this PAP r cepted by JOSH T.JAMES. KDITOR AND PBOrMITOB. o rRlPTIONS POSTAGE PAID: sC rioo. six months. $2.00. Three & 1tr t n, one month, 35 cento. trom ccir fz&ids oa isy jad til Uztli zn ; fisser&l interest but . . . 'Tha rama of ti8 writer axal always , lilahea to the Editor. . I- - j - Communication must b Vrlttaa oa ml one aide ol the paper. '! -- .' f". .; Personalities most be Toidett i V r - T And It laeapecUllj and paxUcnlajrly tnd: tood that the Editor does not always endox the views of correspondents unless so stats In the editorial columns. ' - " 1 8103 ".will be delivered by carriers free 114 P n anv part ot the cfty, at the above Tn- 10 cents rcr wee low and liberal. VOL. IX. ' WILMINGTON, N. C. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14, 1885. NO 240 AdX"rfcr will report any and all fall. tv' v 1 n 11 . r- I t.- T J 'tliskJ. i'-'he city of Wilmington. tsts -,c;j .an 13 061 oung women in this country. r The pre?5iire of travel on the eieva , j. r,,r;, in New York has bf come t?t4 , t i l;r.trer trains are to beiun. Tm. thr: daughters ct Mr. Banker pixel cf Fiisladelphia, are set down ifi(.00,iOOeach. " -L'nccri.iinty. wonder, and JLhe exer ..f are said by Sir James p-el to be :he essential' elements of itilih? recreation Xtc quinine manufacturers in New yorkaad Philadelphia have organized i Un rnaf nrntinn nf 1 h e ' n rr - ,e,.;ve duty oh that article. , . oani?h politics and manners are so mivti in tini ascendant in Paris thatr even the waiters at cafes are learning to speak' Spanish; and so with dreis. - Minr.csi'ta taxes dogs at-their ap- rsise'l value, and the 60,000 in the Sxa foot up SI97-J000. The lowest ure for any canine is ninety-two cents. . Of the 137 ports of entry and delivery in this country 25 do not return " into the treasury $1 of revenue, and at 35 ol them 'the receipts do not equal, the expenses. Many cf the pupils in the public schools of New York and Philadelphia are suffering from ophthalmia, and steps are being taken to prevent the complaint from becoming epidemic. - The sparrow has not only lost caste abroad, but he is losing it at home. The country papers of England are filled with a discussion by farmers as to the best methods for his extermina tion. A church in Orlando. Fla., having shown signs of falling on a recent Sun day, the congregation lied in a body, rcd a local paper, in speaking of the in cident, remarks that it occurred just as tc toWction was about to be taken up. Nothing appears so to stir the ire of Sialwart Republicans this yer as the perambulating prohibitioner St. John. He sours the sweetest ot tbem where everhe goes; and yet those who know him best say he is a very proper sort of man. Two hundred public houses in Lon don were watched between the hours of 9 aud 12. on a recent Saturday night, for the purpose of seeing how many persons entered them. The count showed that they were visited by 86, 60S persons men, women and child renduring the three hours. At a recent sale in London of ao or nithological collection the high price of 31 guineas was paid for a single specimen of a duck, but it was-thc little bnffle head, or butter ball, familiar to American sportsmen, which had wan dered as far as the Norfolk Broads. This bird is rarely seen in Europe - - -- Consumption as a cause of death is steadily decreasing in Massachusetts. Dr. Abbott, of the State Health Board, says the that death rate from tbat'disease was 33 in every 10,000 in the decade from 1S57 to 1667, and 31 in 10.000 for tte tea years ending 1883, while it is not expected to be over 29 for 10.000 in Doctors say that mothers who tako Pride in the weight of their newlysborn children should weigh them as soon as Possible after birth. Children lose weight during the first three days -of life, and the loss sometimes amounts to twelve ounces or more; It takes them Drly a week to regain the weight they M at the time of birth. f-a Nacion, a Buenos Ayres paper, contained an announcement, signed by e&it physicians, that connection by telephone will be made on application by any person requiring medical at tendance at night. The fee for a visit ifter 11 p. m. would seem somewhat large in our latitude $30 but is not thought to bo exhorbitant there. Senator Walker, of Nevada, was at tacked by a band of coyotes near amsley Gulch recently, and was cbli:ed to take toa tree to safe his life. Be had a rifle with him, and killed a bomber of the animals, which were quickly devoured by their comrades. He remained in the tree all ' night, cIosely watched by the coyotes, but wis - Daily IfCVZcm rum tt7yco i, '.'