. -.hud " every evente. Bandaye ex epted toy :'-7 " 'r,-. JOSH T. JAMES, . ; KDITOB AWD PKOrKDSTOB. snBSCBlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: .. i oo. Six months, $2.00. Three Jmths. tl.00; One month. 35 cents. The paper will be delivered by carrier free of char?6 n fm-p Pr - -" wtb rttcfl orl0ceni per wcc. t d vestlslag rates low and liberal. jT-Scbscribcra will report any and all fall- to receive their paper regularly. errs y- 27i Daily Revino has t'the largest tnr. fide circulation, of any newspaper rublishal in the city oj tyummffion. Three cWtrv-n daily rtn an average apply -or Psscs lo Pee Mru1 s- . Miss Mary Anderson, the ress. says Ibat her brmo. is at Sacraruenlo, Cal. Paul Iessar. the Russian expert on tj Afghan boundary, is only 34 years of fie- - J film Kelly, now in" improved health. has returned to New York fro.ii Ciifton Spring. . Senator Stanford isu leader in a movement in California to raise $250. 000 for a Grant monument in Golden Gate Park. O'.d Spot, the horse- that Geo. Grant u5i?! at Vicksburg. was sold last year for $11, by order of the.Quartcrmaster acd has now joined a circus. Father Hjacinthe declares that war cannot bo dispensed with and that those who advocate the abolition are "daDgcrous.alruost criminal Utopians." The mental condition of the Empress Carlotta is said to have so much im proved of late that the physicians do not despair of the entire recovery of her reason. Charleston News and Courier: Who is lo succeed Dr. Curry as general agent of the Pcabody fnnd? The place, it is understood, pays. $5,000 a year daring life and good behavior. The smallncss of the compensation is the complaint of the special messen gers in nearly every part of the country. In Savannah the messengers averaged 7-i cents per diem for the first 'three days. . nt Robert Browning is at work on a new poem. He is walking five or six hours a dav in the most beautiful coun try in the Val d'Aosta, which i3 quite clear of visitors, and he is in excellent health. It there is anything the country at large does not want it is Civil Service Commissioners, who will bend their rulings to suit their Dolitical party in stead of squaring them by the plain letter ol the law. The largest apothecary's establish ment is said to be that of Waldemar Terrain of Moscow, in which 800 labor atory and other assistants are employ cd and over 1,000 prescriptions are dispensed daily. Adelaide Detchon, who for a season bloomed at Waliack's, is winning great lavor in London as a unique warbler. Her imitations of different birds are Dronounced delicious. She is fast making a fortune. A scientific writer says that alcohc is one of the constant and necessary results of the process of yeast fermenta tion.and it seems a pity that about 1,000 gallons of it should be wasted daily by evaporation in the making of bread for New York. alone. Milton Sayler ex-Congressman from Ohio, now a resident of New York, is being quietly talked o! as a successor to Samuel S. Cox. Mr. Sasler is a man of valuable experience in public life and far superior to any oi the others named for the nomination. . The Irish Nationalists of New York repudiate the . action of the recent al leged meeting of Irish sympathizers in fiiat city, when it was decided to send fifty orators to Ireland to assist Mr. Parnell at the coming Parliamentary election. The Nationalists say: "What Parnell wants is money to. pay election expenses and to pay members. He re quires no spouters." The Best Internal Remedy. Brandrcth's Pills, the best medicine known for all diseases.