jBIS PAPER Sunday' x ssptea by , jOSU T. JAMES, EPITOB AHD FROl-MCTO. ..m?ss roSTAGJC P PAID: jCBSCW m0nth, $109. Three one month, to cento. "? nr will be delivered by carrier fa" ia any rar of the at tne iomU per week. or and liberal. " free above f3rl3tr will report any and jj'jut'0" nr resrularlv. all fall- 'ritrTTviri Review has (he largest iniimi. of anv net newspaper kT,f. tc 7y o Wilmington, ttTT. . rth v:n.WK).(XHi was dug from rcC;c Sam's ricH soiMnJSSi. Yacht i3 from.tbe Dutch crb juQlcn, Tfce raard bouse is now .cinUty. ihe "inmate having been discharged s morning. , Tbe iio 000,000 of silver com putoa toinlraan-of war at New Orleans -rried tue snipu-- y- .Tncoanty. Kentucky, woman . ..Jt.ninJ three days at a time r;thoct awakening, evidently Irainin S bra race with Jono aneriaan. o. rrnm 931 township corres pondents in Ohio show tbe corn crop is Savery flattering condition, and will be Parses! crop in the history of the Sate. X sold dollar is a tiny coin, but a Bja of iogeuuity and tine lingers at Witerbury ha3 jast built a railway lo. coaiotive so small as to stand npon the dollar's disc. Mr. Abbej, in addition to his enter prise with Mary Anderson, who is to epeainXew York on October 12th, will brini over Madame Gerster and a coscart company during the coming leuon. Galassi yill be one of tbe siegers. Gen. Roger A. Prjor, who at one tiac held a seat in Congress as a Rep resentative from Virginia, said recent ly that "bo stood by the memorable ormnla. 'To tbe victors belong the noils.1 " and declared that "the reform that he wanted was to put Republicans cat of office and to put Democrats in office." The yoang ladies of New Rochelle, S.Y , tired of being compared to the tinging vine that derives support "and countenance from alleged masculine cits, anil probably more tired of wait ing for the masculine escorts who never come, have organized themselves in'jo s "We Can-Go-It-Alono Club," and tier do go italonp. Cholera failed to strike a single one of the 4 000 women employed in the rational tobacco factory at Valencia, Spain, though the disease raged vio lently io that city, and the Medical World recalls that tobacco workers fere also noticed to enjoy exemption Ironi attack during an epidemic at Amsterdam. Baltimore Xics : The arrests of sev eral youths, sons of wealthy and repu tab'.e Ohio gentlemen, on charges of twgiary. will probably cause an in J3iry ai the influences which led the hoys to the commission of crime. If the matter is well sifted, pernicious lit erature of the Jack Sheppard type will doubtless be found to blame for their aiideeds.- The Puritan will be sold to-morrow. She was bailt hastily, as an expert jot, to meet a crisis, and her owners uve won glory enough. Besides, she too large to bo run ion pleasure as a cp. She is not fitted or furnished Jaanously. She was built solely to Pthe America's cup on this side of jje Atlantic. Her missjon has been J8SH tbo gentlemen whocontribut " 10 her building are fully satisfied, th'j have no further use for her. ne Pouters, sculptors and engravers rih Caaad Dasseldorf bavedeoid a great majority to discard the pat costume which characterizes utilization of the present century. Jo return to the picturesque gar- 3-j that the German artists wore in ventcenth centnry. It is about ?me costume that Rubens wore 7f velvet breeches, marine blue jog. a velvet vest, trimmed with J1 and a largo felt hat a costume koe late uount Liaiance, of Brussels, 'ntly wore:' Raniia TliKto Tl1 Kl t eVnl n only three printers errors aSTothotn flicrtntroro in 11 iha CS. Tn t V. Ifimn oHJtinn U atl nrrnr ;n I?-r.VIol 5R lll V io Wi- Ant f riirhtiwni. Word is printed :Vrighto)a3.n Parallel 8voiedition there two In Psalms, vii, 13, -shalfs" iusicai of shafts." and In 21. ia the marin, 4oycrfio w .hould be eyerflowing." The luinea will be paid to any person 154 rmg a prinler' error in tbe book .T1111 it out to the controller of mu oro any other discoTerer. r a VOL. IX. W ILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY. SEPTJIBEIl The relatives of Father Brazil. u - VVMW died in Des Moine?. Io wa. arn nnnf oaf ing his will, which leaves a quarter of a mi non dollars to tbo Catholic Church ana $5.opo to his relatives. LOCAL NEWS. tIDEI TO HEW ADVEfmiEMEiTI. C W YAflrxa Coming in James D Nutt i rurgUt HXINSBBKQEB Fall Stock MUNDS BKOTHKSS ITUglst4 r C Mit.t.ek Tar lleel Linknent A J DjsEosset, Com'r Sale for Partition A J DkEosset, Com'r Sale for Parti Jon New River oyster come in slowly as yet. , Yoo can get all sizes of class at Jaco- bi's Hdw. Deoot. t According to the almanac Autumn commences to-day. The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up 1,032 bales. - Scupperoong grapes were retailing to-day at 20 cents per peck. The storm signal still floats, but there has as yet been no