MISCELLANEOUS. JUL mm Kilters tli system iron wnuiuwn causes, nt all seasons. -Flatten the Nrre, Impair Ulyt-Uoa. sad Cnreebies ue aucin BROffi5 F i . ill it 11 LI I II a sssj BEST TONIC Quickly andcOTitIetlcors.1IriIrtriR,aiil Chills and Fevers. For Intermittent l'evers, l.at itndc, Lack of Knernrv, it has no eqoL It enriches and parifins tho Mood, rtimul&tea the ap petite, and strengthens tho mnscla and nervei It does net injure the teeth, eauao headache, or Tjroduce confrtipation all other Irrm irinrn .. Fathir T. J. KCUT, the patriot in and scholarly Catholic Divine, of Arkansn Mys: I have naod Brawn's Iron Bittern with the pxpat et satisfaction for Malaria, and A a rrvntiv of 'hills and like diseases, and will always keep it on band as a ready friend." Genuine has above trade mrk and crowed ml lines on wrapper. Tnke no other. Made only by IJUOWN CHEMICAL. CO.. ItAI,Tl SfORK, MI. LaDrXfl HxXlTBoox Esefal and attractive con taining List of prizes for rpcrnes, infornsti'ir. j-.Ioi.t coins, etc., (riven away Dy ail aeairrs ;n rcie:iciE, or mailed to any address on receiut ol lie. riomo. janl ly Aw Th'o;Praily--neyjev. JOSH. T. -JAMES. Editor & Prop Thursday: September 24. 85 Knterea&t the Poetoffiee St Wilmington, N. C, is second-class matter. maybe found on file at Geo. P. Rowaxx. & Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau. (10 Spruce StA where advertising contracts may bo xnado for It la THIS PilPEO HEIV YORK. Vns fiicinns throughout tbe country have rcctivod a. circular from a dealer i.i litjinrtn curiosities. The menageries are fnipplinl with beasts tho world oeer by a single (Jerroari firm, bul the ex hibits oi baman deformity are found through items m the newspapers Tliia speculator baa planned tr bo monopolist. He says that be will pay liberally for immediate information ot any physically peculiar child, so that be may gel ant-ad ot competitors in bar gaining witr? the parents. DO YOU KNOW THAT LORRILARD.'S CLIMAX PLUG TOBACCO with Rcl Tin Tag; ROSE LEAF Fine Out Chew ing: NAVY CUPPINGS, ami tilack. Brown and Yellow SNUFFS are the best and cheapest, quality considered? aue fi ly d&w 000" presents given away Send Q jJJ ns 5 cents postage, and you will get free a package ot goods of lareo THlne, that will start you In work that will at once bring you In money fatter than anything e'- e In America. All about the $200,0v0 In presents with each box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sex, of aliases, for all the time, or spare time only, to work for us at tbclr own homes. Fortunes for a'l workers absolutely assured. Don't delay. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. !ec 2 d&w ly Health- is Wealth. CUBE GUARANTEED Dr E. C. WEST'S Nerve ad BbainTrkatmet, a gnar anteed specific for Ilysteria, Dizziness, Con vulsions, rits, inervous neuralgia, tieauacne. Nervous Prostration caused by the ubc of al cohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age. Karrennefs. Loss power in either sex, Jnvo tmtary Losses a Spermatorrhcca caused by ovr exertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains ono month's treatment. $1 00 a box, or six boxes for $5 00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received' by us for six boxes, accompanied ltb $5: 0, we will sena the purchaser our written guar an tee to refund tbe money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees Issued only by JOHN C. WEST & CO , 862 W Madison St., Chicago. 