Th o, Daily' f2ovj on. The uatiy tteview has the largest bona fide circulation, of any newspaper vublished. in the city of Wilmington. 3 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. LOCAL NEWS. A young gentleman of ihn city wenl gunning yesterday and son afu-r rc- i,UlUU commotion among his fl rk of cee in the back yard. !I l''kl ut anl saw a couple of biiii dogs miking have among them, when he seizsd hisdmib.e barrelled gun, both barrel of which were loaded witbiarge shot, and blaz- H awiiv tearing one of the dogs nearly in pieces and killed him. The other . r. "f nhp.n onr friend Bstit the Mmfninr- charge at his retreating a wia- - 9 form and there was "music in the air.' and ihat particular dog now Vets down on hU nose when he feels like taking a rest. Serenaded. 4 Mr. J. G. Oldenbnttel, assistant chief of the FireDeparimeut, was given .nmAtKiniy nf v snrDrise "parly last OUUibhUlwfe w- - - j night, in the shape of a serenade by the Germania Cornet Band. It was an niiroiv imnromDtu afJair. but the . band, under the leadership of Prot. Herndon, turned out in lull numbers nA WUved. several pieces for Mr. uuu f Olden buttel, when the latter gentleman invited them to come in out ot the col J. They accepted the invitation so gladly that we hear it rumored that they nil emJiod" nnnn entering the house. It BiMtlVM was not a great loud goffaw, but quiet, mode3t. I-don't-care-it-I-do, liquid sort of a smile with a three-for-a- quarter cigar accompaniment, which was pleasant to behold aud soothing to the nervous system. Crlmiual Coiirt. The folio win? have been the proceed inirs before this tribunal since closing n our last report: State vs. John Owens and Margaiet Owens, affray. Continued to Saturday - next at 9 o'clock a. m. fitntn vs. Laura Wood, assault and battery. . Not guilty and defendant dis charged. State vs. Duncan Shaw, larceny Not guilty and defendant discharged. State vs. John Nichols, false pretense. Guilty. Judgment not yet pronounced. State vs. Fred Lord, larceny. Guilty. - Judgment not" yet pronounced. State vs. Thomas Hoggins and. S. Claridy, affray. 'Claridy called and failed, and judgment nisi as to him. Not guilty as to Huggins and defendant discharged. State vs. Jim Williams, assault with intent to commit rape. Not guilty and defendant discharged. State vs. John H . Johnson, larceny. Guilty. . Judgment, six years in State Penitentiary. Court then took a recess until 3 o'clock 4 V I n altamnnn V Personal. We regret to learn that Mr. John R. Melton is sick and confined to his house. Friend McDiarmid, o! the Robespn tan, was in the city to day and favored us with a visit. Bro. Muse, of the Star, was at his post ot duty this morning, but did no look in robust health. Capt. R. M. Mclntire leayes to-nigh1 for the Northern markets, lor the sec ond time this Beason. Mr. Wm.Uirich, of 502 South Front street, has" been quito sick, but his health is now improving. Mr. O. G. Parsley returned on Itst nizht's train, from Washington, I). C, vfhero he has been for the past tew daya. We were glad to see Capt. Henry Savage upon our streets to-day. He has recovered his health, but is still very weak. Mr. I. R. Faison, of Fatson. one of the most prominent farmers of Duplin county, arrived in the city last night and registered'at the Purcli House. ' Mr. J. D. Smithdeal, who will be remembered pleasantly by many in this city, is now with the large music house of Wheeling. W. Va- Mr. R. R. Bellamy will leave on to morrow morning's "train for New York where he will purchase a stock of goods for the new drag store which he will open in about two weeks. Mr. W. A. Bryan and wife arrived in the city on last night's train to take charge of the Orton House, and were busy to-day in superintending putting tiog down of the carpets in the parlor of the hotel. r Prof. M. C. S. Noble and wife re turned last night from their bridal