IHI3 FAPKB erery rrnln:. SmwUiTi -x ecpted by JOSH T. JAME8, otpT10SS POSTAGI PAID: 5iL c,T onth. t2.00. Three 4.00. .inc- One month, 25 cent. ' w 800 ncr win be lcllvercl by carriers tree V p !a any part of the city. t the abore mb rate low and BbcraL brlbcrs will report any and all fall, acclvc their paper regularly. Vrr, 7at7v Beviev has the largest ttetirvdation of any newspaper mJiHl. in w "y J " r" - "Timnlet-' c'!Ictriin if American C"-s - ye Y rk r-'al s::ijB.K'nt siy that y i'cnand !t houses is n.iw grpaier ,T it eVer " T,in 1 e,,,ro 1 hH Tea Vari-'i'1''1 'f liriS'" t p I'rovincir.i Bank of Buenos Ayrps capital f S3 000,000 ami de- .:,3 a;u(anilUg I'J 5ui,wn,vw. turse frjrare nt r-qnalled bjr any United c-v.eslur.k . - ThcEoia-nr t Ruasia travels in jji'roaJ on tint once belonged to jjpnieoa III, but they have been great- r improved, and are sa:d to be the g-est io the world-' . - Cotton oau be easily grown in the JuJiain Valley of California, but there tis been uo market dear enough for practical purposes. A big mill is now resJy to weave the product.. - Fnm an address by the Rev. J. 7 Hiney, a pastor at Springfield, Ohio : ultie Deiutcrat;c party is the road to he!!, and the Republican party is the road to damnation. I'll take to the tocJs." - Ex-Secretary Boutwell says as to or aiory. that the only true way lor a pub licman tMcUrm himself about popular sentiment is to go on the stump, speak directly to the people, and note the ef lectof his words. The practice of writins political sen tiscr.ts on walls, benches and other available spota is common in Paris. They used to be directed mainly against aristocrats, but now the burden of de aanciation is "Down with the wealthy.1' Uarnsbarg Indepcnderit : It is a rerysusgestive fact that some of the cost famous of the old Abolitionists itiil surviving heartily indorse tbe ic'aon of the Cleveland Administration and proFes3 to have great confidence in lit j heal Liule Rock Oazctle: All inquiries concerning Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Stevenson's health are answered iii'y bv the press dispatches. A man ho can grind out one hundred fourth class postmasters every day is in excel lent health. A writer in the New York Tribune ays he is rttold on good authority that 'iae recent resignation of A. M. Keiley is Minister to Austria was simply ?re.iminary to his appointment to fill vacancy to be created by the removal tfthe Third Assistant Secretary of ie.Alvey A.Adee." The men predominate in MississiDDi. Vermont, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, orida. West Virginia and Indiana, iere the fenfales are about ninety-five per cent, of the males, and in Illinois iiconsin. Arkansas-, Missouri and hwa the percentage of females is from s:cety to ninety-five. Boston special to Pittsburs Commer-ia-xllc: "From the rock-bound 01 Maine to the rock-ribbed hills w Berkshire come encouraging reports u'e reyival of m an u facta rin?r. indus tries, increased demand lor help at -i2er DJV" Jn.l Ihn hnll.linir nf naa r .uw UUI IU1I1 j a UW w anj factories Tha Washington Slar in an cditoria P the civil service commission, says a coojcte reor?ftnization mav be MPocted. It asks: "How. for instance, rB'U it do to appoint Allan G, Tnur- ;sa.w Ohio; James E. Enclish. of f ccecticut. and Andrew D. White, of lork, as the three commission- The bOUnd.irv lafmo.n Xemnn- frod ew Hampshire has been in H?a:e igo years. No strictly le fne exists. In 1741 the King of g'4nd directed representatives of Provinces to jointly make a map, I3 accord with some general directions. Massachusetts did not obey, and f8y Uarnpshine did the work alone. CJttp of Merrimac valley is the doubt h Pound. A bov in m rrf : i i Q at the teacher had red hair. He I whipped l0 make him retract, but r iasistetl IU 1, .1,1 r j . i. uswuiu uui Leu a lie, f be had the utmost confidence in rjaagoient ol cMor. The woman de t?fe !hat sbe wonW beat him to death h7, l DechaQged the word from red ana he abused his conscience v, t uui, aiterwara iook me PTtrr f"Wk rk. . . I Jitjelrq3lee3t who 8UStained him 7 1 E VOL. IX. W LMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER LOCAL NEWS. HDH'TO iEtf .ADYERTIXEMEIITS. Pee ad Wanted C W ?ates Coming Jn HEIKBBKKOBK Fall Htock Munds Brothess Drnxgiati r C Miller Tar llee Liniment VY"ahtd Lvllea and Gentlemen W W Colvs