Roughs awd croup U52 flff 2 m other! Arpra tn of tt mbm. TilU 'tined with the hMltel : mt t"lf , mullein pUnt of the old field., prt- It "Town remedy for CmcIm. Crap, iFj,f-Cocr! . .f .irnrcirt far it Frio-, ALTER A. TAYXOR, Atlanta, G. rTptlB1ifi .nd Children TeetMag. For Ml by monwedta;ly;tcnrm .. i oAtiro man or woman in WiSr county to sell our good. Salary " Anth and eipersea. or commission P0"0,"1 advance Outfit free. For fall address ST KDAKD SILVER SjgoS, BOSTON. MA--.: mo OFFER. ffiSSSSK rive away 1 0 self operating Washing tf. chines. If you want one send as "?atiq"al co.;siDeyBt..-N. Y. A Agents Wanted a it a i ft r 1 1 wieuiuBiUAu- M vnriTo Bite Cure, aires Instant ncf. and drives them awy dress 8 East ISth St., New York rnonnTTrrPS ST fay's ieas MANILLA HOOFING ! 5" VerT strong and durable. CARPETS "inn.Ia-f.onip material Catalogue with V to work for ua at the'r homes; fasclna tot employment; - no instructions to buy; nrk can be sent by mall (dis-ance r.o oujec ..i a trMir r An ba made. No can- Lja i jj Hi k " . . ns. particulars free, or sample of work ..Pi r . a- rfi Tvk-rAa Tl ne en. auieU lor lour ceuu m D.iiiia. . drf. Home Manufactures g Co., Boston, Xm. P. O. Box 191S. sept 7 dAw 4w BURNHM'S IMPUOVED STANDARD Turbine Is the BEST constructed and finished Turbtne In the world. It gives better niroiiGS with part or full gate, and Is sold totlliS MONEY per Horse Power than any i Turbine. Pamphlet Free by Burnham Bros., York, Pa. leptltir SEW YORK HERALD. IH1LT EDITIOI. ORE o- OOLUB A YEAR. Widest, Most Newsy and Accurate Weekly tfuumai in umiea states. , vVVHkJ . . v . uTV fcftV VtA n- Also a complete, exhaustive summary of nrtsofiialfamUUonpeople and Is a good KTtormedlom,reachlngictorlC8, farms 4 hra ea of all descriptions In every part it , ,A PKFECT NKWSPAFKK. i.)r . vr news ci me , cuuiy -cLu?uer?J.,w." tho largest u .ao uniwu states. . ItfnriirvTviikTiti tlTt?08t valuable chronicle of political woxiii, uuparuauy gmng tneoc 3 and opinions of all parties? so that UIWC8 may be known. In tho department of fttirMu vRisiar News - ; Stewi1.,1.&lway8 hasa cllstlngulshed by of its cable despatches. Tho new gganuc telegraph cables will Increase ItkwJvPJT111 Department ' ; I ' . t - a SK,"! ,d0CB not give wild theories. anacr will save many more than S,t. One Dollar a Year eonceralng soil, cattle, crops, trees, SnfCn g VvlUt? and agrlcultK- fev.,, t "The Home" ' ' art t ir? honscwlfe and the children In r hStfconomlcal and tasteful new dishes, 4rf.,.n,1 th0 making of home com. u5l5MdUlon. are given latest reports , s... . fSODTTrsK Mininn-. -v- 0tt5?,n ot money, columns of mlscelbv niartP' Poetry,', special novelettes. i.ziaxoT 00111 social ana pouucai. popular science, me aoingsof BtI persons of the world, a depart- , 'lt th2 to tba dramaUo and lyric stage. fWfrKLT Hexaxd gives the latest "SpHone-.dIlar at any time, for a fuU I'JuSua? 10 part of 1116 Unlted ,te advertising wedlum. Adver-. y nooB ut DOt later tnan YORK HERAltD,- i ueerry rorm, ' . ON K DOLLAR A TKAH NKW YORK 1IERALD, Broad war and Ann 8treots .03IE SEE US !:. pEXEVEU YOU ARE IN NEED I OF - RTILIKB or BIHD1K5, come and see us. - ' !kf!!etbemost complete establishment J. carry a large stock of different Tho Pail v Do vi Qiv, I STOOI AVIIEUE THE SHADOWS WEKE FALL ING, I stood where the shadows f ere falline And eazed on . the clond-bannered Where the sun neath it's arches of Trailed hia beams mid their roses to rest; - . And I thonght as the stars cametremb ... m v ling, ' - . ... ,,,;: -t Like floating islands of light; t Of a voice whose music breathed softly : As the wind, thro! the flowers at I stood where the shadows were falhog. And that voice seemed to echo the strain, 7" , -.. Ol songs long lost in the silence, And my soul drank their sweetness again, , But caught -.n the tones of the mnsic Was a diicord, memory gave, For the Hps haye been sealed forever And the voice is mute in the grave - I stood where the shadows were'f alling, - And the day died out ot the sky. And T mused unon lime and its chang- , t .es, . . Till life seemed a stream rushing by, Ever onward , with resties motion, . The waters dashed in their rage. Bearing dead hores on their, bosom, i To I he dim frozen shores of old age. -- C. in Winston Daily. I .. , "isiaciortiy, antral we can i1Ve au Tour orders. . . . - . JACKSON & BELL. 1 1 1. .Tji V II I B i Vl aif1" l-mblish I I1 lliVipOmreinNewY l! I ' W r15 Am. Joarnal II 1 iW ,Dr- Ab. Meeerol f-tJ t I IvJihM withoat doabfc I7"inTvfT rea more cases loan s2?