies of the RegistW ! 4 'fit-''' ' 5 oox 01 room wb " money rfght away than anythtoe 1 world. AH of either aex, ;ri hour. The broad roa a ""rT t 6 Vsa workers, absolutely 'i4sia PinQiiiimPTIDl 1 bsva a pitlT remadrfor ?w t vtoSyl8 6m eod dw WmCCLE'SELFC:; oted and successlui !' . msw redved) lor tne enry r - , ptew v, t .t u-iUwl. l9Via0-j. pl soled envelope .QV "

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