Greit Colossol Shows Change of SaMag Daya N Y & WI1 S 8 Co Day s length 11 hours and 57 minutes. You can get all sizes of glass at Jaco i:i's Hdw. Depot. f Sunset tomorrow afternoon at 49 minutes past 5 o'clock. Thrro were no interments in Belle vue Cemetery this week. The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 1,186 bales. The turnpike was-faily alive with vehicles yesterday afternoon. Ropes and twines of all kind and sizes, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t British steamer Fannie sailed from Hartlepool Sept. 23 for this port. There were two interments inOakdale Cemetery this week, one adult and one child. Nor, barque Ilovding, Olscn, sailed from Stetten for this port on the 21st. irrst. Swedish schooner Liana, Andersen, sailed lor this port on the 21st inst from Hamburg. Steamboatmen report that there has been a fall of about eight feet iu the Cape Fear. There were three interments in Pine Forest Cemetery this week, one adult two children. There will be no preaching or other services in the First Presbyterian Church to-morrow. The storm signal was flying to-day, and it is possible that we may have a big storm in a day or two. It alwas pays to get the best, and you can always get what you want in - the furnishing line from Dyeu. i The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licenses this week, one for a while and one lor a colored couple. The Sunday School at the Baptist Chaper, corner of Fifth and Wooster streets, is held every Sunday afternoon, the exercises beginning promptly at 4 o'clock. A thoroughly" competent teacher for the Bible class has been se cured and much interest is manifested in the success of the school. .Base .Ball. The Somersets, Capt. B. Penny, and Amateurs, Capt. Thos. Webb, two baseball nines of this city, played a match game of baseball at Wright's Field this afternoon which resulted in a victory i or the Amateurs in a score of 32 to 23. ' Indication. For tne South Atlantic States, oc casional rains, preceded in Northern portion by fair wcather.'Easterly winds attending a cyclonic- disturbances in the gulf, moving Northeasterly, nearly stationary temperature, lower barooi- eter. . , exports Forelgu. British barque Oeorre Davis, Capt. Macu rubor, cleared . to-day for Liver pool with 2,403 bale- of cotton, it being tbe first shipment foreign of the season. Value $108,360. Cargo and vessel cleared byMessrs Alex Sprunt & Son. Nor. barque Nord Amerika Terje. sen, cleared to-day for Glasgow with 500 casks spirits turpentine and 2,795 barrels rosin, valued at $10,850, ship ped by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son. Criminal Court. The following have been the proceed ings before this tribunal since closing our last report : State vs. Andrew Russ, assault and battery. Continued for defendant. State vs. Peter Wrieht, Ca23ar Wright, Betsy Grady and John Grady, larceny. Continued. State vs. John Owens and Margaret Owens, affray. Not guilty and defend ants discharged. State vs. Samuel Reese, assault and battery. Settled. I There were a great number of cases of persons charged with having an un lawful fence, in some of which the jle fendants submitted " and judgments were suspended upon payment of costs and in others a nolle pros was entered. Quite a number of sci Jos were prop erly disposed of. The errand jurors were discharged - ... - - v... - - . ". ' - ' . . I Cotton. - The receipts oi cotton at this port for the week ending wi'h to-day foot up 5,209 bales, as against 4,876 bales lor the corresponding week of lat year, an increase this week of 333 bales. Tbe receipts of the crop year to date foot up 9,952 bales, against H.373 bales to same date last year, an increase this year "of 1 579 bales. City Court. Clinton Fair, a young colored man, was arrested yesterday for acting sus piciously, and after being locked up during the night, was brought before the Mayor for an examination. It ap peared evident that tbe boy was idiotic as nothing coherent could be obtained from him, not even as to where he came from, and he was sent helow to await a further examination and also to see if some further information could be obtained regarding tbe unfortunate creature. There being no other busi ness the Court adjourned A Social Idea. Society is always, introducing new wrinkles. Tbe latest was among tbe 'swell" set of