1KB rAPXB . .. , '; cepted by JOSH T. JAMS FBOFKHTOB. POSTAGE PAID: jCBSCBi months. $2.09. Three One month, S5 cent. b3' I. delivered by carriers free tPF? part of the city, at the abort lr .... . ' "L rates low and fiber!.- Tribe" s:i report any ana &11 tai ttJJSU t&clr paper regularly. T." n,7t. Review has the largest elcircubiiif"' of any newsjpper in ' city Qf Wilmington. 50 years old last 1r . n,;tain received by import G Juiy 3'.500 hcad of beef ;attle' ihpse were from the ma da in New York Le eats placed on top of the W day line of street cars forlhecon- CCc' &k: . ' The nii'ease 01 the Pacific Railroads I 3 or more than one-tenth of the .? for the whole country. These 1 bad net earning of $30,000,000 Tae popularity ol souiueru ris3 a sanitarium is such that there looter MO cottages, worth, from $600 to 5000 apiece, in course of conatruc jiciin I Angeles andsuburbs. Seme of tbe camels taken to Texas in war days with a view to breeding $m fur army tranaportation contracts. UTeperpetuated themselves in a herd iaBastop County, whence showmen, -ake frequent purchases. - A paper presented before the French iademy of Sciences estimates that a fiftw vpars ot ase has slept an ag- rete of t000 days, worked the same oft m. eaten uajs, ai SOOdsjsand been ill 500 days. 9m- The increasing masculinity of Eng lish girls is a topic tor many London a-iyists. In dress. taiK ana bbuus it is the fashion with uaugmers 01 wealth and refinement to be as much lite their brothers a3 decorum will al low. rr.sntnr Chaffee, of Colorado, says that when Congress meets an effort wil imadp. to obtain Mrs. Grant's consent tohave Gen. Grant's remains removed to Washington. . He says that there till be no difficulty in obtaining her consent. . .- Superiority in American hotels over those of England, as judged by Black mod's, lies in the fact that whatever the guest wants is ready for him at all hoars. From the posting of a letter to lie eating of a meal he finds the facili ties ia readiness. -a The Western Reserve University, after letting girls into its medical de partment many years, now excludes four candidates. The President says that the best opinion now is that femi nine pupils in medicine or surgery ohl to ba in separate institutions. Cha&les G. Leland writes that the raises m France believe that our civil ar wa3 between the Spaniards of South America and the negroes ol Sorth America. He affirms that as ktM Frenchmen learn that we are tery much like Englishmen their fecl h changes to hatred. Alphonse Daudet is still remarkably kadsome. but so crippled by rheuma that he can seldom walk. His ¢ was contracted in the Franco Gnnan war. Zola is described as a J6!, Kross man. with short, bristling Halevy is thin, sombre, pale and Morose in appearance. The skeleton of a man nine feet one ia height is said "by the St. Louis wb-Danocrat to be on exhibition at fceoficoofa firm in Thayer, Oregon aanty, Mo. Tho skeleton is further Jtf to have been discovered by a party oen who were exploring a cave fce three miles in .length situated nine miles from Thayer. frof. Henry, ol Harvard, says that discussing Greek with a friend jfdiBner in a Saratoga hotel when :r negro waiter ventured a quotation ijjtoey could not recall correctly- servitor, was oneot a party of How. Jaiversity students at wo rk during cv of one of the hearers, who JJented $500 to him for the comple- t his collegiate education. a?1 Chinese have invaded another at San Francisco. There are three printing offices in that city htreowned by Chinese. Only white Jitors are employed, there being Chinamen as yet who understand , - e, bat that want will no doubt oa supplied. In China native ka' who11 ignorant of the English ge, frequently master the art of feiM manuscript into type, and Wrnost as rapidly as whitecbm-. few,1? -who know the meaning of the before thera. f 1 H J YOL. IX. WILMINGTON; N. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER Burlington. Vt. had its first snow yesterday. I. iAuereisa natural oridge near the Tl - . .... boundary line between Arizona and New Mexicj. twenty miles North of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, which surpasses in every way the famous one in Virginia. Somebody remembers that Morse once predicted that talking through a hundred miles of wire would become common, and that ocean steamers on a voyage would keep up' communication electrically with the shore. The first prediction having come true, the second is hopefully regarded , though regarded as wild when made. Our friends., the enemy.