- They" are pureg ly vegetable. The same dese always producet thq, same effect ; other pur gatives require increased doses, and finally cease acting. They pujitj the blood. -They invigorate the digestion and dense the stomach and bowels. They stimulate the liver and carry off vitiated bile and other depaved secre tions. The first two or three doses tells the story. The skin, becomes clear; the eye, bright; the mind, active; dig estion is restored;, costivencss cured; the animal vigor is recruited, and all decay arrested. on For the best unlaundried white shirt ia the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J. Elsbacti, Prop., No. 27 Market si.. tf 1 in H VOL. IX. LOCALNEWS. I1DEX TO HEW ADYEBTISEUE1TS. HWK8BKKOEH-In StOCk C W Y ATts School Books F C Millkk-Sweet Gum and MaUeln J W Woodsidk Stmr Louise Notice There was no City Court this morn in: The receipts of cotton at this port to day toot up 1.371 bales. Beautliul yeather has followed the immense rainfall of yesterday. Fifteen new styles of the ever popu lar "Melville" Hats have just arrived at Dy Kit's f After the performance to-night take yobr lady to Corbin's Dining Parlors for oysters. 5t Remember the Zo Zo matinee to morrow afternoon, and give the child ren a treat. There is an unmailable postal card in the postoffice signed C. B. M.. and with no address. On and alter Thursday next, the 15th inst., the steamer Txuise will leave for Smilhville at 2 :30 p ra . - We have a largo lot of glass lor Hot houses which we are offering low. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Mr. S. W. Corbett, who has been quite sick for two months past, is again, we are pleased to see, able to appear abroad. The streets were badly washed by the rains of yesterday and some of the crossings this morning were in bad condition. From all we have been able to learn there was but very little damage done to the rice crop and fields by yester day's storm. The -most economical coal scuttles known are the galvanized iron ones. They never rust. You will find them at Jacobi's Ildw. Depot. t The business boom- seems to have reached us. One enterprising clothier on Market street says that be sold an immense amount ot goods last Satur day. The Spanish Schooner Nalividad, which has been undergoing repairs for several weeks at the Marine railway, was successfully launched to-day. The Orton House was opened for the reception of guests to-day, although not yet in complete running order. All the' arrangements will be perfected in a few days, probably by Monday next. - Steamboatmen report that a two loot rise in the Cape Fear overtook them at Elizabethtown. so that they could come along without delay or difficulty. There will probably be quite a freshet after tljie rain of yesterday. The best ready mixed paint, can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints np. f .Messrs. Cronly & Morris will offer for sale to-morrow, at 12 o'clock, at the Court House door, that very desirable piece of property on the South side o Market street, between becond and Third, fully described in the advertising columns of this issue. The Wilmington Light Infantry held quite a spirited meeting at their - Arm ory last night at which one new mem ber was added to the roll. The literary society connected with the company is proving beneficial and is growing in interest with the members. There was not much wind here yes terday, but there were heavy gales all around us. On the line of the Carolina Central Railroad the storm was quite destructive. Trees and telegraph poles were blown across the the track, caus ing considerable delay lo the trains, although but little damage was done. Notified. Messrs. B. G Worth. Jas. II. Chad- bourn. B. F. Hall. Roger Moore and W. L. DeRosset. who were appointed by the Mayor as commissioners to treat wit"h the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad relative to the terms upon which that road 'will be extended to this city, were officially notified yester day of their appointment. Vf hat make the breath so fragrant pure? What makes the roer gums endure? What makes the teeth so peaUy while? Whu makes the mouth a dear delight? 'TU SOZODOKT. that previous boon Which none cm use Uo late, tx soon. It is NeyerToo Late. to cleanse the teeth.