111. nct21flvdw The prople of Indiana intend to en force the law. recently enacted in that State, forbidding any telephone, com pany to charge more than $3u a ynar lor the use of a telephone. Under this law twenty criminal suits have been brought in Evansvillc against the local company. The American Bell Com pany wHl probably be asked by its rep resaotntives in that city to reduce its rnts. The entire cost ol a set of tele phone instruments is only $3.42, but the Bell Company charges for these an annual rent of $14. A reduction in one case would inevitably be followed sooner or later by a reduction in all. of an HP I fJ for working pcoa'e Send 10 Cm Bm a cents postage, ana we wil mail you free, a royal, valuable sample box of goods that wilt put you in the way of mat lng more money in a few days than ou ever thought possible at any business. Capitil not required. You can live at honr? and work in snare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. ' 0 cents to $5 easily earned every evcuirg. That all who want work may test the business,' wc make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well satisfied we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, directions, etc., sent free. Immense pay ab solutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address Stinson & Co, Portland, ftlalce. dec 2 d&wly Did you Sup- r pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. eb 2 d&w cm tn th sat nrm A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. feb 2 dw cm ta th sat mm Hood Restored Remedy Free. A victim of youthfnl imprudence causing Premature Decay. Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Ac, havinjr tried in vin every known remedy. has discovered a simple means of self-cure, whici he will send KREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address, J.H.Kl'.r.VKS. 43 Chatham SU, Ve w York. POV 2 dAwlv ' i .V5AVN?A- ? -Ssielrnr. Ta-lt irora, Organic Wcsiness, f3PKYSICAIi S DECAY. cp, or InYouns A Middle Ageo wen. TeoTed fob ovctSix TEARS BY USE IN MANY Thousand Cases. U TRIAL One Month, - S3XK) Two jioatha. - 6. or Xnree Mojitos, 7.oc JCircuar eTidTrtit rack 53age,and leatn rtnp-.rte.nl I y Uct bf fore Ukiri trcat .3 merit c!?-herc. Takec If H CVitED thousands, docc rtVjriot interfere wiih ritcn 1 15 :kn to business, or catue tJ-Uany way. xoanaea OS ii.-Titifi. rnjkiiwl irtne4 Jt , pie. By direct sppllcatioa iniw me sesx oi a urate i.s specie influence is felt J Jural function of the b 1 H man ortnmlna is restored. iThe animetinz elemeats l M? I or iiie, wtica nave oeea rVJs- jTssted are piven back;and D;S-Jth patient becomes cheer iuiana npiaiyinunsDoca, repgia mi sexual ngoc HARRIS REMEDY CO., H'FCCrasiSTS soe n. Tenth st, et. ijoTJia. aroT OHK3TUREO PERSONS! Not a Truss. 1 w 1 Ask for t?rm of o"ir Applittnee. GlVB EJ3 Tr -r rXr ... Some of he opium dens in the large cities are owned by Americans, it is now said, while. s emingly the enter Drists ol tbe Chinamen, who conduct them. The practice is to bring men in through the eqticements of fellows who pretend to be like the victims, bent on seeing the vices of the town. Pretence is made of inquiring out a den, and oJ difficulty in gaining admission. Then the two smoke, and when the dupe is unconsciou.3 his pockets are rifled. He discovers his loss on awaking, but his companion pretends to have been plun dered too. and they conclude that to make any report to the police would expose t helii to ridicule. In this w.y robberies are committed in tho mock opium resorts very extensively. The London correspondent of Music and Drama writes: "There have reen rumors here that unless Mine. Patli lays by altogether this winter season, oroywrcomes her tear oi cholera, she must look again to America for gather ing in the coin. The prospected tour in Germany offers very meagUO advan tages I will mst show von that the prima donna's terms are. gradually coming down, and are 6ure to get lower still. Two seasons azo Mine. Palti received