THIS TAPER rBbashel very erenlajf, : Sundays tx eepted by JOSH T. JAMES, editob 'ajtd rBorinrroB. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: one year t4-00- Six months, $2.00. Three DontliB, fl.00; One month, 35 cents, paper will be delivered b j carriers tree af chwge. In any part of the city, at the above ntcs ox 10 cents per week. -Subscribers will report any ana all - faB-1 Y J A j "T X WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 19, 1885. . 7 -. J - . -. y I "'J A-LllLCf U JLYl inniisk., I m. riTI1JMU.UnL. til n.7111 tlit)twlnM iL. . - lUlUIJUCS I horn Twin. 4 1 - . . - . " - " 7 vr t' ine lojiowmg particular i ,r Cie mree interments in uafc- f 1. iskintke city of '.Wilmington, to the baid of tho to comn iI66 1 dale thi week, all adultj Tat Walt Whitman is said tu get only i, 8 ,nlcr?ational race: NO. 219 Cotton. ,lf.. . or -ood. and w abrOadf0ri0terment- laohts twooi which were hrh, h r ' r,-',n?r'P' f cotton attbis port for I o" - v, uwui rn knob with to-dav foot nr boiltatSou h Rn ,v "i,""-J!ana ..T : P"" Daies' as aamst 2,362 bales to iici uimpncmna I x nu mil nnirno aram k i r onmnn-j: i . , s: oj feet in Ipncrtf, 7i 7 - ' tuc ucuirts ui ui """wpuuuiBg uaie last year, an Increase the water line. 27 feet 7 inches traction for the sma bJ as well as for th eek of 819 bales. Tbejreceipts of $14 ft Jcar ff,n lDe sale of his books. Helen Hunt Jacit.n1... aid to have at t 81 feet traction for earned $3,000 annually with her pen li is estimated that 20,000 people vis ited Gen. Grant's tnib last Sunday. ucuih iihh m a nri u rnt - in frinii mo i rkci s.r f .1 . rnn - - 1 , 7o f t 1 iwub uraugnt. Alast uuja ui wrger . growm w- " v juar to aaie iootop4,743 bowsDri LthPma3l,oQ4Veet loni, day-toseethe flaming pictures of scenes bales. against 3,497 bales to same date tKora. 7aVeet : raff irSLf.-ii .n?ain l bs rePresented by Cole's Circus. last year, an increase this year of 1.216 i w auu nuuiH. i i i - Ker OOOm . R4. fnnr All aw.MM. I " I XT 1 a trnntitni . w - A.Ih.-btal...tIbbo KO rr" I vttv laces -of Ma3.spicad its petals in the sunshine J !klr al H1 ato. a contest with n.Vnf AtonorY,ftf .v' Pf ' tne lYiscilla. bu It h ihA mow i v i. ' Atonement, and their n . . - r ' . "vn "i i . . . -r . ilt is having a silver- llu .acu inr cnanges in her "U3iUs were ciosea as it is a deeply rested at Savannah Ga , a day built lor his Mount were beiS? made up?? wUMn 2 fe"S relisiUS holiday with thcm- since char with ablracting W H. v anderb plated buckboard pesert driving. KitofcraU2 l.hirteemh Sfts-on of the Cap QDnHitinn " "V:,05 PaioiB r car Acadc i U j PLSASI ROTICJB. we will be clad to xecalre eosunsalcaUoa ceseral laterest bet . ia Bama of the writer must alwayi be nJehMtotheMtor. " ; CrommxuilcatUma mtat be wrtttea oa ,c. ocealdeof the paper. ' PiTBoaaHtlee must be avoided.: ' And It la eapocially and parttcnjarly and uvi nwiji uaoi the rlewa of correspondents relets so stall in the editorial ooftusuis. . , , NEW AVEBISEMENTS. UEEr I JiEEF I BEBFI 5111V. CaDt. Wnslifntrt icuutai" a -"mwu i,u creuuaDiy represent n i u r i " stljCd by the shock of discovering that American yachtine interests. atiett, 1 nncipal, will open in the Me-1 he was only 90 years old. instead of be- h e7a' rLnicn nas come over X,uuy 8cnoomousc' corner