burned erery evcmta. todays 0 cepted try ' - ; . - JOSHT. JAMES, V EDITOR AKD rBOFKHTOB. - ' anBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: ear t-00- SLr "ntha, $2.00. Three onth. $1.00; OM month. 35 cents. rS paper will be delivered by carrier free charge. In P1' of 010 ' the sbova or io cents per wee. Svesttain rates low and Uberal. : - jj-Subscrlber. will report an j and all faU- 'crcs tg receive their paper regularly, 77ie Daily Review has the largest bona Uc circulation; of any newspaper cublishcd. in Vie cuyoj nviminffion A iaie csclof-e in India destroyed 6ve hundred villazcs. j . Henry Ward IWcber is suffering from bis annual attack of hay fever, ' :. The Grant monument fund in New bangs fire. Up to date the figures show tnl.973.39. '' - - ' 'm . Common Fleas Court No. 1 has "ap pointed William M. Connor, of New York, to act as committee of the person 0I John McCu'.lough. the insane actor. Evidence is being taken which would, seem to prove that the Chinese fired their own hoase3 at Rock Springs. Wy-. omiDg. and that Americans had noth ing to do with the disasters.. . ... Philadelphia Press: Montreal is a festering mass of smallpox, but, with unreasoning caprice, thesdisease has thus far tailed to attack a solitary one of the American bank cashiers sojourn ing in the place. This is an extraordi nary discrimination. Pbiladelphia Record : The independ ent voter, if he cannot have candidates who will carry out proper policies, is bound to refuse his support. When ever parties are no longer means te good ends it is tho duty of the honest citizen to assist in chastening them by defeat. . . Whale fishing in small steamers off the coat of New England i3 getting to be a business of some importance, four steamers (formerly .catching menhaden) having been steadily en gaged during the past season. They croise off the Maine and Massachusetts shores as far south as Cape Cod. IM In the law of New York there is a curious exception to tho rule that di vorce ends the married relation . A divorced defendant is prohibited by statue from marrying again during a specified period. Inarecectcaseaman. his wife obtained a divorce from him, married another woman, and the Court of Appeals held that he was luWly of bigamy. V The grand jury of Philadelphia, in their presentment of October 2, say : "We have been obliged to pass upon so UDQ3ually large a number of cases - of wife-beating that we feel constrained to hope for the rein troduction and passage of the bill defeated at the last session of tha Legislature making that crime punishable by the whipping post." - . ' In New York, during the three Sum mer mouths ending September, 109,234 pounds of bad meat. 42 891 pounds of decayed fish, 1,150 barrels and boxes of apples, 1,740 of pineapples, 5,799 boxes and 821 bunches of bananas, 2,651 cocoanuts, 4,000 ears of corn, nearly 4.000 melons, 1,200 barrels of peas and 900 crates of unripe peaches were seiz ed by the Board of Health inspectors and the Sanitary Police Squad. Rev. Father Cronin and James Moon, cy, of Buffalo, New York, who are among those named by the meeting in New York to proceed to Ireland for"the purpose of assisting iti the parliamen tary eanvass there, express their: dis approval of such a course. They agree with Alexander Sullivan, that the Irish people need - funds, not oratory, and that they favor, the policy of aiding Ireland in the direction where she ts poor. ' ' - . . IWmanagar of a circus that has gone through Canada says : "Nowhere else in the world are audiences so in teresting to the performers. In Quebec, Montreal, Hamilton and London- not able fugitives from United States law Bach as Eno, Mother Mandelbaum, and I suppose not less than fifty more are pointed out to the ring people by some resident person. These exiles are sure to go to the circus, to relieve the tedium of life in their uncongenial circles ; and they are interesting to show men, just as big financial rogues are to all sorts of