xms paper oepted by jOSH T. JAMES, , e1)itob and PKOPinrro. nTClPTIKS POSTAGE PAID: suBSCwr g monthSt f2.oe. Three 01:4 yC5I lioo; One month, 55 cents. mctTT Jn be delivered by carriers free P i iv part of the city.. at the above Ti'o Per week.- - ,. rat low and liberal. . bscrtt will report any and aU fall mroctlve their paper regularly. ' n,.-; Pew'vo hnx the. laraexL 'Hie i"' - -.w ctrcrdalion, o any newspaper "ort "is noted- as a fashionable jjirorce resort- . George F S!os?cn; i be champion bi r rdp'ajcr. was married on Thursday tcKWto W Nellie-Foley. u . . The recent census ol Boston shows that the p-.f ufalion of t- at city has in crea;el only about seven per cent, in five years l)m i Kincicault, the play wrihter j cBiclianf was married to Miss Thorudyko in Sydney. Australia, on September 0. gJjlonI'o5t: There's nothiDg mean " b-0t Montreal. She i3 distributing 5lS::po.x over the country with an im- pirtial an'J lavish hand. - When the new creuatory near New York is ready lor business it will cost to incinerate a body. .The price st the crematory in Washington, Pa., Mr. Flower has sent his check for $15,000 to the Democratic State Com mittee, which ahdws that be has un headed the bar'l. if ho is not the candi di'.e for Lieutenant Governor. President Cleveland has written a latter to Henry J. Til ford, of Louisville, Fj-. saying that he appointed W. B. Tcaiing associate judge in Mexico "cpon his (F eming's) merits " , The Republican clerks in Washing ton, troru Ohio, arqt being urged by Senators Sherman and others to go home and vote. They are notrespond izg with the readiness heretofore shown. A meeting of the Independent Polili- al Union Club (colored), was held in Alexandria last Wednesday evening ud was well attended. A letter from Jlsjor S. P. Bayley was read and irv ksed, and a resolution condemning jaT denouncing General Mabonc's pVJorm and his administration was uo adopted. The New York Herald figures the eostotVmng for tho average ycung man In that city as follows : Apart nents. siOO: breakfast and dinner. 1500; club dues, $50; clothing, $200 udsandry small expenses for necessa ries and amusement swell the figures to the round sum of $1,500. A special from Bowling Green, Mo., sits Cant. Thomas II. Rootes died at flrnnn Kin -n ihn Till inef. athe 76th year of his age. lie was m fi-w. L lfn vtMi TTnif Ail pales naval cflicer, and accompanied fommodore Perry on his expedition to fpw. CaDt. Rootes - served in the Confederate navy during the war. Mr. Levi P. Mortou has determtned a present to the City o Newport, R. tract of land known as "Dead "containing about thirteen acres tfihe use of tho citizens for a public Mr. Morton's gift is a munifi- --t one, the land fbr ordinary pur ses being valued at about $60,000: ' a said that other citizens have deter- P'Oed, to purchase the polo ground KoiniDj, ten acres, aBd add it to Mr. Norton' rrt - I Wo!k Virginian : Zsb. Vance, .of forth Carolina, who baa bofriended ;d defended Virginia ever since she lu beca without a United States --itor. ha3 been compelled to decline WYitation to speak to the Democracy Halifax countv. but savs : VI civo it P an oi politician's opinion that -eral Lee will bo elected by a- major jj of many, many thousands, and that KZlCia i nhnnt n rncn'mo fnr f rvffl P1!, her ancient position in the w me bulwark of true JJemo pcy." The Best Internal Remedy. adreth's Pills, the best medicine ro for all diseases-JThey are pureg Stable. The same desa always scet the same effect: other Dur- fres rermir nrrpQPft Hrtaoo nnil cease acting. Ttey purify the ."l They invigorate the digestion wense the stomach and bowels. J1 Emulate the liver and carry off bilo and other depaved secrc-u- The Grst two or three doses tolls Rory- The