tour to the North. During their trip they went as far as Niaeara Falls and even crossed over into the Queen's, do minions. They are in excellent health and enjoyed their trip very much. " Lenoir Topic : Last Tuesday night Robert V. Griffin, who had suspected in fiwl of robbiner his mother's '.hen roost, made a stick trap and setting it sear the roosting place, awaited results. On Wednesday morning he took from the trap an old owl measuring 4 feet and 6 inches from Up to tip. His wins were two fect in length each. : " rclPifrh -Visitors An eleven year old hov bv !h nimelof Howell died at Key seron Monday morniag last from the effects ot eating scuppernong grapes hnll and all. His remains were taken to Aoex and interred. J Married, at Christ Church, at half past on o'clock this a ter o i. Mr. James Williamson. Smithfiehi. in Mis Charlotte Mont rnrrtprv fir thU citv. the Rov Dr. M. Mai shall officiating.. FayeitfcTille&m: - On Thursday last a difficulty took place between air. ai. Vr I I niAtiirAin nrl o , n I' . j a vac a. ww uv w w -Murpi? , concrning cotton ginning last fall. Ait-r some ho; words -the negro 8 abUd Mr. UnderwcoJ in the back, inflicting a nainful but not serious flesh wound. Mr. Underwood then picked up a brickbat and knocked the ngro sensa'ea.a The oezro has been put to fail to awa'i the-next ccurt. Goldsboro Aran: On yesterday, in the Supeiipr Court in this nty, W P Deshong. who is as unfavorably as be U well known to our citizens, was sen tenced to ten years in the penitentiary for bnvlc stolen coods. knowing them to be stolen. It may be an item of interest so our readers to know tnat the Rev Dr Marx Moses, of this city, was the 6rst instructor of Emma Abbott. the favorite opera singer. She began vocal lessons under him as a member of bis choir m Peoria. III., while be was in charge of a synagogue there, about fifteen years ago. Greensboro Workman'. Mr. W. E. Bevill exhibited m this office to-day gam Die of now tobacco from Robeson countv.. which at once settles the ques tion as to whether the genuine article en be produced on the lands in that part of the State. The plants were large and oily, the body thick and rich. and tho cohr very pretty. J. his sam pie was sent up by Mr. Charles E. Pur- cell who lives not far from bhoe Heel, and is his first attempt at Hue-curing. It is decidedly the best specimen of new croD tobacco so Mr. Bevil says, and we concur with him that has made its appearance here from any quarter. News and Observer. It has been noted that the lien business has seen its palmy days here and that this season there is a notable decrease in the number of crop mortgages and liens. This will necessitate some changes in bnsinuss methods. Some houses did business on a lien basis. The new system of farm ing will cause a new system of trade. There is said to be ab-ut all the work here that can bo done by" the car penters, bricklayers and woodworkers of all kinds. This shows that the city is progressing Building is brisk, and taken altogether the rate ot progress may be said to be equal to that in recent ycara. The demand tor more dwellings is being filled, and this causes a rapid extension of the city. There are prac ticaliy no unoccupied dwellings, and only one business house. Rockingham Rocket: The venerable Archie Johnson. Esq., of Spring Hill, this county, was in town last Friday. He has used tobacco all his life and. like Sam Jones, has nothing to say against it. Never took but ene dose ot medicine in his lite and that was very receotly. He had the honor of shaking hands With the Marquis de la Fayette when the latter was passing from Fay etteville to South Carolina on his visit to this country in 1825. The Marquis passed Spring Hill church on Sun day and bad his carriage stopped long enough for him to get out and shake hands with the people, young and old. who had assembled to attend divine