f 1 i mry arenas, . eunaaya x . cepted by " JOSH T. JAMES, IDITOK AJfO PBOpKIETOR. SUBSCRIPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ' rear M.00. Six. month. $2.09. Three months, LOG; One month, 25 cents. The paper will be deliver! by carriers free of charge. In any part of the city, at the above rites, or 10 cent per. woe. - .. . . I . ja-SabacrlbeTS will report any and all iaO-I JXJw J.Jv. jjjC to receive taeir paper reguiariy. pr jfo Daily Hevieto kas the largest tona fixlc circulation,., of any newspaper published, in the city of Wilmington. , W TLMINGTON. N. C. THTJKSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1885 LOCAL NEWS. w 4 w a Aw." T7i vrH ti glid to xaceivt ecsnacsicaiioa froa our fxlancls ca asy axd ail rsOJacta ' uua ox ui wnwsr most aiwaya v. ttlaiad totheEdttcr. . ; ComniiCQlcatloraiasii b wrltUa oa xt oca side of the ppex.ivj'- '..f. PttsonaHtlcs meat be avoided 2 - , And It la especially and' particularly tzd I stood that the Editor Am n0 2oD4 Mno vlowsof corxespondaata ozJaw to atatt A young iady ol Buffalo, who is very successful as an amateur photographer. ii frequently asked to bring Iier camera when she is asked out to lunch, just to cnr.imcmoraJeJ ihfc occasion, There are do, less :han 3 000 white opium smokers in San Faancisco. MAnyjoints in China Town having been dosed. 4 opium fiends" got their own apparatus, and ''hit the pipe'-' in their own rooms. ' - Miss Clara Marlon, the heroine of -three wars and president of tho Red IMOEX TO IEW AOVEXTISEaHEITS. Ofeba House-Zo Zo i C W YATM-School Books J W Cokclkt Sew 8 land Hkiksbehoek School Books T C Miller Tar Heel Liniment Board -No. 15 South Eighth fit v Tatlob'S Bazaab Fall Millinery Jxo T Qarbell-What a Tumble R M McIntibe The uraln Ki-cs I B Rhodks. Prop The Green Houf e " Ls BfilDGEBS Death ot a Good Woman. Mrs. Betty J , wife of Mr. George J McMillan, at Teacbey's Depot, Duplin county, died a few days since after a brief illness aged about 49 years. The deceased was in all the relations of life as wile, mother, sister and neighbor, a model woman and was a most sincere and devoted christian, haviug been for many years an exemplary member of Mt. Zion Presbyterian Church, in Duplin county, and her death will NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMEV TH. NEW ADVERISElilENTS. F linos & Co New Groceriea E J Moess A Co By Yestcrdav's Stmr Joseph DarcK, f r-Tuning ani Eepairlne create a deep void, not only in the t '.'.. - . , church, but in the neighborhood where Fnr nt h r .u ouc wa3 tuowu ana oeioveu ana in ine .uvt iwuho ow luuiiu pane. I r.:i i . . .. . I iamil7 firrla mliorn oho mna iM i m j .-w-.w.w .i oua n aa 1UU The receipts of cotton at this port to- Her husband and seven children three Cros3 laternaiionai Association, oneof J 000 oas- sons ana lour daughters survive her. the most practical and influential wo- Notice to the Boys Thoss Bracket men in the world, has recently declar- Saws are here. Jacom's Hdw. Dpnnf The Curtain Rises ! Fall fa Wintar O P E W I W CT .', 7vjc - i vrn -1 .. ' . -, fillor woman suffrage. lrill and Festival. The Exhibition Flag Drill and Festi- For the best unlaundried white shirt val at the Citv lla11 last niSht ws a Will II. Reman, formerly editor of in tbe city, call at the Wilmineton Shirt most un,(iut3 entertainment , and one the Okoiona States, has drifted to far- factory; only 75c. J. Elsbach. PrdD.. wn,cn reUected the highest credit upon nveav Dakota. His name aDnears as No. 27 Markctst. tf the fair and beautiful young ladies com- .p. ;; : ; posing ino uantweii J.ight Guard. Ihe ordera takp.n for anifa f nvr.T'c I . . . , . ... lu.iii.ht-ft innrrml nrkAaB mniiA . . . I AiierG was a goou auenuance, but It :.r::..ru:j:Tr.T sJncerrivalofth9ncwand stylish