skin becomes clear: eIe bright : the mind. &clive : ditt- . - w r05rrnrl . ' "Itu"" 1 'mal visor is rAomitPfl and all rJ Crested. the hocf i u : . u 7wf iv. iug iiuuitUikuukFuui only 75c. J. EusBAcn, Prop., - rKet st. tf r yol. ix. , ' Cardinal McCloskey died on Saturday morning, at 10 minutes to 1 o'clock, in the archicpiscopal residence on Madi son Aveoue, in New York, just oppo site the great cathedral. He became unconscious at 4 o'clock in the after noon and so remained until the end. The New York Herald, in speaking ol his death says : There is no word to bo said of Cardi nal McCloskey that ia not to his honor. An American born, he rose by the pow er of his personal qualifications to the highest dignities ot the Church to whose service he devoted a life ol unremitting conscientious endeavor. Despite the temptation which might well assail ono occupying his position of rank and influence, it is to be said of him that ho never disturbed the Herenity of his pur pose or marred his ecclesiastical work by interference in general public polity. His devotion was to his Church, and in his other relations he was simply an upright citizen and a Christian. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO NEW AQYERTIS EMEUS. Heinsbebokr Iu Stock C W Yates School Books Giles A Mukchison Lamps John L B oai wit", g ht On Hand Pakkeb & Taxxor The" Demand r C Miller Sweet Gum and Mu leln 8 H il aunixg, Sheriff otlceTaxe 3 W E Springer & Co Mason's Fruit Jars E J Moors A Co By To Morrow's Stmr Waktbd Agents, Ladies and Gentlemen P L Bridgers & Co The Circus Repro duced For other locals see fourth page. The receipts of cotton at this port to day loot up. 1.773 bales. Schr. Lizzie Major, Foster, cleared at Philadelphia, Oct? 10th. for this port. Jacoei's Hdw. Depot is the place to buy a stove, if you want to save money The Zozo Company arrived in the city last night and registered at the Commercial Hotel. Cole's Circu3 is pronounced by many as the best that has visited this city in quite a number of years. Passengers who arrived here this morning from Charleston, S. C, re port that it rained in torrents in that city all day yesterday. Dyeu does' not keep a line of cheap and common hats, but only the "Mel ville styles" in the best quality at a very reasonable price. t The most economical coal scuttles known are the galvanized iron ones. They never rust. You will find them at Jacobi's lidw. Depot. t Owing to the inclement weather there were small congregations in the various churche3 of the city yesterday. It was certainly an uncomfortable day, M . E. Wessell has opened a new grocery store at No. 115 South Front street, opposite tho New Market, where he has a lino ol fresh groceries, wines, liqudrs, cigars, &c. Kainfall. The rainfall in this city during the 24 hours ended at 3 p. m. to-day foot up 4.66 inches, which is a remarkably large amount in the time: Thanks to Messrs JS. J. Moore & Co, for a lot of thoso delicious Virginia pears adveitised by them. They will receive to-morrow a large lot of fresh fruit, among other things flaming Tokay grapes, something new to the people of this city. 'Dollars aod Sense." Two necessary adjunct! in the com mercial world. The. more you possess of the latter the more advantageously you can dispose of tho former. . To clothing buyers this is particular ly applicable, because of the trash that is constantly being placed before their eyes, while the cry of bargains ! bar gains ! is trumpeted over them. Wou4d you call a counterfeit half dollar a bar gain becahse you can buy it for 35 cents? You wonld laugh at the man that made you such an offer, and yet similar bargains are daily placed before the clothing buyer. A great many peo ple never look further than tho