between $5,000 and $6,000 per night in America; last season she re ceived $4,000 still a goodly sum. This year she was paid $2 500 per night here at Covent Garden, and in Paris she is to receive $2,400 nightly if she sings ihere. Finally la diva will have to ac commodate herself to a more reduced scale still." Mr.. Fowler, the newly appointed posiraaster at Augusta, Maine, a suc cessful dry good merchant of Augusta, is said to be a man of high character and standing and very popular with all classes of its citizens' He is about fifty years of age and has been in busi ness in Augusta for tbe last thirty years. He has always been a Democrat, but not an active party worker. He was candidate of his party lor State rep resentative twice and for mayor. e had also bee j a member of tbe board of aldermen ot Augusta. His selection, it is said, is satisfactory to the friends of Col. Morion,' against whose ap pointment to this office the Maiue Sen ators protested, and the resignation was mado in accordance with an un derstanding had between President Cleveland and Mr. Morton and his freinds during a 'recent conference at the Executive Manision. The appoint ments generally commended. la one of the new novels appealing to intelligent readers tbd hero rescue the heroine five limes from imminent deadly peril, and; i hen fights tvith. wounds and puts to flight three or four burglars. In another novel of receiit dale one'of the- heroines is told by her physician that she has but a year to live. Determining upon a brilliant exit, she embarks n sumptuously fitted yacht and h heard of no mor. A Htory exceedingly popular with ladies has as it leading character a man who makes love to a overnres and tries to get rid of his wife by imprisoning her in a damp room lie i' received in the best society, but turns out tn be a notorious burglar, who has his spoils concealed in a secret cellar, beneath his dwelling! Another novelist has one ot bis characters buried beneath the sands of the Egyptian desert, only to come to life again" in the concluding chapters. One hero is thrown by his rival down a deep vault built iu a past generation to furnish an easy method f getting rid ot unwelcome visitors. It is ver;y deep, the air in it 13 fetid enough to extin guish a lighted candle, it is covered with a mas3ivo trap door of oak, and the walls are so thick it is supposed no cry from, it couid reach tho outer air. But after several days the jell's are beard by the butler in the wine ceilar. mSCELLANEOUS - KEEP IT PURE. THE LIFE IS THE BLOOD -PREYEMT DISEASE. SOBGEBY THE T LAST BESORT. A TELLIRG LETTEB. It is said tbat a conference of the leaders in the Prohibition party pf New York and several prominent Republi cans was held in Troy on Friday. The Republicans made a proposition tha1 the Prohibitionists withdraw from a separate political contest all the candi dates they have in the field, and in re turn accep ta plank in the Republican platform advocating the submission of aProhibition amendment to a vote ot the people. These terms the Prohibition ists would not accept, unless accompa nied by an assurance that their candi dates already nominated be represented on tho Republican ticket in State and county this Fall. No understanding was arrived at, arid the result of the conference has bten kept very quiet. The allopathic medical societies throughout the country are agitated by the question whether the homcepaths shall be admitted to the International Congress, to beheld in Washington in 1887. Tbe first plan was to let in all legal practit.oners, but a committee on organization not only reversed, this. but excluded from the Presidencies ' of the various sections all allopaths known to favor