fourth and - ui. m. u a am.K ivitr- inn - w m . m. a lw the catenarian that he had .op Sir Ricbafd Stftlor.7oaho RoIYachi V.i r 'T , D Wnlay- 11,8 20th cuu.Huu uuuiouue Uiyde, being of icBucnu ui Afcwvui.. wavuuuv, niio-1 - oioi irame and A uprv rreen's mill pond, on the old Cobbing- the Mails. H.EJFoster, of this city, was ar- or two register ed letters from the mails- between that city and Jacksonville. Fla. was formerly on the route between taloer oflc young man, is in Chicago, this city and Charleston, but at the wnere b is engaged in business, and time ol his arrest was acting as a suh- to whom the sad intelligence will bo a stitute on the route. where the crime is Mearful shock. The deceased bore a alleged to have been commiteed. spotless reputation among his associ- r-i 7 7. ates aDd waa belved by all who knew Death of Mr. Greenewald. him. His funeral took place from the Wo are pained to announce the death residence of the family, No. 608 Dock .Released from Suffering'. Mr. Charles R. Smith, the you Dg man who was so terribly injured by the explosion yesterday, died at about j a quarter oast 7 o'elork Inst, nicrht ir had rested quite comfortably during GREAT WAR IN PR I HFS I kU aim a iew moments before his death WaS COnVCrsinff with nnn nf Kin brothers when he suddenly became FIi?EST ATTEST AND JUCIEST BEX. taint and began to &ink rapidl,y. A I VEALl and MB on thla market. The larjr physician was immediately sent for. est dealer ant tho most eonnkto'.v' but before be could reach the bedside Meat in " Wmh, "' .;: . oflhe sufferer the spirit of the latter t tJ "7 had takenlts flight He had S f th --f charge. 11 you edly suffered internal injuries which" Icave an ordcr ym a,wy depend on et proved fatal. Mr. J. C. SWiith tho I Ung what you oxder ard drHww.Tt fWi. i. , - -F9 w time and place. . i . - " Tlie folio leg ll.t will show you Trhat we are goln to do and we mean what we sax: CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF . 10c. " " UMB....10C I olrv, .! auu A verv I.irp-o nnfor r,-:., t ongoveraiusifeetontho water nnr ate nil iiaLiic? li'iiiviu uwiu uw. m si uoja r roar v M . i it. t i i m r v . i - - wm w kwuiui a a s t-ii. : r n n cia i a. v onurin i i iy ii iiPTir rno Air r- ' i ui it f . s v r ppriuw a i ri tn nrf n r.v f wi ruor or .7Ai ..i- ai.7 .i f 17;tA K!nManth k.u Z - j , uu Aours- nUuoc eciiuus i , o UiUUJS. Luis ft pmonn Zhaebcenbst 1' ; ' " 8 Nj . was aj feet in Iength and sicknos, wo mentioned in our issue of thence lis remains were conv.jed To " . I 'I'l . . I 2111CIir. inrilfia in nirnnmln. I n rSn.tV lOOt H riinl I. F llotf o nfVnl. r , i iuv Kreai uiiiercnce in width and 1 v..v. u ii-uuiiciujiuu m mei J u nuuui o vciuctery jor lnierment. Down at Los Angeles. Ual., they !"",su fc"4 ine lwo jacnts at once mark V Uiy-UKU 01 ine oouy. it was one " CiUUB ,u,s orning. ine" deceased have to ng a derrick wnen tney nave 0aPa -i- Tu- lwo v" Wfecab muucasins we ever saw. Ui was a nauve or Vane.o and rw t.,:,- t,: i ..of k Tr, XT:. 