wMnnt.no.r.i..h- u. t7"r.rl;ol. : J r , m. I " fcw vuw 'VI1 - vuuei. is wnnuenui. meyare th fwn,-..f , mil nf Mrnrlr nnA cnU ni. n . l I rl m auiao Hall ought to have been crowded to its ! ...... i uimn. nsnan it nnn ir. nnnnnh nn a J WINDOW SHADES, CORNICE POLES, LACE CURTAINS, &c , MAT BE SEEN IN GBEAT VARIETY. R. RI. R3cl HITI RE. -AT THE- oct8 Board. FEW GKNTIEMEN CAN FIND COM- fortable Sleeping Quarters and goo 1 Table Board by apply lug. at oct8 1t NO. 15 SOUTH EIGHTH ST THE GREEN HOUSE, A large number of ladie3 have taken would have been had our citizens gen- Northcst Corner of Second and Princess sts. advantage ot Miss E. Karrer's opening erally known what an interesting scene days to visit the new store she has w8 to be presented. The uniforms opened on South Front street, opposite (or costumes) of the young ladies were cJ lor drunkenness or discipline, two or tbe New Market. It is a haudsome composed of red, white and blue-cloth, three are on the sick list, leaving fit- place and the stock 13 bewildering in its the stripes vertical, witba. broad blue teen for active duty. Hence seven beauty. It will be open until 9 o'clock stripe in front which was ornamented men protect the city'by day and eight to-night, and handsomely illuminated, with white stars bordered with gold. by night, and crime is growing morel f " r ihere were thirteen stars, representing . vu. u.uu the thirteen original States of the Re- tempting display to day ot fruits and w! Thft,,MWOr0 rWi w.-th k As already candies at their store on North Front wfind n t a mhm!Mi ?n said, nobody apDroves. and. so far asJslreet. Their specialty is home made . tu Tk k win meet with prompt at ention ... I. I Kbtcio u yju tuc uauu xuc uauua lj i OCI o 1C We believe in boilirrg hell down td a ha 1-pint, and administering it at a sin gle dese." . . : Id Omaha, a city of 60.000 inhab itants, there are sixty policemen en rolled. Six ot these are engaged in routine work, four or five are suspend- III AVE JUSt OPENED THE ABOVE named House. Have on hand the Kineat and Best of JjIQUOE". I -will also open a First Class KESTAURANT at the same nlace in a few days. octsim . l. B. RHODES, Proprietor New Groceries. Elegant New Mackerel I . EXTRA' MESS. THE FINEST FISH CAUGHT ! 18c Per Pound. B "New Store Opposite the Market. prevalent constantly. Alexandria Gazelle: TUNING AND REPAIRING PIANOS, JOSEfH DENCK, Sr., FROM COLUMBIA, s. C, respectfully informs the Ladles and Gentlemen of Wilmington that he will re main a few weeks In Wilmington to tune and repair Pianos and Orcans. Orders lelt at G." embroidered in gold Messrs. Helnsberget's and Yates' Book Stores can be ascertained, all condemn, the candies, and in these they are hard to the cap3 were presented by Col. J. L. treatment Mr. Wise received here last DCftt although they carry a full iine for Thursday night. But for all that, it is jobbing purposes. The little folks, as doubtful if Mr. Wise was at all sur prised at it. How could be have been, when, tbe very -next , day, at Fairfax courthouse, when admonished that he well as the big folks, know how tooth some are t hese dainties. Cltv Court. was going too far, he replied that if V" " '.us V and down, was sent to the city prison. 'he had said anything for which he should be sorry, be was glad of it." Cantwell, in whosa honor tho company was named. A crimson sash suspend el from the right shoulder and falling to the left side completed the uniform. The drill was conducted by Lieut. F. L. Meares, of the Wilmington Light Infantry, and reflected n:uch credit upon that gentleman as a drill master New Stand. J HAVE RENTED STORE NO. 118 North Second street, (near Post Office) where I will keep a jrood stock of Drogs, Cigars and Cigar ettes. My f rlend3 and the public are invited io can. xscspeciruuy, J. W. CONOLEY. Druggist ect S 2 th sat . NEUFCHATEL CHEESE, JUST FROM STEAMER. c- VALENCIA ONIONS, WEIGH TWO AND THREE LBS. APIECE. G cts. Per Pound. LEAVE NO ODOR ON THE BREATH. -tf- Beets in Elegant Condition, SOc. 