consultations with homospatbs. That action has made an extensive row ; resignations are numerous, regretful letters are received from European savants, and a settlement of the diffi seems impossible, judging by the vio lence of thesentimentsr. Prof. John Campbell Shairp, LL. D., whose death is announced from London was a sort ot Scotch Matthew Arnold. He was born at -Linlithgowshire and educated at Edinburgh. Glasgow and Oxford; was appointed an assistant master ot Rugby School, made pro fessor of the University of St. Andrews ia 1861 and appointed principal of the United College of St. Salvator and St. Leonards in the same university in 1868. ' Three years later ho was elected convocation prolessor ot poetry at Ox ford. He was the author of several works, including -'Kilmahoe. a High land Pastoral, wit other" Poems," Studies in Poetry and Philosophy,'' "Lectures on Culture and Religion" and The Poetic Interpretation of Nature :1' but his "Life of Robert Burns," pre senting in candid detail the world lv and physical side of the man, gave bim his widest fame.' ... . A Western newspaper ay the latest sensation is a St Louis horse that chews tobacco; but the greatest sensa tion is Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, now used by every sensible person. Chronic nasal catarrh positively cured by Dr. Sage's Remedy. SEPTGOIUCR SQUIBS. A Brooklyn seamstress carelessly leu a needle in I he back oi a young lady customer's dress, and now a par ticular friend of the family nas bis arm done up in arnica. Rochester Herald. You may talk of tbe signs of the weath" er, Ot the coming days you may sin sr. " But sitting down on the red-hot stove Is a sign of an early spring. Gorham Mountaineer. "How Ionirdoes it take to henoma a painist?" asks a subscriber. It i3 diffi cult to say. We know some people who will never be a pianist. This is reliable and is published for the general good of tbe community. When Mrs. Pinanhor read that a mill operator in Philadelphia - had a thous and hands," she looked a little credu lous, and then quietly observed that "it must cost him an awful lot of mon ey for gloves." Norr Her, 'Madam, can you tell me why two women stop in the middle of a street crossing to talk?" "I suppose they do it for the same reason tbat a man rushes at the top of his speed to get across ' the track in front of a train of cars and then stands and watches the train go by." The gentleman changed the subject. Chicaqo News. . There was a little man. And ho had a little can. And a quart or more ol kerosene was in it; And upoa the kitchen fire. To make it burn still higher, He poured the oil, and in much les3 than a quarter of a minute There was no little cau. There was no little man Tho tale's too sad I cantgo on Oh! why did I begin it? Detroit Free Press. Wm. McKnew, 124 Fayette st., Baltimore, Md., says : "I believe Favorite Remedy is a good medicine. It is doing me more good than any thing I ever tried, and I have tried most everything, for I am a sufferer from dyspepsia." While ' Favorite Remedy," is a specific in Stomach and Bladder disease.-it is equally valuable in bares of Bilious disorders. Constipa tion of tbe Bowels, and all the class of ills apparently inseparable from the constitutions of women . 