evcnlns. Sundayi copted by JOSH-T. JAMES, .TRSCEIPTWSS POSTAGE PAID SJ i'00- slx monthfl' Tnre ;rfl ff tid; one month, 35 cent. C3t?r wlU be deKvored by'carrfcrs free 118 ? it, inv part ot me city, at the above J3 r.t9 !cv axel Boerai. A3tC --4" rerartunr sm tMcrlurs i report any. and all . Iv-P-ve their pa? regularly. felL rs 1 ... - - - . The V'ti-y K&wip has the largest . eis circulation, or any newspaper tv.w.'i in the r.Hy of Wilmington. ff'' ' "M Ranch I. .... 1 l Sa rArtAPtiut f ifrhtly failing agatn. A daughter of Jaqu!n Miller will cjkeber debut io tbedrama this Win ter. . - J Some yoiin women in Pueblo. Mex.. jve starUtl a paper called The M.-lher- The Ucv. Tbooiaa Thuaias, of Ar ; in year old lie tUiil la"-' ' on special occasions. ' TheKoglish have accepted I tho Puri tan without doubt. Tho Court Journal ca!U her a full-blood, high-bred racer. -- Romany Martini-Henry cartridges jvjimcd during the late E ihit it has been decided to Egyptian war adopt a bet ur form of ammunition The young woman member of the lenior class of Yale Law School, ihe pioaccr of her sex in that Institution, is bribed as of "digpiuod appearance. The youngest Mayor in the United Slates, Mayor Aaron, of Van Buren. Ark., 21 ycar3 of ajje, recently quarrel led about a worlan with a man named Tsylor, and shot him to death. - - - m - A book recently published in Paris is 'The Sad Influence of -the ' Pianoforte Toon Musical Art.11 and the aim is to disestablish the sovereignty of that in liniment in tho homes ot the land. Tho inventor of a process for refining s:jarb7 electricity at an expense of 40 cents a ton has appeared, and asks 12.COO.000 for the patont. It i3 said tlit the process is to be tested In Eng. land. - - , - t . Wtshington Star: The Ohio' River Commission, now holding a session at Pittsburg, state that they think $60, 000.000 will put the river into very fair shape. This, for a tributary, is pretty liberal at least, so it may strike Con fess. A joint debate has been agreed Jupon Vetneen Judge Foraker and Governor floadr, the Jcandidatea for Governor respectively of the Republican and Democratic parties. There will be tiro debates Toledo, October 8; Cin cinnati, October 9. The Plymouth, Pa., relief committee bare prepared and issued a tabulated it&tement. showing that daring the re cent epidemic there wero 1,143 cases, ot wnica 107 proved fatal. The expense entailed by tho epidemic was $59,100 and less ia labor $60,020. The total loss io the town is estimated at $90,- 635. Some experiments in London recent" 'j showed that the native English fishes we unable to survive in water heated Bach, if any, in excess of '80 degrees Fahr., yet ia the low country of India and Bur in ah streams are filled with fish, nere the water becomes from ten to fifteen degrees hotter than this every noonday. . , Jode Ferguson, in a speech at Cork Kreral days ago, said that never betoro utae history of Ireland had such a rccklcas disregard of life and property been known. If immediate steps were not taken for the suppression of crime more stringent coercion act than had Ter been passed would bo necessary to restore order. v Jpn is in a fair way to have great trouble with epidemic diseases. From January to July there were 4,472 cases ef small.pox, with 1,191 deaths, aud recent reports say that at Nagasaki, ktween Aug. 26 and Sept. 1, there ere 300 cases of Asiatic cholera. Of typhoid fever 7,981 cases are reported. for the first half ot the year. - . evert Chronic Sciatica Cured. ,r Ashland, Mass., January 23,1885. For the last two years I have hob ted around on crntcfies. During that time I was afflicted with sciatic rheu fciiism. I not only suffered terrible Pia night-and day, but vras utterly "P'ess. After using eyery posible el to get well, and exhausting the bes Jical advice. I was induced to Iry J-r Allcock'a Torous Plaster. These ore on my side, hip-bone and thigh. JJoae week I was almost entirely Iree &om pain. and. strength returned to 13 J palsied limb. I continued using Plasters with tho mbst surprising lts for throe months, when I -be-Perfectly cured, and abandoned p Qae of crutches. Persons desiring arher iQtormation can address me. : oat Office Box 184. J. F. Gatxs. 1 1 H VOL. IX. W LMINGTONTN. C. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Registration certificates are at a heavy premium' in Cincinnati, and dealers are now a'skine two dollars apiece. The total registration is more than one thousand in exces3 of the vote polled in the last Presidential election. . To Prof. Briggs1 severe review of the Old Testament revision Prof. C. A. Aiken, ot Princeton, one of tho Old Testament revisers, res Don d 3 that some of those who are sharpest in their judgement of the work of the fos siliferous revisers were not out of collage when the Convocation of Can terbury organized their work.1' A son of the Duke of Westminster i3 not the only Lnglish aristocrat who own3 hansoms that are used by the public daily in Loudon. His horses are of fine stock, and the cabs contain the latest improvements a lamp to read by at night, a place for an um brella, a looking glass", aud manyother conveniences. , The centennial convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church of : the Diocese of New York was organized in Trinity Church on Wednesday "morn ing. Four hundred clergymen were present when the convention was called to order by Assistant Bishop Henry C Potter. , The Rev. DrT B. F. Da Costa delivered an address outlining the his tory of the church from its conven tion, held Juno 22, 1735. . LOCAL NEWS. 1MCEX TO XEW AOtfiariSEUENTS. C W Yatks School Books XIXSBKKQKK S( hOOl Books C C Corbis Grand Opening G Hcxbebt Come and See Me F C Millie Tar Heel Liniment Mbs. Eats C. Wines Millinery GUD nuiiPHEE i Copartnership Cbaiq A Thomas A Fresh Arrival Whxelxk & Wilson Mf'g Co Wasted Miss K Karrer Fall and Winter Opening . i . There was no City Court this morn ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1,078 bales. New moon to-morrow morning at 17 minutes past 2 o'clock. Nor. barque Abel, Danielsen. hence, arrived at Bristol, Eng., Oct. 5th. Notice to the Boys Those Bracket Saws are here. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. f Gov. Scales has appointed Mr. Thos. D.'Meares, of this city, a notary pub lie. Swed. barque Liana, Andersen, from Hamburg for this; port, .passed Dover Oct. 4th. Go and see the stylish Trouserings just received at Dter's. The prices range Irom $5 upward." t It is expected that the Orton House will be fully completed and opened for the public in a few days. Some of the very early risers tell us that there was a slight frost visible yes terday morning but none this morning. For the best unlaundried wbito shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J.'Elsbaciz, Prop , No. 27 Market st. tf There aro five : British steamers in this port loading with cotton for Europe which aggregato 5,629 tons; and there are more coming. Yesterday was the busiest cotton day ot the season thus far. M- re than 2,000 bales wero received, and it made things lively on Water street. Three or four sober, industrious young men arc wanted by the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Co., at No. 119 Princess street. See adv. in anoth er column. . . --- - Among, those who" "wero" licensed yesterday - in the Supreme Court to practise law wc notice the - names o Mr. Joel Hines, of Pender county, Mr. C. P. Lockey, of- New Hanover, and Mr. Richard S. Wlrte, of Bladen. The passage way for vehicles across Fourth street bridge, which was under going some necessary repairs last week, having been put iu order, workmen are now engaged in repairing the foot path of the same bridge. 1 hey will probably be completed in a day or two. ' For llaleigti. The new building covered patent, corrugated metalic of which we made mention with the shingles, in THonJT dav1 issue, was taken from the mill iard ot tho agent, Mr. A. Y. Wilson. to-day and conveyed on a flat to the Carolina Central Railroad, where it will be shipped by rail to Raleigh for exhibition at tho Stato Fair, ' - Indications. For tne South Atlantic Stales, genn erally fair weather, winds generally Easterly, slight rise in tempera' ure and lower barometer. Mr. Cris. Hubert has refitted and renovated the premisesj No. 15 South Water street and has reopened there the old Cape Fear Pilot House. He has a cozy place and nice goods and will be pleased to see there all of his friends. Mrs. Kate C. Wines1 millinery open ing will take place to-morrow at her store on North Second street, near the Postoflicc. She will display a beaut! ful lice of goods, selected by herself in New York, and the ladies arc invited to call and inspect the . beautiful things displayed there. The ladies are reminded of the fact that the Fall and Winter opening of millinery and fancy goods at MUs E. Karrer'a new store, on South front street, will take nlace to-nicht and to morrow. She has lots of now and beautiful thinns which must be seen to be appreciated. For Larceny. Henry Marshal, colored, was arresti ed to-day for stealing two dollars and a halt from the till of the money drawer of David Shriver, on Market street, and was bound over to the next term of the Criminal Court by Justice E T). Hall, who investigated the matter, in