-s'i?VUn vUts soeoew has simply "ent Ire Oit. P.O. and ! 5i JKb. WJotoBW.WewToA,- ablutiesnA . of Med. Mesernla. who Rrwijtltv nf Fnilnnrv withoQt doubt treated A Romance of the Sea. : Not long, ago there came to New xorfc one of the most! extraordinary- iuu&iug vessois mat nas entered this port since the days when Hendrick wnason lirst ; sailed . ap through the narrows in nis ship, the Half-Moon. Her name was the Tibernian, from lrondon. and she belonged principally to Arthur, Lord Somerset, son ol the Earl of Devon. yWfaen the Tibernian had hitched up to a dock in Brooklyn the sailors and stevedores from the neighboring vessels came around . to look at her. One old salt looked at her lines along the water and declared that she was one of the fastest yachts ever built; another looked at her- sides and Stem.. Whffih nrpaAnrorl Irvnn rna - r square glass windows with white cur tains on memi looking lire the side of a house, and said sh ship or a floating phototrraph, gallery; uuiuer examined ner aectc ana taw her brass guns and other warlike im plements, and 8 wore that here at last Was a tegular old-fashioned nirafa lib-rt the ship of Capt. iidd. but the man who looked aloft at her half hrb ho If junk rig positively affirmed that she was bnilt 200 years ago or earlier, and might be the Santa Tdaria of Columbus. or the Mayflower of the Pilirrim Fathers. "'; ,: : - - i While her exterior reminded one of a picture in a book on the early develop ment of naval architecture her interior presented tho extraordinary contrast of a nassenzer steamer or vjinht f th latest design. Her main cabin was elegantly fitted up with bard wood pol ished floor and nartitions.. nnsMv rnt glass mirrors, cherry wood furniture, polished brass chronometers and com passes, swains wine-class holders. Turkish rugs, heavy Turkoman cur tains and all the luxuries and orna ments to be found in a private drawing room. ; ' The 'tween decks were fitted up with a large number of staterooms, each one larger and belter furnished than any to be found on the best Atlantic liner. She was of 1,000 tons burden,, with a crew of twelve or fifteen men, and her captain, Jubal Kennerly; was a fierce looking' Southerner, who had been a blockade runner during the war and engaged in other -half-piratical enter prises. He also owned a share in the strange looking craftJ t ! t : . ? - ? The career of the Tibernian was no less extraordinary than her aDnearance. Arthur, my Ird Somerset, a tall, blonde young man hardly 30 -years of ace. was languidly rcclinin? in his I Lon don club one dav about a vear.airo thinking of the ennui and -dullness of life and the absence of excitement and adventure, when suddenly be conceived a brilliant idea. ' Remembering that he bad an interest in a craft called the Tibernian. built many long years ago as a transport ship by the , East India Company, he thought that if he loaded her up with wines, liquors and cigars, and gathering about him a congenial company of iiyely spirits he might sail out to go around the wot Id and have a pleasant time for about a year.' Straightway he consulted a friend who approved of the plan:- and the future spread out before the two of them like (be tail ot a peacock on a Jane morning. The noble lord then ordered the ship to be net in readiness, cabins built. &r and set about getting his company to- tew notices for private circulation among his friends, 'in which a descrip? lion ot the vessel was. given - with her course around the - world, and 140 stated as the price for the passage. About twenty-fiye young , bloods, who nau exnaustea ail the enjoyments oi London. lite and longed for something new. thonirht the snhemn a c nod one and engaged passage on the Tibernian. ' 1 I 1 ? l au- equal - nam oer . 