material of which a garment is niado when they purchase, and somb clothiers are not over anxious that thev should. And yet the telling points in clothing are the workmanship and finish. Fisiiblate is ready tor inspection. The stock of goods he shows might bo called "custom made" with the sin gle exception that they aro not made lor any particular person The variety is extensive and includes everything appertaining to- Boys and Children's and Men's Clothing, from good to the finest. The stock is right, the prices arc right, and you who take adyantage of tho goods Fishblate of fers aro Yery, ?ery right. . It WILMINGTON. N. C. MONDAY. OCTOBER Personal. Mr. EL T. Draper ha3 returned from a trip to the Northern markets. Mr. J. T. Bryant, of Mt. Holly, Gaston county, is in the city to-day and favored us with a visit. Mr. Grier Kidder has returned to the city from Greensboro, where he ha3 been in attendance at the law school ol Judge Dick. Hon. O. P. Meare3 left on last Satur day night's train for Charlotte, where he opened the Criminal Court of Mecklenburg county this morning. Col. F, W. Foster and family, .who have been spending several months in the Western part of the State, principal, ly at Salem and Mt. Airy, have return ed to the citv. Cotton Statistics. Wo have received from the publish ers, Messrs. Latham, Alexander & Co., Cotton Commission Merchants of New York, their 12th annual report ot cot ton movements and fluctuations. The book is handsomely gotten up and con tains 140 pages, all of which contain much of interest to the cotton planter, dealer nd manufacturer. The present number embraces the movements and fluctuations in cotton since 1880 and these are brought up to August 31st, 1885, the close of the cotton year of 1884-85. The work covers every con ceivable ground or interest to the cot ton. growth and trade and has been compiled evidently with the utmost care so as to make it entirely accurate in every particular. It contains many valuable and important tables which are convenient for reference, among which are the daily receipts at all ports and interior towns during the last cot ton year. Indications. For the South Atlantic States, rain Northern portions, local rain in South ern portion, variable winds attending a storm centre moving Northwardly, slight changes in temperature, rising, preceded in Northern portions by fall ing, barometer. We have a largo lot of glass lor Hot houses which we are offering low. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t The tide at Smithville to-day was re ported as being higher than it has been in tho last ten years. An Immense Stock of Fall and Winter Clothing, Hats, Caps and Gent's Furnishing Goods is now in stock and ready for inspection We call particular attention to our dis play this Fall, as we have never betore been able to meet the bargains we have made this year, and wo now stand ready to divide them with customers, but we will not tolerate humbugiog, gifts, or schemes of any kind, but guar antee to give at all times, more and bet ter value for the money than can be had elsewhere. Wo will cheerfully re fund your money if goods are not found satisfactory, and will gladly send goods to your homes for comparison with oods from other stores. It will pay to trade at the Old Reliable's. Con vince yourself of tho fact. Shriek, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Tho Demand FOR OUR HEATING STOVES IS IN crcaslnz dailr. Call and select one be fore our stock is broken, hovr is your time. Prices very low down. The UNIVERSAL FARMER, the best Cooking Stove in the mar ket, fctands on its own merits. Library and Stand Lamps cheap at PARKER & TAYLOR'S, oct 12 23 South Front St Lamps. HAVING MET WITH GREAT SUCCESS in selling