4 wo wenwta D01D2 OI Tfiera were tirn nfhon ,u:u Uermanv. hnRg Wninii,;, .. . wjsm. xuuu. waieruic.L.u 4Ui 1UuC4. ine cutter, or knife-blade. stvl hJi,, ".u ccapeu, - tho load nn- nnt tfftr. : j uM k.. ;n.t k I cantor k.i i iliiT -i. r: I ... several vears. and i n.irr,K . - " U'"J" UUi" iu u uan uic.ww ucoj -wu biups "c me rurilan r. l,. k. faraon who recentlv u iT . . V " ty and prico. Thev can hp Kn Pi,hpd and tinned the scales at 178 are sometimes in yachting vernacular Um t. , tv?0 recenuy years past has been a highly esteemed t ,T. ' ney can be seen at SOUP BONE - .. I ' Stimminif rliehaa 11 vui wij auu iUCatUU AS a tliriPr i .t-: O X1UW. JJCDOt. ' 1 Pounds. . The TartKia r , ' ,J and repairer of pianos and or,ana h I spars are eiven ns fnilna. T.rcrf r.., ffiven entire satisfr.Jnn u:B 1 Adjourned SlAAtii;-. xJiiiiJJ. - - a- - - . w w . tuaoL lium I 1 j Will 1. " - VEAL....10C. PORK....10C, MUTTON IOC. ROASTS STEW ... T : " " V . J lo. DOnas. s leet; topmast from ciuiuo, u iiigiu'.iiuu in uij gwus uuwsneave, 47 leet; extreme boom, m .'nrl-a rorn fpllnv.momhnra nra in 10 feet: Paff. 44. foot 1 kniiron.:f I jul na acharee of eausine the dynamite ,a;,I0m SspL"Aer boom- G Z ' anuvKDOWS "-ess and t afljournment at their rooms at hall (sTrafto Usion on Uraad sreet. New York. KflSLW'!S; ta " Stly" S hh-'d'- ITi " '"l! ,OTen0n: th P"si lsst Tebrnary. Icesslul He graduated in the tuning donnrt. A meeting of th mnmhon uLEpEWALr-Thismoniinst s ent of the NewEngland Conservatory Produce Exchange wss held pursuant , Funeral will take place from his late ri heretofore, she is to Ha rpdifod With a long list of victories, nndor fha Tolstoi, the Ru3sian noyelist, has I most diverse conditions, since her first Look Out. The com mittee appointed to draft ap propriate resolutions regarding the unt ii i ml i v . . 1f-wfc,.ifcyW i vovtuiiuua i i-"m;i i i? mi inn taken up Bhoemaking as an example to " lo gatta of the Now Thames . 1"7I7llou ua.s oeen received at the death of Mr. John Judge reoorted 4Bl""wuu' ia "e spring or i4. Uer oiuce, in tnis city, that there ar fV,rr,K nr. o fir.t." , ' v ,i:..-u . " wiui, as ioiiows: ' ' - i passage across thn Ationti peat necessity for his country to be Qneenstown was made in twenty-four states bowsprit two-thirds the length, of her .vy Northeasern .gales from that from I cvp.lnnin f!itf?rhTina ;n itt.-i n..m , ;" o' v llt tiIU est LU1I I A TRIBUTE TO THE free from dependence upon others for days under jury rig -that is. a mast and vw De&r mdianola, Texas, with ME3IOKY CF JOnX JUDGE. its manufactures. racing .pars, and a small mainsail. Point. Precautionary signals have been tor has been forcibly presented Ttoldav SSSJS2. H6e' corncr of Orange of Wilmington, n. c will hereafter, ani un Mii rronf,f u , j r "4UC1CU u' ine uuii bates. The dis- tu,.1 IU1UUJS- vur esteemed friend zz Mile, dlrnecourt. who eloped a few turbance seems to be mnvin, ;n J ?nd former associate has gone to 'that Oaiie FftflT Annrlomrr uwuiuu iroiu wuicu no traveller return- A J ' eth." and leaveth us sorrowing and THE THiirrEKNTII SESSION wlLLoien lceiita per tound frnm o,,r'oM.m' t, regretful that we shall no more see him 1 A?lona- pt 2Sth. m the MegiSK? ? P Horn our respective e alls. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rev. Daniel Morrelle's gjNGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The twentv-EJxth aimnal fiiL,i , "v""" nui j.i "icuay, mc JLai Ol uctoocr. roiicrmsor any Information, call at the ....... .8 & 10c. ... :...J...5cr ...G&lOc. ..,.......v.5c. .....10 & 15c. 121.2c. ... ...13 l-2d. Ecspectfally, JNO. R. MELTON, Stalls 1 & 3, Now Market. SHANKS... SAUSAGE. . PUDDING.. ecpt 16 it 8tar copy Notice. E, THE UNDEKSXGNED, BUTCHERS Six of the clergymen who made a t l i e i . i . ibvbuv-uiujii.jci.uut ui vjuuua uuveioi , I Mj.uvo ocviua ou movint? in a a hundred miles m a day. The same ' . " r . f 1"uiau"u Northeasterly direction. distance has been covered by profession" 1 w"a lPe eiaesi son 01 wsurus iIiuIersTa ten hours, but on a smooth a9ha 13 DOW rePorted bethrothed to a fersonai tracks with thelightest ot wheels. German noble. Her.married life with Mr. R. C. Campbell, press agent, and .... -. her first husband is said to have been eleven others, a part of the advance Few people have had an ancestor very P"' out the Ul farther rotice, sell choice cuts of Beef at 10 cents per pound and other meats from 5 to Au active, energetic factor in the nn ro 1 c f rrr a feArJsk kin , imprudently brigade of VV. VV. Cole's Circus. arri.J haddf, w:f.oui with so odd a name as Ono Tichener. Tenlured nfo France after the elope- ed in the city last night and registered M3 not infallible, all resoected hi3 ear- oao" is said to have been the insnira- ment aD 1 ine ueroico was captured and ac tne rurcell House. uesuiess 01 purpose, nis probity and his tioa ot a clerzvman nnrrlpd t. ua incarcerated in a convent. The Pope Rey. F. W. E. Peschau will Mnrn senlS'?-, . - r - 1 1 .'. ... . . . - . . . . ucinai, coruiai ana aitah r m ha r r I h n 1 1 r tt rl I .. ... . ui wvj wuifiut, auu wm do accom. aisposition, no tale of distress appealed panied by his daughter and Mr3. C. F to m m iQ vaio- Frank and open-heart-Laughcry, who haye been spending the ede w,as iri,pur?.e,as weli as iQ sP'"t, Summer in Pennsv vania rr. " "u"a 4".u .V" point 10 sacreu circle oi come. that it is important that at the bcKlnniiiff of the ser f,.?r,J" "" -.- uu an ueaiers m cattle know l.a 1,.. 1 ... I. . t . . .uu.oiv child's christeniog by quarrelsome i. Pas since declared the marriage void. auves. who each cried, WASHINGTON c. Ecl)t192 Principal. Losti AT& WAttN ALL PEKSONS AGAINST Oh, no!1 to wy name proposed by another for lh child. c LOCAL NEWS. that beef placcdla cars during the hot Sum mer months without food r drink for three or four days, are unheahhr and subject to -fevers whicli Invariably prostrate anil often kill them within two or thrc3 days after their arrival here, if the citizens and our respec- Rubinstein has arranged a novel Pianoforte performance for the coming season. He is going to give a series ol seven concerts to illustrate the history of pianoforte composition, and will be gin bj giving them- in Vienna during November and December. He will repeat the series in London, Paris and Berlin. IRDEX TO MEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. C W Yates Coming Jn HALL A Peaks all Lost Heirs bbbqkb School Books Munds Brothers Druggist 3 F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment I B Parson Piano and Qrgan Tuner Bey Dan'l Morselle English and Clas sical School dutv and findnavnml in fll m. I " - v iviiun I Ll Kasii aud luconslaerate. A resident among us for a long time, I ho made many friends, who Ionic hnn.t- ...Z Y::"."" 