01 ' iiveiy young women also engaged; and alto gether the passenger list showed forty five persons. Before the yesssel left a huge cargo of the : good things - of this life was put on board, some of which, ft chas since appeared, bad cot been paid for. . The Tibernian " sailed forth on the briny deep, and afier recovering from a. short finrll nf cpAirtrnfsa tho nnsapn. gers had a hilarious and lively time of ic ana enjoyca tnemseives - roigntiiy. Portuguese ports were visited and ad ditional supplies of eatables and drink ables taken on; and then the Tibernian crossed tbo Atlantis. She went to Demarara and other , ports in South America, cruised leisurely among 'the West Indies, and wherever, the - ship went her passengers painte L the town red. She went to New Orleans in time for the Exposition and remained - there many weeks while the Englishmen and their : friends enjoyed themselves on shore.; - ' -? . . i: A mutiny then broke out among the female passengers, who began "quarrel ling amour themselves, and many of them, -with some of the men', were lett on land, while - the ? vessel sailed for ctt York. Before comins Etotook oa a carpro toT:clp pay expenses, wjiich was discharged st Brooklyn., and the youngracn, getting tired ot ' their fun. resolved to give up the rest of tho trip. This decision .was, hastened by" the arrival of a deputy sheriff and the sei zure of the, vessel) for debt . and the arrcstiof the noble Lord at the head of the expedition. Hef was ""quickly re leased. however, and immediately brought , suit against a : Brooklyn paper that said his cruise was gotten up for immoral purposes. "The captain went to London; and nearly all the cl ai m s agai n st he shi p were set tied. The Tibernian then came to Pier 14. East River.. Her cabins were taken out and a . general , canto .put in for Australia;, whither she sailed a few days ago." The n'ob!e Lord disembark ed and started West to test the shooting in : the Yellowstone Valley, - where, perhaps, he still remains.' While here 790 boxes of unconsumed wines and 70 casks of liquor, Worth altogether $5,000 or $6,000 were taken ont and sent back to London. N. Y. Graphic: Salvation Oil always cures pain -; It should be the companion of every trav eling man. It extinguishes pain, wheth erjresoltingfrom acut,a burn, a bruise, or a' sprain. Get only the genuine. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. -" A cyclone resembles a woman be cause when it makes up its mind to go somewhere all earth can't stop it. " An Open Fkank is by no means strange that Dr. David Ken edy should have received the following letter. - By reading il you will sec in one minute why its writer could recom mend it. t(Ed.) Mr. J. W. Horner, Traveling Agent for Arabach.'Burgan der & Co., Baltimore Aid., says: His head felt bad, and he was suffering froji indigestion. A trial of 'Favorite Remedy made me feel like a new man. I cheerfully recommend it to all need ing a medicine of the kind." Little girl at breakfast table, "Mam ma, this is very old butter; I have found a gray hair in it." An Undoubted Blessing. I About thirty years ago. a prominent physician by the name of Dr. William Hall discovered, or produced after long experimental research, a remedy for diseases of the throat, chest and lungs, which was of such wonderful efficacy that it soon gained a wide reputation in this country. The name of the med icine is DR. WM. II ALUS BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS, and may be safely relied on as a speedy and positive cure for coughs, cold3. sore throat, etc. Breeches of contract -those that shrink. Nervous Debilitated Men You are allowed a free trial for thirty (lays of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervons Debility, loss cf Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also, for many other diseases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaran teed. No risk is incurred. Illustrated phamphlet. with full . information, terms, etc, mailed free by addressing Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. w s m & w lyR Advice to. Mothers. Mits. