XHISPAPEl . r epted by j0SH T.JAMES, fDrroB Ain pbopbitob- rrscBirTI0!i3 postage: PAID: 5t4.00. Six months, $2.0. Thre " yei One month, 35 cent. 03 ncr will be delivered by carriers tree fW Psp; rt of the citr. at the Abo-re .nti per week. r orrg rate9 low and liberal. iSSj-crihcra will report any and all fall- en to "i'vc ' ' Tj7 Atiy Review has the. largest . .intir.n nf nnu newsrttvaer vifod. trt city o Wilmington. Ek fA-- -oCTis the name of.a . new county p the State ot mem . A ceW fancy of the fair is gold' knit- ,! needles tipped with pearls. . is Thcarti;t f N'eW Orleans have de ., if- Mind a school of design in that city- Tbe (je!i 'tn his been stripped of her jyioii'i- 1:1 '""der IO e shipped back Ttc IJa'ttiirc trand jury reports tbattlic lntro-hicii'in of the whippiag p3jtto punish wife bcaters""ba3' had a si'.a'.ary effect. , . - .- ' IntheMiisissipP. delegation to the forty ninth Congress there arc three members who were privates m me Confederate Army Messrs. Barry, A'.len anil Catchins. Xbe (Jaicttc ties Jlopitcaux describes thecise of a woman who drank a pint ol kerosene. Tho dose nearly killed her, indsfie was saved only after great suf fering and an active treatment lor ten dijs. ItUestiaoatedthat there has been a decrease of about $ 12,000.000 in the public debt during the month ot Sep tember. Th-3 payments on account nmsions during the month were about $1,000,000. - A pickle famine is threatened this winter. The present supply at the East is set down at 80,000,000 one half only of what 13 needed for the Eastern trade. The Western crops have suffered, and heary advances in price are looked for. Col. Charles C. Jones. Jr., of Augus ta. Ga., having investigated the subject, is convinced that neither Major-Gen. Nathaniel Greene nor Major-Gen. Count Pulaski "sleeps beneath the respective monuments which a grateful and patriotic people have reared in their honor." Charleston (S. C.) News and Courier: Gea.Mahono's present embarrassment, mriew of the appeals that are made to him by his strikers for money for cam ps:?o purposes', affords pretty clear evidence of the character of his methods in the past. I' ' A telegram from Gallipolis, Ohio, ujs: "Leading colored citizens ot this place waited upon the School Board with a formal petition asking that for mer action refusing colored children admission to tho white High School be rescinded. The board returned an ad verse answer." The Union PIiarmaceuliqueBays that a eminent chemist prepared with great care a mixture of manganese, perm an imate ot potash, and oxalic acid, only tofhd that the mixture exploded a few minutes afterward in the patient's Pocket. It also giye3 an instance -of a tooth powder composed ot cadhou and chlorate ot potash exploding in ' the mouth of a person engaged in brushing bi3 teeth. The Prohibitionists of New York are Ty bitter in their war upon Hhe Re" Publicans. They say that Ihey will not withdraw their State or any of their local tickets, but will press the canvass a their own interests , and especially gainst the republican ticket on ac count of Davenport's record. A plain and honest confession comes Jjo the Nutmeg State. The New nav-ea Union says: "There are places i Connecticut, and Meriden has been ue of them, where it was not healthy 'or & Democratic workingm an to vote gainst the candidates backed by his Publican employers. Shotguns wero not used to convince him. but methods dually effective were brought to-bear.' Chrome Sciatica Ciired. Ashland. Mass., January 23,1885. For the last two years I ha?e hob J'ed around on crutches. During that Ljne I was afflicted with sciatic rheu matism. I not only suffered terrible Pim night and day, but was utterly PlP'ess. After using eyery posible cl. krUo get well, and exhausting t he best medical advice. I was induced to try or AUcock's Porous Plaster. These pore on my side, hip-bone and thich. jaone week I was almost entirely Iree rm'pain. and strength returned lo palsied limb. I continued using 7ese Piasters with tho most surprising 8ults for three months,, when I be me perfectly cured, and abandoned the Qseof crutches. Persons desiring forth information can address me. VOL. IX. Chairman Hensel. of the Penns vlva nia Democratic committee, spent one day last week with Mr. S. J. Tilden, who expressed himself as pleased with the Democratic nominations in New York.