.-in illation, of any newspaper - The news from Ohio is not very pleasant. The State has gone Repub lican on the gubernatorial ticket and it is more than probable that the Legisla ture is also Republican, thus ensuring John Sherman's return to the Senate. In the Philadelphia Medical and Surgical Journal, a sensible doctor suggests that night carriage lamps, in stead of being put at the sides of vehi cles, where they can serve only to illu minate the horses tails and cast black shadows in the roadway, be made to project from tbt horse's collar or the ends ot the shafts, where they would be ol real service. Many of the pretty anemones the wind bower, the meadow anemone, the passefleur and the wood anemone were long since swept into the phar macopoeia under the name of Pulsatilla Now the sea anemone (Medusa aurild) is found by some spectacled scientist to possess what he calls "medical proper ties," and its beautiful head is to be ground into a specific for the gout. LOCAL NEWS. INDEX TO REW.1DVERTISEMEMTS Heinsbebqer In Stock C W Xatks School Book3 Loalsiana State Lottery Company .PC M.illi:k -Sweet Gum and MaUeln . OPEBt House The Banker's Daughter Geo W Price, Jb Sundries at Auction "Jas D Xutt To Housekeepers and others There was no City Court this morn ing. The receipts of cotton at this port to day foot up 1.428 bales. Schr. John Siay. Clark, hence, arriv ed at Philadelphia Oct. 13th. Nor. barque Jfjemmtt, lngemundson, sailed from Liverpool Oct 11th for this port. Swed. barque Linna Andersen, from Hamburg for this port, passed Lizard Oct. X 1th. Steamboatmen report that thore has been a rise of about five feet in the Cape Fear. After the perfornntnpe to-night take your lady to Corbin's Dining Parlors for oysters. 2t If you wish to get a stylish hat, at a liltleprice.go to Dyer's for a celebrat ed -Melville." t We have a largo lot of glass lor Hot houses which we are offering low. Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t Ger. ship Ellida, Zincke, and barque Thomas Small, Staben, sailed from Bremen Oct. 11th for this.port. The best ready mixed paint can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. He has it in all size cans, from half pints up. t Our staunch Democratic friend, Mr. J. L. Bradham. of Duplin county, was in the city to-day and favored us with a visit. : . . &r. steamship Grand Holm, Was son, cleared to-day lor Liveipool with 3,855 bales cotton, valued at $170 320, shipped by Messrs Williams & Mur chison. There have been heavy rains in the Upper Cape Fear section and the pros pects noT are that there will bo plenty of winter in the river for the remainder of the season. Remember thact there will be no cut ting of the performance at the Opera House to-night, as the company will not leave until to-morrow morning, when a special train has been engaged to take them to Charleston. JThere was quite a heavy shower at about 10 o'clock last night, and consid erable raiafali." There were frequent peals of thunder and vivid flashes of lighting for awhile, but they were at some distance from the city. When ladies find the color of their dresses injured by wateriDg-place lem onade they usually try to restore it with hartshorn. It. after making this ap plication, they will rub a little chloro form over the spot, they will generaUy obtain a much more satisfactory re sult. Pergonal. Miss A. L. Rountree. of Atlanta, Ga., representing the Sunny Soulh.w&a in the city to-day. Mr. R.'E. Little, of Wadesboro, is in the city to-day. Col. John D. Shaw, of Rockingham, Richmond county, was in the city to day. Hon. R. T. Bennett, representative to Congress from the Third District, Pharmacy. A called meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy will be held in the city of Goldsboroon Tuesday, November 3, 1835, for the purpose of examining ap plicants for license to practice pharma cy. " Any further information may be had of the secretary of the board, Wm. Simpson, Raleigh, N. C. For the Sound. Quite a party of gentlemen, among whom wtre Lieut. Gov. Stedman, Hon. R. T. Bennett, Representative to Cougress from this District, Col. John D. Shaw, of Rockingham, Mr. R. E. Little, ot Wadesboro, besides several prominent citizens of Urn rcity, went to the Sound this afternoon. Look at Your Tickets. In the monthly drawing of the Louisi ana State Lottery Co., at New Orleans yesterday, the