'ra P the associate with recollections j. rt3 uuii uo uioveo, me ot pleasure, and regrets of all followed uigaest prices in tne btate lor cotton.J Q'm when stern duty called him else- A rash and inmnaidrofo occnriiVin I wnere. w wa w u ft, a3 J L a 1. 1 I Ml - trading for the following Rail Road Vouchers: One dated Ausr. 8. 1835. in f.ivn,nf.i i, i 'i son A Bro.. for $38.25. ihn nthr wa aaa a a v ua ill si. w . ii nrri line f a-n i 1. 1 f i'i srimnra ttri ..a ai.a . a h . " i-"wm w 1 i " a. " i - -v a a aj t iui OlUUi I ' - "'ywMiVia W All IJAblUllL Willi II 1 TJTT ft. l i i - - . I Owners anil nnrcnlrna w WW T . IIAT.T. : PKinsAT T septl'Jlt Star copy L. 11, Parson, PIANO AND ORGAN TUNER. GUADU ate Of the New Enrrlnnri fnn Mr,n,tA. Atlanta, Ga.. is emulating Philadel phia ana Chicago in tho divorce busl- For other locals see fourth page. Day's iength 12 hours and 14 minutes. r I 1 i. I ill M lf H.YnAFinnnnd 1 L m ... m0 : r.,sL rr.. J-o uis oereaveu lami v and re al vps I i"" in. ?acior7 ana day afternoon as quiet at 8 cents foi middling and on the same afternoon, in wind even to the shorn lamb, will ex- Wilmington, at 9J cents for middling, at which prico sales were effected. short while we will give them . FAT MOUNTAIN BEEP, when the weather Is sufficiently cold to bring them here without the risk of endangering the health of our citizens. We are no w selling line Pasture Fed Beef, septus it WASHiNTrox CATLBxr. Prln-Cane Fear r- 1 ... " A wc el?r deepest sympathy, and reasonable. ' olderTicit at ICnXI - i v i .i'i ill ii in n r mz sin .ia . i .11 . i r. Academy ' I . " H"'vu au "s cuta -ur -rusbKiuu xrroviuence, who tempers the cclca lo ox 5, will be promptly attended Onslowswhich Is fat. healthy and sweet. Respectfully, JNO. B, MELTON, -HAYS A JONES. I. W. KING A SONS. II. C. GREEN. W. J. KELLOGG & 80N. Star copy Funeral of Mr. Judge. The There was no City Court tbi3 morn BeSJ. Within o fonr - -linr. w M u uaj0 a uuu uu I o- - -.uiunave been instituted in that -The shrimp season will ciose next nilngton -j, na me indications are that the week. present term of tho Court, will . eclipse c . : V record of tho Spring term, to un8 tomorrow afternoon at G ich thirty-three divorce . cases odock : cre returned. It may be Tere were no interments in Bellevue craUGcatiou to learn, and Cemetery this week. AtiWehe ualS l tb whito people of -The receipts of cotton at this port to. thp?.? nearly nine-tenths ot day foot up 599 bales. -QlVOrCQ CVll nrn onrlnroil txf people. 1 . llenty of good beef in market to-day Falher Moore officiatiDg. Thcnco the a body. Bi.w7 " P P " remains were convoyed lo Oakdalc tiafr j w 1 iutj aooviiuicui oi jjiniems, just j ucujctei y iur interment, aiessrs A. W .. .. I.nni . (.vk. . L. i. 1 .. ... Wilmington, at 9 cents for middling. tV- cnsiauon winch MTr-rfln PrtTTft n a r. i ... , s only a trust m Him will brine. ilLyrtle brOVe (JVStftrS. " " oaAca wvic euecieu. To tnat fv nr rrxmnl onrl " The diflerence between Raleigh and will follow his mortal remains to their OSJP? ,BOASTP UAa been Wilmington on that day was three- t resting place, and in committing ivmLSsSS fourths of a cent in favor of Wil- ' tu-1" ?rouuM wb!c they y " ?vj5. wbightsviule V"uii, ca iu iu caitu. UUab lO UUSL. Wfi I rr.i ii "" - xjxj. vii iiauu. can only hope that his spirit rests with tho 'ja9t men made perfect," awaiting