the sum S100. in default ot which be was com mitted. The best ready nrxed paint can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints up. f Journalistic. We have received the initial number of the Daiiv DisDatcb. published at Montgomery. Alabama, by Mr. Alex.' T.London, of this city, and Mr. John L. Cowan, of Pittsboro, N. C. It is a bright, newsy paper, ably edited and neatly gotten up, and wo gladly placet on our list of exchanges with the wish that the publishers may meet with an abundant success in their newspaperial enterprise. They are young men in the journalistic field, but they both have vim and pluck and will make their mark in their new field of labor. Personal. Mr. T. E. Mills, business agent of "Zo Zo, the Magic Queen" Co. . is in the city to-day. Mr. Joseph H. Denck, of Columbia, S. C, is in the city on a. short profes sional visit. Mr. John R. Melton is again at his n-iot tn.Hoo a 1'tor noirhr two WPaL" J rf confinement to the house. Mr. I. Shrier returned from his trip to New York on last night's train and was bu3y to day opening a beautiful line of goods. We ate glad to learn there is a decided improvement in th condition of Mr. J. II. Muse, of the Star, and really hope that he may be able to be about in a few days. , Rev. D. C. Kelly left on yesterday morning's trian for Mt. Olive, Wayne county, to be in attendance upon thc meeting of the Eastern Baptist Associa tion at that place. Mr. Reuben Joucs, formerly of this city but more recently of Faycttcville, has returned to Wilmington, and has opened a boarding house corner of Chestnut and Seventh streets. .Detective Work- Some three or. four months ago a valuable double -case gold watch was stolen, at mid day, from the window of Mr. M. E. Brenlclli's jewelery store, No. 16. North Second street. Tho thief was a young and activo colored man who had been noticed loitering around the premises and ho was seen and pursued, as be was making , off with the property, but he succeeded in eluding his pursuers and effected his escape. The case was put in thc hands of Detective Carr. and he soon succeed ed in tracing thc watch to parties in this city, thenco to Charleston and re turn to this city, and hence to New York and its return to this city a few days ago, where he succeeded in secur ing the property and delivered it to the proper owner, who had long since given it up as lost. Mr. Carr deserves much credit for his patient persever ance and for tho skill with which be kept track of tho missing watch and lor the success which finally' crowned bis efforts. The watch is the property of Mr. Geo. P. tamb. !) You will find a full assortment of paint, horse and scrub Brushes, xnado by the best factories, at J a coin's Hdw. Depot, His low prices please all. f ; :-r..; -. , ' .A v":- . "'V, ; ' r - .f , Gran a Opening:. jMr.-C. C. Corbin bas inaugurated an enterprise here that should leceive a liberal encouragement and support at the hands of our people, as is set forth in advertisement in this issue. There w ill be a grand opening of the, oyster season at his parlors, commencing at 6 o'clock this evening, and they wiii.be open every night, except Sunday night, until midnight. The harpers will be in attendance to-night and there will , also be soroo fine music on Mr. Corbin'a Sohmer (.irand piano, said to be one of tbc best instruments in the city; 3 . -v.' - V : . ' ! 51- I Have you seen the fine assortment of Stoves at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot? You can save money by buying there. t The Cause of It. The Ilickcry Carolinian, of a recent date, wants to know why it is. that Northern apples are shipped' to this city and sold at from $2 to $3.50 per bushel, when our own State can furnish equally as good fruit at a much less price? We have taken considerable pains to thoroughly investigate this matter, and have satisfied ourselves that apples from Western North Carolina can be put on our market ju3t as cheaply as can Northern apples. The freight tarifl on apples, potatoes, onions and other vegetables at all points between States viile and Asheville, on tho "Western North Carolina Railroad, to this city, is 35 cents per 100 pounds. Apples will average about 165 pounds to tho barrel, which wonld make the freight about 60 cents on each barrel. The freight from New York by steamer is 30 cents per barrel. The apples shipped from that city are produced mainly in the Genessee and Mohawk valleys, whence they are brought to New York by canal boat or rail at a cost includ ing the necessary extra handling which, added to the steamer's charges, would fully equal the expense attending apples shipped from the Western per" tion of this Stale.