St. Louis, who, upon the inauguration of the present season sent out neatly printed invitations to their friends, inviting them to assemble at tbe Southern Hotel at tho slated hour, and then attend W. W. Cole's ideal c reus in a body. Special ar rangements had been made tor ex clusive space for their accommodation, and the event proved a grand success. Other cities are not disposed to be bzhind St. Louis, and it is to be presumed the idea will spead. ' At any rate our "society" will have an op portunity to tollow suit when W. W. Cole's colossal shows visit this city on Oct. 10. It d&v. Literary. Tfie most striking feature of the Magazine of American History for Oc tober is General Grant's autograph letter on the death of Alexander II. Stephens, addressed to Rev. Henry Whitney Cleveland, formerly a Colonel in the Confederate service. General Egbert L. Viele writes a brilliant de scription of the lamous "Port Royal Expedition. 1861 the First Union Vic tory of the Ciyil War." An excellent portrait of tbe commander of the expe dition, Commodore Dupout. serves as a frontispiece to the number. "The Fallacy of 1787" is a suggestive paper on certain features of the Constitution, by A. W. Clason. "The Homes of the Constitution, by Rov. W. M. Beau champ; and "A Glastonbury Medal," by H. W. RichardsoD, are both papers of exceptional interest to the antiqua rian. The shorter" articles are: "Ad yonturous Escape from Prison Life," by Gen. J. Madison Drake; "A Rev olutionary Relic," by Clark Jillson; and "A Critical Notice," by Henry H. Hurlbut. Subscription price, $5 a year in advance. Published at 30 Lafayette Place, New York City. Personal Col. Jesse Hargrave, of Richmond county, was in the city to-day. Mr. S. W. Clements, the popular teacher of the Male Academy at Wal lace. (Duplin Roads) Duplin county, is in tbe city to-day. Mr. .1. M. McKeithan, of this city, has removed to Lumberton, where he has gone into business. Capt. John Kent Brown has returned to the city after an absence of more than a month, spent in traveling. We are glad to note that his health has im proved. Capt. H. D. Gilbert was out riding this morning, for the first time since his return from Lincolnton. We are glad to learn that his health is improv ing, although as yet very slowly. Mr. John Egan. from the celebrated organ manufactory of Hook & Hast ings. BostoD, Mass., is in the city en gaged in making some alterations and improvements in the organ at St. James Church. We learn from the Milwaukee (Wis.) Daily Sentinel, that Mr. Charles B- Draper, a brother of Mr. E. T. Draper, of this city, has been appointed post master at Oconomo woe, Wis. This is the right sort of civil service reform, for Mr. Draper is a true blue Democrat having inherited Democratic principles from hisfather.who was a leading citizen and Democratic mayor of Oconomo woe for six years. The city has about 10, 000 inhabitants. The U. S. Government buoy tender Wistaria. Capt. II. Brown, came op the river this morning and mado fast to the wharf near the foot of Marke street. She is a staunch, looking craft TiieParade and Inspection. The following communication was received last night too late for publica tion in yesterday's issue. It was wri' ten by one who evidently know3 how military movements should be con ducted and who feels, as" every good citizen should, a warm interest in the welfare of the Light Infantry: We witnessed last Thursday evening the drill and parade of the Wilmington Light Infantry, and to say it met our approval is giving but scant praise. The parade gave pleasure to the large crowd wfTo witnessed it and the earnest manner and bearing of 4he command ing officer, Capt. Morrison received, the warmest encomiums from the crowd as well a3 the prompt and willing obedience of the men; which was noted by all. Tis a pity that our substantial citizens do not show their good will towards this company, whichin care ot trouble they are all willing to look to and call upon, but in times of peace permit it to pursue its course without one word of approval. All good citizens having at heart the welfare of oar city, should take an interest in our bovs, upon whom we look with so much pride whenever brought into competition with others. We heard Lieut. East man, of the 5th Artillery, U. S: Army. express his warm approval of several m,3neuvres; particularly, "on