following tickets drew the three principal prizes: , Ticket No. 1,529 drew the capital prize of $75,000; No. 181 drew the second prize of 825,000. and No. 45,818 drew. the third prize af $10,000. j Sale of Keal Estate. The Lord property, on the South side of Market street, between Second and Third, was sold to-day by Messrs. Cronly & Morris3. under instructions from Dr. A. J. DeRossot, commission er, for partition. It was sold in three parcels, two on Market street and one on the alley to the North. Col. Roger Moore was the purchaser ol all, the sales ag?reging $2,110. Fine Poultry. Mr. W. C. VonGiahn received to-day from Philadelphia a coop ol poultry which are exceedingly fine and of a rare breed. They are known as the white crowned black Polish and consis1 of a cock and two hens. They are jet black, of ar&it medium size, and the tops of their heads are crowned with a magnificent tuft of pure white feathers which fall in graceful curves over the eyes. For the best unlaundried white shirt in the city, call at the Wilmington Shirt Factory ; only 75c. J. Elsbacii, Prop., No. 27 Market st. tf The Magic Queen. There was a large attendance at the Opera IKuso last night to witness the sccorid performance of ZoZo, the Magic Queen, and it is entirely safe to say that there was not one in the audience who was not highly delighted at the entertainment. We but voice public sentiment when we say that it was one of the most beautiful exhibitions of the scenic painter's skill, combined with a group of bewitching loveliness and good acting, ever seed in this city. The, acting was but a repetition, of course, of the previous night, and was excel lent throughout, but the scenery seem ed to develope beauties which we failed to discover on the first presentation of the play. .It was beautiful beyond description. Each act opened upon a new scene, more beautiful and enchant ing, it possible, than its predecessor. The second act opened in tho Bower of Roses," which carried one, as if by the subtle power of the'Magic Queen," into the realms of "Fairy Land." But the great, crovuing effect wa3 pro duced in the grand transformation scene with which the performance concluded. This was a fitting finale to an entertainment so gorgeously pre sented . It was a work ot ; .marvelous beauty and was atrium ph.of the artist's skill. Of the acting we must say that Mr. George H. Adams, the "comedian, was inimitable, and his drolleries were irresistibly ludicrous. He is a host in himself. The song by Miss Tom a Hanton was very finely, rendered; the dancing by Miss Leo Cole3 and Miss Bindley was exquisite, the former being the best we have, seen in many years. The performance by Miss Bindley on the musical glasses was an interesting feature in the entertainment and showed a wonderful proficiency which could only have been acquired by much patient toil. Miss Jennie Barrett as Rose. Miss Myrtle Chase, as May Iilossom. and Miss Louise Saun ders, as Lilac, were especially good. The parts of the gentlemen were well taken and well sustained. The en gagement of the company will close here with to-night's performance when there will undoubtedly be a crowed house. Jt is a perforance that must be seen to be understood and appreciated. The matinee to-day was well attended and all were pleased. The most economical coal scuttles known aro the galvanized iron ones. A Solemn Fact. A gentleman from Philadelphia, who was at the Fourth Street Market last Friday could scarcely believe that such fine beef as was .displayed there by Jno, F. Garrell & Son retailed at 10 cents per pound. He declared that he had often paid 30 cents in Philadelphia for just such beef. It i3 a fact. Garrell & Son lead not only Wilmington but the world, in fine beef. It The Next. On Fiiday and Saturday nigbU the emotional drama of theBanker'sDaugh ter will be presented at the Opera House, with a matinee on Saturday af ternoon, by a strong company. Jt is an excellent play and was presented here last year by the same company that aro playing it this season. It is a good company. In speaking of the play, the Norfolk Virginian says : A large house greeted the appearance of Crossen's Banker's Daughter Com pany at the Academy ot Music last eyening, although the play has been presented here by some very strong companies. It . loses nothing in its strength, as presented by the company last night. Each and every character wa3 most admirably taken and the company is evenly balanced. . Mr. Crossen, as