services. He had passed Satur day night at Gilchrist's Tavern, the us ual stopping place for travelers by stage between tavettevule and Camden, S. C. . Charlotte Obseever: Messrs Moyer & Hirshinger, the well known shoe dealers, formerly of this city, but more recently of Baltimore, have decided to returt Charlotte. They have purchased the entire stock of goods Capt J Roessler.. Mr John Wadsworth, son of our townsman, is building a brick storehouse adjoining Cannons & Fetzer, in Concord, in which he will embark in the hardware busi ness. The building is to be two stories. with a frontage of 30 feet and a depth of 115 feet. The Charlotte Cotton and Produce Exchange has opened tern porarily in the old Sbannonhouse stand, on College street, which stand Will be occupied until possession can be obtained of the building on the corner of College and Trade streets. The Ex change is supplied with large slate boards, handsomely framed, similar to those on the floor of the New York Exchange, and is ready for business. The Exchange is under the manage ment of Mr J F Lyon, and Mr Willis Pegram is the bookkeeper. Durham Plant: The gospel tent has arrived and has been put up on the vacant lot adjoining Trinity church. It's seating capacity is 2.500 and we have no doubt will be filled at every service, liev. Henry McDonald, an eminent Baptist Divine of Atlanta, Ga., will have charge of the meetings. The infermatioo at this office, while more favorable than that ' received a tew weeks ago, is- by no means flatter ing. Tho first rains after the long is true, put the weed in much better condition for curing, but only a few farmers have succeeded in making good cures, while many have signally railed. As we write a cold rain is fall ing, and weather prophets predict that it will be followed by a killing frost. Should such be the case the crop in this section of the State will amount to very little. Mr. G. A. Reams, than whom there is not a better judge of to- ft- I . . . m ' oacco, uasjust reiurneu irom a two weeks trip among tobacco farmers. He went specially to ascertain the cron outlook and daring. the time he exam med 500 barns of the weed, and out of that number be found only 40 barns of nne tobacco. He says four-fifths of the crop that he saw he would not give over $s average. It has been raining in torrents for two days which of necessity seriously damages the cron. All hopes of a fino crop of tobacco are now blasted and the fortunes of dealers who have a stock of fine wrappers on hand are made. twenty eight years. Treated by most of tho rotod BoecUllaU of the day with nx.beneflt. Cured himself in three nonthi, and since then hnndrtla of others by same process. A plain, simple and successful home treatment. Address T. S. PAUE. 123 MzaX eta SU, New York City. eept a d&vriw c oziii unci ajl n nxi b. .WJLMI NGTON SI ARKET. : :: v" : ' Sept. 2i-4 p. m : SPIRITS TURPENTINE Dull at 31$ cents. No sales reported. ROSIN Steady at ft5 and 87 cents TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE 1URPKN TINE Steady at SI and XI.50. - COTTON Steady. Sales of 75 bales on a basis of !) c;nts per pound tor Middling. Official quotations: Gxd ordinary 8; 1 w middling 3-16; mid dling 9 ; good middling U3-lfi. ; Receipt today: C-iton. 363; spir its. rosin 1 025; tar. 307;cru e, 72 I'roViHlons and Cotton. CHICAGO, September 24. 2:30 p. m W heal market open u at 85 and closed at 84 for Ocober. Corn opened at 4I and closed at 411 for Octo ber. Pork opened at 8.65 and closed at 8.65 oid for October. ' New York, Sept. 24. 