'Per Peck. oy the Mayor this morninff. for 12 hours, in order to give him time to get and instructor as wel1 as UDon the Mr. J. W. Schuckers. formerly pri- sober. vate secretary of the Hon. S. P. Chase, explains that the letter from Mr. Halstead to Mr. Chase, which , was lately published by tbe Cincinnati En quirer, and which has caused such ex tensive comment,, was not furnished for publication by him. It was stolen. he says, from his office in Philadelphia some months ago, and in whose hands it bas since been he does not know. As two out ot twenty two President3 have been assassinated, or about 10 per cent., the risk in life insurance is extra hazardous. It is said that Arthur had a policy of 10.000 on entering the office of.Vice President, and that after becoming President he obtained a sec ond for tho same amount. Five thou sand dollars were lost on Lincoln and twelve oa Garfield. Cleveland had policies for $16,000. all issued before bis election, and a month ago applica tion was made lor $10,000 more. This will be granted at ordinary rates. United States army recruiting officers now argue that the road to wealth, or at least to competence, lies in a march of thirty years with the soldiers. You are a single man of nineteen," said one inquirer; '"suppose you enlist now you will lead a healthy, easy, respecta ble life, with no anxiety as to mainte nance; you will draw pay surely and regularly, and out of it you can, .with perfect comfort, save fifty dollars a jear. Put that on interest, and at fifty Jtars,ot age, adding tho sum allowed by the Government to men who retire after thirty years service, you will have. enough to live oa the rest of your life in idleness." Tbe oak tree planted by Lord Bj ron at New stead Abbey is large and flour ishing. although the alder on which he cat tbe names' "Byron and Augusta" long since died. Tbe portion of the tree on which the names were carved is preserved among tho treasured me- nientos of tho poet in tho Abbey. The tree planted by Dr. Livingstone is on the lawn, as well as the one planted by Stanley. The present owner of New stead was the one white friend and bosom companion of Livingstone dur ing his years of wonderful work in Africa. This Col. Webb, who "bought tbeAbbey of Col. Wildman, the wealthy West Indian planter who bought it ot Lork Byron, it the man. who saved Linvingstone's life by shooting the lion hich. after fearfully- mutilating 'him, still stood over his prostrate body. , Have you seen the fine assortment of Stoves at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot? Yon can save money by buying there, t - There were several cases of failure to pay license tax in which judgment was suspended upon payment of the same. The Green House Mr. I. B. Rhodes has just opened, at the Northwest corner of Princess and Second streets, a cozy little establish ment. to be known as the Green House. to which the attention ot the public is I pleasantly remembered. inviteu in advertisement in this issue, j At the festival was to be found every He has made a wonderful improvement delicacy to tempt the appetite, which there and has opened one ot the most was partaken oi heartily and thorough young ladies for the promptness and precision with which they executed tne evolutions. lheir movements were as nearly perfect as it was possi ble to attain. There were no false mo tions, no false steps, but everything was dono with the sKill and precision of veterans, eliciting the hearty ap plause of the spectators. It was indeed