- yesterday nominated their State ticket in New York, as follows: Ira Davenport, for Governor; Gen. James B. Carr, for Lieut, do.; James VV. Washington, lor Comptroller; Anson S. Wood, for Sec retary of State; Edward B. Thomas, for Attorney-General, and Wm. P. Van Rensaller, for State Engineer. The Democrats.mcet at Saratogo to-dyy. It is the opinion ot Prof. Hodge of Princeton, who has studied the subject carefully, that Sir Moses Montefiore has gone to the Christian heaven, al though he was a devout Jew. Prof. Hodge argues the orthodox belief to be that God may "lead a person outside the Church to .Essential truth, inde pendently ot human agency,11 and may "save him. although' his relation to Christ may be so obscured by peculiar conditions as to elude our recogni tion.11 Gen. Grant's drying utterances in re gard to the North and the South have been made public through bis son, Col. Fred Grant. They were read by Col. Grant at the reunion of the veterans ot Gen. Grant's-old regiment, the 21st Il linois, on Tuesday night. They are as follows. Col. Grant speaking: I do not intend to make you a speeeh. for I have not been trained as a public talker.. I have here a docu ment that I would like to read you. It the last line written by my father opon matters pertaining to thu war. and has never before been made public. As ho entered into the war with you for hi3 first companions, and as he always spoke of your regiment with affection ate interest, it is fitting that you should be the first to hear his parting words. This is what he wrote npon the pages I hold here : "I feel that we are on the eve of a new era. when there is to be great harmony between the Federals and Confederates. I cannot stay to be a living witness to the cor rectness of this phophecy, but I feel it within me that it is to be so. The uni versally kind feeling expressed for me at a time -when it was supposed that each day would prove my last, seems to me the beginning of the an s wer, to Let us have peace.1 The ex pression ot these kindly feelings were not restricted to a section - of country nor to a division of people. They came from individualities; from all do minionsProtestant, Catholic and the Jew, and from the various societies of ihe land, scientific, educational, religious and otherwise. Politics did not enter into the matter at all. I am not egotist enough to suppose all this significance should be given this matter because I was the object ol it. But the war between the States was very bloody and very costly. One side or the other had to yield principles they deemed dearer than life before it could be brought to an end. I commanded the whole of the mighty host engaged on the victorious side. I was, no matter whether deservedly so or not, a repre sentative of that side of the controversy. It is a significant and gratifying fact that the Confederates should have join edjheartily in this spontaneous move. I bope the good feeling inaugurated may continue to the end.11 How vain the IotIcc darts that 11 v From e'en the most bewitching eye. Unless the teeth are pure and bright And ever kept a snowy white, If you would save your teeth from harm. In SOZODONT you'll find the charm. Diamonds ami Poarls. Eyes bright as diamonds should be supplemented by teeth white as pearls, and this latter element of beauty can be secured by using SOZODONT. If brushed in night and morning, this fra grant vegetable preparation is guaran teed to preserve the soundness of the teeth, and prevent their turning yellow. x - Perfectly Satisfied Is the way patrons express themselves after trading these many years at SnuiEu's. The public have found out it is best to deal at the Old Reliable's, where goods can be had at lair prices. As a consequence, each season many new names are added to the list of our regular patrons. You may rest assured of getting the most and best value in clothing for men, boys and children for the least money at Shriek's. As usu al our prices will be from 15 to 33 per cent lower than other dealers will fur nish similar goods for. Shrxer, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. , t LOCAL NEWS. - INDEX TO IEW ADVERTISEMENT. Mas Mato Board W Jj Yoitkg For Beat C W Yates Coming in B M McIntibe Off Again HEraSBKKGEB Fall Stock MUXD8 B BOTHERS Druggists F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment E D Hall. Major Market Begulitlons Geo W Price, J r Furniture at Auction J-o R Melton Beef Gret War in Prices Forother locals see fourth page. You can get all sizes of gia9S at Jaco uVs Hdw. Depot. f The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 3b'3 bales. . Last night was very cgld for the time of year, owing probably to the eclipse. The display of beef in the market to day was unusually fine. Cold, with frequent showers, is the forecast for to-day and tomorrow in Turner's almanac. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the ther mometer in this office registered 73 de grees, with the wind from the South, east. Rev. Peyton II. Hogo will conduct the services at the Lecture Room of the Ifirst Presbyterian Church to-night at 8 o'clock. For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at tho Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J. Elsbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf The weather of the last few days has been such as to induce chills and fevers, and a good many are afflicted with those complaints. There was one case of disorderly con. duct brought before the Mayor this morning which was settled by the pay ment of a fine of $10. If these cool nights should continue, the policemen will begin to need their Winter uniforms. An overcoat would not have come amiss at about daylight this morning. Nor. barque Mozart, Gjeruldsen, cleared to-day for London with 1.822 casks spirits turpentine, valued at$28, 620.01, shipped by Messrs Williams & Mu'rchi9on. Judge Meares, Solicitor Moore and all others concerned are pushing mat ters with vigor in the Criminal Court, as is plainly manifest from the large number of cases which are diposed of daily. Mr. John R. Melton speaks again to day through our advertising columns. He tells us that lots of beef are selling at 10 cents per pound for choice cuts and that he intends to stick to the re duction whether school keeps or not. It is expected that tho Wilmington Light Infantry will turn out with full ranks to-night for their regular month ly parade and inspection and will main tain the enviable position to which they have attained for proficiency in drill and discipline. Indications For the South Atlantic States warmer and generally fair weather, except in the Southern portion, local rains and generally Northeasterly winds. Off to - .Richmond. Quite a number of oar young Ger man friends have recently left the city to enter different educational institu tions. Among the number are Mr. George Haar, son of Mr. Henry Haar, who is at the New England Conserva tory ot Music. Boston, Mass.; Mr. John F. Rulfs. Jr., who is at Roanoke College, Salem, Va. ; and Mr. Willie Kordlander, who is at Bingham's School, in this State. Quarantine Them. a steamer from Montreal, Canada, and another from a port on the South ern coast of Spain are en route for this port, and we are glad to know that the proper authorities have taken the .mat ter vigorously in band and will permit neither vessel to come up to the city until she has been thoroughly disin fected at the quarantine station. Montreal has been declared an infected port on account ot the alarming preva lence of small pox in that city, and ail Spanish ports are in the same condition from the cholera scourge which has been devastating that stricken country, and our authorities are acting wisely in taking such steps as shall . prevent the possibility of the introduction of either disease into our city or country. ' You will find a large assortment of table cutlery, at very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. . . t "Iffiviilfi JJLVU U J Y JL LLJ V Y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; OFF AGAIN! THE LADIES ARE RESPECTFULLY AND KINDLY REMINDED that the undersigned leaves to-day for the Northern markets. DRESS GOODS will be looked for with great care and such desirable and new things as he may think adapted to this market will be bought. IN TEN DAYS we expect to show you an elegant assortment. also bo added to the stock. We are showing now FURNITURE COVERINGS and a general outfit for your homes. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK. VIRGINIA CASS1 MERES Just the thing for school boys, from 75s to $1 yd. sept 21 The Heathen Chinee. Wung Ling, or "One Lung," as one of the incorrigible printers of. thi3 city calls the Chinee laundryman on Second street, was in difficulty tcrday and was a "heapee maddee." It seems that a colornd woaaan went into his place and asked him to buy some grape3, which he declined to do. She then asked him if he didn't want to buy some rats, which roused his ire and he slapped her in the face and pushed her out of doors- lorthwuh she went toJustice Joe Hill's and got a wan ant for Ling'3 arrest, but the latter wouldn't be arrested by th3 colored man who was sent to serve the warrant. He, however, quietly submitted to ar rest by one of the policemen and was taken before Justice Hill, by whom a fine was imposed which, together with the costs, amounted to thirteen dollars and forty-five cents. This Ling refus ed to pay saying that he would see the "big man," meaning Mayor Hall. The matter was finally adjusted by Ling paying about six dollars. This is the substance of the affair as near as we could gather it. Ropes and twines of all kinds and sizes, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t MARRIED. JONE6 McLAURIN On the 23d Inst., at the residence of Mr. John McLauriu, In this city, by Rev. J. W. Primrose, Mr. M. H. JONEa, of Raleigh, I. C, antt Miss BETSIK H. McLAURlN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Board. H AVING CtOSED THE MAYO HOUSE at the Rocks, for the season, I have opened a a - 3 V V A. -lWk r A. Erivsie .lioaruiug xiousc at. iuj nuc ui., etween Front and Second. Rooms for rent furnished, with or without board. , MBS. MAYO, sept 24 tf On Premises. Gteo. W, Price, Jr., AUCTIONEER k COMMISSION MERCHANT. JpRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. 25TU, COM mencing at 10 o'clock, will be sold a large lot of Miscellaneous Articles; Household and Kitchen Furniture; one large and one small Cooking Stove; two Parlor Stoves; three Chandalleis; two Parlor Lamps; a largo lot of Carpets; Sideboard, Lounee and Tables; two large Oil Paintings, very fine; one Parlor Suit; one Bed Room Suit, snd several made up Suits. Sales absolute and unlimited, sept 24 It BEEF ! BEEF ! BEEF! GREAT WAR IN PRICES ! JpiNEST, FATTEST AND JUCIESX BEEF VEAL and LAMB on this market. Tho larg est dealer and the most complete stock of Meats In the city. Prompt delivery In any part of the city free of extra charge. If you leave an order you can always depend on get ting what you order and delivered at the right time and place. The following list will show you what we are going to do and we mean what we say: CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF.....10C. "LAMB IOC. MUTTON. lOc. ROASTS ...8 & lOc. STEW........ .... 5c. SOUP BONE ...5 & lOc. BRISKET ...5C. SHANKS 10&15C. SAUSAGE IS l-2c. PUDDING. .12 1.2c. - Respectfully, JNO. It. MELTON, Stalls 1 & 3, New Market. sept 31 st Stat copy 24, 1885; NO. 223 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, CARPETS will ! R. M. MclIMTlRE. CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. C, MAYOR'S OFFICE, Wilmington, N . C. , Sept. 24, 1SS3 rjHE FOLLOWING 13 PUBLISHED FOR the benefit of all conccrnctl : Col. E. D. Hall, Present. Dear Sir: The Market Committee have de cided to require the sale of Oysters to be con fined to the Market House. The Store N. E. corner of buUdlng was tented for this purpose, as also Stalls at lower end of Market, former ly usid as Beef Stalls. You will please sec that parties engaged In this business are propcrlT notified of the fact that the Ordi nance will be rigidly enforced. Very trulyv CLAYTON GILES, Chairman pro tern. Market Com. It will be my duty to sec that the above order is faithfully carried out. E. D. HALL, Mayor scpt212tnac Star copy For Rent. A COMMODIOUS ONE-STORY J. COTTAGE, new. with five rooms, ttJSxp ana &ucnen; Jocauon oeautnui, gooi water, five blocks from Market and front streets. Terms accommodating An elegant House, six rooms and kitchen, on 8cventh street, near Market. - House with six rooms, on Market street. Apply to W. L. YOUNG, sept 21 2t Real Estate Agent For Sale and Kent, gTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS- Apply to D. O'CONNOR. aug 24 2taw3m m th Real Estate Agent For Rent. JlSOM FIRST OCTOBER, TWO story dwelling containing Eevcn (7) rooms. I itchen included. Sbihle snd A, ouggy nouse ana garden on