a fine line of LAMPS daring the last two seasons, we are now offering a handsomer line than usual and Invite pur chasers' attention to them. Prices Very Low. OCt 12 GIL.ES & MURCHISON. AGENTS, LADIES and GENTLEMEN. Wanted live agents for Sternberger's Folding Dress Pil low ; an indestrnotible sham pillow that folds up in one twentieth of its size ; guaranteed to outwear a aoz 3n staffed pillows, can be placed under the bolster or anywhere oat of the way when the bed is occupied ; good canvassers make from $4.00 to $8.00 a day. From its novel and peculiar conati-uction the pillow com mands attention and- housekeepers invariably bay; Dver 65.000 sold since Feb. 1st. Acknowledged to be the fastest selling household article known. Retail $2.00 per pair. Address, " THE PIQUA M'F'O CO.. Piqua, Ohio cctl2 dw lrn Mason's Frnit Jars. yE NOW HAVE A FULL, ASSORTMENT of the above Preserving Jars. Send in your orders at once. We will guarantee lowest prices. W. K. SPRINGER A CO- 19, 21 23 Market Street, oet 12 Wilmington. N.C. Removed. TTING'S TIN SHQP, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Bear Mallard's Harness Store, in alley. Respectfully, oct 5 W. T. KING. iIew advertisements. By To-Morrow's Steamer, ' o . Flaming Tokay Grapes. (Something" extra nice and never before ' offered in this market.) cf BASKETS DIFFERENT 0J VARIETIES OF G RAPES. Another Invoice of those Extra Fine Malagas. 10 CRATES OF THOSE FINE VIRGINIA PEARS by rail. Iare invoice ASPINWALL BANANAS. We aim to give our customers choice Fruit at low mices. oct 12 tf E. J. MOORE & CO. flJotice. JLL PERSONS DUE STATE AND COUN TY TAXES ON REAL ESTATE are hereby noliiiedthat costs will be charged according to law on and after the 20th day of November. And all POLL TAX payers are liable to be garnlshetd on and after November 1st Pay promptly and tave costs. S. H. MANNING, Sheriff oct 12 It New Hanover County School Books and School Supplies, JENS, PENCILS, INK. SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, SLATES, CRAYONS, BOOK BAGS and STRAPS, COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS. Ac. We will make it to your advantage'1 to buy of us. We buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. C. W. YATES, oct 12 119 Market St. In Stock, JgLANK BOOKS, . Foolscap and Letter Paper, Letter and Note Envelope?, Ink, Mucilage, Ink Stands, Sponge Cups, Pen Racks, Paper Weights, Letter Clips, Letter Files, . -Prayer Books, Bibles, Albums, Toy Books, &c. PIANOS, ORGANS & MUSIC BOXES, AT HEINSBERGER'S, ocfl2 Live Book and Music Stores. The Circus Reproduced IN THE CELEBRATED ANIMAL 0EA0KEES! J-EARLY EVERY ANIMAL DELINEA ted, giving the children pleasure and instruc tion at the same time. 15 cents per lb. New Hulled Buckwheat OF THE BEST QUALITY. " 4 Those Imported Onions are being rapidly sold, 1 hey are not only the largest and handsomest Onions grown, but they have the remarkable distinction of leav ing KO ODOR ON THE BREATH. Courting couples can consume them without fear of dis covery. P. L. BMDGERS & CO., HO North Front St. oct 12 On Hand ! And Ready to Deliver ! -pURE MAPLE SYRUP, IN GALLON AND half gallon cans. Gordon A Delworth's PRESERVES AND JELLIES in Glass. Finest goods in the market- PRESERVES IN WOOD Peath, Pear, Quince, Cherry, Pineapple, Damson, Black berry, Raspberry. These goods are very nice and I am selling them at 15c. per lb BUNKER HILL PICKLES, in cne and two gallon pails. BYE AND GRAHAM FLOUR, OYSTER CRACKERS of every variety. All of these Goods have ju2t been received, and are PERFECTLY FRESH. Jno. L. Boatwriglit. oct 12 12, 1885. NO. 238 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS O PERA HOUSE FOB THREE NIGHTS ! MONDAY. TUESDAY & WEDNES DAY, Oct. 1C, 13 and 14. Wednesday