wind of any conse quence here. You will And a large assortment of tabie'cutlery, at very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. Turner's Almanac says that it will be cold, with frequent showers, on Thursday and Friday of this week. Do not buy your winter underwear until you have seen the elegant line displayed at Dyer's. Every thing new. - t The rainfall here yesterday and dur ing Sunday night, approximating five inches, was unusually heavy for this latitude. J The steamship Regulator, Doane, from New York, arriyed at her wharf in this city to-day, for the first time in several weekfj For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J.Elsbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. . tf Ger. brig Frida, Dyes.clearod to-day for Bowling, Scotland, with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 2,050 barrels ro3in. valued at $10,000, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprunt & Son. There was no City Court to-day. The case which was continued for the de fendant from yesterday until this morn ing was again continued until Thurs day morning? ' The continuancy this timewas for the State. The remains of the lamented Mr. WillieBordeaux, Deputy Sheriff ot Pen der county, whose sad fate was rev corded by us yesterday, reached Bur gaw last night and were interred to-day in the family burying ground, a lew miles from that town. Mr. F. A. Newbury ha3 in his gar den on Eighth and Walnut streets a a banana plant that has nearly ot quito twenty banannas growing upon it. They are looking healthy and thrivinir, as if ,they . intended to stay there until they are ripe. Colored Lodge. The Grand Tabernacle of North Carolina of the Grand United Order ol Lovo and Charity, a secret benevolent colored organization, convened in an nuai session at their Lodge room in his city this morning. Audit and Finance. The Board of Audit and Finance met yesterday afternoon and audited and approved several bills. The petition of W.- McEvans, to lease some of the city's land near the Fourth street mar ket, which was approved by the com mittee on markets, was non-concurred in by the Board. No other business of importance was transacted. Probably Stolen. . One of tho street hands this morning found a large piece of brass under one of the street crossings, which was evident ly a bearing for shafting, either lor some steamboat or other heavy ma chinery. It was at the City Hall this morning where those who have missed such property could have an opportunity of examining it? It' size would indi cate that it was intended for shafting of about tlx inches in diameter, and i is somewhat worn with use. BiST Corn. At the store of Mr. G. W. Penny, on Market street, we : saw , to-day some samples of corn which were remark ably fine. It was flint corn and one of the ears contained .30 well developed rows of kern els. It was raised by Mr. Moses McKiethan, on his place in Brunswick wunty. Bound Over. Mr. W. F. Less man, who was arrest. ed a few days since on a charge of rob bing the mails, was brought before U. S. Commissioner T. M. Gardner this morning for a hearing. The defendant wai?ed an examination and gave bail in the sum of $1,000 fur his appearance at tbe next term of the U. S. District Court. TJ. S. District Attorney W. S. O'B. Robinson appeared in the interests of tbe government. I.O. O. F. The sixty-first session of the Sover eign Grand Lodge. Independent Order of .Odd Fellows, is now being held at Baltimore, Md. Mr. C. Ms- Busbee, of Ualeigb, is the representative of the Grand Encampment of North Carolina, and Messrs J. F. Payne, of Monroe. and J. Woodard, of Wilson, are the representatives of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. The statement that the sessions are held now only once in two years is incorrect, a3 they are held annually. There is a movement on foot to have the meetings hid bieenni- ally, but it has not become a rule yet. Box-Stubs. Firet Assistant Postmaster-Genera A. E. Stevenson has issued an order that hereafter postmasters furnished With box-rent stub-books will retain the stubs of the said books in their res pective offices for five years, subject to examination by inspectors or other authorized persons, after which tbe stubs may be disposed of as waste paper. Box-rent stnb-books with printed instructions to conform with this order will be furnished to date from January 1, 1886, and the stubs of the books already furnished for the quarter commmencing October 1, 1885, will bo filed bv Dost masters in their respective offices, in compliance with this order, notwithstanding the printed orders to tbe contrary. Ropes and twines of all kiniU and sizes, at J a coin's Hdw. Depot. t Chicken Stealing. Mr. James Best, who lives at No. 307 North Fifth street, between MuU bury and Walnut, arose at