Da. ss. J (tealng. by J0SH T. JAMES. nV9 postage PAID? r air inuu""t iV.Zx of the dty. w rClM' anrtall tan- AJn will rej .-7.. Pil1jC ArtiiAtf largest f v -r,:f. of any newspaper t-issr. s.ur.i. f L leli A. .rJner. ni.ee pi .,:.. trniitiD clerk m Jo the First A-toHrtT I'ort- .fl.ho coaches. Lave ccasea 1st American watering places, ool fncy i g tbem; and Sara r031' ut, ttill keeps up the fashion, S'soonlJtoa limited I extent. , Japsnese dancing master an noun c . Yoddo papers a solemn festival JloiDemora'Jonoftbeoncthousandth I 80111 , ...u f K.r.F iho fir a. f, urn ilytotake up tho profession. ffomeo iarjsely employed by tho hWhschi!da in their London banno fprrin? Lheoi because af iteir grua er J . .......nmnii m Mrtin rmr. jjjl of the wort inai is wmuiuu gao'ng men. . AEassian prince ii appearing as a Sb is the wife ot Prince Dolcbrocki, vbo baa separated from her. Her in ccmeii ample, oai nu picci life to one of ease-and quiet. , , . - Fifteen resident Washington corres ondents are said to con template the 1 1 lliAl jane ot a weeKiY uewM)per u Ktj each to furnish one article oyer hi' ova signature, witn noeauor io com sent upon or reject any of tho articles Pittston Gazette: A female book ijsnt has gone down into some of the jtepest coal mines and taken ordera from the men while they were at work. It is pretty hard to escape a book ipat, especially when he is a woman. It U encouraging to hear that while eontinaed frosts are reported through oat Wisconsin and Dakota, the corn is too far adranced for injury from Jack. Tie wheat crop tf Ohio promises well, ud oats will go up to prodigious fig ures. This statement has in it a ,' moral which we commend to stay-at-homes- tenerally : ".Mr. Hendricks attended thecaacm in bis ward.the other bight." Komanis too great or too good to Kect the smallest ot bis politic! I lies, , ' lour harbor will soonbealiye with ship- At last we have an official Repub lepubh- oa definition of what constlintess -Mofwnmp." The .Cincinnati fortr CKidGazetU says : f t The j 1 Mug wump we hold to be a man who desert d the Republican party for personal reuoni simply." Ii lb A mile in 2:3p on a bicycle not only beats the best trotting time of a scoreof Jswk Jwi ip, but excels the world's record41 w wheel. The internatioaaj bicycle knirniment at Springfield,'' Mass., has ilnalized by achiewemeats it will difficult to rival. Mr! Tred Wood's '5 feat gives him the championship A correspondent of the jiew' York -HtnWn Thtl mal-oa tarn roMmmanilt. Mfookmg to the completion ot a rIect Postal system for the I United, a-tes. These are the establishment of banks and the; reduction of tho ft&tration fee to five centit j - ' . The Prince ot Wales, it is estimated, a entitled to wear seventy different jaifonns. He has a right 'to wear poteen different military uniforms oe and special costumes' ' without Jaaber associated with , bU ftrioul " and offices. And be actually does ftheni as each occasion arises: ' Philadelphia Ttmes: It was confi Juy expected that the Independents wao i had criticised thetaselfes out of pablicwrakXlsit.i'ali would llj criticise themsetres oot fte with the President they: elected; while they criticise, to t their full . TS thev ftra tfs ti. ti 1 j UleveUnd Admlnlstf atni T -A:XbSSF tb; Sing t.New York. 'SuuVTrisoo, says JretV. Pills are the most valuable ha eTer Ufied n4 hs been IU,fferer !rom rheumaUsta!ahd attlft ..V 77 ooiamea very I?lenrom medidno' or doctors' S Jfnccd csln2 Bmndreth's fheormi not only cured him of ifitww . uu aB nim a vigorous ISm Knt . '5 - rm,,jjW ,uioou cam v lwd&weod. ret . , i- it f 1 rfr 1 1 f i it ii J ii 1 1 I I t 1 1 i i ii it i w h VOL., IX. , WfLMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER r . 