lir t; Wt trill fcsglsui 'ta-xtcsira ssnsxnicaCoa troacar ttUafia on anj as all tK&jtc's ' ' SfcEfiiallaterwWmt J- -1 - 3 : tepted by JOSH T. JAMES, DITOB AJDrKOFXlETOB. v .RIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: 5X1 moo. Six months. fiOO. Three yt 1 oo- One month, 25 cents. B0Dtr will be delivered by carrier free t Pap" Rny part of the city, at the abort rfct4r?eiflcen per week. 7 gxWA- . .u uuu ox us writer rausi amy m;t . nJahed to the Editor, ttir-': :: ' earamuclcatlonfl amat be wrma oa oV ' ona aide oi. the paper. iV . .. J PtasonaKtlea xanat be xvoWed : ' v And It ia especially and prtlcularl7 end; slood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unltss so ttati in tho editorial columns. . ( . i VOL. IX. W ULMINCrTON, N. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1885. ESTbcr. will report any and all fall- " .tbclr paper regularly. no: 233 3 c-a wrc: , Me circulation, of any newspaper ey bull was sold in New York tie other day UoBignorCpelim in" San Fran- keir? threatened with'diphUieria. The subscriptions to the Grant monu ill cominz in. but at a fearfully slow rate. if.;..r Daniel Simpson, the veteran draranier of Boston, celebrated his 95th h.rthy last Friday. . ' i . tv.0 Mirauis of Qucensbury, a good !ootiog man clad as a "sport." is till the cynosure o: cunuus sjm o francisco. if lasnnouoced that ho death rate ; London last week was only 13.8 per 1.600 anfflially. T&i3 ngure low e:t ever recorded. -m m- ' lo fi?e years the South has increased u DrwJuctions $300,000,000. ' As John Sherman Las not been secretary of the treasury during that time he cannot ac count lor it. . Kcw York Tribune : The "mashers" mM to La coine out and the "mow- ers" coming in. A "mower" is an ex vtp who swinzs his cane like a scjihe a3 he walks along. . - The Iiev. John P. Newman, the pul pit clown who hung around Gen. Grant hi l?rd has turned ud again, nt a1 j w srecent Grant memorial service in Brooklyn he recited the Lord's Prayer. o The Central Park board of New York isrery much worried at the crumbling of the Ezyptian obelisk. Jt is said to be due to the severity of winters. Scientists are trying to devise some v y to prevent it. - . '.. . - . - "The Washington Star thinks that, jjadjed by the tone of- the Lynchburg meeting, the colored men ol the South snoot half so much alarmed about their condition as arc the Northern Eepablican politicians." . PaU&uV.vliia Press : According to a French statistician the population of Germany will be IM.000,000 in the year WOO, that of England 142.000,000. that of Austro-Hungary 70.000,000. that of Trance 64,000,000, and that of Italy 56,- The monster petition of the Salvation Amy regarding the protection of girls, recently presented to the English Par liament, was two miles, six hundred jirds and one loot long, and bore up ward of 393,000 signatures. The process of Germanizing the peo ple of Alsace and Lorraine is said by MeY. Dr, Phillip Schaffto be going 00 steadily and irresistibly, especially in the schools. He thinks that, in a material and educational point of view, the annexation is beneficial. Buddensiek. the New York architect who was recently sentenced to the Penitentiary for building houses which almost invariably fell down and killed &eir occupants, has been admitted to bail The New York papers denounce faction as a public scandal. Fifteen native kings and eight native Princes in and around the Congo terri tory claimed by the African Interna towl Association have addressed to 'e King of Portugal a vigorous protest ast this claim, and they ask the Kfoj's protection against the now pro karate. ' , The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquirer says: "The re jection of Speaker Carlisle is assured Without opposition.- This is as it should k- Political friend and foe alike as be toMr.Cariisle the plaudit of bing fairest Speaker who ever occupied chair. His decisions are all based equity and strict parliamentary es, co matter which party leels the fcct." ; - ' - Baptt'st Foreign Mission Con- ?tion. in KPtsinn nt TJow Orlnt gov. days ago. adopted a paper petition-' &S Congress to establish a line of mail jniships between some port in the "&ed States and Liberia, and to make Appropriation for-the support of the as a step towards the Christian! oa of the Dark Continent. newspaper correspondent declares there is a combination among the tiniore politics to defeat the re-eleo 7 of Senator Gorman. He says that krjland Democrat" says: "The lhat is tn hA muds ftp&insl him l1! bo ffiada in lh nmA nl reform. iOH6 battle cry that fc the machine J fSo, as also machicfe politicians. " LOCAL NEWS. " IXDE1 TO HEW AOVCSTISEIClT&. Found at Last - -. C W Yates School Books . k HxmsBSRCTKB Svhool Bcoka T C Millkk Tar Heel liniment Exhibition Flag Drill an! Festival J D liEMjLMr, Jr, Atfy Mortgage 8ale For other locals see fourth page. There was no City Court this morn ing.. ; vv ."".: " ' - ; '-':.' 