a beautiful sight and one long to be OPERA HOUSE. FOR THREE NIGHTS ! MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNES DAY, Oct. 12, 13 and 14. ;' Wednesday Matinee ! Th2 Great Spectacular Drama, cozy little retreats in the city. Hurry Up. There is considerable complaint that the freights shipped from tbe Western portion of tbe Slate over the Western North Carolina Railroad for this city do not reach here as quickly as they ly eDjoyed. The proceeds of tho entertainment were for the benefit of tho drum corps of the Light Infantry. You will find a full assortment of paint, horse and scrub Brushes, made by the best factories, at Jacobi's Hdw. ought. Bills of lading of produce ship I Depot, His low price3 please all. f ped on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd inst., were shown us yesterday, but tho artie'e bad not been received. As the freight shipped was of a perishablo nature the delay in its reception here would work to its material injury, ' Opera House. The performances which are to be given at the Opera House on the nights of the 12th. 13th and 14th inst " will be far superior in point of merit. Zo Zo. tho Magic Queen, is a spectacular ex- Zo Zo. the Alagic Queeu. The Norlolk. Va , Landmark, of the Ch inst., in speaking of Zo Zo, the Magic Queen, which is to be presented at tbe Opera House on tho nights of the 12th, 13th and 14th inst., says: mo ineaire-goer8 or jworioiK are rarely favored with a good presentation of a spectacular drama, but the audi- THE MAGIC QUEEN A dream of fairy land realized. A play as pure as 'tis beautiful and astonishing as 'til grand. Two Car Loads of Magnificent PrKVPBV CI. I ? t t PrtCTmrwci m Tim. Tirol. Paraphernalia. Constituting an ar ray of dazziing splendor unprecedented la the annals of modern stage history. The Workl's Greatest Pantomlmist and i ,, Comedian, Supported by the acknowledged Queen of American Stage Beauties, Adelalne Cherle, and a full Dramatic and Comedy Company as akju buss AHo w omew appear in this monstrous production. Seats on .sale Saturday at Helnsberger's. oct8 5t Starcoiy P. L. BRIDGERS &C0., 11U North Front St. oct S Bv Yesterday's StfiamflrJSneiip u- J OCt 5 -rUNEST LOT OF FRUIT YET Eceeived. CHOICE MALAGA GRAPES, Delevan, Concord and other varieties. FINE ASPIN WALL BANANAS, SECKEL PEAR 3, Best in tho market, DUCHESS and other -varieties. DRIED FIGS, (New Crap), DATE 3, (New Crop), MISS E. KAREER. TXTILL 'BE PLEASED TO VEJS IIER friends and customers, on Thursday, Oct. 8th" on tae occasion of the opening of -her new store. - -V,,., P. S. If the weather la favorable ttettore will be open toth this evening and to morrow Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 18S5. ; . j ' School Books and School Supplies,. "lkEKS. Trrvp.Tr a twit SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, ; : SLATE3, CRAYONS, i - V -BOOK BAGS ntd STRAPS, ' COPY BOOKS, ' .. . , EXERCISE BOOKS, &c. We wlllniate It to your-advantago to buv of us. We buy for-oash and can afford to sell :C. W. YATES. 110 Market tft. SCHOOL BOOKS, gUCH AS ARE USED IN ALL THE CHy and Country Schools, will bj sold cheap at HEINSBERGER'S, Live Book ind Mnslofitores ;'" PIANOS AND ORGANS Complete stock Home-Madc Candles Pure! A RE SOLD NOW VERY CHEAP FOR M?d.as.9hcaE as same lino of goods ... ' . . . ': "i v" jrupumr mommy instalment Plan. Just received a largo assortment at -oct 5 HEINSBERGBR'S A V 4 cxiu xrvma, ana as encap cm De bought In New fork. ocl 8 " E. J. MOORE & CO. M I LUNERY What a Tumble I TfTE HAVE NOW ON OUR STALLS, and will cut up on SATURDAY, and sell, for 10 cents a pound, beef that we will guarantee would i 11 for 20 cents ia Richmond, Balti- mro or New York. The prcof 13 In your own 000 CASU 1N TEARS " TO hands Call and see It