4 - - v - . . . . , , riew lort bun corresDondeat has found In WaskTegton; City a Vir ginian who takes a Tery- hopeful view wc v tuo vumiaisirauoQ in regard to postoffices.Thls is the re port : . . v 44I called on the President just after I left tho Post" Office Department, where I had been to get a lot of fourth class Mahone Postmasters turned out. and I found him in full , sympathy with us in our fight in Virginia," said av Virginian to-day. "There aro 48, 425 fourth-class Post masters in the United Stales and: 2 3-28 whose com missions must come from the President Io the last class the - President said he naa made 490 chinges, but the number will bo very much greater belore Oct. I.. I set up to Stevenson. -(ihe First Assistant Postmaster-General,) said the President, "to ask how many changes had been made in the fourth- class oilices since March 1, and . he re plied with this, -concluded ibe Presh dent,' handing me a slip of paper. Out ol the 48.425 touith rate offices named G.400 appoint menls had been . made up to last Saturday. He impressed upon me the fact that he did not mead that anti-Administration men should repre sent his Administration" In Virgin in, or, I Inter, anywhere else in. ,(.1, auantry. I came over here.a little soured, it the truth must betacknowJicdgedl,but my talk with Cleveland has changed my feelings? ' I realize belter than I cmld have done without this conversation the extreme difficulty he has met every where since he cime into the Presi dency.'aodl am perfectly satisfied that all will bo right in the end." , LOCAL news: JIOH IB MIV AOYEITISCMEITS. ' C W TXTKS-QmlDS in,. . UeikbbxbokM School Books llUIfDS Bbotukks DragisU r C MiLUta Tar llcel Unlment ; Missks Bukk A JA.ME8 Jemala Sckool There sas no City Court this morn ing. ' ." This is just the kind of weather for c5,ltS Sd fevers. " The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up 415 bales. It was suasbine and rain at intervals during the early part of the day. A fine assortment of Lanterns, just received, at Jacobi's Hardware Dept.f The harvest moon eaters on its sec ond quarter to-night at 1 minute past 1 o'clock. At 3 o'clock this aaernoon the ther momeler in this office registered 88 de grees, with the wind from the South. ; Make vour selections for the winter fXhJstyles shown a byRraRi aro the w ... finest everbrouebt to, this city. TorelgnesselS begm to arrive almost ftulf Hod there is Cfaiffbrospect that IggitiiW- it if n -r if '?j , Xhe steamship . Qui Stream', Irom V&tl birfl- large freight list and quite a number of passengers. - r ; tr Ez-Presidont Davis has told to the New ToiU iTra W,the true story of his capture- it: is iUO UU1D , UB UA9 "e truth4uMfemustiJaxr7 iflU iconvic- to the minds of all who read it. ar rrtr For the best nnlaundried white shirt in the, city, call at tha4Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. AJ. Elsbach, Prop., The Tally Ho Company played at Goldsboro last night and arrived in this city at about half past 12 o'clock to-day The bouse of John H. Hooper, color ed, on the corner ol Seventh and Wal nut streets, caught fire on the roof at about 4 o'clock this afternoon-, but the flames were'extinfefiisbed by the ap plication or a few buckets of water. t In goini tothe fifeThis afternoon the horse attached to the hose -reel of the Vl Q F. EitI tin away and i threw tbe driver to the ground inflicting quite severe Injuries.1 Mr. Arthur Pre ni pert also got hurt in the knee while reeling up the hose. If - 1 ' Tbe fox hunters were out yesterday afternoon and succeeded in killing , a fox afterlajcasc abc4it half an hour The party engaged in the sport consist ed of six men, accompanied by nineteen hounds- and the latter riide short work of poor Beynard. The 22d ' hnnnsl ' session of Misses J no Burr & James' Female School will open on Tuesday, Oct. 6th, in the Hook acdLaddtrHairfton Dock street: This baa been rendered necessary by the use of the school house InVconaectioo w itb the workoD St, James, Church, . and is merely temporary. 