Americans.". Henry Ullin, of a NewOrieans Creole family, was a brisk, bright young fel low when he disappeared from that city twenty years ago. " He has return ed broken down in health but not in spirits. lathe time of his absence he was a lieutenant in the navy, an. inven tor or a machine for which he got $60, 000 a Paris, a gambler who spent that fconey in a year, a fighter in the French rmy in Mexico, a builder of bridges lor the Suez Canal, and" now an agent for De Lesseps in Panama. He thinks few men have more persistently been alternately pauper and prodigal. H VOL. IX. The case of Jordan, Marsh &Co., the great Boston house, continues to be enveloped in mystery. It is said that a dozen cloak makers in New, York have bills against the firm ranging ! from $20,000 to $50,000 each, and have com bined to prosecute their claims J Why the firm, which has a credit of a million dollars, does not pay is not understood, but it is more than probable it has some g30d defence. t . - LOCAL NEWS. I1DEX T05W AQVESnSEHEllTS. UKursBXfiGXBIn Stock - C W Yates School Books N , E. Wxssklt. Just Received - ' : " F C Millkr Sweet Gum andMuUcIa Opeb . Housk-Zo Zb 3 co H. Adam? Tuos. W. Strjlvge, Com'r Sale ot Sound Property for Partition XI Brunhild & Bko Heal Estate for Sale : .:: For other locals see fourth page. Day's length 11 hours and 25 minutes. There was no City Court this morn- There were no interments in Bellevue Cemetery this week; Sunset to morrow afternoon at. minutes past 5 cloock. .- . 29 Br. barque Fairy Belle, Jeane, clear ed at London Oct, 8th for this port. Notice to the Boys These Bracket Saws are here. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot.f " There were three interments in Oak- dale Cemetery this week, two adults and one child. Oysters for Ladies and Gentlemen on half shell, stewed or fried at Ca bin's Dining Parlors. : 2t Ger. barque Cvmmerzeinrath Hod berlus, Schnltz. from 'London for this port, passed Dungeness Oct. 7th, The Register of Deeds issued two marriage licenses this week, one for a white and one for a colored couple. "The best undershirt for 50 cents is at Dyer's, who also carries a fine line of woolen underwear at lowest prices." ' For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J. Elsbach, Prop., No. 27 Market st. ' tf Rev. S. II. Chester will preach in the First Presbyterian Church, Sunday Oct. 11th, at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Seats free; visitors welcome. You will find a full assortment of paint, horse and scrub Brushes. , made by the best factories, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, His low prices please all. t Holy Communion will be celebrated to-morrow in St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, at 11 a. m. in Ger man. English services at 7:30p. m. Indications. For the South Atlantio States," fair weather in the Northern portion, local showers in the Southern portion, North east to Southeast winds, slight changes in temperature and lower barometer. - Peanuts. The outlook for the peanut crop this year is not promising. The stock on hand at Cincinnati Ohio, on the 1st inst., amounted to only 97,000 bags by actual count, which is very small when it is considered that that city is one oi the most important peanut markets in the country. ; ? Personal Sheriff E. Murrill. of Onslow county. arrived in tho city last night. Mr. E. A. Richards, the press agent of Cole's Circus, gave us the pleasure ot a call this morning and we found him a very clever, courteous and agreeable gentleman. w We regret to learn that Capt. Wm. Newell, conductor on the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad r is quite sick with continued fever at his residence on the corner of Walnut and Second streets. - . An Immense Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods is now in stock and ready for inspection. We call particular attention to our dis play this Fall, as we have never before been able to meet the bargains we have