the last trump to summon U3 before Telephone No. 70. ED. WILSON, MANNING, rropnctjr. ecpt 1G1S sept 17 3t th sat tu remains of Mr. John Judge, iLnDS: all FOf Refit. whoso death at Savannah. Oa.. thr"i""8 "loaeu ..antH . IWUV W 1VJ A AKIi 1 I'IM'M ! WQ !I in f? I II! L W r- lil.lill PUS IH ft. I n - I CloriOUS SGnfnnfn we announced yesterday, arrived in the deserving "Well done, thou eood the city this morning on the train and ait"'ul servant!" from tho South and wero at once con- Tne tribute was adopted by a rising veyed to St. Thomas' Catholic church vote anU lne niembers ot the Exchange where the obsequies wero held. Rev lDea Proceeded to attend the funeral in Tbars,? ISC0Pal Diocesc of Easton. died received, at Jacobi's Hardware Dept.f H- Van Bokkelen, Samuel Northrop, HomyT?ernooa at .tb? Charc.h. rTZTrZrr-I- A- DeRossot. II. C. McQueen, J. F. -.wimuic. xio uau oeea in r . ..... ,u uianw M,Tine . H nh nann t t rt lH .M.A ...t. -I H 1 . " ' VU a WDg time and came South lor the aDd aro 8Clilg at remarkably low rates. welll and F. W. Kerchner w. Ql3 hea th rnlnrn nir in Rnl Rev. Peyton II. Uogo. of Richmond. will preach in tho First Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 11 a m and 8p m. oeats free and visitors welcome. were tho r;1? ew weeks ago He 0l3h0D of hi Next Monday, according to our al- pallbearers. was the manac, will be the last davof Summer. . diocese and wast . -r ostomco Kobbery. tach beloved. Rinn j k Call at Jacobi's Hardware Depot la KinU innun hit NnA dmai4U.i ( tti . I w wwk a. in., me posiomce in streets. The 26th annual session of Rev Daniel Morrelle'a EugUBh and Classical School will begin on Thursday, Octo ber 1st. Full in form il On the night of June I8th last, some- &c can bp had on anDlication ar the ministry and had charge of sev- Rifles. parishes in Virginia until 1859, There were fi ye interments in Pine this city was entered and two register toJUtT uisuop ana was sent uorest jemetery this week, one adult pouches were cut open from which were ausaa as a missionary, m 1869 and four children. token one. ti w transferred to the diocese bver two. five and ten cent stamps Indications. For tne South Atlantic States, occa- nich h k.m "k" . " s. .uT We saw the finest line of half hose at V lo-einef Wltn a WW- preccaea in worthem UdT ,,r:i!r.7ir.;u""mBoii DYEtoav. Thv!. , m. piaiea waicn ci,am a ow Pcn with ponoyiairweatnerfEasterIy wind3t u. uo pnacaw.ioe. "aew . patent fountain handle, besides checks change in temperature oa at St. James' Chnreh. in th;a Pas prices very cheap. t L,t..A . ' OC3,ae3 cnecKS oa the evasion of the death nt tV: R,v n t , . . 1"? Perfectly Satisfied 017 Dock Street. Apply to GEO. HARBISS & CO. sept IS 2t Mechanics Saloon. O S, Front St. OEST GLASS OF KEG BEER IN THE j j-r cuy. iscsi oc uigar. nest 10c Whiskey. A few more bottles of Private Stock left. Pt 13 J. M. McGOWAV. Extra Notice. rjHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT NO BOTCH cr whose name appears above has bveb DOUht, Or exneCtS tO bllV. a utmrUlnf nl JeTn?und?.cef flfom.tlio eo-callcd firm of J . F. Garrell A Son. tept 17 I Wanted. FIRST CLASS TAILORESS object If the party suits. jyj" Y CUSTOMERS WILL PL VASE TAKE Wages no I not-C that I am moving my GROCERY M. JUDGE, 114 Princess, Let. Front and Second sta. sept IS 2t " - w " w 1 a. a a aji w a 111 . w im mi an aAui 1 7. i 3 w i ii'ii rnn in r a-k. . i i t . . erableand Gloved Rl.hon Aikin. dart fa, u.