and leave orders at every investor. It pays tetter. than a Savings once or you will get left. Bank; it pays better than Government Bondsi Anothor car load of line beeves, all steers. U VeyB bctcr ,than Bulldiny Associations, received this day from the West. But remember this amount can only bo rcaU" r in a iew aays we will op Department .and will snll Em the latter alive as well as dressed. und at Last ! MONET FOR' LIVING I JSO. V. RARRVI.T. Sr ROM octS2t Fourth Street Market. ;n a Poultry VT; .fr P. ccr"ncaie in ine National nnri vmin I i"0 and Maturity Aseociatlon. of Wjiahino-tAT, ' P .1?- Plan practicable, feasible and control- travaganza without the ballet. The ence which was present at tho Acade my of Music last evening enjoyed the j rPHis department is now stocked richest treat whicn nas ever beenl,. , , prnArionrp.1 horn in that line. 'An V.n i wlth an 1 of seasonable goods, a nautical extravaganza with an end-land complcto in every dctil. Our reputation Ipss vaiintv of incidents, corennns I scenery is gorgeous, tho music attrac- scenic effect, well chosen costumes and ln thl3 claes of. goods 13 8T,flicieBt uarantca tiye. and there will be nothing in its! taking music. Ihe company has I that we show the richest assortment at lower Dreacntation to offp.nil thn dolionpv ni somelning over twenty lauics who are , Pu!A. w fl,cacy young and pretty. Tho part of the Pces than any goods advertised. Thcassoit- AZT T . ' li t f ,i Mic Queen was taken by Miss Grace ment of novelUe, In rich materlaVfor making Adams, who 13 well known to tho Woodbury, who was a favorite with wmmuuuuk amusement loving people of this city as tbo audience from the start. The centre and trimming hats, is mora varied and larger one of the very best comedians of the auracuon was y asnmgton nowau. tnan all the Btcck ta h ccmblnecL . . ... ... . the typical American. In this part uay, is wtia mis compaoy. auu as a Ir. George H. Adams kept the audi- With our unequalled facilities for handling matter 01 course tases a leading parr, ence convulsed m laughter. The enter-1 ,, which is a sufficient euarantee that it tainment opened with a scene .from hn". enable us to make prices always will be mirth nrovokinir "Fairy lnd." and the splendor of its under all competition, at For Sale and Rent. CTOBES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS. Apidy to aug 24 2taw3m m th D. O'CONNukT Real Estate Agent Gome and See Mel' led by reliable and resDonii.ln italcltv. Endorsed by your Senator Z. B. vanco and Representatives Wm. It. Cox and Whatton J . Green. It Is purely a business In vestment, therefore should rcctive- the attcn li?n &ml consideration of the butlne s men o.f Wilmington. This plan ls popular throughout the South, because It pays its members while llVlTia I Or full Arnlgn.llnn r L -,. - I vk fi,iu Mill hi the Purcell House, this citv -. Very respectfully, - ' WM. H. GIB30N, WM. A. V. A RTKPH A V Special Traveling Agents, ' National Life and Maturity Association, -' -j Washington, D. C J HAVE BEFITTED AND OPENED THE OLD CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, with We are able to ac'd the following tcitl Tonlal from this city: W. H.- Gluaox. Siteclal AirrnL"R5nf o Ha t t n , , . . I quaiaieu witn ine maioritror the nffifwra mmi 1 mm - i 1111 Ka .mii m in i riH r m r m n a 1 iivammi mw m a j. iters and lods a .IT".. t r II", -""." iimivv wi.)u, iau iruiy say wai no men stand higher In business or financial circles than mW vaV. i v a wuucuiiua wild Liifi uumnATiv - w ww ww w w w ) AifVA be found In the city. Also, Oysters and lods C. HUBERT, oct 71m No. 15 South Water st surroundings awakened the greatest admiration. But if the first scene was resplendent, tbe one which followed was so, while the transformation Taylor's Bazaar. AN IMMENSE LINE fT DRESS TRIMMINGS AND LATEST An Immense Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, more Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods is scene in the fourth act was one of mar now in stock and ready for inspection, vellous beauty. Miss Mario Dantes, tt it 1 1. . 