'Here to a?aet for you to tolnk over, viz: Mrdunl science proves tat diseases no mat ter how great a variety they rem t- have pio eeed from comparatively few cauea It la for ttAi reason that some sltgte medicines re lieve or cu'Ctovi lea range of ODTdaiuts some of them a.Dperirt&s' almost d it ctly op posite in their natures When a medical pre paration acts at once r on the dhrestlve and urinary or,rar.8. and also purifies the Hnvl, the list of cimu!iies nubiect to its control is astonishing. - Butwfclle many thinfts ate paid to po8-ee& th!s power, those which actually da exert it ? ate very rate - it Is conceded that OS. DAVID KBNNK Dl 5 "FA.V081TEKBMKDY, ol Bond out. N. Y., is the m st effective preparation now in use for all diseases arising from a fonl or im pure state of the circulation. Hence it is more than likely that if tho writer of the f d lowing letter had htbiiually taken "FAVOR ITE Itr MElY" ten years ago he would never have suffered from Cancer - ' - Pittsftbld, Mass , March 22, 18S4 Dr D. Kennedy, Bondout, JV. T.: Deau Sir: About six years ago I waa obliged to rert to external treatment for the removal of a cancerous growth on my lip. On my return hnme, I became -sensible that mv blood needid a thorough cleanaing My whole system, tw, required toning up. While cast ing about for the best medicine to do.this, your FAVOHITK REMEDY" was so highly commended in my hearing that I resolved to try it. I did so and the result surprised me it waa effected so quickly and completely. I rrr thO (IPTirPOQtrtTl TrmtlnCpd hV the KJVVf. "v.' X - operation, and since the "FAVOalTK REM EDY" which I have continued to take in 6m ill loses, has kept me in such health and strength a I never had before, nor expected to have. It is tbe bsst blood purifier In tbe world I aao sure of that. -Yours, Ac ' alATTHSW FARRELIi. 21 Aranos Street. In all cases when a consuUation is deemed desirable. ' vl x Address: Or. David Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y. But. if you have not done bo, adopt "FaVOKITE KEMKDV as a r,ousehoM friend. eeitl7d&wnrm IIISCHLLAIJEOUS CTCapItal Erizo C7G,000.3 Tickets only C5. Shores in prc r portion. , ,. . . THE STTJST- S. INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER. OF Democratic Principles, but not Controlled by any Set of Politicians or Manipulators; Devo ted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the Day in the most Interesting Shape and with the greatest possible Promptness, Accu- voz.1T Tmnortlall tir' OTirl tn t.VlA Promotion iftVI (U1U A&UpCA WtMH , " - v - of Bemocratlc Ideas and Policy in the affairs or uovernment, society anu inuusu. Rates, by Mall, Postpaid : DAILY, per Year..... .'. ...$6 00 riiir.Y tiPrMfttith. 60 SUNDAY, per Year... ; 1C0 DAILY and SUNDAY rer Year 7 00 WEEKLY, per Year.... 1 00 Address, THE SUN, New York City dec 17 :THE HEVIEW: 44. 7f :J0B 0PPI6E, " " 'f. t, Jli Jt Ji MARKET STREET, NO. 112, (Ul TAIRS) Zeb The Othello. New Emerald, v aiiuu Quu iicw Xixceisior jtenn are the leading cook stoyes, both in quali ty and price. They can be seen at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - t Smithville and the Sound ARE THE . PLACES FOR- PLEASURE ;and-TecreUon, and JOHN WERNEu'3 Barber Shop la the place for Hair Cutting Egs Shampooing, Shaving and Hair Dyeimr of every shade . None but tirst class workmen employed and the flnest Perfumes used. - Gira him a call at No. 29 Market street, between Water and Front stt Wilmington fir. c! 7 . may so u - . , . 13 COMPLETE IN EVERY RESTEC1, AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF WE WILL PT BE MDERWDBKEO. -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, . , PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, ! WILMINGTON. N. C. Homes in North Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Ride from New York! 69 Miles SouthofRaleigli On the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R R. 1 500 ACBE3 OF JjAND IN THE long leaf pine region. For sale on easy terms in lots to suit purchasers. JTour acres for $25 Larger tracts $5 per acre. In monthlvpay." ments of $10. This land adjoins the "South- - ouiioi,cu ucanu re sort (or sanitarium), and Is specially adapted ..u.. " ao au tuts cereais. A number of New England people have bona h t IntilnthAtnvnnf "Snnthim pi... h S . Js the desire of the owners of this land to in- uuw auuii unuere, mecnanics and others from the New England and: Middle States as the Union offers greater inducements to set viw aruuna iMownere can a riotfAV- farmlnir mmnfn n m ... . found. 