right into Jine, wheeling by company, and also of the manual. The firing was partic ularly good. The greater tho efficiency of the com pany, the greater will be the esprit dit corps, but much of both is due to Capt. Morrison, who seems well qualified for the position, his whole heart being given to this work. You will find a large assortment of table cutlery, at very reasonable prices, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. f Will Double the Business. Shriek is determined this Fall and Winter to double the amount of busi ness that ho did last, and will not re sort to any unfairness, schemes or give away presents to accomplish it, but merely by fair and honest dealing with tho people. We guarantee to giye to each and every patron fully oue hun drcd cents value in return for each and every dollar and frequently much more. It makes no difference what induce sueDts tnher hoose& may. offer in tt way of prices, we can always save you at least from 15 to 33 per cent, on the dollar by dealing with Siiiuek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. t Now is the season lor painting your houses. Go to Jacobi's Hardware Depot and buy your paints, if you want to save money. t For the best unlaundried white shirt iu tbe city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J. Elsbacti, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS: 1IT ANTED Ladies and gentlemen in city V f or country wishing to earn $3 to $5. a day at their own homes; no canvas ing; worK furnished and sent by mail any distance. For particulars address, with stamp, CRYSTAL IZED PHOTO OO., 53 W. 7th tit., Cincinnati, Ohio. sept 26 It New York & Wilmington Steamship Co. FROM PIER 34, EAST RIVER. NEW YORK At 3 o'clock, P. M. REGULATOR Saturday. Oct. 3 GULF STREAM Saturday, Oct. 10 REGULATOR Saturday. Oct 17 GULF STREAM Saturday, Oct. 24 FROM WILMINGTON GULF STREAM Friday. Oct. 2 REGULATOR Friday, Oct. 9 GULF STREAM Friday, Oct. 16 REGULATOR Friday, Oct. 23 Tnrouga Bills Lading and Lowest Through Rates guaranteed to and from Point! In North and South CArolinx. for Freight or Passage apply to EL 6. 8MAXLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C T1IEO. G. EGER, Freight Agent, New York. WH. r. CLYDE CO.. Generrs. Ax ants, 35 Breadway, New York. sept 26 Fall Stock. "I rTE ARE RECEIVING DAILY OUR Fall Stock. Pianos, Organs, Musical Merchandise of every decripUon, Fansy Goods;-, Standard Works, all the litest Novel of the day, Blank Books, School Books, Stationery of all kinds. Steel KngraT-ogs. Ollcgraphs, Cil Paintings, beautiful Velvet and other Frames, Chromes, "All of wh!h w ri eplttriflr sit Ihrt Inrrpt-t 26, 1885 NO. 225 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. rpo PURCHASE ONE OR MOfiE COPIES, or a bound volume of the old llmlngion CI ronlcle," edited l y the late Mr. -Aia A t Brown sept 2 Apply at 1J0 NO. WATER ST. nt Market Stalls for Kent. J3 VRTIE3 WHO RENTED STALLS NOS. 5 and 8 Fr.nt Street Market, not cavltsc com piled with requirements of Market Orilnan ces, we will Ice rent ihero, at P cbllc Auction, MONDAY, Sept. 28th, at j2 o'clock, at the Front Street X arket House. MARKET COMMITTEE, ipt25 2t ,By order of Aldermen. Female School. Misses Burr & James, PRINCIPALS. Mrs. M. S, Cushing, Musical Instructress. rjEE TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL SE8- Bion will commence on TUESDAY, Oct. Cth. Instruction as heretofore, thorough and sys tematic, each child receiving lndividu-1 atten tion. The course of instruction Includes Sing ing, Calls henics, frea hand Drawing, and ob ject teaching, without extra charge Paint ing in Oil, Water Colors and Pastel, also, Cravon Drawleg taught at moderate charges On account of the unfinished state of the Church, and the present necessary U83 of the School Hcusc 1q connection ith the building, the school will be opened and continued for a few .weeks in the Hall of the Hook & Ladder Company, on Dock, between Third and Fourth streets. Entrance la the rear of the building at the East side. For p articular eee Princi pals at 301 Market street, or 224 No. Third, sept 15 SPECIAL NOTICE ! J WILL MOVE FROM THE STORE I 25 OW occupy about October 1st, to one of the new Stores opposite the Market" in the Vollers' Building. I will sell off goods now on hand at greatly reduced prices and will open in the new store