made this year, and we now stand ready to divide them with customers, but we will not tolerate humbuging. gifts, or schemes of any kind, but guar antee to give at all times, more and bet ter value for the money than can bo had elsewhere. We will cheerfully re fund your money if goods are not found satisfactory, and will gladly send goods to your homos for comparison with oods from other stores,, It will pay to trade at the Old Reliable's. Con vince yourself of the fact. Siekiek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. . . t W ILMINGTON. N. C SATURDAY, OCTOBER Cole's Circus; At an early hour this morning nearly all the juvenile portion of our popula tion were astir to see the big show, and it was but a short time after sunrise when our streets began to , be crowded with people, both citizens and those from abroad. Carriages began to rattlo through the streets with their: living freight. The hoteU were crowded with a throng of strangers whose peculiar appearance bespoke them as men at tached in some way to the circus com pany. By 9 o'clock in the morning the streets along which it was - presumed that the street parade would pass were lined .with men women and children, both white and colored. At about 10 o'clock it was announced that the parade was moving and the i streets were alive with impatience, and the children especially were full of curious and anxious enthusiasm. It soon made its appearance and presented an iuipos iog pageant. The chariot, conta'ning the band, was drawn by a team of ten camels. The music was about such as we usually hear on such occasions. The horses were fine and looked as if they had been well cared for. There was a fine equestrian display of ladies and gentlemen, gorgeously dressed, monct- ed on elegantly caparisoned horses. These were followed by a long proces sion oi cases in which some of the animals of the exhibition could be seen. On the tops of some of the carriages were grotesque figures which were the wonder and delight of the little ones The clowns, in their fantastic costumes and with their quaint say ing3, were the observed of all observers. In passing the Purcell House where three well known and very popular railroad - con ductors were standing in a group, one of the clowns pointed at them and said, 'One, two, three, I must getaway from here, for I can't stand that crowd ! " At which, of couse, every bedy laughed the conductors as heartily as any of them. The procession closed with the inevitable steam' piano, it is a re markable instrument and is capable of astonishing results, as it can complete ly satisfy our rather ardent musical desires in two minutes. But tako it all in all the parado was a good one, rather above the average of such displays, and was a fine card to attract an audi enceat the performance this afternoon. Musical. A meeting of the Germania Cornet Band was held last night at which ono new member was added, so that it now numbers 17 members. Those now havin ginstruments are as follows: Messrs. Jacob Mohr and J. H. Rehder. E flat cornet; A. Wehrbahn, solo B flat cornet ; J. H. Bocsch, IstB flat cornet; M. Rathjen, 2nd B fiat cornet ;.E Schulken, solo alto; J. G. L. Geischcn and J. H. Tienken, altos; W. Doscher and H. H. Giescben, tenors; Benjamin Bellois, baritone; W. MertonB, B flat base; Charles Von Kampen, tuba; C. W. Polvogt, snare drum, and George Grotgen, base drum. The band is now in regular practice without the aid of a salaried teacher. Mr. A.