premises. Apply to H. M. BOWDEN, eept 23 3t At First National Bank. For Rent. JJOUSE CORNER OF FIFTH AND DOCK STREETS, Apply to sept 23 3t E. PE8CHAU. Myrtle Grove Oysters. OUR OYSTER ROASTER HAS BEES fitted up first class, and we are now pre pared to serve up OYSTER ROASTS In good style at PINE GROVE, W RIGHTS VI LLE SOUND. Some good PIG-FISH on hand. Telephone No. 70. ED. WILSON MANNING, sept 17 St th sat tu Proprletar. Cold "Weather is Coming ! J-OW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Win ter's supply of WOOD. Call on R. E. LLOYD & CO., at their yard in rear of New Market, for bargains. ecpt 20 Tar Heel Liniment. OR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. Ely's Cream Balm and Wci-Dc-Mcvcr's Ca tarrh Cure. Also, a complete stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac , at F. C. MILLER'S, Corner Fourth and Nun st Edit 21 NEW GROCERY STORE AND Eighteen Years Experience ! QN FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. ?5lh, I will have everything in order at No. IS South Front street, to serve the public from the most complete etock of GROCERIES In the city. Call and examine and get prices. tsr Prices will be generally lower to attract the trade J. C. STEVENSON, cent 23 6t JAMES D. NUTT, Druggist. 218 N. Front Street. U8TOMER3 MAY RELY UPON OB: t&inlng Pure Medicines. Physicians' Prescrip tions and Family gecipes accsrately prepared, sept 22 . . . Rev. Daniel Morreile's JgNGLLSH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL 1 he twentv-slxth annual Mton will lwrfn Thursday;, the lat of October. For terms cr any information, call at the School Hoaee, corner of J Utlr and Orange streets. cent 19 2w mm . JPLSA53 HOTICS. 1 TTa ma v gisa to nesrr eosratuiifa&os troni oiur friends on any aad all !;bjtc;a ; -Ctoeraltiteresttmt : The cans of tae writer moat always t alsbed to toe Editor. CcmmunleatloBs mast t wrtttaa o m c&aiidaof tae paper. rrsonalltleainiiBtbe avoided.: AatUla especially and rartlcalarly cad stood that the Editor doea not always endot the views of corresponded ta u!m o . itu n te editorial colusxts. NEW ADVE1IISEMENT8. OPENING OF- Fall & Winter Goods -AT- HI. KATZ'S, 116 Market St. An Entirely New Stock -OF" Silks, Rhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricot?, Ladies1 Ciotb, Henriettas, Flannels, fcc , iVrc. White Goods, Laces, Edgings, Furs, Gloves, Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Notions, '&c. &c. At prices lower than they hay been known for years. Terms Positively Cash ! Bp I shall sell my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. All I ask Is the same treatment Cash ! Cash-! Cash ! And assure you at tho samp time, my kind patrons, that I propose to main tain in the future the reputation gained in the past of having The Best, the Cheapest ! -AND- MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT-OF GOODS To bo found outside of New York. Call and bo convinced at M. m. KATZ'S bvpixi Liu iiiaxvixui. or, Fall Stock. -yTE ARE RECEIVING DAILY OUR Fall Stock. Planes, Organs, Musical Merchandise of every description, Fancy Goods, Standard Works, all the latest Novels of thedav. Blank Books, School Rooks, StaUoncrv of all kinds,' Steel Engravings, OHograpIis, Oil Paintings, beautiful Velvet and other Frames, Chromos, &c, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices. P. IIEINSBERGER. sept 21 - Coming In. UR NEW GOODS ARE COMING IN dailv. and wc arc now Ahln tn offer vnn SCHOOL JiOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, AT BOTTOM PRICES. A line line of Oil Paintings, Chromos, Ac, All kinds of Picture Frames made to order at short notice. C. W. YATESr sept 21 . Cape Fear Academy, milE THIRTEENTH SESSION WILL open X on Monday. Sept 28th, In the Meginney School Room, corner Fourth and Princess Bts. it is Impressed upon parents and guardians that it is Important that pupils should enter at the beginning of the session- Catalogues to be had at the Bookstores. WASHINGTON CATLETT, sept 19 2w . . Principal. Munds Bros, rrrilOLESALK AND retail drug II GIST&.1C4 North Front Rt.. Vi!rn1ntnn LN.C. Solicit orders from Physicians and jucrcuanis in ms country, anu guarantee Ket goods and lowest prices. sept 10 ' Mechanics Saloon. : . O S Front St. BEST GLASS OF KEG BEER IN THE city. Best 5c Cigar. Best loe Whiskey. : A few more bottles of Private Stock left, sept 13 J. 11, MCGOWAV.