4 - J , . ". 'J.t Unification , - For the South Atlantic States warmer and generally fair weather with varia ble windsl '', . Ocean Travellers. The following comprises the list of passengers who arriyed here to-day on the steamship Gulf Stream from New York: Messrs. J.J. Fowler. G. H.Greene, x . u. Miner, J. G. Oldenbuttel and wife, Mrs, H. Rehder, Mrs. P. Christ, Misses Bertha Whitke, Emilie Dapper, E. Fick, M. Darby, M. Westerns an n, Mr. M.Schnibben, H. Giesdren. John Lutge, Christen Thorn am , Conrad Mueller and K. A. Artis. , , - A kttinaway. A fractious horse, attached to a dray. 1 came tearing dawn Chestnut street early this afternoon and, reaching Third street, took the sidewalk on tbe West side of that street until it got to the lamp post in front of Capt C. D. Myers' store where it tried to cross the street towards tho City Hall, break ing tbe post and clearing itself from the dray in the effort The beast was cap tured by Chief of Police Brock wi hout doing any. further', 'damage: ' The Kew Hotel. The Ortoo House is rapidly ap proaching completion and will be en tirely, finished by October 1st. Ii will be a snperb building and elegant in all its appointments. , The house has already been rented to Mr. Wm. Brvan, Jr., who has had a large experience in hotel keeping at the North arid is now the senior member of tho firm of Wm. Bryan, Jr., & Sons, proprietors of the Montowese House at Brandon, and the Morton House, at Niantic, both in Connecticut. Mr. Bryan will take possession on or about October 1st., and may be expected here for that purpose in a few days. The, furniture for the house, which is rich and of the most modern and popular i-styles, is now on the way here and will arrive on the next steamer from New York. - Board of Aldermen. A called meeting of the Board of Ai dermen was held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock ; present, His Honor, Mayor Hall, and Aldermen Worth. Bear, Boney, Giles. Dudley, Darby and Howe. Alderman Giles stated that the meet ioc was called by the Mayor, at the re- quest of three Alderco en. for the purpose of reconsider in 2 certain, action of the Board at its last meeting. Alderman Boney arose and said: "At the last meetine of tbe Board I intro duced tho motion to. abolish the office of Superintendent ot Streets Carts, which was adopted. I made the mo tion on my individual responsibility without consulting the members. of the Beard, because I bad concluded after proper reflection that the office was an unnecessary expense, and that the duties thereof " could and should be attended - to bv the Chief ot PollceV hand. besides,' I had heard crave and serious" charges against the occupant ol tjieoffied, madCby respon slbterahireliable parties am!I regard ed the abolition of the office under these cirenmstances as a satisfactory way of diving o the cUy $Gda per annum, aid at the sameiinler avoiding the necessity oF an investigation of the charges against the officer. Since the action of e the Board on this matter two of my colleagues, Messrs. Worth and Giles have requested me to move for a re consideration of said motion. I have undergone no change of opinion as to the usefulness of the office, but from a sense of courtesy to my colleagues, and with a vie w of affording the Board ao opportunity of investigating the charges and the officer an opportunity of vindi cation, I moye a reconsideration of tho motion abolishing the office of Super intendent of Street Carts." s - Alderman Dudley stated that at the the, request of AldermaaBouey ho sec ond the motion, and theinotion to re consider was adopted. The Mayor stated Othat: thof original propsit ionthe resolution that the office of upeiiniehdent of Street Force be abolished was now before1 the Board tor action.