-Wehrbahn is the leader and we are glad to know tha they are getting along remarkably well and making excellent progress in musi cal proficiency. Death of a Wilmington Iady. Mrs. Annie W. Miller, widow of the lateThos. C. Miller, Esq., who was previous to the war a prominent mem ber of the bar in thi3 city, died On Thursday morning in Asboville. Mrs. Miller has many near relatives m this city who will be grieved to hear this. The Asheville Citizen of Monday's date says : " . Mrs. Annie W. Miller, relict of the late Thomas C. Miller, of Wilmington, died at the residence ot Gen. Johnston Jones, her son-in law, in this city, at 6 o'clock this morning, after a long ill ness. She was born April 20, 1820. The funeral will take placo at the Epis copal church at U o'clock to-morrow morning. Relations and friends are invited to attend the fnneral from resi dence, and the public from the church at the hour appointed. The death of this lady brings sorrow to many hearts here, and in the Cape Fear section. of which she was a native. there are many who will grieve at the death of a lady so largely connected and so closely endeared by ties of lineage and social connection. C.F. &Y. V. B.K. 1 he Board of Audit and Finance, at a meeting held yesterday afternoon, con curred in the recommendation of the Board of Aldermen as to theC. F. & Y. V. R, R. extension to this city. The committee appointed by the Board of Alderman will therefore com municate at once with tho railroad peo ple,' in regard the proposed subscription by the city, but they have do authority to take action. , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J u st Received . J HAVE OPENED WITH A FEESH stock of Family Grocer! g. Wines, 1 Iquors and Cl ears and ll klnd3 f country produce. I would Uke for ray friends, one and aU, to give me a calL . - . . E. W ESSE LI, 115 South Front st., opposite New Market. octlOSt Sweet G urn and M u llein, .TjyiLD CHERRY, TAR A2?f TOL.U. BoU's Cough Syrup. Red Star Cough Cure, Boschee's German Syrup, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral, Allen's Lung Balsam, Hydrollne, Ac. Als, a XuUilne of Drugs, Cncm'calsr-c Prescriptions filled at ail hours, day or night. .. F. C. MIlilifeK. '- - German Druc-gist,'? octlO , Porner Fourth and Nan at OPERA HOUSE. GEO. II. ADAMS, GEO, H. ADAMS. Geo. H. Adams. cct 10 In Stock. JgLANK BOOKS, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Letter and Note Envelope?, Ink, Mucilage, Ink Stands, - Sponge Cups, , . Pen Racks, Paper Weights, Letter Clips, letter Files, Prayer Books, Blhles, Albnms, Toy Books, &c. PJANOS. ORGANS A MUSIC BOXES, AT i HEINSBERGER'3, octlO . . : . Live Book and Music Stores. REAL ESTATES ! AND ' LAND FOR SALE. For terms and prices Inqulrc'at L. SIMON & CO'S., Successors to H, BRUNHILD & BRO., No. 114 N. Water St House and Lot at Long Creek, known as the Walker property. House and Lot at Burgaw, lately fixed op in good style. A tract of Land In Pender, former owner W. R. Lamb. A tract of Land in Rocky Point Township. Gin and Gin House. In first class order, on an acre of land In Duplin county, formerly owned by t: tr. ixiun. II. BKUNHILiO & JBKO. oct 10 Sale of Sound Property for Partition. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE Superior Court of New Hanover county in a certain proceeding tncrein pending. wherein Mrs. Alice Llppitt, widow of W. H. Lippitt, deceased, John m. waiver and wire Marv L. walker. Sarah C. Linnitt and Dever opits Dynis uuaroian. ut. jj. t. Halgh, are the petitioners, the undersigned, a Commissioner for that purpose duly appoint ed, will sell at public auction, on Monday. November 2nd, 1885, at 12 o'clock, M, at the Court House door, in the city ot Wilmington, all that piece or parcel of land beginning on tne margin oi tne oouna. Known as rrxurnts- vllle Sound, about feet North of the South east corner of Vail's patent, dated April 15th, 1761. at a Cedar stake, and running thence H. 48 deg.l5mln.. W. 7 chains and sixty-three Jinks to the Northeast corner cf the fence en. closing the front rart of the lot heretofore oc cupied as a Summer residence by Mrs Mary Llppitt, a large Cedar tree standing about one chain and 25 links from eald Ced&r stake, (the beginning point) beinz in tho- line Intend ed to be designated from the said corner of said fence, North 49 deg. W. 4.27 chains to a stake in the northern line of the fence en closing the garden of the lot above referred to; thence . 