- The freight thus being very nearly equal, olher'causes must be looked to for the solution of the problem, to which we think we have found the key . The trouble lies iu the fact tbat the apple growers in the. Western portion of the State do not exercise the same care in' selectiog and putting up fruit as do the' people of the North, in consequence of which they arrive here in an . unsala ble condition. That is the opinion ot one who has dealt largely in fruit in the last four or five years. Apples, brought from Western North Carolina aro not carefully selected, and many of them arc put up in unsuitable packages and in a careless, slovenly manner, so that they arrive here with many of them rotten, uninviting and consequently un salable. Our Western friends should look carefully to these important mat ters if they would succeed against their Northern competitors. The fruit is equally as good, but it is not handled and selected as carefully. She stepped down from the steamer's deck, And trod the Coney Island sand; Ilcr glittering teeth showed not a speck, - . ' Her breath was Hie the zephyrs bias d, These line effects were caused, wc know, By sozuduht'S twice daily flow. Ladies who uso'SOZODONT have only to open their lips to prove its excellence. Their white, gleaming, spotless teeth, and fragrant breath will tell the story. There is more demand for. this whole some and unexceptionable preparation than for any other dentifrice in the market. One day its uso will be uni versal. , . :.V' I Will Double tlxo Business. , SiraiER is determined this Fall and Winter to double the amount of busi ness that ho did last, and will not re sort to any unfairness, schemes or give away rrcscnls to accomplish- it, but merely by fair and honest dealing with the people. We guarantee to" g!ve? to each and every patron fully one hun dred cents value iu return for each and every dollar and frequently much more. It makes no difference what induce ments other houses may offer in tbc way of prices, we cau always save you at least from 15 to 33 per ; cent, on the dollar by dealing with Siikiek, the Old Reliable Clothier. 114 Market st., sign of the Golden Arm. t Mason's Fruit Jars. "ySTB NOW HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT. of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your order at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. E. SPXUNUKK 1X- ... 19, 21 23 Market street, oct5 Wilmington. N.C- Cold Weather v. IS COMING, AND NOW IS THE TIME to hare vour Stoves overhauled and put up for the wioter. If tou want s first-class COOK-ING OJS HEATING STOVifi. ire can furnish you. mure wnite un always on nana. : i PARKKB M TAYLOB'S, oct 5 23 South front St .7? :l$B5. NO. 234 NISW ADVERTISEMENTS . G o pa t n e rsh i p . C. 31. D.i HUMPHREY AND J. S TEN have ihls day formed. a copaituer shlp, and 'will continue the Green Grocery butlncss, also Fish and Oysters. Oysters de llveret in any part of tho city, tiah and JOystcra sent C; O. D. Consignments of Chickens, Eggs and Fruit solicited and sa lit fac tion guaranteed, at our etand near the Front Street Market. , oct 7 Come and See Me! J HAVE REFITTED AND OPENED THE OLD CAPE FEA It : PILOT HOUSE, with the best Winc?,rLiquors, Kecr and Cigars to be found In the city. Also, Oysters aud lodg . - I,,' ' C HUBEKT, -oct T Im No. 15 South Water st Wanted. L'ESIEE TO EMPLOl' THKEE OR four young meu of sober, industrious habits. Apily at oiice. WflE&LKK & WILSON ME'G CO.; 119 Princess st , Wilmington, N. O. T. H. PAGE Ant. Oct 7 St J HAVE A FINE 8TOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS which will-bo opened to -mot row, Thursday, Oct. 8th. Hope thc Ladie3 will give ma a call before purchasicg. - - . KE1 KATS G WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postoflice oct? ly ; AFRESH ARRIVAL! Tf rE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH Tf lot of Jelly, in Buckets, and Oat Meal. Remember, we keep Virginia Water Groun Meal, and a selected , stock of Groceries W'nes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigar j, Ac. Orders for Fresh and Salt Fisn.Oysters, Ac solicited. CRAIG & THOMAS, . No 113, South Front St., oct 7 . Opposite New Market G rand O p e n i n g. TOOK.OUI THIS EVENING; AT 6 P. M. for the Grand Opening at "COBBIN'S DIN ING PARLORS" of thc Oyster season for Ladies and Gentlemen.. Music by the "Harpers." gsj Fine NEW RIVER OYSTERS received dally. . I am determined that these Parlors shall be first class in every particular. Open.until midnight, Sundays excepted. C. C. CO ERIN", Proprietor. Market st., between Front aud Second, oct 7 It Fall & Winter o p en i roc OF- AND anc -AT? THE- New Store Opposite the Market. MISS E. KARREK, TTrLLL BE PLEASED TO SEE HER friends and customers, on Thursday, Oct. 8th, S"b the occasion of the opening of her new store. ; " " :: ' ' -; P. S. If thc weather i:j favorable ttettore wUl be open both this evening- and to-morrow evening until 9 o'clock. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7. 1885! oct 7 , . , - , Fore c I o s u re Sail e , BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a mortage deed made by A. B. Cook and wife to MT W. Bellamy, recorded In the Records of New Hanover county, in Book SS, page 536, the undersigned, as Attorncr for the mortgagee, will expose to said at pub lic auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Cote t House door in the city of Wilming ton, on the 27th day of October. 1385, at J2 o'clock, 114 the-following described lot of land situate la said city: lierlnnlnsr at s stake in the Fast lle of Jifth street, distant 1UJ feet frm its intersection with the Northern Rne of Wooster trreet. runs thence East 1074 feet, thence North parallel with Fifth street 77 feet, thence West; parallel with . Wooster street 1074 icet. tnenee bouth to the beglDniog. being part of lot 5. block 63, 'according to the official plan of said dt dai pun oz saia aty. J50. I). BELLAMY. Jr . octC 20t. . . v.. I Att'y for Mortgages v Goods. t?e nar trtaidj ca any aid iKtJtsf ; ' totercstbut . . d7;: . ' Tka same ci tfcs wrltsr must always btl? -tfched to th EdKcT. S s Z J '. . v CoTCnranlcattoaa must be writtta oa o anaeMecl tb papcr,;".'i;.V, : ; .7 Pcrsonalltlea must bo avoldta: And It la especially and parUcularly tux) tod that the Editor doea not always en del the views of corrcspondenta taslaif to statt in tie edltorlAl oolcxinA. " . : r; NEW ADVERISESIENTS. SrandOp ening OF- FALL & WINTER INERT -AND- -ON- Monday, Oct. 4, " Tuesday, Oct. 5, Wediiesday5Oct. 6. " - ' ' 4 ' , ' Only the latest novelties in every department, -AT- Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MAKKET ST. oct 3 School Books :,; .. and School Supplies pENS, PENCILS,'' INK, - ' . W " SPOKGE, PENHOLDERS, ' SLATES, CRAYONS, BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, . ! " COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, Ac. . We will make It to your advantage to buy of us. We buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. ; C. W. YATES, ( oct 5" . . 110 Market fet. SCHOOL BOOKS. gUCH AS ARE USED IN ALL THE City and Country Schools, will b) sold cheap at ' HEINSBERGER'S, .. Live, Book and Music Stores. PIANOS AND ORGANS JRE SOLD NOW VERY CHEAP FOR Ga8horon (he Popular Monthly Instalment Plan. Jflst received a largo a'sortmcnVat oct 5 HEINSBEBGER'S Found at Last I MONEY FOE LIVING- I S1.000 CASH IN FIVE YEARS TO every investor. It pays better than a Pavings Bank ; it pays better than Government Bond; it psys better than Bulldlnj' Aeeoclatlone. uut remcmucr this amount can only ne real ized by securing a certlllcate In Tho National Life and Maturity Association, of Washington, D. C. Plan practicable, feasible and control led by reliable and responiblc men of the cap ital city. Endorsed by your Senator Z. B. v ancc anu iicprcsentauves wm. Ii. cox and Wharton J . Green. It is imrclv a business In vestment, therefore should receive the atten tion and consideration of the bntlnct 8 men of Wilmington. . ThLi plan is popular throughout the South, becau&e It Pavs Its members while living ! For full cxpLination of plan call at the Purcell Uouse, this city. . . . . very respcctruiiy, fa-. . - .J WM. II. GIBSON: WM. A. EASTERDAY. Special Traveling Agents, . Nanonai luc ana uaturuy Association; .. . - Washington, D.C. We arc able to add the IoIIowIbz test! r onlal from this city: W. Ui Giuson. Special Aecnt-Belnrf ao quaintcd with the majority of the officers and directors of the Natlo car Life and Maturity .a-ssociaiion, i can iruir say tnat no men i tana higher in business or financial circles than they do. Their connection with the Comnanr would make it good if there was nothing else to recommend it. T.E.WALLACE. WilmlngtOD, N. C, Oct. C,1S5. - -loct0 6t? - 1 Every Day, T7RESH NEW mVER OYSTERS on hand every, day , this month. &-5 The celebrated WINBERRYO YSTERS. Hard to teat and best Oysters In the world. teptSOlmnac Star Saloon. - NEW FALL HATS ! JUST RECEI VED AT Mrs. E. A. LUMSDEN'S lli. North Front St. : oct J lw H0ENE OYSTERS ! T MECHANltrS SALOON, troai Oct Ist.to end of icavn..;. Best Beer in city. Fine Whiskey Best te: Cigar, Oj-Bten t erred vv etolxs. ' sept S3 . - J. M. MCGOWAf. MILL FanGoods,

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