-: : v Tho resolution was then put and was not adopted. Alderman Giles moved that a com mittee of five be appointed to investi gate any charges which may be made against Mr." Charles Murphy, the su perintendent of street force. Adopted. The Mayor was authorized to ap point the committee hereafter. Alderman Dudley moved that here after when meetings are called that the object of the meeting be stated in tho call. Adopted.? - - The Board then adjourned. " , Have you seen our Fish Scales? 'AH housekeepers should have ooc. Can bo bad at Jacoiu's Hardware Depot .J election of Officers. At a meeting of ihe Wilmineton Light Infantry, held at their Armory List night, the following changes of the officer vof the corps 'were effected: Second Lieut. F. L. Meares ' promo ted to be First Lieut., vice. First Ueut. JT. A. Lord, resigned ; First Sergt. W R. Morrison promoted to Second Lieut., vice Second Lieut . F. L. Meares, pr moted. ; . ti .. ; Steps were taken towards the organ ization of a literary club in connection with the company for the purpose ot exercises in rcadiug, recitations, decla mation and improvement in the parlia mentary law. The first meeting of the club will be held on tbe night of tbe 28th inst. ' . Flro Insurance. Wo have made fiome, inquiries, as to tne aiiegeareanciionjot rates ot insura ance in this city since the water .works were established here,- and find that it U nearly ail on paper, (japtl Divine was misinformed when he was told that there had been a reduction of, 20 per cent, on business houses and dwellings In some instances, in the; suburbs, there has bee'n a tcluction to this effect but ?t . has Jnot ' beefi carried to business houses or stocks The argument is that water oftentimes doe3 more injury than fire and hence the rates on stocks of goods and busi ness houses remain unchanged. Their is. however, a change in another direc tion, and that is an increase in the rates on eotton, which is, universal, and also on frame buildings in central lo calities. So that, in: all , probability, the average rate is as high, or higher, to-day than it was before we had the water works. That these works are a great advantage and a great blessing to this community that they have been instrumental In saying a great deal of property from destruction and in pre venting moro than one disastrous con flagration, is indisputable. The fact is reccgnized by the Board of Alderman, in. retiring one of the three fire steam ers as an unnecessary expense. . ' : , : r , -J' ' ' Fourth Street iiritlge. For several days past there have been petitions in circulation for signatures asking for a new iron bridge across the railroad at Fourth street. The present wooden, structure is inconvenient, un sightly and unsafe, and is in no way suited to the large and" constantly in creasing trayel upon that thoroughfare. It is also an expensive structure as it is almost continually in need ot repairs. There is large population liylng upon theVN6rtHBlde; r" the f railroad - w ho,: were: it .not forjhe j meagrel acilities afforded by the bridges at Fourth and SixtHstrebts,' tildrbe;1 Ispst iso lated 'jfjeoia the main! pbri4nf of te cfty so far as vehicles are concerned. 'These bridges; although" entirely ' inadequate for j the' convenient ; and .expeditious transaction of busipess, ) would ' be 6'i much greater benefit were the struc tures larger and more substantial. The hum beroClpetitipue 'already reached pearly rquie 300, jambng whom msy nbe fopnd, the names of many prominent business men whose interests are liable to suffer, from' ' the present conditio no? things ' It is "pro- poseu to navn an iron onuge ai ourin street, to be just as wide as the ' street and sidewalk, in place of. the present contracted affatrJIt t$ ' estimated that the . cost 5; of 1; V such" fe?i"a t1 structure, with a good,' i broads thorough tare tor vehicles, and sidewalks m- ple