- He expects to see both New York and Ohio go Democratic his fall: When told that the chances of the Democrats carrying Pennsylvania were good be was especially delighted- The President last week received an elegantly framed photograph of Prince Bismarck. It was a present from Prince Bismarck himself and bore his personal aulogj-a ph. It-wilU be hung W the Prcsideni cham ber. It repre sents the Prince, in his military uni form. It isprobablelhat the President will reiurnTne compliment and send back one of his photographs similarly framed. - Congressman Warner's so-called compromise" bill 13 denounced bv various bankers and business men of New York city as a delusion and a snare, on the ground that it does not limit tho amount of silver which may be coined -and leaves far too much power in tho hands of the secretary of tho treasury. For these -reasons it is considered even worse than tho Bland Act. The Chicago Sun, referring to tho as sault of Dr. White upon Judge Ward, thus forcefully, if not religiously, sums up its views: "There seems, by the way, to be some defect in the quality of the Virginia 'chivalry' exhibited in this affair. The most commonplace ruffianism anywhere could hardly be guilty of . a more cowardly butchery than that perpetrated by the . three 'chivalrous' dogs who deliberately con tinued firing upon a fallen and defense less foe." y LOCAJVEWS. II DEI TO NEW ADVE8TISE VENTS. A Big Offer No More Eye Glasccs W B Kino liemoved B C OKBELI Reward Wasted Youn Ladles Wanted An.actlve Man C W YATKS School Books aitreSBEROKK SchOOl Books Giles MuRcnisoN Lamps Wanted Reliable Drummers Muxds Brothers DrugrgisU F C Miller Tar Heel Liniment Mr i. Kate C Wines Millinery Wantbd Agents 'n every section John L Bo AiwHiOHT Fall Goods S H Manning, Sheriff Taxes 1885 Parker & Taylor Cold Weather Knights op Honor Secular Meeting W E Springer & Co Mason's Fruit Jars Sallade & Co Magic Insect Exterminator P L Bridgers & Co Creamery Bnttered Flour Forother locals see fourth page. "The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 712 bales. The weather last night was almost cold enough for a frost. The School at St. James' Home vill commence on Monday next. Notice to the Boys Those Bracket Saws are here. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot.t Br. steamer Carbis Bay, Tregarthen . cleared at New York on the 3rd inst, for this port. " Nor. barque Hovding, - Olsen, from Stettin, tor this port, parsed Copenha gen Sept. 25th. "John Dyer, Tailor and Haberdash er," 34 Front street. Winter is coming and you need warm clothing. Go see him. t Cotton is being brought here in quite large quantities add the compresses and cotton dealers are kept quite busily employed. ' . ' Tho Graded Schools ol the city open ed this morning with an unusually large attendance, nearly every seat being oc cupied. Mrs. Kate C, Wine3 is now busy opening np the new stock recently pur chased by her in New. York. It will be ready for inspection on Thursday next, 1 There have been heavy rains in the up-country by which it is expected that the streams tributary to the Cape Fear will be swollen so as to cause consider able ot a rise in the river, to tho ad yantage of steamboat navigation. . - The streets were quite lively this morning witb children wending their way to school and in front of the differ ent public schools, before the hour for opening, there had gathered a large throng of pupils waiting to begin the studies of the term. You .will find a full assortment of paint, horse and scrub Brushes, made j by the best lactones, t Jacobi's Hdw ' WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY; OCTOBER 5, - The ladie3 were out in force to-da and many of them were at Taylor's Bazaar, this being the first of tho three opening days there. By invitation .of the proprietor we made an inspection of the stock and r ven to our masculine eye the display was indeed a beautiful one. Have you seen the fine assortment of Stoves at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot? You can sa ve money by buying there. t Uun Clul. Several gentlemen in this city who have