2:30 p m Cot ton opened at 9.53 and closed at 9.50 for Sepleoi ber. Opened at 4) 53 and closed at 9 53 tor October,. Opened at 9.58 and closed at 9.57 for November. Opened at 9.65 and closed at 9.67 for December. Opened at 9.74 and closed at 9.75 for January. . ; 2SXA2SIXJB NWS. ARRIVED. Steam yacht Louise, Woodside. Smith ville. Master Steamer Passport, ville. Master Harper, Smith Steamer D .J Black, Paddisonr Point Caswell, KP Paddison. Nor barque Fortuna,- Christiansen, Antwerv, C P Mebane CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Woodsides Smithville. Master Steamer Passport, Harper, Smith ville, Master. Nor barque Mozart, Gjeruldsen, Jjondon, Williams & Murchison Schr. Frank McDonnell. Scull, Georgetown, S C, Geo Harriss & Co EXPORTS. rOBKIGN Dondon Nor barque Mozart-1,822 casks spts turpt WEEKLY STATEALENT. STOCKS ON HAND SEPT. 19, 18P5. Cotton ashore. 2 443; afloat, 1,745; Spirits ashore, 4.677; afloat, 1,149; total, 5,826 Rosin ashore, 108,465; afloat, 1,655; total, 110,120. . Tar ashore, 550; afloat, 540; total. 1,090. Crude ashore, 678; afloat. 25;. total, 703. RECEIPTS FKOM 12Th TO 19TII SEPT. 1885. Cotton, 3 211; spirits, 883; rosin, 3,- 658; tar, C84; crude, 427. ; EXPORTS DOMESTIC FROM 12TII TO 19TH Sept'. 1885. Spirits, I; rosin, 2,946 ;!tar. 351; crude, 691. EXPORTS FOREIGN FROM 12TII TO 19th Sept. 1885. Spirits, 1,988; rosin. 500. VESSELS IN THE PORT OF WILMINGTON. N. C. September 22, 1885. . No vessel under so tons reported in this llat.1 BARQUES.. Ger Deana, 311 tons, Schroeder, EG Barker Co Ger Eina, 582 tona. Voss j - Hcide A Co Ur beo Davis, mi tons, Macumoer Alex eprunt & Son Nor Mozart, 333 tons, Gjeraldsen; Heide &Co Dan Helgesen, 295 tons, Leopold, . Helde & Co Ger Die Krone, 276 1 ;ns, Kruffer. K Pesohau & Westermand Ger Fidelia, S76 tons Meyer, J Jf escnau a wee term ann Br Battle H , 403 tons, Cochran, E G Barker & Co Ger Lydla Peschau. 368 tons, Burmeis'er, r escnau & W estern) an BRIGS. Ger Clara, 479 tons, Neijahi, B Pe:cnau & Westermann Ger Augnsta Pophle. 290 tons, Dethloff, E Peschau & Westermann Ncr Rmma, 305 tons, Andersen, Helde & Co SCHOONERS. ' ; Clara E Bergen 481 tons, Cooke. Geo Harriss & Co Crlssel Wright, 386 tons, Clark, Geo Ilairlsa & Co Frnk McDonali, 278 tone, Scull, Geo Harriss & Co Addle G Bryant, 204 tons, Stubbs. ' Ei Q Barker Jk Co Albert H White. 294 tons, Macomber, EG Barker & Co Schr If ormenbego, 295 tons, , is u Barker & Co Mary A Trundy, 401 tons. Dodge. Kb Barker A Hn John hay. 306 tons. Clark. Geo Ilarrlna Jk C.n Thomas Mnnlckson, 260 tons, Hearon, ueo Harriss A Co u. JveBei, 43U tons, Blake, . Geo HarrlM it Co Yasser, 228.0ns, Caamberlln, Geo Harrtaa Jk Co Etta M Brter,Barter, S59 tons. JS U Barker & Co Addle Snow, 155 tons, Norton, ' js Jiirker Co BoTcr. 12 tons. McLeod. Geo Harriss A Co Winner,-176 tons. Frye, E G Barker A Co Hatt'e Tnrner, 280 tons, Keen, KG TiArtfr Jk Cn Isaac Lj Clark.SSl tons, repairing. eo Harriss & Co SPECIAL NOTICE ! J WILL MOVE FROM THE STORE I NOW occupy about October 1st, to oie of the new Stores opposite the Market In the ToUers Building. I will sell off goods now on hand at greatly reduced prices and will open In the new store with a larger, handsomer and bet ter stock than I have ever kept, as 1 will have more room for display. - Reepeetfully MISS E. KARREK, sept 81 . ' Kxchanite Corner, We Are Wow Ready T) SHOW OUR STOCK OF COOKIKG and Heating Staves. We have tne best as sortment ever offered to the trade. Prices to suit th times, we have on hand some very cheap and good reech-loadlng Shot Guns, which we lire aeMng- at bottom figures. Drive Wells put down at shert notice. Give nwaealL PARKER A TAYLOR'S. sept SO S3 South Front St . Hason's Fruit Jars. "ryE NOW HAYS A FULL ASSORTMENl of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders al once. . We win guarantee lowest prices. : , .W. E. SPRINGER A CO..- ' -- t - ? S II 23 Market Street. pta ' , ;.1TCr:trstaa. 