for the accommodation of pedestrians will not exceed $7,000, and it is expected that the railroad company will assist materially in 8 defraying the expense of its construction. ' When the work is comnmeced it will take from six to eight ' weeks for . its com during which time Sixth street ..bridge will be used in crossing from one sec tion or the citr to the other; Two years, if so long a time should be neces sary, wui be auowea in .w men to pay lor. the structure. Money for such an object would be wisely expended, and as the people'on'tbe1 North side of flha railroad, with many on the South side. need the bridge and are determined to have, , the r bridge. , we confidently expect to sec a bridge constructed at an early day suited to the demands of .the public and one that will reflect credit upon oUrcity. 8t ' ' ' Porsonar f i Our friend and subscriber. Mr. John Smith, ot Burgaw, was in the cily ,on Saturday lait with his rosy-cheeked ten years old son: and give onrofBcd the pleasure of a visit, ' ; a.! Now in the) season for painting your houses. Go to Jacoiu's Hard ware Depot and buyyooxpaints, if you watt tosavomoaci. . "A.. 15, 1885. J NO; 215 HEW A1VEKTISE01ENTS; Furniture Damask ! furniture Co vering ! E jBliA.OI3SrC3r J GREAT VARIETY TIRGINI A CASS I M ERES Splend id goods for Men and Boys. SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS Were never so cheap as now. FAlj;STTLlS SATTEENS AND GINGHAMS. ; , OAEPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. You have a variety of new styles to select from, and if you only wish to get -ii . .. - . : . posted come and see us. New Rugs and Mats, Art Squares ami Crumbs. Jerseys a specialty. sept 11 " Trade at the Old Reliable where you always find just what you want and eyery thing ottbe best make, and .always tor less money than you are, asked for tho same quality of goods elsewhere . Y.ou can depend on honest qjrpds and square dealing at SHRIER'S all the ;, year round. Before you pur chase, visit Shriek's and convince yourself of tho most astonishing val ue in Boy's and Children's Suits ever offered in this city. Pay no attention m prices advertised but compare goods, that being the only true way "to find out the house which gives the most and best value for the least money, and you will be fully convinced and to your en tire satisfaction that it pays to trade with Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of tbe Golden Arm,. - . . . . t The laughable farce of "The Rag Baby" will be presented at the Opera House in this city on the nights of Dec: 1st. and 2nd, 1885. The time is rather a longs ways off. but there will be lots of fun when it does come. Call at Jacoiu's Hard vara Depot and see bis fine assortment of Flobert Rifles. . t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Female School. Misses Burr & James, PRINCIPALS. ,Mi.;-M,;s j i: u Musical Inatructrass ; BTE TtNTT-SEdOND ANNUAL SES- T sion will coBunence on TUESDAY, Oct. 6th. Instruction as heretofore, thorough and eys tematlc, each child receiving individual attend tion. The course of instruction include b Sens ing, Callsihenlcs, free-hand Drawing, and ob ject teaching, without extra charge Paint ing, in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, also, Cravon Draw luff tanght at moderate charges On account of ,thc unllniehed state of the Church, and the present neccssaTV use of tho School llcuso Io connection witn. the buildinsr, thi school will be opened and continued for a few weeks In the Hall of the Hook A Ladder Company, on Dock, between Third aftd Fourth streets. , Entrance In the rear of the bnikUt at the East side. For particulars sec Princi pals at 301 Market ptreet or 221 No. Third. sept 15 if i Vj LEMETALIQUE BRILLIANT de Pempeii Directions Aogia'se: ASTOSELLA, ,sept 3 61 ET-JiLS, A then, firpn'f O JLMI:- !; Jlasons Fruit