with a larger, handsomer and bet ter stock than I have ever kept, as I will have more room for display. Respectfully MISS E. KARHER. HTchag Corner. Photographs. JOW IS THE TIME TO GET "GOOD PHOTOGRAPHS at the following low rrices at CSONENBERG'S GALLERY. For 30 days the pi ice will be: 1-2 Doz. Card Photographs, $1.50 1 Doz. 44 " J.50 1-2 Doz. Cabinet " tf.OO 1 Doz. " 4.50 1-2 Doz Panels, - - - :.50 1 Doz. " - 5.00 All Pictures must bo paid for when the negative Is taken, or full price will be charged. sept 10 tf II. CRONENBERG. BEEF ! BEEF ! BEEF ! GREAT WAR IN PRICES ! JpiNEST, FATTE8T AND JUCIESr BEEF VEAL and LA M B on this market. The larg est dealer and the most complete stock of Meats in tho city. Prompt delivery In any part of the city free of extra charge. If you leave aa order you can always depend on get ting what you order and delivered at the right time and place. The following list will show you what we are going to do and wc mean what wc say: CHOICE CUTS OF BEEF. . . ..lOc. " LAMB.....10C. ' MUTTON.. 10c. ROASTS-... 8 & 10c. STEW .,...5c. SOUP BONE lOc. BRISKET..... 5c. SHANKS - ...10&15C. SAUSAGE. 12 l-c. PUDDING.. ..It. l-!c Respectfully, .? JNO. E. MELTON, Stalls 1 & 3, New Market. sept 21 3t Star copy f We Are Now Ready rpo SHOW OUR STOCK OF COOKIKG JL and Heating Stoves. We have the best as sortment ever offered to the trade. Prices to suit the times, w e have on hand sorae very cheap and good Breech-loading Shot Guns, which we are seblng at bottom ligures. Drive vre lis pus uown at snort notice, uive utaeau. lr A It Alt It TAILOR'S. sept 20 - 23 Socia front St Mechant cs Saloon . - S. Front St. ' ' ; VHKABX KOTICS. . .. ' . Wt wU bs glad to receiva mni-ic&tioi Crosa our friends on any tad all !-nhJsci; ; taerallateresthnt - " - r , - ' : Th nana of the writer roast always t ' alahed to tael&dltOT. : ComzaTralcsrtloztsxaast be writ: ca o. osesldeof the paper. Personalities must be avoided.; A2 it is especially and paruculixly end 'tood that the Editor does not always en dot tho views of correspondents caleas so stall ha the editorial coIubuis. - NEW ADVEUISEMENTS. OPS Fall & Whiter Goods. -AT- I 1. 116 Market St. An Entirely New Stock -OF- Siiks, Rhadams, Ottomans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricot?, Ladies1 Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, &c , oic. White Goods, Laces, Edgings, Furs, Glove3, Corsets. Men's and Boys1 Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, . Domestics, Notions, Ac. &c. At prices lower than they haye been known for years. Terms Positively Cash ! H5T I ehall sell my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. All Iask is tho same treatment - . Cash ! Cash 1 Cash ! And assure you at the same time, my kind patrons, that I propose lo main tain in the future the reputation gained in tho past of having ! v The Best, the Cheapest I . AND ; ' MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at M. Wl. KATZ'S sept 21 fl lO BIAKKET ST. NEW GROCERY STORE -AN D- Eighteen Years Experience T QN FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. 25th, I will hav everything In order at No. is South Front street, to serve the public from the moht pncplcte stock of GROCERIES in the city. Call and examine and get prlce3. Prices will be generally lower to attract the trade J. C. STEVENSON. E0Dt23Gt Board. H AVING CLOSED THE MAYO HOUSE st the Rocks, for the season, I have opened a private Boarding Houte at No. 100 rock st., between Front and Second. Rooms for rent furnished, with or without board. MS-. This house will be kept open all the year round. MBS. MAYO, sept -1 tf On Premises. Rev. Daniel Morrelle's JgNGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. ihe twenty-sixth annual seesion will begin Thursday, the let of October. Forterai3cr any ..formation, call at the School Hosee, corner of filth and Orange streets. . tept 19 tw Cape Fear Academy f IHE THIRTEENTH SESSION WILL Open JL on Monday. Sept 28th, In the Meglnuey School Rcom, corner Fourth and Princess 8U, It u lrr.nrpwrtl unnn rtaivnta ami --i-.tfna that it is important that pupils should enter at .c.6 ucginuinx oi me session- catalogues to t bli'4 at IHB UUUlClUIL'li . WASHINGTON CATLETT, sept 13 2w Principal. CTTHOLE-ALE AND RETAIL DRUG-; of-- ; - - KATZS, ... . 1

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