G. Washington Phipps. an American tourist, andMr.G. J. James, the retired millionaire, furnished tbeir full share of amusement, while Mis3 Ida Lewis made an excellent Lillian. Beware of Parties that hold out tempting baits., llonesl goods and low prices are the only in ducements necessary. If more is re quired the patron must pay for the ex tras pro rata, as -hundreds of our pat rons have, and who can truly testify that such aro facts. We have saved our customers many dollars when they have taken the time and trouble to compare our goods and price3 with scheming competitors. This is the only true and reliable test. We will cheerfully send goods to your residence, letting you be the judge. We have a standing offer to donate $100 to any charitable institution in this city, if 100 worth of goods selected from our large slock, viz: clothing for men, boys andchildren, gents' furnishing goods, and hats and caps, are not found to be 15 per cent, less than the, identical goods, of as good value, can be had elsewhere; in many cases wc would be safe in saying 25 per cent. It is very gratifying to us to know that our trade ha3 increased, which goes to show that notwithstanding the different schemes and new competition we have to contend with the masses will not be gulled, preferring rather to trade where goods can be had for the least money, and whoever offers other inducements with their goods, you will find that the purchaser is taxed either directly or indirectly to support these schemes. Siirier, the Old Reliable Clothier, 114 Market St., sign of the Golden Arm- t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Housekeepers, Steamboatmen k Bail Boad Men ATTENTION ! QALL AT THE DRUG STORE OF JAS. D. NUTT and sec what "VIF" will do. . Price to housekeepers 10c. octJLf OPERA HOUSE. Friday and Saturday, October 16 and 17. SATURDAY MATINEE; The Fashionable Event of the Season ! The great Union tquarc Theatre success, by Br on. on Howard, The BankerV Daughter, As played over 1C0 times with a carefully se lected cast. All the original grand effects. The Fcenery carried by this Company is a special feature, painted from the original models. Tbe Original Music, magnilicent Costumes and a Cast especially selected to in terpret, in an artistic manner, this, the most beautiful ot modern plays. Reserved Seats now on sale at Heinsbarger's oct 14 3t JAS. F. CROSSEN, Manager OPERA HOUSE, FOR THREE NIGHTS ! MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNES DAY, Oct. ie, 13 and 14. Wednesday Matinee ! m : m m : Th Great Spejtacular Drama, EO! : THE MAGIC QUKEN ! A dream of fairy land realized. A play as pure aa 'tis beautiful and astonishing as 'tis grand. Two Car Load3 op Magxiticesx tcEMBT. Gorgeous Costumes and Bzau tifoi. Para pji kjut alia. . Constituting an ar ray ot dazzling splendor unprecedented in the annals of modern stage history. . The 'World's Greatest Pantomimlst and . - - Comedian, ' ' GEO. H. JJDJAJMLS, Supported by the acknowledged Queen of American Staee Beauties. Adelaine cherle. and a full Dramatle and Comedy Company ah ABMr of Mex ahd womejt appear in NEW APVERTISEMEVT8 Geo W, Price, Jr., AUCTIMEU k COMMISSION MERCHANT. rpOMORROW (THURSDAY) MOUSING, OctHth, atlOV: o'clock, will 1 5 offered for sale a large assortment of HOUSE aOLD anl KITCBKN FURSITURJS. 2 Bedroom Sets. 1 Parlor Suit, 4 Keps Lounges, 2 Sofa3; 1 large Cooking Stove and ixtures,-2 Show Cases, a large lot of Crockery. 2 Sideboards, 2 Sewing Machines. 1 Mattresses, 6 Bedsteads, 23 Win dow Shade and Fixtures, 2 ?arge Liace Cnr ta'ns, 4 Baby Cairiagcs, 2 Patent Cockers, 14 Trunks, 1 Easy Chair, 2 line Chandelier. , l Sefcee, 2 Clocks, 3 Oil Paintings, 7 Lamps. Baby Crib, and a m'scellaaeoua assortment of Household Go?ds. - octlilt SrCapital Prize $75,OOOJ3 Tickotu only $5. Shares in pro portion.' Louisiana State Lottery Company. Wt do hertty ctrtify that toe supervise tftt arrangements for all the Monthly and Hani Annual Drawings cf The Louisiana State Lot ery Company, and in person manage and con trol the Drawings themselves, and that . the same are conducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and tee author ise the Company to use this certificate, with fac similes of our signatures attached, in its adver tiiemenU r. '"''"l . Commissioners. Incorporated In 1868 tor 25 years by the Leg islature for Educational and Charitable pur poses with a capital of $1,000,000 to which a reserve, fund of oyer $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming ponulai vote Its fran chlse was made a part or the present State Constitution adopted December 2d, A. D..1879. The only Lottery ever voted on and endorsed by the. people of any State. Itnever scales or postpones. ' Its Grand Single . Number Drawings take place monthly. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN A FORTUNE. Eleventh Grand Drawing, Class L, In the Academy of. Music, New Orleans, Tuesday, November 10, .1885 180th Monthly Drawlnk. Capital Prize, $75,000. 1 00,000 Tickets at Five Dol lars Each. Fractions in Fifths in proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. ; t Capital Prize 75,000 - 1 Capital Prize 25,000 1 Capital Prize 10.00C 2 Prizes of $6,000 12.00C 5 Prizes of 2,000...., -10,000 ! 10 Prizes of 1,000 10,000 : 20 Prizes of 600 10,000 100 Prizes of 200...- 20,000 300 Prizes Of 100 30,000 500 Prizes of 50 25,000 1000 Prizes of 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of $750. 6,750 9 500. 4,500 9 " 250. 2,250 1,967 Prizes, amounting to $265,500 Application for rates to clubs should be made only to the office of the Company in New Or leans. . For further Information, write clearly, giv ing full address. POSTAL NOTES, Express Money Orders, or New York Exchange in or dinary letter. Currency by Express (all sums of $5 and upwards at our expense) addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La. OrM. A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Make P. 0. Money Orders payable and'ad drcss Registered . Letters to HEW ORLEANS NATIONAL BANK. NEW ORLEANS. LA. OR LOUISIANA NATIONAL BANK, New Okleass, LA. STATE NATIONAL BANK, i New Orleans, La. GERMANIA NATIONAL BANK, NEW ORLEANS, La. oct 13 d&w , , ' By To-Morrow's Steamer, Flaming Tokay .-'Grapes. . (Something extra nice and never licfore 5 offered in this market.) CA BASKETS DIFFERENT OU VARIETIES OF GRAPES. Another invoice of those Extra Fine Malagas. CRATES OF THOSE FINE VIRGINIA PEARS by rail." large invoice ASPIN WALL BANANAS. We aim to give our customers choice Fruit at low prices. OCtl2tf E. J. MOORE & CO. Every Day F RESH NETy" RIVER OYSTERS on hand every day this month. The eelebratel WINBERRYO YSTERS. Hard to beat and best Oysters in the world. GEO, F. HERBERT, iept301mnac Star Saloon. H0KNE. OYSTERS! A T MECHANIC'S SA"L90N, trom Oct. 1st, to end cf tca3f n. Best Beer In citv. FIn Whikv rtt w Ciprar. Oysters served np stairs. , aep J - - l. M. McGOwAv. LNG'3 TLN SHOP, SOUTH FRONT STREET. S7 - ' i Da.. ir11a.,l. ITam... .11 NEW AIVE1US: OP OF- & Winter 9 AT- 1 116 Market St. An Entirely New-Stock -OF- Silks, Rliadams, Ottomans, " : v Velvets, Cashmeres, Tricots, ' ' Ladies' Cloth, Henriettas,' , : y ; FJannels,"&c , &c. . ', , . ' - White Goods; Laces, Edgtng3, Fprs, Gloves, . Corsets. Men's and Boys1 Wear, Hosiery, Housekeeping Goods, r Domestics, Notions, &c &c. At prices lower than they have been known for years." - y Terms Positively Cash ! ISf I shall, sell my gocrfs as low as' the lowest catalogues. .'All I ask is. the same treatment i Cash ! Cash ! Cash ! And assure you at the same time, my kind patrons, ..that I propose to main tain in the future the reputation gained in tho past of having " The Best, the Cheapest I -and MOST COMPLETE ASSOIiTME.W OP GOODS To be found outside of New York. Call and be convinced at m: m katz's sept 21 HO MAUKET ST. , .i J HAVE A FINE STOCK OF MILLINERY GOODS which will be opened to-morrow, Thursday,. Oct. 8th. Hope the Ladies will give ma a call before- purchacing. MUi. liATEC WINES, irj, N. Second Strccf, near rostoHIce oct7 ly School Books ;. and School Supplies. Fall G oods jpKNS, PENCILS, INK,' .t . ". .:r-t SPONGE, PENHOLDERS, ','5" SLATES; CRAYONS, - - f i. BOOK BAGS and STRAP3, COPY BOOKS,' , EXERCISE BOOKS, Ac. We will make it to your .advantage to bul of U3. We buy for cash and can afford to sell cheap. . - . c. W. YATES, , oct 12 119Aiarkettt. In Stock. JJ LANK BOOKS, . Foolscap and Letter Paper, ' ' . Letter and Kote Enveloxc, Ink, Mucilage, :-. Ink Stands, Sponge Cups, - ; Pen Racks, . i 1'apcr Weights, -. , Letter Clips, -; l etter Files, -v. Prayer Books, " Blbfes, AlbomfV" ' . ' , ? Toy Books, Ac PIANOS. ORGANS A ilCSIC BOXES, AT f ! HEINSBERG ERS, oct 12 Live Book and Music Stores. THE GKEEF HOUSE, Northwest Corner of Second and Princess Sli. I HAVE JDST OPENED THE ABOVE named House. Have on hand the Finest and Best of LlQUORi. I trill also open a Vint rlafe llrci' a till a un . . . i . i