1 his is the opinion of Northern men who have settled In North Carolina. This iaa bona fide, offer, and Is limited or Auruicf parucmars write at once to Ctonimla'r of Immigration. Raleigh. N. C , . . . orB. A RICHARDSON " Jan21tf Chrpnlele Office. AJusta.tia. J Louisiana State Lotterv . Compaq.. v Wdohtrtty ttrtift Otat net $tcpervise Vu arrangencnts for alt the Monthly and Sevti Annuai Drawing of Tin Louisiana State Let ter Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawing themselves, and that : the tame are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faitii toward all parties, and we author, ize the Company to use this certificate, withfatr ttMiles of our signatKres attached, in its adver- t etmenu." - -31 Coramissionerg. incorporated ia,l3G8 f or ?5"years by the Leg. 'filature for Educational ana Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to wluch a reserve fund of over $.S50,000 has since been added. ' - J; .-- '' . - - By an overwhelming t potulai vote Its fran Constitution adopted Deeember 2d. A. D.,1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed ty fhe. people of any State. It never scales or postpones. - Its Grand Single Number . Drawings take place monthly. . - A SPLENDID OPPORTTJNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Tenth Grand Drawing, Class K, in the" 'Acadmvof Music. New Orleans, Tuesday,- Oetober "IS, 1885 185th Monthly Drawbig.;.: . ; -Jw::i':,trvO Capital Prize, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five -Dollars Eacli.' ITractions In Fiftna in proportion. , v . A LIST OF PRIZES. ; 1 Capital Prize - ! 75,000 4 1 Capital Prize . 35,000 ? 1 Capital Prize 10.00C 2 Prizes, of $6,000.;............. 12,ooc 5 Prizes of 2.000.................... 10,000 10 Prizes of 1,000 ...;...;....:10,000 20 Prizes Of ,500. 10,000 1G0 Prizes of; 200.............. .0,000 300 Prizes of 100.... ,.i ..... 80,000 600 Prizes Of 50 . 25,000 1000 Prizes Of ? 25.. ....1.....;...... 25,000 aPPKOXIJIATION PRIZES. f r 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. f ' " 6,750 1, v I!ATT.Tra 7 Carolina ContTaTn r Company. 5? , .- OTTICa 0 6ZSCE2AI, 81 . h. a. jarK7 -rS j ,-r "Change of Scbed QN AND ATTER JDSK . following scnoaoie win b Rallroau : . .Pt64 . PASSENGER, aLaXL AND KX?c. - Daily except Suadava T A-a--jk nm. No. L I Leave Ralelghat.. 7.5r fc ; I Arrive at Charlotte a'tT'-35 1 I Arrive Raleigh ut.. r ! t Arrive at wiindnto . ' A S PasseBger Trains, stop at M ogg and golnt, digna&d i-Tg j 8TIELBT DrVION PASSw. w ' EXPRESS AND FREIg hT No Arrive at Shelby.7.. V1 .i k " 1 - i EeaveShoIby...... 8 8 .l No- i Arrive at chariotto:::::;:;.! , Trains No. 1 and 2 make ci Hamlet with E.4A. Tram? aa elgh. . w tadh Through Sleeping Cars betweis, w and Charlotte audelgh aid rhafti Take Train No. 1 fo? sSteSnf Western N C R R. Asheville iSd Also, for Spartanburg, GxS11 Atlanta and all po'uio Q- Joxxi t . F. W. CIjARK; Oeneral fflS2St jnne 8 Afca 9 . : . 250. ., , ,2,250 1.9G7 Prizes, amounting to......;.... ; $265,600 . Application for rates to clubs should be made onry to the omce ox the company in rsew or leans. - . .' ' ;". For further Information, write clearlv, giv ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money uraers, or New xors Kxcnange in. or dinary letter. - Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at our expense) addressed . 