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, nuifit sleen bv relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." it is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child r soft ens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly 6 deod Sc wly - MISCELLANEOUS. Questions Answered !!!! Ask the most eminent physician Ol any school, what is the best thing in world for fillnvine all irritation ot the nerves, and curing all forms of nnrvons eoni nlaints. civinff natural, childlike refreshing sleep always ?m And tbev will tell you unnesitaungiy Some form of Hops!!!" ' CHAPTER I. Ask any or all ot the most eminent physicians: "What is the only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the fc-irinavvt nnrl nrinarv orsrans : Bright's disease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain urine, and all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Women" T "And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically "EuchuU!" Ask the same physicians 1 "What is the most reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia, constipation, indigestion, billiousness, malaria, fever, ague, &c," and they will tell you , Mandrake ! or Dandelion .'.' Hence, when these remedies are combined with others equaUy valuable. : - And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderful and mysterious curative power is developed, which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power, and yet it is - Harmless for the most frail woman, weak est invalid or smallest child to use , - " CHAPTER I ,PaUentft,, "Almost dead or nearly dint" For years, and given up by the physi cians, of Brights and other' kidney dis eases, liver complaints, severe coughs, called consumption, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy !!!! From agony of neuralgia, nervous ness, wakefulness, and various diseases peculiar to women. ; Peonle drawn out out of shape from excru1 elating pangs of rheumatism, inflammatory and obromc, or eunenng xrom bctoiuuv. - Erysipelas ! ' ' Jaltrhenm. blood poisoning, dyspepsia. indigest'on, and. in fact, almoat all diseases fralr" - ; - Nalnm f a hftlr to Have been enred by Hop Bitters, proof of which can be found in every, neighborhood in Iho ktown world. - - ;-; . i.: " .Gtv . .,4-., ....MHMW -.'ft tar None genuine without a buncj of green Hops on the white UbeL Shun all the vile, nnliAnnm tnff with 'IIOT, Ol MHOP8W in their Mir- . -sept 17 lm dw nrmto f n f f! n moro money than at anythingelse 0J U I. U Dy tAKing an agency wr uw rclllns boo out. lie pinners succeeu snuiujjr, NonofxlU Terms free, JlAixrrr Book Co, rcrtJiSil, tlaiae. . CccSd&wiT Tho i Courts Under tho Now Ar- " ' ranzemont. ; ; , FIRST DISTRICT--JUDOE SHEPHERD. i Currituck September. 7, one week. ' Camden September 14, one week. Pasquotank September , 21, one week. v.;-: . .-; ' .., J Perquimans September 28, one week. , . ....-. ; Chowan October s, one week.. Gate3 Otober 12, one week. : Hertford October 19, one week ; Decern bcr 2 1 ; .on e week. " Washington-i-October 26, one week; December 14, one week. ,- , -,'-Tyrrell November 2. one week. . Dare November 9. one week. Hyde November 16, one week. Pamlico November 23, one week. Beaufort November 30, two weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS, i WarrenSeptember 21, two weeks. Northampton October 5, two weeks. Edgecombe October 19, two weeks, Bertie November 2. two weeks. ' Halifax November 16, two weeks.