1 uuiu a uauua, was eeeu as a law v, mus we can particular attention to our ais- j, Coles, from a tube rose, as a play this Fall, as we have never before statue queen, and she looked it every Novelties, Braided Passamenterie, ranging in been able to meet the bargains we have 1 men. miss lorence istnaiy as a aan- piw irom uc per yara ana upwaras. one made this year, and we now stand ul"" B .wmie ner.eu""? kuaiity.-onif fiw yirdf HeaVV andide iin hh vo ra m n o is- 1 1 n dtfii man r a nr h . -n ,Li " - . rHv fr rfivirin thp.m with fnsfnmpn, I jlJr. 1 -""r " - IK0- orstea imnge -w j . . . 1 wuiiuenut. Air. n&rry Barrvmure, as u uj coion ior jsress inmrnmes, iromi3c but we will not tolerate humbuginr, the demon, was excellent, and tho per yard nP. cioak ciasps. worsted Braid, .... eomo mnn Km o.m f xcV rTr.warH and thousands of other articles too numerous gifts, or chemes of an j kind, but guar- sTame may oe said of Mr. uowara to menuon. a call will convince yon of the antee to give at all times, more and bet- TT.i A""?1 ZPA 8ame. ai 1 mr-. mm- 1 1 iiiwi w w m 1 1 i w mm ter value for tho money than ean bo one should see it this evening. The had elsewhere. We will cheerfully rc- drama is tree from anything which fund your money if goods are not found might be construed in coarseness or r.t:cfl.n :n !.io vnlganty. Everything is condacted satisfactory, and will gladly send goods wi.t -A tasta Jand Rriemcn and to your homes for comparison, with there is nothing to offend the most las- -xsJa F.wn vtl. n T ft- . til I awliina uuus uuiu viuvi oiuica. 1W VT lit tJaJ I 41U1UU3. to trade at the Old Reliable's. Wanted. xr K DESIRE TO EMPLOY THREE OR TV four young men of sober, Industrious habits. Apply at once. WBEELKB & WILSON Mt'G CO.; 119 Princess st , WHmlnzton. N. C. . T. H. PACE, Aa t. oct 7 3t would make it good If there was nothing eue w recommena u. t. K. WALLACE. . Wllmlngtan, N. c, Oct. 6, 1 j5. oct C Ct Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. ? Cold; Weather : is : Corning ! PJJ"1 The best ready mixed paint can be OW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR Wln- w J n fa xrntiTool f rf thta fmnl fill i.'if i. ' Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., bad ak Jacobi s Hdw. Depot. He bas sign of the Golden Arm. t i it in alt size cans, from half pints up. f for bargains. ter 's supply of WOOD. Call on R. E. IXOYD CO., at their yard ia rear of New Market, eept 23 ry Day. pRESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The celebrated WINBEERYO Y8TER3. Hard to beat and best Oysters in tbfr worlds trt, GEO, F. HERBERT, tept SO lm nac , ; , e star Saloon T HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY NEW F A IiXi HATS ' WJD3 wbch will be opened to-morrow, rmmn-.clnv7 4- Oil. JUST RECEIVED AT , - xuuiauuj 9 uuu om. Hope the Ladles will give mz a call before MfS A. LUMSDEN'S purchasing. , MRS. KAT C WINES, ' 119 N. Second Street near Postofflce oct ly . ' .. ";. 111 North Front 8t. Oct 2 Jw Lamps. H0E1TE OYSTEES I IT UECHABICTS 84I)Oy, HAYING MET WITH GREAT 8UCCESS I Irom OcL 1st, to end cf teascn. insellhua Une Uda of T. a if pa Hnrini i i - -. . the last two seasons, wo are now offering a j . Beat Beer in city. Fine Whiskey. Best 5c. t.miwiMw uiui UIIUU UU UIVlliO TIUX chaser'a attention to them. Prices Very Lew. I Cigar. Oyster lervcd oj stalrv oct 5 GILES & MCRCHLsON. ept S3 J. 11. M CGOWAW.

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