-and render the breath odoriferous with Fragrant SO ZODONT. but it is best to use this won derful Vegetable Elixir before the teeth begin to fail, and the breath to lose its reshness, Spalding's." celebrated Glue, use ul and true. t th s WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER The Magic Queen. ZoZo, the Magic Queen," which was played for the first time at the Opera House last night, is the grandest spectacular drama ever presented to a Wilmington audience. ThcT scenery is gorgeous beyond the power of our pen to adequately describe. The play is a sailor's story and is full and running over with laughable improbabilities. There is nothing in the plot to offend the most fastidiously refined taste. We had heard much of the mirthful ness of the play and the splendor of its scenic t fleets, but wo are free to confess that all the reports were feeble when compared by the actual presence to the eye and car. The acting was excellent and the vocal efforts good. Miss Grace Woodbury, as Zo Zo, was every inch a queen and ruled her subjects with right l-u ner subjects with right Miss Florence J Bind- dL-thflUntrhin-nrncW regal power. ley, as Ilollyliock, ' the laughing prude1 wassupcrb, and when she appeared between the third and fourth acts and f;pri ihA9nrf;nnr.0 , " ovu., and exquisite Derformance on the mnsi- oal trloocna c:k ,.rX t U u w fo.ovo. ouu n.u liuuou uj Storm Miss Tenia Hanlon as Iiliod- ,7,w; nf oc a hprflftnoir.fr yn i ihn roi ,,ftr n( a ... pwwij w. mf)tinn. Miss Mnrin nonina wDahlia, was the "innocent girl" to Derleclion. and Mr. liGorp. U. Adams, as Wasliimjion Knowall kept the entire audience convulsed witn laugnter. we mignt name mftnv nthprs whnsp nolincr ?ns Vlpprv . ! . , . c ing of special mention, but want of space forbids. We must not forget to mention, however, the military display of the Queen's Guards, which was one of the most pleasing and attractive eatures of the perlormance. The grand transformation scene of the f ourth act, which concluded the performance, was beautiful and gorgeous. On account of the inclemency of the weather the house was not as well filled as it otherwise would have been, but it will undoubtedly be crowded to its utmost capacity to-night. Let it be understood that in this performance pro priety and modesty go hand ra hand and beauty and erace crown the scene. TJin nnmn.nv urlll rr Trt a motinAn tn ..... 3 morrow afternoon at the usual hour or. the accommodation of children and others who cannot well attend at night. A New Club. A new social club has recently been ormeu in me city wmca is ueu iarmony circle anu IS CUUipoaeu T rtr l . i 1 mmhm. r M-.vnl vnvm innnf llahinnr I ellow citizens, ana tne loiiowmg om- . cers nave oeen eiecieu to servu ior iue 1 . Jl . C .1 ensuing year: President Samuel Bear, Jr. Vice President Leopold Brunhild. Secretary H. H. Kasprowicz. Treasurer L. Blumentbal. Committee on Amusements S. II. Fishblate, Isaac Bear, J. I. Macks. Concordia Hall has been secured for heir accommodation and they propose to fit it up in a style that shall not be excelled by any club room in the South The arrangement at Corbin's for serving oysters is the South. nnoRt. in thfl "'' " .. It Fatally turned. An old colored woman named How ard. living on Princess street, between Eleventh and Twclttn, was sitting oy tho hearth this morning smoking Her nine, when her clothins: was ignited by iuo uio iu vuw - - at mo umo uuku " .a il a 1 Vv w a vam c r-ko rri a Qrn n noiioi, 1 ed her neighbors to rusn to ner rescue, colored, was the first to x"" " o I reach the scene and when he entered the room he was so blinded by smoke that he could see nothing. She, in groping around the room in ber agony, fell against tbeidoor and closed it, but it was soon burst open and she was draped out and water thrown upon her until the fire was extinguished She was fearfully burned and ber in. - 7 tunes must necessarily pruvu iaiaj, I,., v. u t - lt hnnr ... ,7 ou u.,.o -r; rnis aiternoon. one u"""u .ngiirMro nfotrn I J-.