a fondness for hunting have con cluded to form a gun club and will meet to-night in tho room over the First National Bank far the purpase of organization. There are a good many in the city who delight in this sort of field sport, and the cluH should have a goodly number of members. A Want Supplied. Many persons, who have been de sirous of learning to play the violin, have not been able to do so on account ot being unable to obtain a competent instructor. Prof. G. M. Hobbs will . V mm' locate in Wilmington, anu ne being a thoroughly competent musician will give entire satisfaction. He also makes a speciality of teaching Harmony and moducation. No doubt some qf our or ganists will take advantage of this, as it is really needful for an organist to understand harmony in order to mod- ulateuwell. The best ready mixed paint can be had at Jacoiji's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints up. t Found Orowned. The body of an unknown colored man was touna floating in-the river yesterday nearly opposite the timber pen at Messrs. Parsley & Wiggins mill. It wa3 secured and Coroner Jacob3 was notified, but be did not deem a jury of inquest necessary under the circumstances as there were no marks of violence upon the person o the deceased, and the body was buried at the expense of the county. 1 bo de ceased was apparently about 35 years of age and was not identinea by any one. He was evidently a stranger from the country and appearances indicated that be had accidentally fallen over board and drowned. Will Double the I us mess. Shrier is determined this Fall and Winter to double the amount of busi ness that ho did last, and will not re sort to any unfairness, schemes or give away presents to accomplish it, but merely by fair and honest dealing with the people. We guarantee to give to each and every patron fully one hun dred cents value in return for each and every dollar and frequently much more. It makes no difference what induce ments other houses may offer in the way of prices, we cau always save you at least from 15 to 33 per cent, on the dollar by dealing with Shrier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Millinery. T HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS whtcli will be opened nctt THURS DAY, Oct 8th. Hope the Ladlos will give ins a call before purchasing. MR. KATE C WINES. Jl'J N. Second Street, near Postoflice oct5Ct Prof. Gaston M. Hobbs, rjlEACHER OF VIOLIN, PIANO AND liar mony. For terms, etc.. apply to the nnder lirncd. G. M- H03BS. City. References: Prof. A- Hammerlch, Director of rcabody Conservatory. Baltimore; and E VanLaer of this city. oct51t Mason's Frnit Jars. -yyTE NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send In your orders at once. We wlli guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER A CO- 19, 21 & 23 Market Street, ost 5 Wilmington, N.C Cold Weather 18 COMING, AND NOW IS THE TIME to hare your Stoves overhauled and put up for the winter. If vou wan: a first-class COOKING OR HEATING STOVE, we can furnish you. Pure White Oil always on hand. PARKER TAYLOR'S, oct 5 23 South Front St Reward. JJAULY ON LAST 8ATUBDAY MOBN Ing a white man got a horse and buggy from my Et.lls statins that ho was going to Mason boro Sound, since which time he has not been heard from. The man was between 25 and SO years of ajre and well dressed; clothes rather light: about 6lA feet In height; tlr complexion and no beard. The horse Is a solid bay. small and compact and dark behm the knees- Ths body of the bugy Is black and the running gear red ; bridle without blinds. . For the recovery of the property and arrest of the man a suitable reward will fce offered. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -1885. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, 8HZRIFl"s Ot KICE, V October 1st, 18S5. FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING the State and County Taxes for IS55, 1 will be at- t . . -. ' - : f : . Blddle'a Store, Federal Point Township, Wednesday. October 2$ih. 5 otlng Place. Masonbaro Township, Thurs day. October ZHh. Ma ombe's c tore, Harnett Township,: Tti day. October 30th Chadwlck'd Store. Cape -Fear Township, -Saturday, October 3J6t. -. 