6 de?., W. 81 links to a large Cedar tree; thence N. 53 deg. 30 ml a., W. with the ccneral line of a row of Cedar trees stand ing on the Southern side of the road leading to Wilmington, 12 chains and 33 links to a stake, thence South 39 deg. W. with the range of the stump of a pine tree and large pine tree now growing, to the Southern line of the said Vail tract; thence South CO deg. Eat with said line last referred to, to the Sound ; thence North with the Sound to the bedanioz Tne said tract beinz the same which was convev ed to the said W. u. Llppitt by R. E. Davis. Jane L. FJemming and F. J. Collar, by deed bearing date March ISth, 1S55, and registered In the Register's office. Book Q. Q.iageSll, except so much of said tract of land as was conveyed to Mrs. J. D. Llppitt by Wm. II. Llppitt containing 14 of an acre, mora or less. THOMAS W. RANGE, I . Commissioner oct 10 it 10.17,84,31 . - Have yon seen thelfine assortment of Stoves at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot? Yon can save money by buyirg there, t 10, 1885. NO. 237 NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS. R. Parson, PIANO AND ORGAN TUNER, ' GRADU ate of the New England Conservatory of Music. Experienced both in factory and route work. Repairing a specialty. Terms reasonable- Orders leit at the Bookstores, or directed to box 533, will be promptly attended to. . . . ... octS l&wSms Wew St a nd- J HAVE RENTED STORE NO. U3 North Second street, (near Post Office) where I will keep, a ?ood stock of Drugs, Cigars and Cigar ettes. My friends and the public are Invited to call. Respectfully, , J. W. CONOLEY. Drmcgist ect2i thsat . : , I Oysters I Oysters ! NEW RIVER OYSTERS i v. Ill be on hi nd at the Acme Saloon, N: 15. Aftrnr PVnTt nnrl Tiv.lr at ' tnlxr Aiso, nnest wines, Liquors, cigars, c. .T (i. T. nTRlSf'h R!H Virm oct 3 Gt sat mon Cold Weather is Here I STILL THERE HAS BEEN NO ADVANCE ia the price of Wood at the New Wood : Yard of R. E. LLOYD & Co.; at foot of New Market. Leave orders , and have wood, delivered promptly In an v part of tlie city. Oct 9 R. E. i-LOYD & CO. C. P. Lockey, ATTORNEY AP COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WILL. PRACTICE IN THE SUPERIOR andCiimlnal Courts of New Hanover and the Superior Courts of adjoining coun ties. Deeds of all kinds and Legal Instru ments of every nature promptly an! properly prepared. , . - - . MS" Office down 6talra ia No. 114 PrlDeess straet. Wilmington, N. C oot 9 Sw By Yesterday's Steamer, piNEST LOT OF FRUIT YET Received. CHOICE MALAGA GRAPES, Delevan, Concord and other varieties . FINE AS PIN WALL BANANAS, . SECKEL PEARS, Best In the market, DUCHESS and other varieties. DRIED FIGS, (New Crop), - 5 DATE 9, (New Crop), Complete 6tock Homc-Made Candies. Pure and fresh, and as cheap as same line of goods cm be bought in New York. oct 8 tf E. J. MOORE & CO. i Elegant New Mackerel ! BXTKA MESS. THE FINEST FISH CAUGHT I 8c Per Pound. NEUFCHATEL CHEESE, JUST FROM STEAMEB. r VALENCIA ONIONS, WEIGH TWO AND THREE LBS. APIECE. Gets. Per Pound' LEAVE NO ODOR ON THJf BREATH. Beets in 'Elegant Condition, 50c Per Peck: P. L. BRIDGERS & CO., llO North Front fit. OCt 8 - HAVE A FINE STOCK OF "MILLINERY GOODS which will be opened to-morrow, Thursday, Oct, 8th. Hope the Ladles will give ms a call before purchaeiog. . .. r "MBi. K ATS C . WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postoffice oct7 ly THE 6EEEH HOUSE, Northwest Comer of Second and Princess Sts T - I HAVE JUS X OPENED THE ' ABOVE named House. Have on hand the. Finest and Best of LiQUOK. I will also open a First Class RESTAURANT at the same place in a few days. - - oct Sim , . l. is. KJUUDJSS, Proprietor : EyeryDay, pBESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The celebrate! WIN BERRYOYSTERS. Hard to beat and best OyBters In the world. tept 30 lm nac -. . star Saloon. H0RNE 0TSTEES I A T MECHANIC'S " SALOON, XL zroaa Oct. 1st, to end of tcason. Best Beer In city. Fine Whiskey. Best 5v Cigar. Oysters eerved op