Matinee ! L ' Tha Great Spectacular. Drama, THE MAGIC QUEEN ! A dream of fairy land realized. A play as pure as 'tis beautiful and astonishing as 'tia grand. Two car Loads of -Magnificent SCEJCEKV. GOKGEOUS COSTUMES ANli BEAU TIFUL Paraphernalia. Constituting an ar ray of dazzling splendor unpreccdentel in tho annals of modern stage history. The World's Greatest Pantomlinlst and ' Comedian. GEO. 3HE A.IDA.Isd:S3 Supported by the acknowledged Queen of American Stage Beauties, Adclaine Cherlc, and a full Dramatic and Comedy Company An Arm r of Men abd Woken appear in this monstrous production. . Seats on sale Saturday at Ueln3b"crgcrrs. octsst Star copy Just Received. J HAVE OPENED WITH A FRESH stock of Family Grocerlf s, Wines, 1 Iiuors and Ci gars and all kinds of eountry produce.- I would like for my friends, one and all, o give me a call. E. WESSELL, 115 South Front tt., opposite New Market, oct 102t . : ! Sweet Gum and Mullein, yiLD CHEERY? TAB AND TOLU,' Ball's Cough Syrup. Red Star Cough Cure, Boschee's German Syrup, Ayer's Cherry 'Pec toral, Allen's Lung Balsam, Hydro.Ine, &c. Also, a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, &c F rescript ions lilled at ail hours, day or night. F. C. MILLER, German Druggist, oct 10 Corner Fourth and Nan sU Oysters ! Oysters ! C1RESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS 9 X7 will be on hind at the Acme Saloon N. E. corner Front and Dock sts., dally. Also, finest Wines, Liquors, Cigars, c. J. G. L GIESCbEN, Prop, oct 3 6t sat mon For Sale and Rent. gTORES, DWELLINGS AND VACANT LOTS. Apply to d. o'cONmmT aug 24 2taw3m m th Real Eetate'Agent Cold Weather is Here ! gTILL THERE HAS BEEN NO ADVANCE in the price of Wood at the New Wood Yard of R. E. LLOYD & Co., at foot of New Market. Leave orders and have wood delivered promptly in auv part of the city. . , Oct 9 R. E. LLOYD & CO. C. P. Lockey, ATTOMEF AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPERIOR and Criminal Courts of New Hanover and the Superior Courts of adjoining coun ties. Deeds of ail kinds and Legal Instru ments of every nature promptly and properly prepared. Office down stairs in No. ill Princess street, Wilmington, N. C. oct 9 2w Announcement ! NEW GROCERY STORE. 'rpHE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that wc have opened a GROCERY STORE at 131 MARKET STREET. (Stevenson's old stand), and are -prepared to sell the FRESHEST AND CHOICEST GRO CERIES at a most reasonable rate. We -arc voung men, and ask you to give us a trial, and hope to have a fair share of patronage and merit tbc confidence of alt by strict attention to business. Eesccctfully, octltf HOLMES & FILLY AW -O J HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY GO JDS which will be opened to-morrow, Thursday, Oct. 8th. Hope the Ladles will give ms a call before purchasing. MRS. KATE C WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postofllcc octTly . THE TOEEN HOUSE, Northwest Corner of Second and Princess Sts. I HA VE JUS f OPENED TI1E ABOVE named Hoose. Have on hand the Finest and Best of LIQUOR. I will also open a First Class RESTAURANT at the same place oct 8 lm I. B. RHODES, Proprietor Every Day. pRESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The celebrated WINBEBRYO YSTERS. Hard to beat and best Oysters fa the world. UJSU. W IIKUBEKT, tept30 lm nac Star Saloon. H0ENE 0YSTEKS I AT MECHANIC'S SALOON, lrom Oet. 1st, to end cf tcasm. U3t Beer In city.; Fine Whiskey. . Best 5cV Cigar. Oysters iervcd ui stairs. . - sept 30 J. M. MCUOWAK. mm : PT.TTAS LCTICS. . : , .. . . . - - . ,T7i fria KUa to mccIti ccasuiciesB from. ourfrJauls on aay and til :rcWect ; general interest bnt " : Zhi name of tha writer must alwaya bait tlalied to tte Editor. CwnmrrnTcatloaa