-' -c-. Personal. I . m -m- i I Mr. .lo.spnn Kranic. general mauusu ,la r, r, ara a hp of the Zo Zo Company, gave us me pleasure of a visit this morning, anu we found him a very clever and agreea ble gentleman. t We regret to learn that Mr. Charles E. Willson. manager of the Opera House, is quite sick with fevers. Mr. J. H. Mehrckens, formerly o this city, but residing in Kinsion, Le noir county, arrived here on last night's train. -: . . ' ' ' " . ' ' . . " " . .The front crate kiss have given place to the seaside osculation, it makes a very pretty trimming lor small talk. ..... . vr-., . . - Prosperous, v s The Independent Order of Racha bites in this city is in a flourishing condition there being nearly 100 mem bers in the two Tents. The attendance is good, and a deep seated and earnest interest in the cause of sobriety is man ifest apiong them. The iife insurance feature which ha3 recently been started in the order is growing in popularity and is being made productive of bene fi cient results. Lookout for Fires. The advent of coid weather eyery Fall is, lor some reason, attended by an Jincieato of fires. 1 Housekeepers, jam tors and others should now see that all heating apparatus is in good order, so that when the fire3 have to be lighted thcy .may endanger PPerty. It is J : ' b K -v- a mi3tako to suppose that the house flueS which Were 80Ucd enoU8h wIieD .1.1!!1r? fut.ont May; ; 4uaiI-y oyj uv.us wcu m Summer. The dampness to which , . , , luey are xseu oumraer nas uone H- OilUlini; WOrK Upon tnCUl. IOOUSU I r.4!: l .1 it t t - - tncy "ave not been neated artificially au inuisnu5ioiu cunuiiion oi feiiiety against Autumn fires caused by the - proverbial "defective flue," especially , . . . , m cneapiy DUia nouses, is 10 overhaul WUV! ojwioiua ua wiciunj o possible at mo beginning ot every if all. Beware of Parties that hold out tempting baitH. Honest goods and low prices are the only ic , rr : ducements necessary. If more is re quired the patron must pay for the ex tras pro rata, as hundreds of our pat rons have, and who can truly testify that such are facts. We have saved n.. .u vli-. lucwuicio mauj uuiiaia wucu uicy have takon th& Limn . And trniihle to compare our goods and prices with scheming competitors. This is the only true and reliable test. We Will cheerfully send goods to your residence letting you be the judge. We have a standing offer to donate $100 to any charitable institution in this city, if 6100 worth of goods selected from our large stock, viz: clothing for men, boys! and children, gents' furnishing goods, I A ryc fJ U 1 t , . . 15 per cent, less than the -identical goods, of as good value, can be had elsewhere; in many cases we would be safe in saying 25 per cent. It is verv cratifvinfr tn ns tn tnnw that onp ha innrpJlHPr1 .wllfth mMbQ.nwtI,.t nniwil.at.mi!nffii,, I difyp.rp.nt snhpmea nd npw rnmnpl?Hnn I W AM V W HW WWUVWVS WW A blX UUVrf AAMVWW0 fi,nreferrin(r r r . I O " - C5 -.-w. v- trade where goods can be had for the least money, and whoever offers other muuwiucuia mm wen gwuj, juu wiu find that the purchaser is taxed either directly or indirectly to support these c,.,,.,,., fi; niA t?kui schemes. bintiER, the Old Keliable Clothier, 114 Market st., sign of the Golden Arm - f r.tr F rnttnra xuisfc ui xunivia A list nf nnplaimod letters remaining iist 01 anciaimcu leirors remaining at the Post Office in this City on Wed- nesday, October 14, 188j: A Heirs of C;csar Alexander! A F I A nam w "'.r-V,.. . ti . . . 15 jMiza nemeu, Aaoa cults, j ii Bass, Pheby Harriet Brown Benson, J W CW H Gain. Geo Cuchner, Daisy nVnnrt hon Dirk- G L B Gibson, B E Green, Melissa Gakweci. Chas Gause. H Francis Hinton, David Haravity. Phnroh Ptno Honrv II Hall Minrlw . Houston, M C llagar, W J Herring, F m Hilburn. J Willie Johnson. ir rt 1 trtt T it YT i t iv nauu v jveiioy, o as v xvnowies Rich'd Key. Sol King. I Chas Loner, Alex Leadly. Mary Low. Mattie McNeal. Sam Mclntyre, Th03 I Moore, reter Mclntyre. ew'l,H?" "cmnwii,, I vj jnounnaa. I P K W Payne, Charlotte Pleasant, I o Morm n.,:0 1 Q Maria Quince. K Sandy Iioberson . S W E Sink, Capt Wra Shattuck. S C Snio.v. F H Snott. Wm Salmcin. Fannie Southerland. Amlrew Steward, Jasper Slater. ' m ti i- 1 .i mi. 1 jl CjlfJy iUUUSCl, AUlUUUy 1UUIUU- son, 11 b Thompson, b lu Wnite, 1 L, I White. J I'orcAn a ro liinrr t f" 1 nf lora in t ha o rrTro I n. . . . . . I - v '" list will nWp mv "adpprtisod " lt- asi win pieasesay