1 1 ,, Wenoce quite a number of well drejsed strangers in the ciur to-day. ' Notice , lo the Boys These Bracket Saws are here. Jacoiu's Hdw. Depot.f There is considerable sickness in the city at this time, bad colds being quite prevalent, Have you seen the Mae assortment of Stoves at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot? You can save money by buying there, t The undershirt that is sold at Dveu's for one dollar surpasses any thing ever offered to the public, you should sec them. ' . . f Mr. George II. II aigh retires from the ownership of the Fayettevillo Ob server. Mr. John R. Myrovc'r i3 the purchaser and will edit it. For the best unlanndried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory; only 75c. J. ExsDAcn,rProp., No. 27 Market st. ' tf Stcamboatmen report tbo river at nearly a standstill, with about 28 inches of water on the shoals. There haye been showers in the up-country, but only enough has fallen to keep the water at its present stage. Dave allett, colored, was drunk and down at the corner of Front and Market street, last night, and was taken to the guard house by the policeman where he was permitted to sleep ofl the effects of his drunk. TheState Fair will be held during the week commencing Oct. 12th. The Tarboro Fair. Oct. 26th. The Golds boro Fair, Nov. 3rd. The Weldon Fair, Nov. 9th, and tbo Rocky Mount Fair is advertised for the same week. Our thanks are due for an invitation to attend the Fifth Annual Fair of the Edgecombe Agricultural and Mechan ical Fair Association, which will be held at Runnymede Park, Tarboro, October 27th, 23th, 29th and 30tb, 1885. Superior Court. There was no business of importance to the general public transacted by this trbunal to-day. The motion docket was called" oyer and motions were heard, after which the Court took a recess until 3 o'clock this afternoon. Upon the reascmbling of court this afternoon some routine business was transacted and the court adjourned for the term. Flasr Drill. The Exhibition Flag Drill of the Cantwell Light Guards, which has been in course of preparation for several weeks, will ba given at the City Hall to-morrow nigbt. Ia fact there will bo two of them the first at half past 8 o'clock and the other at 10 o'clock. The young ladies composing the Light Guard have devoted much lime and pa tience in perfecting themselves in the drill, and will give an interesting and unique entertainment, well worthy the patronage of the public. The proceeds will be devoted to the benefit of the Wilmington Light Infantry and wo trust that there will be a general turn out of our people to witness the novel entertainment. PersontM Miss Cornelia Alderman and Miss Alice Huggins left on this morning's train for Mt. Olive to be in attendance upon the Eastern Baptist Association. We regret to state that there is but little it any improvement in the coud lion of 'Mr. J. H. Muse, of the Slar. Miss Julia Clowe, who has been ab sent several weeks visiting friends and relatives at Salisbury, N. C returned to the city this morning. Miss Eva E. Bishop, of Salisbury, arrived in the city this morning and is the guest of Miss Julia Clowe. Capt. George W. Gates, lormerly of thisjeity, but now of Salisbury, arrived in the city this morning and is the guest of his father-in-law, Mr. U. L. Clowe. ' Col. W. A. Guthrie, of Fayetteville, arrived in the city this morning and registered at the Purcell House. " Capt. O. H. Blocker, of Yorkville. N. C, formerly connected with the U. S. Internal Revenuo . Department, ar rived in the city this morning and regis tered at the Purcell House. The Gun Club. As we announced yesterday there was a meeting held last night by several of our fellow citizens for the organization of a gun club. Upon selecting a name it was decided that it should be known as the New Hanover Gun and Kennel Club, x. An election of officers .was held with the following result: ; -President Rev; Dr. Pritcbard. v Vice President Mr. W. A. Williams. Treasurer Mr. R. H . Grant. Secretary Mr. J. C. Lodor. Governing Committee Messrs B. G. Empie. II. McL. Green and S. A. Ha ney. A committee, consisting of Mcssis Lodor and Haney, was appointed to wait upon Dr. Pritchard and notify him of his election. The meeting then adjourned, subject lo the call of Ihe Secretary. It i3 earnestly requested that all who desire to become members of the club will be present at the next meeting. Hon. A. A. McKoy. With the closing of the present term