must ba wnttaa oi ml onasldeof the paper. T " : - Parsonalitlca most be avoided ; ?' And It is especially and particularly cad stood that the Editor does not always endoi the views of correspondents unless so atatt in the editorial eolomna. NEW ADVEIUSEBEENTS. MILLINERY rjlHLS DEPARTMENT IS NOW STOCKED with an immense line of seasonable goods, and complete in every detail. Our reputation inthisclaes of goods Is sufficient' guarantee uiat wc snow the richest assortment at lower "prices than any goods advertised. TheassoU- ment of novel tic 3 in rich material, for making and trimming hats, la ruoro vailed and larger than all tho stocks in 'the city ccmblncd. . With our unequalled f acilltlei for handling quantities, enable ua to make prices always-, under all competition, at f V Taylor's Bazaar. ..- ' AN IMMENSE LINE QF DRESS TRIMMINGS AND LATEST Novelties, Becded Passamcntcrle, rangfrg in prices from 20c per yard and upwards, one 8)eelal 'lot Chenille Fringes, heavy and line quality, only 75c per yard. Heavy and wltlOA tf eerled Fringe, ti3c per yard. Worsted Fringe in all colors for Dress Trimmings, from 13c per yard up. Cloak Clasps, Worsted Braid, and thnnsandfl at nthp.r rf1plra tnst numo-rrtna to mention. A call will convince you of tho same at Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MARKET ST. OCt 3 Fall & Winter OPENING -OF- AND- oods, -AT THE- New Store Opposite the Market. MISS E. KAIiRER, "yTlLL BE PLEASED TO SEE HER friends and customers, on Thursday, Oct. 8th, on the occasion of the opening of her new store. ' " P. S. If the weather is favorable tteetorc will be open both this evening and to-morrow evening until 9 o'clock. . . Wilmington, N. C;, Oct. 7, 1835. CCt 7 - - . ; V '. ,: Oysters. Oysters. Oysters, RECEIVING DAILY LARGE CONSIGN, menu of Fine Fat NEW RIVER OYfi TKRS, which r will deliver to any Express Office In North or South Carolina, at lowest possible price. Delivered in any part of the city free of charge. All orders promptly filled and quality guaranteed or money refunded. L. G. CHERRY, Agt., 110 South Front St , oct 9 1m Wilmington, N.C Come and See Me l : J HAVE REFITTED AND OPENED THE OLD CAPE FEAR PILOT HOUSE, with the best Wines, Liquors, Boer and Cigars to be found in the city. Also, Oysters aud lodg ings. C. HUBERT, oct 7 lm No. 15 South Water st Found at Last ! MONEY FOR LIVING ! Si 000 0ASI1 1N riv teaes T every Investor. It pays better than a Savings Bank; it pays better than Government Bond; it psys better than Building Associations.. But remember this amount can only be real ized by securing a certificate in The National Life and Maturity Association, ef Washington, D. C. Plan practicable, feasible and control led by reliable and responlble men of the cap ital citv. Endorsed by your Senator Z. 11. Vance and Representatives Wm. R. Cox and Whattoa J Green. It Is purely a business in vestment, therefore should receive the atUn tion and consideration of the butlncts men of Wilmington. This plan is popular throughout the 8outb. because is pay Its members v,hile living I For full explanation or plan call at the Purcell House, thi city. Very respectfully, WM. H. GIBSON, W1L A. EASTERDAY, Sp3cial Traveling Agents, National Life and Maturity Association, , Washington, D. C We are able to add tha following trm nniii from this city: rf. 11. Gibson, Special Agent Being ac fiiiAlntril with thfl mi!mHt,iif tha ytv. -directors of the National Life and Maturilv a c wiut say tnai no men stand uigovr in liuamcss or nnanciai circles than they do. Their connection with the Company would make it gool If there was nothing eite to recommend it; T. E. WALLACK. nilJtont N,. C., Oc$. 15,1885. FancyG

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