1 r ' Prompt payment will saye trouble and co&ts. oct 5 it s. u. manning, Sheriff SCHOOL BOOKS, gUCH AS ARE USED IN ALL TOE City and Country Schools, will b j sold cheap at HElNSBERGER'3, Live Book and Music Stores. PIANOS AND ORGANS RE SOLD NOW VERY CHEAP FOR Cash or on the Popular Monthly Instalment Plan. J ust received a large assortment at oct 5 HEINSRERGER'S BIG OFFER. -SUrSSffi! five away 1010 self operaUng Washing lichlnes. If you want one send us your name, P. O. and express office at once iug Anu ALi cu , 21 Dey St., N. Y oct5d&w4w THE Magic Insect Exterminator aud Alosquito Bite Cure. We offer one thousand dollars for its equal. Send for circulars. SALLA.DE & CO., octuiw 8 East 18th St., New York WANTED Youpg I adics In city or country to work for us at the'r home; fascina ting employment: no Instructions to buy; work can be sent by mall (dhvance no oojec tlon) to $9 per week can be made. No can yassing, particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cent 3 In stamps. PI iaae ad dress, Home Manufacturing Co., iioston, jxibs. x . u. xox iuia. oct o u&w 4w WANTED An active man or woman in every county to sell our goods. Salary $75 per month and expenses, or commission. Expenses In advance. Outfit free. For fall particulars address ST NDARD SILVER WARE CO., BOSTON, MASS. oct 5 d&w 4w WANTED Agents in every section of the country to sell Hon. S. 8. COX'S great book, Three Decadks of Federal leg islation," illustrated with Steel Plates. Out fltsnow ready. Agents are making $10 to $30 a day-Wrlte to the pnbWsherrfbr terms. J. M. STODDART A CO., 533 J5M St , Wtshing ton, T. c. oct 6 4w Wanted. RELIABLE DRUMMERS to take the gen eral agency of tha best German Import in this country, It is well established Received highest award at Ne;v Orleans ExhlbUlon Pays well. References exchanged, address ADOLF GOHRING A CO , ocS 5 4v 203 William St. , N Y NO MORE EYE-GLASSES. NO fZmmP. ' ; Weak MORE 'WmfP EYES. MITCHELL'S EYE-SALVE. A Certain, Safe and Effective Remedy for SOKE, WEAK AND INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sightcdness, and Re- storing the Sight of the Old. Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye Turners, Red Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, and Pro ducing Quick Relief and Perma nent Cure. Also, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such as Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tu mors, Salt Rheum, Burns. Piles, or wherever inflammation exists, mixcuisLiij'a baijYJS may bo used to advantage. Sold by all Druggists at 25c. oct 5 4w Fall Goods! o- FIRST OE THE SEASON. FRESH HULLED BUCKWHEAT AND - PURE FLORIDA 8YBUP. The Cane from which this Syrup was made was raised anl pressed by a Wilmington gen, tleman. trrasactlog business in Florida In 1SS2. IT IS SOMETHING NICE. MAPLE SYRUP TO ARRIVE BY THE NEXT STEAMER. PIG PORK IN SMALL CUTS, FANCY NAVY BEANS. A rery superior article of CORNED BEET, cored In Lexington Market, Baltimore, Md. X UI Bate WJ - :v - f ".iT- Jno. L. Boatwriglit.- 1885,; NO. 232 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lamps. HAVING MET WITH GREAT SUCCfS3 in selling a tins line cf LAMPS 'daring the last two seasons, we aro now offering a handsomer line than usual and Invite pur chaser's attention to tbm. Prices Verv'tctP. UoctS GILES & MURCHISON. - Removed. JING'i TIN SHOP, . . ' SOUTH FRONT STREET. Fear Mallard' Harness Store, in alley. Resjcctfully, "oft 3 W. E. KING. Oysters! Oysters ! F 8ES1 NEW RIVER OYSTERS will be on hind at the Acme S3 loon, N. E. corner Front and Dock aU., dally. Also, finest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Ac. J. G. L GIEcCUEN, Prop, oct 3 Ct Eat nxon School Books and School Supplies, J3ENS, PENCILS, INK. ,. SPOKGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYONS, BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, COPYBOOKS, E2ERCI3E BOOKS, Ac. We will make It to your advantage to buy of us. Wc buy for cash and em afford to sell Cheap. C. W. YATES, oct 5 119 Market fct. Creamery Buttered Flour. AN UN EAQU AILED TABLE LUXURY! rjlHE LIGHTEST, BEST AND HEALTH lest food In the world. The result of mora than three yeai-s study and experiment by a scientific physician. Warranted to contain no hiug but the Purest and most Who'csome