of the Superior Court of Now Hanover county, it seems fitting and proper that we should speak a few words of the distinguished son of the Cape Fear sec tion, Hon. A. A. McKoy, who was the presidiog judge. Wc always mention him with pleasure and pride as one who has worn the ermine in spotless purity and with a legal knowledge and wisdom well worthy the exalted posi" lion he occupies. We have known him for many years and we are proud of his acquaintance and lad of his esteem . In the discharge of his official duties be is firm, yet affable and cour teous, and has won the sincere esteem of the entire bar of North Carolina. He is an honor to the judiciary of the State, a refined and polished gentleman hi every instinct of his nature and a true hearted North Carolinan whom the people of the State have delighted to recognize in one of her most exalted official positions. The best ready mixed paint can be had at Jacom's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints up. f County Commissioners. The Board of Commissioners of New Honover county met in regular month ly session at the court house yesterday afternoon, Present, Chairman Bagg and Commissioners Worth, Moore, Pearce and Montgomery. The minutes of the last regular meet ing were read and approved. The County Treasurer submitted bis monthly report, showing a balance on hand belonging to tbo general fund of $10,025.03; educational fund, balance on hand. $14,998.91. The Register of Deeds submitted his report of fees received from marriage licenses for the month of September $11.40 and exhibited the Treasurer's receipt for the same. 4 S. VanAmringe, Clerk of the Super ior Court, reported 25 received from the Carolina Oil & Creosote Company the receipt of which hasjn acknowi edged by the Treasurer. It was ordered by the Board that the taxes of N. E. Bunting be remitted, be being a non-resident of the State, and that the poll tax of J. T. Edens be re mitted, he being over age. The following were drawn as jurors for the Criminal Court, which meets the first week in November next : B S Montford, C E Williams, M M Katz, John Bissett, George G Lewis, John W King, Wm T Harker. Frank Meier, Dan'l Lee, Ben Wilson, Henry 'C Wright, John T French, C I Davis, L Hansen. W P Price, Chas Teitgen, John F Garrcll, M M Parker, J Stern bcrger, L Blumenthal. R B Register, J L Greenewald. I B Northrop, G W Gaffoid, Thad Tyler. B A McClammy, D E Sadgwar. W II Sprunt, F W Ort- mao, Philip Tebo, Jas D Poisson, B F Robcy, II A Persse, C II Capps. E G Styron, J E King. Will Double tbo Business. Shkieu is determined this Fall and Winter to double the amount of busi ness that ho did last, and will not re sort to any unfairness, schemes or give away presents to accomplish it, but merely by fair and honest dealing with the people. We guarantee to give to each and every patron fully one hun dred cents value in return for each and every dollar and frequently much more. It makes no difference what induce ments other houses may offer in the way of prices, we cati always save you at least from 15 to 33 per cent, on -the dollar by dealing with Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of I be Golden Arm. v t .You will find a full assortment of paint, horse and scrub Brushes, made by the best factories, at J a coin's Hdw. Depot, nis low prices please all. f Association. , At4he meeting of the First Baptist Church last night, rev. Dr. Pritchard and Messrs. Alfred Alderman, J. M. ehasten and E. H. Freeman were chosen delegates to the Eastern Baptist Association which convened at " Mt livts, Wayne county, this morning' pc. Pritchard left for the Association on.last night's train, and Messrs. Al derman and Freeman went on this morning's train. Messrs. Eiijah Hewlett a&d J. W. Taylor were the delegates from the Bap tist Cuurch at Masonboro" and they also left on this morning's train for the Association. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, EXHIBITION FLAG DRILL AND FESTIVAL, JgY THE CANT WELL LIG11T GUARD, at CITY HALL, WEDNKSDAY EVENING, Oct. 7th iT6t Drill at 814 o'clock, nromnt. Second Drill at 10 o'clock. Admission 25 cents Doors open at 7.45 o'clk. oct61t Foreclosure Mortgage. Y VIBTUK OF T1IE l'OWEB' OF SALE contained In a mortgage deed made by A. B. Cook and wife to M. W. Bellamy, recorded in the Record of New Hanover county, in Book SiS, page 536, the undersigned, as" Attorney for the mortgagee, will expose to sale at pub lic auction to tho hlRhcst bidder, for cash, at the Co tut floiiBC doo In the city of Wilminz ton.onthe 27th day of October, 1S35, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described lot of Jand situate ia said city: lieglnning at a Btake in the East lite