11. c: i. i L o KA ASri :. f 1 ' i M persona in a-ranoea stages oi the disease. Prtc ctefc Oom tion. D Genuine Dr. Bull' Cough Syrup la sold only In whit wrhvpen, and bears our red xraae-MarKS to wis . A BuWiKead in a Circle, a Kel- i Strip Cauticm-Laoei, ana cne IfMvximilAsiirTuitnrcaof John W. ' S'SS' A. C. Meyer 4b Oo Sole OE; Prop's, Baltimore, lUL, uTs. A. SALVATION OIL, .The Greatest Cure on Earth for Pain,'" Will relieve more -quickly than ainy other known remedy. ' Kneumatism, Neuralcria. Swellings, Bruises, Burns. Scalds, Cuts, Lumbago, Sores, Frost bites. Backache, Wounds, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, &c Sold by all Drusreists. Price 25 Cents a Bottle. sept l d&w tcnrmJ4p Creamery Buttered Flour; AN UNEAQUALLED TABLE LUXURY! - ' mHB LIGHT StST, BEST AND HEALTH lest food in the world. The result of more than thieo years' study and experiment by a scientific physician. Warranted to contain nothing but the rureet and most Who' esouie ingredients known to the present aye, all moat thoroughly and evenly mixed, by macmnery eBpec aiiy mveniea ana mide for this Duroose.- ' The old method of mixing by hand, besides being very laborious. Is never reliable and as a result the food mixed and cooked will be all a person can desire one day, and possibly the very next aay not m 10 come upon ; me taie of any well-regulated household. Thepe inequalities ara entirely overcome by using tho MA.RTII tL WASHINGTON CREAM ERY BUTTERED FLOUR. HOW IT IS MADE. First, the articles used In Its preparation are accurately weighed; tfcen the flour' is elf ted; next the flour, together with pure Cream of Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda, Salt, and pure, 8weet Creamery Batter are placed In a large lsgeniousiy constructed ana patented appa ratus. The machine is then set In motl-n, and In ten minuees turns out a barrel pf perfectly Srepared '-Creameky Bctteekd Floue." o human hand cm mix It so well. . It i9 so fine it can be passed through an ordin ary flour sieve. lour mixed wit n butter in tne usual way by housowives Is coarse, full of Limps ana incapable of passing through a flour sieve, and will spoil if kept only a short time: but CRKAMEKY BUTTERED FLOUK" will keep three months Qr longer in any climate. For sale by P. L. BRIDGERS & C0., IlO Nortb Front 8t. sept 7 . ! TTAVING NOW ESTABLISHED MYSELF at my new Btorc, the OLD GEORGE MYERS STAND, ' f - '.-'"' Nos. 15 ancl l7 South Front St , ...... .'.. and having laid in a new and fresh stock of the CHOICEST FAMILY SUPPLIES, I In- vltss all my customers, as well as the public enerally, to call and examine. My attention shall be specially directed to supplying, famtlles, and my endeavor shall be at all times to keep a FULL ASSORTMENT of everything In my line that is tempting and attractive. - , V With a large roomy store, pclite and atten tive clerks, prompt delivery m any part of the city, and at all times the Very lowest Prices ! I confidently Eollcit a part of the public pat ronage ' Respectfully, Jno. L. Boatwright. sept 23 " , Quarantine Notice. QUARANTINE FOR THE PORT OF WIL MiNGTON will be enforced from May 1st, to November 1st, as follows: - ' Pilots will bring all vessels from Ports south of Cape .Fear, from all Mediterranean Ports: and all vessel which have had any kind of sick ness on board during the passage, or which have sickness on arrival, to the Quarantine anchcrage; and will cause a signal to be tet in the main rigging on the port side, as soon as possible after crossing the Bar . Special notice will be issued to the pilots, by the Quarantine Physician, to bring vessels from other ports to the Quarantine Station whenever it shall appear to tho Quarantine Board that they are infected, or suspected of beings). . , . ,i No vessel must leave the Quarantine anchor age, or allow any person, steamer or tugboat, lighter, or boat of any kind to go alongside, unless by. written authority from the Quaran tine Physlcianand every vessel must bean chored as far to the eastward of the channel as is consistent with safety. - :. - . . , . , Regulations governing vessels while In Quar antine may be had on application at the office of the