- CJraven November 30. two weeks. THIRD DISTRICT JUDGE . - Franklin August 17, one week; No vember 16, onn week. Martin September 7, two weeks; December 7. two weeks ; for civil causes and jail cases only. w v Pitt September 21, two weeks Greane October 5; two weeks. Vance October 19, two wecki. .,' Wilson November 2, two weeks- Nash November 23, two weekp.' : FOURTH DISTRICT FALL TERM.' i The fall courts of the fourth district composed of Wake, Harnett, Johnston and Wayne, will beheld as follows un der the new act : iT Wake July 13, to hold two weeks; Griminal causes . only. v August 31, to hold two weeks; civil causes only. Sep tember 28. two weeks criminal. Octo ber 26, three weeks; civil causes only. , Way ne July 27. two weeks ; . civil and criminal. September 14, two weeks ; civil causes. October 19; ; one week ; civil causes only. Harnett August 10, - one weeks; civil and criminal. ' Johnston Ausgust 17. two weeks; civil and criminal. FIFTH DIRTRICT JUDGE GIIISR. Orange August 10, one week; No vember 9, one week. - Caswell August 17, one week; No vember 16, one week. Person August 24, one week; No. vember23, 6ne week. Guilford August 31, two weeks ;De cember 14, two weeks. Granville September 14, two weeks; November 30, two weeks. Alamance September 28, one week. Chatham Oct6ber 5, two weeks. i Durham October 19, two weeks.-' SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCKOY. J ones August 17, one week ; No vember 2, one week. Lenoir August 24, two weeks; No vember 16, two weeks, Duplin September 7. one week ; No vember 30, two weeks. - Pender September 14, one week. New Hanover September 28, two weeks, for civil causes. - Sampson October 12, two weeks; December 14, one week. Carteret October 26, one week. 1 7 Onslow -November 9, one week. . SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MCRAE. Cumberland July 27. one week No vember 9. one week, for criminal causes only; November 16, two- weeks, for civil causes ; ' - Colum bus August 3, one weak. Moore August 17, two weeks ; De cern ber 7, two weeks. , Robeson August 31, two weeks ; Oc tober 12, two weeks. Anson September 14, one week, for criminal causes; , November 30, one week, lor civil causes. Brunswick September 21, one wees:. , Richmond September 28, two weeks; December 21, one week. Bladen October 26, two weeks. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE Iredell August 10, two weeks; No vember 9, two weeks. Rowan August 24, two weeks; No vember 23, two weeks. Davidson September 7, two weeks; Decern ber 7, one week. Randolph September 21, two weeks. Montgomery October 5 two, weeks. Stanley November 19. two weeks. Cabarrus November 2, one week: for criminal cases and no jury civil cases' - NINTH DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. Rockingham July 27. two weeks; November 9; one week. Stokes August 10, two weeks; No vember 16, one week, i Surry August ,24, two weeks: No vember 23, one week. ' . Alleghany-September 7, one wees:. Wilkes September 14. two weeks. Yadkin September 28, two weeks. Davie October 12, two weeks. , Forsyth October 26. two weeks. ' TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Henderson J uly 20, three weeks. . Burke August 10. two weeks. Ashe August 24, one week. Watauga August 31, one week.' Caldwell September 7, one week. Mitchell September 14, two -3 weeks. Yancey September 28. two "weeks. McDowell October 12 two weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHtPP. v Alexander July 27, one week. : Catawba. August 3, one week., Cleveland August 10, two weeks; October 26, one week, j Mecklenburg August 31, three weeks, civil cases only. Union September 21. two weeks. Lincoln October 5, one week. , Gaston October 12 two weeks. 1 Rutherford November 2, two weeks. Polk November 16, one week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE GUDGER. Madison August 3, two weeks ; No vember 13, two weeks, civil causes. Buncombe August 16, three weeks; December 7, two weeks. J i Transylvania Seotember 7, one week. - - - - . Haywood September 14, two weeks. Jackson September 28, one week. Macon October 5, one week. , ' Clay -October 12, one week. - Cherokee October 19, two week.. Graham November 2, om? week. Swain November 9. two weeks. , Iteliiae Piles Symptoms stud Cure. The sy aiptoms are moisture, like . perspira tion, intense itching, increased by scra'chlng; very distressing, particularly at nlht ; seems as if pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes affected, if allowed to continue very serious results may follow- S WAYNE'a OINT ilKNT is a pleasant, sure cure. rAlso.lor Tetter. Ith, Salt liheum, Scald Head, Erysip elas, Barber's Itch, Blotches, all scaly, crusty Skin Diseases. Box, by mail.fiOcts; 3for$l 25. Address, DR. SWaYMB ft SON, Phlla, Pa Sold by Druirsists. - jcal5deodnrli:t vri:t WHOLEGALE PRIUE3. wholesale prieea generally. : In maVlng up vrusn lusner prices nave w w cuauu ..... IV 8 10 f It 9 S 0 75 60 24 8 00 25 BAGGINC Standard........., s ...... lk lD.i. BACON North Carolina -Haras, V & anouiders, if & &wcsf r a iw, WESTERN SMOKED Sides, y a... .......... Shoulders.... ........ , DSY SALTED Sides. V tb ...... Shoulders, fb.... BARRELS Spirits Turpentine ' Second Hand, each. .....(1 New New York, each m 1 " Newdtv.each... " BEESWAX, fr lb-... .......... BRICKS, V M BUTTER, f lb North CaroliA.... .......... Northern. ....... CANDLES, r m r Sperm. .... ...... ... .. . . ... .... . Tailow..... Adamantine........ ..M.M. , CHEESJc, V fiy i. Northern Factory......... Dairy, Cream.... ............ COFFEE, y. lb ' - t - Java N Laguyra. ............... ...... Rio i .....i.. CORN MEAL, & bus.; in sacia COTTON TIES, : bundle..-. DOMESTICS- ' v. V Sheeting, 44, r yd.-.;....... Yarns, & bunch........ ...... E3GS, r dozen riSH Mackerel, No. 1, V bbi..;....16 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.. 8 60 Mackerel, No. , t bbL 9 60 Mackerel. No. 2. V half bbl.. 5 00 Mackerel. No. 3, bbl....... Mullets, V" bbl Mullets. Pork bbls N. C Roe Herriwr. V kear 11 O 1040 0 , &' n o s a a l a l a l m -- G 9 0 ii CO CO CO 7 . CO fjT rC 65 HO 00 25" 32 13 to IS - 0 12 14 10 17 12 9 75 33 a a a Ct a & & o 85 a 14 0 12 IS I. n ; 25 7 13 so 4f 13 g ERT1 LI K,R,S .y 2.000 th'a-T 00 00 00 00 5 020 OU 010 10 010 (0 5 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0 50 9 reruvlan Guano, No. 1. No. 2. .;oeo 000 ct .36 00 037 CO LcbOS.... ..00 tiO 051 00 Baogh's Phosphate.... ...... .00 00 000 CO Carolina Ferullzer 45 00 050 CO Ground Bone........... 00 00 040 CO Bone Meal.. .00-00 045 00 . Bone Flour....'.'....... .00 00 057 0C Navassa Guano... ...... ......30 00 040 CC Complete Manure.... ...oo 00 067 CC Whann's Phosphate....... ...00 00 070 oo Wsndo Phosphate 00 00 070 0C Berger & Butz's Phosphate.. 00 00 060 00 ' Excellenza Cotton Fertilizer. 55 00 060 tx- French's Carbonate of Lime... 7 00 0 7 SO French's Agricultural Lime.... 8 50 0 9 0 FLOUR, V bbl ' Fine ; Northern Super.. " Extra..;............ " Family...;......... City Mills Extra, . Family Extra Family.... GLUE T fl GRAIN, tfbushol . Corn, from store, bags, white J Corn, cargo, in bulk, white.. Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. 2orn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. uais, rrom store.... - jow eas.... HLDES, V . Green..;..... Dry. HAY. yiOOBs- v Eastern..;............:....... 1 i Western................ J - North River., HOOPHRON, V .... -. LARD, V lb Northern................. North Carolina. . ............. v 00 LIME, y barrel I 40 LUMBER, City Sawed, V M ft. amp oiuir, rcsawea. is uo 1 00 . 75 75 CO 00 75 9 I 75 ;4 72 70 65 25 5 11 20 15 75 a a 4 oo 0 4 00 0 5 25 0 7 0C 0 6 5 0 6 00 0 . . w ' 9 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 a n : a : 0 a co 8l 75 72 ' 6". 7S 25 25 ' 85 2 V 0 a 10 Eeugh Edge Plank. ..15 00 DO West India Carsroca.accordlna to quality.... IS 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 scautiing ana coara. comn-. MOLASSES, V gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhds..... " " In bbl3 Porto Rico, inbhds. 2Q 2i 2S iO 18 2) to to Suzar House. In hhds.. r " innbls. Syrup, in bbls..' NAILS, V Keg, Cut, lOd basis.. OILS, 1? gallon Kerosene..........;........... T 3 - uaru. ...... ........ Linseed.. .......... - Rosin..........;.... Tar. .... Deck and Spar.......... POULTRY Chickens, live, grown.. " . spring..'... 