about half past 5 o'clock this morning, pre paratory to going to work, and stepped out into his back yard when he saw a colored mun at work upon his hen coop trying to force it open with an axe. Tho would be thief, seeing that be was discovered and thinking possibly that it was ratber too lato in the day for successful hen roost robbing, beat a hasty retreat, but not until he had thrown the axe with which he was working at Mr. Be3t as a gentle re minder that tho interruption was un timely and not relished ; but fortunate ly without doing any damage. It was Mr. BestVaxe and he ought to feel grateful that tho thief did not take it with him in his flight. Tbe Special Delivery. Pursuant to the order of the Post master General, bearing date of August II, 1885, in reference to the introduc tion of a special delivery system, the following rules are issued by General Superintendent Jamison for the guid ance of postmasters and postal clerks in preparing for dispatch letters bearing the special delivery stamp: l. Whfin d "snatched indirect or ex- nresa oouch. from one post office to another postoffice, or from a railway postoflice to a postoince, a separate Dackace should be made when there are five or more letters. When there are less than five letters they should be placed together upon the outside of the lptfpr Tmnkac-o so as to be readily discovered by the person opening the poucn. 2, When dispatched from the post nfFir tn a r.ailwav nostoflice. or from on ft railwav nostoffice to another, a sep- erate packago should be made when there are nve or more or tnese leiiers nHdres3ed to the same Dostoffice; when there are less than five letters they should be placed upon tne outsiue oi a direct package, or immediately under the label slip of a route or State pack age. 3 Pnsfmasters and railway DOStai clerks will report to their Division Superintendent all failures to comply witn the above rules. Perlectiy Satisfied Is the way patrons express themselves after trading these many years at Shriek's. The public have found out it is best to deal at the Old Reliable's, where goods can be bad at lair prices. As a consequence, each season many new names are added lo the list of our regular patrons. You may rest assured of getting the most and best value in clothing for men, boys and children for the least money at Shriek's. As usu al our prices will be from 15 to 33 per cent lower than other dealers willfurr nish similar goods for. Siikier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. ' . - "rt. ' Belitjlous Itenis. V' The Snnday Schools of Wilmington Presbytery met in Convention at Wal lace CDuplin Roads) this morning. The.delegates from this city are Mr. C. H. Robinson, frpai the First Presby terian Church, and Mr. J. D. Mallard and Miss B. R. Price, all of whom have gone, from the Second Presbyterian Church. The Convention will adjourn ioraorrow night. Wilmington Presbytery will meet at Burgaw, Pender county, on Thursday, the 24tb inst. The delegates from this city are Mr. John McLaurin, from the First Presbyterian Church, with Mr. B G. Worth as ' alternate, and Mr. Robert McDougald from tbe Second Presbyterian Church. Persouai .Mr. Williams T. Bannerman, clerk c f the Superior Court of Pender county, was in tbe city to day. We regret that Mr. J. H. Muse, of the Star, is not yet able to be about. Tbe weather is quite unfavorable for him Mr. Charles Murphy, formerly Su perintendent of streets, has been quite sick with chilis and fevers for a few days, but was able to be out again this morning. U. S. District Attorney W. S. O'B Robinson was in the city to-day on official business. Collector C.-H. Robinson is absent from the city in attendance upon the Sunday School Convention of Wil mington Presbytery which will bo held at Wallace (Duplin Roads) to-day and to-morrow. Criminal Court. The Criminal Court of New Hanover county, Judge O. P. Meares presiding and Solicitor B. R Moore appeariDg for the State, convened at the Court house in this city yesterday morning. The morning hour was chiefly devoted to selecting a grand jury and in deliv ering tbe usual charge to the same. The following compose the grand jury for tbe term : J. G. Swann, foreman: II. H. Bloom, B. S Hoskins, John H. Lewis, Fred Clark, John Sidbury, Jesse W Lewis. D. B. Futrell, C. P. Raspberry. D. N. Chadwick, J. O. Ormsby and Edward W. Sanders. The following have been the proceed ings since tbe commencment of the term: State vs. John Jones and Effie Howard, affray. The defendants waived bill of indictment and submitted, Judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Moses Bryant, larceny. Defendant waived bill ot indictment and submitted,' and judgment was sus pended on payment of costs. State vs. W. R. Kenan, misdemeanor, Not guilty and defendant discharged. This case was one of