of ifth street, distant 10 s fectfrem Its Intersection with the Northern line of Woostcr street, runs thence East 107'i feet, thence North parallel with Fifth street 77 feet, thence West parallel with Wooster street 107'4 feet, thence South to the beginning, beiDg part or lot 5, block 63, according to the official plan of said city. .1NO. D. Tt ELLA MY, .Tr , oct6 20t AU'y for Mortgagee Found at Last ! MONEY FOR LIVING- I SI 000 CASH 1N F1VJS 1EAKS To every investor. It pays better than a Savings Bank; it pays better than Government Bonds; it pays better than Building Associations. But remember this amount can only be real ized by securing a certificate in The National Life and Maturity Association, of Washington, D. C. Flan practicable, feasible and control led by reliable and responlble men of the cap italclty. Endorsed by your Senator Z. B. Vance and Representatives Wm. R. Cox and What ton J Green. It Is purely a business In vestment, therefore should receive the atten tion and consideration of the business men of Wilmington. T his plan is popular throughout the South, because It pays its members white living f For full explanation of plan call at the Purcell House, this city. Very respectfully, WM. H. GIBSON, WM. A. EASTEIIDAY, Special Traveling Agents, National Life and Maturity Association, Washlngten, D. C. We aro able to add ths following tcsti ronlal from this city: W. H. Gibson, Special Agent Being ac quainted with the majority of the officers and directors of the National Life and Maturity Association, I can truly say that no men stand higher in business or financial circles than they do. Their connection with the Company would make it good if there was nothing elee to recommend it. T. E. WALLACE. Wilmington, N C, Oct. 6, 1385. Oct 6 6t New Store AND- NEW GOODS. T HAVE COMPLETED THE REMOVAL oFmy Millinery establishment to the large, airy and commodious store in the Vollera' Building, on South Front street, cppoBite the New Market, and on MONDAY will be pre pared to show a superb assortment of Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, f Ribbons and White Goods Nearly all of my stock is entirely new and just removed from the cases. I am still open- lug and will have everything prepared by WEDNESDAY and thereafter will receive fresh lnstallmcntsby every steamer. Respectfully, MISS E. KARREK. South Front Street, Opposite New Market. oc5 3 NEW FALL HATS ! JUST RECEIVED AT Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEN'S 11. North Front St. oct 2 lw Removed. -ING'S TIN SHOP, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Bear Mallard's Harness Store, in alley. Respectfully, oct 5 W. E. KING. Lamps. HAVING MET WITH GREAT 8DCCESS in selling a fine line of LAMP3 during the last two seasons, we are now offering a handsomer line than usual and invite -par chaser's attention to them. Prices Very Lev?. L0Ct5 GILES & MURCHISOK, Eastern NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. RJlillinery. J HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY UOODS wh!ch. will be open d nct 1 1IDRS - DAY, Oct 8thV Hope the Lad!c3 will give ni3 a call before purchasing. - MK1. KATE C WINES. 119 N. Second Street, near PostoSico oct a Ct Mason's JPruit Jars. NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT ot the above Preserving Jar3. Send In your orders at occo. Wc will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO.. 19, 21 23 Market Slrcot, Wilmington. N.C OCt 5 Cold Weather IS COMING, AND NOW IS THE TIME to have your Stoves overhiuled and put up for the winter. If vou want a llrst-clafs COOR1NG OR HEATING STOVE, WC can furnish you. ' Pure White OH always on hand. PARKER & TAYLOR'S, oct 5 - 23 South Front St School Books and School Supplies, jpENS, PENCILS. INK. t .' SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYONS, BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, Ac. We will make it to your advantage to buy of U3. We buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. C. W. YATES, oct 5 119 Market fct. SCHOOL BOOKS, gUCH AS ARE USED IN ALL THE City and Country Schools, will b j sold cheap at HEINSBERGER'3, Live Book and Music Stores. PIANOS AND ORGANS RE SOLD NOW VERY CHEAP FOR Cash or on. the Popular Monthly Instalment Plan. Just received a large assortment at oct 5 HEINSBERGER'S Every Day. JjlRESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS S on hand every day this month, jtgfejjr The celebrated WINBERRYO YSTER8. Hard to beat and best Oystera in the world. GEO, F. HERBERT, tept 30 lm nac Star Saloon. CKONIiY, Auctr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Sale for Partition. B Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A decree of the