1 ' Turkeys... PEANUTS W bushel POTATOES, y bnshel sweet Irish, V bbl PORK. V barrel- City Mess.. .... .........13 CC Prime. .......12 00 Rump 12 00 o 95 11 IG 90 30 00 00 21 10 75 00 N) 75 020 016 01s: 022 015 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a co 30 30 33 35 25 0 a 2 25 03 BICE Carolina. V fi Rough, V bushel BAGS, y fiv-Country city...........;..... BOPE,VH.. - SALT, V sack. Alum Liverpool. Lisbon.... ' 'American. SUGAR, y lb Cuba Porto Rico... A Coffee.. B C . Bla. w ........ .......... Crushed. ...... SOAP, V lb Northern.. SHINGLES, 7 ln.VM.... uommon. 0 0 003 00 AO 00 0. 0 10 140 Ufe0 00 0 75 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00. .0 00,0 00 0 " 0 60 100 6 to en 75 : 00 7& 00 c ev 6 it 6W .10 60 011 00 . 2 60 0 3 00 Cypress Maps.. 4 50 0 6 00 Cvnrees Hearts............... 0 CO 0 7 50 STAVES, r M W. O. Barrel-12 00 018 00 - R. O. Hogshead 00 00 010 00 TALLOW, V ft 4 0 5 TIMBER, V M feet Shipping. 12 00 014 00 Fine Mill,. , 11 25 013 00 MO Prime 7 60 0 8 50 MlUFabr..;.,... ............. 6 000 6150 Common Mill..;.... ..... 5 00 0 000 Inferior to Ordinary.......... 0 00 0 4 CO WHISKEY, V gat-Northern.. 1 00 0 4 CO North Carolina;.'... ...1 00 0 . Ui WOOL, V ft Washed......... H 9 2-. Unwashed.... ................ 15 0 20 ' Buxx V...-..M ............ 10 0 18 J - 1885. Harper's Young People. . AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. - x The serial and short stories' in Harper Young People have all the dramatic interest that juvenile fiction can possess, while they are wholly free from what is pernicious or vulgarly sensational. The humoious stories and pictures are full of Innocent fun, and the papers on natural history and science, travel, and the facts of life, are by writers whose names give the best assurance of accuracy and value. Illustrated papers on athletic sports, games, and pastimes give full information on these subjects; There la nothing cheap about It but its price. ; ; An epitome of everything that la attractive and desirable in Juvenile literature. Bob ton Courier. - - ' - A weekly feast of rood things to the boyB and slrla in every family which it visits Brooklyn Union. ' It is wonderful In its wealth of picture In formation, and interest. Christian Advocate, N- Y. ' ' " - TERMS: Postage Prepaid, $2.00 Per Year. , Yol. VI. commences November 4, 184. 8rsGXB Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-OfUce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. - Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Uajbj ek A BKOTiXEBa. Address HARPER BROTHERS, I dec S - New York- Auguot 27th. gc ' BBLS. NEW MULLETS.' . ODB OWN CATCH. , 1& Pounds la each barrel. ac227 ... DAVI35E0N UISCELLAiniOUS 7ilminston 5 T7eldoD nallroafl Company Xs, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. i TRAINS GOISG SOUTH. Dated Aug. , 'S3 No. 43, Daily No 40, Dally leave Welaon.. I 2 15 P. M. 1 5 33 P. M. Ar.RcckyMennt f 3 33 Anivo larboro. I 4-55 P. 11. I ............. Lpsyo Taiboro.. j 11 5) ............. leave Wilson..-. 4 C5 P. M. 6 tG P. M. A nr. Golds boro. 4 T4 " ; 7 36.- Leavo Warsaw. 5 It ............. Leave Burgaw;. ' 7 CO - . - Ar Wilmington. 7 50 . " , 9 55 P. M. I .TRAINS GOING NORTH r v V " No. 47, Daily No.45, Dally 1ve Wilmington 9 27 A M. S 63 P. 11. Leave Burgaw.. lo 13 9 50 Iave W arsiw. . 11 17 . . 11 f3 Arr. Goldsboro. 12 10 P. M. 12 04 A. M. Leave Wilson. . . I 04 12 Kt Ar.Rocky Mount 1 37 ' 1 27 " Arrive Tar boro. I 4 65 IV M. Leave Tarboro. 1 11 50 A. - M. Arrive Weldon.. j 3 05 r. M. 2 45 A. M. - Train on Scotland Neck Branch Roa d lea vc s Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. .Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally. Train No. 43 North will stop at all stations; Train No. 40 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. r , - Train No. 47 makes close connection at We I don for all points North Dally. All rail vis Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bar Line. . . '.: Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wi'mmgton and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep era attached. ' JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. . .. T. M. EMERSON, Gonera Passenger Axmt .,aug 8 . :;.