nine which were brought against several of the mer chandise brokers doing business in the city who were charged with drumming without a necessary license. The case did not go to the jury, but was decided by the Court. In the opinion of the Court the law upon which the action was based is unconstitutional, inas much as it discriminates between drum mers from other States doing business here and those who are residents here. A drummer from another State is re quired by the law to pay a State tax. A resident drummer is also required to pay tbe same drummers tax, but sec tion 25, of chapter 15, ot the laws of 1885, give3 a rebate to the resident drummer of tbe amount of his purchase tax for tbe same time, which is discriminative against tbe non-resident drumme r and makes the law unconstitutional. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that no State can impose a tax upon a non-resident drummer which it dcei not impose upon the drummers of its j own State Io consequence of this de cision, which will affect the entire State, a 'nol pros with leave" was entered in all the other caes similar in character. State vs. W. 11, Howe, misdemean or. Defendant submits and judgment on payment of co3ts. State vs. John Brogan, larceny. ' De fendant called and failed and judgment nisi against John Brogan and fifty dol lars. State vs. Thoma3 W. Gordon, burg lary. Set for trial at 9 o'clock a. m. on Friday, September 25th. . State vs. Julius Jones and James Collins, larcenyi r On trial, r: ? i .. Indications. c ; For oe South Atlantic States i, fair weather, except preceeded in the East ern portion by cloudy weather and rain, continued cool Northeast winds, back ing to North west,and higher barometer- 22, 1885. NO. 221 JfKW ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist. 1518 N. Front Street. QDSTOMERS MAY BELY UPON OB talnlBff Pure Medlclne3. Phytlcianb Prescrip tions and family tfcclpes accurately prepared, sept 22 Myrtle Grove Oysters, OUH OYSTEU SO ASTER UAS BEEN II tied up first class, and we are now pre pared to eerre up OYSTER ROASTS Jn srood style at PINE GROVE, WRIGUTSVlLiLK auuwu. some good riu-imii on liana Telephone No. 70. ED. WILSON MANNING, sept 17 St th eat tu Proprietor. M. CKONIiY, Auctr. N BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Sale for Partition. B Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, in a certain ex parte special proceed ing there pending, where'n Frederick J. Lord, Armanaj. uckosec;, w imam L. ueuosset, and others arc the petitioners. I. as Commis sioner under sa'd decree, will ofl'er for ta?c to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, inthecitvof Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wednesday, the 14th day of October, 1883, a ios oi lanu situate in said city, beginning m the Wctt line of a private alley, which ovens into South side of Market street between Sec ond and Third streets, at a point liWfeet South fram intersection cf said line of said alley with Market street, and running thence South with said line of said alley 17 feet, thsncc Weet paranei witn Market street us leet, 7 lnche. thence North parallel with Second street 17 feet, and thence East parallel with Market sircet yd icct, i inencs to beginning, being a part oi iiOt rio. 4 in uiock loo. Terms of Sale uno-fourth of the purchase money t j be paid in cash, balance in three equal instalments, in 4, s and 12 months re epectlvely, from day of sa!e, purchasers to give notes for deferred payments di awing in terest from day of sale at rate of eight per cent. j . UEUuasnix, sept 22-4t 12, 20, oct G, 13 - Com'r M. CKONLY, Auct'r. BY CRONLY & MORRI3. Sale for Partition, B Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE superior Court of New Hanover county, in a cause there pending before the Clerk, between james o. Munus and wife Eliza it. Munds, Maty C. Lord, Wm. L DcRosset, Jr., ind otners, piaintma, and Frederick J. Lord, Ar mand J. DeUosset. John R. London and oth ers, defendants. I as Commissioner under said decree, will offer for sale to the highest bid der, at tne court uouse door in the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Cckfber, 1S85. all that lot ol land situate m said city, beginning In the South line ol Market street, 70 icet Jast from its In tersection Wltli Eastern line ot Second: struct. and running thence East with Market street 4s reet, then otuth parallel with second street 30 feet to a brick wall, thence West with said wall 2 feet, thence South with said wall 87 feet and 8 inches to a brick building, thence with the line of said building East 4 feet, thence South with the Eastern line of bald building 23 feet and 7 Inches, thence West with the Southern line of eaid building S feet and 7 inches to a wall, thence South with said wall and the West line of another