aaveruseu. jet ters will be sent to Dead Letter Office I alter JO tlays. Ed. R. Brink, P. M. JACOIil's Hdw. Depot is the place to hiivi5tvp if vntrwnnttovomonpvt ouy a siove, ll yon wani 10 save moneyy j - I THE GB)EEN HO 0 ox!, Northwest Corner of Second and Princess SLs. T HAVE JUS r OPENED THE ABOVE A named ii oase.iiave onnana tne e flrt CIaas ltKST AIIRANX at the same nlace I in a feVdaraT " "T-r. ; ' ruT t f m i. it. iciiiiiir.n. iirninrrir Berry, Willis Bea3ley I money to be paiu m casii, balance in three - vuB.yB, u iuiuBUjiy, vcu em, . Adeline Boyd. II J ffiOTT-, " ? SS " "S." r?Jon the occasion of .he oninir of he new liarKer, AjrUiiiora iiell. I elve notes for deferred mvmcnta diawinur in. I . " ? - WxT- h V.. 13 r 1885; itf 239 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FJotice. QN AND AFTEE THUJ1S- DAY. the 15th Inst ! the Ptmr ke&SyZ LOUISE 'will leave Wllmlnirton for Emlth Tille st 2.30 p. m., dally, (Sundajs exespted) unui lurtner notice, oct 13 It J. W. WOODSIDE, Master HOUSE. FOR TIIKEE NIGHTS ! MONDAY, TUESDAY & . WEDNES DAY, Oct. 13, 13 and 11. Wednesday Matinee ! Th3 Great Spestacular Drama, f THE MAGIC 2UEEN ! prc aa'tiV beautiful Sii griU1(i. two oar loads of J?" A dream of fairy lantl realized. A play as astonishing as 'tis OF MAGSIFICEBT mes and Beau ffiaf.Aprifftttatta Tiie world's Greatest rattomlmist and Comedian. -Erj tjt w -r- a -tv vr-tr j.- .xvxs? I c. i .j v ... it. . i , 1 - i . I ouiMwni;u uy iw awuuwieuseu mucuq ui American fetaKe iteauties, AUci&lne Chcric, and a full Dramatic and Comedy Company ,ur, -;L-" seats on sa e Saturday at Ilclnsbcrgcrs . oct85t ttarcopy I T m HIT r. my 10-lVlOrrOW S Oteamer, Flaming Tokay Grapes. (Something extra nice and never before offered in this market.) KA -BASKET DIFFERENT UU VAEIETIES OF GBAFE3. Another invoice ol those Extra FIn$ Malagas. iri CRATES OF THOSE FINE VIRGINIA 1U pears by rati. Large invoice aspinwall kanakas, we aim to give our customers cJ10lce Fruit at low PliCCS Oct 12 tf E. J. MOORE & CO. Fvri f5Vf dVwijf UMj T?RESH NEW RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The celebrated WINBERUYO YSTERS. Hard to beat and best Oysters In the world. GEO, F. HEUKERT, icpt 30 lm nac Star Saloon. , H0RNE OYSTERS! ) . i ; JT MECHANIC'S SALOON, from Oct. lst, to end of season. Best Beer In city. Fine Whiskey. Best 6c. Cigar. Oysters tcrved up stairs. Bept 33 J. M. MCGOWAV. M. CRONLY, Auctr. BY CRONLY & MORRIS. Sale for Partition. B Y VIRTUE AND TN PTTRSTT ANHTl HIT A county, m a certain ex parte special proceed- mSrfe and others are the petitioners, 1 as Commis- sloner under said decree, will offer forealcto th hiirhnst iidifir. at thn ennrt haha I1" too city of wiiminflrtoii. at 12 o'clock, on. lot of land tituate in said city, beginning in tnc weit nne 01 a private alley, which .opens 1 in 10 oouin siuc or .aiarKCt street oetween ec- I ond and Third streets, at a point 1'JS feet South I Irom intersection ci saia nne 01 saia alley wIth Market street, and runnlnsr thence South with said line of said alley 17 feet, thence West thence North parallel with Second street 17 I f?et .5d. tlic?c.e a8t luirallel with Market I . - - I'. """"""fi cirPKt ' K twl 1 nr rtna tn inirlnnlnir uiino a partoii.oto.4 miiiocK iw. 1 xcrms or eaio unc-iourth of the purchase terest from day of sale at rate of eight per BCpt 22-4t 12, 2J, oct , 13 Com'r M. CKONLY, Auct'r. BY CRONLY & MOKR12. Sale for Partition. B Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF TIIE BUDCricr Court of New Hanover countv.' In a cause tnere penaing ueioremc uicrs, uetween James C. Munda and wife E.Iza IL Munds, lfnn . ty..4' Wn T llInann. T I 1 cause tnere pending uciore tnc Gicrfc, between Maty C. Lord, Wm. L DeRosset. Jr.. and lotners, piamuus, anu je rcuencK j. ixrd. Ar ers. defendants. I aa Lommlsslonrr nnrlpr tuitil decree, will offer for sale to the hi chest bid der, at the Court House door in the eitof 14th day of October, IhSo, all that lot ot land situate in said city, beginning In the South line of Market street. 