stairs. sept3J. J. MMCGOWAV. New eroceries 0 trera err frlszii oa aay tz.1 all ; ecaeratlataest tat . r -; " : Tie of tie writer must always b;f - dahe4 to the EdltoV "" -'-" - Comaunlcatloiui mast be wrttUB oa o oaaaideof the ptpcr.;- r . '.: r-S ..: PirsonaKSea must be avoided ; And It la especially and partlcalarry tntJ tood that the Editor does not always csdox the views ot correspondents judss so ctati bj the editorial columns, -; -J- NEW AIVERIS: rjpHIS DEPARTMENT 13 NOW STOCKED with an Immense line of seasonable .goods, and complete in every dctlt,, Our reputation In this class ot goods Is snfficlent guarantee that wo show the richest assortment at lower, pi Ices than any goods advertised. Theas&oit ment of noyeJttea In rich material, for makliig and. trimming hats, la more vailed ami lancer than all the stccks in the city combined. . .With our unequalled faciUtiei for handling quantities, enable us to make prlcas always under all competition, at ; . Taylor' Bazaar. AN IMMENSE LINE ' QF DRESS TRIMMINGS AND LATEST Novelties, Beetled Passamcntcrle, ranglr g in prices from 20c per yard and upwards. One per vantworstca jrnnirc In aU colors for Dress Trimmines. from 13c per yard up. Cloak Clasps, Worsted Braid, . and thousands of other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the same at : : .., . Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. ' ' oct 3 ' ; 1 ; " ; -.- PaU&TOnter O P E ;WJ;WfO -OF- -AND- anc s, -AT THE- New IStore : Opposite the Market. MISS E. KARRER, y'lLI' BE PLEASED TO SEE HER friends and customers, on Thursday, Oct. 8th, on the occasion of the opening of her new store." ' P. S. If the weather is favorable ttcitore will be open both this evening and to-morrow evening untU 9 o'clock. Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 7, 1885. " . cct 7 . .w.v ' ' Oysters. Oysters. Oysters. RECEIVING DAILY: LARGE CONSIGN ments of Fine Fat NEW RIVER OYS TERS, which I will deliver to any Express Oiliee in North or South Carolina, at lowen ' possible price. . Delivered in any part of the city free of charge. .All orders promptly filled and quality guaranteed or money refunded. L. G. CHERRY, A gt , 110 South Front St , -, oct 31m T : WilmlDgtoo.-N. C, and See Me! J HAVE REFITTED AND OPENED THE OLD CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, ; with the best Wine?. Llnuore. Beer and Cicim tn be found, la the city. AJso, Oysters autl lodg logs. C. 1XU1SJSRT. oct 7 im No:. 15 South Water st Found at Last ! MONEY FOR LIVING I $1000 CA8H 1N VJE EAJIS TO every investor. It pays tetter than a Savings Bank; It pays better than Government Bonds; it psys better than Building Associations' But remember this amount can only be real ized by securlnjjr a certificate In n, National Life and Maturity Aacociatlon,ef Washington, p. C. Plan practicable, feasible and control led by reliable and responible men of tbe cap ital city. Endorsed by your 8enator Z. IS. Vance and Representatives Wm. R. Cox- and W barton J Green. It Is pnrelv a iiTiAtnP in. vestment, therefore should receive theatten- naca conjEiaeraUon of thebutinets men of Wilmington. This plan la popular throughout the SOUth. because ItMn Ira mmnlrm fhf livittf For fall explanation of plan call at the Purcell House, this city. very respectfully, . . WM. H. GIBSON. WM. A. EASTERDAY ' bpeclal TraveLng Agents, w National Life and . Ma tnrity A ssoclatlon. We are able to add tha foIVwnT t,fi -r from this city: . a-r . . YT.'H-i GIBSOS. Snetial Aptntirnr. . fluainted. with the majority cf the oCicers and hrectprs of tbe National Life and Maturltr w831100? I.caa trulT M' tb no mcnsunil hlgber Jn -business or financial circles than they do.? Their connection with the Company would make it good if there was nothing cue to recommend it. . T. E. WALLACE. WIlmiD-tOD, N. C, Oct. 6, 1S5. - i I " 1 -- : : .- - M I fcpceiaiyot encmuc fringes, heavy and lino quality, only 75c per yard. Heavy, and wide weeded Frlnsre. 63c per vardWorstcd Frlnire vGood