brick build ing 50 feat and 0 Inches to a stone wall, thence West with said stone wall 45 feet, and thence North parallel with Second street 193 leet to beginning, being part of Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Block 153. Said lot will tc divided by a straight line xunrlng from North to south. and sold in two separate parcels; the West lot or parcel naving a front or lid icet on Market street and running back tne same widtn I'Jd, and the East lot having a front, of 25 feet on Market and running 19S feet, being 22 feet wide on Its back line. Plat of said lot can be sefrn at ofllcc of Cronly as morris. Terms of Sale One-fourth of purchase money to be paid in cash, balance In three equal instalments In 4, 8 and 12 months respec tively from day of sale, purchaser to give notes tor deterred payments drawing interest lrom day or sale at rate of eight per cent. A. J. DE RUSSET, sept 22 4t, 22 29, oct , 13 Com'r. TIN EOOFING, T300F REPAIRING AND PAINTING. Tin and Sheet Irn Ware made to. order. StovePIpcs. Elbows, &c, 4c. r jobbing generally. W. E. KING, Practical Tinsmith, Princess, bet. Front and Water Streets sept 21 Tar Heel Liniment. F OR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wel-De-M evor's Ca- tarrn (jure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac, at W. M. Mii.i.Kit'a, ccpt 21 Corrcr Fourth and Nun et Rev. Daniel Morrelle's gNGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. The twenty-sixth annual section will bcrin Ttursday, the 1st of October. For terms cr any information, call at tbe School Honse, corner of filth and Orange streets. . cept 19 2w Gape Fear Academy. 1UIE THIRTEENTH SESSION WILL open . on Monday. ScpX 23th, in the Meginney School Room, corner Fourth and Princess Sta. It is Impressed upon parents and guardians that It U Important that pnpils should enter at the beginning of tbe session. Catalogues to be had at tne koo store?. WASHINGTON CATLETT, sept 13 2w Principal. unds Bros., IXrHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUG W GISTS, 1C4 North Front St.. Wilmington. N. C. Solicit orders from Physicians and Merchants In the country, and guarantee best goods and lowest prices. sept 10 Mechanics Saloon. OS. Front St. BEST GLASS Or KEG BEER IN THE city. Best fie Cigar. Best 10c Whiskey. A few more bottles of JPrlrate 8tocic left. sept 13 J. M. HCGOWA. from osz rrtcit ca try tzZ all 'szljicti ceBcrallatOTCst bet V , : - . Xhs name of the writer must arwmpi be ' Blsaed to the Effltor. : Communications tail be wrtttu oa am one side of the paper. rwsonaliUes must be avoided.: - And It Is especially and particularly cad tood that the Editor does not always cndoi the views of correspondents uisss so slttt In the editorial columns. NEW ADVERISESIENTS. OF- Fall & Winter AT- 1 116 Market St. An Entirely New Stock - OF Silks, llhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, Ladies' Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, &c , &c. ' White Good Lices, Edgings,' Furs, Gloves, Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Notions, &c.t &c. . At prices lower than they have been known for years. Terms Positively Cash ! W I shall sell my good.3 as low as tbe lowest catalogues. All I ask Is tho same treatment Cash ! Cash ! Gash ! And ftEsuro, you at the aaine time, my kind patrons, that I propose to main tain in the future the reputation gained in the past of having - i ' - The Best, the Cheapest I AND MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS : To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at iW. IW. KATZ'S sept 21 11(5 JJUUKET ST., Fall Stock;. E ARE RECEIVING DAILY OUR Fall Stock. Plants, Organs, Musical Merchandise of every description, Fancy Goods, Standard Works, all the latest Novels of the day. Blank, Books, School Books, StaUoncrv of all kinds. Steel Engravings, Ollographs, Oil beautiful Velvet and other Frames, Paintings, ' Cbromos, &c, all of which we are selling at iho lowest prices, sept 21 P. IIEINSBEBGER. Selling Rapidly I ALL WOOL CASSIMERES FOR MEN. AND BOYS. o AM NOW OFFERING THE FINEST" stock of TABLE GOODS In the city, cheapen than ever before. ' Bargains In LADIES' AND GENTS' U. S. HDK.eS. Ladles' line II. S. Hdkfs, 121& and 15 cents. Ladies' fine Tacked Hdkfs. 14 and 20 cents. Gents' floe ILS. Hdkfs. 25 cents. A splendid stock Of 'LINEN COLLAR 3 for Ladles and Gentlemen. A prood line of low Priced WINTER DRESS GOODS. eept Sl JNO. J. HEDiUCK. Coming In. x O1 UE SEW GOODS ARE COMING IN dally, and wc are now able to offer you SCHOOL I.OOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, - , BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, , AT BOTTOM PRICES. A fine line of- Oil Paintings, ' Chromos, Ac, . All kinds of Picture Frames made to order at chart notice. C. W. YATESr sept 21 G oods 1. KATZ'S, f v