-:.v,-, .. .... , ; .. Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta II. 11. Co. IfOsMitJiaRS CONDENSED SCHEDULE. , TRAINS GOING SOUTH, v Dated Aug. 2d,'S5 No. 48, Tally No. 40,Dallj - icave ., Wilmington. . . . .. Lake Waecawaw Marlon... Arrive . Florence... 8 20 P. 9 42 11 30 M. 4 Columb'a.; 6 40 10 10 p: M. Jl 17- 12 40 A. M. 1 J5 " 4 34 ; 6 40 : TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 43, Dally No. 47, Dally Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter.. Leavo Florence. Leave Marion... Leave L. Wac'w Ar. Wilmington. 4 SO 5 14 7 14 .8 33 . t : . ' 9 6.'i 11 63 5 07 5 63 7 44 9 07 P. M. ... f - A. M, Train 43 stops at all Stations. " Nos.48and 47 stop only at Brlnkleys. White vlllo.Lako Waccamaw, Fair Bluff, Nichols," Marlon, Pee Dee, Florence, Tlmmonsvllle, Lynchburg, Maycsville, Sumter, WedgeflcM, Caniden Junction and Eastover. Passengers for Columbia and all points on C AG. 11. It., C, C. & A. R. R. StaUocs, Alke Junction, and aU points beyond, should tak the 40 Night Express. Pullman Sleepers for Augusta on this train. - 4 ; ! Pullman Sleepers for Savannah on Train 48. All trains run solid between Charleston and Wilmington. JOHN F. DIVINE, uencrai Bupenntenaent. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent aug3 . . . . - Mortgage Sale. BY" VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE; contained In an Indenture of Mort sraire executed bv. 15. T. . Hnv .nd witft tn thrt nnr1iraf irnil liatnii V.n nth " w V it. ux. v. ft..tov. .MV day of May, 1882, and recorded In 1 tho Register's oflicc of New Hanover county, In Book R. R. R. at padres 7G7 ct. seqi, I will sell, by public auction, for cash, at tho Court House door in the city ot Wilmington, on the 30th day of September, 185, at 12 Mv, the' premises in said moitgago conveyed, situated in tho city and county aforesaid, and dose rib - linn, nf Kltth ct IVt fr-rt m fr.m It. tntsnnn. tion with tbo H. line of Woostetf st , thence E. parallel with Woostcr street 132 feet, thence . 55 feet, thence W. 332 feet to Fifth St., thence N. alorg Fifth street 55 fect to tho be- nn n Iiflmrthn w. unrt Af lnta ft iutl In, iocs vj accorumg to tne omciai plan ox said city. LUHR VOLLERS, Mortgages. Caution to Consumers ! 1 ? . ft - .... v - - - rju an ovum jm ucniKU tub UENU- ine shell ROAD Tobacco, chcwers should be careful to notice that , the oblong blue pyper tag in the centre of each plug bears the Trade Mark of the buggy and horses the words SHELL.' ROAD, and the name of the. manufacturers- ifpun n. A ' PAT. TERSON & CO. .Beware of tho many worth loea ImffofMna fViftf am I.aIm 4 it.. .Ha lie as the genuine 811 ELL ROAD,' and do not be deceived. - , . , - " A nnt . XT m. itt t tma . . . r -n.tJiiaix a yjijiiuii, j rents, jnne G 3meod . Wilmington, N. " JlXJiliUAHl'B, 1SL1U!MS AND AlANUx AC ?. " TUBERS SHOULD READ : ''A' BRADSTREET';?: A weekly jnnnvAi." nr Tn.nn tri j NANCE AND PUBLIC ECONO Y. ;" Sixteen Pages - every Saturday; Oftentlme Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty -v: - four Pages. The foremost purpose ox Bbaustbext Is to be of practical service to buslress men. Its special trade and industrial reports ; its wee k ly epitome of bankruptcies, throughout tho untied States and Canada, and the summaries of assets and liabilities, are alone worth the subscription price ; its synopses of recent legal decisions are exceedingly valuable . At coo mcrclal transactions, in the wider sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on a statistical basis, the information contained la Bkaists7CT8 is of the first Importance both to producers and middlemen. ... : . The Trade and Agricultural Eltoatlon throughout the United Jbtatca and Canada la reported by Telegraph to BaAisrujarra up to the hour of publication . : SINGLE COPIES, TEN CENT3. - Til LJ lilCAD STIiEET C O. . ' -A A41 as. ' ' T a w .-x v v a ir r m h t m dn S3 If . . : ; NEW YORK CITY Now is the season lor paintiniyonr houses. Go to - Jacoeis Hardware Dc?ct and bay ycur paints, if ycu wnr.t