rfars. TtTE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT oftheabote Preserving Jars. Send In your vi 9rat era. at once. We w guarantee lowest prices W.1E. SPRINGER CO- Jfc 13, 21 23 Market street, Wilmington, N. C sept 14 :.jt,j FRESH LOT OF LIMES JUST SE celYCd and those wliblvg that delicious drink -LIMONADE-- J Can get it now. Oalyfora few i days longer, f ' . ' ' V. J AMES D . KUTT, Druggist. " sept 14 r '"; - - SlSN. Front St ; V! Something :!Ser I PRIVATE STOCK WHISKIES I . ?YT. H. McBrayer; and "Rosa Valley 10 jean old Zc a drf nk-1.50pcr Bottle. ' Coolest Beer tAd bet So ClgsrCBitxsk In the cUy. . J. M. McGOWAN. aug2i . ; New Wood Yard. WE HAVE OPENED A WOOD YARD In WilvlngUm and art mem prepared to furnish BEST QUALITIES OF MARKET woul as cheap as any dealer In the dty. We will uc our own Dray, mad offer snecial Inducement to parties who wish to hare Wood dell verei at their bosses - Leave your orutrs at our x aza, at uavift' wnarr, in Tjear r Kew Market, or at .wo. j sow. water at. sept 10 U E. E, LLOYD A CO, rLSASS BOTICS. Wewuibeglad ts xtecrvs eoauauisaeoa firoza ooz rzisada oa aay sad all Ssahjteti: caaavalnuezestbut ? Tts sast ef Gat wxRsr mnst always be:t - assist tat&sEStor. , OcmununlcaUosa most - be wrltta ea o) one aids ot tte paper. PirwoBamies mnitba aTOldodt . . 'i And It la ecpeelany and partXcuiarly ub0 tood taatihtJbStordoM aot alwsyw'eiidoi the views of correspondent! mUtwa so ttati la tbo editorial eoroauuu' ' " NEW ADVEKI8E2IENT8. Ul W RIclWTIRE. Lamps. TTAVISG MET WITH GRKAT SUCCESS I 1 In selling a Una line of LAMPS dnrlnsr tne last two seasons, we are now offering a bandaomer line than ncnal ami lnvlts pur chaser's attention to tnm. l'rioes Very Lotc. Ft 11 UJLJSS & MUBCUIWON. Fall Stock. WM ARE BMCK1VINO OUR FALL stock of Cookiaz and Heating fctoaa. Hsnse aishfcft oail,jwratosand Grata rlxtaarcs. Kerosene Oil pvc something ns'K Don't f &11 to examine our stock before Aif alirrjlrir ' cTsewhcre. We are pr pared to osTcrVEKi PARKER TAYLOR'S. sept ii ; 23 Sonth Irsat St School Books. FULL LIKE OF SCHOOL BOOKS, as adopted by the School Board or Educatloa. Offer special Discounts to Merchants and Teachers. Price Lists furnished on applica tion at 1IEI N3BBKG ER'3 . JJLANK BOOKS OF ALL SIZES. Paper, Envelopes, inks, Mucilage, Pens and Holders, Pencils, Ac, Can always bo found very cheap at HEISSBERGER'?, sept 14 Live Book and Musio Stores Coming In. QUE NEW WOODS ARK COMING dally, and we are now able to offer vou IN SCHOOL BOOKS, . SCHOOL SUPPLIES, i BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY,'- AT BOTTOM PRICES. A fine line of Oil Paintings, Chromos, Ac, All kinds of Picture Frames made to order at short notice, sept It ,C W. YATEST Cabbages, ; anotatoes, JgXPECTED BY STEAMER THIS WEEK a large invoice of Northern CABBAGES, APPLES AND POTATOES . Must le eold at once and wiU be sold low. CRAIG & THOMAS, 0 o 113, South Front St., Opiate New Market Hardware, Paints, Oils, .Glass, 1 . -' r . f - r 41 .,': r.siHJ.i . Sashi Blinds, & Doors. Stoves. QUR STOVES ARE MADE BY THE best factories,. and bare been giving enUre. satis- faction to the hundreds of people who have been and are still using them. We cannot be beaten In prices. We keep In stock Hirrl. son's and Armstrong A UeKctvyV tUfct'y pire White Lead, which we offer a Wow prices. We tell Hardware, from our !ajge and com ! plete stock at BOTTOM PRICES . MATin JAOOBI, sept 14 to South Fros St For Ront. rjIHE STORE ON CORNIR OF suraet ant reconu s'reeis.nowoccu-1 i pled by Behreads A Monroe. , l1 i' ; V. MEUIXNEY, Kxr. Jora p. taylor; Atrply to sept 13 St Elunds Bros, Whole 3 ale and rstail drug gists. 1C4 NorUi Front 8 1.. Wilmington. V. C Solicit orders from Fhvslclans mil Merchants In the eoaatrr. and ruarantea txat goods. and lowest prices. : sept 10

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