0 lect East from its In tersectlon with Eastern line of Second street, and running thence East with Market street w" 8.!rcel bo feet ta a brick wall, thence west with fii,i wall 2 feet, thence south with said wlir 87 feet and 8 inches to a brick hnll.linfr .1 .H.h .k.M ; K. .ul " i.. . feet, thence South with tbe Kastcrn lln of tald bniWlng 2:1 feet aid Inches, thence West Willi llln ULl Llll'rll iillK OF frJLlll I All I 14 1 1 ft IT TPPI . . ... . . "-mr n anil iaCnes to a wan. uitnce south wltheald a11 and tnc West line of another brick bulld- i og5jfeot and u inches to a fctonewaiL thence West with said stone wall 45 feet, and thence 1 m svr n nil. 1 1 1 1 r wmmam. .. . . 1 1.' . . . . eglnnlnz. belorpart of Lots Kos. 1. 2 and 3 m Block 153. Said lot wdl t c divided by a straight Dne zuntlns from North to Sonth. and sold In two separate parcels; the We lot or parcel having a front of 23 feet oa Market .lSbaek the same width VJi, and the East lot hating a front of 25 feet on aiaraet ana running vjs icet, being 22 feet wide on Its back line. Plat of said lot can be seen at office of Cronlr I & Morris. Terms of Sale One-fourth . of. nurchase money to be caid In each, balance In mree equal Instalments In 4. 8 and 12 months rcspec- Wus?oim day of sale at nte of eizht txr cent. I . - a. . DOSSET. --' xeui u 1 1. .2 .i nri ti. n i"rtm' .in ! fxca czx Irisda ca aaj tx3 all Jttcia ; TtM nxtaa cl itte .wxliar mnst alwayajba. . Bisted to ttte Bdoiw--Vv ;..;.w, OomTnnnlcatloag matt b wrltua t e oaealdeol the' paper. ', p ' :? ":. ': PgrgQTiaTltifni must be avoided ; S , '.' Axd it ia eepedany aad parUccixrlycsd stood that the Editor does sot always tndcj th views ol correapoadeats calaaa to tuti In the editorial colasxaa. . . - - NEW ADVEKI8EMENTS.' T HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY- GO JDS which will be oiemd to-morrow. Thursday, 6ct8th. Hoic the Ladies will give ma a call before purchasing. . ' ' j . " KCi. KATE C WINES, 119 N. Second Street, near Postoffico -oct7 ly , mm. rtUllS DEPART ilENT IS NOW SCOCKED J with an immense lino of seasonable goods, " au j complete ia every detll. Our rcpatation In thU class ot goods Is'sailiclont gukrjntce Jthat we show the richest assortment at lower pi ices than any goods advertised. The aseoi mcnt of novcltiej In rich material, for making" and trimming hats, is more vailed and larger than all the stcckg In the city combined With our uacquallcd facilitic? for handling" quantities, enable us to make prices always under all competition, at , , Taylor's Bazaar. AN IMMENSE LINE DRESS TRIMMINGS AXD LATEST Noveltloa, Beedad raasamenterle.ranglrgln prices froM 20o vr yard and unwars. Obi epeelalMot Chenille Fringes, -heavy and lino quituty. oniy ocper yara. ucavy ana wide beeded Fringe, G3c per yard. Worsted Fringe In all colors for Ureaa Trlmmlnes. from 13c per yard tip. Cloak Clasp3, Worsted Braid, and thousands of other articles too numerous to mention. A call will convince you of the same at Taylor's Bazaar, 118 MAHKET ST. : oct 3 "' ": ;., Fall & Winter . i . . . o p e w i no -OF -AND- FanCvGGOdS, -AT THE- KT ew Store Opposite the Market. -o- MISS E. KAKRER, 1TILL BE PLEASED TO SEE IIEE v f I S. II the weather Is favorable tie atore will be open both thla evening" and to-morrow evenlae until 3 o'clock. Wilmington, ft. G., Oct. 7, 1SS5. cct 7 , . School Books and School Supplies, -r-ipv nrvr-Tr ' iwr UMi""i,lK. . SrONGE, PBNIIOLDEKS, SLATES, CRAYONS. BOOK BAG 3 aa'd 8TBAP3, COPY BOOKS, EXERCISE BOOKS, Ac. We will make it to your advantage to buy ??' e buy for cash and can affordtoscll 0ct 12 ' U mrARSV v liaiarketCt. In Stock, JLANK BOOKS, '. . . v Foolscap andXetter Paper, Letter and Kote Snvcloijcr , Ink, Mucilage, . InkStands, Spoege Cnps, - rcn zmcks, . Paper Weight, . Letter Clips, ' , letter Filca, Prayer Book s, -Bibles, Albnmf . j wM act Pf a aiu XiUAEa, AT Tt lIEINSBERGER'tf Live Book and Music Store. uetl2 IfVf pi more monev thAn t nwMn. .ZZ. rl. Jar.in an sency tot the best .nT. cei irrandiy. .1 . . " " w... MfLLl i 1 otuic, . , , .-

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