1. A. DAUJfUUN, . .j ,Ki: -; - New Orleans. La. '. M. Al DAUPHIN, : -: j ; , .; y ? : i r-: - 607 seventh St., Washington, JJ. c -v Make P. 0. loney Orders payable and ad- or t i, iress ; Eeffistercd Letters tb NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. EW UK LEAKS. LA. OR, imiieiiui uiTinun d mv Luuiiana nMiiuiiMk DMnii, , . . -NEW OKLKANS, XA, STATE NATIONAL BANK, ' Neav Oeleans, ,La. GERMANIA NATIONAL BANK, EW Obleaks, La. sept 9 d&w - - - v ' " 1884. 1884. CHRISTMAS. AT D A. SMITH'S Furniture Warerooms, 1 ' - 1, . .... -.v.- .. ...v.i..,,. "!..: ';' r -r,r f, . i . Can be found & large assortment of - - V A LIJ ABLE GIFTS, ladles are suitable for everybody; illy the respectfully invited to call "and - examine The public, and especial prices, Ac. dec 22. . D. A. SMITH. . JPurnlture Dealer, N. Front Street . WB HAVE MOTED TO 114 NORTH WATER ST., where we will keep (as-usual) J The, Largest Assortment Liquors Cigar and Tobacco WANTSD-ladies andgenUemen to take nice, llarht. t learnt wn-fa- . (,. homes. Work sent by mail any distance li the year round. $2 to $5 per day can be quietly Co . Philadexphia. Pa. Uox 1593. 1 8 aus 23 d Aw la , ' " of any houee in the city. - Be pleased to"' have our friends and patrons call.- ' H. BRUNHLLD & BRO. , 114 North Water St.,1 -WILMINGTON, N. G.' augH' Wanted- DURJAGj iHB rALL AND- WINTER, CASH orders for Peanuts. New .River Uysters, Fresh or Salt Fiah; Fish Boe. Oran ges, Lemons and other Tropical Fruits, or any otherme'cbaildise, .NiafillaENT3 of Cottoiu Naval Stores ViCottncry produce generally. - Will buy. or sell on Commission. aH kiad3 of Country Produce- ' m - , JOHN R. 21 S.RSIIAXL. - uen. Com. IXercbant, 24 North Water St.. septS - Tf ilaIBjrton N. a Cape Fe 9?esedJimeTab!e . .. - -;: ...". t- rjiO TAKE EFFECT at SM A. MKOX DAY,' June 22, 1835: V : ; ; '" TRAIN NORTEL ' ; i ' k . - Arrive. t La-. Bennettsvllle . .m ' Shoe Heel 9.30 a. fa. fa i Fayettcvllle.......;. 12.15 p, nu 1m - ! eanfdrd.V...i..i.. 8.01 fr.iM,f OreHlU.,.. 4 25 fij J I Liberty. ......... v.. . 5.J5 Z Greensboro. t. ......... C.43 - ' ; v . dinner av.x ayeTOyUJeL V . ; v TRAIN SOUTH. ; . 4 ' ;rf;.. ArriTft.,: Lea Greensboro.... ....... iMV Liberty.... ...........11.00 a. m. 1L05 Ore Hili.i 1155 i3oo 3anrord. ...... 1.20 pi nu UQ FayettevIlle..':;....';,. 3.50 ith Shoe HceL.....j..;.... 6 25i,H i 6.10 n Bennettsvllle 8.15 . , Dinner at' Banford. " . ' i ..... :'. vsr't'' a "nrtww'.A.iJ.' .. JNO. M. R03E, Gen'l Pass. Agent - First National Bank of Wil- mington, 5 jAPIT-AL STOCK. SURPLUS FUND. mmm , i. Deposits received and eollecUoni buH all accoMlhla points In the Culled 8at h : ! ' . DIRECTORS ; B. JS. BURBUS8, . D.Q.W02TH A.MARTIN, ' ' ' JAS. STRUT GEORGE CHADBOUEN. '- " OFFlUERSl -W JS. BTJRRCSS.l J . . fMt. A. K. WALKE R W.T.ARKTf?S. t RALEIGH REGISTER ;Bj P. fi. mi Printer it Jlc to ; - ' "- -t " ' Subscribe to your Home PapcriandpU8 ' and then remit $2 to pay for jW State Democratic Paper the RALEian : Register. K ca "r scribeiw remitting-Indirect, ia enttUel Register for odo year and to WEB3TER'S PRACTICAL DlCTIOJfA which. unUl August 1,41885, to. to4! Premium. juiced Sample copies of the Rejisteb application. ; Address,' !',. RALEIGH BEGBllY may 19 A PEiZE;r,rrfe box of goods which will he p joo w money right away than anything LJwf f world. Allcf cither sex, succeed froia-! hour. The broad road to fortune o- tfi Iress Tkots A Co., Augusta. Hatoa. , , V ov 2 dAw It I hare a posltire remedy for tM 'TZi d V in thoaaad o I cas ol tha wf .t-rf r;" . landing hare bean cured. Ind. oitron la Its afflcaey, tbat I will f2a together wltL a VALUABLE TBEATIS 2" to any sufferer. 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