Ingredients known to the present aire, all most thoroughly and evenly -J mixed, by machinery cspeCally invented and miue ior mis purpose. The old method of mixing by hand, besides being very laborious. Is never reliable and as a result the food mixed and cooked will be all a person can desire one day, and possibly the very next day not lit to come upon the table ct any well-regulated household. These Inequalities are entirely overcome by using the MARTHA WASHINGTON CREAM. ERY BUTTERED FLOUR. HOW IT IS MADE. First, the articles used In Its preparation are accurately weighed; then the flour is sifted; next the flour, together with puke Ckeaji of Tartar, Bicarbonate of Soda, Salt, and fube, 8weet Creamery Batter arc placed In a large logeniously constructed and patented appa ratus. The machine Is then set In motion, and in ten minuccs turns out a bancl of perfectly Srepared Creameby Buttered Flovb. o human hand can mix it so well. It Is so fine it can be passed through an ordlcary llour sieve. Flour mixed with butter In the usual way by housewives Is coarse, full of lomps and incapable of passing through a flour sieve, and will spoil if kept only a short time; but "CREAMERY BUTTERED FLOUR" will keep three months or longer In any climate. For sale by P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., IIO Nortb Front St. OCt 5 New Store -AND- NEW GOODS. J HAVE COMPLETED THE REMOVAL of my Millinery establiMiment to tho large, airy and commodious store in the Vollors' Building, on South Front street, opposite the New Market, and ou MONDAY will be pre pared to show a superb assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, - Flowersj Ribbons and White Goods Nearly all of my stock Is entirely new and just removed from the cases. I am still open ing and will hare everything prepared by WEDNESDAY and thereafter will receive fresh installments by every steamer. -Respectfully, MISS E. KARRER. South Front Street, Opposite New Market. oc5 3 -' NEW FALL HATS ! JUST RECEIVED AT Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEN'S lio North Front St. Oct 2 Iw Every Day. F RESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. Tlie celebraUl WINBERRYO YSIERS. Hard to beat and best Oysters in the world. GEO, JT. UEU12KK EeptSOlmnae - - Star Saloon. Tar Heel Liniment. . T70R INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. , Ely's Cream Balm and YTel-De ever's Ca. tarrh Core. Also, a complete stock ot patent Medicines, Drugs, Ac t at ; 7 - - TTtratjitcI u rtcclra ecsz!caUt troa owfrssafii ca ily . tai til XJti's ! seacrallatereatfcttt - - . . Tha taiaa of the writer most always bt'j ail to tha Editor. ' ' ' " " " CoaaCTlcattoaji mzai be wrlrlsa ca ci) cn side ot tha paper. v- ; PCTsonalitics bust bVarolded ! " " - And it la especially and particularly csd tood that the Editor does not always eadox the views of correspondents uelsaa to atatt in the editorial columns. NEW A1VE1U3EMENTS. Grand Opening OF FALL & WINTER WERY Monday, Oct.p Tuesday; Oct. 5, Wednesday,Oct. 6. Only the latest novelties in every department, -AT- Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. oct 3 OPE Fall fe Winter -AT- I. I 116 Market St. An Entirely Few Stock -OF Silks, Rhaclams, OLtoruans, Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, -Ladies' Cloth, Henriettas, Flannels, tKrc. , &c. White Goods, ' Laces, Edgings, Furs, Gloves, Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeepins Goods, Domestics, Notions, &c &c. At prices lower than they hayo teen known for years. Terms Positively .Cash ! $2T I shall sell, my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. r All I ask Is the same treatment ' r Cash ! Cash ! Casli! And assure you at tho same time, my kind patrons, that I propose to main tain in the future the reputation gained in the past of bavin;: '.. ' The Best, the Cheapest ! AND HOST COMPLETE ASSOBTBEST OF GOODS To be found ontsido of New York. Call and be convinced at M. M. KATZ'G -aept2I HO 0IA1CKCT ST. H0RNE OYSTERS I JT MECHANICS SALOOS? k'k irom Oct. 1st, to end of ceaVn. Jj ;Beit Beer in city.' Fine WhUiey. ; Beet 5c. Cfgar. Oysters terved op ii&lnt. MILL! s . AND FaneyGoodSj OF oocls (ATZS,

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