Quarantine Physician at Smithville. Applications for permits to visit vessels In Quarantine must be made to Dr Thomas F. Wood t Dr. Geo. G. Thomas, and permits so obtained will be endorsed by the Quarantine Physician, if In his opinion. It Is proper and safe to allow communication with such vessels. . A penalty of $.Q for each and every offence will be enforced against any person vio'ating any of the Quarantine Regulat ions of the Port. - - w. . CURTIS. M. D., v Quarantine Phydclan, Port of Wilmington. THOS. F. WOOD, M. D. M.D. ) , M. P. ) . Consultants GEO. G. THOMAS apl 28 2am 6m 1&15 : 4 . D);r Ml n Iff Removed. JING'3 TLN SHOP, ,. r v , sorjTn front street. Bear Mallard's Harness Store, In aller. - . Respectfully, . . - is ept 23- . .W. E. KE7U. LicoiiLLAiiiioua. j ;;: - Vhea Yon Hicle ; CiLL 6nI WRITE OR TELE PHONE TO us atd y u will get good horses and sound vehicles ank can f al drivers. We try to please always. "S Horsei boarded by the day, week or month We respectfully solicit the attention or the publio to our facilities. ; - ; . - ; ; 4- R, C-OBRELL Livery and 8&le Stables; , Corner Fourth and Mulberry, Sts. " . ; aug 12 A ' ' -. ,i . John i E- Lippitt, ' gen J4 Insurance agent. ', . - Fire: , , ' ... - . - . ,y : Life.; -Marine. 5 - Accident. - i ; - . . -i " v Endowment, 1 1 - . : . . Insurance -at Lowest Rates. SCpt 7 - - 1 '' - " - Hardw.arer Paints,, Oils, Glass, ; Sash, Blinds, & Doors. toves. QUR STOVES ARE MADE BY THE best factories, and have been giving entire eatis faction to tho hundreds wpecj)lewho have been and are still using the tn We eann6t be beaten In prices. We keep In stock Htrrl son's and Armstrong & . McK"elvy's strictly I fP' Family uee pare White Lead, which we offer at low prices. We Bell Hardware, from our large and com' plete stock at BOTTOM PRICES 1: " V- N ATB7L JACOBI, : sept 1 14 ' - t V , "... ' ' 10 South Front St 1885. Harper's : Weekly; illusteated: ; Habfks's Wkeklt' ha w; 'for twenty i years, maintained us position as tne leading j illustrated weekly newspaper, in .A merica, I With a constant i i&tio resources, it lng. year attractions unequalled by any previ-1 y ous volume, embracing a capital illustrated 1 ; ' serial story by W K Morris; illustrated arti rpHE, TWENTY.9ECOND ANSUAL 8JS- eles with special reference to the West and tJu, j r--t k ; - - . South, including the World's Exposition at pion will commence on TUESDAY OcLfti New Orleans , entertaining short stories, most- instruction as heretofore, thoronrt aud m lv illustrated, and Important papers by: high tematlc. each child receding lndividnliittcs- authorities one the chief topics of the -lay. tion. The course cf mstructtonlatlndok cal guide, an entertaining and tost uctiye fam j jCct teaching, without extra charge putt journal, entirely tfxeesfrem objectionable I log la OU, Water Colors and Pastel, alio. should subscribe to Has per'js W EEKLr, Harper's Periodicals. ; HARPER'S WEEKLY.;.'.....;.....r..$4 00 j streets. 'Entrance in the rear of thebnll&t HARPER S MAGAZINE!-...... . 4 00 1 at the Kast side. For partlculaw ace Priad- tiAKPERis isAZAR 4 oo I pais at Tsui AiaTKet street, or m ko. Third. UAurjsii's iuumu rxjKjrijEj.. ........ z uji sept xo Habpkb's Franbxtn SQUABB LIBBABTJ One. r ear (52 Numcers. ............. 10 00 1 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United states or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekiv ' besrin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of j order. - xne last five Annual volumes or Harper Weekly. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage-paid, ot bv express, free of ex pease (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, win be sent by mail, postpaid, on re-! ceipt of $100 each. - - j - Remittances should be made by ' Post-Office aioney uraer or juraf t, to avoid chance of loss. .Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Habfbb & bbothbbs. Address'1 ; ' HARPER & BROTHERS. de3 . - ' New York Selling Rapidly I ALL WOOL CASSIMERES FOR MEN AND - , BOYS. - I AM NOW OFFERING THE FINEST s'ock of TABLE GOODS In the city, cheaper than ever before. : , " ' I Banrains in LADIES'. AND- GENTS If. s. Ladies' line H. S. Hdkfs. 12V. and 15 cents! Ladies' fine Tucked Hdkfs; 15 and 23 cents. I uents' nne ja. . juoazs. 35 cents. k ' - A splendid stock of LINEN COLLAR 3 for "i.-, i -iii".-si-i---'v JtjL In selling a ins line of hMMrari 2dUneof low wlced WINTER DRESS thelast tvroleasons,. wear ajrw ' J GOODS. ; ; i,; handsomer line than usual and tovWf Rice Birds. . Rice' Birds. : RiceBirdScr - TJDiST. OF THE SEASON, AT THE septl 26 NORTH FROST STt P h o to Q pa p Ii b : W-OW ' IS THE TIME TO GET GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS at the f bllowing low price. S3 ffisS JSKS!? at CBONENBEEG'J; GALLERY. For' SO days thTulmJ . . - - . :.-. I the best advertising meaium " ' t&e mice will be: - I Carolina. Address . . n.-K.C. i.a loz. uara- jfnotographs, l;OU I . . - . - rt i doz. : . -c- 2.50 Fru f and Ureen uroucn 1-2 Doz. Cabinet S.OO i:-' .Trra UTt 1-2T Doz Panels, . y. 3.50 - COO All Pictures must be. paid fer when the negative la taken, or full price will be charged. eept 10 if ' . . . u, csqzzzzzzq:--'. Jll. - liowYoriTrvTIlHiH ; BteamBhlp t.0 -T-V ' ' i '" ' ' FHOM PICBM. EASTRrvE-L' - , At s o'clock. P:v : GULF STREAM....:...;.. 8at bfactor::....;...... REGULATOR. ' H 1 GULF STREAM... jt''-1 gulf stream:..:..;.. ' GULF STREAM.;:..,.;. k,, Through Bates gtauranteedtori m North and South Cxromi. "a For Freight or Passageappry to r H, G. SMALLBONE3, SunerUitenae;, TIIEO; G. EGER, TtriS$SSl WM. P. CLYDE CO.. Genri?.It scptu,:. , agjia&i Refrigerator and Ice Work Fine Creamery Butter JpUT UP IN FIVE POUND PACKiGB, : For sale at a rewonable price for cash. " ' y Delivered when desired W. E. WORTH & CO., , Proprietors.1 aug 24 Female School. Misses Bnrr & James, -PRINCIPALS. skiy newspaper, m America. 1 TV'-, - ;TT O n i ntincrease of Hterary and art 1 4 f MrSv M, Oi" UUSIllD?. , it Is able to offer for- the ensu I : .4 -,.. . . . Musical Instructress. vey uira nuo ucBirea a mi.wuiiuj. vuiiH- i mg, catis nemos, froa hand Driwinr. and i chirm On account of the unfinished etatenf ii Church,-and the present necessary use of tit School He use i.i connection ith the bulldkt th school will be opened and continued fori fRIT In tho Dallnf h. UnnV x r ' a car. : i oompny. on rocx. Deiweenxiiiraanafooia Lime. 4 Lime. 1800 BBLS EOCKLASD imr ; BEST QUALIII, SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. ; WORTH & WORTH. sept 8 v ; , -; ,:. , nipples,- and Potatoes. jgXPECTED BY STEAM EE THIS WXH a larea Invoice of Northern . ; ' . CABBAGES, APPLES AND POTATOl Must be sold at once and will be Id low. CRAIG & THOMAS, i 1 V 46f'r No 113, South IrontSt, opposite HewMirW sept 21 Lamp G. TTAVING MET WITH GBUIS5 chaser's attention to them. rw'"i5 sept 21 GIl.ES nw"', The' Landmark, - " -". . ... TTkUBLISHED AT STATES VILLB, X' . ' '' ' ' ' ' " '": ,nel b county, N C U the leading newpP, csiern norm larouna. ..ii , It 1 the only Democratic PP i . . x . ts 1 In Iredell county one of -YhAi & wealthiest counties in the t'T .nr v t lined a larger local circulation rf . Tr Kvf.r hpTPtntara nnblished l V?? .'it per ever heretofore p lu r.irr.uLiiion in aj Hon In A Allesbanr. Yalkln, Dairie er than that of any two papers - xt combined; and Js rapidly acqoIrlEf crn Mecklenburg. -. ' vnrtl x w kuuiu us m vim wici : : it is the only paper n ""ilF' Una that employs a BeI?i : r - -i r - ; T? - LANDMARK, 8izw22- or Northern nd North vitvw.-- ur? wortnern sna norm " .rri wnrti t1 pies, Virginia, Duchess wfwdJ Pears. Cabbages. Onion. Groceries nertToe ulTMPil ea ana otner o r w " tA f cpt 18 ;'Davl3' Cow".

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