- ' "7J Vir r"4" ""1 . : useu: is me way patrons express themselves xa. r; V . J -""ouapocteu mac ine robbery after tradin- these ' will preach at the First nuntist ws ivrnAirAii h c ,J "uiD tnese .harden A. A. Brush,. of the Sing vi . . uib iug uuoi lauuuig rtic ho Drciir.hHhav; pu u 1 TOOD j u J l'11-' many jears at .u i us, wauust VUUIUI n iw uci ucuaul UY SQUlfl nno onliraln O m. .... to-morrow. r.sis.,' uu r ' j ouuiuj, Ane public nave louod out -- i tu me ouice, ana alter on . ituwifn ,t.i .m.. nu Tir,.. The RegUt r of Deeds U.ued five al ol absolute science n th """1 " t! X w w . VUVU UMMVU UJjiuj .iew York State Prison ma L.rrur . " . . . . . fcU wnere gooa3 can be had at fa r prices. reth licenses this week, two of ot his assistants, proceeded to in As a consequence, each wmcn were lor white and three lor jugate and await the delonments. new names are added'to the Ht r nn t ry,. w U9cvi. no urns uucu "ufferer irom rheumatism and He has been I colored con pies. TT .. . w upon me trail, or as dn fnir n.t.. v . . : teetive, wrti,t . iuuuuj reau assurea tv;0 . l .. .. I hnr I ho huol nn ....I.I.J it.. . 1 - . I w.. , , ugsMUU&S Clue. I nt nroff in ir ihn I x . j. rvijuuiog, nut obtained very I "UUU,IW wuue n,ri I whirJ n ii.,i i.-- . TJ b auu ucsi vaiuein erftiion "u,-"ut '" l?n thA nit f t ha tv:i:. cl wn,cn 80 r rewarded his patience that nlnthin fn -.u:i.t "Hum RlMiOina ri !ulnrfl vv me m iituiuK wu own ...i.i f -a uuiaauu tuimitu lur w w.v . . , . 7.1 icucrusv Hirprnnnn ntwm rr: ,i r. i . me least money at Shriek's. As usu al frnr nriAAa will ho 1 mm"' tc'C' v tache of Ihc office, was arrested. The cent lower than other dealers will far- ST,' htm .vigorous mvoyou,eeaour FishSciler.? All examinaUoirf 'the cUeriii oe SSS'rfeB lwd&weod. j be had at Jacobi's Hardware Depot.f Commissioner Gafd. ner on Tuesday, tbe"2nd inst. Reliable Clothier,: 1 14 Market St., sign cf tts . Gclclsa Ann "! ". t Fruit and Green Groceries; JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT OF Northern and North rimiini vnnf.i. . VV. ,f , . ' u r or i a usronna Pears. Cabbages, Onions. Sweet and Jrsh umwci iu uwuer tsroen wrocerle r- New Biver Oysters next Tuesday. . C. M. D. HUMPHBKY sept 13 "Davis Bow?, near New Market BUSINESS to the old George Mxers Store., Nos. 15 and 17 Notice. 11HE PUBLIC ARE NOTIFIED THAT tbe "Extra NoUcc" whlah anneird 1 in tZ vertislng coloms of yesterday's Daily. Re view, In which It Is stated that "No butehcr whose name appears above hu pvpt inirh or expects to buy a single beef or a poumf of utxx li um me tut emeu una or J. Jr. Gatrell A eon." was published without my knowledge or consent, or aonrovaL I hsrc funh this firm and If they can make it to my ad van tage to do so may boy from them again. . . . J. U.. JBLBNNJCDY. Muiids Bros iTfTHOLKSALE 9 AND RETATT. nrf'i4- KefeffiS, PhysicUni and South Front St. Where I hope to be folly established an - ready for business by " SATURDAY MORNING. PteaiKJlKaVthlsiii mind when making dcrs for Saturday. , - Bcspcctfally, . . Jno. L. DRr.tTTrJTlit. or

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