Superior Court of New Hanover county, in a certain ex parte special proceed ing there pending,, wherein Frederick J. Lord, ArmandJ. DeRossct, William L. DeBosset, and others are the petitioners, I, as Commis sioner under said decree, will offer for gale to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wednesday, the 14th day of October, ItSJ, a lot of land situate in said city, beginning in the Weat line of a private alley, which opens Into South side of Market street between Sec ond and Third streets, at a point Infect South from intersection of said line of said alley Willi Market street, and running thence South with said lino of said alley 17 feet, thence West parallel with Market street 93 tcct, 7 inches, thence North parallel with Second street 17 feet, and thence East parallel with Market street 98 feet, 7 inches to beginning, being a part of Lot No. 4 in Block 153. Terms of Sale One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in three equal instalments, in 4, 8 and 11 months re Bpeclively, from day of sale, purchasers to give notes for deferred payments drawing in terest from day of sale at rate of eight icr cent. A. J. DeROSSET. , Ecpt 22 -it 13, 29, oct 6, 13 Com'r M. CKONIiY, Auct'r. BY CRONLY & MOKKl?. Sale for Partition. Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE B Superior Court of New Hanover county. In a cause there pending before the Clerk, between James C. Munds and wife Eliza 11. Munds. Maiy C. Lori, Wm.'L DeRossct, Jr., and others, plaintiffs, and Frederick J. Lord, Ar mand J. DeBosset, John R. London and oth ers, defendants, I as Commissioner under said decree, will offer for sale to the highest bid der, at the Court House door In the city of Wilmington, at 12 o'clock, on Wcdncsilay, the ltth day of October, 1SS5, all that lot of land situate In said city, beginning In the South line of Market street, 70 tcct East from its in tersection with Eastern line of Second street, and running thence East with Market street 48 feet, then Scuth parallel with Second street 30 feet ti a brick wall, thence West with bald wall 2 feet, thence South wiih eaid wall S7 feet and 8 inches to a brick building, thence with the line of said building East 4 feet, thence South with the Eastern lin of eaid building 2.1 feet and 7 inches, thence Wc6t with the Southern line of said building 8 feet and 7 inches to a wall, thence South with eaid wall and the West line of another brick build log 5i feet and 9 Inches to a stone wall, thence Weat with said ttone wall 45 feet, and thence North parallel wlta Second street 193 leet to beginning, being part of Lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 In Block 153. Said lot will tc divided by a straight line xunring from North to South, and sold in two separate parcels; the West lot or parcel having s front of 23 feet on Market street and running back the uamc width 192, and the East lot having a front of 25 feet on Market and running 19j feet, being ii feet wide on its back line. - Plat of said lot can be seen at office of Cronly & Morris.-. Terms of Sale One-fourth of purchase money to be paid in cash, balance in three equal Instalments in 4, 8 and 12 months respec tively from day of sale, purchaser to give notes for deferred payments orawlng interest from day of sale at rate of eight per cent. , . A. J. DEBOSSET. sept 2i It, 22 29, oct 6, 13 Com'r. NEW ADVEBISEMENTS. Gra ning OF-- FALL & WINTER ' - v - , . MI LLINER'V AND- Fancy Goods; - ' ' - . ..- '-.v;....- -1'.". OX- Monday, Oct. 4, j Tuesday, Oct. 5, : Wednesday ,Oct76i Only the latest novelties; id every department, -AT- Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. oct 3 O P SWING OF- Pall & Winter AT- 1 1. KATZ'S, 116 Market St An Entirely New Stock OF- Silks Rkadams Ottomans, - Velvets, Cashmeres, TricotF, j Ladies' Clotb, Henriettas, '? Flannels, &c , &c. White Goods, Laces, Edgings, Furs., Gloves, - Corsets. Men's and Boys' Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, Domestics, Notions, Ax., &c. At prices lower 'than thoy bayc been known lor years'. rn - - . w n. w . -m M 1 T m I shall sell my goods as low as the lowest catalogues. All I ask is the same treatment Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! And assure you at Xho same time, my kind patrons, that I propose to main- taip in the future the reputation gained in the past of having The Best, the Cheapest I AND MOST COMPLETE ASSOETHEM OP GOODS To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at septal llUMAltllT ST. ' H0RNE OYSTERS ! T MECHANIC'S SALOON, vp. iron, ucu isi, to end of tease n. Best Beer In city. rine Whislrey. Bc8t Sc. CI,rar-,p3'8lCjtaferTeJopfttaIrs. 1 '' ' 3a J. M, MCGOWAV. ndOpe Goods